?Et1SDA, MT 32& 150 'W&Imm 0-FAV.'Aq'vZlAa, U-DAtqwý-ý*.4~44~~ VJ.LIX Ua&, OJLA IUM.FPAGE THiTE2 pâI Faci4 Seed conwiolitt is inclined %%overl portance. But of a]l that go into garden Ing one's time, seed important. Without suitable and tested successfuj gardening impossible. A flowei etable that may givE results in England or errn .States can be wahhout in aur diff ate. It's flot patriotisE mon sense to buy Canadian sources. THE WONDERFUI The colaurful Zini corne one of ourinr flowers. And it ric] this place becausej grown either frnr plants, it cornes ina sizes from tiny ta gi an amazing range ai sights are more strik massed bed of Zirir Although today's are a far cry from th cies from which the3 veloped the resistan which was a neces. in the survivai of North and South Arn .,Aotill persists. This h ance makes zinniasN ed to Canadian sumn extremely easy to g are a few general ane can follow to1 the best nesuits. Fin planting. Since zin best in warm weathe find it is well to wai weather and sou ea warm befare the see ed. Second, if yau arf transplant zinnias foi son, do sa at the ear possible (preferably, have just their firs true leaves). Plari when they are larger but they take a lon recover, and it is i ta have started from where the plants are Finally, when you nias for cut flowers the late afternoon, pli ta their necks inv keep them in a cooli night. Cet Cash To for OId Applii STATE CLASSMIFIE Phone MA 3-3 72 Scugog St. MA 3-5408 kat#"don i Lndzey &5itt- tor FRAGRANT GARDEN tlc that one If anc ha. a bit ai extra look its im- space, a fragrant flower gardez Il the things wjll make an întercsting and ning, includ- pleasant feature. is the most Here arc grown those flow- good secd, ers nated for perfume. People for Canada, don't have ta be able to see to tg is sîrnply enjoy such a garden and it is r or a veg- just as attractive aiter dark as ce wonderful in the daytinje. )r the South- In the aid iashioned garden, a campîcte there was always a bcd or two 'ferent clim- oi specially iragrant flowers m but com- planted in such a location thal seeds from their perfume wouid i'cach the people sitting on the verandah. (L ZINNIA Thecre are plenty aif pcial nia has be- flowers listed in any Canadiarn iost popular seed catalogue which will suit hly neserves this purpose. Some ai the best it is easiy known for perfume are nicotine, n seed or sweet peas, alyssum, evening a variety of prirnrose, lilies, swect william,ý iant; and in pinks, and mignonette. colour. Few Maraing Inspection king than a One ai the greatest pleasures nias. in the flowcr garden cornes from s varieties the daily inspection during just he wild spe- a five minute tour before the y were de- day's work begins. This pro- nce ta heat prietary examination ai your sary factor achievements not only gives you the native the satisfaction ai seeing fresh iecan types new bloomns each day but also ricat endur- serves to check the condition of well adapt- every plant. A wilted stem, a mens. While curled leaf, a raggcd cdge in grow, there the fluage ail point ta damage rules that in its earliest stage. If you get be sure ai busy right then and kili that st, time ai bug or water that drooping nnias grow plant you can keep everything er, anc wiil growing at its peak capacity it until the and prevent injury from ne reliably spreading ta the other plants. d is plant- Next Week Protection - Spread Themn re gaing ta Out. r any rea- irliest stage when they N W f~T T st pair of .EJVY.OJ.VLJ.L its moved ýr will live, Holiday Visitor. ng time to Mr. Robert Joncs of Spokmne, ruch better Wash., with his sistei'-in-law, seed sown Mrs. Thos. Joncs. ta remain, Mr'. and Mrs. J. C. Moore oi ipick zin- Hamilton, with Mr. and Mrs. sdo s0 in Clelnnd Lane. unge them Mn. and Mn,. H. Litz of Cour- water and tice with Mn. and Mrs. Andrew place aven Reichrath. Mrs. Ruby Reid spent a few days with Mr. and Mns. Gardon Clysdale ai Hastings. o-day Mns. Victor Wagg of Mark- ham with Mr. and Mns. Sid ances Brw. Gilmer Smith is spend- ing some tirne with Mn. and Mrs. Al Graham af Newcastle. IN Miss Alice Nesbitt ai Toron- DS ta with her sister, Min Anne 3303 Nesbitt. Mr. and Mrff. Har a ne Tmf. . i id 1- le ,0 is She's bec» aesting there since my heater got stuck on the warm position ..9 ALL FOR $9,95 Grestest Bartalin uTown SAFETY CHECK 17 Check~s for OSaer Summer Drlvlng Includes : Chassis Lubrication Drain and Re-fi Crank Case with Proper Grade Check and Repack Front Whcel Bearings Check and Clean Spark Fins Drain and Flush Radiator Check Tires Car Wash Bownianville Phone MA 3-3231 Hardware Limited Bowmanville 36 King St. E. There was a short service in connection with the regular service Sunday evening when aur pastar, Rev. R. C. White, dedicated a communion set whîch the Lane family have donated in loving memnory af their parents, Mr. and Mi'.. W. C. Lane. Mr'. and Mrs. Gerry ai Orono, with Tupper an.d Olive John- stan on Thursday. Donnie Maulson of Toronta, spent the holiday with Grant Wade. Miss Ida Sharp. of Toronto, and Mns. Beatrice Cauthers af Stayner, were guests af Tupperl and Olive Johnston an Sunday.1 Mrs. Dave Denault ia a pa- tient in Port Hope hospital. Mr. and Mi'.. Gordon Martin and daughter Doris and Mn. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton, spent the holiday with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Martin of Montreai. They re- turned by Ottawa and visited the Parliamnent Buildings while in session. Fricnds of Mr. and Mrs. Ce- cil Henderson gathered at the Community Hall, Saturday eV- cning and presented them witîb a chrome kitchen set. Dancingi and lunch finlahed oft the even- ing.1 Woman's Association Ou Wednesday evcning, April 30th 36 members ai thc New- tonville Woman's Association mot lu the Sunday School Romr with Mrs. S. J. Lancasten's gnaup ln change of the devo- tional pcriod. Mrs. Fred Nesbitt, Mrs. Mc. Culiaugh, Mrs. White, Mi'.. Don Elliott and Mi':. S. J. Lancaster ecd taking part, choosing as thein theme, "Mother's Day". In the absence of Miss Inez Gordon, Mrs. Jack Efliott read the minutes, which were ap- pi'oved us readt by the preeident, Mi'.. Harry Wade. Ten dolars donated te the chunch flower bed cammittege and $5.00 to the cancer fund. On a motion of Mrs. C. Brown, secnetai'y Mn.. Don Vinicle, we ac.cept the Invitation ta cater ta the Gay-Ied wedding June 21st and committee in charge, Mn.. C. Brown, Mr&. Don Vin- kle, Mi':. E. Walkey, Mns. Don Eiiiott. It was decided ta have Mi',. Don Stapleton, Mn.. Lloyd Clysdaie, Mi',. S, Lantcaster and Mrs. Wilig Jones, as ushers, and take up thie collection at oui' W-A. anniversary service, May 25th at 7.30 p.m. Mi-.. Fr'ank Gilmen stated that Wesleyville choir would be our guest for thia service. Final arrangements wes-e planned for the W.A. supper, May 28 lu the chunch basement. Meeting closed with Benedie- tion and lunch was .senved by the group lu charge. Newto.ville W.. The regular meeting of thc Newtonville W .I. was held Wed- nesday aiternoon, May 14th at the home ai Mn.. S. Rowe, with an attendance of 19 membens and ten visitei'. nhe new president, Mrs. H. Or'miston, conducted the busi- ness. A few plans for the corn- .ng convention wcre still ta be muade. The matter oifline protectionà n the village was discussed and' $25 was votcd ta help pay foi' help irom. Bowmauvilie sud Pont Hope, during a recent fix. Mrs. Ormiston then calicd ou t VIrs. T. Hendenson, couvenci', 1 for her pnograrn. The rail call 1 w.as "1a place ai intereat I have visited". Mi',. M. Joncs gave a very interesting accaunt ai cur- cent events. The guest speaker, Revi R. C. White, chose as his subject c "Newfoundland, Uic tenth pro. vince but ten times a firot". Newioundland is an island, triangular lu shape, wIiheach ide about 300 miles in icngth, ii and with a population oi 400,- 00. It lies 2,000 miles east ai t Treland, Nova Scotia is 60 miles distant. Uistoi'ically, N'ewfoundlaud f was the finit British calany. It g ras the iirst country ta have a 9 ie election (1808) and also the irst ta have a premier whose n Are was elccted member ai the a govcrnment. It holds a lcading S lace in the sait fish markets i the warld. Wheu the traus-Atlantic tele- T ýhoue systemn was cstablished e n 1859, the terminai of Uic ca- I. les was at Heart's Content in v rew!aundland, and the island S lso received the first wireless nessage frein Europe. and was ai he starting place of the world's v irst 'heavier than air" flighit E icross the occan. The two larg- st airponts are Ia Newfound- S and, and Uic world's first and ai ;cond largest pulp mills are berge. C It is finit ln strategic impor- fi ,cc, the Malta ai the North tlantic. The Atlantic Charter ag vas formed iu nne i her han- d, >ours. This tenth province ai B er Dominion is au important oi id historicai place. Aftei' singing af "The Qucen", v.i he hostess and her group serv- sc Id lunch, and mIl eujoycd the ocial hali hour. Mrs. W. Far- jhg ow rccived thec iucky cup"IjE fi r I ti Il d g( Pl ol in bl a. m th fi: aE la se Al ou a', th' ec sc ro Pr Dundalk wîth Mr. and Mru. C. M. Jones. Mr. and Mms Clarence Hay- ward of Orillia, with her pur- ents, Rev. and Mrs. PL C. White. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stephen- son, Debbie and Jili of Clark- son with Mrs. Geo. Ovens. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Gray- son, Donald, Brian and Caro- lyn and Miss Jo-Anne Devine of Montreal, Mr. and Mrs. Wal- ter Wblttaker, Kenneth, Carol and Lynne of Toronto, Miss Inez Symons of Welcome and Mr. Pred Rowe of Newcastle, with Mi'.. J. T. Pearce. Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Moase of Lindsay and Mr. and Mrs. Har- ry Griffin and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Griffin of Omemee with Mrs. G. W. Jane. Don't forget our 24th Anni- versary on Sunday, May 25th, when Mr. Robert Gay of Osh- awa, wiil be the guest speaker and the Wesleyville choir will provide the music. This will be followed by a church supper on Wednesday, May 2Mt. Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Jones and Douglas of London. with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wiilis Jones. Mr. and Mi'.. Bud Pingle and rnily, Taunton, were Sunday ests of Mr. and Mrs, R, Pin- Mr'. and Mi',. Lloyd White- iau, Oshawa, visited with Mr'. d Mrs. Jack Whiteman, on turday.. Sunday gucsts ai Mr'. and Mns. loyd Snowden wcre Mr. and rs. Wcs Dowu and Paul, Eben. ten, Mr. and Mns. William wis and children, Bowmnan- le, and Mr. and Mrs. Bert owdeu and iamily. Mrn. and Mrs. Ray Collis, Kim id Michael, were weekcnd sitars ai Mi'.. Tom Collis and .nie. Mri. and Mi',. David Bothwell ". pent the holiday weekend their cottage, Twin Lakes. Mrn. Bob Bothwell and Mi'. C. irwel njoyed a weekend af ihing at Rice Lake. Mrn. and Mrs. Gardon Martinv companied by Mn.. R. Wor- in, Bowmnanville, motored ta ckhorn and Burlcigh Falls iSunday. Murs. John Geddes, Bowman. le, was weckcnd guest ai her i. Mn. and Mn.. Jimn Geddcs. M!rs. Tom Collis bas returned ne aiter a two weck stay at iniskillen. Mrn. and Mrs. Bob Labrecque o-operating ng Pro gram Everyone C ln Decorati Prior to Big The Centennial Comniittee and the merchants are work- ing togethen in an all-ozlt effort ta have the downtown section appropriately dccorated. Plans are under way ta have lamp posts and public buildings deconated with flags, bunting, and banner.. Some store fronts are alneady taking on a new MAPLE GROVE We were very fortunate lu havîng Misses Bannie Beach and Dianne Hoar as aur gVrcsts i the choir on Sunday. We cer- tainly hope ta hear them again in Uic nean future. On Sunday Mr'. and Mi-.. Mei Smnith ai the Sunday Schooi ai the air wiil be at Maple Grave misa Miss Joan Zubkavich and Mr'. George Macko will play aid time hymns on thein acc- ordians. Hope ta sec evcryonc at church. Mn.. Sam Deweil, Hampton, and Dr. and Mrs. L. H. Coates, Brantford, were weekend gucsts of Mrs. L. C. Snowden, Mildrcd aud Bob. Mn. and Mrs. John Tristaam and iamlly, Mabel, werc wcck- end visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Howard Cryderman. Sunday visitons werc Mr. and Mrs. John Laurence, Mary and Michael, Oshawa, Mr'. Frank Cryderman, Bowmarivîlle also at Howard Cryderman's. Mn.. Robent Johnson and fa- mily, Courtice, with her par- entsMi'.andMn.. Leslie Coll- ocutt; on Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Barbara and Don attended En- niskillen Anniversary and werc supper guests ai Mn. and M. Russell Ormiston. Mi'. Bob Brown was supper gucst with Mr'. Gary Beckett. Mr. and Mn.. Edgar Webb and Janie, Peterborough, visited with Mn. and Mn.. Hugh Ail. ison. Mr. and Mrs. Cccil Mills and family were supper guests with Mrs. H. Miii., Enniskilcen. Don't iorgct Evcuîug Auxil- iany at the home ai Mrs. Cecii Mille Thursday evening (ta. night). Mr. and Mrs. Eari Cross and family visited with her parents, Mn. and Mns. John Burkitt, Steenburg, for the weekend and Miss Patsy Buîrkitt netund with them for a few days visit. Mr'. and Mrs. Jack Mortan aud Mi'. and Mns. Harold Stev- ens spent the weekcnd at the cottage at Twin Lakes. Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Bushel! and Ruthie, Niagara Falls, are hiolidaying with her parents, Mir. an dMrs. Arthur Gîbson. The. newly farmed Cub group unden leaders Bob Barrabaîl and Bert Snowden enjoyed a weeckend camping trip at Gaud's Woods. Those who stayed ever night were, Kcnny Cryderman, Ricky Mayberry, Barry Whit- man and Keuuy MacDonald. Aiftei' church Sunday rnorning, David Barrabail, Bob Bothwell Jr., John Cunningham and Te-. Ldy Wiggans joiued the others for the rest oi the camping rip. The helpens were Charlie nd Art Hesters and John Ged- des. All reportcd' a fine time with exception of the huugary rosquitoes. Mr. au dMi,. Hcrb Rlcebly, itroud, visited last Saturday with hi. sisten and husband ,Ur. and Mn.. Chester McGrath' Mi'.. E. Cowan, Barrie, has ,tui'ned home aiter spending Lhee weeks with her sister Urs. C. McGrath. Mr'. and Mrs. Jack Hurnie rzd boys and Mrs. Brcnning, shawa, visitcd with their cou- ns Mr'. and Mr.. C. Douglas, art Hope, on Sunday. SPECIALS Serve Chilled - Serve Often Martins - Choice 48-oz. tin, Apple Juice Just Heat and Serve Libby's - In Tomato Sauce - 15-or. tin Cooked Spaghetti 2 Tender and Sweet Ayliner - Ungraded 20-om. tUn Choice Peas 2 Sweet May Fancy 28-or, lin Fruit Cocktail rlountain ll Std. Cut 20-or. Uin Green Beans 2 SPECIAL 27c SPECIAL for 29C SPECIAL for 33c SPECIAL 39c for 2% Fresh PRODUCE Sweet Eating - California - Size 138's Sunkist Oranges doz. 49C California Long White New Potatoes 10 Ibs 65c Fresh, Young and Tender Fancy Quality Florida - Large size Corn on the Cob 5 for 29c Mexican - Mild Flavoured - 3-lb. poly hag White Onions 2~9c Red, Crisp, Juicy, Fancy - 3-lb. poly bag Mclntosh Apples 47c Fresh - Ready ta Cook - Ontario Grown Spinach 2Ikg. 29 Garden - Ail Varities Boxed Plants 3 forl.00 Ail merchandise sold at your Dominion Store is unconditioý, ully guaranteed to, give 100% satisfaction ralues effective ini Bowmanville until closing dîne May 24 DOMINION STORES LIMITED SCeIeb ration e look in preparation for Old -Home Week. t Citizens are urged ta start early ta get their homes and 1grounds in shape for the cele- bration. Now in the time to work on sthe lawns and flower gardens. Don't leave it too late to get sthat outside paint job complet- red. and family, visited Mr. and Mns. James Allen, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Davidson, Cobourg, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bob Labrecque, Mr. and Mrs. Rodger Label, Jacqueline, Linda and Albert, accompanied by Mr. and Mis. Pierre Label, Oshawa, motored to Malartic, Que., where they visited with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Label, and her par.. ents, Mr. and Mrs. H. Turcotte. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Shaw, Glory Ann and Dora, Oshawa, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Wilton on Sunday. Mr. Jack Whiteman attended the Intermediate Bail Club banquet in the Legion Hall, Bowmanville, on Thursday evening. ELIZABETH VILLE Mr. and Mrs. V. Peacock visited with Mr'. and Mrs. C. Kemp, Peterborough, Sunday. Messrs. Joe, Ross and Larry Thompson, Milbrook, had din. 1Serve Ice Cream Riclimello - Assorted Flavours I alon Ice Cream Buka'c 9 Shirriff - Assorted Flavours - 8-oz. jar Sundaue Sauces 29c Liberty Red 6-oz. jar Maraschino Cherries 2.5c Savoy 3-oz. pkgc Chocolate Tinies 19c STOCK Up ON LOW EVERY DAY NEEDS ner, Monday, with their grand- parents, Mr'.and Mrn. W. Beatty. Mr..and Mrs. Clarence Bark- well, Treherne, Manx., leit for home on Wednesday miter spend- ing threc wceks visiting friends and relatives. They purchased a new car and maotored home. Mr. and Mrs. C. Barkwell, Mn. and Mn.. C. Beatty, Mrs. W. W. Trcw, Mr. and Mns. Gea. Mc- Gahey, Frazerville, and Mr. and Mrs. W. Beatty all had dinnen Monday evening wlth Mr. and Mrs. R. White. On Tuesday aiternoon Mi'.. H. Sheppard, Mrs. K. Trew, Mrs. H. Thickson and Miss 'Mary Powell attcnded the W.M.S. Thankoffering held at Canton. Mrs. Fisher, Oshawa, was the guest speaker, Mrs. Bennett, Canton, sang two solos. Lunch was senved by Canton ladies. Miss M. Wilson ai Garden Hill' had the devotional part. Tuesday evening the Homne and School held their meeting in Osaca School. Last year's officers agreed ta rernain for another year. Mn.. E. Robinson will be the Osaca representative. A humorous reading on Home and Schaol was nead by Mn. Thickson. Miss Raynar, Pine Grave school teacher, gave a dernonstration on making plaques from plasten paris. Lunch was served. The ncxt meeting at Oak Hill Schaol on June 10. We hope ta have Mn. Ed. Youngman as guest speaker. On Wednesday cvening the 4H Club met at Thicksan's. On Thursday evening the W. A. met at Mi'.. Ken Trews. The meeting was apcned by Presi- dent Mns. Tnew. The theme was meditation. Mi',. V. Pea- cock prepai'ed and gave the chapters. Lunch was served. Messrs.. W. Kluz, C. Kennedy, C. Mercen and R. Mercer spent the weekend fishing at Hollow's Hfave 1 donc anything for society? I have then donc more ion myseli.-Wiliiam Gilmoré Thousanda of wlsé bomemakes bave discor.d the difference ... no wMf yau. Swltch to DOMINION andt %tat =tting fc sts this wuek.- Aylmer Fancy 15-or. tin Applesauce 2 for 4 Aylmer - Crcam Style 15-oz. tin Choice Corn 2 for' Tomato or Vegetable 10-or. tin Aylmer Soups 2IforÀ Aylmer - Boston Brown - 15-or. tin Beans with Pork 2 for Dcl~~aa Motmi-x i Pineapple&Grapefruitice37c I I D.S.L. Black Cello pkg. of 100 Tea Bags Biscuit Feature! Party Treat 40 Bis. cello pkg.' Butter- Cookies Cut Bread Costs - Carry it home and save Sliced White 24-or. lbai Richmello Bread 'i 83*: 2Ç9 CUT FOD CSTS T OMNI-N and cithfflwhYOu can cdo wl theMnyyuSv FRANK'S lGARAGE Supertest Products SIMPLICITY Washing Machines' The only Washing Machine with a 2-Year FREE Service Warranty . .. Plus an Ad- ditional 10-Year Warranty on mechanism. Exclusive: Insul-Aire Tub Touch-A-Matic Start Dual PumP-lmer Contrai Instinctive ?-Super-Safe Wrintcr Large il-lb. Tub Varlous Modela to choose frai» AS LOW AS $1 3 with trade Mrso.n & Dole Pla n Picnic 0f R.C. Parish Sunday JuIy 13 The parish picnic aif St. Jas- eph's Roman Catholic Church,, Bowmanville. and St. John's Church, Newcastle, will be held on Sunday afternoon, July 13th. This decision was made at thc meeting oi the Hoiy Name Sa- ciety heid in the Union Hall, King Street, on Manday, May 12. The Rcv. F. K. Malane open- cd the meeting with a prayer. The president, Norman Haunan presided. Othen ofiiccns present were the vice-president, J. C. Nowlan; the secretai'y, Albient Payne; and the ,treasuner', Jos- eph Cuddahee. Plans were discussed fan the picnic. There will be races and contests for the children and olden gi'oups. George Chard was appaintcd chairman ai the picnic camrnittee. The othens named as members af this com- mittee are Michael Heenan, Ai- bcrt Payne, A. Dusseldarp, Jas- eph Cuddahcc and J. C. Now- Ian. It was decidcd ta hald a draw for a motion picture cam- era with D. C. Laventy in charge Members oi the sick commit- tee will visit James Iniautine wha is seniously ill at the Osh- awa General Hospital, Roomi 152. S TARK VILLE Mr. and Mrs. Grant Sylves- ter and daughtcn, Sarnia, speut the weekend with Mn. and Mrs. Jim Stark. Mr. and Mns. Gardon Sari' day at Mr. AUf. Dobson' Mr. and Mrs. E. Shier, To4 ronto, spent the weekend at Mrt& Lloyd Hallowell's. Mn. and Mrs. Raymond Farqý row and family, visited Mrt Victor Farrow. ý Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robinsbd- and family lost their house by fine at noan, Wednesday las$t weck. Althaugh the blaze gaii- ed rapidly, neighbons carrie& ail the thlngs they could front the house and pittcd thein ef- forts successfully in sating the barn. .ý I Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Hala lowell and family, Torontp, spent the weekend at the. cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Triài and family and Mr. and Mr&. Bert Trim, spent the holiday at their cottage. Saturday afternoon Rev. P. C. White officîated at the Fon-kl Dobson wedding at Shiloh. T1htl pretty wedding was unique, b ing the first in the historiý the church which was buiît ove& 90 years ago. The ladies ai the W.A. served dinner ta tIja guests. Miss Beulah HalloweU, Té.: ronto, spent the holiday with Mn. and Mrs. Llew Hallowell... Carol and Gerald Rogeis, Oshawa, and Mrs. Brownlee, Toranto, vlsited Mr. and Mrs. M. Shutka. Mr. and Mrs. Alf Dobson at- terided the funeral ai his bro- ther at Dunchurch, Parry Sound, Tuesday. Mr. and Mi'.. Allen Cornish and family, Georgetown, with Mrs. Victor Farrow, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- son and sons are curnently with Mr. and Mrs. Wybenige. 1 Lake. and family, Godfrey, spent Sun- Simms. - w - - U - - -- UU USmi~UUUU i TRUPMAT, MAT 22n& 1958 TIM CAMA"Miq 9qTA"-«VAW ibleW"Am"".T.lp ONVIPAUTA - - «--%4 4VII is. rlar"ry £Jigzle 01 1 Moi