0 . qWMEDAT, MAT 22Ieos JL- %*** n = P * JTV UAJIY AJLEC, ONTARIOL PGESEENE jPoe Amo- - Coming Events Lo<i Bible Society Canvasa from June 2 - 6.21-2 SMtchell'asiôner Hoe.amnd Schoel C ÀA ddnce at Solina HallSatd -ç May 24. Mont- goes Or lestra. Admission 15e ech.20-2' rPlan te attend dance t Van- coe's Hall every Saturday, ieaturlng Cy McLean with Peggy Stevens, vocaliat. Admission $ 2.50 per couple. 16-tf. Dance at Enniakillen Hall fromn 8:30 to 12 p.m., Saturday, May 3 lit. Music by the Raw-1 hicleRamblers. Everyone wel-1 Admission 50c. 21-11 Fashion Show by Home Economics Class of Bowman- ville Hlgh School on Thursday, May 29 at 8 p.m., in the audi- torium. Silver collection in aid cf Hospital Auxiliary funds. 21-1 Annual meeting of the Lake- * view Cemetery Co. and Newton- ville Community Hall, alzo those interested in fire protection for * the village. Please attend. May 26th, 8 p.m., Newtonville Hall. 21-1* Don't miss the Annual Variety Show sponsored by Tyrone Juvenile Band on Friday, May 23 at 8:15 pam. In Tyrone Hall, featurlng Dive Stewart, noted hypnotist. Admission 50c and 202' Attention Women's Groups- Group project at Orono Fair open ta all Wom-en's groups in Durham County. "A Baby Shower". Committee, Mrs. H. Jose, Mrs. F. Tamblyn, Mrs. W. Cobbled ck. -21-11j Woodview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dollars;, five games- thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door p rizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Bcd Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Regular weekly bingo held1 Thursdays except third week1 in the month which will be held on Tuesdays in the Unioni Hall. 20 regular games and two $25 jackpot games. No ganie under $3.00. Admission 60C. 52-tf Plan ta attend Hampton Home and School Association Spring Bazaar, at 2:30 p.m., Saturday, May 24 in church basement, Hampton. Various baaths con- sisting of home baking, cbild- ren's wcar, apr ns, fish pond. Aiternoon te: 4lb served. 21-1 Friday night Jamboree. Dance to Radio Stars, Chuck Fortupe and Band from Toronto's Palace Pier. Features Jimmy and Johnny, the Shey Bros.; Phil. Exton, Fortune Quartette, and guests. Every Friday. Admis- sion 75c. Red Barn, Oshawa. 12-tf Pop Bottle Collection by 2nd Bowmarnville Scout Traop froni hou3eholders west af Temp- erance St. north from King on Saturday, May 31, startîng at 10 a. Ail boys collecting will wear uniform. Proceeds for equipment and summer camp- Ing. 21-1 Cards of Thanks We would like to express our thanks, to everyonc, who help- ed so rnuch, the day ai aur lire. Also for thue many acts ai kind- ness ince-a sincere thank you. '~~Ewart and Ruth Robinson. 21-1 Mr. and Mrs. George Clark and Fern wish. ta thank their friends, relatives and neighbours for cards, enquiries, and other acta of kindness and the ladies cf Shiloh W.A. for fruit and flowers received alter our recent accident. 21-1 ;ified Work Wanted IT'S Spring - for clean-up and take-away jobs - MA 3-2849. 16-ti IF you need lawn cut, garden dug or weeded, call Fred Lewis. MArket 3-5886. 21-1* BRICK work and plastering. Norman Pingle, 72 Elgin St. Phone MA 3-5518. 10-tf CUSTOM corn planting, new Precision four-row corn planter. Phone Fred Berry, Orono 1 r 10. 21-2' PLUMBING, heating, eaves. troughing; free e s ti m a t e s. Hlarvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-ti KEN Ashmore Paving-Asphalt sidewalks, driveways, etc. Free estimates. Phone RA 8-8412, Oshawa. 21-1 FOR any electrical work, nexw or rewiring, also appliances re- paired. Free estimate. Tele- phone Jim Colliss, MA 3-2891. 18-ti COLOURED patio slabs sold and laid. Brick and stone barbecues for sale. For free estimates and delivery telephone Oshawa RA 3-3291 collect. 15-tf EXPERT watch, dlock and jewellery repair. MacKaye's Watch & Clock Clinic. Watches, clocks, jewcllery and Ronson lighters. Orono, Ont. 8-tf Bowmanville Studio PHOTOGRAPHY Aduit and Children's Portraits Weddings - Photo Copying PHONE MArket 3-3672 19-4*' Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEWV WORK R. L., TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf MOVED TO NEWV LOCATION Save Money at Dave's Shoe Repair Fast, Prompt Service 26 Ontaio St. Bawmanville Corner King and Ontario-. 15-tf Repair Services Ail Types of Carpentry Cabinets, Concrete Work, etc. DON SPENCER 30 Silver St. MA 3-3411 Bowmanvllle 21-1* DELIVERY, SERVICE Bowmanville fb Oshawa Daily WEEK DAYS Have cails in by 12 noon SATURDAYS - 9:30 a.m. LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING À. D. BROOKING TELEPHONE MArket 3-3821 280 Liberty St. N., Bowmanviiie 18-tf Noices L. C. Mason Law Office closed ta May 26th next. 18-4' Our sincene thanks ta Drs. Local Improvemeni Ferguson and Russell, nurses and staff oi Memoial Hospital. Ntc Special mention a! Mns. Wonna- N tc eutt, for cane and attention. Ta friends, ncighbars for cards, TAKE NOTICE THAT: fruit and visit. Sinccrely, 1. The Cauncîl af the Corpora- Robent J. Hodgson. tion ai the Town a! Bowman- 21-1' ville intends ta construet as a Local Improvement a water- main an flic foliowing streets I take this opportunlty ta betwecn the points nuentianed: thank Drs. Harding and Fer- guson, staff and nurses ai Me- Name ot Street marial Hospital fan their treat- Scugog Street mrent, and msa friends and. Prom To ineighbors for cards, flowcrs; Jckman Raad Miil Lane and kindnesses ta me duning my Name 'of Street ittay in hospital. Mill Lane Mrs. W. E. Stevens. F rom To 21-1 Scugog Street 1,254 ft. Narth Name of Street MW. and Mrs. Theodore Salter, Scugog Street Ilampton, wîsh ta express their Prom To sincere appreciation of the Miil Lane 792 it. South many gifts, fiowens and cards and intends ta speciaily assess from c h u rch organizations.~ a part ai the cost upon the land Wamen's Institute, neighbours abutting directly on the wank. and friends and ta mil who inI 2. The cstimated cast of the any wmy helped ta make their work is $15,000-00 o! wbich Diamond Wedding Celebration $5,000-00 is ta be paid by the such 'a hippy occasion. 21-1 Corporation. The estimated awners' cost per foot frontage 18 $1.65. The special assessment Many thanks ta ail my us ta be paid in twcnty (20) friends, relatives and nei.ghbours equal annual instaiments and for their cands, flowcfs and the cstîmated owners' rate per gifts which I received duing foot frontage la 12.68e. uny illnesa, msa for the candi and 1. Application will be made Cg ~ o1ny birthday, with a by tht Corporation ta the On- sp~T~ank you to Mn. andj tarie Muliclpal Board for its Mns.G(en Martyn for their greatj approval o! the undcrtaking ai kindneua. the said wvork and any owner Mn-. Isabella Poolton. inay, wvtîin twenty-une days 21.1' alter the first publication af this noticefilec with the Board his TJht faniilv ai the lite Mrs. objections ta the said work be- Wward Wadc wish ta express ing undertaken. i4r appreciation ln fD. Maroos- 4. The said Board rmmv ap- is, Rev. Harold Stainton and prove of tht said work being the nurses ai Oshawa Gencral undertaken but. before doing Hospital for their mnany kind- sa, it mnay appoint a time and nenees durinMc. Wade's long place wben any objection ta the md fina !faýk t sas said wank will be considered. desired te tHlc our many Dated ah Bowmnanville this friends, geihVours and as- 2îsh day ot May, 1958. soclahea for their expressions of A. j. LYLE, sympathy during aur recent Town Cicrk. bereavement. *21-1 - 21-1 I siuii laauer, Iblock and tacirle, several lots of used lumber, odd tools, lawnmower and numerous other articles. No reserve. Terms cash. Sale at 1:30. Cliff Peth- ick, auctioneer. 20-2 Business Opportuýity "'WOODMERE LODGE"» ah Presqu'ile Point (5 miles South of Brighton ln exciting Govenment Park) including Snack Bar, Dining- room and 4 Cabins. Ali build- ings in excellent condition. OnlyJ business o! its kind in the arca. Reduced pnice o! $30,000.00 in- cludes ail cquipment. Business may be split into Snack Bar and Dining-room at $12,000.00 with $4,000.00 down OR Lodgc and C a b i n s at $18,000.00 with $8,000.00 down. (Ont. Ca-op No. 0-1900). Contact LORNE SMITHI Realtor (Ri 3-3593) ah 294 Aylmer St., Peterborough 21-1 Repairs RADIO and television repairs. Prompt service. 'Pick, up and delivery. Lorne Doreen, 85 King E. Phone MA 3-5713. 2-tf 24-H-OUR expert repair Tele- vision Service, toalal makes. Al p arts and work guaranteed.1 Television Service Co., MArket 3-3883. 50-tf REPAIRS ta all makes of re- frigerators, domestic and com- mercial; millking coolers. Hig- gon Electric Limiited. 38 King St. E. Plione MA 3-5438. 25-tf WÀTCH REPAIRS Ail lork Guaranteed Certified Member of Canadian Watchmakers Instîtute MARR'S JEWELLERY 43 ingSt.11'stBowmanvillei 15-tf 'l'OAU ALL .KES 0F CARS »md TRUCKS COWAN EQUIPMENT COU 131 Klng St. E, MA 3-5689 BOWMNVIlE- LONG SAULT Mrs. Drcw and family, Bow- man ville, wcre Sunday guests of Mn. and Mns. Orme Miller. Mn. Stanley Fletcher, Toronto, spent the long weekend with bis parents, Mn. and. Mn. Gar- don Fletcher. Mn. and Mns. Sodden and ifamiiy, Toronto, have bought the farm fonmenly owned by the late Wallace MeRoberts and plan ta move the early part ai July. Mn. and Mns. Gardon Baker and family, Mns. May Johns visited fniends in Aldershat and Hamilton on $atunday. Mns. Gentie Baker returned ho hen home at Aldenshot. Miss Timoil, Toronto, Visited ber sister and brother on Mon- day at the Baker home. Mns. Sophie Kayacs wvas a Sunday suppen guest ai Mrs. Edith Murphy, Tyrone. Mn. Robent Sim hmd the mis- fortune ta eut hwo ai hîs fingens with the iawn mowcr, nuaking it necessany ta, have a number ai stitches ta close the cuti. The final meeting ai the Home and School Club was held Fri- day night with a full house. It was decided ta have our annual pienie in the last week of June at the home ai Mn. and Mn.. F. Partnen. Comnuittees wene elct- cd. More particulars at a later date. October pragramn con- venons arc the Baker, H. Mur- phy and Cameron familles. We then enjoyed the follow- ing progran: neadings--Mrs. Gable, Mrs. McLaggan, Mns. Pantner and Mns. Barnett; two vocal solos by Miss Sandra Gib- son, accompanying herseli on the guitar; piano solo by Patty Part- nen, and flic Club 50 Kitchen Orchestra accompanied by Mns. For Rent% IN Newcastle, muodern, heated apartment, $45. Phone MArket 3-5589, Bomanville. 21-1 SMALL house with garden, $15 monthly. Leslie Taylor, Burke- ton. 80 r 12 Blackstock. 21-1 FOUR-roomed nmodern 'apart- ment ta rent, heated.Apl Beatrice Annis, 105 King Sre EaSt.~ 'fi i FRE-rüoin apariment, priv- ate entrance, bathroom, $45 mionthlv. 152 Base Line, Bow- manville. 21-1* T'HREE-roomcd nevly decorat- ed apartment, centrally located; available immediately. Phone Oshawa RA 5-6133. 20-3 THREE-roomed ground floor apartmnt, separate entrance arnd bati-rocrm, heated. Write Advertiser 811, c/o Caii.dian State'ýman, 1'.0. Box 190, Bow- inanville. 21-1' AdsUAR A ds MR. MALCOLM MARTIN ____________________ter a number of yearsni gatsuliering from msthma Auction Sales thr passcdi to rest in Tuscon, Arizona, May 8, Malcolmi Mar. d The undersigned auctioneer tn will seil by public auction on Born Marcb 3, 1890, In Clarke Li Saturday, May 3lst, a John Township, lue was the youngest nDeere tractor and household son o! the late Ann and John 'funniture af Hilliard McClure Martin and in carly life sre on 5th Concession at "The I with the 136th Battalion. He -Acres" Restaurant. A list ai 1 lsved in Toronto for some time, articles ta appear later. No ne- moving ta bis farm with his *serve as Mr. and Mrs. McClure sister in the Long Sault com. jarc going ta the U.S.A. Sale at1 munity in 1927, whcre he stmy. - 1:30 p.m. Cliii Pethick, auc- cd until 1941. Owing te poor v~ tioneer. 20-2 heaith, he moved back ta Ta- ronto until 1953 when he was * Mr. Laverne Ciemens, Lot 18, farced ta go ta Arizona because Con. 5, Darlington Township, of his health. ofaqitds has sold his farm and will seli Position and madc many triends *by public auction on Fia herever he llved and léaves ai ning, May 23rd. fiftecn head ta maurn bis losà onc sister, ofchoice Hereford stocker Mrs. May Johuns, and several tcattie, tractar, farm machinery, niueces and nephews. stavewood, 1953 Chev. Bel-Aire Funeral service held froni coach, bedroom, living-room and Morris' Funcral Home Wednes- kitchen furniture, dishes, glass- day aiternoon, May 14, was ware, etc. Further particulars canducted by Rev. P. J. Jack- i see bills. Sale ta commence son, Tyrone, Who spoke cam. . pnomptly at 6:30 p.m. Terms forting words te the bê"cavcd, . cash. No reserve. Jack Reidi Palîbearers were Méàsrs. auctioneer. 20-9_ Robert Sim, Clarence Woodley, 1I Wilbur Marks, Earl Preseott, Mn. Gardon Martin, Lot 17, Clifford Pethick and F. L. By- Concession 1, Clarke Township, Iarn, and the flower bearers thre mies ast nd nc ilewere several neiglubouns. Inter-. south o! Newcastle, has sold bis1 ment was made in the famiiy farm and will seli by publice Plat at Bond Head Cemetery, auction on Friday evening, May Newcastle. 30, bis entire herd of register- ed and grade Hereford cattle,~I - five horses, swine, baled hay ivMemoriai Hospital grain, Allis-Chalmers tractorR pr tractar machinery, lumber, stave VVeeklv ep r Wood, furniture, etc. Funther particulars sec bis. Terma For the week May 12 18 cash. Sale ta commence prompt- A iy at 6:30 p.m. Lawrence Har- Amissions ------------- 54, ris, clerk; Jack Reid, auctianeer. Births-8 maie, 1 female Il 1 ___21__2 Discharges 61 Major aperations 14 The household cffects aof the Min or aperatians 18 late Mrs. Dixson wvil1 be sold by auction at ber late residence, Eergency treatments__ 21 41 Church St., Bowmanville. Visiting hours 2:30 - 4:30 p.m. Sale will include a chesterfîeldj and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. and cbesterfield chair, radia, dining chairs, bedroomn suite, TOORW IE metal bcd with mattress and I TMRO OE springs, lamps, odd tables and By strange bewildering chairs, clîest of drawers, 2 bcd passages tables, dresser, rockers, cabinet 'Time passes on ta unknown sewing machine, kitcben table destinlr. and chairs, buffet. refrigerator, Before bis going, with ruling electric rangette, kitchen stove, vie elcrewasbcr, toaster, cu-1 He bids the trees ta burgeon shions, bedding, table linen,j once again, dishes, glasswarc, cooking utcns- the snow ta mclt, the grass ta ils, step-ladder, Iawn mower, grecn, garden tools, veranda furniture Itbe fiowers ta fiec the regency o! and many more articles. Sale frost. at 1:30 p.m. D.S.T., Wednesday,. Responding ta the gentler May 28. Terms cash. Wm. J.'b touch ai nain Challis, auctioneer. 21-l1 nîght tulips, hymcinths and 1 dazzling daffodils- The undersigned auctioneer the proud, courageous bloomi aif will sdil by public auction the 1 gaining spning, housebold effects of Mr. and1 so ioveiy. perfect in their pure Mrs. Thos. Gould, 71 Liberty St. unfolding- S., Bawmanville, on Satunday, give colon ta the pmSsing May 24 - cbesterfield and two gney-white world. chairs, china cabinet, couclu, With subtle perfume, like a thnce rocking chairs, high chair, soothing melady, five kitchen chairs, Quebcc they bear new hope unto the heater, wash stands, chests afi tortured carth. drawers, two dressers, small Then shail each houn forget the tables, matched bcd and dresser, yesterday with spring mattress, large when frowning clouds cngulfed Webster dictionary, Sunbeami the tempest-sky. Mixmaster with juicer, like new; The darkest hilis will be af seven ncw hookcd rugs, four jade-green light, new quilts, new crib quilts j and exultant cascades that werc three new sets o! linen luncheon r igid ice cloths, tattcd edge; aprons, bring cheer and benison ta anc doilies and other linens, bcd- and al ding, cushions, dishes, glassware, witb garnercd knawledge that 95 piece dinner set, extension tomorrow cames. table, 6!'ý yards handhooked -By Juliet Young, stair carpet, runner ta match, in The Oittawa Journal. electric toaster, 32 foot exten- Davey. at the piano played scv- erlpicces. Retirement Miss Gloria Smith, Bowman- ville, spent the holiday with - ndprets Mn. and Mrs. F For Farmers Club 50 Vanfety Night IVe publish the follow- Toc-tapping tunes suclu as Ang for those local fmi-mens "Bannie Lassie', "Five Foot Two" iho seem to tel that U. e and "Dmrk Town Strutters Baîl" S.A. tai-mens don't have It came fromn the unusual instru- hue same problemi they n ments oi the Long Sauit Kitch- baive in Canada. d en Musicians whcn they played "TeSca cuiyAmn eta a full bouse at Tyrone Coni- TeScaScuivA in munity Hall, Satunday night, 1 istration reports itseli deluged1 May 10. . with sclf-employed farmers Batingbeatie, fapprswho seek ta "retire" on secur- *bride and groom, Gibson Girls, tbefis rwomcn in chemises, sacks and The rate of! retirement is a many other fashions a! the earîy wbopping faur-times the cstim- s1900'8 passed in revicev as the ate madle in 1954 wben the 1mw eaudience saw a maît humarous was braadened ta include farm- fashion show. Skits and sket- ers. The first dlaims could flot ches inciuding a look in at the be madle until 1956. since farm- Information Office at Grand ers had ta show net earnings Central Station were presentedi. ai at least $400 in 1955. Several sangs by aur Hiilbilly This yean 400,000 dlaims have Representatives wene nendered, been filcd by farmers ready to the chie! anc being "Doing retire on widows who recently iWhat Cormes Naturally"l which qualified, sking survivons' ben- *wms the real theme o! the whole efits tir themsclves and chîi- concert. Proceegs fronu the ren under 18 years o! age. *evèning $41.00. In 1954 tbere werc 8,0 farmers, 65 or aider, wîth ath- ers coming into the 65-age1 ENFIELDgroup st the rate ai about 100,-1 0N00D oper eri The Patb.iinders beid their One o! the mare practical meetng t th hoe aiMrs ~.rcasons for the boom in retire- meeingat he omeof rs. ment dlaims is the figures Stark, with an attendance of. 23. showing tbat for many farmers Mrs. Rod Simpson and Anne today their occupation is & Stinson prcpared the devo- starvaýion anc. Twcnty-six per tianai. The program was a ne- cent o~ the farmers malting Wes port on the Spring Convention than $1.000 per 3'car wene Ini at Bowmanville by Pat Knox the 65-age group. Only ill0cr and -Louise Hartman. Mrs. cent o! those making $3,000 or Simpson showed pictunes or mare hadi reached 65.r Flonida. A basebal team was Then, taa, the act covers thé. organizcd with Glenn Prescott f.city farmers," a phrase wh:c.-i as manager, thetetcm ta enter descnibes those who own fmrmis the Bail Tounnament ai the and openate thema with tenants Oshawa Y.P.U. The ncxt meet- or hîred belp ta wbomn they ing wi]l be beld in the schoo: give supervision. Many of theser on May 23. badi employment benefits pilcdl The May meeting o! the W.A. up and could retire, turnings was beld at the home or Mrs. aven their farms ta their chul- F. Gniffin. This was an eveningz dren or selling tbcm. This pal.t- meeting and there werc 18 icy-turning the land aven ta members and thrce visitors pr- sons on putting them on the d sent. Mrs. Rodd Simpson open- manket-is a common anc. But,d cd the meeting with a readin'j. of course, not toa many sans t Mns. A. Stableford and M, ss are interested in a fanm. c Elsie Samis conducted the de- The truth is the small farme votionai. The business discus- 1 with its mule and hand laborn sions deait with AnniversaryI is toq small ta make mechai- t affairs, churcb cieaning bec, zation profitable. There arc en i and donations for the Fali ba- estimated one million too manyM zaan. The pragram wvas piano farms in the nation. Of the,7. t music b Miss Laura Fielder about tw-tirs reinte t Hlartmnan ai her trio thnough1 ways had mc>st o! the farms, Canada, U.S.A. and Mexico. because they had more smnall E The meeting m'as foilowcd iy1 units. Chiidrcn on such farin i lunch. want ta leave them for go'd o Mns. W. Bowman en tentained and valid reasons. c on the occasion ai the birthdaysI The soil bank aiready is de- ai Mrs. R. Best, Orono. and pleting, population in the pure- a Mns. I. Sprackling. Mrs. G. Car- ly row-crop regions. Farmec s- son, Orono, and Misses Myrtie arc putting thèir warst land in Tamblyn and Miss Peggv King. "the bank,' tenants, who never ei smili, Toronto, werc guests. lived toa wcil anyhow, are oi tl nccessity moving off ta the A neanest job apportunities. T Peace must be more than a Change gaes on. And now- o negative condition that is mene- bere does it mave with greater el ly the absence ai armcd bas- specd than in agriculture. Wilx cl tilities. - Generai George C. 400,000 farmers appiying for ci Marshall. retirement this year, which is Ci A propensity ta hope and not yet bai! gorge, it would ap- el joy is real ric .hes: anc ta fear pear the numben o! fanms soun pi and sarraw, real poverty.-Da- will be shanply reduced."-At- vid Hume. lanta Constitution. te I. A 9-17 The feiv newspapen uines, Jisted in each classified ad, pack a tre- mendous anrount of POWER! Rcad them and buy everything you nced at great savings! Use them to seli or swvap for profit! Find a job or a car! Rent an apartment or lhome! Get help or a service! Classi.fied ails serve you in every way because they reach everyone Phone MA 3-3303 for Hielpful Ad Taker The Canadian Statesman READ BY 20,000 PEOPLE WEEKLY North Nesileton Mr. and Mrn. Merrill Van Camp and childrcn, Mrs. N. Malcolmn, Toronto, and Len Job- lin visltcd Mr. Norman Malcolm at bis fanm home on Sunday. A, goodly number from here enjoyed the anniversary services at Blackstock and Iisteried wlth pleasure ta the Rcv. Milton Sani- derson ai Taranto as he deliver- ed two fine sermons. Wc were pleased ta hear the, Westnuount Choir af Oshawa wlth their organist and leader, Mn. Wil- lard Cook at the evening service. Mns. Vie Malcolm was sup)- rer guest ai her sister aid amlly, Mn. and IMrs. Wm. Plum- tree, Janctville. Wayne Malcolm Is spcnding the weekcnd with his grand- parents, Mr. and Mrg. Rea Malcolm, Janctville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stuckcy, Frankford, wene wlth Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johns for the week- end. Mr..and Mns. Edgar Emerson and boys, Don Mills, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Chapanan, Ballyduif, called an Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Johns, Sunday even- ing. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Hamilton, Orono, spent Sunday afternoon with ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. Marshall Mal- colm and Anu, Stratiord, called an L. Joblin. The barn on thc property known as the Poole place. burn- ed ta the ground early Monday marning, cause unknown. On Fniday cvening the May meeting ai Famly Club was hcld in church bail with a small attendînce. Mrs. Howard Malcolm uvas appointed secre- tary for the meeting in absence ai the secretary Pat Wright. Business consistcd ai report on dance with a vote ai thanks ex- tcnded ta the committec in charge. Committees wene nam- ed ta be responsible ion plan- ning the Community, Picnîc this summer and for finît meet- ingc next faîl. The Art Rowans were in charge ai the Devo- tional on the famiy's place in tbc community. Elizabeth Row- an nead tht Scnipture and Lin- da led in prayer. Rev. R. R. Bonsteel showcd a film in con- junction with the tapie based otn family lufe in relation ta the chunch. Mn. and Mn. Teà Spencéley provided recreatian and were hasts ta tht "1sahuion sandwich" lunch that followcd. On Saturday mitennoon sev- eral famiiles were present at the Eastern Ontario Aberdeen- Angus Sale In Peterborughu. The T. E. Lawsons consigned one animal ta sale and pur- chmsed another-sont of a grand change all. "Malconia" misoamc- quired a junior herd sire. Our >wn Mitzi Marie dncw tht tick- et fon the free heifer, but didn't pick ours, damn it! Yelverton's Stork Club suf- bershiP this year with only four baptisms on Sundmy with Bey. R. R. Bonsteel officiatlng,. Bmptlzed wenc Catherine Mao Bnsstow, infant dmughter ai Mr. and Mrs. Gcrald (Jerry) Br'q- *taw ai Yelventan: Sylvia Anre McCabe, daughtcr ai Mr. and Mrs. Stan MeCabe, Lotus, Hea- fluer Lee and Lynne Yvonne Walker, daughtens ai Pte. Mor- ris <Eud) and Mrs. Walker o! Lindsay. Church attendance enjoyed an increase as fniends and fain- Ilies ai those involved were p resent. Mrs. Davis, Mrs. Hil- liard Bristow and Joan ta com- plete four generatians at the Jerry Bnistows. Mrs. Margaret McKay with her parents the Wm. MeCabes an the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Vance Wilson, Biily and Joy, accompanied the Floyd Ingrams and son ta the David Wilsons. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. E. Wilson were misa pres- cnt an Sunday. Mr..and Mrs. Jim Taylor anid famllY ai London, ith the Jack Wilson. Mn. and Mrs. Norman Letmya and Kenncth, Toronto, at Unle G. E. Robinsons. Miss Elizabeth Rowan with Mr. and Mrs. John Rich at Lake Lakehurst over the weckend. Mn. and Mns. W. J. Malcolîn and Miss Emma Henders ut Lake Catchacoma at the Doe Henders' cottage. The Murray Malcolma with the Bert MeMullens of Janet- ville. The Morris Walkers and girls on Sunday with the W.H. SUîu- sono. Mr. and Mns. Gardon Hen. derson and iamily called on the Ray Robinsons and the Ralph Malcoîrrs while visiting with Mrs. E. Hendersan and Murray a1 ofBethany. Sorry ta report Mr. Ed Law- son slipped and crackcd several nribs this week. Th-e Statesman SoId ercd a sevene necession in mem- The Statesman Office Reg. Edmund'à Store, Bethan.y Johnson's Drug Store, Newcastle T. Enwright, Newcastle S. Brown, Newtonville Porter's Gen. Store, Newtonville C. Pethick, Enniskillen T. M. Slemon, Enniskilleri F. L. Byam, Tyrone G. A. Barron, Hampton Trull's Store, Courtice A. E. Ribey, Burketon Blyth's Gen. Store, Blackstock Keith Bradley, Ponty pool C. B. Tyrreil, Orono Wmn. Turansky, ICendal Renderson's Book Store, Oshawa House That Jack Built R.R. 4, Oshawa - 1ownianville- R. P. Rlckaby - '"Big 20" W. J. Berry Jack*s Srnoke Shop Rite's Smokc Shop Goheen's Handy Store Jury & Loveil TRE ltnwuAwvw.Tv. MWOPAWTO% - ýl ni