MWWAT, MAT 22ni, 1938 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAK, BOWMANVILLE, ONTABTO PA~4U TN and Mrs. Harold Salter and Mr.j Howard Price. Mrs. Lorenzo Hamptn Co ple nfoy Truil poured tea in the after- HamphetonniCouple Enjoy i 60 Yrs. of Married servin1 wer iMiss Mary Peters and Mns.Ce -8 On Sunday, May 18, Mr. and cil Slemon. Mrs. Theodore Salter, residents A three-tier wedding cake af Hampton for 50 years, cele- graced the tea table, with gold t rierid , Honor brated their 60th wedding an- candies and a beautiful bouquet nivesar atther hmewhen ai twa dozen red roses, the gift ~A .I family and fiends were guests ai the United Church, the Sun- Coupl W it-h during the aiternoon and even- day School and chair. A bau- Cou i ~qu~e ofcarnationsadrorri he G f~ o 4l~h tAnnie Florence Perkins and bleauty ta h om Theodore Salter were marrie Mr. Salter was superinten-' Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Martin, a the home af the bride's par- dent of the S. S. for 22 years Martins 4oad, entertaîned atkents, r nan Mrs., DavidyPe ndchoir leader for about theiresdeie a a ev-kin, GeenbnkOnt, anMay 0d ears. Mrs. Salter taught teîin hscémon a tecOt ed- 18, 1898, by the Rev. R. H.! Sunday Sehool and was active. dning inhnrofrte ai Mr . r-Leitch. The bride's sister, Mrs.inteWmnsMsiarS-i tin's brother and sister-naw Geo. Davey, Port Perry, wio itety fomany as , sio the- Mr-iMs hms Mrina, was her attendant at the wed- ;!Wiomen's Institute.rMr. alther! Oshat ding. was present for the happy iamdutltn1er g.H occasion ai their Diamond An- i88, and Mrs. Salter is 86.; The rooms were attractivelv iesay> wdi' us, 1Ba0th a re in fair health. i decarated with tulips and daf Mrs. Etta Jamiesan ai Toronto, Their iamily consists oi ane lodils. On behali of those pres- was alsa present. daughter, Mrs. Hilton Peters,' ent. Mr. A. W. Martin read an adckess ai congratulations and Mr. and Mrs. Salter received1 Toronto, a son, Harold Salter, best wishes ta the hanoured messages ai congratulation from Hampton: and two grandsons. guests. He presented them with Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth; Keith Peters, Oshawa, and a beautiful china tea set in a Rt. Hon. John Diefenbaker, Ralph Peters, Toronto. rose pattern, a large and at- Prime Minister ai Canada; the tractive parchment lamp shade, Province ai Ontario; and Dr. e and a lovely basket af hand Percy Vivian, Federal Member n s. Mnade flawers. These reaîistic ai Parliament. There were also Ini tI at ion appearing blooms were entire- many cards, gifts, and ilowers ]y iashioned by crochet work. from family and iriends for the During the evening cards were celebrating couple. A nephewE t n e er jayved. A delicious buffet Mr. Bill Price, and grandson n e lunch was served by -Mrs.A. Ralph Peters, on behaîf -ai the Musicians in Bowmanville are W. Martin assisted by ber thre amily presented Mr.Ste ivte tattn th agnz-I daughters, Mrs. Lloyd FlnoI, with a sapphire ring and Mr. tion rehearsal of the 0shaw Oshawa, Mrs. Keith Bickell,an Salter with an onyx ring.,ypoyOcetr ab l Mrs Munce reto, bath ai The guests were received byi at Oshawa C.R.A. Tuesday, May Bawmanville. Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peters, Mr. 127, at 8 p.m. i MI MARR'4S MISS AMERICA 17 jewels breakable main spring expansion bracelet$75 G A U T O -CANADIAN GIRL TIME 17 iewels watch & bracelet combined idon« glamorous ensemble $490 ls BULOVA WATCH TIME This yer-os olways.-BQova is the gift most wanted by gradu- ates 1 To th.m, thsre's nofhing ta equal the prestige cf this famu fimepiece. Cornein soon and se. lect the Bulava you wont ta give yoor grcvd 1 On the easiest credit AS LIfTTI AS 81061 DOWN MARRIS JEWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanville 4j R el r esh Bvy the fanily carton of 6 big boufles Smith Lùeverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR jc Engagement Is Announc( '1 past week with ber daughter. ýed IMrs. M. A. Pickering. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sim- SMons, Toronto, with Mr. and -Mrs. W. Farrow on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wilson and family, with Mr. and Mrs. R. Page, Enniskillen, on Friday evening. Weekend visitons with Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Simpson includ- ed Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Cali. and family, Mr. and Mrs. Haines and Mr. Simpson Sr., al aif To- ronto. The men enjayed some * good Rice Lake. Mr. P. Organ's sister anrived from Nova Scotia on Satunday ion a visit. Mr. and Mrs. T. Caîl, Toron- ta, spent the weekend with their son, Mr. and Mrs. W. Call and iamily. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Caîl were Mn. and Mrs. Blye and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Richardson and Mrs. Bowen, al ai Toronta. Several local men spent Tbursday evening erecting a flag pale at the school and the Foster Union Jack, recently donated United by Dr. R. P. Vivian ta the élaughtschoal, is now proudly flying ofught- îrom the top ai same. ýf Baw il Rehder Elect Charles Burdett President Skating Club Conducting the primary re- ehr Ba b aBu g y ! hearsal will be Wallace Young director 'of Music for Oshawa public schools. 1 Charles Burdett is the new Hughes attended the meeting. Although musical instruments presîdent for 1958-59 ai the It was decided ta have a ai ail types are needed, strings, Bowmanville Skating Club. Also Bowmanville Skating Club float sala woodwînds and horns are named at the meeting of the particularly in demand. board ai directans ai the club in the Centennial Parade on The Oshawa Symphony Or- held in Cauncil Chamber ai the June 28th duning Old Home chestra was formed May 14, Town Hall an Monday, May 12 Week. Plans for the design and when a group ai Oshawa and are: lst vice-president, H.A. decoration ai the float were district musicians met ta inau- Banran; 2nd vice-presîdent, A. discussed. gurate the organization. - A. Merkley: secretary, Mrs. The unanimous choice ai the Music scheduled ta be ne- Adele Finnigan; treasurer, Mrs. board af directors for the club hearsed at this practice wiil in- William Lycett. professional for the coming sea-i clude: "Uniinished Symphany"I The other directors are Mrs. son is Miss Barbara Ann Bur- by Schubert; "Poet and Peasant", Ross Richards, Mrs. Jack Lèd- goyne, Cleveland, Ohio. Th by Von Suppe;, and "Finlandia" dy, Mrs. D. Park, Dr. John directors are ai the opiion., by Sibelius. AUl thase wishing Hendry, Murray Wood, Alfred that Miss Burgoyne did a splen-, ta attend are asked ta bring Samelîs. and James Martyn. At did job as the club's proies- their own stands. the invitation ai the baard the sional during the season ai past president, G i e n h o 1 m e 1957-58. Darlene Danks IBrownie Packs HnIcI IHonored at Showersi Miss Darlene Danks whase marniage ta Mr. Gerald Rainey, Orono, was solemnized at St. Andrew's United Church, Osh- awa, bas been feted at several pre-nuptial sbowers. Mns. Ronald Osborne was hostess at a iniscellaneous show- er held at ber home in Cour- tice. Miss Shirley Antil was co-hostess. The guests were fel- Iow employees ai the bride-to- be in the engineering depart- ment ai General Matons. A miscellaneous shower was held at the home ai the future bnide's aunt, Mrs. Morley Blow, Banquet for A gala event was held at the Lions Cammunity Centre on Friday evening when the mem- bers ai the lst and 2nd Bow- 1 manville Brownie Packs and termothens enjoyed a ban- quet. More than 150 were pre-i jsent. Fifty Attend Final Meeting Senior Citizens1 Brac steeteas, wth rs. Mrs. Paul Chant, Mistress ai Walter Winiield as co-hostess. Cenemnonies. welcomed about 50 The girls ai the engineering Senior Citizens ta the closing department, General Matons, meeting for the season on Tues- Iheld a suppen party at the South day, May 13. A school choir ai End Grill and presented the: girls under the direction ai bnide-elect with an electric faon Mr. M. Beaton sang "The polisher. Queen", followed by four .de- A presentatian was made an ligbtiul selections: "Bonny Thursday aiter noon when Miss EloIise", Oraly", "Donkey Dia- Danks neceived a step-table dora" and "Fan Away Places". from ber ca-workers in the en- Miss Blackburn and Mrs. G. gineering department ai Gen- Janes neported making many eral Matons and framn the nei- calîs on sick members. gbbons on Nassau street she Mrs. Chant then a6ked ail ta received a turquoise chai r. adjounn for cards an crokinole. Mrs. W. Paterson entertained the reading group in the Green OBITUARY Room. Two articles by Scott Young "Magna Laafa" or "The MRS. W. J. MORRISON Coifee Break", and "Embar- rassments" were very amusing Mrs. Isabelle Cobleigh Mon- with several penson .al experi- rison died iallawing a heart at- ences an the latter theme being tack at ber home. 137 Bridge given by members ai the graup. Street East, Belleville, on Mon- A humorous part from the book day, May 5th. j Goggles", a stary ai school Mrs. Marnison was wefl days inth country also proved known in Bowmanville where excellent. ber husband was principal of Mn. T. Heighton gave mouth the bigh scbol rom 1919 ta. argan selections duning the clos- 1929. Mr. and Mrs. Morrisan ing social hour. Mrs. S. Dowson have resided in Belleville for was the winnen ai the attend- the past 23 years where Mn. ance pnize. Murnison was superintendent i The thanks ai the Seniar Ci- ai the Ontario Schaol for the t tizens were expressed ta Club Deai until recently. They lived 15 by Mr. H. Foley for the en- in Brantford fan a time before joyable evening. gaing ta Belleville. In Belleville Mrs. Mornison bad made a wide circle ai friends and toak an active part in the cburch, social and civic life ai the district. She was harn ini Manitoba 71 years aga, the daughter ai the late Mn. and Mrs. George Clapbam. Mrs. Morrison was a memben ai Bridge Street United Cburch and in addition ta ber wark in its societies, was much intçrest- ed in the progress ai Albert ~ ~ . College. She was a lufe .... ber ai both the W.M.S. and the.. .......... Women's Auxiliary, a member oi the Albert Callege Guild and the Women's Canadian Club. Duning the past war she was ,0 J1op fu active in Red Cross wark, es- V " M i pecially the sewing group of the Society. Befare ber mar- othr aruvers niage, she was solaist and chair leader at Listowel. Hen thoughtfulness, kindlv Tbey may Set bue as exper,- smile and pleasant dispositian eed or as caref ai ae you won for ber many friends who will sincerely miss ber, are.. And if you're a really Sunviving are ber husband, careful driver, yeu'li want William J. Mornison: one son, te be mm 9t ~tyon have Major John C. Mornison ai Ot- tawa; two, daugbters, Miss Isa- ierigbt kind of proe.- belle Mornisan ai London, and Ueo againet drwing rim Miss Kathleen Morrison o n aibofj.C Brockville, two brothers, Mar- ~ àl nuI <~ a vel A. Clapham, Toronto, Gea cone s for a ear i mwanS B. Clapham, Hamilton: and one J h&ý sister, Mrs. C. E. Marchell ai Hamilton. Also surviving anre, two grandsons, Robert and Richard Mornison ai Ottawa. She was pnedeceased by twal brothers, Eldon Clapham and John Clapham. The latter wa sTU I A E killed in action in Wonld War ST A T B A E Mrs. Morrison rested at the 'INSURA14CZ RF-AL ESTATE' Pinkston and Luscambe Fun- O«fiee ftwjgj t eral Home. Belleville, and fun- ~ 59 eral service was beld in Bridge 3S MA 3-5493 Street United Church an Thurs- Rint Street IL Downîanvil<é dar. Mav 8, Interm-ent was in BeâUU Cemnetery. t -Mothers The tables were beautiiully decoirated with spning flowers. The Brownie Promise and Mot- ta in golden letters were placed 1across the front ai the head ta- ble, and cleverly contrived min- iature Brownies dressed in ex- act replicas ai the Brownie uni- form were the place cards. A deliciaus turkey dinner was served. Those at the head table were Leonard Lucas, district commis- sianer; Mrs. Tom Buttery, divi- sional commissioner: Mrs. Vic- toria Frank, camp advisor; Mrs. Margaret Lucas, captain. lst Company Girl Guides; Elaine Bennett, Gold Cord Brawnie; Barbara Brown: Ahl Round Cord Brownie; Mrs. Ron Russell, Brown Owl, lst Brownie Pack; Mrs. Harold Bennett, Brown Owl, 2'îd Brownie Pack Mrs. J. Stout, Tawny 1jwl. lst Brownie Pack; Mrs. Ke.*i ,Nicks, Tawny Owl, 2nd Pack, nd Mrs. George Spaýrrow, a 'y Owl, 2nd Pack, sat with tl Brown- ies. Testers invited tao the ban- quet were: Mrs. Aubr y Smith, Mrs. T. A. Dustan, and Mrs. Bertwhistle, all lst Pack test- ers; Mrs. Allan Strike, and Miss Myrtle Hall, 2nd Pack testers. Following the dinner the Brownies sang a numben ai their favourite campiire sangs. Mrs. Jack Knight was the ca-i tering canvenor. Mrs. Knight was also, in charge ai decora-. tions. The Girl Guides Who as- sisted in serving were: Dixie Gill. Pat Gi, Sharon Anderson, Lorraine Brock and Judy Jef- fery. Mr. M. Robinson Honored by Community KENDAL-One ai the inter- esting events that took place' in Kendal while yaur cýorres- pondent was in Florida, wsa pot luck supper and social evening. This was held ta hon- aur Mr. Milton Rabinso*# on March 25. A large number ai friends and neighbaurs gathered around the tables laden with food. Aiter the supper a very com- fortable lazy-boy chair was presented ta Milton by the pur- chasing committee, Mrs. H. Fos- ter, Mr. Roy Mercer and Mn. Chas. Gay. The Rev. R. C. White spoke a few weil chasen, words ai appreciation for the work that Milton is daing. He clased bis remarks . with some humonous advice. Mrs. Cathcart gave a short accaunt ai the way the Robin- san family had helped the churcb thraugh the years with their musical ability. Our young folks then taak j aven the pragram. Miss Phyllis Jackson was the pianist. They gave us choruses, duets, trios and instrumentais. Ail agreed we shauld bear aur young folks sing mare often. BROWN'S Brawn's Home and Schoal Club met on Tuesday evening, Mvay 13, for their last meeting .xntil fail. Duning a short busi- ness peniod, it wa-s decided ta hold the annual icnic at the school on Saturday aiternoon, June 21. The rest ai the even- ing was spent playing euchne, ;he winners being Miss Jean Perrin and Mrs. Hilda Caîl, Ms .June Wilson and Mr. J. Ctirson. MNrs. Keith Parkinson, Mo.- *eal, hau been spending the Sp ring Con ference O0n Industrial Arts HeId at High School Mr. L. Johnston and Mr. Ian ry Sound High Sehool has beert Mallock, shop instructors in the elected lst Vice President of Bowmanville High Sehool, were the American Association. This hosts at the Annual Spring Cori- is an outstanding honour and ference of the Peterborough demonstrates the development Oshawa zone of the Ontario In- of Industrial Arts in the On- dustrial Arts Association. tario schools ini the last few The convention was held in years. the Bowmanville High School on Saturday, May 5. Industrial Arts teachers from many of the H L IT sehools in this central area of DYGLN AE A Ontario were present.I The main'tapie of discussion was examinations, marking and recording. Prof. J. C. Spny ai the University of Toronto, gave a pàper an the subject. Other speakers were Mr. D. W. Gar- don irom the Dept. ai Educa- tian; Mr. Del Facey ai Forest Hill Junior High School, and Mr. Walter Wilson, President ai the Ontario Industrial Arts It was announced that the American Industrial Arts As- sociation will meet in Toronto for the first time in the year 1960. Mr. Donald Richie of Par- people's faces show new health and new spirit. Problems corne with progress, with gambling and juvenile delinquency high an the list. Japan must be help- ed politically and spiritually. TheL Western Christians are deeply involved in Japan's cri- sis and must bear responsibil- ity of her and her people. A very appropriate flim "An Is- land Nation (Japan)" was shown. Mrs. E. Snowden Gives Chapter Of Study Book EBENEZER - Quiet music played by Mrs. Chas. Found brought the May meeting ai Ebenezer W.M.S. ta order. Mrs. K. Hapkins, Literature Secre- tary, read twa poems by Pa- tience Strang, "Blessings" and "Listen". She expressed the hope that the graup would try ta, do mare W.M.S. reading. President Mrs. Carl Dawn conducted the business. Two invitations were extend- ed ta the auxiliary-one ta meet with the Evening Auxilh iary in Courtice S. S. raom on J une 4 at 8.30 p.m. and ta at- tend the Supply Tea at Green- by Mrs. H. F. Osborne and se- canded by Mrs. Chas. Found th at aur June meeting be held June 17. President stated that School for Leaders at O.L.C., Whitby, will be held Aug. 18- 22. Treasurer reported aur share of proceeds fromn Spring Tea $33.50.1 Mrs. Danford presented a splendid devotional using the paem "The Carpenter" to open. We who have neyer knawn any real hardship or want, should nat feel overly virtuaus because we abstain from such sins as stealing or covetousness. Ra- ther we should try ta avercame aur own personal short-caxn- ings. God is always near -arough prayer, but too aiten the Upper Roomn in aur lives is forsaken because we are to busy with aur work, aur child- ren, or watching TV. Mrs. R. Muir and Mrs. M. Osborne sang "My Mother's Prayers Have Fallowed Me". The final chapter ai the Stu- dy Book "Japan Facing To-mor- row" was ably taken by Mrs. Eber Snowden. She spoke af the advances Japan is making in new buildings and new pro- ducts, but mare important, her PR ODUR ESPECIL GOLDEN RIPE NO. 1 GRADE BANANAS The Ail Delectable Tropical Fruit 2 bs 33C CUCUMBER PICKLE KLIK LIPTON'S SOUP CHILI SAUCE WAX PAPER Jane Parker' RHUBARB PIE ach 49< Rteg. Ilo--SAVE 0@ 9bAh M4ichigan, Stanford And Purdue Agre. aur milk'. AiI-American too. Usefuness is doing rightly by Baker Eddy. M.354 Ail service ranks the same "FIý-MREISGO with God. There is no last or first.-Robert Browning. Baby Bonus Con Help To Buy College Education Most parents are only too well aware that it takes a good deal more than brains for a boy or girl to go to college. That's why far-sighted mothers and fathers who want ta give their children the best possible in lufe plan far in acivance for the rising costs ai hîgher education. For many Canadian parents, the monthly family allow- ance cheque provides an opportunity to lay the ground work of a savings programn designed ta cover the costs af higher education for their children. Family allowance cheques for one child, if deposited in a B of M savings account until the age af 16, will total more than $1,600, including interest the bank pays. It's a tidy sum towards a college career. If you're in doubt as ta what it might cost in the long run ta send your boy or girl ta college, why not drop in at thé Bowmanville branch of the Bank of Montreal. James Bell, the manager, will be glad to give you a copy ai the B ai M folder outlining a typical education savings programn which can easily be adapted ta the special requiremnents ai your youngster. FOR FRYING, ROASTING or BROILING 22 ato 3-lb average GIBLETS REMOVED L41C Peamemled, 2 ta 3.Ib End Cuti ýBACK BACON lw 5 9c Thmnly Sliced COOKED HAM lb99C Burns BRAUNSCHWEIGER 8-oz chub 25c Ses Sealed COD ILLETS Pg.1-b pkg2 7 CHIP STEAKS 5-zpcg 3lc Meinz Frosh SPECIALI Conned Ment Reg. Pric. 53o-SAVE Oe Chîcken Noodie R6g. Prie. 2 pkgs 25e-8AVE 2o Reg. Prisé 25*.-8AVE &e Economny Reg. 1 roll 2@o-8AVE I5e Prie& In This Ad Guerant.ed Through Saturday, May 24th, lu&L 16-oz jar 29C 12-oz tin 47c 2 pkgs 23C 11.oxb4423c 2 i0otrIS53< U W - *v 1mM *?< UA *IW ..,-.. 1-- Miss Beverley Ann Frank's marriage ta Mr. Douglas Herrington will take place in Trinity Church on Saturday, June l4th. Miss Frank is theè er of Mrs. Arthur J. Frank and the late Mr. Franko nanville. Her fiance is the son of Mr. Aubrey H-errington and the late Mrs. Herrington of Toro -Photo by Il THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWtLANVI=, ONTARIO [ Alýp) Supermarketsi