?Et7ltgDAy, MAY !2nd, 1958 THE CA!~ADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. 6NTA~!O UA f~U -~ s- m..w~ S.. - School Section By- Law Given Two Readings at Clarke Coun cil The Clarke , wnship Council Onc resunied me Tg on Monday, Reeve J, May 12 with t? e issue of Town- delegateý ship Public Sehools still facing to coune them. A by-law ta, allow the School four former school sections councilu which have asked to be with- of theS drawn from the School Area was outlined given two ýreadings and then let for tabled for amendment. *The would bE amended by-law when prepared two dayý «ILl b pesented ta Council at intends1 a lategtlate.tenders The eting was attended by township about 30 ratepayers who were bentures Interested in the school question cost Oft and also by members of the Mr. Ki Orono Police Trustees. Council section IN met in committee prior ta the pass thei meeting. ing the m 'Meeting opening the meeting J. T. Brown asked that es present their views icil. Mr. Osborne of the Area Board brought up-to-date on the actions School Area Board and 1that tenders had been two new schools and ce closed within the next 's. The board, he saîd, ta accept one of these and will at the next ip meeting ask that de- ýbe issued ta caver the the new schools. imbali of former school No. 1 asked that Council neccssary by-law allow- withdrawal o! the school Be assured of point satisfaction 0 a ask for ExteriorlHouse Point D6URABLE AUCYD FINISH 1(EXCELLENT HIDING AND COVERAGE V9FOR EXTERIOR SURFACES 0F WOOD# METAL, BRICK, CONCRETE &fTUCCC A vaiIlob:in mai Qt. $2.70 yny leasng colors- Gai. $8.45 McGregor Hardware Limited 95ý KING ST. W. BOWMANVILLE, ONT. PHONE MArket 3-3386 43piece service for eight$8 9 " tasapoons 8 salad forks 8 knivos " dessert spoons 8 forke 1 butter knile i ugaropoori 1 tablespoor, the moil buautiful slverware ln the mail beautiful of silverwar. chotts. Itich wmivet anti-tumkth linings complement whichever patfern you choos.. I1oop~r'Jewelery& Hoojèr sGift Shop 29 King St. L. Bou-manville Bill Harrison Retired from Goodyear Bill Harrison, Sr., recently completed 27 years and four months service with the Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co. and retired on pension. He was working in the Machine Shop. Born in Cardiff, Wales, Bill began his Goodyear career in the New Toronto plant in 1926. He came to Bowmanville in 1935 as a machinist. Before he left the plant, his fellow workers presented him with a fishing rod and reel which he certainly will make good use of at his Big Hawk Lake cottage. His two sons, Trevor, lef t, and Bill Jr., right, are also Goodyear employees. Constable Tells Institute How to Avoid Accidents BETHANY - Constable Pat Corneil, from the Bowmanvillc detachment of the Provincial Police spoke ta the Women's Institute meeting held Monday night of last wcek in the Unit- ed Church basement, on "How You Can Avoid Traffie Acci- dents", 'Human carelessness and iack o! consideration for the other fellow is the basic cause of traf- fic accidents," he said. "The only way ta deal with this problem is for each one ta do whatever we can, in aur homes and in aur communities. It is the responsibility of the parents ta bring up their chul- dren ta be considerate and re- sponsible people. Chiidren are taught safety laws through the school. Take an interest in the safety legsons your child is taught. The boy who rides a tricycle, and later a bicycle is the car driver of tomorrow. What your child is, taught now in respcct ta safe driving hab- its wiil affect ahl the next gen- eration." Constable Corneil showed a moving film "Practice Make convener for Citizenship and Eclucation, Mrs. Addison Scott. Mrs. Emory Smith expiaincd the evenings motta: "Friend- ship is the only cernent that can hold the world together." The meeting was convened by the presiclent. Mrs. Thomas Jennings. The roll eall was an- swered hy ýThe Place Where I Was Born". Announcement xvas made of the District Annual meeting for East Durham Insttittes ta be held at Cavan on May 22 and delegates appointed were Mrs. Emory Smith, Mrs. Preston Neals, Mrs. Thomas Jennings and Mrs. Ross Carr. The minutes of previaus meet- ing and correspondence was read hy the assistant secretary, Mrs. Preston Neals, in the ab- sence of M\rs. Raipli Preston, who is in Civic Hospital, Peter- borough, following the arrivaI of her infant son Wayne Pres- ton. A card of congcratulations xvas signcd by -Il the mernbers ta hc sent to Mrs. Preston. Programs for the coming year, printed by the caurtesy of Mrs. Richard Bonsteel, were Perfecèt iv ers" and al àso 'dis- dstiutdandi Ivrs. iBonstec tributed pamphlets on "High- was thanked for this service bi way Signs and What They Mrs. Jennings. Mean", "Bicycle Safetyý>", < Mrs. Robert Burgess was ap destrian Safety"l and diGood pointed leader of Graup Five Turs i TaffcO Plans were made ta cater fa: Turn us ionTraffiodfo e the Women's Teacher's Federa A iscussion pberifloe tion Banquet ta) be held ix tions relative ta traffic prob-BtayMy 8h lems and safe-driving habits, During the social heur, groul with Constable Cornell 'pp singîng was led by Mrs. T ing the answers. supy- Jennings. Lunch xvas scrved bxý The speaker wag introduccd1 Mrs. Addison Scott, Mrs. R. R and thanked by the programn Bonsteel, Mrs. James McKin non, Mrs. Earl Weatherilt anc Mrs. Emory Smith. section from the sehool area. The June Meeting wviil bc Such a by-law had been prcv- held at the home of Mrs. Stew. iously prepared by the clerk and art Speller. featuring Agricul. was giveri two readings and turc and Canadian Industries tabled in order that it may be with Mrs. Glenn Wentworth a.ý amended. This was donc in convener. order that certain properties which ratepayers had askcd could be allowed ta join with the Newtonviilc section, rath Pas tor's Wife er than withdraw fromn the area The properties cancerned wcre fromn the No. 1 section. ThelR c ie tabling of the motion by Coun- R cev s~ cillors Lowery and Savery was carried. M embei-Ïrs Pin H. Wade of the Area Board, stated that he oppascd the by- BETHANY-Thc members af law and stated that Council had the Women's Missionary Sacic- studied the problemn for the last tY Of the United Church werc 15 months and 'stili had donc entertained at the Parsonage nothing definite. It was bis for thcir meetingc on Tuesday opinion that Counicil should evening. cither let everyone out o! the At this mcctin'z Mrs. R. R. area or thcy should allow noanc Bonsteel xvas prcwentcd with a ta withdraw. He feit there wa s Lue Memhership Pin and certi- too much indecîsion of coun eil ficate. Mrs. Ge orge Waddell and that the five-man graup read the accompanying address should have brought forth a expressing appreciation o! Mrs. definite decision some time ago. Bonsteel's outstanding contri- It was his opinion that thc pro- bution of timne and talents in cedure was not fair ta the School furtheringr Mission work and Area Board. the generai work of the Church. Reeve Brown and Counciliors Mrs. Otto Spencer presided Lowery and Savery stated that and led the decvotional service they feit they were being fair asisted by Mrs. Waddell. ta everyane and were not Announcement xvas made of favouring one side over another. a bale of clothing rocentlyv sent Mr. Brown stated that he was ta headquarters for distribution satisfied in his own mind that ta mission centres. he had been fair in the school Mrs. Bonsteel gave a read- question. Russell Savery com- ing "Preciaus Treasure" teiling mcnted that the school arcas how the Bible xvas translated were given ta understand that in India: and alNa showed a they could withdraw at any movingr film on Mission work time. He further said he did and the great nccd for Chris- nat go along with the idea of tian co-aperation in the sprcad- transporting children fromn one ing of the Gospel of Good area ta anather. News. S. B. Rutherford and R. C. Following the closinc devo- Forester of the Orono Police tions, lunch wvas served by the Trustees requested that Council1 hostessan asoilhue- consider the passing of the Sub- 1 joycd adascalhu n division Control Area By-law 1 for lots 27, 28, 29, concessions I includes the Police Village of Orono. This by-law was given Miss Evelyn McKinnon, Mon- three readings and passed. The treal, Que., was haime for the by-iaw affects the sale or grant- weekend with her parents, Mr. ing of land under 10 acres which and Mrs. Jamnes MeKinnan. will now have ta be approved Mr. Herb Kennedyv is now re- for its use first by the Munici- ported as improving following pality and then the Minister of the amputation o! bath his legs the Department of Municipal at civie Hospital, last week. Affairs. The by-iaw also Friends will ai '-o regret ta states that a registered plan knowv that Mrs. James Neals, must be submitted before it can formcrlv of Bethany and now be approved. Council cansid- residing -with hem diau'ýhter and ered passing the by-law for son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Fred other sections o! the township, Revoy in Peterborough, is in however took no action ta do so Civie Hospital with a broken at this time, pelvis and her %vrist aiso frac- The Police Trustees also ask- tured as a resuit of a fali at her cd if Council would consider home. the opening of a strect west of Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Wood the Milison Hill for a distance and daughter Barbara Jean o! of not more than 300 feet. The Ottawa and Victor Wood with riecessary 66 feet would have ta the R.C.A.F. at Clinton, were oc donated and they feit that home for the holiday weekend th e necessary arrangements 1 vith their mother, Mrs. Rupert could be -ompleted. The corn-1 Wood. pletion his road %would al-.! is idrdSiss:on, Taranto, low for h construtction o! a spent lhe weekciid %wth. Mr, street runnin,% northI and south aaMs m ak vhchwuld bc financed ik pro )- o i ,atS~- .w fi erty owners were agreeable Dr. Sneiler had tac misfortune under a local impravement ta fail at her home here on scheme. Wedniesdav, with a resultant Reeve Brown stated that littie fractured -ankie. could be done this year as the Mr. Car! Smfth ig in St. Jas- ownship has appropriated their eph's H-ospital, Peterborough, road fund&. I" and underwent surgery on Wed- nesday. Mrs. Mansel Finney attended the Women's Institute Conven- tion in Guelph last week, as delegate from Bethany Branch. Bethany Motor Sales Garage, which has been vacant for sev- eral months will now be aper- ated by Ernest Lamb and Har- old Sanderson. Mr. Ed McGill is a patient in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peterbor- ough. Mr. Thomas Currie spent the weekend in Gananoque, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raiph Currie. Mr. Dennis Challice, Rase- mont, was home for the holiday with his mother, Mrs. Richard Challice. CI iy e. )r 1- .n p F. Y d LS OBITUARY MUS. EDWARD WADE A resident of Daiington township for more than 50 years, Alberta Evelyn SulIey, beloved wife of Edward Wade, Broken Front, Dariington town- ship, died at the Oshawa Gen- eral Hospital on Tuesday, May 13. In failing health for the past 10 years, Mrs. Wade was in her 72nd year. Born in the Midiand district on Nov. 10, 1886, the deceased was a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Suiley. She was married in Oshawa on Dec. 10, 1907. SMrs. Wade was a member of Ebenezer United Church. Besides her husband she leaves to mourn her passing five daughters, Mrs. Artnur Rutter (May), of Oshawa; Mrs. Herman Sweoatman (EvecIyn), of Courtice; Mrs. Walter Cole (Doris), of Oshawa; Mrs. Wil- liam Pierson (Lucile), and Mrs. Donald Hardy (Irma), both o! Courtice and two sons, William, of Courtice and Charles of Dar- lington. Mrs. Wade is also survitved by five grandchildren and tw great-grandchildren. Shewa predeceased by a daucghter, Mrs Norma Shortt, on Mar. 2, 1952.1 Funeral service wvas heid at the Armstrong Funeral Chapel on Friday, May 16. Rev. Harold Stainton, ininister of Courtice United Church, conducted the service. Interment was in Mount Lawn Cernetery. The palibearers were S. Wor- den, Gardon Vinson, Leonard Pickell, Harold Osborne, Gerry Lymer and Harry Worden. Memorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week of May 5-11: Admissions ---------- 51 Births, 4 maie, 2 female 6ý Discharges------65 Major operations 14 Minor operations 241I Emergcncy treatments- 12ý Visiting hours 2.30-4.30 p.m. I and 7.00-8.30 p.m. s,~g, 7K avhfLL SYNSTRA" i the Greatest Value 1 in Ginger Aies FAMLY SIZ. 3@OUNCE 2 for 351 P'ERSONAL SIZ. 12 OUNCES PLUS DEPOSRf Give gifts -that say: Live better ELE TRIO ~etAafr~ckoJe4{tw«~f? sng... an electric fry pan .. . a handy automatic POP-up toaser ... a mixer or a steam iron. For the future inan of the house there are eleCtric shavers and a wonderful array of time saving power to1ls... and what couple wouldn't be delighted with one or two handsome, modern electric lamps. They'll be proud of their electric gifts and happy too because they're so economical to use. cONTARIO ,,'HYDRO electricity does so much ... costs so littie L lSERVICE co. Içp , !NMW 22nd, loge THE CANADUN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLLP, ONTAM P*ffz invu LL