THTJRSDAY, MAT 22nd, 1958 THE CAKADIA!i STATESMAK. EOWMANVILLE, ONTARTO PAcI~ ~qui f*r.Gorut Jury, Water %,n was aýI of Mrs. Jane Mrs. Robert D Woods, Lon don, was a holiday weekeri Sguest of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. IN IJames. Dr. N. J. Murphy and Dr.C N. Murphy, Sudbury, spent th, weekend with their sister, Mi William Prower. Mr. and Mrs. Melville S. Dal and daughter Norma, spent th, weekend at Hotel Brittffli near Huntsville. Mr. Gregory Friend, Mont real, spent the weekend wil] his motýer Mrs. Otto Friend West Bebch, Bowmanville. Miss Amy Carson, Newton ville and Oshawa, was wee] end guest of Miss Sally Oli Notre Dame De Grace, Montreal Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Hal Nancy and Jimmie, Chathar spent the weekend with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jame Mr. and Mrs. Robert Loci hart and son Jolin were holida, visitors with his sister, Mr. an( Mrs. George Robson, Niagan Falls. Mrs. Royal Quinn, Miss Leori Quinn and Mr. Donald Mac Lean, Simcoe, were recen guests of Mn. and Mns. Bruc Berry. >d«r. H. B. Hutchinson, Por _ry, an old-time residento Bowmanville, called on We< nesday to see Mn. Geo. W James. Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Freema: St. Catharines, spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Lesli Jackson and Mr. and Mrs. H. G Freeman. Miss Tanya Goddard left ci ". Sunday evening for Banff Alta., whene she will be on th( fstaff of the Banff Spring Hote for the summer. Mrs. N. Mustard, Miss Gladr Mustard, Mrs. E. Brass and Mrs S. Biddlecomp, Toronto, wcx( holiday visitons wit>a Mn. anc Mrs. A. Saunders, Wavenle) Road. W. R. Strike, Alan Strike, Bol Stevens and Mark Roenigk el Bowmanville, and M. H. Sta« pies of Orono, are in Algonquir Park this week on their annual fishing trip. Mr. and Mrs. B. Lidster and famnily, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs B. Engley and family and Mns jT. Wright, Town, spent h weekend with her son.AMr. and Mrs. Dick Wrigh t~arrying Place. Weekend visitons with Mrs, M. E. Leask wene her daughter, Mr. and'Mns. L. Cassel and Pentecostal. Church 21 Ontario St. Rev. G. E. Leno, Minister Revival - Healing Campaign REV. C. BENN Napanee Thurs. and Friday 8 p.m. Sunday 10 a.m. - il a.m. - 7 p.m. Preaching - Singing and Prayer for Sick "The Church With a g Welcorne" ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Whilsunday 8 and Il - HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il - CHURCH SCHOOL 7- EVENSONG Thi 0ft 'nk Bon fi $20,OO<( I E - n ýr Penny, Waterloo, son Bob, 'in I- ap,1 et ronto, also Miss Mary Lumb, and Miss Gladys Lumb o! Well-; Fine destroyed the home o! n-. ington.i Ewart Robinson three miles ad Miss Evelyn Brown, daugh- west of Osaca on the Clarke- W. ter o! Mn. and Mrs. Normani Hope Township line Wednes- Brown, and a !irst year student'dayMa1.ThPotHp G. ln Jounnalism at Rycrson In- fire brigade, which was called he stitute, Toronto, has joined Tie aOut 12:30 in the afternoon, an .~ Canadian Statesmani staff for hour aftcr the f ire was noticed, the summen. arrived when the roof was fall- ing in. - le Mrs. W. C. Ives, President of; Mrs. Robinsdlii first noticed he Bay of Quinte Confererice W 'the tire we thdaray la, A., attend.d the l8th annuaf hni a led meeting of the Dominion Coun- t-cil of Woman's Associations'Hayles are paying their first h held last week at Emmanuel visit to Canada to visit their d, College, Toronto. i daugliten Mrs. Lçwis and their Ms.Joh Cttanlatest grandson, Max. The SSr:Mr. and Mr. o alîsa Hayles are high in their praise ri. arna, r. nd reditoy Fall of what they have seen of k- and Wendy, Port Creyi;nolds Canada and the friendly hospi- tand Mns. Arthun enls talîty shown them by Canadians. al Debbie, Steve and Jane, Hamp- il ton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Miss Helen Cale, daughter of MRobert Williams. iMrs. Douglas Cale, Ontario St., ls Mn. and Mns. J. W. Herold, i has completed a two-yean course es Toronto, accompanied Mn. alld at Teachers' College, Peterbon- Mrs. L. D. Goddard to the ough, with honour standing and k- Spring Convocation of Queen's did not have ta write final ex- lyUniversity last Saturday when, aminatians. Helen was a 1956 -id Miss Tanya Goddand received graduate o! Bawmanville High ba er B.A. degree. Schaal. She bas accepted a pas- Dr. M. S. Tucker, Flushing, ition on the Oshawa Public ie N.Y.; Dr. J. B. Tucken, Leask, Sehools teaching staff. At pres- c-Sask., and Miss Elva Tucker, ent she is a supply teachen at nt Toronto, ahl natives of Orono, the South Srncae School until cewho attended Bowmanville the end of the schaol year. eHîgh Sehool visited old friends Dr. Frank C. Faley, Mrs. M. Sin Bowmanvîlle and Orono on! T. Gardiner and M\,rs. Angus ot Tuesday. M ïacMi]lan have been in Baw- o! is Jean Braf! of the staiff: manville ta attend the funeral iv chofoth Launentian Public af their mnother. Mrs. H. W. Fa- ShoNorth Bay,an Miss ley. Aiso attending the funenal Joyce Bragg, R.N., Operating were Mrs. Faley's sisters-in- ,n Roomn Supenvison at the Cottagei law, Mrs. J. D. Stevens, Maple k- Hospital, Pembroke, were wilh Grave, and Mrs. F. R. Fale.', jetheir parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. 1Part CCredit. cousins Mrs. J. R. Bnagg for the holiday week-, jewelI, Canningtan, ai-d Mrs. end.t Frank Goard, Beaventon. Fram n Ronald Turne.r, third year Toronto wene Mrs. G. Kennedy, f., student in English Language Mrs. G. Duff and Mri. and Mrs. e and Lîterature at University of J. Clanny. el Toronto, is home for the surn-1 mer and will again be employ-1 Mrs. A. W. -ammond and vsed with Smith Beverages Ltd., Miss Dorel l-larrinmond. Toronto; S.more familiarly known as "ýPep- Mn. Rod McKelvey, Kapuskas- rsi-Cola". Ran is the san of Rev. ing: Mn. and Mns. Dean Ham- d Harold Turner and Mrs. Tur-. mond and David, St. Thaînas: ner.Mr. and i\rs. Onville Hammond nen and Bruce; Mn. and Mrs. Don Jerry Heal, son o! Mr. and Powell and Carol, Hamilton, )bMrs. H. G. Heal, Harnptan, l'as 'werc weekend guests of Mr. and bgraduated at the head of a class! Mrs. Harold Hammand and Mo! 60 fnom the tliree-year course family. Mr.. and Mrs. Ron Ham- Sat Ryerson Institute in Mech-1 mond and Helen, Sydney, N.S., in anical and Industrial Techno- 1 pnt two weeks with Mn. al logy, specializing in Tool De- and Mns. Harold Hammond have signing. Jerry also won a scho- left by baat to spend four years kd lanship in his first and second in Germany. s. years. 'S. r. ad Ms. JmesCromieýThe regular meeting of St. le attended the Canadian Amateur Ad(-wsWMS a eda .d Hockey Association Convention the* home of Miss Flora Gai- g9 over the weekend. As part of braith, King St. E., on Tuesday, theentrtanmet tey erelMay 20. Routine business and tak entt Hnme Hboure reports were given by the van- rdinner and boat trip among' ossceais.SceayMs ,d Georgian Bay's 30,000 Islands. L. T. McLaughlin, and Mrs. -In the evening a civic dinner. Crawford reported on the semni- was given by the Town o! Mid_ annual meeting held in Ca- land.t bourg, May 7. Mrs. Duncanson, 1wife of the Rev. Robent Dun- Rev. and Mns. A. G. Scott ne-! canson, former ministen of St. tunned last week from an Pli- Andew's, was guest speaker joyable motor trip around Lakze an missionary work being done Ontario. From Gananoque the)T in British Guiana where Mn cnossed the Ivy Lea Bridge and Duncanson is now stationed. visited Watertown and Syra- Mrs. A. G. Scott conducted the cuse, also Auburn and Geneva: devotional and gave an inter- on the Fingen Lakes, and Penn esting talk an present day Ja- Yen ail in New York States, ne- pan and the great changes tunning via Niagara Falls where which have taken place since they found the flowers and the Second Wonld War. The blossoms very beautiful. President closed the meeting Miss Janet McGregor wiîî; with prayen, aften which a so- spend the summer with her cial houn was spent. Mrs. How- parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Me- ard Gaud and Mrs. Maniorie Gregon. Janet attended Laval Fenguson were tea hostesses. University, Quebec City, last1 yean as an exehange student1 fnom Queen's University. She OBITUARY wiil return to Queen's in the Faîl to complete ber Hon- ANNIE LAURA FOLEY ours course in French and Spanish. Jànet has not receîv- Annie L. Foley died at Mem- *ed examination resuits yet fnom' anal Hospital, Bowmanville, Lavai.1 Ont., on May 15, 1958. The fun- St. Paul's W.M.S. met at thei eral was conducted by Rev. T. home o! Mrs. H. Galbraith, Scu- A. Morgan on May 17 at Trinity gog Street, on Tuesday, May 20. United Church. President Mns. D. Anmisteadi Formerly Annie Launa Cling- opened the meeting, using the an, she was born on Jan. 17, f46th Psalm and the Lond'si 1870 at Relessey, educated in Prayer. A special pnagram for Orangaeville, and took her tea- auxilianies on the theme, "Ur-f1eher's training in Toronto. Fan denstanding Each Othen" was three yeans she taught in Mono presented by Mrs. Ross Stev- I Township, Simcae County and ens, assisted bv Mns. H. A. Tur- 1 th en l'or 1l yeans in Toronto. ner, Mrs. C. Dunn and Mrs. 0. Attendingc the University of R. Bragg. Tononto at that timp was Hen- Trinity United Church Mînister - Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. Il A.,M.- Rev. Eusiace McNeil of Seagrave The Port Hope Choir and Orgaîuist will provide the music at the morning service. 7 P. M.- [ Organist-Mr. iý - Mothers-- ,!,Scout ohr ,ý:Will Hold ~Pot Luck Lunch cSocial & (Pers0 nal Phone MA 3-3303 7.45 on No. 2 Highway near AI- r e au elen's B.A. Station westofBw ire C use manvlle.Donald Mace, New- castle, who was driving bis car Il was uninjured. Ronald Robin- 0 House Fire sonBowmanville, a psegr !ufered broken ribs, and a MemonialHoptl The car w n hi Thene was a collision on 1got well started. The fine bni- Satunday monning at 10.23 a. g-ade was called ta pnotect near- m. This accident occunned an by buildings, which wene saved.' the single portion of bighway 401 nean the Junction. A car ost o!i the fuiunwse dn-dniven by Williard Moore, To- stins inthe housar was ad ronto, sustained damag-es am- buta evryhngustir asaounting ta approximately $600. totalloss.A car dniven by Lena Leppard, The loss was estimated at St. Catharines, was damaged ta $20,000. The fine is tbougbt ta a small extent, $35. Constable 1have started !romn a bonfire' Hante-Maxwell, O.P.P., was the nean the bouse. investigating officen. The first accident an Mon- day occurred at 1 a.m. on Coun- ty Road 14 east o! Caesanea. Ar- Hollingshead chie Pinker, 51 Burke Street, Oshawa, was the dniver. His O car sustained damage ta the And Local 380 amount of about $1,000. Consta- ble Stan Rosspond. O.P.P. was Sig ContaC the investigating ofcr The next accident was at 2 a.m. on Manday manning un A new one year contnact County Road No. 1, west o! signed by Local 380 o! the In- Hampton, when a car dniven by ternational Chemîcal Wonkens'i Mary Cowell, R. R. 2, Orono, Union, (A.F.L., C.I.O.) an d the, sustained $500 damages. Con- R. M. Hollîngshead Company,,i stable Ralpb Whincop, O.P.P., Ltd., hast week gives employees; investigated. an average pay increase o! ten Constable Robent Diamond, pen cent. It is retroactive ta O P.P., investigated an accident Apnil 10. which occurred at 8.07 ar.. Other concessions are an ad- Manday on the 9th Concession ditional statutory holiday bning- Road, Clarke Township. A car ing the total o! such bohidays ldnîven by Colin Brown, Les- ta eight; plant wide seniority I kard, sustained damages o! $150 in the event o! lay-o!fs, and for î ta the left front fender and promotions; tbree dlays bereave- bumper. An ambulance was ment leave; time and a! pay ealled and Mn. Brown was tak- fan more than eight hours pen j en ta Memoniai Hospital, Baw- day, or for more than 40 hours manville, but was later releas- a week; double pay foi Sundays ed and allowed ta netunn ta bis and holidays.1 i home. The contnact provides fan a At 4.40 p.m. on Monday three comlet rclasifcaionof m-vehicles were involved ini an competerecassfictio o!cm-accident at Trickey's Corner on ployees, witb a rate increase up No.15hgwy. Hedet ta 29 cents. Senior employeesSc1mid, 61 Bunke StretOh will be ahlowed three days tai awa 6 ureStetOh leann the new jobs for which; w, was the rider o! a motan- seniority qualifies them The; cycle that escaped damage. A cantract also includes sari 1955 Meteor driven by Richard Blue Coss Pln imp o me.Gay e, Toronto, sustained dam- * ages o! $175 ta the rear o! the The members a! the negatia-' car. The front of a 1951 Pontiac ting cammittee for Local 380; driven by Myntle McKay, 179 were: the president of the un-, Park Street, Peterborough ion, Ennest Patterson; the vice North, sustained a $250 da- president, Jack Martin; Mrs. age ta the front of tbe car. Bernice Budai, and Mns. Venna Constable Emmett Cnough, Fowler. O. P.P., was the investigating officer. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE h Ex- Hockey Star Appointed as Game Warden Game Warden Doug Powell, o! the Fish and Wildlife Divi- sion o! the Depantment o! Lands and Forests, bas taken aven the duties in the district which were previoushy perfonmed by Ken- netb Tolmie. Mr. Tolmie recent- ly promoted, bas been transfen- red to Part Arthur wbene he takes up bis new duties. Doug Powell, bas now taken up bis for the present is work- ing out o! the Lindsay office. It is expected that be and bis family will locate in Onono anound the finst o! July. Doug bas been with the De- partment o! Lands and Fonests for the past yeans and bas been witb the Forest protection divi- sion at Minden. He bas naw been promoted ta the Fisb and Wildli!e Division. The twenty-six year old game wanden is intenes ted in sports, especially in hockey. Doug star- red an the Lindsay Junior team a number o! years ago and for five yeans phayed for Spring- field in the Amenican Hockey League. Grand Prize Split 4 Ways In Bail Draw Nonm Scott, Don Stutt, John Stutt and "Paddy" Welsb shan- ed the $200 grand pnize at the Bowmanville Harvesters' Cen- tennial Basebali Dinner heid in the Legion Hall Tbursday even- i ng. The founsome were amr'g the hast fîve pensons wbose tick- ets remained in the dnurn after another 195 had been dnawn. It was decided by tbem ta split the pnize, witb $100 o! the mon- ey danated ta the Juvenihe Base- bail team, who are without a sponsor. The othen tbree win- nens shaned $100. Rahph Kelly representing bis brother Ken, hast out on the hast dnaw for the full amaunt. ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Werry, Mn. and Mns. John Borowdae and Bnian, ail o! Oshawa, and Mn. J. A. Werry wene Sundav visitons witb Mn. and Mns. 1-I. McGill. aond (Continued from Page one Kiwanis Festival in Toronta. Fan once, he'd practised fainly wehl, and bad bis piece in fair shape. Sa the day be- fore he was to go, he got fighting with Kim, spnained bis finger, and it went up like a bahloon, ahong witb bis entry fee, and about a month o! bard labour on the part of bis mother. It's the only time I've ever seen bim scaned. He tbougbt for a minute there, that she was going ta kili him. Sa did I, and I was neaniy exbausted by the time she'd cooled off enougb 50 I couhd let go o! ber arms. Last week, the day before she was ta play at the Fest- ival, Kim came homne looking like Carmen Basilio, aften bisi last flght with Sugar Ray. ! She had a lump the size of an I egg and the colour of a ripe cucumber under one eye. Seemis she'd bumped Into Donald Taylor's "dam old bard head" in a mutual dash for the teaeher's desk. Ironicalhy enough. ber Fest- ival piece was entithed "Little Mouse". She got quite a bang out o! if wben I ex- phained what a "mouse" under your eye was. HerI mother got a big charge out of it, too. She haughed and laughed and laugbed, until finaily I had ta tbnow saine cold water in ber face and' give ber a sedative. And if there aren't enough natural hazards, there's ai-t ways the adjudicator at the 1 Festival. Sometimes he's a brilliant, sensible fellowa, aý thorough musiclan, w ho knows the real thlng when be sees it, like the chap who gave Hugh a couple o! firsts a few years ago. But there'. always the danger that he's erratic. thlck-beaded, and doesn't know bis stuff, like the fellow last year, who gave some other kids, oh- vlouslY very inferlor piano players, first pnize, and mov- ed our genilis to fourth place. Ask me ta serve an the finst racket cnew ta the moon and V'Il consider it. Ask me f0 dasb into a humn- ing building and nescue the town drunk, and 1,11 be game. Ask me te go aven Niagara COURTICE-The l8th Scout Falls in a chamberpot, and Mothers' Auxiliany heid ifs lVII volunteer. But please negular mantbly meeting at the dan't ask me to go through ihome af Mies. 1Il. La Chapelle, another Music Festival. Archer presidiîg 1 Meeting opened witb the Scout Mothens' Pirayer aften which reports were heard fnom N the Sewing and Sunshine Con- N \*lits. The Social Convenor 0 gave a report on the recent Father and Son Banquet heid at Courtice United Church at (Continued !nom page one) whicb 109 were served. dmg otera upro Special thanks are extendeddam1g54ta the. Cntabme Ro!- te ll hos wh wokedse ard 1ent Diamond, O.P.P. investigat- ta make this banquet a suecess. ed. Next meeting in the forni o! a OnMateHsil Pot Luck Lunch will be beld OnMntoHpta on June Il. 12:30 noon at Mrs. One man was injîîred in an C. Archer'& home. É accident on Friday evening at o! pnizes he had won to the Ju- venile club. These wene raffle,! and brought a bid o! $20. Hc also donated another $100 ta- ward the club. Othen pnize winnens were Earl McQueen, George Forsey, Ross Stevens, Ted Bagneil, Ivan Hobbs, Murray Larmen, Ed For- an, A. H-awke, Cap Fainey, Roy Anger, Jack Brough and Tenny Masters. Special prizes were won by the following: Sid Pnice, Nonm Scott, Jack Colvile, Gord Sellers. Don Plain drew his own ticket and was refunded his maney. John M. James was master of cenemonies. Alan H. Osborne, president of the Hanvesters, in- troduced the new club mana- ger, Fred "Buck" Cowle, anîd welcomed evenyone. Robbers Consume 5 Baffles Thene was a break-in at the Smith Beverages Ltd., plant, 124 Chunch Street early Tues- day manning. A doon on the north a! the plant *was forced same time after 3 a.m. An attempt made ta apen the safe in the office a! the coin- pany was unsuccessful, but the dial was knocked off in the try. Five bottles af soft drinks wene cansumed, and the office wa s le! t in a state o! disonden a! ten being ransacked. Police Chie! Bernard R. Kitney is conduet- ing the investigation. Last Fniday evening an at- tempted break-in was foiled at the residence o! Stanley Dunn, a retined Toronto fireman, 82 High Street. The front door secen was eut, but entny was flot gained because the doon was locked, and the owner o! the bouse was awakened. Mn, Dunn tunned an the ligbts and frigbtened away who- ever had tried ta break in. In- dications wenc that e very graund flooor windaw had been tampened with in an attempt ta open tbem. Ahi wene locked. The Bowmanville Police werc called by Mn. Dunn. Constable K.< R. Freethy is the investigat- jA Ilon SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK w. # 79c<n ASPIRIN tompared fo buyinq ASPIRIN Ini fins of 12 Tablesa FamiIy Size70 100 TABLETS 79C 12 TAILETS 19< 24 TABLETS 29C FAST RELIEF FROM HEADACHE, DISCOMFORTS OF COLDS, NEURITIS, NEURALGIA, AND RHEUMATrism IICwT and softest cyclE Neiaj ~ 'iih Wondersoft* covering YOUR CHOICE 0F 3 SIZES Regular (Blue Panel) j union (Green Panel) Super (Rose Panel) KOTEX W 'on(lerforifll BE LT Beautiful Hair B rings Compliments! Adorn ___1.75 [Enden ________1.69 Quick Home Permanent 2.00 Pin-Quick-----------_ _ 1.75 Nestie Colorinse 15c, 39e Nestie Spnaze -- 69c, 98c, 1.39 Pneil Shampoo- - 35c, 65c, 98c Resdan --- ---- - 1.50 Revion Satin Set---- 1.50, 2.00 Roux Cream Hair Lightener, 1 oz. 75e HALO SHAMPOO Regular 69e bottie 2 for 98C LUSTRE CREME Lotion Shampoo 1.25 value - 99e TONI Home Permanent Plus Applicator 3.00 value ---2.29 Richard Hudnut EGG CREME SHAMPOO or CREME RINSE 1.25 each - -- -98e Helene Curtis SPRAY NET 1.50 size ------98e Max Factor CURL CONTROL 1.75 size 1.49 Miss Clairol Color Shampoo 1.65, 1.85 Rinseaway, 4 oz. _____ 35e Silviknin Shampoo- 15c, 75e Suave -- 60e, 1.00 Tip Toni - - 1.25 Prom __~~~.2.001 Silver Curi 1.75 White Rain Lotion Shampoo- 45c, 75e. 1.25 WI'ite Rain Crystal Clear Shampoo the mly~ baby powdei- ihat 1 Z18?t Il sle éfl -ifù sMOI CORm Z IMC steardilet o, rlc aid1 SIG 10Ooz. HOSPITAL SIZE 4 2OZ. Z. B.T. Baby Powde 69e 59c, 98e1 Save Money on these. '4MNSZ I.D.A. A.B.S. & C. TABLETS, 100's reg. 29ec--23e 10e OFF LYSOT4, regular 79e size 69e BRYLCREEM, 69c size plus comb ----------69C I.D.A. Antacid STOMACH POWDER 4-oz. Reg, 75e -- 59e 16 -oz. Reg. 1.95-- 1.49 GILLETTE SPECIAL! 1.29 Razor Set in Free "Fishin' Kit"' bail, box with (iuld -pla ed Lure. 3.00 value --1.29 PRESCRIPTIONS I.DA. IDOL-AGAR 16-ounce Reg. 98e- 79e 40 ýoune Reg. 1.89 -- 1.591 t-7 '$'MELOBONdDED FOR SUPER STRENGIII DRY-OR WET! j 3 c A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Drugs WA. Deliver Your Locol I.D.A. Drug Store MA 3-5792 q I i t' r 4~*~x*~* y;~2v~- .7.4.%«.1 Vouth (Continued fnom page one) ing with young people. oth4,, fui voices were naised in so 7 showing honoun and praise t thein Maker as one of aur 1 ' Belle, led in singing with Haîk Vanden Gaast at the ongan. The League president, Wietze Luii. stra from Toronto again led the meeting. Prizes o! silver cups wene' pnesented ta the sacieties wn,.I - ning the canipaign o! selling subscnîptions ta the Young Cal- vinîst. First prize went ta Hol. land Marsb Young Peoples' Soi- cieties and the second ta New- market. The winning orato"s again gave their arations and received their pnizes o! books and Book Purchasing Centii-. Rev. R. C. White of Newtonville. Arthur Coflison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO i, -- i TRURMAT, MAT 22n& 1958 PAGE SM Speaker From Harlem j Rail Cali sbowed yaung peoc.ý ple present from n nneteen Chris." tian Refonmed Churches. The main feature o! the evening was the address by Rev. Callender, Negro Evangelist, working in Harlem in New York City among the undenpriviheged. Rev. Callender outlined life ini Harlem and bis wank connect- ed with it, showing the need of mo-e hclp and the challenge it pre.,ented ta those wbo work there. A few minutes afternfine the formai meetings for the day were ended, but before the bus and cars left in their varied W-. rections, those who had gatb- ered had many farewells ta b.d one anothen. Many bad Io-, trips bomeward awaiting the-n but yet around the churcb tbey lingencd rehuctant ta leave. Sa, one of the Centennial memories for the Young people and undoubtedly for mar'%, ., others, wîll be the Youth Rally o! the Simncoe League o! Chiî-i- tian RE-formed Young Peopies' Societies.I