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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 29 May 1958, p. 9

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* --ý -y IUMZ~AT, MAT 2Stb. 1051 TH.E CA.RAflIAN UTAr~MAW mflWM A WWW .1 fl ~ PAGE NflI~I Old Tobacco Board Hog Farmers Reject jans A&erilal .Maps Dutch Clock System rU ~s Ea rI yDisoluion For Marketing Pigs " S County representatives of the lished marketing plan, and they Earl D *s olut*onOntario Hog Producers Associa. would be "1throwing it away". At a meeting in Simcoe last law to wind up the organization. airculating ini the tobacco beit tion at ay meeinni oot APalueyo weki the directors of the aid The passed a resolution ta requestiZ that the oassocia- Wedntesdaotonanofauhe After dlsposing of that ques- ntari0 Flue-Cured Tobacco loan aerial maps, free of charge, tion wind up its affairs. SOiA gintch e adoptiterno 0! li tion by unanimous decisian, the Marketing Association took steps ta the preserit Board for the Liquidation proceedings, when Dutch ocse y pest o eii meeting turned it.s attention ta towards eV.Iy dissolution and 1958 season, in order that they appraved by the members of the assyroposed b propetsors. themrtigveonJlU approve -the Joan of acrial might be put to use immnediate- naw defunet organization, are effect by the cheese and tabac- The question ta be submitted mnapa of4 tobacco farms ta the Iy. expected to settle final disposi- Ca producers o! the province, ta hog producers o! the prov- Ontario Flue-Cured Tobacca To Liquidate tion o! cquipment, assets and but in the discussion it was ince is: "Are you ini favor a: *Growe' Marketing Board. In a second resolution, the any funds that may be distribut. emphasized that hogs have ta te Ontaria hog marketing InacÎe since tobacco grow- directors decreed "that the As- cd ta the members.besdatochnteyrepa? e vot d one year ago ta es- saciation bc voluntariiy wound ready for market, but cheese For this referendumn to carry, tablish the new ali-farmer up and that theClarksan Corn- and tobacco can be held over at least 66 2-3 of the hag pro- Board under the Ontario Farm pany Limited be appointed li iE R Nan trd ducers must vote "yes". The PrdutaMakein Atth ad uiatrsand a meeting of County associations were rep- previaus regulation called for association has remained in a members bc called in the near eetdb rsdnsadsc tlat5 e eto I o atandby capacity. Directors said future ta pasa a resolution for (Intended for last week> resnc ypeiet n e-a es 1prcn !a a that their recent action follow- such purpose. The dedication o! a baptismal rtries, and Federation field- producers, ineluding those who men were also present. Chas. stayed at home indifferent to ___the________________________ Finally, the directors resolvec font was a part o! the regu.lar cnispedd.teqsioadthrsu f cd he rac dur pr scrbed by that upon dissolution, the acr- worship dervîce on Sunday. c i ns p ei e .t e q eto n h e ut c !li quipment be donated ta tht Mr. Bert Luke, o! Toronto, on Lose Personal Touch the balioting. Minister of Agriculture a! On- behal! o! the family. presented The prescrit hog marketing To-,%nship Clerk DRO. 0 ~taria, as trustee for the tobacce the gift in loving memory of systemn provides a pers4inaI ba- Township clcrks will bE! the growing lndustry o! Ontario, ta parents, Mr. and Mrs. Richard sis of seliing, but the Duten Deputy Rcturning Officers, and be used by whatever organiza- J. Luke. dlock method is mchlanical. I. the assessors xiii act as poll tion is from time to time i.n Harold Werry, representing was feit tliat producers would clerký-,. Votcrs lilts will bc pre- charge o! the tobacca grawing the Trustee Board, received the lare a bargaining contact with pared froni the naines of farm.- industry." gift on behal! o! the congrega-[ buyers, ard that the proposed crs xvho have sold hogs during Recently a petition has bee*n tion, and expressed apprecia- change afforded no acivantagr. a specified perioci, and it was tinwh.ere.lin.tat the tathe farmiers. Mr. MeGinnis said thcy nmust bc conmpie Led giftwasparîcuarî apropi- aid sniallcr packing plants werc by M'ay 31, andi posted by Junc, M AN VERS STATION ate since Mrs. Luke had for sa1 noxv takirig up tai 40 lier cesnt of 10. Lists will bci arranged ini many years taught the begin- the hog ofcrings as compared alphabetic order of!the naines Mr...b.Baerad.aml nersy class in the former Ke- wilh the previous 10 ta 20 per of the producing farmers. Oshwa wreweked uetsdron church. He also recalied cent., largely bccause tliey havie ln a practicai maniner, the with her mother, Mrs. W. Brad- offices filicd by Mr. Luke moeacs1atespl.Temehdo h lcinatwI Maybe you are ley. adMr.rvieCaic through ln er in thiscoi- meat packers' council is cspe- bc closcly foliawed. Official re- ____ lnwih msclcalvrpeettieo tcvsino h itwili bci made ~~ ~ driverM and arnil Ora, ere Satur-conrbtosi sl n i larger processîng plants, as Lii- by Juiy 4, and final appeals xii tI~I~Iday guests with Mr. and Mrs. wark. dcTed he meeting . bei dth a- he ard po uly 14-a5-1ting Harvey Aikens, Fallis Line, and Rev. R. H. Riekard spokethie Thmetncnosdhea-h fr pdusmrkig ..but whui about Saturday evening they called on officiai words o! dedication lbe- Sertion of Mr. McGirnis that: board. the hog marketing system naw Naines wili flot bc added to rame of the aid neighbours at fore putting the gift ta imme- in operation affarded produe. the vaters list an voting day th t elow. Manvers. diate use for the christening of crs the braadest degree of con- Juiy 25. Mr. McGinnis suggest- Miss Gertrude Johnston, To- Baby Carol May Mount yra they ever had. If the farm- ed that na farmer who raises No niatter how good a ronto, spent the weekend with daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Perey e rs compromised with the pack- hogs should bc too busy ta get drieryo aeyo'r tk- Mr. and Mis. Alfred Johnston. Mountioy. ers on Dutch dlock selling there out and vote on such an im- drier ou reyoure ak- Mrs. Robt. Baker and fam- The maie quartette and the woîld be no vote on the estab- portant phase of his business. ing dangerous risks if you ili, Oshawa, were visitors with regular chou', with Mrs. R. E. drive without the right her mother, Mrs. W. Bradley, Lee at the organ, added great- e kind of car insurance and over the weekend. iy ta the service with specially enogh ! i. Potet yur- Miss Helen Sutherland, Mrs. chosen musical numbers. el.! g fist. bad l uck- Sutherland and Mr. Gordon William Snowden completed - sefand otr dves' is Horner, Peterborough, spent his term as Sunday SchoolSu Sunday' ana oes. drskeus'bout :ur mot.orner.perintendent and announced The OntariusaabAssessomosHoheid.the Sunday School hour for May r automobile collision, corn- TeOtroAssoshl 25 at 10.45 a.m. Miss Jean Han- preheneive and liability their Convention in Peterbor- cocic was pianist. ough last week, Mr. Alfred ,insurance Johnston, the assessor for Mani- The film was narrated by Mrs. Godo LndViSai"'- vers Township, and Mrs. E. Mountjoy with Vernon Iver- L odnj4i~& Johnston attcnded the luncheon son as projectionist. Adult class held in the Armouries on Tues- discussion is being led this Protection blhes for instance they will only STUARTT IR. JAMES day. akRpr n . month by Alvin Spencer. A nIcan and vigorously grxv- tuse up a third or quarter of Mrs.Jac Ruert nd rs. A bece xas held by the men ing g irden is the best insurance their seed and garden space tle Wiimot Horner attendedth church members on the holi- against bug and discase damage. first week-end, then 10 days or £NS I.RANCE REAL ESTATE Lindsay Collegiate fashion show day, ta erect a fence around the Well spaced, weil cultvated two weeks later make anotheri Office Residence on Friday, when the students additional lots purehased for plants are far les sSusceptible, planting and 10 days later again MA 3-5681 -,,U3 m49 odelied the clothes they made. parking and future use as church ta trouble than negiected pl:ots ._nother. With such cuick grow- Mr. and Mrs. Percy Adams. grounds. This land adjoining overrun with wneds. Prompt ing things as beans, carrots, Ring Street Ci-L w.aIii Toronto, spent the weekcnd the prescrnt property. I dean-up measures, after har- lettuce and beets, they make -~~w anvIIs.with Mr. and Mrs. Frank De- Kedron W.A. bazaar was a' vert or blooming, and in ti rglrpatig ih pt rusha. successful mid-week event in spring and fail wili aira belpi mid-July and they aira use ________________________the Lower Hall on Wednesday greatiy. Many bugs and disease with vegetables like corn, evening. live over in the ground, or ini beOf s and peas, early medium ui d v te F rThose In attendance were weeds aiong the edge of the and late varieties. In this a M ila y V tes Forwelcomed by the PresidentMrs. garden. Cleaning these up re- the baryes! is spi-ead over Lamne Tregunna. General' con'- guiarly will heip greatly in manths instead o! days. venors were Mrs. G. Glover and keepn adn eih.lh Independent A ction Mrs. H. Pascoe. The latter in- However, even a heaithy gar- 'Using a string ta keep veget- troduced Mrs. Harry Meliow den is sometimes attacked and able rows straightan euýr The ladies, bless 'cm, have improved their lot a good from the manse o! Northmin- the best defense here as in spacing withing the rows jr dea micetheday o th ktchn wodtov. Nw rigt, ster Church, Oshawa, who gra- other cases is ta have on hand not jus! fussiness. The wise dealsine te dys f te ktche wodstve.Nowbriht, ciously opened the bazaar. In a supply o! dusts or sprays and gardener docs. this sa that he white appliances stand ready for their command; frozen her rcmarks Mrs. MeUlow men- get these applicd quickly. It Is wiii know where ta cxpect the foods are in the freezer; and little cans o! pre-cooked goodies tioned that thiâbwas anc occa- not necesrary ta have a lot af things he has *planted and thus lime the sheives. sion when IdTrer werc not separate and messy materials. can safeiy cultivate even be- Maks yu ondr hy he ned astve ! hi a particularly seeking bargains, At any seed store, one can get fore they came up. ca-pnana eyuw ndies ytahe eat te igt do fine! but rather joînimg in 'the effort handy combmnatiom commercial Corn and potatoes and many can-penr an a ew andls t hea thm mght o fne! ta boas! the Woman's Associa- mixtures which will take care other- things, and especialiy the Actall, al hes kichn iproemetsarea god tion contribution ta the life o! of aimas! amy attack. The main firs! sawing, may take a week Actaly, llthee itcenimpovmens re god the church. thing is ta start control mea- or mare ta show up. If wc wait thing. With fcwer choires at the stove, milady hasmuch Those prescrit, though mot In sures jus! as soon as the first until they are piainly seen we more time ta cnjay life, and who can blame her for takimg the usual large numbers, rer- ijury appears. Tréatment is may have a weed battie on aurI advantage a! pragress? A wife should have independence; pamded wcul, and the Associa- mat expensive. hands. If we mark the raws and it makes for happiness ail around. tion wishes ta take this appar- Sprcad Them Out know that each hill within the tunity ta express sincere appre- Gardeners who want ta get row i5 say 18 inches or two Nowadays, if the modern wife wamts ta visit in the ciation ta the friends who camne the mas! ou! o! their vegetables. fee! apart, te ccngo ha nex! city, she gaies; if she feels a new ha! comning on, she busy and toalal who danated articles and the longes! display o! bioomn and cuitivate right !rorn plant- it without reference ta the Master for evcery penny she wants for sale.1 from their flowers make a re- ing time and weed killing will ta specd. That's fimancial independence. A wife likes ta Tea was served froni a table gular practice o! sowing a! leas! be no trouble a! ail. As a mat- centred with spring !howers. two or three timer. In vegeta- ter a! fac!, anc is quite safe ta feel she hasn't las! ail lier independence ta become jus! a During the evening Mre. E. Da- tocs i htl ornt avedros fo huw!e.vis, Mrs. E. Love, Mrs. R. Rîck- p the fîrs! time or two. You know, it's surprising how quickiy this "Independent" ard and Miss Beatrice Mount- .G..e. ...m.Room feeling grows whiem siliebas ber own Bank of Montreai sav- vices. Convenors o! tie varions 4 -- . at people tend ta plant ings accaunt. Shie depasits smnall amnounts regularly, and booths were: Plants, Mrs. Wm. sceds too clore tagrether and 1 whien she wants ready cash for a new lia! or a pair of shocs, Woodward; fish pond, Mrs. Win. SOMetîmes With very fine seed i cm on Saturda.y aftemnoon -for Plumber or JJURU douler have- a-n--inch or so bewec;n Miss Marilyn Davies, Oshawa, for full information or write them. Remove haif o! the plants V igo O ilby ber mother, a! their home,j for FREE falder, «Ruaning later on for the f irs! meais. V i o uHarmony. ane, h Farm Necesit". TNXT WEEK-Still Lots o! with their daughtcrs. weicame SERVICE STATION guests in the communi!y are CORN 0F ANVES RAI)Mrs. Sommerville, New Brun- MORRISI- ANDl FIFTH CONCESSION in the Harold Carr home anid Mrs. L. Van de Plas, from the euaSndvs; Phone MA 3-29Y9 Netherlands, a! the home a! held a! 10 a.m. on May 25, t'.e Lawrence Van Monsjou. n~fumber pre,"nt xvas smaller Mm. and Mms. Ber! Luke. To- - than usual. Service was con-' Vigor dcedQ49eRv.A . ad ronto, were Sundayv guests of utdb i e.A .Hr- Mm. and Mrs. Clarence Werry. îng. Selection given by the jun- 9 GAL. Mr. and Mre. Gilbert Gibson, i or choir, "The Lord is My' StandardTootMs ey Mountjoy, Shepherd", was much appre-, 1OC i.ucîudin tas Toron, Miss OBieyLue ciated.1 Londo .an d Miss Ol vereTo Sunday School was held at .,G aiso>line Norto and Craig. Markham, 11 ajn. %vith 53 present and con- 3 4 pf ~~- onaM. and Mrs. W. vesount-1passat a hnrgl !aniiiy on Sunday a! the home Mrs. Fred MeComneil. June le! I Vigor Supeà . o UMPS &SOMMEER! tecestk adyof h - JhnMor9w OGAL, asLIMITED Pr 8 wiil be no church service until. 1 C neludng tas a holiday gues! at the Harvey LONDON CA N A D Sunday, June 22. Service for. Pasoehoe._Test___ Sunday, June 8th is withdrawn 4 3G in favour o! Welcomc Sprumg ComIetbrication at a Reasonabi. Price. hpe oele ~ J A CK B RO U H Anniversary. Compete^]Wishipen re s, clledbe-Our public school softbafl STOVE OJL AVAILABLE IN ANY QUANTITY cause originally they had quar- PLUMBING and EREATING teamn has been on the winning AT THE STATION ters aniidships. side o! two games played re- 1! is always casier ta believe Division Street South centiy a! Zion and Part Bri- OPEN VENIGS Af SIJDATS than ta deny. Our minds are 341 OMNILLE tain. This caming Friday theyl oirr Y N S A D S R A S natumally affirmative.- John. A35l OMN mec! Canton and !rom expres- 4etiha as n d by ourtem.Th)à will be a much stronger teamn ta mec!. Howevcr we wish you good luck, Morrish. There is a pair o! pesky star- lings determined ta take pas- sesion o! aur mail-box. Day after day we clear ou! half a box a! hay, grass and rubbish. With no mail caming or going aver the long weekend passer- sioni was taken for gmam!cd and one pretty blue, egg was laid 'onily ta be brushed away when Iwe malied five letters that Imorning. Imagine aur feelings -when later in the day we found ae1 ur mail scattered and pushcd ,o ou! and amother nes! ready for 5. Mrs. Starllng. Four letters we ,dfound, but the fifli an air mail, -may be travelling. Advice fmomn a fmiend, burn suiphur in box. We did-resuht ta date a dlean box. We pass liii on ta other {victime, )rI86 Hoisteins , Bring $29,400 ,lopPrice $500 dl Buyers Thurday paid $29,- 400 for 86 purebred Hç.Irteini cattie at the annuial auction sale a! Markhamn. IDonald J. Metcai! of Bow- manville paid top price a! $500, dlThe animais we1ec consigîid by e-;six Ontario hospitai farms. ,Profit System clAnalyzed at Farm Union JPrcscmt prîce and profit sys- tcmn was discussed a! Cartwright Far-m Union Local 73 by Percy 51 J. Rowe o! Janetville. The meet- ting was hcid in Blackstock, Wcdmesday, May 7th. He gave illustrations o! the system's contradictions, anomal- ies, adsurdities, and grave de- fects and abuses. He had matie- cd as a boy on the farm that whcn there was a goad drap, the prîce wem! dawn. "A gaod crop instead o! beîng a biessimg, under a sane economnic system, is actually a caiamnity, and the harder the work, the more rkiii and enemgy we put into aur ef- forts, the poorer we must be- came and when the children in aur great cities cry for bread, thc answer is "No, you CaîÂ't have amy because we have go! too much". In the grea! depression o! the Ithirties. the 'U.S.A., witiî 30 mil- lion people meceiving relie! in variaus ways, and therefare undernourishcd and inadequ- ately houscd and ciothed, des- troycd huge quantities o! Cot- ton, fruit aiid gî in an effort ta kcep up prices. This gave rire ta Gea. Bernard Shaw's, remark, "The Other Pianets use This World for a Lunatic Asylum". 'This situation can be reine- died only thraugh ever increas- ing arganizationai ac!ivity. lHere, he gave a forceful qu notation from. Shakerpeare, "Yicid mot Thy Neck Fartune's Yoke, bu! le! the dauntiers mind, stili ride in Triumph over ahi Mirchance." He discussed rail analysis, air drainage, chemnicai Vrersus fat- ural fertilizers, mulching, and iilus!rated from. his own exper- iences a! Viewlake in the four main branches o! horticulture, fruit, vegetables, !lawers and omnamental rhrubs. What Others Say ROMANCE OF THE FARM Saint John Telegraph -Journal. How impoverlshed is the city dwellcr who bas mat, even as a child, had the priviiege of a few weeks or years oiý a famni. He lias mis;sed s0 much that is gaad. He does mot kîiow dawn. H-e has neyer had a breakfast iin the trite sense, a- welcome aiid hearty n.eal after the earl.y chore,5, nom tasted rorn on the cob as it realy jr - the pot should be boiling before an car is cnt. He bas neyer snrelled richi soul frerh turîîcd by the plo-, fol! the satisfaction of pittiîîg muscle agains! a farkful at hay under a ho! s,.n, marveied at nfizht at a peace that jr tangible ùnd a sky jammed with stars. H èalth Unit Outtines Situation on Rabies Telis You W haf' To Do Rabies Is a fatal disease a!- fecting wild and dome.qtic an- imais ad transmitted ta man thmough: (a) bites and scratches, (b) the saliva, (c) handling carcasses o! in!ected animals. This infection among animais bas been confirmed during rc- cent monlis in rame parts o! Ontario ta a greater exten! than previously cxperienccd, states a recent report from Northumber- land-Durham Health Unit. The mas! beavily in!ected arcas in- clude Muskoka, Sîmcoc, Parry Sound and Prescat!. To date sparadic infections have aIra been reparted ini Algoma, Carie- ton, Essex, Fronter.3e, Glen- garry, Lanark, Manitoliin, Nip- issing, Northumberland, On- tario, Renfrew, Russell, Star. mont, Victoria, Y ork anîd Water- ioo. In conseqiience. an increas- ing ilum-ber o! persans have been exposed ta infection, icee- sitatinig, in san1e cases,, theetise' o! rabies vaccinie as a prevent- ive measurr. During ftie coiniingnioiiths niany people will use the above nieutiane' areas for camping and other outdaor reereational purouits. 1! jr therefare desir- able that ail perrons resident cr thase procceding as campers oin hoLidays ta the areas referred ta, shotild undlertand and act ini accardance %vith the foilow- 1. Ail wild and domestic an- imais are subject ta the disease. 2. Discourage the coaaing of. playing with, ar handiing o! wild animais or any !ound dead. (Chiidrcn shouid be partic- ularly warned in this regard.) 3. Family pets, cats and dogs, in or being taken ta areas in- fected should bei previously vac- cinated agains! rabies by your veterinarian. 4. Bites and scratches from amy animal incurred whcre abid animais have been discovcred, should bc reported as soon as h1ave opdnings for a few more contracts in Bowmanville area We #hJuild a six-i-ri reinforced, poured wall. Prercntly working at J. Brown's Farin, Newcastle Edgar Prescotts Farni, Enfielci McCANN BROS. 224 WILLIAM ST. PIIONE 4621 STRATFORD and the concerned Miedical Of. ficer of Heal+h. 5. Abnormal behaviour of any animal, wild or domestic, or the presence of any sick or dead wild animais should be reportcd immediately to the nenrest Health of Animais Veterinarian (Canada Department of Agri- culture); the Game Warden; the representative of the Depart- ment of Lands and Forest; or the local police. REMEMBER that opce the symptoms of rabies l*ave de- veloped in man there is no known cure. Proper preventive measures taken iù time, rnay save a life. PRACTISE CAUTION, AVOID ALARM. 13enevolence lm the distli.- guishîng characteristic of mani. As ernbodied in man's conduct, it ie called the path oi duty.- Mencius. ~L~R~T~G FY~ITIRING - REPAIP.S i THE FORTY-SEVENTII ANNUAL BROOKLIN SPRING FAIR BROOKLIN COMMUNITY PARK *SAT., JUNE 7th, 1958 PARADE IN AFTERNOON TIEAVY AND LIGHT HIORSES BEEF AND DAIRY CATTLE' Ladies' and Childreri's Classe% Prize List mnay be ohtained froni the Sccretary HORSE RACING IITBY BRASS BAND wvill bc in iiiendance INTERNIEDIATE SOFTBALI, MERRY-60-ROUND - LACROSSE Exhibition Gaine ini Evening- Brooklin vs. Whitby ADMISSION TO FAIR - Àdults 50e - Autos 25c Childrcn under 12, 25c HEBER DOWN God Save The Quecn RALPH E. MOWBRA) Answer This Question!. Would you give your neighhour the returns thal you receive for the milk front one of your cows, as breeding fees for your herd each year ? THAT WOULD BE ABOUT $300.00 TO $400.00 li's notl ikely you would. Then why not sell yotir herd sire today, and brepd your cows artificially. At the most he is only saving you your service fees. You can have the scrvice of hi.ghly provcîi sires and highly sclected young sires through the .Quinte District Cattie Breeding Association Holstei, Jersey, Ayrshire, Guernssy, Duatl Purpose Shorthorn, Scotch Shorthorn and Hereford huils avilahIa. 'For Service or Further Information cali: DUIHAN COUNTY KEITH WOOD __________ORONO 17110 JAAN TAAVET ____ WELCOME 2231 DICK WOOD ---__ BOWMAN VILLE MArket 3.3405 h r.LiCTRIC&jCfflj'RACTINGý -VE qWAT, MAT 20tit, lon TRE CABAMMAN STATZ3MP.W. SOIVIIAMVnd,]L CllqrrAIUO 1 1 1 mamm m

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