- ~ >,.- PAGE YOUhTr v THURSDAY, MAY 2Oth. US TECANADIMi STATPESDMN OWMAnva!LE.ONTAItT Birthis BRUNT-Mr. and Mrs. Car] Brunt are happy ta announce the birth of their son Barry Arthur on May 11, 1958, at Memoriai Hospital, Bowman- ville. 22-1 DICKEY-Etwyn and Dorothy (nec Stainton) are happy to announce the arrivai of their daughter, Velma Anne on May 15, 1958, at Memoriai Hospital, Bowmanville. 22-1* HARTLEY-Roy and Retta (ne Cann) arc happy Io announce the arrival of a son, Stephen Percival, 7 lbs., 7½, oz., on Sat- urday, May 24th, 1958, at Osha- wa General Hospital. 22-1 LARMER-Margaret and Ralph arc happy to announce the birth of a brother for Sharon, John and David on Saturday, May 24th at Oshawa Gencral Hos- pital. 22-i QUINNEY-Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Quinncy (nec Kathleen F'enton) are happy ta announce the birth of their son, Paul Allan on Saturday, May 24, 1958 in Memorial Hospital. 22-1 ROW-Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Rowe (nec Joyce Purdy) are happy to announce the birth of a son, Victor John on May i9th at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville. E g g m ns22-11 Mr. and Mrs. F. Elmer Cox wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter Faye Arlene, to Mr. Harry Ernest Glasgow, Ottawa, son of Mrs. Glasgow and the late Mr. Allan P. Glasgow, Richmond Hill, Ont . The marriage will take place June 14th at 4 p.m. 22-1* Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Pol- lock announce the engagement of their daughter Shirley Mac ta Mr. Gerald Wesley Brown, son of Mr. and Mrs. James T. Brown, Newcastle. The mar- rnage will take place on Satur- day, June 28, 1958, at 4 o'clock in Trinity United Church, Bow- :manville, Ontario. 22-1* Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brown, ]Pontypool, Ontario, wish ta an- nounce the engagement of their cldest daughter Laura Effie, ta Mvr. William Ingram, son of 2Ifrs. George Ingram and the late George Ingram of Reaboro, Ontario. The marriage ta take - place June 21, 1958, at 2 o'clock at the home of the graam's par- ent. 22-1* Mr. and Mrs. Gardon G. Strong, Blackstock, Ontario, an- »nounce the engagement of their daughter Beverley Phyllis ta Mr. Donald William Sinclair, son of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sin- clair, Cambray, Ontario. The xnarriage will take place June 21, 1958, at 3 o'clock in Black- stock United Church, Black- stock, Ontario. 22-1* In Memoricam PALLIS-In loving memary of a dear mother, Lucy E. Pallis, who departed this life May 27, 1956. Though absent, you arc ever near, Still mîssed, stili loved and! ever dear. -Lovingly remembercd by Em- ily and Ted. 22-1M FOWLER-In loving memory of an only daughtcr and sister Mrs. Elmer Fowler, R.N, wha passeçi away May 30, 1957. She went away without farewell She said goodbye ta none, But hcaven's gates werc open' And a loving voice said come. .-Sadly missed by mother, Mrs. Chas. Harris and brother Frank, Orono. 22-1 FRANKLIN-In loving memory of a dean wife and mother, Mabel May Wilkins Franklin, who departed this life, June ist, 1955. She bas gone across the river To the shore of ever green, And wc long ta sec hem dear face But the river flows betwecn. Some day, some time, we shall sec The face we lovcd so well, Some day we'll clasp ber laving hand And neyer say farewell. -Ever remembered by Russell, Nina, George, Roy, Anne and Family. 22-1* IIUGHSON, Sidney-In loving inemory of a dean husband and father *ho passed away May 2Mt, 1957. Truc was bis heant, bis actions kind His life was a pattern ta those lcft bebind Beautifu.l mcmorîes are treasured ever 0f happy days when we were together. -Sadly missed by wife, son and lamuly. 22-i PRESTON-In loving maemory of my husband Stanley G. Pres- ton, wha passed away June Znd, 1956. God knew that you were suffering. The bis were hard tai clumb; He closed your weary cyclids And wbispercd "Peace be thine". And rny mother, Sarah Jane Gilders who passed away Juneý lst, 1940. --Not forgotten. Mrs. Stanley G. Preston. 22-1* SCOITT.-In loving mnemory of a dear brother, Thannie, who pasaod .uddenly June lst, 1953. Misuiemory is as dear to-day As i the hour he passd away. -Always remembered by sister Vletsand tamil . 2e Deaths1 Articles for Sale 1COLWILL-At the home of ber 1 SILO hoops. Phone MA 3-2169. daughter, Mrs. Bruce Yeo, R.R.j 22-i r1, Onono, on Saturday, May 24.1 t1958, Lila Vietta Colwill, in ber P URNACE and pipes, $25.00. -7th ycar, bcloved wife of the MArket 3-2944. 22-i 1late Clifford Colwill and dearI mother of Ruby and Ruth1~'51 HILLMAN Minx, $150. Sec Brue eo, . tRh1 Oon ,.n it at 187 King St. East. 22-1* dear grandmothen of Cèarol, BABY carniage in good con- Grant and Marie. Service was dition. 12 Liberty St. South. rheld at the Morris Puncral. 22-1*1 1Chapel, Bowmanvillc on Mon- >day, May 26 at 3:30 p.m. Inter- DION mill and swathen. E. ment Hampton Cemctcny. 22-i Bradburn, R.R. 3, Burkcton. 22-i * GRAHM, obct G.At ew-PEAT mass, $ 1.00 per bushel, castle on Wednesday, May 28th, eiee.PoeM -71 1958, Robert G. Graham, belove ired , hn 2 -71. husband of the late Louisa 21________________ Graham, dean fathen of Melvin DRY ligbt wood, stove length, of Newcastle; Marjonie (Mrs. $10 load delivered. Phone MA LRussell MeNcil), Oshawa; Aileen 3-2849. 12-tf (Mrs. Clarence Turner), Bow- t manville, and dear uncle of CHROME kitchen table, green Charles Alldred of Newcastle, in Arborite top. Phone MArket bis 82nd year. Resting at North- 13-3155. 22-i cutt & Smith Puneral Horne, 53j Divsio St, owmnvileServ- WILTON rugs with pads, wine, ice Pniday, May 3th at 2:30I tone on tone, 7' x 9' and 9' x V1. p.m. Interment Bowmanville! MA 3-5001. 22-1* Cemeery.22-iGREENHOUSE plants for sale, 1 81 Hunt St., corner of Base Line.j iHENNING-At 52 Duke St., Phone MA 3-5322. 20-tf IBowmanville, on Thunsday, May 22, 1958, Ross Edwand Henning, APARTMENT size Gurney gas in bis 4lst ycar, beloved son of range, studio couch, maroon. the late Mn. and Mrs. Samuel Phone MA 3-3259. 22-1* Henning and dean brother of - - Harold, Alberta (Mrs. Hugo 400 CEDAR posts. Also Hydro Hoffman), Norman, Gardon pales. Apply Ivan Mountjay. Ainsley, Ruth (Mrs. Jack Hall; Telephone Blackstock 87 r 4. and the late Lottie (Mrs. M. 20-tf Anderson). Service was hcld SAVE on lumber, direct frani at the Morris Funeral Chapel, imilI ta you. Phillips Lumber Bowmanville on Saturday, May Ca., Kinniaunt, Ontario. Phone 24 at 2:30 p.m. Interment Bow- 17 r i1. i3tf manville Cemetery. 22-1 _______________ KEYS eut automatically, wbile MACKLIN-At Memorial Hos- you wait, at Mason & Dale Hard- pital, Bowmanville, on Monday, ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- May 26, 1958, S. Winnifned Culv- ville. 46-tf cm in ber 7lst year, belovcd wifc of Harold G. Macklin, R. R.6, HARD and soft water delivcred. Bowmanville. Service was hldc Prompt service. Robert H. Cale. i at the Morris Puneral Chapel j Phone MAnket 3-5476 or MA Bowmanville on Wednesday, 3-5805. 48-tf May 28 at 2 o'clock. Interment UNITED bybrid sced corn, grassI Union Cemetcry,. Cobourg. 22-1 seeds for summer pasture. Apply Swain Seed Cleaners. Phone SIMMONS-At Cobourg, -Ont., Blackstock 89 r il. 20-3* on Sunday, May 25th, 1958,1 earsPop Morley A. Simmons, beloved ELECTRICAL RpisPop husband of Anna Rita Gibson, service ta electrical appliances, dean fathen of Marion (Mrs.1 large and small. Landen Hard- Leonard Williams) of Peter- wanc. Phone DMA 3-5774. 43-tf boroug; John of Long Branch;l Beverley (Mns. Allan Gaucher); INSULATION, blowing metbod, Janet (Mrs. Robent Rankin) and with rock wool. Workmanship William, ail of Toronto. Loy-1 guananteed. F r e e estimates. ing brother of Della (Mrs. Gar- Harry L. Wade. Phone Clankel1 net Mastin) of Pnescott and 2420. 39tf Fern (Mrs. Robent Graham) of HAIGadsrie etn Bowmnvile.Son of John service and complete stock of Archibald Simmons and the batteries and cords at Higgon late Jennie Collins. Service Elcctric Limited, 38 King St. E., was held at the Warner Funerai Bowmanville. Telephone MA Home, Nonwood, on Tuesday, 3-5438. 20-tf May 27th. Interment Norwood _______________ Cemetery. 22-i DO your own floors and rugs- ecnt a sanden, floor polisher or' WIDDECOMBE-At Civic Hos- rug cleaner (shampoo mcthod)j pital, Peterborough, on Priday, from Lander Hardware, 7 King May 23, 1958, Manjanie Louise St., E., Bowmanvillc. Phone Pointen, agcd 56 years, beloved, MA 3-5774. 20-tf wife of George Widdecombe,-_____________ 191 King St. E., Bowmanvillc, ADDING machines, typewnitcrz, and dean mother of Marion cash r egi st erns, calculators, (Mrs. A. P. Logan), Peter- cheque wniters, filing cabinets,1 borough; Marguerite (Mrs. H. office furniture. New and used. C. Bradley), Bo w ma n ville; Repairs toalal makes. Frank Geongina (Mrs. G. Dunford), Office Equipment, 177 Chunch Huntsville; and dean sister of Street, Bowmanville. MArkzet Dr. H. W. Pointen, Woodville. 3-3986- 8-tf Service was beld at the Morris CHESTERFIELD suites, $119; Funeral Chapel, Bowmanville, bedroom suites, $89; chrome on Monday, May 26 at 2 o'clock. kitchen suites, $59; G.E. polish- termen Bw2avi -1 ere-rs $42.95. Trade-in allowancc. ter. 2-1Uscd - Frigidaire, like new; Tener W ntd hesterfield, 16-foot înboard Tenders______________cruiser Murphy Ca., King West. MA 3-3781. 21-1* SEED POTATOES P.E.I. Poundation and Certified Cobblers, Sebagos & Kathadin R. C. GRAHAM Canada PHONE MArket 3-2473 16-tf Tenders for the Suppiy of Coal, Coke, Fuel 011 and Propane Gas BOWMANVILLE Home Im- provements-We carry a com- for the Federal Buildings plete line of floor and wall tiles, Throughout the Province linoleums, "Vina" rug floor cov- of Ontario erings, aluminum windows and doors, awnings and railings. SEALED TENDERS addressed Complete installations. For freeI ta the undersigned and cndorsed estimates telephone MAnket as abave, will be received in the 3-2753 or drap in at 22 Division office of the Secntary until 3:001 Street. 21-tf JUNE 12, 1958, for the supply of coal, Icoke, fuel ail and propane gas for Pederal Buildings throughout the Province of On- tario. Porms of tenders with specifi- cations can be obtained from the Chief of Punchasing and Stores, Department of Public Works, Garland Building, Otta- wa, and the District Architect, Dcpartment of Public Works, 385 Yonge Street, Toronto, On- tario. Tenders wvll not be considened unlcss made on the printed 1 forms supplied by the Depart- ment and in accondance wt the conditions set forth thin. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Robert Portier, Chief of Administrative Services and Seetary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, May 14, 1958. 21-2 Piano Tuning ARTHUR Collison. Telephane MArkct 3-3900. 35-tf Business Opportunity Raise Nutria for Profit Write Meadowbrae Nutria Fur Farms Canada's Forcmost Breeders Sales Office No. 316 67 YONGE ST. TORONTO 20-Vf GRAVEL Chips - Thrce-quarter Stone Sand - Road Gravel LELAND PAYNE SAND AND GRAVEL Newtonville - Phone Clarke 1304 13-tf TURKEYS Junior Roasters 6 ta 10 Ibs. dressed PHIL FINNEY MAPLE GROVE Phone MArket 3-5058 19-tf FUEL OIL STOVE OIL Automatie Metered 24-Hour Delivery Servpice A. H. STURROCK AND SONS SIMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Phone MA 3-5516 Sturroci St. BOWbMANVILLE iAricles for Sale TOMATO, cabbagc and cauli- flower plants, one and haif cents each. Henry Ashton, Haydon. 22-1 BALED hay, straw, rye, cob corn, and hay fork rope. Tele- phone MA 3-2868. J. A. Rose-, vear. 22-1 FOUR-roomed bouse, $500, to be removed; also one cabin.1 Apply Sam Manetta, Ponty- pool. 22-1 CASE 28-46 thresher, on rub- ber; grain thrower, 10-20, Inter- national, on rubber. MArket 3-2271. 22-1* WOODS deep freeze, 15 cu. ft., almost new- under guarantee. Best offer. ý1rs. J. Lai ofe, R.R. 2, Newcastle. 22-1* LADY'S wrist watch, Roman, in good condition. Bill Weston, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. Group Box 6, Box 1. 22-1* SINGLE cabin, 8' x 10', in ex- cellent condition, -wircd for hydro, $125. Apply J. R. Met- calfe, AMA 3-2439. 22-1 ONE used Case Side Rake, used Oliver Tractor, used "45" Baler, used refrigerator; wire fence. W. H. Brown, 91 King St. W., Bowmanvillc. Phone MArket 3-5497, 22-1 TWO demonstrator roto-tillers; one shoulder mounted spraycr at greatly reduced prices Sec at Ripley's corner of 401-High- way and Rickard Road. F. Marti Nursery. Phone MA 3-5012 or MA 3-2563. 22-1 HEAVY duty, portable, electric sewing machine, used very little, $45.00. Write Advertiscr 815, c/o The Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville or telephone Oshawa RA 5-3494 evcnings. 22-if SELLING out garden-Good selection of choice perennials, 3 for 1.00; Giant Pacific del- phiniums, hibiscus, buddeia, lup- i, chrysanthcmums, etc. Ex- hibition dahlias, 4/1.00. Mrs. Abrams, 3 Chui-ch St. 22-11 POURTEEN-foot Peterborough boat with windshicld, centre deck lights and safcty cushions with a 15 h.p. Evinrude motor, heavy duty Gator trailer. Can be scen at 76 Scugog St., or tele- phone MArket 3-3817. 22-1 LARGE trailer with stock rack, hand seed drill, nearly new; large grain box, steel lined; six- piece kitchen set, McClary "'Roy- al Escort" cook stove, drop- Ical table; all good condition. Mr-. Sam Geach,' Kendal, tele- phone Orono 29 r 1. 22-1 SEALY mattresses, $39.95; G. E. polishers, $42.95; two-picce1 chcsterfields, $119;- c hr om e kitchen sets, $49; trade-ins, chcstcrfield, book-case, dinette suite, odd chair, vacuum dlean- er, 7 cu. ft. elcctric rcf(rigerator.1 Murphy Co., King W., Phone MA 3-3781. 22-1* USED FARM EQUIPMENT Tractors FORD WITH HYDRAULIC PLOW FARMALL CUR with one-furrow plow and scuffier MA CHINERY No. 45 INTERNATIONAL P.T.O. BALER No. 76 New Holland BALER Engine Dniven 7 ft. INTERNATIONAL CULTIVATOR an rubber INTERNATIONAL 6 ft. Horse-drawn MOWER with Tractor Hiteh SPECIAL! New 7 ft. INTERNATIONAL TRACTOR MOWER Model 21U $Z75.00 2-row CORN PLANTER Special - $85-00 COWAN EQUIPMENT CO. 134 King St. E., Bowmanvifle Phone MA 3-56892-1 Seed for Sale SEED CORN Grow extra tons per acre with FUNK'S HYBRIDS For grain or ensilage High ln sugar content ",Proved the best by test" Agrico and CI.L Fertilizers GARNET RICKARD R.R. 4 BOWIMAN VILLE Telephone MArket 3-2813 21-21 Morrtaaes BRICK work and piastering. Norman Pingle, 72 Elgin St. Phone MA 3-5518. 10-tf CUSTOM corn planting, new' Precision four-row corn planter. Phone Fred Berry, Orono 1 r 10. 21-2* PLUMBING, heating, caves- troughing; free e s ti m a t e s. Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf FOR any electrical work, new or rewiring, also appliancre paired. Free estimate. Tele- phone Jim Colliss, MA 3-2891. 18-tf COLOURED patio slabs sold and laid. Brick and stone barbecues for sale. For free estimates and dellvery telephone Oshawa RA 3-3291 collect. 15-tf EXPERT watch, dlock and jeweilery repair. MacKaye's Watch & Clock Clinic. Watches, dlocks, jewellery and Ronson lighters. Orono, Ont. 8-tf SALES girl for ladies' wear in' Bowmanville. Experiencedpr manent position. Write AXdver- tiser 814, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 22-1l SIXTEEN-year-old high school student, with three summers farn- experience wants farm cmployment. Dairy farm pre- ferred. "Non-smoker". Phone Oshawa RA 5-1722. 22-1 EARN $10 in profit on $20 sales. Established districts available. 170 Rawleigh Products, full or part time. No money needed. Write Rawleigh's Dept. E-140- HH, 4005 Richelieu, Montreal. 22-1 Ken Ashmore Paving' Asphait Sldewalks - Drlveways Etc. - Free Estimates Phone RA 8-8412 OSHAWA 2-1 Bowmanville Studio PHOTOGRAPHY Aduit and Chlldren's Portraits Weddlngs - Photo Copylng PHONE MArket 3-3672 19-4* Masonry and Concr6ee NEW OR REPAIR Prompt Service - Estimates Fre L. TURNER P.O. Box 1083 Phone 3-58201j Evenings MA 3-5605 1 22-11 Plastering Repairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEW WORK HOUSE at 3 George St. Apply1 5 George St. Phone MA 3-3387.1 22-11 FOR moderate priced homes and buildings Phone RAndolph 5-9877, Oshawa. 18-tf IF YOl) WANT TO BUY OR SELL PROPERTY lic il ORONO Evans PHONE 33 -171 -Broker 13-tf1 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties So1d, Rented Managcd and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle. Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf FOR sale-Brick house ceritrally located at 89 Queen Street, 8 rooms, full basement, oil fired hot air furnace, garage and good garden lot. Price 13,500.00 furn- ished or would sell unfurnish- ed. For furthcr particulars tele- phone MA 3-3861. 22-1* Pet er Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. L. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - 3. A. Barton MA 3-3098 Beautiful brick home, very centrally located. Consists of 3 bedrooms and 4 piece bath upstairs. Lovely living-room with fireplace, dining-room, large modemn kitcVen, sun porch, attached garage. Heated by forced air with oul. 2-piece bath and laundry room in base- ment. This is truly an cxcep- tional buy at only $13,500.00 with $3,500.00 down and goodi payments. 7 room beautiful brick with ail conveniences. Attached ga- rage. Oil heating. On large lot. Outskirts of town. Only $ 10,500.00. V.L.A. possibilities. 6 room 1 ½ -storey home on 2 acres close to school. Heavy duty wiring, water in bouse. This is a good, buy at only $6,500.00. Terms arranged. Lot 100' x 165' on Martin 'Road. Only $2,000.00. Here is a real buy! 3 bcd- room bungalow with basementi and oil furnace. Needs some finishing. Only $6,800.00. Terms. 10 acres with a nice 3 bcd- room brick bungalow and barn. Ail city conveniences. Goodu road. Only $14,000.00. Terms. 22-1 De With Real Estate! 50 acre farm, 40 acres work- R. L. TAFT able, spnings, 62' x 32' bank 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 barn, machine shed, bien bouse; 6-tf 8 roomcd stone bouse with funnace, heavy wired. Water in kitchen. Asking $10.000.1 MOVED TO NEW LOCATION Terras. Save oneyat 1100 acre fanm, 50 acres of Save Mney a wonkable land, remainden in Daves She Reair ood nd pasture, stream, 54'x 32 ank barn, implement shed, Fast, Prompt Service etc.; 7 raamed frame bouse with 26 Ontario St. Bwavlefumnace, hcavy wiring. Pnice Bow-anvlle$7,000 wîth termas. Corner King and Ontario 86 acre farm combined with 15-tf auto wrccking business as a go- ing cancemn with a large stock of new and used parts, tools, 25 R epair Services head of cattle, etc.; 6 raomed ranch style bungalow with al Ail Types of Carpentry conveniences. 4 naomed bouse Cabinets, Concrete Work, etc. for bired man, lange barn, etc. DON SPENCER Price and ternis anrangcd. 30 Slve ~.MA -341 j90 acre farmi located on No. 2 30 Slve St MA3-3111and 401 Highway with gaod Bowmanville bank barn, large lien bouse; 8 22-2 roomcd brick home with con- veniences. Price and termas ar- WOMEN, full or part time, ta ranged. repeset ladig Anercancos 100 acre dainy fanm, 86 acres repntilemadng ANomeiangs-wonkable, L-shapcd bank barn meti copan. N ddvcnng1with running watcn, machine non collecting of moncy. High- shed, garage, ikhue8 est commissions and you choose romd r m os i boue; your own working bours. Our raced fraebous eecwth furnt- proven sales plan guarantees ae, 4 eebath, clectnic wat steady, repeat, ?ear-round bus c eat1,0.hadwea fos. mness. For cmlt details 8 raomcd brick bouse in vil- write Det Y, Peggy Newton lage on lange lot with bard- (Canada) Ltd., Dundas, Ontario. wood and tile floons, 4 piece 22-1 bath, ail fumnace, modern kitch- en, electnie water heaten. Pnice DELIERY SERVCE $10,500 with terns arrangcd. way wcst of Bowmanville, full B owmanville' f o basernent, hardwood floors, 3 Oshawa Daily er heater, modern kitchen, al Oshawa Daily insulated. Asking $9,000 with WEEK DAYS $1,500 down. Havecails ln by 12 noon 5 roomned, new, ranch style SATURDAYS - 9:30 a.m. bungalow at Maple Grave with LOCAL AND large kitchen, large bedroonis, LONG DISTANCE MOVING ail fumnace, full basement, 4 A. D. BROOKING piece bath, hardwood and tile TELEPHONE MArket 3-3821 trie water beater, aluminum 280 LibertY St. N., Bowmanville starms and sereens. Asking; 18-tf pnice $12,000 with ternis arrang- cd. 5 roomed, new, brick veneer bungalow in Bawmanville with Mann"s tue faonrs, 4 piece bath, ail leannriConracors furnace, modern kitchen with Cleanig Confacfors buiit-in eupboards, electrie at Commercial and Industrial cm bheater. Asking pnice $11,500 with ternis anranged. Floor, Window and 5 raomed, wcll kept borne in Wall Wa.hlnt Service t Newcastle with ail furnace, Ihardwood and tule floons, 4 piece RESIDENTIAL bath, electnic watcn beater, ful Wall Washing, Window Cleanint basement, stonms and .screens.1 and Storm Wlndow Service Large size lot.. $8,500 witb 1$1,000 down. For Information eail Besides above mentioned we have appraximately 200 morel S teven's Taxi propenties ta choase froni. MArket 3-5822 Contact: Stores, Offices, Factories, Hoe j John F. De Wifh IMMEDIATELY available for Lost finst martgage, $4,000, on im- praved town or rural property. DURHAM cow, alI red, with Pive year open, interest at 61,4-% rope on neck, vicinity of Middle payable semi-annually. Leroy and Manvers Roads. Contact Hamilton, Broker, Orono 1 r 16. Frank Grof, telephone MArkct 22-1 3-5268. 22-1 Realtor and General Iflanrance Newcastle Phono 3341 aleimen:1 Donald MountJoy, Bowmanvillc Isa :MA 3-3950 Daniel Boehm - Canton Phone Welc.ms 2328 leReal Estate for Sale iReal F-ýlàe for Sa1e> WHY WAIT MANY VEARIS FOR BENEFITS 0F REFORESTATION when I have FOR SALE naw 196 acres, more or lcss, planted with 61,000. trees, Scotch and Red Pine, full rows, no misses, roam for 4 times as many more. Oldest trees 5 years, pruned, ready for shipment in 1959. Thi plantation on level ground (sandy), situated 1/4~ mile from Bancroft limits and Y4 mile from highway; has 4 ta 50001 natural Christmas trees on it.- River runs through south cend, ideal place for motel or resort. or cabins. Owner ordered byl doctor ta scîl, otherwise no.1 Send $1.00 for snapshots, (some colored) of this plantation and river, (returnable whcn snap- shots are returned). Over 2 mniles of high-gcar raad built around and through plantation. Small log bouse and large frame implement shed on property. Ail enquiries must be made ta John F. Reid, Real Estate Broker' Bancroft, Ont. Phone 148-J Exclusive listing 21-2 McQuay and Kîdd REALTORS Members of Oshawa and District Real Estate Board 100 acre mixed farm, very good nine room frame house, good L-shapcd barn, on county road. This is anc of the best farms in the Township. $ 14,000 with $5,000 down. 400 acre dairy farm, thre bouses, two large barns with room for 150 cattlc, four silos. $40,000 with very reasonable down paymcnt. 20 acres of level market gard. en land, close ta, Bowmanville on paved road, only $250 per acre. Six-room ranch bungalow with attached garage, built in 1950 on niccly landscaped lot 100' x 256'. Must be seen ta be ap- preciated. $15,000 with terms. Cottage on West Beach, fully furnished, $ 1,200 full price. .We have a gooci selection of businesses of all types. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3986 Bowmanville 22-i Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER Liberty St. South-l ½2 st9reyl insul-brie, 6 rooms, ail furnace, bath, etc., garage, large lot, $1,500 down. Pull price $8,500. $50.00 monthly carnies. Third St.-Almost new, frame and brick, 5 rooms and bath, landscaped. Open for offer King St. East-11 ½ storey, hardwood up and down, aili heat, bathroom, garage, i 2/3I acres of exccptionally wcll land- scaped grounds. Sec this. Liberty St. North-Two family dwclling, rentals $100 monthly. Pull price $7,800. Low down paymcnt. B3urketon-4 room attractive white frame bungalow, low tax- es, pîcasant small home. Priced at $4,000 with low down pay- ment. North Ward-Rancb home, brick, 6 rooms, baseboard hot water hcating, broadloom and tile floors, garage, large lot. A better home. Price $18,500. Duke St.-2-apartment home, 400' commercial zoned propcrty. Asking $9,600 with terms. Several summer cottages, all furnished, $2,000 and up. Woodworker or paintcr's op- partunity, 10-year-old building in village on pavement. Fîrst floor suitable for several types of business. Uppen storey at- tractive 5-room flat. Only $5,500,1 very low down payment. 38 acres of one of the fines orchards in Ontario at its best. Two homes, storage. One cnop will pay half the asking prîce. For furtber particulars contact this office. 52 King St. W., Bowmanville MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman, John Hllis MA 3-2495 22-i Orm Gerry REALTOR - ORONO Box 144 Phone 1191' FARMS 75 acres light soul, rolling scenie surroundings; 2 barns, sheep and pig pens, hen bouse, etc.; 9 rooni frame bouse with usual out-buildings, hydro close by. Proven productive land.; Excellent hardwood bush. Own- cm leaving district. Will scîl ali for $8,500 with only $1,500 down. 85 acres ganden land right on pavement, 2 good 'barns; 9 room bouse, pressure water at barns. This praperty bas wonderful future awing ta location, and priced well within adjoining properties. 270 acres elay loam close ta highway and Bowmanville and Oshawa; wonking 220 acres, bal- ance pasture and bush, 3 barns and 10 room clapboard bouse with furnace and bath, etc. Ex- cellent water supply. Barns need some repairs but awner bas taken this int consideration. Asking only $28,000 and open fan firm offer. 9room centre hall plan house ifine location in Orono. Own- cm transferred and must seli at' once. $5,800 with $1,500 down. 10 rooni centre hall on main street, Orono. Hydro, furnace, large sunrooni, plcnty water. Ideal for duplex. Asking only $6,500 with tennis. 22-i Wanted to Rent GARAGE in vicinity af Crystai Dainy. Telephone MA 3-5446. 1 22-16 Leask Real Estate Thriving restaurant on 2 acres land, with picturescuue trout strcam, 6, room attaehed house. This restaurant is fully eq wp- ped and does a profitable %us- mess. Owncr sacrifi~u due to ili health. ý 7 raom brick bouse in excel- lent condition, hardwood floors, 3 bedrooms, sunroom, ail furn- ace, 3 extra lots. Terms. Netfv-room bungqLlow- c ,trly located, 4-piece tileâ bath, 3 bedrooms, broadioomn, new gas furnace. Terms. 5 acre or 10 acre plot near Maple Grove. 6 acres garden land in Town of Bowmanvillc. Make an of. fer. 3 room bungalow with an extra room upstairs in Bowman- ville, $4,000.00. Tcrms. .Inquire for our cottages, bus- messes, summer resorts, etc. M. E. LEASK 65 Ontario St. Bowmanville MA 3-5919 or 3-5522 H. H. BARTON Oshawa RA k4941 Wanted ROOM andl board wantcd for gentleman. Apply to Harry Spencer, MArket 3-5813. 22-1 DEAD and crippled farm stock, picked up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Margwill Fur Farm, Tyrone.' 13-tf ý$6,000 FIRST mortgage on tow 'property. Write Advertiser 81l6, c/o Canadian Statesman, P.O. Boxc 190, Bowmanville. 22-1 GOOD home for female German Shepherd dog. Two years old. Excellent watchdog. O. J. Hy- land, Blackstock 96 r 13. 22-1l Help Wanted wiI A1cie byteuder. i ciýg up ta 5:00 p. THURSDAY, JUNE l2th, 1958 for FIREMEN on the Bowmanville Volunfeer Fire Brigade Ail applications must be ln writ- ing, stating age, weight and height and enclosing medical [certificate of good hcalth. A. J. LYLE, Town Clerk Bowmanville, May 27th, 1958 22-2 Personal HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six samples 25c, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. Nov.-Rubber Ca., Box 91, '- ilton, Ont. Baby-sitting EXPERIENCED baby-sitter, ev. enings. Phone MA 3-7020 after 6 p.m. 22-110 Wanted to Buy FEED oats, any quantlty. Tele. phone 2354 Newcastle. 22-1 PORTABLE brooder house. 10 x 12 or larger. Phone MA 3-2881. W. Pascoe. 22-1 HIGHEST prices paid for live poultry, goose feathers, fea ther ticks, scrap iron, rags, metals and raw furs. Phone RA 3.2043 Oshawa, collcct. 48-tf ALL kinds of ive pauitry want- cd. Top Toronto prices paid at your door for large or smali quantities. We have our own market. M. Flatt, Bethany R.R. i. Phone collect ta Bethany 7 r 13. 28-tf The Canadian Statesman CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES ARTICLES FOR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOR RENT - HELP WANTED CARSFOR SALE LORT FOUND - ETC Cash Rate . . . 4c oar Word with a minimum 0fBoac Must b. poid hy date af insertion Ichre.an additiona 25o wil haadded. Atchagqe of25c wii he made los ail r4>is dlrected ta this office. NOTICES . comma MygmT AND CARDS Oel0fl . 4c a ward with a minimum Of $1. 00 far 25 wards or leu BIRTHS - ENGAGEMENTS MARRIAGES . DEATES $1.00 par Inhertion IN MEMORIAMI, 81.00 plus lac a lino ltS vers» nIlplay Classiiad Ct$15 0: inch with a minimum aofceag Additianal insertions ut th* 4 rates. Ail Classified Ads must ha la this office noaluter than 12 o'clock cccii. Wedn.sday. S.ad cash, Stamps Or MOaY Ordéà and have manay. Clip tbi% aut for handy roierence ,( 4 8:30 a.m. ta 12 Noca. MIa MArket 3-3303 for Classilid Ad Service Work Wanted 1 Real Estate for Salg rELLo>BUY,>TRADEc>141RE*SEÀRVlroze l'repue- LOSTand FOUND e SERVICE * TÀ a tue RELP WANTED * EMPLOYME. q 1 1 22-il 1 THURSDAT, MAT 29th, IM