- ~ f9AWAftAV U~A~EIDAW ~ A -~ ~ ~ A -~ ~ - - ~ W 684w V ~ ~ 4~.K~L~J - £Z115. L~44~U Hospital Insurance Plan May Have Complications ,.-r. Vivian Tells Commons ~uham',,MP.,Dr. K. b. VivsaI~i~*Ien la the Hoeua.e m onas on Tues- dur, Mar 27111. 1P. Speaker,' ln rislng ho take =ss la this debale 1 arn con- »Clous ef my ncwncss in Ibis bouse. 1 amn alo very much awure et th.e imber et speech- a. whlch have lprecded my hav- Img this opportunity te apeak. 1I4m aIse full et awareness et tii. perticular character eft he rWi4ng >vhich 1 have the honour te represent the caunhy of Dur- hffliin the province ef Ontario. ]Iistoie isting Durharm is not enly an hi,- t*ric riding il is froquently a Ulvotil ridlng. Ils first memher wqsslhe Hon. Edward Blake in 1867 whe. at the same time as lit represented Durharn in this ]%Ouse, as thc represenhahive of South Bruce was the leader of the. Liberal opposition in the legisiative assembly of Ontario. 111 1871 he forrned a govern- Ment in that province. Down t1hrough the years, the riding hes expressed its views ln ne ufleertain terms in elecétion at- tr elecion an the way in which it teit and that feeling has in the main been a national fee]- IUg rather than on'e concerned ÇTwith local issues. Sw.e]Feeling etf Rcsponslbility This, I think, bas been shown by the tact liatinla1017 Hon. Newto>n Wesley Rowell] Liberai by former cenvicl:i a member ef the unionist gt ernment o! Sir Robert Berd and a minister thermin, wassth elected by the greatest majl ily Durham bas er given anybody In an election aI a time. In the 192&-26--shall 1I pollhlcai dit! lcultles-a Coniu vative, a farmer by profeesit deteabed an outslanding expo cnt o et Ibeberal parly w was axlrcmely teugb oppomili and beid the ridingi hrougb 1926 citation. An.! go h la s w a feeling of considerable reupo sibllihy ltaI 1 risc toi present Ibis bouse tbe views ef lic pe pie I have the hoiiour te repsq cnt. It is nol difticult te raprese Ibis riding bocauge Iliair viei are made se cleasly kcrown. r was well shown, 1 thiak, in t last ciaction on March 31 wb their represenhativa in bl bouse was retvrncd witb wl was for Durham s trcmcndoc mai ority. One can only mbt prelt ram Ibis that the peop et Durham tait that a Diets baker gevernmcnt was the on government capable ef guidii this country througb the ne four years and with that th4 expressed their approval ô! LI accomplisbmcnts achicved1 bbc goernment tollowing Jui 10 in bringing 50 many eft i ONTARIO DEPARTMENT 0F HIGHWAYS THE HIGHWAY IMPROVIMENT ACT PUBLIC .NOTICE .» IgEREBY GIVEN that pursuant te the. Highway Imprevemeai ,49t, 1957, an Application wilI 11e made by the. Miniater, et 111gb- Ws gte thee Ontario.Munillal Boardi for the appreval ot the OlWgigof e the tollewing seads ln the Township et Darlington. ogegnty of Durhamu, tisai. Iterseet or r u li the ontreied- usesahlghway known as Highway Ne. 401. ~.Part eft he uneoee.! es.! Allowancie belveen Lois 34 and 35,. Concession 1. ~Part 11, Js~Jlewazce between the Broken Front Con- cession ane.! Ç jO1on. opposite Lot 34. (Net now epen). 3.Part o e R.io edAllowaneebetwcen Lots St ami 33, Broken Front Concession. 4. Part et the. bal Allowance between Lots 30 and! 31, Broken Front Concession, known as Pickell Road. NOTE:- There willI b. a Service Roai en the set aide ef Higfhwar Ne. 401 te conneet Ibis road with an Interchange at Courtie. boai. 8. Part et the Roai Allowance betwoen Lots 26 and! 21, Broken Front Concession, known as McKnlght boa.!. NOTE:- There will be a Service boa.! alont the aouth aide otf llghway No. 401 te connect this reai wilh au hiterchauge at Courties Roai. 4. Part eftIhe Road Allowance between Lots 24 and! 25, Broken Front Concession, known as Solis Rosd. NOTE:- There will b. a Service Rosi on lt.heuth aide of Htghway Ne. 401 te conneet Ibis rosi wlth Boit Rosi, whieh will cross over Hithway No. 401, and! with au Interehange st Courlice lKead. Y. Part et 181h Avenue, Reitered Plan No. 97. (Met open). 8. Part et 1711h Avenue, Begistore.! Plan No. 97. (Net open). S.Part et the Rosi Allowanoe between Lots 22 an.! 23. Broken Front Concession, known as Park Rosi. NOTE:- There will b. a Servie Rosi on the soulh aide et Hithway No. 401 to connect Ibis road with Boit Roai, which wiil cross oves Highway No. 401. If. Part et the Rosi Aliowance between Lots 18 and191, Broken Front Concession. known as Maple Grove Road. NOTE:- There wiii be a Service Road on the south aide of Highway No. 401 te connect Ibis road with Boit Rond, which wiil cross ever HBighway No. 401, and with an Interchange at Waveriy Rosi. 11, Part eft 11e Rosi Allowance between Lots 16 and! 17, Broken Front Concession, known as Symons Rosi. NOTE:- There will be a Service Rosi on the south aide et Highway No. 401 te connect Ibis rosi! with an Interchange at Wai'esly Road. IL. Part et the Road Aliowance betwcen Lots 14 an.! 15, Broken Front Concession, known as Martin Rosi. NOTE:- There wiil be a Service Road on the south aide ot Rlghway No. 401 te connect this rosi wlth an interchange at Waverly Rosi. là. Part of the unopenei Rosi Allowance between Lots 12 and! 1à, Broken Front Concession. J4. Part et the unopenci rosi running northerly ln Lot 7, Broken Front Concession, being a street ln a sub-division by J, W. Herrick, P.L.S., Registerci November the Sth, 1856. 15. Part eft1he Rosi Aiiowance between Lots 6 and 7, Broken Front Concession, known as Lambs Roai. NOTE:- Vtere wiii bc a Service Road on the south aide et Hlghway No. 401 te connect Ibis road witb an interchange at Bennett Rosi. le. Part et the Rosi Aiiowance between Lots 2 and 3. Broken Front Concession, known as Riekard Road. Such Application wili b. heari by the sai Boasrd st the City Bail, Oshawa, on the 301h daY et lune,. 1958. AT THE MOUR 0F 10:00 O'CLOCK IN THE FORENOON, DAYLIGUT SAVING TE, aI which lime and! place ail persons clalmng tu be Intercale.! or affecte.! may attend an.! be heard. By osier et the sai Board ail persona objeeting te the said closînga or ciaimint Ihat Iheir ]and! wiI be In.juriousiy affectcd by the sai closings must FILE PARTICULARS 0Fý BUCK OBJECTIONS OR CLAIMS with the Ontario Municipal Board, M4 Qucen Street West, Toronto, reterring te File Numbey 1P.F.M. 7352-58, AN"iITH The Land Surveys Section et the Department et Bighways, Parliament Buildings, Toronto, A&ttention: Mr. J. E. Jackson, ON OR BEFORE TUF, 201h DAY OF JUM, 1958. The hearing le determine the amount of mmci elasawil take place aI snob lime an.! place asMar b.aubse.- quemhi fxe.! by lhe sali Boar.. A Plans P-2695-47 showinig the Portions et rosis propos- e.! he b. close.! mai be seen at the office eft1he Cierk et tb. TOWnsbiP et Darlington, at RamptOn, aI lhe Office etflth. Cierk ir 'theTown et Bowmanviiie, at Bowmanvillie. at tbe office et tarad Iepariment Oet BlghwIay i Port Hope,-a.!6a41lb office e the Treusendius Majortty La eloclion promises int fruition jon, inl spile et having only a miner-. ity of etnebrs la this house. rcen They aocept Ihis government es lie proved on Its paI record and o-in failh for Its future and In LIly diaappoinhedi n view e he sa words cenlalned la 1h. speech! yfram thiýthrona. * The Ibrone speech is long but on't i. aloo paclced wlthi a great uo niany Ibingg that appear te be Lin in the besî iimediahe inteirests !ihe little wb:le I would like te on commflentI on a few eftIhe words t econtained tbrein A hieh I thin1k re-people in tbe cevnty ef Durhami. CI U.IC.L. SetlersI ent W. welcoine the words oftIhe ws thrane speech IbsI bave te do ýhis wilh the revival et interest an thc the part eftIhe Canadian gov- ucri ernmcnt In affaira eftIhe com-. bla rrinwaalth and ot mutual Ier- hat est in Ibm exlsting cammon- Ous wealhh and ils expansion Ler- through tbe addition et ncw ýple ceuntries. The rlding et Durham en has bad many saIllera, carly nly from amnong United Empire.l nig Loyaliats, others from the Uni- ext ted Kingdom and Ireland, and iymore seeently trom newer fn- the tiens and the ceuntries ot Eu- by r ho bave blanded them:D.R.P iva ne selve înto a whole unit as aD.R.P Vva he hbiinking cempenent of this part and tbese are welcome because ing capacity efthIe Individual - f otha province ot Ontario. They tbey bave nccomplishcd a great wban sick; and aven when that -look upon the commonwealth as deal parhicularly with respect individual bas much in the way an instrument of geod and hhey ta the tebacco crep. ot insurance ceverage, long-terni hoel wlll b te nrgredsive e.~ A dcticiency paymenî on as- ilimasses, plus tbe need for an- believetatrtevpogreive de- paragus is et îittîe value unless cillçtry services within a hospi- vomcn ethorfevolutions etna the cannlng cornpany is prepar- IgI Ihat are beyond the insur- ced o lnon eatbet unatiotn i'g ed ho pack the produet.* We bad ance cevesage, are sutticieni -ead h reatrerdrsta î an unfortunate experience in seriously te reduce the ecen- and happines-than can the 1 rny riding. A number ot can- emic status et a person or s actiitis o anartfica ier-ning plants fermerly owned by tamily. This, te my way af arctivitiès tians ortifaer-t Canadian Canners Limited ýare tbinking, is net only welconw inherest wbe semr te spcnd to e eing their activities and in but is long overdue. much et their lime seeking some instances are closing down Net Going To Be Easy their own national advantage. since the purchase efthIis cer-m. ~ Net011Y d thy w4coe te pnyby alag ite States In tis 1 q-vea very personal Ne olyd teywcee he Thiis lae dplre W. s interest becaus e it was in the inteestof tis overmen inhope this ivili bc the subjc ct autumn et 194" when I was en- 1 the maintenance and extension ableda è>e ftete et the commonwealth but they et cencern te our Department da n membe e the tineof aise welcomc the werds in the of Agriculture, as it is te aur gnrornenstth te poviceo- Ibrone speech cenccrning 'lie' farincrs, and that steps may be Ornto e stawrte thegv k holding ot a eommanwcnifu jtakcn te tind new outlets* for crnt f uld underwrite ther trade con.tcrencela Metea these cash crops upon which secs fpbi wr aeete Ibis Sephember. Mnra many et our farmers depcnd. by hsetath insurance plan or ou o tecanselidated revenue. Prcsiicnt's Visit MuaI Be More Secure The then dominion-provincial conue the wosds in the throne which is o! Importance te us in was net Possible. Wbat was speech whijch tell ot the forth- agricultural pursuits, if even dona was in vary large mensure ceming visit la Canada ofet te emaîl number a! tarm tfam- ta mach that commitment by *President ot the Un.ihed States ilies remaining on aur farms lis lncseased grants trom previn- Ibis summer. There bas bean a te bc retained, and 1 submnih te cai and municipal treasurlas, great deni et conccrn in the Yeu, sir, that retenîlon et tnrm Theratose, it is with a great riding about ralationships wihh families is et censiderable im- deal o! satistaction Ibal I sec Our grant and good ncighbour partance ho us sociologically. Ibis plan ceming Intoeperatien, ta the south. If I intarpret their They must ha niera accuse la and for the work which bas views correcly-and lhey stre their ability ho carn a living la bean donc by hlm I wish te my awn-thcrc la a feeling that those agri cultural pursuits. A compliment most sinccrcly the niuch ot what scems la bave 'large tarmi family bas always former minister et national been wrong in aur ralallonabipa provided a great source et new health and welfare, the hon. stens frem aour own inability blood te the develepmant of the member for Essex East (Ms. la put niany thingi rigbt. The country in other waya, in the Martin). 1 compliment hlm on people o! my ridlag nîso teed variaus cies, as we know, and the part that he bas playcd In L that perbaps aur ncighbour te' the ability, the integrity and the the long-hcrmn struggle le bring the south bas net yet rcalized adjustabilihy et those raised on int Canada a program eofthIis that the ceuntry te ils nerth farms and in agriculture have sort. Altbough ha wns net la wbich was once a child among ndded se mucbho the devclop- a position te sec il in actual nations la now rcaching matur- ment et this country, and bave operahion, I know be will join ihy and nationhood wilb a mnd, given se much to the protes- wit.h me in wishing the prescrit and will et ils ewn and thora- siens and te industry that we Minister ot National Health and fore the dclicacy et aur rela-j hope some way will be found Welfara (Mr. Monteitb) avery tionships wilh aur neighbour, se tbat there wil be ne furthcr good w:sh for the success et whlch la our close family mcmn- depletion ot this source et aur Ibis plan, because, il is net go- ber bas been o! soe concarn. strengtb nationally, for if Ibis ing to be easy. There are going daepletion continues il will be te be a grant many beadaches1 Net Thse Saine]people te the detriment et the wbole in bringlag this plan inb ac- One o! the meat serious mis- nation. t uai operation. lakes wecoculd make in aur réé-I States, or they witb as, is for In manufacturing we bave a Whilc we aI Ibis level con- clîber ta helieve that because 1vary inheresting situation. Net Iribuhe meney and bave seme wc speak a similar language and enly arc we proccssing uranium guidance in the way in wbich corne troansamawbat similar produets, but we bave the only il 15 spent in the varieus prov- background that we are the pile plant in Canada. The rid- inices in wbich Ibis Plan wili saine people. In my opinion we îng contains plants for the man- bc in force, much efthIis nuth- arc net.' Howaver, wc are mcm-ufacture eft ubber goods in re- Orily will rest with the local bers et a large tamily andte lation to the automobile trade hospitals, commissions or boards rclationship bctween us sbould a nd conveyer systems and many or by wbatever name the ad- ha that wbich exists behween other thîngs as well. But these ministration is set up. Some et the members ot any large 1 torward looking companies, the headaches will rest in the tamily, ancet mutual respect,1 many et tbcm employing me- tact that, the public, having devotion and case for the well- 1 dest numbers et cmployces, pnid a premium or a tax, will baing et ench other. Surely Ibis bave gene abead with the me- tbînk that they, and perbaps is the foundation upon wbich dernization et their plants, and only they, are entitled ho any aur centinuing friend.ship should by the working conditions and services ah any time that tbey be builh and a means by which J the character efthIe skillcd la- se desîra. This cannaI be. Ad- miner irritations can ha avoid- 'heur wbich thcy are able tel mission te hospitals willatl cd. attract within the riding are remain aI the request ,oft Ui 1ýura1, Emali, Urban biding I ready for a great expansion in physician in question and will There are ther matters their production as sean as the still be granted only when Ibere Thee ae oh! market for greater productivity la sufficient room in the hospi- dane ane peroasaic obut wic is available. Theretora, wa did tl in wbich te Teceiva thosa dneandbeleasae bet cosîdic(wecom -, wrdsetthe peecbih patients. TheretorpmA, an etthe wflîch depends on close mar-1 Therefore, we look forward te perbapa might, otherwise do. j kets and is in campatition witb the report wbicb bbis bouse ex- Over-crowdei Ilospitals many simîlar products whicb peets on a new systemn or plan Another problem whicb is enter Canada tram the south. or program ot social securiby Il îîkeîy te arise, and which is al- Canaing Probleus Canada. Tbcv are alse very ready in force I amn sorry te The. malter of canning crops consciaus ot the value o! the say, la the overcrowding e! sui s omtescenpea n hopialinsusance plan, rmanîhosiltals and shortages aspargustaeaof theicspeech ofetaf.Teproblem of train-: asargu ae patiulr m from the throne retors toai ing aclequate pcrsonnel 'in, partance and Iherefore we wei-1a j rn o lirded ihurke1: cenîed vat was accomnpiished amendînent owih ilntrucd 1refer if) nir- bx' the Minister of Agriculture 181%eosewie xii iak ~clicai hou-sckeepig-is difticult-. (Mr. 1-arkness) îast sessio 1n, possible for participating hosti n r I-<!rî issue of the Journal of and wbat is again referred t taIspantrovice h aving osp"-the American Medical Associa- in the speech tram th-e tbrone, atI plan arae e'ymns tien the problem et inhospitali the intention on the part eftIhae tr ue infection with a staphylococcus' govcrnment thal agriculture AnS Overium Plan orgaruism is given a pomient shall have a fair share et bbe As a physician I welcomne Ibis place. During Ibl ias Ist weck national incarne. W. received hospihal insurance plan wholc- i1hbas been lhe subject o! dis-j with joy the anneunicement o! heartedly. The present cost et cussion ah the public bealth the intention te pay a daticien- bospita] care. mare than ever. conterenca ila Vancouver. Ih is cy payment for asparagus nndc a nceded mnedical facilitv, with. one et the problems et thc typa wa hope something similar will in the communitv bas increasci wbich arise in bospital bouse- be done with respect to toma- Jse mucb by reason of increases, keeping, et wbicb fthc public is 'tees. We bave obsefved the in wages, services and mater- net gcncraily aware. I mention arowth ai mwketiag board s ila hat îit àbeyozid th. psy- its anexemple ofthe 4weof thjng wlieh will have to, b aoiby provincial #0upital or- tinand -1 do eao oly case, having regard te the ques- tion of the. number et beda nd thoir type.the. problerna et hausekeeping of one kind or anotiier and th1e que;tIon ofeto- nmnd $rom tepublic, i1nuls: th1e iea that 1he publiec=cw. frai upusual 4ouisnd for ser- vice until th1e hospitals are lit A position te meet itlnluenfloý- derly, regulAr and sate way. Preventive Moasurea There is on. other thing about whicb I wish ho spcak. 1 have mentionod the tact that we tend te locus our attention on the drarnatie. As a persori parlicularly intereshed in the pPeventive aspects et medicine an.! the prevelition et many ot these disabilities and slckness that f111 aur hospitals, 1 a~y 1ha1 we must net tergal thgt if we are going to keep aur siclt. nasa ancd disability rate at s iflfimuni. ur public heixlth services Must be aufficiently shrenglhened anci maiineçl te carrY tb.rough with Ibis endea- vou P. MucefthIis is a malter Of Publie education, Preventive &tedicine is net dramatic. Ir% Many instances il appears te be orily negative. In Ibm absenice ef something we fail te sec !ta value. But when wc fail te carry through those things wbich we lcnow bow tlado, these preblems arise again as hhey arise from the faili4ra ho lçeep ur Population sufficienl- ly vaccinahed against amalipox, or fail ho keep 1h sufficienhly immune against diphhheria, or eveii fail ho keep 1h sufficîently sut>plied with food as, for ex- ample, failure ho keep bouale ted babies supplied with or- ange jujice. Deticiency Digease The last issue ot the Cang- dian Medical Association jour- nal centains a most surprising article on the incidence of scur- vy in the cihy of Winnipeg and the city of Toronto. Il ail sim- ple boils down te the tact that these children bave suffered s deficiency disease hhreugh lack ef fresb juice because ot ignor- ance rather than because ef ecanomiecli.tficulty in buyini tbe fruit, mutt et whiehii i penliful ?pnet cbeap. I can there- fore enly attribute 1h ho a breakdowri in the public healh services. They cauld strive with greater effect ho reach more people in this preventive field, particularly with regard to ma- ternal and infant hygiene. These arc things la which the county et Durham is interested, parti- cularly the last because tbey bave supported and tound use- fui one et the tirgt coutity baaltbi unIts in the province et Onitario and oft Ilese thinga tbey are aware. Approve Goverismeul We corne now ho Ibis question et whah else in Ibis debahe on the add.ress in reply la thc speech tram the Ibrone oeacan i Guides Have Mothers As Banquet Guests Newtouville: The lI Newton- ville QWî Guides and Browni s euiiaie4their nothers ata Me1 ir a d Daughter Banquet ln the United Chrirch Sundav School, on May l2th. The meal iii.luding, roast turkey, was prepurect and served by the Guides and leaders. Each mo- tiii wvai greeted at the cloor by1 a Guide or Brownie Guests at the he4d table in- cluded Mrs. W. M. Rudeil, Dis- trict Cerrissioner, Mrs.V. Frank, Cam~p Commissioner.*The 11ev. an'd Mrs. R. C. Whyte and P<rs. X. Westhguser, Sharon Mc Donald acted as Chairman. At- ter the meal egch girl presented' ber mTother with a small gift. A «41iy:rlg-up" ceremeony theri hook place when the following Bvcwniea having earnecl their say th41 is et value le Uic peo- ple et my riding. I Ihink Ihere la orily oe thing, nanucly that tb. people o! Uhc counhy of Durham bave approved Uthe gaorpusent on ils past per- fornuence, hava takan the fu-ý turc on taithand are prepar- ed ta psy thair way and pied along wiîh the 18 million noe Who are belping ho develop a country et over hait a continent in size. Wa in Ibis bouse must te the hast et our ability tritly represent the views and per- baps the bopes and t' eaaspira- tiens et aur ridings. It is my hope that I may do that. 1~ DAIRY FARMERS 0F CANADA 409 Huron Street, Toronto k BARDECUED NOW AVAILABLE wings flew up a flower gtrevff J34t.bWgy to Guidelan.idlUva An ]Robinson, Jogti FMis, 01- anne and Bonny Gilmer, Pat- ricia Moore, Doreen Dubea and earb4ra Stgpletoli. Thev wore wvelcomned by Captain Mr.8 J. Murphy and Commissioner Unfortunately the reault. et the St. John'à 4 ,:wbulce jJrat Aid course exarninatieris w0re neot ajýaileble for aiocuiie*Mett that evening but it his sie* been learned that ail teri et the Girl Guides that took the course have passed. They are as followa: Sharoun MeDonald, Carolyn Clysdale, Doris Clysdale Sharon ' olà. vert, Dale Boisvert, Clave Dtl. beau, Netty Diznuik, Linda We. stheuser, Evelyn Huggins, Don- na Mcilroy. They were ins trtie- ted by their Captain Mms J. Murphy and examined by Dr. A. F. McICenzie. OÛNUMENTS AN» FINg QU4tlJT 'Fe*'S TA FORD Stafford Bras. MoîiuqmentIl1Worhs 318 Dundas St. B.. Wltby Phone Whitby MOhawic 8-8552 '8TIE EASIEST WAY TO SAVE MW5EY 15 lO I4AVE DEEP POCKETS AND SHORT AR ms - PROUE MA 33136 for FI8E F Pickup an.! DeliVery Service LUBRICATION CIL CHANGE CAR WASH FISK TIRES and! BATTERIES ........ MetFu e Pue. Bvi!t- CHICKENS MAPLE . GROVE GRO CETERIA Phone MA 3m391 21/2 IL.Chickons .-u$1.59 3 IL.Chickens *uw $1.79 Apoe 3 Il L ick...filld with delicioua 1.9 Try one of our luaclous ~ homie-made dressing ' barbecued chickens this weekend. You'Il love Please telephone orders aI least 3 houra ahead theni! ~Ont v il hes a1 sumtie inp Serve a savory snack..,. or a cool summer salad , with crisp crackers and pats of golden butter.. an elegant dessert... and tail, frosty glassesj of fresh, cold milk! ) I HA kl kt y n kt 1 vommWAT. am sik, lou IDAAV- wmm m