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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1958, p. 12

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PAG - -A A C k CVE' MOOII R W MAtY àlL.'dtSDA %#£'lth,95 SPORrp By FakMohun -PhoneMA370 Criticism lon this clumn in' always welcomed, as the effort to improve il' make for better writing and reading. I was glad ta receive several favourable comment& on my reporta from Florida, iWch made me thinlc that people must like hearing about othl;ï1aces. Now, I have travelled quite a lot, but I have always wanted to sec California, and have neyer been there. If everyone who reads this celumn and would like ta knaw same- thing about California, will mail $1.00 (anc dollar) ta me c/a this paper, I shail go there, and endeavor ta send back reports, which ah contributors will cnjay reading. If enough money 15 flot received ta make the trip, hait o! each contribution will be returned ta the sender. (Editar's Note-This sounds like quite an ingenious schcme ta get a free trip. Why didn't we think of it first?) i. t t t t BOWMANVILLE HARVESTERS Lost--$25.00 on opcning day. In spite af gaad weathcr <at game time) and a parade ta the Vincent Massey Park, only a handful af spectators showed up for opening day. The teain had counted on having a good turn-out for the tirst home game, and neediess ta say, the management is disappointed. It is under consideration, ta move the team, unless the crowds pick up. The other local bail teams are also badly in need of support. The 10c charge for each bail landing on Bruce Clarke's pnoperty during practices and games hasn't helped the situation. Mr. Clarke bas a crop af wheat on his property, which ha ightly doesn't want trampled. It is ta be hôped that a solution ta this problemn will be faund. The Harvester management intends ta sec if arrange-, mnents can be made, ta move the club out of town if fan support is not farthcoming. t t f. t t WEEK'S SPORTS ATTRACTIONS Soccer-Sr. - Sat., June 7-Maple Grave at Zion - Tyrane at Ennisk.illen Wed., June i 1-Courtice at Bowmanville - Sauina at Hampton Soccer-Jr. - To-night-Zion at Tyrone - Maple Grave at Enniskillen Sauina at Hampton Baseball - Intermediate - Wed., June il-Port Hope at Bowmanville Midget - To-night-Port Hope at Bowmanville Bantam - To-nght-Millbrook at Bowmanville lPee Wee - Tuesday, June 10-Part Hope at Bowmanville I know everyone will jain with thc Statesman staffi n wishing Howard Cowle, treasurer afi"the Intermediate Hanvesters, a speedy recovery. Howard is in the hospital, recovering from a heart attack . . . . Intermediate Manager Fred "Buck" Cowle advises me that ha will be glad ta hear tram anyone wishing ta try out for thc team . . . . Last year a bunch af tcllows who wanted ta play bail, paid their awn way. This year the team has gone from 1'rags ta riches", with the Lions Club sponsoring the Juveniles, and many people aiding with contributions. Bob Williams and his directors deserve a pat an thc back for the way they have struggled ta build a mare tinancially stable tcam. The people who have helped are: Dr. Charles Cattran, Stephen Wright, Elgin Bromeil, Crystal Dairy, McGregor Hardware, Don ]Boe, N. Allilson, Osborne Sport Store, A. Marjerrison, A. H. Stur- rock & Sons, Bowmanville Cleaners & Dyers, Hap's B.A., Dr. C. Austih, Cowling Drug Store, Smith Beverages, Morris Ca., Dr. E. W. Sissan, Erv. Brooks, Norm Bothwell, Norma Scott, Paddy' Welsh, John ItttoDn Stutt, Tom Cowan, Mrs. Bill Bates, Mrs. Arnold EtcherA S Club and D. L. S. Dudley . .. . Mr. "Jocko" Thompson, staVreTker of Qucen's University, la in tawn serving as an intern at the Memoial Hospital. Midgets Ma6ke If 17 Against Cobourg Team He re on Monda y Night After being held ta a 5-3 win over 'Cobourg' hast week, the Bownville ,Midgcts scored in every înning but *one, ta blast out a 17-3 win over the same Cobourg Club. Jim Moorcraf t allowed thrce hits and struck out nine ta win his second start. The last inning was pitched by ]Bob Osborne, who fanned onc and allowed no hits. Cobourg starter Cavanaugh was derrick- cd in the third. when the locals, scored seven times. Dobkin fin- ishcd the game in relief. Bowmanville scored three tirnes in the f irst inning, when 1sÊLPfSTK Sil RVIEo IA.3-3883 BW YN iLLE Bill Osborne's tbree-baggcn brought in Larry Piper and John James, who had rcceived successive waiks. Bob Osborne drove in the thind run witb a single. Atter trading runs un Uic second, the home team en- upted ton six bits and seven runs in a big third inning. The attack was featured hy Bill Os- banne's two doubles. John James also doubled, with sin- gles going ta Larry Piper, Grant Wright, and pitcher Mooncraf t. Cobourg's other two runs came in Uic fiftb on a double, an er- ror, and two walks. Atter being beId scorehess in the fourth, Bowmanviile pour- cd accrosa tbree runs un cacb of the fîfth and sixth trames, on oniy twa safeties. The next niidgct home game is tonigbt at the Vincent Mas- sey Park. Cobourg ____- 3 3 3 Bowmanville - 17 10 2 Cobourg-Swallow lb, Ewart 2h, Messenger as, Kcrnagban 3h, Cavanaugb p, cf-3rd, Ste- venson c, Ligbtbourne If, John- stan cf, Dobkin p-3rd, Brooks r!. Bowmanville-D. Bagneil 2h, Fiintoft 2b-6th, Piper c, James 3h, Cale 3b-6tb, Bill Osborne lb, Bob Osborne rf, p-7tb, Han- cock cf, Sallows cf-4tb, Turner as, Wright If, Conway lf-6th, Moorcraft p, rf-7th. The ableat mea ia ail the walks o! life arc men o! faith.- Bruce Banton. The stepa of faitb fail on the' sceming void and find rock be- neat.-John Greenîcaf Wbit- tien. NOW US THE TIME TO PAINT YOUR HOME " For One Coat Painting " Streamlined Brushing " Wonderful Durability " Dress Parade Appearance Just ask for Benjamin Moorepant MASON & DALE HAR DWARE LIMITED Phoane 3-3408 36 Kint St. E. flowmanvllle -ye u-a Badminton Executive Elected The results of the election which was beld during the past wccks, ta name Uic Badminton Club executîve for the 1958-59 season, have been announccd. The president will be chosen tram the clected executive, by the executive themnselves. The following wcre elected: Donal- da Creasser, Marion James, Betty Lobb, Anna Stnike, Don Allin, Bill Burgess, Mcl Bur- gess, Glenn Hodgsan, Jack Munday, Charlie Rankine, Bob Sheridan, and Don Ventan. Errors Costly Bantams Drop Two Games Saturday atternoon, at Uic Memorial Park, Port Hope ram- mcd in seven runs in the third inning, to capture a 9-5 victory aven the Bowmanvilie Bantam Legionnaires. The home team took a four run lead in the first frame. on an error, two walks, and hits by Jim Coyle and John Hancock. The lcad stood up until the third, wben the Bowmanvilc crew committed no less than four errons. Port Hope teed off on hurler Bill Brown for *five of their nine hit total in this inning. Brown pitched good bal for the rest of the game, giving up single runs in Uic tourth and scventh inninga. Aftcr a rocky start, Port Hope's Sam Haskiil ofily per- mitted the local club a single tally in Uic third trame. Has- kill also gave up nine hits, but recorded nine strikeouts ta Brown's four, and his mates made only anc error bebind bim. Port Hope-Giffard ss, Wake- l2b, Greenaway If, Cooper c, Heard cf, Mcadows r!, Watts lb, Wilson 3b, Haskill p. Bowmanville - Veitch 2b, Black 3b, Coyle If. Foran lf-fith, Wiseman cf, Stevens lb, Han- cock as, Brown p, Crombie c, McManus rl, O'Rourke rf-6th. PeeWees Down Orono Squad Here Monday The use ai three catchers by thc Bowmanville team was made necessary by Orano pitcb- er, Kennedy, in Ornn on Mon- day nigbt. Young Mn. Kennedy had plcnty of speed, but wasn't' too steady in the contrai de- partment. Bowmanville took the close, well-playcd game by a 6-5 score. The Orono hurler went the route, giving up 1l bits and four walks. Onano cal- lected nine sateties and four walks, off the pitching oi Mc- Murten. Slecp caugbt the opening trame, but was rcmoved, after being stnuck on Uic hand, by a Kennedy pitcb. Emburg took aven the catching duties until he was hit on the elhow by a wild pitch in the fifth inning. Miler finished the game, be- hind the plate. Although tbree catchera were cmplayed, pitch- er McMurter carried on throu- ghaut Uic game. Orono's Reid led bath teams with tbree hits, and Mencer claimed two hits and a walk in a losing cause. The big hittens in the Bowmanvillc attack, wene Nichais and McMurter with a pair of bits apiece. The next Bowmanville home game, is carded for next Tues- day, at the Memonial Park, at 6.30 p).m. stanza, with Crombie catching the wbole game. Dobcnty went the route for Cobourg, holding the Bowmanvîlle batterst four base knocks. R HE Bowmanviile 2 4 4 Cobourg ------------ _ 5 3 Cobourg-Thomas If, Harp if- 6th, Premieu 2h, Dawc as, Sia- ter lb, Muskaiuck cf, Dobkin 3b, Pattrick c, Doherty p, Brown r!. Bowinanville - Hancock ss. Wiseman rf, Stevens lb, Black 3h. p-6th, Twist cf, Veitch 2h. Pickard p, 3b-6tb, Crombie c, Foran If, Brown lf-6th. 00002 - -c me e.:.M:en:0:a 0 0 s..- - s-s-su- -s- Surplus Store Gives Prize for Basebali Star Each Weekc of Season Mr. Irving Taube of Bowmanvilie Surplus Store han generously consented to donate an award each week, ta the Harvester player wha is adjudged the star of the week. Tihe player who is chosen, will be the one who bas pertormned the best in ail games for that particular week. It will be something like the Leafs' $25.00 player of the week award, when the player who bas contributed the maost to his team, is the winner. Responsible for picking the Harvester star of the week, wiil be player-manager "Buck" Cowle and sports scribe, Frank Mohun. This will be a weekly feature, so next week in this spot, yau will see the name of the week's star player, and some of the reasons why he won the award. Midgets Take 5»3 Decision Over Cobourg Tuesday night, May 27, in Ca- bourg, the Bowmanvillc Mid-' gets got away ta an early 2-0 iead, and picked up single counters in the hast three in- nings ta take a close 5-3 deci- sian from the Cobourg Midget team. Jim Moorcnaft pitcbed score- less bail, until the fifth inning, when an error, a double and a single, gave Cobourg two runs. The other Cobourg score came in the sixth, when a pass hall enabled the base nunnen to race home from third base. Foilowing a walk ta Grant Wright and a single by Larny Hancock, Gary Conway dcliv- ered a two out double ta score bath runners ln the second in- ning. Aften receiving a base on bahîs, Bilu Osborne stole second, advanced on an intield out and scored on a pass. bail in the fifth trame. The eventual winner came in the next inning, when a wild throw ta the inficld. 'on Don Bagneil's outfield single, let Maorcraft score from second sack. Osborne crossed the plate with the insurance nun, when an infield outscored bini.,after he bad singled ta open the final inning. Local Juveniles Take Nip and Tuck Battle From Newcastle Tuesday "Bugs" Dudley's two-aut, two stnike smash ta short on Tues- day bere broke an 8-aIl tic. Shortatop Lake's toss ta first, pulled Uic tirst aacker off the bag, cnahling the tie-breaken ta score tram third. A mucb-im- pnaved crawd, saw the Bow- manville Juveniles take a nip and- tuck battle tram the New- castle Juvenile club, ia record- ing their third wia against a single setback. Bath teams traded single runs in the apening session, without gctting a bit. Newcastle broke ia front after two wcre out in the second inning..ý The home tcam committed tbnee errons with Gary McCullougb garner- ing Uic only bit, as two runs crossed the plate. In the faurth, Bowmanville tied the count, when Cunt Vanstane doubled, Dudley waikcd, and atten Joe Kennett had sacrîficed both run- ners ta second and third, Bob Osborne rapped a wrong-field single. After the teams swappcd single ruas in the next inning, Newcastle broke in front again, ia the sixth, with Gary McCul- lough's triple being the big blow. Bowmanville splurgcd for four runs in the bottom bal! o! the inning. Bob Abbott struck out, but reacbed base when the catcher dnopped the third stnike. Bill Bates walked, Archie Crossey struck out, but Bob Marjerrison casbed in twa runs with a line double. Atten Ron Pollard missed a third' strike, piach-bitter Bill Cale strokcd a double and scored on Dudlcy's single. Werny doublcd in a Newcastle rua in the seventh and with two on and anc out in the eighth trame, Eric Carlcton's triple knockcd in the tying runs. Bates banc down ta fan the next two bittera. Aftcn Uic umpires signallcd. that the gamne would be called atter eigbt ýihnings, Crosaey walked and atole second and third. Manjernison rcceiv- cd a base an balla, and reliefer McCullough farnped the ncxt two battena, settijtg the stage fan Dudley's poke. Bates wcnt- the distance, giv- ing up six bits, five walks and claiming a dozen atnikeauts. Eric Canleton hurhed six innings for Newcastle, pcrmitting six bits, nine walks, and racking up 14 stnikeouts. In~ a two-ianing stint, McCulhougb walked two, allowed no bits and fancd five batters. McCullough atarred at bat, as he Waa the only batter ta collect marc than anc bit, with two singlea and a triple. Bow- manville made 12 errors. R H E Newcastle 120 011 12 8 6 4 Bow'ville 100 214 02 10 6 12 Newcastle-G. McCullough 2h, p-7th; Cnowther 1f, P. McCul- lough cf, Carleton p, 2b-7th; M. Lake r!, Rainey rf-7tb, Wcrry lb, Westbouser c, Gibson as, E. Lake ss-7th, Trîm 3b,. Bowmanville - Cnossey cf, Manjerrison 2h, Pollard if, Viv- Ian If-7th, C. Vanstone ni, Bill Cale rt-6tb,.Dudley as, Kennctt c, Bob Osbonne lb, Abbott 3h, Bates p. Meagre Crowd Attends Harvesters' Opener Tren ton Downed 7 - 2 In Orano, on Tbursday night, a big seven run second inning spluungc blpcd ta give the Or- ana tcam a 10-4 win aver the Cowaa Harvesters. George Joncs went the route. in taking bis second loas o! the yaung season. Don Mailet scattered il bita ta pick up the win. Joncs ailowed fine safeties, but Orono bunchcd their bits weil, pickiag up four in the big sec- ond înning, and tbree in Uic 2 run sixth. Lead-off batter, Raye West, reached first an Keliy's error, and after thefting second and third. came in on Keith West's sacrifice fly, in the firat in- ning. Joncs faced il batters in the second, with Shetier dlaim- ing a single and a double, Raye West singiing and. Beaton bag- ging a triple. In the sixth, Mal- let tripled, scored on Raye West's single, and Rye, after piliening bis third hage o! the game, was cashcd in, on bro- ther Keith's single. Bowmanville garnened twa ruas in the third inning, wben Vince Vanstone waikcd,' Bruce Cale tripied and scored on Tim Cox's single. Single by, Van- atone and Cohe featured the Har- vester's twa run seventh. Bow- manvilie staged a beiated iastl inning raily, when they, loaded the hases wîth two out, but the ralix- ended when Cox fiied out. Rave West with 3 sin- gles, and John Shetie r with a double and 2 singles picked upi ô of Orano'u 9 bits. Pitchieri George Joncs (3 bits), Vine Vanstone (2 bits) and "]Butch" Cale (3 bits. inciuding a triple) led the Harvesters' batters. 1 R HE Bowmanviile -___ 4 1h 2 Orono 10 9 0 Oroaa-R. West 3b,, K. West 2b, Beaton as, Armstrong lb, Shetier c, Mercer If, Boyd If-5th, Robinson r!, Lowry rf-5tb, Simpson cf, D. West cf-5th, Mailet p. Bowmanvill-Cole c, -Cox rf! Mason as, Ginardi ci, Masters 3b,, Kelly lb, Jones p, Garbeý If, Vanstone 2h. Openlng Game Saturday afternooa, befane a meagre opcaing day attendance. the Bowmanville Harvesters won their firat game o! the season, aftcr twa aetbacks. Trenton Philcos made their lo-1 cal debut at the Vincent Mas- sey Park, and despite five er- rons, it wasn't until the sevcatb ianiag that the home team was able ta put the game on ice. Trenton took a anc rua lead ia the second frame, on Peters', single, and pitcher Kanibach's twa-out double. The finat Han- vester home rua o! the season (an inside the park job) hy John Mason knotted the count in the third. The locais took the lcadi in the fourth, when Garbe dnewx a hase on balla, was sacrificed hy Ginardi, and sconed on pitch-, er Gond Seller's single with twa awa '.v Tim Cox singled, stole second and came in with theI Midgets Beat Newcastle When Ted Sallows Tosses One - Hitter On. Thursday A slow roUler on the third base uine, which stayed tain by inches, was the only hit even up by Bowmanville's Ted Sal-. lows, on Thursday night at. the Vincent Massey Park. Two wene out in thc sixth inning, betore Werry garnered the salety, ta spoil the Bowmanville mound- star's no-bit bid. Sallows reconded 11 stnike- outs, while Gary McCullough whiffcd ten batters, after ne- placîng starting pitcher B. Rowe, in the second inning. The local outfit wrapped the game up in the finst inning, with an cleven run outbunst, as four- teen men came ta bat. The af- terings of Rowe, proved easy ta salve, as Bill Osborne contni- buted a single and a triple, Bob Osborne and Paul Gearing tri- pled, and Larry Hancock addcd a home run. Atter being beld scoreless in the second, tour runs cnossed the plate in the next inning, an three walks and 4 singles. Bob Osborne batted in two runs, with John James and Larry Hancock driving in single tai- lies. In the fourth stanza, Lar- ny Piper reached base on an error. and scored on Bill Os- borne's two out homer. R H I Newcastle -- - - 0 i1 .. Bowmanville ---__17 14 I! Bowmanville-D. Bagnell 21C' L. Piper c, J. James 3b, Bih Osborne lb, R. Turner ss, Bal> Osborne ni, L. Hancock cf, P. Hancock cf-5th, P. Gearing If. D. Welsh lf-5th, T. Sallows p. Newcastie-Gibson ss, B. Rawve p, 2b-2nd, Carruthers cf, G. McCullough 2b, P-2nd, Wer 3b, V. Rowe c, PSa4rce lb. Dean If, Martin r!. The next midget home game is tonight at Vincent Massey Park. Port Hope Soccer Team Here Friday On Friday nlght, lune 6th, Port Hope saccer teani wlll meet the Bowmanville Hooper's Jewellers Club at Memorial Park, time 7:30 p.m. FielId Day At Shaw's Big E vent Last Friday morning over 100 boys and girls from S.S. No. 4, Providence, and Shaw's School met ta take part in Field Day. The weathcr was fine and the grounds were well prepar- ed for the events which had been planned. The morning activities began around 9:30 with several diff- erent races. Mr. Leslie Coombes of Providence acter as officiai starter and a number of parents w ere present to act as judges and ta lend a helping hand. Following the races the chul- dren were separated into three different age groups and pro- ceeded with high jumping. broad jumping and the other events. By noon most of the track and field events were !inished and the boys and girls with their teachers were glad ta sit down and take some nou- rishment. Shortly alter anc o'clock, the afternoon programi got under- way. There were three bal games with Mr. Pickle tram No. 4 School and Mr. Coombes tram Providence acting as uni- pires. The day was brought toaa close whe n aIl the children as- sembled in the school to receive the awards. The school winning the mostl points was Shaws and theyl were presented with a lovely silver cup by Mrs. Garnet Ric- kard. Patsy O'Brien of Shaw's and John Worden of No. 4 School were chosen as Junior Champ- ions. Ruth and Peter Werry received the highest points in the Intermediate division and Candy McAfee of No. 4 and David Werry of Shaw's were the Senior Champions. The teachers presented each cham- pion with an engraved medal. This was the first field day ever held at Shaw's School and it is hoped that pérhaps it will become an annual event to en- courage the boys and girls ta develop into fine athietes. eventual inner o slayr manager "Buck" Cowle's single, in the fifth stanza. Trenton threatened ta take the lead in the sîxth inning, when the finst two batters sin- gled. Sellers got the next bitter on à stnikeout, but second sack- en Joc Scott sconed Barr tram second, with a line single. Sell- ers bore down ta retire Peters via the strikeout, and pinch- swinger Garrett on a pop ta short. 1 The Harvestens blew the game wide open in the seventh, Ma- son and Cowle singled and anc run scored on Cole's base hit. George Joncs, pinch-hitting for Garbe belted a clutch double (anc bounce ta the schaal) an sconed on Girardi's single and smart base-running. Trenton's Kanlbach picked up ten strîkeouts in seven in- nings, with neliefen Scott add- ing another. Gord Sellers ne- tined 10 batters via the strike- out route and issued a single walk. Trenton right-fielder Don Barr was the only batter ta garner 2 safeties off Bowman- ville pitching. Manager "Buck"' Cowlc made an impressive playing appearance in centre field, puliing off severai fine running catches, and contribut- ing 3 singles in 4 officiai at bats. Trenton _____ 2 8 5 Bowmanville . 7 1l 0 Trenton-Barr r!, Stevens ss, Hantman lb, J. Scott 2h, p-7th, Peters 3b, Kennedy cf, Garrett ph for Kennedy-6th, Istead cf- 6th, A. Scott If, Kanlbach p, 2h- 7th, P. Scott c. Bowmanville-Kelly lb, Cox rf, If-8th, Mason as, Cowle cf, Vanstone 2h. Masters 3b, Cale 3b-fith, Garbe If, Joncs nf-7th, Girardi c, Sellers p. ACCOMMODATION WANTED, Your opportunity Io give lodgings Io old timers coming home for Centennial Celebrations Lel us know about your spare rooms and your raies per night CALL MArk.! 3-5031 or write Mr. Ken Morris.. Secretary-Manager, Chamber of Commerce, Bowmanville, Ontario. LET GEORGE DO IT! WHY! Pay Big- Prices for PAINT when you can buy guaranteed interior or exterior pamnt . in ail colours at our store for as little as $ 3*49 GALLON Quart 95c If Honest Ed can do it . . . so can we! BUY NOW. ..eAND SAVE We arv acoialet ne ofm, % Camping >i Equipment SLEEPING BAGS Ail-round Zipper, Rubber Base ... 10e% Nylon LIFE JACKETS Government Approved Special Thurs..- Fr. - Sat. DRESS PANTS One pair to a customer Reg. $7.95 Sale -- $3.95 Watch Next Week's Issue for FATHER'S BAY SPECIALS Bowma nvillie Surplus Store 42 King St. E. Phone MA 3-3211 r 'i 1» 1 TffURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1958 TR STATÉSMAN. BOWMANVff.-LE. ONTAMO M a d'IV qelum" "W 4 $8.95 1

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