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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1958, p. 13

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.Jç . S M...CI C - r r.tjri.r.<r.c 1' .rr~. .CW vYun I'~V lm sv 4lsem~=,~N TM CANADIAN STATES?&". EOWMA2q'YXLI, ONTARIO PAS% liNtEUI VIsitint Group On Monday we were privil. S d to be entertained by the 9ttrboro Co1*iate band and Glee Club. @~y were very good and we fé~pe that they will b. able evour us witb Sa return performnan-ce. W Exama Also on Monday, Grade 13 started their confidential set of exarrunations. The purpose of these exains in, for a very good summing up of the years work and also as a good review for the June exams. They are wri- ting in 10A and so we ask every- one tu be especiaily quiet when paling. the vicinity of 10A. Grades il and 12 begin writ- ing on June 6 and grades 9 and 10 write beglnning June 13. Also Grade 13 begins again et this time. Start or continue those atudies! Rings There has been quite a mix- up with the rings that were received and for those stili waiting for their rings, picase have, patience and we'll clear up the problem as soon as poss- ible. Band Concert A week ago iast Wednesday our band and GIee Club pre- sented a wonderful concert and to those of you who missed it inay 1 say you missed a superb exhibition. Congratulations Mr. %~ers and to your talented gr- d'h.We are very proud of you. Fashion Show On Thursday night some of the girls of B.H.S. who take Home Economica are present- Ing a fashion show ta exhibit the clothes that they have made in their various groups. Please keep tonight free so that you $ 300-00 REWARD Fer information Ieadingt t the arrest and conviction of any Person treapassing on, or steallng tromi BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERY Properties 1 $1,15 PHONE MA 3-5778 mnay go t* the school auditor- ium to ste this show. C.O.S.S.A. liset Hugh Smale o! grade ninel came second in the C.O.S.S.A. 2 mnile run for juniors whiie Bob Hannah o! eleven B won the C.O.S.S.A. Intermediate sho- tput. This meet was held in Trenton and aur boys hitch- hlked down and we certainlv would like to congratulât e them. Around the School Mr. Witherspoen returned on Monday and we ail are glad ta sec him back. Verna Foran is now the President o! aur Stu- dent Council since Jenri Ross left lest week for her new job. Elections This week B.H.S. will b. vot- lng ta office the new executive o! the Student Coundil. Nom- inated for the vanlous offices are: President, Charlie Trim and Jim ,Mesterson;, secnetary, Marilyn Pasce, Berneice Coch- ran. David Maguire: publiclty, Doris Martin, Ted Bartlett,Jon Perry, Treasurer. The votîng will take place Friday. Exams Also stanting Friday Grade 12 begins their final examinations and on Monday Grade Il be- gins. Fifth Form are just finish- lng their confidetial exanis and will begin their final set &long with Grades 9 and 10 in ab«t two weeks. Rings We hope that in the near fu- ture the ring problem will be settled and se wc ask each per- son who is stiil waiting to please have patience until they are distrlbuted. We wil get thcm ta you as soon as possible. Screech Owis The Screech Owls *ill be distributed also in the not too far-of f future. Again we ask yau ta be patient. SALEM Séveral frorn here atterided the opening o! the new Punina plant at Whitby on Saturday. Our Young People took part in the Oshawa Presbytery Young People's bail tounnament at~ Oshawa on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. H. McClure had à successful sale on Saturday.. Unbreakable Plastie Bottle 80 WMAN VILLE EXTRA FEATURES!l These A t a Exclusives 1 0 Automnatie femildidspensers a essert bu, lhftever aboff a Automatic invênteiy <itil 0 Six Ammna-Motic 0 Full-vision lighting fast-fr..xinq surfaces ., W:e have the size for your family from 9 to 25 cu. ft. ~B eady te freeze your surplus garden crop, and our food ,plan -is *Çallable te you wben you buy your Amana Freezer front Us. THUS, YOU MAY SAVE AS YOU PAY - ALSO LIVE BETTER FOR LESS Ask our Aman& ,wners. there is one near you. Iowmaviie FrIgId Locor System 73 Si.WestBeowmanvills PHONE MA 3.5579 AS JéSScreeclz (9w1 IBy Veina For»n mmd Chule Trim Kawa rth a Tennis Schedule June- 7-Quaker A at Lindsay 8-Bowmnanville at Part Hope i l-Lindsay at Quaker B 14-Llndsay at Port Hope 18-Quaker A et Bowmanvillt 21-Port Hope at Quaker A 25--Quaker B et Bowmanville 28--Part IHope nt Lindsay 29-.-Bownanville at Quaker B Juiy- 2-Quaker B at Quaker A 5-Quaker A at Port Hope 9-Part Hop e at Bowmenville 12-Quaker B at Lindsay 13-Bowmanville at Quaker A 16-Part Hope nt Quaker B- 19-Bowmnanviile et Lindsay 23-Llndsay at Bowmanville Augut-. 9-Quaker B at Port Hope i 3-Lindsay at Quaker A 16-Quaker A et Quaker B ENNISKILLEN Proceeds were $567.89 at iEnniskillen anniversaryý, not $1,- 567.89 as reported. Mr. andi Mnà. R. J. Ormiston, ettended En!ield Annhiversary services, and wtertea guest s man. Mr. and Mr&. Fred Wright end family, Maple Grave; Mn. and Mrs. Pet Tresise. and girls, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors o! Mn. andi Mrs. N. E. Wright. Mn. and Mns. Jôhn Oke and family, Oshawa, wene Sunday visitons at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mnî. Fred Tomns at tended Negtleton Anniversary services and wene tea guests, with Mr. and Mrs. C. E . Hornnî at their cottage, Cièsarea. Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormirton, were Tuesday visitons with Miss Emma Werry, Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Edgar Wright! s p nt the weekend at Buck H arn Lake. Bert Hunter o! Monck visit- ed Mn. andi Mrs. Carl Fergusoni. Mn. and Mr&. Gea. Inwin and Rodney, visited Mr. and Mr&. Ernest Irwin, Bobcaygeon. Mr. and Mrs. trnest Evans' 1London, Mn. and Mrs. IR. Sey- mour, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lee, and boys, Oshawa, wqre with Mn. and Mrs. Walter Fenguson. Mrs. Jack McQuadc, Terry and Linda, Oshawa, were Sun- day callers et Mn. and Mrs. Earl Trcwin. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and beys went visitons with F/S andi Mrs. Kensey, Toronto.! Mr. and Mrs. Charley Hiles, Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. Len Cheesernan and Linda. Oshawa, wcre Surida v visitors et Mn. and Mrs. W. Howells. Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Fockler and famliy, Toronto, were w ith, Mr. and Mre. H. Grubb. Mr. and Mrs. LeonCard Sta in- ton, Gail and Doris, were vis it- ors of Mr. and Mrs. H. Stain-i ton. Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lamb, Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb wcre Sunday visitons with Mnr. andi Mrs. Garnet Towns, Peterbr-, ough. Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, attended à birthday party oni Thursdey evenlng at Mr. andi Mrs. Arthur Tamblyn'a, Camn- bray. Mr. and Mrs. Ployd Pethick andi Robin, Toronte; Mr. and rs. Howard Pethick and farn- ily, Uxbridgc were with Mr. andà Mrs. S. 1ft. Pethick. Miss Patsv Burkitt, Steir.- burg, spent the week-end with Miss Phyllis Howells. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Wearn and, family attended Enfield-An ni-1 versary and the Graduation., Service for Nurses at Simcop United Church. Oshawa, Misses Helen Parrott and Elenor Rus- sell wene graduated nurses, in the ciass o! nurses. Mn. and Mrs. Walter Rahrn, Tyrone, i company with Mn. andi Mrs. John, E. Griffin, spent the weekend at Burwash and Sudbury visited wlth Mn. Cita. Bradley Junior. Rev. andi M. R. M. Seyfnour spent a lew days with Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ashton. Mns. N. Cllacutt. Bowman- ville. spent Saturday with Mn. and Mri. Wallace Griffin. .Mrs. T. M. Sieman spent a week in Toronito with Mrs. £va Tycrt, andiother friends. They are staylng with Mr. and lira. J. Cook for a short time. Mir. and lins. Doug. Thomp- son left asat week to take up residence in the United States. AnIveru7 VWtIors Mr. and Mrs. S. Lancater and Doreill. Newtonville, withi Mr. and Ms. S. Buttery. Mr. and Mri. L. Savery, Osh- awa. wlth Mr. and Mrs. L.i Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Lehman andc Jef!, Brooklin, with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Reynolds. Rev. Philip Romeril, Black- stock, Rev. and Mrs. P. Jackson, Tyrone, Misa Sonja Jacobson, Whitby, with Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. M.and Mns. Howard Cryder- mar, Mapie Grove, Mr. L. Squair with Mr. andi Mn. Ger- aid Shackleton. Mr. and Mns. David Craig, Tyrone, with Mr. and Mr&. Bob Craig. Mr. and Mrs. W. Chapmnan, Mrs. Ruttan, Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Shackleton. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Pansons, Oshawa. with Mr. and Mrs. M. Marchant. Mr. and, Mns. Elton Werry,] Ebenezer, Mr. and Mns. Ros Lane and famnily, Mrs. Ken Werry and family, Shaw's, with Mrs. W. G. Werry and Mrs. Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- burn and famlly, Mrs. K. Cow]- ing, Haydon, with Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Foley, Carlos, Jim, David, Ken and Esther Cryderman. Maple Grave, Mr, and Mrs. L. McMahon, Town, with Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist. loua events. Parents are ne- minded that thcy may lend their support by attcndmng the rodeo. Swimming Lestons Swiniming classes for child- ren in Bowmanvullc will begin on Juiy l4th. at the Ontario Training School for Boys' Pool. Registration forms will be available at the Recreation in the Lions Centre or through the Public Schools. W. "Bill" Bagnell will b. the chie! instructor for these class- es. Classes will be conducted for Tadpoles (nbon-swimmers), Be- ginners (laut year's Tadpoles who swam at least onc length o! the Pool), Junior, Intermedi- atc and Senior Red Cross Tests. The minimum age for Senior Red Cross award is 13 years o! age. In order to take part in these swimming lessons you must f iii out an application form. Mini- mum age is seven (7) years old as o! June lst, 1958. If there is a large registration this age limit may have ta be raised. Each swimýmer must supply his or her own towel and swim- niing suit. Soccer Highlîghts Wednesday's activity !ound bath games cnding in ties. Hampton and Courtice wound up in a 2 ail tic, with Tyrone and Zicin pleying ta a 1-1 dcad- lock. On Satunday night, bath games were decided by the same 4-1 count. Zion downed Enniskilien, and Maple Grave took aven et haîf time, to hand Bowmanville thein second con-, secutive loss. Three games wcne playcd in the junior division, with Zion claiming a nannow 3-2 win aven Hampton, Tyrone shutting out Enniskillen, 2-0, and Courtice trouncing Map le' Grave by a 4-1 score. Tom Graham scored te give Eowmanville Hoopen's Jewel- lers the lead, but then the Grov- ers took over. Dîck Denhcrtog's goal ticd the game, and that was the way the first hall end- ed. The reigning champion, Ma- ple Grave club took aven in the second hal! te lire three unanswered tallies. Another goal by the champions, was called back. Hockey player, Ray "Whitey" Preston netted the winning marker, with Den- hertog scoing twice more, for the hat-tnick performance. Thé Bowmanviile tcam ex- pects ta be heard from, once they get thein line-up straight- ened eut. ELIZABETH VILLE One afternoonc last week aur school played ball with Wood- ville and de!eated thcm. This week they playcd with Pine Grave and were defeated. Pine LJIL, 4umilioxa LR ecreatiton (R evtews House of David Tecam Coming Here June 30 -I;ms= Dance Recital The Recreation Detartmnent's Dancing Classes will holci their Fourth Annual Dance Recital in the Town Hall on Friday, June l3th, starting at 7:30 p.m. The program wil include Ba- ton Twirling, Tap Dancing and Ballet and possibly some dan- cers from Oshawa added to the program. Tickets for the Rpcital may b. purchased from any member o! the dancing classes or at the door on the night o! the Reci- tai. Bicycle Rodeo Bowmanville Kinsmen Club wiJl hold their Annual Elmer Bicycle Rodeo at Central Pub-. lic School on Thursday, June 19th at 6:30 p.m. Girls and Boys betwecn the ages of eight and 16 are eigýible to compete in the rodeo. Such skillful events as rail ride, pa- per tbrow, slalomn, si6w ride and racing will be held. Application forma to enter the rodeo will be available next Monday, June gth. Several prizes will be award- ed for the winners o! the var- COAL NOW 'III at BIG SAVUNGS Summer Prices in Effect unml JuIy Ist Famous Reading Anthracite Slove and Nul e e . Pea e . Buckwheai and Briquets STEPHEN FUELS Phono NA 3-5410 WE'RE OFFERINS ibelDES DEAIS la TOWN Art': Car Marketfi s poraied in strict honesly.. every laie madel car sold on a 90-day guaranute ...50-50 hasis on breakdown . .. Place your order with us for good used cars. If you are interesed in qualiiy and cleanlimes: - You can't go wrong in dealing with as! 1955 FORD SEDAN custom i ne, autonsatie transmission, custons radio, chrome vheei rima, 2-tone paint and 2-tant Interlor. A verv dlean car.$1 9 Many extrus, iow mileage - $1a9 1953 PONTIAC DELUXE SEDAN Brandi new set of guaranteed tires. Now, here lu a reai kocekout . .. 2-tone paint, and interlor . . . The amoothest thing you evcr rode ln . . . Don't let the cicanlinessa nd beauty of this car scare you. $ 9 Priced at oniy-------9 9 & or a drep hene und a few drops aver there and lt's ail yours before you know lt! 1953 FORD Custom Line SEDAN Brand new set. e! guaranteed tires, white walis. Real nice maroon finish. Overdrive. OCiean as a pin and loaded with bald tire po-4tr. See It today. We're waiting for yon. Only money - ,5 -t------------ --------$995 OR CASH, TRADE AND EASY TERMS N mB 1946 CHEVO COACH Custom radio, good tires, ready te go $15000 1953 NONARCE SEDAN Radio, rear seat speaker. Automatie shift, dual exhausts. We sincerely appreciate doing business with yon . . . and you will feel likewise when you try, and buy thsMonarch$1 9 At Only $ 1 OR CASH, TRADE AND EASYT ERMS 1953 PLYNUME SEDAN (CRANBROOK). Brand new guaranteed set of tires, white walls. Beautitul metallie finish, loaded wlth eye appè&l. Côme, sec il! $ 9 Only money ------------ - -- ---- $ 9 # on a littie down and -a littie cath month for a littie whiic! 1953 PONTIAC COACH Brund new set o! guarantecci tires, whitc walis. Custom built radio. Truly beauty and lonesome for 9 a good buyer - Only - -$89u OR CASH, TRADE AND EAST TERMS 1956 DGDGE SEDAN 2-tone _ _ _ 1 9 paint --___$1695__- 1954 CHEVROLET SEDAN Another beauty . . . another of those cleanest of dlean cars, and extremely bard te resust buying. Brand new set of guananteed tires, white wallu, Attractive 2-tone finish. Ail It nieeds 1* a littie hay and that big smile behind that white steêting wheei (or a beard) Ail this for ------ --------$1095 (Ineinding Custom Radio) or littie money, traie-la and easy paynientê. 1950 FORD COUCH Customi radio, excellent tires Full Pice - ---an very -e--- $ 4 9 5 LOW DOWN PAYMEN'T AND EAST TERMS 1954 14ERCURY '/2-ton PANEL Fie - ---- $695 LOW DOWN PAYMENT AND EASY TERMS -tween Cars at Bargain Prices 1951 CHRYSLER COUPE $95.00 (Needs Work) NO DOWN PAYMENT NECESSARY TO PREFERRED CREDIT 1947 NERCURY COUPE $12500 (Need% Faine Teeth lu Low Gear) NO DOWN PAYMENT NECESSARY TO PREPERRED CItEDIT Ail cars have beom checked and are roady for many miles of trouble-free driving 194-m196 Church St.,, Bowmonville ARKET Phone MA 3-m5064 By Douglas Rigg ej~1~ N OW I The one sientific formula that checks 2~spiration breakthrough. J{Wi andc1 Çi~ by Revion THE ROLL-ON DEODORANT ROLLS ON ... ALL DAY PROTECTION THAT DOESN'T FADE AWAY Jury & Love!! 1951 FORD COUPE $185000 (Needs Work) NO DOIVN PAYMENT NECESSARY TO PREFERRE» CREDIT ART'SCA Grove wiflPlaY at the annual field day on Fniday. Mis. E. Trew andi Miss Dor- een Trew, Oshawa, visited with Mir. and Mrs. W. Beatty ;recent~- ly. Mir. and Mrs. Nick, Ka- thy and Patty. of Rochester, N. Y., Èpent tht Memorial holiday wit.h her parents, Mn. and Mii. W. Lewko. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Fowlie and thrce childnen, Detroit, spent the holiday with Mrs. Walters and' Mrs. Smith. Mr. Fowlie is a grandson of the late Mr. and Mrs. A. Muldrew. Mr. and Mrs. W. Beatty and Leo Fallis visited in Onillia Sun- day and called an Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Durwood, Sunderland, on the way home. Mrs. E. Elliott and girls with her sister, Mrs. H. Quantrili, for the weekend. Miss Donna Mercer, Toronto, was home for the weekend. Early this morning the home of Mr. andi Mrs. Clarence Beatii ty caught on fine !rom the pipes. House of David BasebailTeuin on Monday, June 30. This professional beaàbaUi team fnomn Philadelphie,, P.., %vill play against the Bowman- ville Harvesters. They will be bninging witk them such stars et Wille Mtasi. ner a one-armed outfieldér, Joe L.auran, pitchimg star. You will see Joe Stella. a fancy fieldtine first basemnan and a bit power hâtter, and Don Wells, home run king of the te4rm. ThCre are mnanv other stars and this garne wiIl b. worth while watchin.g. Andy Hershock is the mana- ger and coach and isl quiteaa comcedy actor. These bail players aIl have beards and wlll htlp evternt get into the spirit of Our Cel%& tennial. More news nert week. STOCK Up ONI IT One o! the big attraction& for Old Home Week will b. the appearance 'o! the farnous It was put out Successtully. Mrs. Gea. Fowler, Oshawa, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Fowler. She attended the! funeral of the late Mns. Arthur Mercer, Garden Hiii. Mr. Orville Kennedy, Mill- brook, brought his power mow- er down and aiong with Mr. E. Fowler has cut the grass around and in Oak Hill Cerne- tery a couple of times. Mr. and Mrs. O. Mercer vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Newton Taylor, Centreton, Sunday. Several in the community at- tended the funeral of the late Mrs. A. Mercer which was héld in Garden Hill Church on Mon- day.

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