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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1958, p. 14

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PAGE FOUETEEN ?~ CAIiAD!AN STATESMAN. ~OWMMIVTLLE. ONTAITO THURSDAY. ZUNN Sth. 1959 Inspiring Services at Courtice Anniversary COURTICE - Sunday Sehool The Junior and Senior Choir Anniversary services were weil Leader, Mr. Frank Walter en- attended on Sunday, by pupils, tered the church with a Pro- parents and visitors. At the cessional Hymn, "Gxlory Be ta morning service, the Superin- God, the Father". The Senior tendent, Mr. W. E. Warburton, choir sang the Anthem, "God was assisted by Mr. Walter Who Madest Earth and Hea- Sbortt, who read the scripture yen" by Earnest Newton and passage and introduced the the Junior choir sang- "Shine guest preacher, Rev. W. G. For Jesus" by C. Austin Miles. Dickson, B.A., Minister of Appreciation was expressed Centre St. United Church, Osh- by Mr. Warburton toalal those awa. who had helped in any way Music before the service, with the Anniversary arrange- provided by Miss Luise Weh- ments. nert, pîanist, Mr. Frank Walter. The Anniversary Committee organist and Mr. Rolf Wehnert, deserve mucb credit for two Violinist, made a worsbipfui inspiring services. setting for the entire service. The Sunday Schoai accornpan- ied by Mrs. R. DeCoe sang, TheCOT TP Theme Song- "Tbank You C U TC Lord" for the opening and later in the service sang "Joy Beils" . Mrs. Jack Shortt had as An- and "Songs of Joy". The begin- niversary supper visitors, Mr. ners, under the direction oi Mrs. and Mrs. Norman Shortt, Osb Eari Gatchell, sang with mo- awa. and Miss Gladys Yellow- tions "Jesus Loves the Child- lees, Solina. ren". Mr. John DeCoe and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Cleve Kinsman Bill Warburton received the and family, Oshawa and Mrs. offering which was dedicated Kinsman, Sr., Town Line were by the superintendent. Sunday supper guests of Mr. Rev. W. G. Dickson based and Mrs. S. E. Kinsman. bis message ta the children on Mr. and Mrs. C. Daniel and David and The Sbepherd's Psa- Mr. Neil Daniel, Oshawa, were lm. supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. At the evening service, Rev. W. E. Warburton on Sunday Harold Stainton, the pastor o! Mr. and Mrs. James Mac- the churcb, was present and Gregor entertained Mr. and Mrs.j lntroduced Rev. W. G. Dickson, Ronald Osborne as Annivers- the guest preacher. Rev. Dick- ary guests. son's sermon was based an the Mr. and Mrs. Paul Antil have saying of one ,of the great pre- returned home from a visit achers o! the early church, with friends in Forest. Paul, wha said, "I preacb Christ Mrs. C. Keating and Bobby Crucified". o! Guelph spent the weekend ______________________ at ber daugbter's home, Mr. an d Mrs. Barry Johnson. W A NT ED Little Miss Betty and Master Stephie Norris are weekend Dead, Old and Crlppled guests ai Mrs. Wilfred Brown FARM STOCK while tbeir parents, Mr. andj Plcked Up Free of Charge Mrs. John Norris are attendingj 24 Hour Service tbe Lions Convention li North Phon ColectBay. Phon ColectMr. George Sbortt, Hamilton, Cobourg FR 2-3721 spent a weekend recently with Peterborough RI 2-2080 bis mother, Mrs. Jack Shortt NICK PECONI and bis brothers, Walter and Peterborough - Ont. Luther. ________Mrs. Donald Thompson enter- Have openings for a few more contracts in Bowmanville area We build a six-inch reinforced, poured waII. Presently working at J. Brown's Farm, Newcastle Edgar Prescott's Farm, Enfield McCANN BROS. 224 WILLIAM ST. PHONE 4121 STRATFORD For Satisfactory Heating Installations SEE MOSIER SHEET METAL 21 Church Si. Oshawa AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR Imperial Dil Heating Unit: Gar Wood Dii and Gas Unit: BEST AVAILABLE FINANCING Phone Collect RA 5-2734 RA 5-2751 'f j' tained the Social Cammittee of the Woman'a Association oni Monday eveing to make plansI for a coming Wedding recept- ion. Little Joni Penfound enjoyed i two days holdiay with her gra- ndparents, Mr. and Mrs. Carm- an Foster, in Whitby.' Robbin Johnson had ber ton- suls removed in Memorial Hos- pital, Bowmanville, on Frlday, last. We are glad to report that littie Beverley Thompson s progressing favourably now, fa- Ilowing a recent tonsx.l opera- tion. Mrs. Fred Balson, who has been quite ill, this past week, is slowly improving. Mrs. Clarence Penfound was guest of St. Stephen's C.G.I.T. Mother and Daughter Banquet on Wednesday evening and on Monday night, she was a guest of Simcoe St. C.G.I.T. Mother and Daughter Pot Luck supp- er. On both occasions, she spoke about the C.G.I.T. camps spon- sored by the Oshawa and Dis- trict C.G.I.T. Board for this summner. Mr. Lloyd Allingham, Som- merville, Ave., Oshawa, was the lueky winner of the Draw an a chair by the Darlington Volunteer Fire Department on May 24. W.A. Meeting The May meeting of the Wo- man's Association was, held in Courtice church on Thursday evening with the Missionary group, in charge ai the meeting. Mrs. R. DeCoe reported for the Nominating C o ma m i ttee, Mrs. Orme Robertson as assist- ant Secretary, also a member o! the nominating Committee. Happy Birthday was sung for four members. The président expressed appreciation for al ta the Committee in charge o! The Variety Programme aiso the Missionary group who ca- aperated with Parsonage board in arranging lunch for Open House. Announcements werel made regarding next meeting,j June 26th. also the picnic wbich, will be in charge oi Misionary Group Aug. 21. The Christian Educatian Group will be in charge o! the Strawberry Tea, date wili b e announced later, Mrs. George Johnson and Mrs. Charles Ful- ton volunteered ta heipat Mo- ther and Daugbter Banquet. The W.A. voted ta sponsor two girls ai the C.G.I.T. at Camp Pretor- la this summer. A film "The Church at Ni- shia" was a fine interpretation ai the work a! the church in Japan in ail the varlous phases. A Japaneese pastor tells thel story and the colourful pic- tures told in an attractive way this story o! love and good-will. Mrs. Orme Robertson and Mrs. Donald Thompson presented an inspiring worship period with the theme, Meditation. A poem "If Jesus Came ta Your EXouse" caught one's attention in a striklng way. ENFIELD Annlversa.ry Visitors Mr. and Mrs. Neil Smith ar family, Columbus, Mr. and Mi Ray Cowiing, Whitby; Mrs.1 Griffin, Miss Laura Fielder, M~ and Mrs. M. Samis, Miss El; Samis, at F. Samis'. Mr. Aylmer Prescott, Mi Rose Marie Prescott, Mr. ar Mrs. Hoskin Smith, Hamptc at E. and D. Prescott's. Mr. Doug Courtice, Courtl<i Mrs. Sid Hockaday, Mrs. Erneý Hockaday, Eveiyan and Je& Solina, at L. Cochrane's. Rev. B. Long, Orono; Rev. an Mrs. R. M. Seymour, Kingstci Mr. and Mrs. R. Ormiston, Er niskillen; Mr. and Mrs. L. Ast ton and Ronald, Haydon; M, Ray Ashton, Toronto, at 'M Bowman's. Mr. and Mrs. Sami Adamn Bowmanviile, at R. Cochrane' Mr. and Mrs. C. Snowde, Mrs. A. Beech, Maple Grov Mrs. J. Stark, Columbus; Mi and Mrs. C. Rahm, at H. Or miston's. Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Miss Bes sie Pascoe, Oshawa, at G. Bow man's. Mr. and Mrs. D. Davey, Lin da and Norma, Mb. and Mrç Keith Davey and Elaine, Ty rone, Mr. E. Ormiston, Ebene zer, at W. Pascoe's. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Taylor Oshawa, at the Taylor home. Mr. and Mrs. M. Allen atL Simpson's. Our Anniversary servicE were most successful with ex ceptionally fine sermons, gooc music and a nicely decorater churcb. Rev. Basil Long of On Lnd .rs. R Ulr. ýsie liss ind Lon nd Institute Makes Plans for Centennial Museuml The regular meeting of Bow manville Women's Institutea the Lions Centre on Thursday May 29, with memberso Hampton Women's Institutea guests. Mrs. T. Buttery wel comed ail the guests at th, [door. Business was eonducted b, Mrs. G. Alichin, president, are Mrs. M. Wiseman, secretary treasurer, in their respectivi chairs. It was decided to have a floa for Centennial parade and committee was formed to mai arrangements for this. Ahs plans are underway to hell with the museum for the Cen tennial. Mrs. G. Jones was ap. pointed quilt convenor to looc after making of quilts for Kop per Karnivai next winter. Motto: Do flot resent grow. ing old, many are denied tha privilege. Mrs. S. Buttery gav( a readîng along that theme. The roll call-a popular soný when you were in your teens- brought much amusement. Mrs. T. Buttery and Mrs. R Hetherington were the leader! ono, talked to ebldren and adults in the afternoon and hE told themn of "The Three Litt]E Foxes" and how to live witf them. In the evening bis ser. mon deait with "giving" ané how our very best wasn't toc good for God. The junior sing. ers, assisted by some aduits sang four numnbers; in the after. noon. In the evening the adull choir did a good job of voice blending in their renditions. The church was decorated with liiacs, tulips and llly-ofl the valley. Sunday morning services wil commence on June 8 at 9.30. Philip Ashton and Mrs. Berg of Detroit, visited at the Or- miston home. Nesilet on Station Sunday visitors witb Mr. and 4r. Mrs. Ehi Mairs were: Mr. and W- Mrs. Walter Cooper, Goodwood, Miss Gloria Hood, R.N., Lem- rionvill:' Mr. and Mrs. George il, ville. 'e; Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Ir. Ceci Wilson were Mr. andi Mrs. ýr Roy Morrow, Brighton, Mrs. H. Sameils, Misses Gwen and Eu- Snice Wilson, Scarboraugb, and IV Messrs. Herman Rodman, Little Britain, andi Norman Lyons, n- Uxbridge. rs. Mrs. Grant Thompson at- y- tended the laying o! the carner e, stone for the new Parkdale Public School i Toronto on rMonday. Mr. andi Mrs. Rupert Marris, E.Lindsay, called on Mr. andi Mrs, Jas. Harris. es Mrs. Foster Ferguson, Otta- Xwa, visited Cartwright friends. d Danny Payne, Toronto, spent ýthe weekend with Kitchener r- Burton. Mrs. Jas. Ferrier, Perth, was 'a visitor this past week with ber mother, Mrs. Nelson Mariaw. The Grant Thampsans visited Mrs. Milton Goode andi Kathy, Peterborough, and Mr. andi Mrs. Albert Lowick, Lindsay. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Free- love, Peterboro, were Sunday visitors with ber father, Artbur 'Hulbert. Mrs. Boyd who bas been stay- ing with Mrs. John Dickey re- turneci ta ber home in Ennis- killen, and Mrs. Dickey is now at the home o! ber niece, Mrs. Albert Wright and Mr. Wright. Mrs. J. W. Irvine wha bas not been sa well is sbowing im- provement again. Mrs. Malcolm Emerson open- eci ber home for a W. I. execu- tive meeting on Tuesday even- ing. iMiss Evelyn English and Miss Norma Suggitt a! Port Perry, are establisheci in the village Iwith Miss Ruth Proutt. jMiss Muriel McKee, Mr. and iMrs. Ray Barber and family, visited Mrs. S. McKee. JRev. Bansteel a! Betbany occupieci the pulpit in the Pres- byterian Cburcb while Rev. R. Campbell conducteci anniver- sary services in Janetville Un- ited Cburch on, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. Crawford and fIamily visited1 friends in Port Perry andi Bowmanvile 1 and witb is parents, Mr. and IMrs. Joseph Crawford, Orono. IMr. and Mrs. Fred Bradburn, IJanetville, visiteci Mr. andi Mrs. Bruce Heaslip. The many friencis of Dr. R. P. Bowles wilI be sarry ta learn he is canfined ta Fort Ferry lio0pit4l at Ly, o! as ý1- id y.- vt a p n- - ---ac-L-----t2 ytarsa . uesuay eeig p- Due ta this being exception- M r. and Mrs. Samn Mann ally well written and weil tended the Anderson-Brc T- planned it wili be printed ini wedding in Oshawa, Saturd at. the Centennial issue o! The also the reception in St. Ma 'e Statesman. A vote of thanks. ew's Hall. was moved for those taking Mr. and Mrs. Bert Payne a .g part. Meeting clased wîth lunch Theresa, Hampton, calIled - and a social bal! bour. Next Mr. and Mrs. D. Laverty mreeting will be aur annuai pic- Saturday. R. nic on June 26 at the Lions Mrs. W. McLean, Richarda s Centre. Larry. were Sundav visiti with Mr. and Mrs. M. RackE MA LE GR V Oshawa. They attended the f le McLean's god-child, Patri hf (Intended for last week) Rockert. MradMr.HwadCy Mr. Albert Bothwell, Bo d r drand KeMnn EHowrd, y-manville, called on bis parer, Id Sdeaysuper anuEstheai were Mr. and Mrs. Dave Bothw )0 andaMrs Cyrl Aeryof r.Sr. an Thursday evening. and tle. and Aery Newcas- Mr. and Mrs. Cbesiey Bi tan, Oshawa, were Sunday v itedr hn Mrs. G. Rekker vis- 1 itors with Mr. and Mrs. Ce e er sister, Mr. and Mrs. Butn Flootrnan, West Moncton, an the occasion ai their wedding £~anniversary on Saturday. ]KEDRON Mr. and Mrs. Les Coilacutt attended the Eldad Anniversary Ined frlswe) and were tea guests o! Mr. and Mr.Inaendedfor anst ee .MsunGdonvisas o!Mr. mnster o! Harmony, candu Ms. nFinitore o Mr. and ed the regular morning serv Mrs. KMaurint MurdocMr nt teKedron United Cburcb, Mrs.Mauice urdck, orttheabsence o! the minist Credit, and Misses Arlene and Rev. R. H. Rickard, who isj Carol and Bruce Begley, Bow- cuperating at home followi xranville. recent hospitalization. On1 Mrs. Jael Hornby, Sylvia, bal! o! the cangregatian,a IMrs. N. Brournemnan, Cathy and personaîîy, Mr. Alîman expre d Donald, Highland Creek, visited dbswih frapeyi with Mr. and Mrs. Dan Holmes coedb ast wishes fo a sPl an Satra. L .Sow npit. for-Mr. Rickard. i ss len out, t.Cah- Bouquets o! red and wh MissEilen out, S. Cth-carnations were placed bei i arines, visited witb Miss Mil- the chancel by Mrs. H. Fli 9dred Snowden on Saturday. cher Werry, in loving memn L Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and ai ber daughter, Bernice, t 1family accompanied by Mr. late Mrs. Howard Brown. -Charles Milîs, Part Perry, vis-I Jack Francis, Sunday Schî Iited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Short, supe rintendent for the ensui Seagrave, on Sunday. months, presided for tbe chur Miss Sheila Munro, Mr. Har-'scbool bour, wbich was large ry De Long, Toronto, were taken. up with practice for t: Sunday guests ai Mrs. L. C. speciai music for the AnniVE rSnowden, Mildred and Bob. sary of the S. S. an June 15. a The sympathy o! the com- Kedron friends attended tI i munity is extended ta Mrs.. C. Searle-Davies wedding on Sa J. Hall on the sudden passing 1 urday afternoon in Simcoe af ber brother. United Church, Oshawa. Ru Very sarry ta hear that Mrs.1 ald Werry wsageto Goleski lx still confined ta hos- 'andi Mrs. HwaceSarguest a! »pital. bus, when they entertain( Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wright, mem-bers o! the wedding par, taccampanied by Mrs. Keith Bi!- in their home, following r let visiteci Mr. and Mrs. Tho- hearsal on Friday evening ar mas Martin, Oshawa. amang guests at the receptic Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Martin. follawîng the wedding an Sa LBowmanville. and Mr. and Mrs. urday. Kedron community WE Charles Martin, New Westmin- cames the bride and groom, MV ster, B.C., were Saturday even- andi Mrs. Bruce Searle. formeý ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. ly Marilyn Davies, ta their ne, Fred Wrigbt. Kedron home. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Morton Miss Florence Hepburn wc accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. amang those who took partj William Munro, Baltimnore, en- the Fashion Show held recen- joyeci a three-day trip ta the 1.y in the Union Hall, Oshaw; Adirondacks and visited Lake Às a representative from th Placid, Howe Cavern andi ather Singer Sewing Machine chas places. Miss Hepburn modelled th The Maple Grave cburch had dress for which she haci bee a capacity cangregation an Sun- awarded the highest numbE day when Mr. Mel Smith, Osh- of points among the Oshaw awa, ai the Sunday Schoal af entries. the Air was guest speaker. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Brow Smitb's message on the heal- and Eric o! Oshawa were amori ing af the blinci man was most visitors an Sunday at the boni interesting. Joan Zubkavich o! Mrs. Fletcher Werry. andi George Macka played sev- 'The Community Club held eral aid hymns an their piano successfuî dance an Saturda: accordions. The chair cansist- evening at the Community Cer ed o! a fine graup oi aur teen- tre, with a North Oshawa graui age yaung people. There will be suppîying the music. no church next Sunday as Mr. andi Mrs. William Werr Courtice are baving their anni- were among guests af Dr. an( versar 'v. Sunday School at the Mrs. George Werry, Oshawa sanie time. an Saturday evening, when ar Mrs. R. Jarvie visited Mrs. Irangements were made for thg W. Prouse andi Mr. C. Prouse, annuai Werry picnic on Jul, Osaca, andi Mr. and Mrs. H.1J19. Palmer, Port Hope. 1Finso r.RgrBso Mrs. Meredith, Bowmanville, rendapyMrs. Rwtae Bsha i visied ecetly ithMrs R.quite recavereci follawing re, Jarvie. cn surgery in Oshawa Gen. Mr. and Mrs. Robert John- erai Hospital. son, Randy andi Pamela, Belle-I Several Kedron folk enjoyeé ville, were Sunday guests O! the holiday supper andci cnceri Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurrie. held at Ennîskillen church ir Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hurrie at- cannection with their S. S. An. tendeci the banquet at the Gen- niversary. eral Motors Sauth Plant on Sat- urday, for some o! the .vinners o! the Golden Milestone cor- That is the most perfect gav- test. ernffient under which a wronq Rev. andi Mrs. L. M. Somer- ta the humblest is an affron1 ville Thornda.le, called on to all.-Solon, who attended training school in1 the fall in connectian with short! course, "Sew ta Save Dollars and Make Sense". Mrs. E. Passant and Mrs. Mina Colweli were presentedi with life-membership pins ad certificates. Mrs. T. Buttery and i Mrs. G. James were pres ented with smail gifts for bringing ini the mast new members. 1 .Mrs. T. Buttery, canvenor for1 pragram called on Mrs. Bell and Mrs. Coverly for a duet ac-j campanied by Mrs. Albert Cale at the piano. Tbese ladies sang two lovely duets which were much appreciated. Mrs. J. Thickson gave a splendid paper an the part wom- friends ln the camniunity on Frlday. Miss Marion Snowden. To- ronto, spent the weekend with ber parents. Mr. and Mrs. Char- les Snowden. Mr. and Mms. Ran Howeli called an ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Tonkin, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrm. John Bothwell, Debbie and Jimmy, spent the weekend at their cottage at Twin Lake. Tuesday visitors with Mrs. Ray Wiggans were ber mother, Mrs. L. Sudds, and Mrs. Doug- las Coverly, Bowmanviile. Mr. and Mrs. E. McLaughlin, Oshawa, were Sunday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Black. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Murray and Mr. and Mrs. Ron Rodgers Sr.,. Bowmanville, with 1%r. and Mrs. Ron Rodgers, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and, Mrs. Ceci Jeffery attended the funeral of ber cousin, Mrs. C. Coidwell, Hamp- ton, on Monday. The executive members of the Home and Schooi Associa- tion met at the home ai Mrs. Bob Bothwelll on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Barton and Mr. and Mrs. Ed Leslie were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Truckle, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Turner, Carol and Robbie, spent the, weekend at Eimvale with Mr. Turner's motber. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Mun- day spent tbe weekend with Rev. and Mrs. Stan Snowden, Bancroft. Mrs. L. Moshier, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Moshier, Oshawa, visit- edIwith Mr. and Mrs. Sam Sorry to report that Banniel ,MacMillan bas been very ill in Oshawa General Hospital. We ail wîsh ber a speedy recovery. Birthday greetings this week ta Mrs. Sam Mann, Laird Wil- ton and Ralph Milîs. Sunday visitors o! Mr. and; Mrs. Bob Labricque were Mrs. Julien Hebert, Francis Hebert, Mr. and Mrs. A. Baurasso and Nicole, Toronto. Master Billy Hurrie bas been home 111 witb a strep tbroat. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Stainton, T.yrone, were Sunday supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley. The Maple Grave hard-bal team defeated Cobourg 12-5 on at- ,dd ad on and ors ,ert, first \Irs. icia 3ur- vis- ýcîl BROWN'S ,We extend sympathy ta the famiiy of the late Robert Gra- ham. wha only iast year cut the1 ribbon at the opening af the new school as the oldest resi- dent of our community who had attended the aid schooi. Mrs. James Curson, Jr., hadi the misfortune tà run a rusty nail in the palm of her hand necessitating the arm being car- ried in a sling. Mr. and Mrs. Harman, Ajax, visîted witb Miss Jean Perrin and Mr. Bill Morley on Sunday. Recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. J. Curson were Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartwick, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. S. Couch, Newcastle. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended ta Mr. Thomas Wilson in the passing af his sister, Mrs. Arthur Mer- cer, Garden Hill. BURKETON The supper and concert which was beld on Wednesday, May 28 following the Anniversary services was very weli attend- ed. The supper was held in the new cburch hall, just recently decorated. The walls and ceil- ing painted a sait citron yel- low, contrasted beautifully with the natural grain of the woad- work and tbe lovely colaurful floral drapes at the windows. The tables were very taste- fully arranged and the lavely calourful dishes agaînst the white cloths on the tables, macle a very pleasing sight upon en- tering tbe hall. The supper was sponsored by members o! Bur- keton United Church and serv-, ed by members of the W.A., as- sisted by several yaung girls, and other ladies o! the cburcb. Speciai tbanks is tendered ta aîl those wbo heiped make the supper and concert such a big success. Much o! the credit for the appearance a! tbe hall is due ta Mr. Peter Gatchell, wbo did such a splendid job ai the decarating. After supper, a splendid pro- gram xvas enjayed. The pragramn consisted of accordion duets b y Mr. E. M. McCoy and Mr. Low- ell Highfield, Bowmanville; sa-' las by Miss Heather Webb, Bow- manville; duets by little Miss- es Linda Smales and Marlene Landle, Hampton, a reading by Mrs. R. Bone, and a two act play by tbe Hampton cast. Rev. R. M. Seymour was master of ceremonies and kept tbe audi- ence laughing between items an the program with bis usual witty remarks. Mrs. Seymour added ta the enjoyment o! the evening by leading in a sing- sang wîth actions. She warned the audience that anyone caught not doing the actions would be brought ta the front and made ta perfarm in front o! the au- 91 King Si. W. Vigor Supet High Test dience. A most enjoyable even. ing came ta a close with singlng of the Queen. Beginning next Sunday, June 8, Sunday School will open at 10 a.m. and cburch at 10.30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey, Osh- awa, were Sunday visitors or Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Turnbull. Mr. and Mrs. Franc Allison, Oshawa, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Pearl Avery. Rev. and Mrs. R. M. Seymo¶ have been visiting in the vi- lage for a few ers. Mr. an dIlU&J obt. Carter and family, Wlffby; Mr. and Mrs. Albert Adams, Bawman - ville, spent Sunday with Mr.' and Mrs. E. M. Adams. Mr. Everett (Doc) Strutt in visiting friends in Peterbor- ough for a few days. Mr. and Mrs.7 E. R. White, McLaughlin Fisberies, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Gordon and Bob- by, Whitby, were Sunday even- ing guests of Mr. and' -~s. R. Bone. t Mr. and Mrs. John Smith and family, Millikin, were Sunday visitors at the home af Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Hodge and Mrs. Ira Argue. Miss Ona Marchand, Toronto. wbo bas been spending a few days at the home of ber broth- er. Mr. and Mrs. Eric Marchand. returned home on Wednesday of iast week. Mrs. Ë'. Strutt, Enniskillen, visited witb Mrs. Florence Cau- ghill an Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dean. Maple Grave. attended the sup- per and concert on Wednesday. May 28. r GE111E »= STORY TODA Y! no obligation as Iow es $119.00 JACK BROUGU PLUMING and RNEATING Division Street South MA 3-5615 BOIVMANVELLE MA 3-5497 at- Free!l Free! 19 GAL à 11 Oc Incîlint tai' SpeciaI1 FIRES TONE UPRUGHT' FREEZERS 10.5 cu. Il. ONLY $299e00 W. H. Brown CASE DEALER' Bowmanville DURHAM FARMERS' COUNTY CO-OPERATIVE PHONE 1371 - ORONO Farmers . . . . Buy Canadian Goods and Keep Your Dollars at Home WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AàSMIMENT 0F Co-op Premium Baller Twine and UCO. Harvest Baler Twine ALL CANADIAN TWINES OF DEST GUALITY AN» PuICE ALSO COMPLETE LINE 0F BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase 'of gas at Vigor OjI SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAD AND FIFTH CONCESSION Phone MA 3-299 -Standard3OZ't Gasoline 3 Cùcuitt Paints for Inside and Outside Try Our Non-Chalking Outside White for a Good Lasting Job For Walis and Ceiling Co-,op Flow-Lite Satin a host of modern colours to add beauty to your home. ALSO FLOOR ENAMELS. FLOOR VARNISH, SPAR VARNISH Complete Lubrication at a Reasonable Price STOVE OIL AVAILABLE IN Al QUANTITY AT THE STATION; OPEN EVENINGS AND' àNDAYS ýovqp" w-5' Co-op "M CAIÇAWM STATMUM. BOWRAlqvr=. ONTAMO TffUPMAT, MM 5th, 1058 PAGM TCMTEM

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