~NTJUMDAY. ITW ft4~h i~U T CANAD~AN STATESMA!#, 8OWMANV!LLE~ ONTAMO PAGE TTT~EEII Newcomers to Town Welcomed by BARP Several newcomers ta ¶town kave received cali from mem- -.bru of the Business and Pro- £muional Women's Club on be- ofal a the -Weicome Wagon service instittqkd by the Cham- ber OfCo1IL~ Among ther were Mn. and b[ra B. L. Burk at 2 Fredenick Ave. Mr. Bur& is the manager of the new Toronto-Doninion Bank and with their son John, age 11, they moved here from Brockvile. John attends Central Sehool and hias jained the local Cub Pack. Mr. and Mrs. Burk met during the war while he was stationed with the Canadian Air% in England, and Mrs. - 1 s a driver in the A.T.S. Mrs.'Burk was active in Brock- iVille in the Hospital Auxiliary, Women's Auxiliary and Cub Mo0thers' Association. Mn. Bunk Was a member of the Bankers' Association, the Canadian Legion and was a keen curling enthus- iast. A eall was also made on Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Martin, 23 Wel- lington St. Mr. Martin came here to succeed Mr. Second, agent of the C.N.R. Express of- fice. The Martins were in Ger- aldton, and previously at Osha- wa for four years. Mrs. Martin bas joined the, Women's Aux- iliary af Tinity United Church. Their sporting interests include un, Old Furniture mb oCash witb STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 I indoor and outdoor bowling and tennis. Mr. and Mru. J. Strachan, 16 Second St., moveti bere ater being in Newcastle for the past eight months. 'Tbey arrived In Canada last suxnmer from Glas- gow, Scotland. They have two boys, Douglas, 3, and Ian, 6. attending Central School. S=ne last July Mr. Strachan bas -been employed as a supervlsor at the Ontario Training School for Boys, and they attend St. An- dnew's Presbytenian Church. In Scotland Mr. Strachan was em- pioyed with the Departmnent of Labour for Youth Services. Mrs. T. E. Prout recently enter- tained for Mrs. Strachan s0 that she migbt get acquainted with hen neighbours. The Strachans feels that Bowmanville la themr Canadian home. Miss Sheila Norman who is 10 years aid, is living wlth ber fathen. at the Balmoral Hotel, having arrived recently by 'plane from London, England. Sheila is miiending Central School while ber father is work- ing on highway copstruction. The Weleome Wagon pald a visit ta Mns. N. D. Smith who lives ai 20 Jackman Raad. Mn. and Mrs. Smith movcd ta Bowmanville from Belleville the end ai Octoben, 1957. Mr. Smith, who suffened a fatal heant at- tack in December, had retired from the teaching staff ai the Belleville Collegiate and Voca- tional Sehool. Thein only daughter, Donotby, and son-in-law Nonm Paget, lîve in San Bernardino, Calif., with their two ebjîdren, Alnsley 10, and Kendal 5. Mns. Smith who bas joined Trinity United Chunch states that she has indeed found Bow- manville ta be the "Friendly Town". Last Minute Advice Nets Author Fortune Most af us wlll dispense a "bit af advice" at the drap of a Tam-o'-Shanter but few ai us ever follow it as eagerly. Yet a few chance words can prove very fortunate somnetimes. Years ago, an unknown yaung author had his book accepted, and the publisher asked which he preferned, a hundred pounds for the copyright or a royalty arrangement. The young man chose the hundred pounds, but while the publishen went out ta prepane the contnact, someone whispered, "I'd take the royalty if I were you". Swinging around, the author obsenved an elderly clerk, already back at his work. The author didn't take long to decide. He went 'back into the publisher's office and settled for royR .es. The boox <King Soloman's Mines" by Henry Rider Haggard, became an all-time best-seller, and what that advice cost the company no one has dared ta compute. Now here's a "bit ai Advice" you'll find worth heed- Ing. The easiest, safest and surest way ta avoid financial ~stress and strain Is ta make regular deposits in a Bank of Montreal savings account. Then when unexpected need or opportunity arises, you have the ready cash waiting for you. You'll be amazed at how handy it can prove. To start your account, visit the Bowmanvîlle bnanch ai the B ai M soon. Gardon Stringer, the aceountant there, will show you how easy it is, and how profitable in the years ta came. YELVERTON Mrs. Geo. Fisher of Tulsa, Oklahoma, (a former rmission- ary ta Africa) was a recent guest at the Gea. Pages of Li- fard. The Floyd Stinsons and Ciarence Pages renewed her ac- quaintance there. Attesting ta the iondness af Yelverton folk for barbecued chicken was a near perfect at- tendance at the Purina ril apening at Whitby on Saturday. The fact that it was al fee didn't influence th. attendance of course-not much that is. Fans of Hank Snow and Cou- sin Minnie Pearl were delight- ed ta see these radio ond TV personalities. In iact it was a day of lune-ups reminiscent af war years-line-up ta get in. line-up for free chieken dixi- nens, free cookies, fre. ice cream, chocolat. milk. etc., \Jven ta inspeet the plant and iinally a line-up ta get oift. Wonder wbo eventually will be paylng ta feed and entertain those 10. 000 Scotsmen? Mn. andi Mrs. J. Henderson of Kingston called on lis sistens at the Ray Robinsons And the Ralph Malcolms while visiting his mother in Bethany. Hearty if belated, congratu- lations from Yelverton com- munity ta aur fellow council- man-the vencrable Henry and his lady love, Mr. and Mrs. Jakeman on the happy occasion ai their Golden Wedding on May 31-aur wish for many mare happy jears together. Sympathy ta friends and re- latives ai the late Jack Gîllis ai Toronto. Mr. and Mns. Clar- ence Page, Mns. Geo.-Page, ac- companied the Flayd Stinsons ta his funenal on Friday. On Sunday a numnber ai Yel- vertanians were present at An. nivensary* services in Janetville United- Church when Rev. Ron- ald Campbell, local Presbyter- ian minister, was the guest speaker. Such an Interchange between various sects of the Protestant chunch is most com- mendable in aur humble opini- ion. Anything that narraws the gap in thein variances ai opin- ion is a step in the right direc- tion. Music was supplied by the Hi-' C Choir-a Young .People&s Chair, camblnlng Mr. Horeb, Janetville, and Yclventon teen- agers. A duet by Yelverto-i'si Lorraine McGill and Lloyd Wilson was much enjayed. Lmst weekend we at Malconia motored to Cooksville ta be present (belatedly) at the 30th Wedding Annivensmry ai Cor- rie's parents, the Hank Boons, May 24. Mr. and Mns. Walter Wright and girls spent Sunday with Audrcy's parents, the W. H. Stinsons-our good neighbour, who flot only chases aur bo- vines out ai aur Tetra Pccktusl wbile we are away but takes1 time out ta repair the break. Don't vou wish you hmd good neighbours like mine? Weekend guests ai the homel ai Mr,. and Mrs. Hugh MeGiÏ ,ere Mn. and Mrs. Rod Jones and children ai Wîllowdale Mn. and Mrs. Roy MeGill and - nold, Bowmanville. Mn. and Mrs. J. Runhant and Mrs. Bert Amatt, Peterborough. Monday evening dinner guests at the Ralph Malcolms are ta be Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Johnson, Manvens Station, Mr. and'Mrs. H. Huycks-sort oi an Assessons' Convention? WATMORE TIME FOR FUN IN 1THE SUN? NOW'S THE ... YORPeSL DEEP CU T SPECIALS Laundry Starci, LIQUID STAFLO Or. Ballard'& Champion DOG FOOD (3 Flavours) HenzP spscial 60 Off Offer 64-oz bt13 7c special 20 Off OffertI 3 î5-oz tins29C Reg. 310-SAVÉ 4o 15-o2 btl 27e SUPER-RIGHT MAT SPECIALS BEEF ROAST SALE ROUND STEAK ROAST POINT SIRLOIN ROAST RUMP ROAST DONILESS MINCED BEEF Jane Parker RAISIN PIE Jane Parker ANGEL CAKE Bomatrike Fancy COI»X SALMON Betty Crock.r, Boston CREAM PIE 3 Fancy Quality TOMATO JUICE Choie Quality A&P PEACHES %hA TOMAMES Reg. 49*-.SAVE 10. each 39c Reg. 59e--SAVE 14o. each 45c Reg. tin 37eý-SAVE 110 3 1/2's tins $1.00 Reg. pkg 37e-SAVE 11. l'6½-oz pkgs $1.00 Reg. tin 31o-4AVE 240 4 48-oz tins $1.00 Reg. tin 230-BAVE 150 5 20-oz tins $1.00 Reg. tin 22o-.4AVE 10o 5 28-oz tins $1.00 Saturdaiy, June 7th, M&51 1679C EXTRA LEAN lb 43c PRODUE SPE(MLIS Fresh Tender New Spring Crop No. 1 Stringleas GREEN BEANS 21b1 9C M-orida Largo Siz. No. 1 Grade Pascal CELERY STALKS 2@o29C 'I GOOD SEa... Wm a~u u» r m ui bs. *kmn aveZ- ing aver ,an.midàbp'b A~um>-typs mbm*« asnber htau a 8àV 'glau m obad ~u au mm waltwok hm grime S5napshot Day Goes Right Around the Clock There is no need ta put awmy your camera when the sun goes dawn. Excellent pictunes can be mmdc at nighi, wiih any camera capable ai a time ex- posure and a tnlpod ta keep the camera stemdy. Illuminmted buildings, flood- lighted monuments, reflections on waier, firewonks, and silhou- ettcd abjects ail make good sub- jecis for night photography. The besi way ta learn is by dam g-for photagraphy, like A11 other sciences, welcomes experi- mentation. Scenie pictures can be taken by the lighi of a full moon. The exposures are long, but the re- sulis are well wonth while. Street lamps misa permit in- ienesting pictunes. A time ex- posune wîll record residentiai street scenes. If the sineet is wei, less time is needed and an even shanten exposure if the scene is covened with snow. Bnilliant business section light- ing permits short expasunes. People walking in front ai a camera during a long time ex- posure are not likely ta stay «'an ENNISKILLEN We wish ta add hene a final panmgnaph in the finst chapter fa the stony ai oun Hammond Or- gan. Miss Gloria Wright who is one ai the Jr. Chair onganists owns the distinctive honoun ai being the first local musical mn- tist ta perform publicly at the keyboard oi aur new instru- ment. Miss Wright veny graceiully played the accompaniment for the Junior Chair who in their great numbens literally bulged the walls ai the chair alcove and led in the service ai praise at the firsi morning service ai aur summen sehedule. jWe wish ta, take this oppon- tunity ta express ini print aur sîncere appreciatian toalal wlmo assisted in any way in securîng aur Hammond Ongan. A veny special thanks ta thase whose names follow who rendened fi- nancial aid through genenous donations. If there are any er- rons on omissions we wiil stand connections in another issue. Enniskillen Hammond Ongan Fund, April-May. 1958 Miss Elva Orchard, Mn. Rich- ard Clark, Dr. and Mrs. Y. B. Williams, Mn. and Mns. C. G. Morris, Miss Marguerite Wright, Mn. and Mrs. Norman Wright, Mr. and Mns. Edgar Wright, and family, Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray Ash- ion, Mn. J. A. Werny, Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Wenry and family, Mr. and Mns. Harvey McGill and family, Mr. and Mns. Mil. ton Stainton and Clarence, Mrs. iMuriel Brownlee, Mn. and Mrs. Ross Ashton and famîly, Mn. and Mns. James Aikenhead, Mvr. and Mrs. Adamn Sharp, Mn. and Mis, W. H. Brown, Mn. Arthur Millson, Mn. and Mns. Russell Gilbert, Mns. Theo. Sieman, Mn. and Mrs. John Sie- mon and family, Enniskillen Junior Choir. Mn..mand Mns. Fred MeLaugh- lin and family, Mn. and Mis. Gardon Yeo mand family. Mr. and Mrs. Marwood Heard and Eli- non,Mn. and Mrs. Sheldon Peth- ick and Nancy, Mn..mand Mns. Clifford Pethick and Ruth, Mms. E. Struti. Mn. and Mrs. Allan Wenry anmd family, Mr. and Mns. Wm. Moore, Junior Bowling Team, Mr. and Mns. M. J. Habbs anmd Joen, Mn..mand Mrs. Walter Oke, Mr. and Mns. Gardon Werry anmd June, Mr. mand Mrs. Ira Travelmand family, Dr. 'and Mns. C. J. Austin and fmmily, IMr. and Mns. Wifrcd Bowman mand family, Mn. and Mns. Gar- don Beech mand fmmily, Mr. mand Mrs. Russell Giff in and imm- ily, Mn..mand Mrs. Roy Nichais, Miss Winnifred Cale, Mr. and jMns. Fred Billet't and iamily, Mr. and Mrs. James Hanna anmd Wemrn and family, Miss Gloria Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Stevens, Mr. and Mrs. Ros Mns. Ivan Sharp mand Linda, Mms. E. C. Ashton. stage" long enough ta register on. filin, but the headlights ai a passing automobile will record as Iong streaks ai light. To prevent these streaks, hold your hand in front ai the lens until the automobile has gane by. Bad weather conditions-rain, snow and fog add fascinating character ta night street scenes. Many public buildings are iloadlighted at night and this light reduces the necessany ex- pasure time. Public fireworks spectacles at night yield dramatic pictunes. Rest yaur camera on a firm sup- port, aim at the sky whene the bursts accur, set it for "time" ex- posure and open the shutter. n interesting effect can be hd if yau* leave the shutter open for several bursts. Because ai the wide variations iin lighting, it is desinable ta keep an accurate record ai ex- pasures. Use this data as a guide when you revisit the scene ta make mare pictures. Take pictures ai the same scene in daylight and night ta make an interesting camparisan in youn photo album.* cher, Kenneth and Lynn, Lon- don, spent Sunday with 1Vr. mand Mrs. W. Moone and Mn. and Mns. Floyd Beckett's wiith ail havîng dinner and tea ai the Beckett's. Mns. E. Robson, was hostess ta the Service Club ladies on May 14. Matenial was distribut- ed ion wonk fan aur coming ba- zaar. Nexi meeting ta be at Mns. A. Leadbcater's an May 28. Mr. mand Mns. L. Pearce, Pont Penny, ealled on Mn. andi Mrs. A. Leadbeaten, Saiurday mter noon. Mn. and Mis. Ross Page and iamily visited wiih Mnl\ n Mns. Wilfned Bennett, e- castie, also Mr. and Mns. Jake McLaren and famîly, Newcas- tle. Mnr.and Mns. Leonard Staîn- ton, David, Gail and Doris, were wîth Mn. C. Milîs and Mr. an d.Mrs. R. Hope's, Pari Penny. Mr. and Mns. Allan Stainton wene guests with Mn. and Mrs. D. Meeking ai Hamilton. Mn..mand Mrs.' Carl Piper and Judy, Maple Grave, wene with Mn. anmd Mrs. Keith MeGili. Mrs. Emni Trewin and Don- een, anmd Mrs. F. Toms, accam, panied Mrs. hLayd Sieman of Hmydon, ta Taronto, visiting with Mn. and Mrs. Austin Bnownridge. Mms. Wm. Hambleton, Roch- ester, N.Y., visited with Mr. and Mns. Frank Danland, and mttended ber unt's funenal on Fnidmy. Misses Daphime Green spent the holiday weekend with Bei- ty Jane Werny, Judy Green with Miss Lois Ashton and bath re- turned home on Tuesday mamn- ing with Mr. E. A. Wenry. Mn. Werry was a dinnen guest wiih Rev. anmd Mrs. Green anmd fam- lly. Mn. and Mrs. Hen-y Trick, Lindsay, Mn. and Mns. Rayai Whitficld mand Ruth, Si. Cath- aines, wene visitons ai Mn. and Mrs. Walter Oke. Mr. and Mns. Lamne Lamb, Mn. and Mns. Ralph Lamb, wene with Mn..mand Mrs. Ken Lamb, Part Credit. Sympaihy ta Mr4. Narman Collacuti mand family, Mns.! Wallace Gniffin mand Mis. Jeff Giles, on the passing afi Mn. Collacuit. Recent callens at Mr. anad Mns. Much Business Transacted By Cadmus W.A. The May meeting ai the Cad- mus W.A. and W.M.S. ai the home ai Mrs. John Schwartz Tuesday evenin.g, May 20. Pre- sident Mns. MeFayden led in prayer, followed by the Lord's Prayer. The devationai was given by Mns. Passant, tapie be- ing "Meditation". Minutes ai the last meeting were nead anmd appnoved. Rail cli was answer- ed by an article for the bazaan. Mrs. Passant read the carres- pondence mand Mns. MmcKmy gave the tneasuren's repart. Our booth at Gordion Stinson's sale netted us $2 1.00. Moved by Mns. M. McKee, seeonded'b- Mrs.Samelîs, thai we pay buis for thé plants fan the -sick folk. Moved by Mrs. M. McKee, seconded by Mns. -Williamnson, that we get fonks and spoons to match the kiives. Mrs. M. McKee displayed ten sait and pepper shakers donat- ed by Zeilens'. also $5.00 donat- *ed by the T. Emion Ca. Moved by Mrs. Sweet, seconded by Mns. M. McKee that we put eupboands in basement ai church and buy sink. A collection was taken and enough was received long wiih the $5.00 inom Eaion's ta buy sink. Moved by Mns. Sweet, seconded by Mns. Wiliiamson thai we have a bake sale. It was decided ta go ta Mns. Gerald Stinson's for a pienie the third Tuesdmy in August. Tvo ladies are to go each week ta dusi the- chunch. The chunch wili he given a genenal clean- ing the Thursday befone the Sunday. Sehool Anniversany. i was decided the Garden Party would be the Wednes- day following the Annivensany. The committees were put in charge ai looking mter the van- iaus jobs for the supper. the home ai Mns. Les. John- ston's, roll eall ta be answened by mentioning a favorite flow- er, Gnoup 2 in change. Prognam consisted ai a nead- ing, I'1'he Turtle" by Mrs. Mac- Kay. duet, "He's Gai the Whole Wonld in His Hands" mnd "Don't Send Those Kids ta Sunday Fred Toms were Mr. and Mns. Keith Van Camp. Mr..sand Mns. Harvey Graham and Cheryl Ann, Blmckstock Mn. Wilbur Toms, Purple Hill. Rev. and Mns. R. M. Seymour, wene Saturday supper guests ai Mr. and Mns. A. Lemdbcater anmd boys. Mn. and Mns. Earl Cross, and family,.Maple Grave, Miss Pat- sy Burkitt, Steenburg. were with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. How- eUls and family. Mn. and Mns. Rlph Virtue, wene with Al Martin's Bow- manville, and Archie Virtue's, Tyrone. .Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Ronald and Ray, Haydon, were ai Mn. and Mrs. I. Sharps. Mr. W. Brown and Mns. J. Smith, Toronto, with Mn. and Mrs. H. Gnubb. Mn. and Mns. R. 3. Ormiston wene visitons ai Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Brawn's, Orano. Mn. and Mrs. Edwin Sand- ercack, and family Ornn, were Sunday visitons ai Mr. and Mrs. C. Fergusori. Mr.' and Mrs. E. R. Walken, Daîphmneand Joanne, Tilîson- bung were, weekend guests af Russell and Wallace Gniffins'. Mn. and Mns. W. M. Henry, Toronto were Saturday guests ai Mn. and Mrs. A. Sharp. Mr. and Mns. M. C. Brown, Mrs. M. Allen, Bowmanville, wene Sunday visitons with Mn. and Mrs. A. Leadbeaten. Mn. and Mrs. Roy MeGili at- tended Eldad Anniversany and wene tea guesis ai Roy Lang- maids'. Solina. Mn. and Mns. Harold Ashton, and boys, wene with Mn. and Mrs' Ken Poolen, Oshawa. Mns. R. M. Seymour visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Weann. Mn. and Mns. Lawrence Weann and girls with Mn. and Mns. Roy Robentsan's. Shirley. Mr. and Mns. S. R. Pethick, attended the 40th Wedding An- niversarv of Mn. and Mns. Lau Rowe, Etobicake. Mn. and Mns. T. P. Bell, and Craie, Toronto, Mn. and Mrs. C. B. Wagg, Uxbridge, wene visitons ai Mn. and Mns. A. L. Wearn's. HAMPTON Sunday School will be held at 10:45 during the summer months. Recent visitars with Mrs. J. W. Balson were Mrs. Alex Me- Master, Mrs. F. B. Glaspeil, Zion, Mr. Walter* Short anid mother, Mirs. Bella Short, Cour- tice; Mrs. Jack Hoolcer, Nancy and Shirley, Kinsale; Mrs. Vie-! tor Parkin, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Brawley, Joan and Gary, Orangeville; Mrs. Helen Hircock and Brian, and Mrs. Carnath, Oshawa. Mr. Blake Oke. West Cour- tice, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Rai- son and family, spent Sunday at their cottage, Seugog Point. Mrs. J. W. Balson visited her daughter, Mrs. Keith Bilett and iamily, also Mr. Balson in Hospital, BowmanviUle. Mrs. Walter Richardson, Mrs. Bowin, Mrs. Ray Harris, Mr. Guerney McClellan, Toronto, Mr. Will Thompson, St. Mary's, visiteci at Sam Deweli's. Cý Sunday visitors with Mr. and. Mrs. Will Wilbur and Mns. Hewson, were Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Bush, Trenton, Mrs. Ev-. erett Cryderman and Mrs. Har- old Pascoe, Solina; and on Monday Miss Mari ory Wilbur, Mns. Geo. Dunlop and niece, Schooi" by Nadia Schwartz and Linda Gray; reading, "God's Masterpiece" by Mrs. Schwartz; a reading "The Secret", by Lin- da Fallis and a "'Jumbled Flow- ens" contest conducted by Mrs. J. Fallis, prizes going to Mrs. R. Larmer and Mrs. William- son. A lovely lunch was served by Group 1. A vote of thanks was given ta Mrs. Schwartz for the use af hen home. MMh POSTAL CLERKS $2550.0- $3600. Post Office Department BOWMANVILLE, Ontario Details and application forms at Post Offices, National Employment Offices and'the Civil Service Commission. Apply before June l4th, 1958, to the Civil Service Commission, 25 St. Clair Avenue East, TORONTO 7, Ontario. You Auto Buy Now More Sales Means More Jobs' HOLI DAY BARGAINSe '56 PYMLOUTH V-8 - 4-dr., push-button, sport ton., white walls, local owner, under 19,000 miles, clean ----------------------------$2,095 '56 PLYMOUTH - 2-door, 2-ton. $1,595 '55 BELVEDERE V-8 - 4-door, radio, push- button - -------------- ------1,-- -- 795 '55 PONTIAC 6 - 2-door, local owner -- $1,595 '55 PLYMOUTH 6- 4-door, $1,295 '54 Dodge Regent 6. 4-door, radio, rear speaker - ----- ------------------------- --- -- $1,195 '54 PLYMOUTH 6 - 4-door, signal lights, wmshers ---- $1,145 '53 PONTIAC 6 - 4-dpor, radio- ----- $ 945 '53 PLYMOUTH SPEC. 6 - 2-door, overdrive $ 945 '51 PONTIAC 6 - 2-door--------At a Price '51 DODGE 6 - 4-door, 2-tone- ------$ 495 '50 DeSOTO 6 - 4-door, 2-ton - ------$ 395 '52 FARGO - ½/-ton Panel ---- - ---$ 395 FARGO - 3-ton Stake--- ----- $ 295 New - Chrysler - Plymouth Cars - Fargo Trucks Johnson Outhoard Motors Lawn Boy Mowers Palmer Motor Sales 20 King St. East Bowmanville MA 3-5487 Make Sure...a that your wife and children wîll be able ta liv. as you wmnt thera to live . .. even if you should nat be here to take cane of them Today l a good day fo folk to a Lonidon Lji. reprosentcaflvu London Life Insurance Company Head Office. London, Canada Miss Debble Wilbur, Toronto. Miss Nina Hodgson, Wash. ington, D.C., upent the week- end with her parents, Mr. anLd Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Mrs. S. G. Niddery spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. R. Fernandez, Toronto, Miss Mary Niddery was in Taranto for the weekend. US $II340 WORTH SAVING on your round-tri p ticket to Britain ? We can book you on the giant. new, jet-prop Britannia or DC-7C *... mnd Set you ta London faster than by any other aireraft. Yau save on Economy Fare. . enough ta pay for a whale week in Britain ... or even longer! Reserve your seat now wish Jury and Lovel MA 3-5778 Bowmlanville YOUR BO-AC APPOINTED TRAVEL AGENT PAGE rirr "M CANA=" STATIMLAS. 30WUL&NVU224 ONTAMO ,Mu MAT. 3UN eth. 1958