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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1958, p. 17

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~.8~ -. TRUPSDAY, ,7Ua stM, 1958 TEX C"AADAISTATESMAn. fbOW vd M»VlEONAMS PAGI 81vm"?EiE *Bert Pizmle. Toronto. Wl __- *orsw A S J11. ant . NEWTQ.NVJLLE ti Alexander, Hilller, Mr. endi Mrs. Mr-. Frank Ovens is a patient in 1en Il dd sGeore, rownandf amily To-. Memorlal Hospital. Bewmati- Mr __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ _ ronto. ville.. Ta -Mrs. R. Jarvie spent Sunday Mr. andi Mrs. Art Youngmin Cl] Events Work Wanted W =~ted with ber son, Mr. and MrS. Qor- anti sons, of Tyroflh, were Sun- Mr Plan té attend dane t, -V4r- DRESSMAKIN4G and alterations. ROOMZR wantcd,. Telephone donssarie, oS epheson, aymistow ith Mr.-Mrs me'& Hall 'évéry SattUrday,, Mrs. W. Rêld. - Phone MArket MA 3-5933. 234 Oshawa, lm h eee. r ndMs et Wo aeW ~ feat r C t Leean wt 3-7228. 23-l* T ETSc~n rle o*wt n Ber-t Sparrow. nýov&l. across the road into thieirM 8tecn,~ .,M r. an4 -Mrs. Donald ?4cLel- new home. $250 per 1. î6tî ,MICX Wo k at pateig two, from JiinO 20 - July 5. l an wnd Mrs. L. Ackford, Ajax', Mr. Don Adamns of Toronto, a Dane otypalSauray orman Pingle,, 72Egn t Phone MA 35372. 23.1 wei-e Tuesday visitors with Mr. spent Sunday with bis grand- S ance m bypoHenary o Phone MA 3-55f8. e 10-tf DEAD and cripp led fari1m stock and Mrs. John Whalen. parents, Mr. anti Mrs. AndrewSa S June 7. Round and Square at a etnrvs ikdu rmty hn Mr. andi Mrs. William Parker Reichratb. M 4te usie b eryQs IL adgshaig ae-pce ppopl.PoeMA adfml aeinvdt oi r.adMs i o eséadrs. ancng 9to 2.Daouncinantishet me12.ark Oti-I Mr an Mr. Wm T.LaneNewastl 431. yrore. a.ofawa Wewishthearuc. ' f Hlif, ae pahrhsnpaentMM t$drfimdsin 50e andi 75c. 23-1 GutHatn,2. Mr. and Mrs. Buti Cox attend- Mr-. anti Mrs. Clelanti Lane. Bill t ememer St.Pal' Evenin- A GOÇeD home wanted for male cd the stock car races in Indi- has, a ten days' leave fi-cm his '.A. tury al Tea n d, NoveniberING, heatin¶'b aves- Cole dog. Gooti with chiltiren anapolis recently. He was a con- ship. ir. m.Knx c h troughing;freesimatesan odwch og Phone testantintérç s W KoofT Sth. Featurinig items olti and Harvey Partner, Tyrone. MA MAi-ket 3-2579. 23-10 Mrs. Mary Whalen. Kingston, Bowmanville and Mr. anti Mrs Ti ne o u etnilya. 324.12-tl spent a few tiays with ber son, Wellington Farrow, of New- sor0 ncwforaurcenennal 23- FO an elctnca wok, ew e"arsMr. anti Mrs. John Whale.n. castie were Sunday visitors "e 23-1_FOR_______________________ eprs . Sunday visitors of Mr. anti with Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Nes- Thi "'4W tme Dance at Tyronelor rewlring, also appliances re- RADIO anti televWson repairs. Mrs. Robert Sheai-er were Mr. bitt.1 7. riesHalSauria, un1IpaoneJCi.estiate. Te3-21 Prompt service. Pick up an anti Mrs. Robai-t Shearer, Osh- Mr-. anti Mrs. Francis Tufford da: At 7 izsfor best costumes. phn imClisM -9. delivery.I. rnne Dôrcen, 85 Kfig aw, atiMr. anti Mrs. Tucker, have mo'âd into the bouse va- at Holroyti's Orchestra. Sponsoreti______________ .PoeM -8713. 2-tf Whý'itby. cateti by Mr-. anti Mrs. Reidia 24HOR Tle Shéarer, Linda Black anti Da- Mr-. anti Mrs. S. M. Jones anti an' 50 cents. ~~23-1 laid. Brick andi stone barbecues visionSevct lrnksAlviPlz ogaofLdnadMs.B Ol yeDacn:Saudyfor sale. For fe siae ni Srie t i ae.AlvdPae.Doulso ot niMs Jueld th, SDaning: (new hal)delfr eeoesihasadparts anà wôrk guaranteeti. Miss Marlon Ccokson ant i.îî-Margaret *Shaw of Picton were M -. n JimFiher Orch estra. l).Coltive-391 clect. 15-tfa R Television Service Co., MArket ance, Mr. Bob Peake, Whitby,I weekencd visitors with Mr. anti 1 Jmishe Orcestr. (Cld_ -329 colect.15__ 3-3883. 50-t! 1 visiteti Miss Cookson's grand- Mrs. Willis Jones. S springs, June th). Have a real 'XPRT watch, cdock -antid PAR tMr.mks !re oosn anSnday. naJdms Tr onto.,Miss or. .Braine gis quare dn$e.00:0 23m.jewellery repair. MacKaye's parerdresi n ci-Coko Snts d1.aty. nJameof M r on toice, Mis J.rar-e Ro * shap. $.00. 3-1 Watch & Clock Clinic. Watches, fiearstietcanioi-j Mrs. Miles Stoughton, Osh- Milligan, Mr-. anti Mr. Win. i * TyoneL.OL. 64 ntiL.OB 1locs, eweler ani R nso erdiai, mîlking coodera. Hig- awa, wvas guest of Mr-. anti Mrs. Taylor, Lindsay, Mrs. Rc>y ie A. 1244 will holti their annuàl lighters. Orono, Ont. 8-tf gnEeti iiei 8ligKen Kbk n r.EgnHac Chrc Prae unay Jne8St. E. Phone MA 3-5438. 25-tf night. ati Debbie, Mr-. anti Mrs. Mark M Parade at 10:30 a.m. anti service 'Maso nry and Concrele Mr-. anti Mrg. Pierre Lebei, Marchant anti Honnie, of Bow- fa- at I a.. inTyrne hurc, Nw ORREpIR ATCH REP IRS Oshawa, anti Miss Marie Leger, manville, Mr-. John MiIliga'±, E at Il a.m. in Toe C c.I NWO EAI Y Jf l~If~ Moncton, N.B., we'-e guests 'of CastletQn.. were dinner guestsb] Rotiger Lebel's on Strdyof Mr- anti r.Ry alo Everbodywelcme.1 Prompt Service - Estimates Free Ail Work Guarantecti evening. Stra Sund-ay. Ms..oHalo - Stop! See "Witniess for the 1 L. TURNERA iclaeuhor 9ý Prosecution", a murder mystery PO ox13 Poe 320 Ccrtified Meniber of Mi-. anti Mrs. John Aitchison, Amselnos~oe a * In tbree acts, auspices Orono POMAx 03 hoe-520 Canadian lVatchmakers Instîtute Bîackstock, witîi Mr. ant i Ms. lit on BofnMr aay ,ýAfateur Athletic Association. Evening A 3565Allan Snowden last week. Mhe lti tto erof Mi AdssionHal, c30, 23-1 an 23-1 There wil not be- churci evefling for Miss Beverly Bar- Admision75c. 23- M AR R* ths Sunday because of Ebene- ton of Oshawa, who is to be WoodiewCommnit'Cenre Repairs JEWELLERY zer's Anniversary but Suntiay mnarrieti on Friday, June l3th Woovie ComuityCenre43 Ring St. W1est Bowmanville'Schôol wilI be helti at the sanie to Donald Alfredi Lake of New-, * -Monster Bingo. Twenty games QUICK SERVICE 15-tf turne as usual I castie. -twenty dollars; five gaies- STT2CCO AND NEW WORK A meeting of the Maple Gi-ove The young people gathered thlrty dollars; $150 Jackpot, andi 1 d 'T c Hi-Teens" 4-H Club was helti in the Community Hall, New-I two jackpots at $250. Do or' R. L. TAFT R ' P 8À I RiS at the home of Carole Green- tonville, Saturday evening andi pnîzes. Next Monday, 8 p.m.,6 igS.E. M -00 T AL'KSOP ham on May 29, with seven pi-esenteti the newlyweds, Mr. RetiBarn, Oshawa. 46-tfRingS.E. M -00 T Ai ARSO girls present, also two visitors, and Mrs. Douglas Hathei-ley.- Regulr wekly ingohel1 6-tiCs Dorothy Mhayi w on pwltb a Lazy-boy chair anti a TI egla weky bng, el C RSScotianti, who hdwnati magazine rack. TlunstiaYa except thirti week GET YOUR andi 1 to Ontario thi-ougli the Junior Mr-. anti Mrs. Frank Glover in the month wbich will be EAERUHIGDN Farniers of Scotianti, (she help- of Detroit spent the weekendi Heil.i2on Tud aintes Unon EVE RUGING DOSIE TRUCKS e d Mrs. Brooks in teaching the wyith Mr-. and Mrs. Murray Poi-- Hal. 2 reulr gine ati EFOE INTR TMEgirls) anti Margaret Coi-ten who tei-. à i two $25 jackpot garnes. No PHONE MArket 3-5371 was visitlng Carole. We learneti The cburch tv;s well filleti garne under $3.00. Admission lo omk ltfle em udymrigJn st wl n! .Sc.52-t! adr as Bo.COWAN hwt ik itfl~sasSmiyronn u : ea ________________________anti faggoting. Lunch asev Rev.. C. White cnutda Anniversary Service at Ponty- BOWMANVILLE EQ IP ENbCy Carole anti ber mother. baptismal service. The follow-'. pool, :3 p.m. Guest speak- 131 Ring St. E. MA 8-5689 4-H Club met at Mary Budai's Daniel Michael, son o! Mr. anti er Rev. R. L. Oaten, director o! PLUMBING HEATING BOWMANVILLE on June 3. Mr&. Brooks showeti Mis. Win. Hardie; Wni. Allan, Five Oaks. Lay Training Centre, l fus bow ta mnake a French seain Deborah Elizabeth anti Lintia Paris, Ont. Gai-ten party, Mon- EAVESTROUGRING _________ anti the stay stltch. She also Jane, son anti taughters o! Mr. day, June 9. Supper at 5:3o T N A R gave some rules on gooti pos- anti Mrs. Donald McDonald: 'IEIiTT 231ROV B AR ture. The next meeting is to be Cindy Lou, daughter o! Mr-. anti MORSU DALRALI R OV helti at Mr&. Hon Brooks' June Mrs. Davidti Dckei-son. Stephen DEAyngt abre aneGS -OLE 12 when we expect to have Douglas, son o! Mi-. anti Mrs.; to Radio Stars, Chuck Fortune 66 King St. W. MA 3-5172- Rev. anti Mrs. Arthur Mun'- Miss Lamfpnian, the Home Econ- S. M. Jones; Charlene Louise, Paed. B at rca Jmrony s ant OVAVLEd nt al cuea r Oist for Durham County, with daughter o! Mi-. anti Mrs. Royal Pier. Featueà Jimy an3-6MAholiEdyang walthncoerparesU. Mns. Budai anti Mary serveti Hall; Ralph Wane andi DWight Johnny, the Shey Brou.; Phil ~Mn. anti Mrs. Morley B urges,. a lunch of tieliclous cookies andiEiatsn o n Exton, Fortune Quartette, antiM-dnt r.Ke ln is-mlk. 1 Ei-nest Searle. mon 7t. ReeryFida. dmspair Servic'e Iteti with Mns. Kaiser, Toronto, aln 5c H gi, Oshawa. R D~AVIII on Sunday. L N -tf AUl Types of Carpentry Master Davidi Mann was LO G SÀULT f O>LÂ1A Durham anti Ontario Counties Cabinets, Concret. Work, etc. weekenti gucst of Larryv antid .adMa oa- n Tevneycneti h Shorthorn Club will halti a Twi- Blayne Flint.Mran rsRoetU. Tevityccrtnth light Meeting an Thursday, June DON SPENCER Mr-. anti Mn,. Howard Cry- swortb, Hawksbury, were Sun. community ball Monday nighti 12th, at Ceresmore Farmis own- 30 Silver St. MA 3-3411 derman anti family, attentiet day visitons of Mi-. anti Mrs. was inuch enjoyed. The pro- ed by Gai-net B. Rickarti, 2 % Bowm1anville Salem anniversary AjSuntiay. Gordon- Fletcher. mile eat o!Bowanvile n 222 M-. ati rs. ryterma ee iM r. anti Mr:. W. Little antigi-arn includeti a twa act play, zno. .* ____t___________on2_2_-2_Mrand____.,ro!Mn.and Mrs.'e .ElitOhaa ee Bachelor Bride" presenteti by 2 ugwa. eein îl sppr uct Hampton ladies; musical sel- stat t 7p..Ges. speaker,* G. Shackleton anti the athers Thrsd ay Johnsind vsita-s o ections by Blle anti John Wade, Dr. High, director ai two-year PRES TON « guest ai Mi-. antimrs. E. Twist. M ay oh.sBankei-..ndo! Courtice, accompanieti at Associate Course at O.A.C., Mn. anti Mrs. A. Bannes antid ~ tiM L the piano by their moth- Guelph. Ladies welcome. There Ted visitet i wth Mn. and Mrs. M. and i-s. i-rne Watson.eMsWila dvo wilbeIspcinjdgnpriz- VAN. MUVING Alx U weeAjx Oanevle;MrnadMr. .cal solos by Miss Margot Ran- es anti lunch. Ail members o! Mi-. anti Mrs. Fred Wright Mclue sethe . n 1kne o!f Hayaon; comic auets by. Durham 4-H Beef Calf Club ai-e ITi cqgnr and family visiteti with his par- with Mi-. anti Mrs. F. G. Smith i Messrs. Kelth anti Fleming of remindeti that this will be on e AND £1S)±UfAUI ents, Mn. and Mn:. Norman anti Grace, Mn. anti Mrs. Mel- Oshawa. Harvey Yellowlees was 01 thein negular meetings. Amy- Wright, Enniskillen, on Suntiay. vai- ckday supo, ér one Intenesteti In agriculture is LCLADM- niMs a r s atse, super guests at the mer fning.e fr h corlalyinvtei.23-2 LONG DISTANCE MOVING Gail anti Kathy, 'Oshawa, wereSmthoe Next Suntiay, June 8. Church recent visitai-s with Mn. anti Soi-ny to report Mrs..a sevc ilbat93o'ok Tenders Wanted Ail Loads Fully Insureti Mns. Fred Wright. 'Johns and Mi-. Gordion Fletche' erv wi ll be d a t 9:3o clockn _____________________________ Chai-les Hester, Danny -ac- have been on the sick list lhSniySho olwn TENDERS forte ppinM DoaJonM uik i- Club 50 ladies will meet Tues- at 10:45 o'clock. the upplingDonad, Jhn cGui'k, redThe Women's Institute w-ith of fuel ail, stove oil, stoken coai, Phne MA?29 and Hicky Bailey. enjoyet ia day evening June 10 at the homne gadohr sget fh and stovecoal, foranetimothersf as. guestaewo!dhon- antistov coa, fr th schols23-2 weekend camping trip witb the~ !Ms ayPnadn or wiîî ba helti an Thurstiay1 of South Darlington School Area Second Cub Pack, Bowrnan-j evening, June 12. The district!i will be necelveti until June 2th ville. Mr. anti Mrs. Dick Bailey I ~ T ~~ president will also ba present.I panticulans reganding sain e DELI VERYt SERVICE~ Very soi-ny to hear that Mrs.* attenJ1ed the opening o! the ncw; vmay b. obtained. M. J. Hobbs, , William Laird Is in Bownian-. Mrs. Fred Rabbins and Isa- Purinà Miil at Whitby. Secretary-Ti-easui-er, Ennskil- Bfo wmanvile fo ville Hospital, but ber miany bel, Oshawa, visiteti at Hans Mn. anti Mns. R. Winters anti' Ian, MA 3-2984. 23-1~ frîands wish han a speetiy ne- Geissbergei-'s. sons, Audley, visiteti Mn anti' Oshawa al covery. 1 Mi-. anti Mrs. Fred Dart, Mrs. C. Harner anti family. i TENDERS will be neceived by ly The pupils at the East Maple Doris anti Arnoldi, visiteti at Mr. and Mns. H. Knox and!I th~e undersigneti up ta June 28 IVEEK DAYS Gi-ave school are busy pi-actis- jWlim Dr',Wovle oswr uta iiosa for the insta-llation ai an ail Have call. In by 12 floofl ing for their dconct. r. ilia ants erW estvlke. Hio ink's Ebeuneze i. Isa i------------- ~ - t umaay.- netlh anti Karen, Ebenezar, Mi-. Jin Wood, Earl anti Jacquel-; Raise Nutria for Profil' THREE St. Bernardi anti Collie Suntia.v guasts of Mr. anti Mrs. ant Mrs. William Prestan, ine, Taunton, ware visitons at' fpups, excellent pets anti watch Ernie Wiloughby wara Mn. Courtice, Lins. Deibert Flintoff, Doug Flett's. Write dqog. Phone MA 3-2776. 23-1 anti Mrs. Davi Willouglhby. Carol Harvey, Kedron, visiteti Mn. Gortion Hardy, Ebenezer, _____________________ Dianne anti Honnie antiMi-. and at Wes. Camreon's. was a visitor with Mn. anti Mrs. ENGLISH Springei- Spaniel pups Mrs. Tom Coreski, Sharon and Intendeti for last week I. Hardy anti Stanley. M eadowbrae Nuiria three months olci, registereci, ex- Rantiy, Oshawa.- Mrs. R. C. Stainton anti Lau- Mr-. anti Lis. Rae Pascoe cellant hunting on farnily dogs. Satuntiay itosfMran rie, visiteti at Ted StePben'a, anti chiltiren attended Zion An- Fur Farms Phone MA 3-2410. 23-1 Mrs. James Smith were his: Peter-borough. niversary service anti were tea: brathers, Len andi Angus Smith Mn. anti Mn. Tom Samson, guesta of Mr. 'anti Mi-. Glen Canda' Foemot Beeeru Aucion Sties anti Mr. Victor Takach, Oshawa. Toronto, visiteti at Russell Fer- Glaspeli. Sales office No. 316 Mn. anti Mrs. Bill Davitison, kins. Mrs. Rae Pasco. vîsitati her, 47 y ~E ST. TORONTO The unclersigneci auctioneer Toronto, calleti on Mr-. anti Mrs. Mn. anti Mrs. Michael Neis, grantiparents, Mr-. andi Mrs. E.' 20)-t! will seli by public auction the Allan Snowtien Fritiay evening. Mns. Robert Killan, Mrs. Wil- H. Peever, Oshawa. househiolti affects o! Mr. anti Mn. anti Mrs. Cbesley Bur- fi-ad Frank, visitati at Tom Cur- (Intendeti for last week) Mrs. Richard McNeil at Ennis- ton, Oshawa, wei-a Suntiay cm-i n.ia's, Harnilton.,r.EaSnero !Dws W anted ta uy killen on Satuntiay, June 14th. er ta 0! ofMrndMs Ce- Mr ntr.N olrad Ms v adro fDws .DUymergues. ati ant Mn. N Fowar ptiview anti Lis. Mabal Westlev, A list o! articles will appear at cil Burton. faiy, Courtice, wera at Rus- andi Miss Ida Reynolds, Toron- COJtDWOOD buzz saw, with a later data. Sale at 1:30. Cllff Mr-. and Mi-:. D. Laverty anti seil Perkin's. to, wena visitons at Mn. anti trame and blatie. Phone MA Patbick, auctioneer. 22-2 famnily spant the weekenti wlth Mr. and Mi-a. Fred Dart andi Mrs. J. Yellowlees. 3-2794. 23-1* bis brother, Mn. anti Mrs.- Mac farnily visiteti at Jim Maybux-y's, Mnr. anti Mrs. Murray Vice HETp-dspat o ie Mr. Arthur J. Clarke, Lot 20, Lavei-ty, Duianvllle. They also' Markhain. anti Mn. anti Mn.. Stan Millson HESTry, goos aidfrs, feat Concession 5, Darlington, hali visitet Mi-., M. Lavanty. Mn. anti Mrs. Henry Dant anti attentiet the nurses' graduation try gosefeaher, estermile west o! Hamipton, bas solti Mrs. C. Bai-r bas neturneti Kenneth visiteti at William diance in the Genosha Hotel, r tcks scrap iran, rags, matals bis farmn anti will sali by pub. home fi-arn a visit ta Camp Dart's, Wootivilla. OhwStra ih andi raw fun:. Phone RA 3-2043 lic auction, Saturday, June 14 Valcartier, Que. Mrs. Ross Dan!, Judy antid bwStuta ih Oshawa, collent. 48-t! at 1 p.rn. sharp, aU bhis farmn Sunday visitons o! Mr. and Jay, Wootiville, Mr-. anti Ms.. ~ kinstocoilfull lia e of ne:;îybnewMrs.C. Barr were han parents, N. Patti-, Toi-onta. visiteti at H Y O e&. Top Tarant' pd at forage harvestar, dairy equlp- o! L'Arnable. Mns. Ray Camai-on retunneti tyour doon for or imialI ment, lumber, stova wood andi Bannie MacMillan ha. ne- home from the hospital on Frn- Mr. anti Mn. John Sternett, quantities. Wa h ,e aur own somne furnituna. Funthen par. turneti homne fram the hôspital day.Biapow'-Sudyvs- m rarket. M. Flatt, Ëethany R.R. ticulans sec bis. Terms cash, anti is feeling much bettar. jMr. anti Mrs. Roy Thomas, ors at Mn. anti Mns. Arthur Tre- 1. Phone coUet te Bethany No reserve. Jack Reid, auction- Mr. anti Lis. Bon Pigle were Scarborougb, were supper gueitts' win's. 7 r~ la. * 8-ti oct. 23-2 1 undar vi1qitorF et Mr. and Mri. et Jixn Stainton's. Visitons with Mrs. Wm. rewin .and M «r. and Mrs. Wal- burn and famfly and Mrs. K. 'Loveritige were Mr.' Earl Cowling, attended Salem An- re*in ant Donald. Pnniskil- niversary service on Sunday ù; Mr. andi Mxs. W. G. Smith. afternoon and were tea guests És. Jack McQuaçie, Lindaý anti of Mr. and Mrs. Farewell. arry, Oshawa;- Mr. and 'Mrs. Blackburn.' liiflrd Trewin, Bowmanville;, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ashton r. and Mrs. Davidi Morrow, land family, Toronto, at their oronto.1 cottag on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Clemn Rahm Mrs.e M. Berfrhn, -Jean, Bir- ere Sunday supper guests of die. aid John, accompanieti Mr. r. anti Mrs. Ronald Rahm. anti Mrs. Ron Morrison of Osh- Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Reid awa andi attendeti the Purina d Elizabeth, Starkville. were Feed opening at Whitby on Sat- aturday evening visitors at urday. Ianti Mrs. Alfredi Garrard's. Mr. Douglas Moore. Oshbwa, Miss Joyce Wright. Toronto, Miss Kay Moore, Bowmanville. )nt a few days with Mr. and Mr. Elmer Herring, Oshawa, rs. Ross Ashton. Mr. anti Mrs. Ralph Vanstone, Mrs. Frank Osmondi, Jennie Whitby, Mr. anti Mrs. Fred id Traeey, Bowmanville, spent Cowling. Blackstocc, visited Mr. ie weekend with Mrs. W. and Mrs. Richard McNeil. Lompson. Mr. Donald Thomp- Mr. anti Mrs. Ross Ashton ), Donnie, Grant anti Debbîe ere Sunday visitors with Mrs. Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Gay anti L SM BL obert, Oshawa, were Thurs- ay supper guests with Mr. tid Mrs. C. Garrard. 88-9 Mr. and Mrs. Hon Morrison' id Dougie, Oshawa, Mr. Geo.I ertrini, Taunton, at Mr-. and Dr. anti Mrs.. Corrgan werel BRUC rs.a M. Betris t. adM Rankanti Mrs Mr. ant i M-s. Lloyd Aho. N C O S M nald anti Ray, attentied En- Ild Anniversary on Sunday trs. Wilfred Bowi-. a IBowmanv' Mrs. Ron Rahm and À tmily visited at Chateau Wem - I~ ly over the weekend. M A % Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Black- and family and Ray Ashton, *visited Miss Emmna Werry, To- ronto, and called on Mrs. W. Brownlee, Leaside, on Sunday. Mr. Milton Siemnon. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, attendeti Salem Anniversary Sunday af- ternoon andi Enfield Anniver- sary service Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. EarI Trewin Doreen and Donald, Mr. anai Mrs. Fred Toms, Enniskilleni, were Saturday 'evening callers at Mr. anti Mrs. Lloyd Siemnon 's. W.A. June meeting will be helti at Mrs. Lloyd Slemon's on Thursday evening, June 12. Program in charge of Mrs. D. Cameron. Mr. Milton Siemnon, Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Slemon were Sun- day supper guests of Mrs. The- tron Mountjoy,«"Hamnptoii. 0. K. USED CARS CAVERLY OTOR SALES rilie Phone 3-3353 OSHAWA WOOD PIRODUCTS sugges- DELIVERED, PRE-CUT READY TO. BUILD V Simply Measure Your Lot 4/ Choose a Package-Unit Fence v/ Phone O$SHAWAWOOD PRODUC1 order hy section or runniâ g foot for prompt delivery N~~~- ew 4 W y Fne.52 per linoel f4 New mWay Fenc ----- .$5.18 peti 10, section THE NEW 4-WAY FENCE MAY BE DESIGNED TO YOUR OWN PATTERN BY SIMPLY VARYING THE SPACING 0F THE RAILS. One 10' section includes onc 6' post 4" by 4", 2 rails 1" by 6" by 10' pin.o 2 rails 1" by 4" by 10' pine, and ane ,'by Ç" by 3' vertical rail. __________ 74%/e per fi GOTHIC PI-CKETz___$7.43 -pe 10' section THE TRADITIONALLY BEAUTIFUL GOTHIC PICKET FENCE HAS EVERY ADVANTAGE One 10' section includes one 6' post 4" by 4", 2 rails 2" by 4" by 10' and 15 spruce pickets. HIGH BOY .56%ec per lineal ft $5.63 per 10' section A FRIENDLY NEIGHBOR FENCE CONSISTING 0F TWO RAILS ON YOUR SIDE AND TWO ON YOUR NEIGHBOR'S. One »'section includs ne 6' post 4" by 4", and four pcs. 1" by 6" by 10'pine LOW BOY .30%c per lineal ft $3.05 per 10' section A LOW MODERN TWO RAIL FENCE, WHERE ONLY A DIVISION FENCE IS NECESSARY One 10' section includes ana 4' ïpost 4" by 4", and two pcs. 1" by 6" by 10' pin* .43%c per lineal ft. RANC ý AIL$4.35 per 10' section, INEXPENSIVE, ATTRACTIVE AND EASY TO BUILD, THE THREE RAIL RANCH FENCE IS ONTARIO'S MOST POPULAR FENCE. One 10' section includes onc 5' post 4" by 4", and 3 pcs. 1" by 6" by 10' pin* Each length of fence always requires one extra posi which is nol included in the section prices above. OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS LIMITED Downtown Showroom 84 SIMCOE S. RA 8-1617 AJAX ZE 2-9600 6 OSHAWA TELEPHONES TO SERVE YOU ;ts rs L IL Offie &Bd showrom COtYRTICE RA 8-1611 BOWMANVILLE MA 3-2130 -Downiown Office Open Friday Until 9 p.m.

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