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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1958, p. 1

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22 Enter1 Queen fantest Iwrne publie cordially in- ited to attend Centennial ý,queen Conesk - be held in e auditriu.f the Town 1.9all on aturday 6éening, June *igst at 8 o'clock, urray Lar- g»~r, Kinsmnen Vice-president *bId chairnian of the' commit- lèe In charge of arrangements rlnounted on Wednesday. The Cýatennj Queen Con- J s beigulWtkn by the wanviile I*smen Club un behaff of the Centennial Com- iÙittee. The vent bas evoked UPcW~tere throughout the towr Queen and two prin- éemui#l be chosen. There have been 22 entries Wfeeived already for the con- test. Thé entrants to date are: I(erridy Mutton, Lynda Mer.- gIson,. Gloria Moo n, Karen Tjompson, Margaret Go1pen, lita Goulah, Shiela Brown, Pat Pingle, NVancy Samis. Marlene Gimnblett, Linda Brcoking, Mar- Ulyn Moore, Ileane Rahme, Be- verley Bradley, Mary Lou M4arr' Monica Schlingensiepon, Rena Dillîng, Joan Mutton, Marg Vanstone, Jane Mitchell, Julia Allun, and Leslie Lander. OAC Graduate' t 1858 1958 - Centennial Year in Bownianville - OId Home Week June 28 - JuIy 6 VOLUME 104 18 Pages BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 1958 10c Per Copy NUMBER 23 0f fer Mon' For Cen te nr Always Roc Plans are well under way for the Centennial Museum which is in charge of Bowmanville Women's Institute. The display of historical articles will be open at the Lions Centre every day but Sunday during Old Homne Week, June 28 - July 6, from 3 to 5 p.m. Many articles have been cof- fered ranging from hand knit- ted children's stockings te tools used in the construction of the first railway line in Bowman- ville. There are many more in homnes of Bowmanville and district. The display can in- clude anything that can be car- ried and the committee in charge *ould like to have particulirs as soon as possible so that cards Memorial Pg Raise Funds Memorial Park Association will hold a Tag Day on Friday night, June 7, and Saturday June *8 to raise funds for the upkeep of the Park and club house. This Park provides a play- ground for many children in' the sotith part of town as wel Scouts Report Robert S. Couban G r a e ut ,phew of Mr. and mrs. Cyril B ti rv cf R RI Hampton, »ceived his diploma in &Agri- The 2nd Bowmanville Scu Q1ulture at recept graduation ex- Troop and Scout Master Char- eýrcises for the' two year course les Biggs wish te thank the citi-' .Ït the Ontario Agricultural Col- zens of Bowmanville who help- îege, Guelph. cd make their pop bottle drive z-,Robert, whose parents live in a success. Receipts from the sale Zngland, wanted to farmn in of the empties will be used to .Canada atid a littie over three help with the Scout Camp, and Y.ears ago came, te stay with his aIse to bu.y equipment'needed Xunt and uncle' and go te agri- at Scout meetings. 'cultural college her.H took The drive wai held on the Xirt in 4-H Club adi prier lest two Saturdays. The Scouts bentering O.A.C. twice are grateful for the response won first prize in e Durham they received from the public County Cal! Club.. He spentineeysconfth w. last summer at MareIlbar, Ill- neeyscinc h on Picis, ,a famous Shorthorn farm, L~d may retUrn there to take up Mr. and Mrs. PA. Davie, Sposition -for a time. He pass- Youngstown, Alta. are visitlng .#dhis excaminations atQ .C. Mrs. Frank-Coulter, King -Street !j th hig standing. East. ySunday School aBe Financed 'y elling Records The Salvation Army plans to build a new Sunday School on the lot it owns on Division Street. A letter from Captain ý'Norman Coles to thls effect was read at the meeting of the Bow- Iàgville Town Council on Mon- Sevening. 'Captain Coles' letter informed the Council that one of the ways the Salvation Army in- tends to raise money for this Ëpoject is by the sale of records. The records will feature music by the Salvation Army Band and singers. A request was made to the town Council to allow- the Sal- Tro-nught Just a reminder that the Bltz on Centennial Tumb- lers Is scheduled for Thurs- *day evenlng, June 5th. The tumblers are stored ln the "Bond Room"l at the rear of the OLD Post Office. T ou are asked to report there to pick, up your sets *of tumblers, books of tick- ets and route sheets hetween 6:00 and 7:00 p.m. Thursday evenlng. vation Army te use Eowman- ville's coat-of-arms # on tic record label as a feature cf the Centennial ycar. Reeve Wilfrid Carruthers moved that the request be granted, and tuis motion was carried unanimously. A petition was received from the fellowing residents: F. S. Cole, Harry Snowden, J. R. Frank and Percy Goodwin ask- ing that a sidewalk be extend- ed along the norti side cf Rehder Avenue. *On a motion by Reeve Carruthers it was de- cided te pass this matter te the Roads and Streets committee and have this work undertaken when other sidewalks are be- ing tonstructcd. A letter frem Alan Lymer asked that the Orchardview sidcwalk be extcnded 45 feet te Jane Street. Thlis matter was referred te the Roads and Streets committee for a report, ,A cheque for $25.00 was re- ceived from the Brookdele- Kingswey Nurseries in payment for rent for land at the south end cf Bewmanville Cemetery. Norman Scott, manager cf the company, explained in an ec- companying letter that ail the nursery stock would be moved from the location in the autumn, or early spring cf 1959. The land wili also be reconditioncd. Band Helps. Bail Team Open y Articles Coni uial Museum New Ch )m~ for More Wle ake a en bearing the appropriate Infor- ville Fire Chief to succeed Chief Lmation may be typed and ready Lucius Hooper, who is retiring to put on the article. Docu- at the end of July. Mr. Hack- ments, clio th i ng, furniture, ney's appointment was made Lphotos, pictures of historic in- at the- meeting of the Towvn terest, tools - these are just a Council held on Monday even- few of the things that can be ing. F'rank Calver was named iused. Deputy Chief, both appçint- In order to ensure. that ments are to become effective enough room will be available, August lst. please phone any of the follow-- Safety Award ing as soon as possible: Mrs. T. Buttery, MA 3-3248; Mrs. C. An invitation to Mayor Nel- Johns, MA 3-3837; Mrs. j. son Osborne to attend a lunch- Meachin, MA 3-3990. Articles eon at the Royal York Hotel rnay be left at the Lions Centre on June l7th to receive a, cita- the last week in June, or wilî tion from the Ontario Safetv 1,e picked up if you wish.' They League to, the Town of Bow- will be insured while there. An mnanville was read at the meet- interestîng display of panig ing of Town Council on Mon- of buildings of historic interest day evening. around town will be a feature. This award has been given - to the town in recognition of Bowmanville's fine safety re- cord in 1957 when it was acci- ark 'o Tag cillor 0. J. Presson was appoint- edentofedrgthe lycearon- for Upkeep place of the Mayor. A communication was receiv- ed announcing that the Sth an- as a diamond for basebail nual conference of the Ontario games. Municipal Association will be Other projects include new held in Fergus on June 2lst. bleachers and the old ones to Representatives of' municipal!- be repaired and painted. ties will discuss problems and The Association pays for the plan united action at that time. total upkeep and repair of. the Reeve Wilfrid Carruthers, club building. Town Council chairman of the finance coin- contributes $100 towardthe cost mittee. reported that accounts of grass cutting. The Associa- amounting to $14,620.36 had tion also sponsors Pack No. 4 been examined and payment re- of the Cubs and allows the uise commnended. of the club *building by Cubs. Speclal Pick-up Brownies and Guides free of In the report for the board charge. of works, the chairman, Couin- To raise money for park up- cillor Jack Brough. stated that keep, the Association holds bin- a brush Pick-up wlll be held on gos and euchres each week and the lst and 3rd Mondays of the has an annual bazaar and tea month. Those wanting this ser- each spring. These are support- vice must notify the Town Hall ed mainly by residents of the before the previous Friday. A south part of town and their telephone will be installed in friends. The Tag Day bcing the assessor's office where cails held will give the town as a for the works foreman can be whole an opportunity to assist received during the day. in the maintenance of this fine Repair C.P.R. Bridges Park and playground used by As chairman of the roads and sO many children and groups. 1<Continued on naee seven) A Oitsand fAieces 11EWCASTLE LAWN BOWLERS - This week, the Bowman- ville Lawn Bowling Club issues a special invitation toa ah -former or would-be lawn bowlers in Newcastlç- or other neighboning spots te join with them. Their purpose is two- fold. The additional memberships of $5.00 each will help boost the local club and the visîtors will be sure of having a good time. Sec Clarence Oke or Fred Cole for further details. They have "jitneys" every Tuesday when everyone joins in the f un. SPECIAL EDITION - If all goes well, The Statesman will appear on June 26th, in the form cf a special edition te welcome residents of yesteryear. It will also include a great deal of history and current information about our town, but special pains are being taken te ensure that it dees not encroaci upon the detailed history contained in a special book new being printed which will be sold as a souvenir of the Centennial. Those who wish te have advertisements or who mîgit be able te write something of histenical interest should make arrangements as seon as possible, se their information can be included. JOINS ROBSON STAFF - Gary Copeland, 24-year-old star of the Bowmanville-Orono Combines hockey team last winter joined Robson Motors staff as a car salesman this week. For the past several years he has been a popular member of the Oshawa Police Force, but has given up this occupation te enter the auto and truck sales field. His many friends here will welcome him te the area. BUY RESTAURANT - The Kiriakopoules boys who formerly operated Olympia Cafe here have purchased a beautiful new restaurant in Hamilton. Called Dalewood, they plan te change the name te the Four Aces, where John, Geerge, Louis and Ken will hold forth after June l6th. It is near MeMaster University. Brother-in-law Dino Bistolarides has also bought a restaurant called the Cronies on Eglinton Avenue in Scar- bore. They will welcome any cf their Bowmanville friends any time. NEIGHBORLY NEWS - Arthur Phelps, CBC commentator who every Sunr&ay morning brings the Neighborly News pro- gram te the people of Ontario, was in town Monday prepar- ing details for the broadcast which will eriginate from Bow- manville on June 29th. He and fermer edîtor Geo. W. James centected many of the old timers for information and program material. Seaso n x~x V On Saturdft1eno'on the main street witnessed Trenton, the newcemers to the league. The band may be finie display 'idprebyte bugle banid froni th e enation at the B.T.S. Cadet Inspection at the school ~'iari Trinig Shoo fo Bys It was staged to mark Friday evening. jý openig gamne between BowmanvWl arve8tersa azd Name 's Walter Hackn ey ief of Town Fire, Brigade F ah Show Features Old These historical costumes were B.H.S. last week. The girls modelling Harvey, Joanne Mackie, Kay Davey. BTS Cadet Inspection' Friday at 7 The public is invited te attend the Inspection cf the Ontario Training School Cadet Corps to be held Fni- day, June 6th, at 7 p.m., on the school grounds. Inspecting Officer is Maj- or A. R. Virgin, director cf the Training Schools, and Lieut. Hunter from the Area Cadet Headquarters is marking officer, Includcd in the inspection are: a rifle - Bren gun dis- play, P.T. demnonstration and a general march past. Werry Clan Plans 85th Gathering Dr. and Mrs. George Werry, Oshawa, entertained the 1953 executive cf the Werry pîcnic at their home, Saturday even- ing. Plans were made fer the 85th anniversary of the gather- ing cf the Werrv, Wright and Philp, families te be held in Hampton, the usuel date, the third Saturdev in Ju]y, this year, July l9th. The main meal will be again et noon with sports and prizes for all ages in the afternocn and supper for any who wish. Among those present werc the president, Mr. Bert Luke and Mrs. Luke, Toronto, Dr. and Mrs. John Werry, Bow- mnanville; Mrs. Kennet h Werry and Mrs. Ross Lane, Shaw's; Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Van Camp, Blackstock; Mr. R.alph Larmer, Nestieton; Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Werry, Kedron: Mr. and Mrs. Elton Werry, Ebenezer. The hostesses, Mrs. Bert Luke and Mrs. George Werry, served delicieus refreshments. Old Recipes Wanted for Special Edition The special edition cf The Statesman te be published June 26th wiIl centain many Centennial features cf inter- est. Among them, we hope te Include seme cf the eld time recipes fer special foods which wcre cf the "stick-to- the ibs"' varicty or fameus desserts whieh were popular ln fermer days. It weuld be appreciated if the ladies cf Bewmanville and surrounding district would look Up their handed down cook bocks te sec if they can locate some cf those recipes. Just copy them and send them aleng ta The Canadima tatuma24 feature -d at are, le! t to Gowns the Fashion Show presented at right, Eunice Randie, Margaret prosperous, questioned, and just, amoncg the moragan Thspirnaianlipeeo high. This Cnade ian ife we the teaching o! the Bible- without the same foundation, we cannot hope to see this good way of life become the com- mon privilege of ail men o! every race." The society would like te step up production from last year's effort, to meet the orders freni missionaries. The local officers are: Presi-. decnt, Mr. Gordon Elliott; Vice- Presidents, the local Ministers; ýSecretary. Miss Myrtle .Hill; Treasurer, Mns. Robert Dyk.. its freedom un- its laws righteous its social system world's finest, its stra. Myra Cooper INew Provincial Leader President Durham Group 1 of the Fed- crated Teachers of Ontario As- sociation hcld a dinner meeting in Bethany United Church base- ment last Thursday evening. The election of officers of the coming vear was held. Miss My- ra Cooper, Bowmanville, was re-elected president. Others elected are: vice-president, Miss Yvonne Chant; secretary, Miss Mary Steven; treasurer, Miss Margaret Aiken. Shaw's School, Newcastlc: corresponding se- cretar.y, Miss Joan Venning, Blackstock. Miss Florence Hart, Peter- borough, a director of the asso- ciation spoke. R-er topic was the new plan of approvel. It was announced that the annual Provincial Convention of the Federated Teachers Association of OntariQ will be held in To- ronto on August, l9th, 20th, 2lst and 22ndi Miss Mvra Coop- er and Miss Colleen Hutchinson were appointed as delegates of Durham Group 1 to attend. FIRE IN 'LUMBER PILE Bowmanville fire brigade -on Monday morning answered a caîl te Carl Bradley's on the 4th Concession. A bonfire had spread te a nearby pile of lum- ber, threatening the barn. It was three heurs later be- fore firemen returned te town. They drained the truck tank, tapped a cistern and a neigh- bour brought a tank load te add te the supply.1 Mrs. Bradley and neighbours served tea te the St art Made on Mausà'leum Councîl Gîves Approval Af fer Guaran tees Set Up WiI Attehd Convention ln Newcastle, June 18. John Wintermeyer, the new leader of the Liberal party for Ontario, will be the special speaker at the nomination con- vention te be held at Newcastle Community Hall at 8:30 on Wed- nesday evening, June 18th. This promises te be an especially interesting meeting to choose a candidate te centest Durham riding for the Liberals at the next provincial electien. An executive meeting of the A nn ual Decoration Day This Sunday at Cemetery was held at the British Hotel in. Cobourg lest evening fellowiing the dinner for Mr. Wintermeyer given by the Northumberland Liberal Association. Elmere Scott, chairman of the nomina- tion committee reported that several leading men will con- test the nomination for the Lib- erals. Keith Aiken, Newcastle, i: chairman cf the commîttee in charge of arrangements for the A joint community effort headed by the Town. Council peints teward an outstanding success cf the annuel Deceration Day at Bowmanville Cemetery, Sunday, June 8th. AIl service clubs and ergen- izationg have received wrîtten invitations from Town Ceuncil te take part in this very im- portant service. As in past years the service wilî be-under the sponsorship cf the Town Council, Bowmanville Minis- terial Association and Branci 178 cf the Canadien Legion. Parade will form up in front of Town Hall at approximately 2 p.m. and will be in charge cf Parade Marshall Ross McKnight, by Bowmenvillc Legion Pipe Band, and~ Salvation Army Band. This being Bowmanviile Cen- tenniel Year it is hoped all organizations will participate in this parade and service ta pay homage te the people who built this town and now lie in Bew- manville Cemetery. Transportation will be sup- plied for those residents who are unable te parade and have no other transportation. Busses will leave Garton's Bus Term- inal et 2:15. Additional busses are also being chartered te re- turn those taking part in the parade after the service. Algo chairs will be available at the cemetery for those wishing to Construction of the new mau- 7 seleum in Bowmanville Ceme- tery lias started. Victor R. Tee- key, the contracter, told the Canedian Stetesman this week that the work would have com- nienced in April but it had been heid up by complications due> te unfounded criticism. The agreement between Mr. Tookey, hoider cf the fran- Î chise for the construction of mausoleums issued by Harrel~I' . '~~' Company, and the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bowman- -<t~ 4 ~'f, vileavs epproved et the rneet- ing cf the Town Council on Monday evening. Mr. Tookey was present et the meeting. ..'; ,- Approval was given after the C insertion of a clause guerantee- .. ing that if the mausoleuni ~ breaks up in the next 50 yeers - the Herreli Company must re- build it et their own expense. as a fund to be set for the The contracter is to pay the There would be ne cost te the maintenance end repair of thc Corporation $15.00 for each town. Also, that the mausoleum structure. Both interest and crypt constructed in the mau- be placed in e location suitable capital is to be spent et the sole soleum. This payment is in full te the municipality. discretion of the Corporation. and pcrpetual upkeep of that The agreement aise called for No refund fromi this fund is te portion of the plot sold te Mr. the contracter te pay the Cor- be made to the contractor at Tookey and flot covered hy the .Doration oci the Towia $2.000.01) .any time. structure. ', -1 As Thieves Steal Watches A loss' of approximately $2. 000 was sustained by F'rank W. MacKaye as a result of a rob- bery on Sunday. Mr. MacKaye's Jewellery store, Orono, was en- tered by thieves over the week- end and a quantity of rings and Watches were stolen. The articles taken had al been in a show case. A nearb-' sa& containing diamonds and customers' watches was un- touched. The store was opened by Mr. MacKaye last Octeber, and the preprietor stated this week that the loss sustained in this robbery kas not covered by insutance. The break-in was apparently made on Sunday. Entry was gained by prying off a reur window. A c'-owbar was left nearby. The 9owmanvillle deý- tachment of the Ontario Prov- incial Police are investigating. Bible Society Holds Drive For Funds The Bowmanvîlle Brandi of the Upper Canada Bible Socie- ty is conducting a canvass in this district through to June 9. The proceeds from the can- vass will go towards giving aU people in the world the chance to read the Bible. "Canadian life is carefree arnd ý Ré - elected

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