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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1958, p. 2

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jr"nq% ECNDANSAEMA.BWAVfxE NAAO>IURDY UE t,15 Home- Economics Students Give Annual Fash ion Show Showing OId and New Gowns1 Bowmanville Uigh School miade another contribution to théè Certennial last Thursday evening by presenting çi Fashion Parade wiiich Included a display c! côstumes, sanie' ver 100 years &ld, other3 showinig the fashion tr,ý:id from 1858 to 1958. 'Me rhow vas put on by the 1Mdie Ëconoînices classes frcrn (Arono lllgli etid Eowmanville ilgh Schiools. The group work- 1 ' undet the Instruction of Mrs. -argaret Arnott and Mr.s. Nor- -i- Wolfe and fentured stuclents ýý -earhig the clothes thôy niade ùci"r'ng the year. Ylî-e historical faslîions were ro:tributed bi.o varioum people ini t* 'e district. ' Marcaret 11arvey f :,d Eunice RancTie nodellea tresses belonging to the Werry f, niily. Ore rcf the di-esses was ç* 100 ye?_rs id and %WUS1 coli- t"'uted by Ira-. Artihur Bailcy, r -,,her*.i (r lfer;) Mackie) -Mi, d resr. The dress woril - S 120 t e vn's 1 0 Id 1. '1 beloi' c' dtoteDlr i- Stap:inron nc delied _ i 13C-S ft 'lioa wiMuh 1aiûiigcd r. 'Walhr.dp cc:,' N ccýs'le. iJvÜ1a Pi9moe îî1odlled a rc- Le!û1%ùjng to M\r,. )elanle7, 1-*ai)ip ,oii, 1903. Tiie gowni worii Il.Jozan Dax'e:: was in iihigli Str:i j.- 187V. It iwaq pnrchimwed in nvŽ Žw crl: iind beloaîgs to the L 'rri- csti.te In Os-hLa.u. - everlv XVaiyht nîodelleCt n 1 :S' wevëddng gown worii by Claronce All111N ext castle. Audrey Wood and Elie Down wore dresses belonglng ta their relations and Peggy Simpson modelled a 1957 wcdding dress. Grade Nine Girls The Grade nine girls nîodelled an arnay cf summen casual eut- fiti and sports fashions followed by Grade 10 and a cotton parade cf summer dresses. The Grade Il displîry was an ex "ample of li far the girls advanuced in three years time. Tliey show- cd dnrss-up dresses for speclal iumnier occasions. Next oni the ptogranui were thé Grade 12 g.r1s modeilihg suitsý and cas- turnes théy lad made and de- sî e n à aRidint Habit Everything ffoni a riding hab- it and Bermuda shorts te formi- als nnd chemises were triodelled. Thc rîdhîg habit v.-as shown by Patey 1ted cf Orono Iligh Scîliol, the Bermuda shorts by Sharon Lue-as of Bowmanville. To finish' ftic parade, six senior jsr-, xnodelled formnai veean for tccau-ssgcsr,. Tliey uvere Cirolyn Iflasoi, Bevenly Smith, Marie t'ýxît Mrgn1ret Horvey, Bever- y Wrafight anîd Patsy Foster. MPry Mitchell uvî ýs comnf- kton cf the show rand Roî e Marie Mori-ili provided the musical background. '" The auditôrium' w,ças decorat- cd by Mrs. McMlaster cf thc Art Depaninuent, with white and mauve lilées and pos-ters depict- ing the fashion change& in tue pâst 100 yearà. 11'Ide 1rraining Course A sinall nuinber of tlîe stud-' ~tnkaling part liad studied liome Econoinics during Grades 7 anud 8 but the majorsty came te 1-igli Sehool with nie training at all. Thev ate tauglit sewing and cooklnî' but these subjects Pre enlarge upon as thcy coni- tinue. The fttudents are iro- duOed tô child cire, fanuily te- laticnship, nutrition and food value. In Grade nine, the girls work with cottons ta make blouses, skirtc, or qliants and pussibly suziumèr dresses ivhen thcy fin- ishi their projects. Wýýhen they' continue te Grade 10, they etant te work with wcol to makoe skirts raid jumipers. Ao.whén they hâve flnished they may niake any eumnier out- fits they chooee. Inii al their îvork they are free ta choose tise pattern, colcur, nuatenial, etç., themnselves,- .Study of Colours In Grades il and 12, the girls enlarge on previous wonk te make suits and wool dresses. They make a - tùidy cf colours, foods and nutritton in detail, and often do a project at home. Tis year, sanie cf the e.xtra pro- jects included serving for the lbrary openiing, and mnaking a cake for the hospital. Complete Facilities This course in Home Econoni- ics wsss introduced at 13.11.S. several years aga. F.very facil- ity is available for thse student -a complete itchen, living roqsn, dining ,raom f or cookissg Itfs easy to borrow HomelImprovements Peihaps ,au aie tlîînkmn- cf pointin:, tu'leik~ paining the hbuse or adding à sun-perch bc extra bed-rôont. We\'cll, ow Is the tdîne ta do thiose outclooi' îcpairs a.nd iroipros-ements. . . te gct tîseini f s a i O "re free ta enjoy tîse suinnier. If a sisortage of ready cash is delai ig yossr plhans, seec iur local B of M nmanager abouit a lôw- C(Os i llne lusîrov-cmcnt loaîil. Wiîh intercst at oîîlv 61 per aînuni, hIL.'s are available for al linlis of worthwhiie purpases. And tisey arc rcpai-- able ils easy nioliîhshy ilistaîniesîts. Whv flot lave a chsat içitlu yaur E of M Mainager tahlay? You'll like lus heiptul apprcacis fo >'cssr problems. And Rerwember: Wlhen 1ycu ask for a loar ât the B cf fM, 'u do nôt ai*k a favur ... if your proposon i:stvuntd end reason- AJDIjJ able, ilseue's motdy for you ai i7ýe mIn u Ra Al on Ireal. iu *Be ee*** Bg aak for ,'ear .- -copy of oiar home prows.'ment Lao'n folder BAN K 0F MONTIIEAL 6wwé vw# eAwÂIA>l4I VIA A1 K op tt I~NCi1817 and gencral home making, aiso the sewing machines necessary, ln thc sewý%ing course. M~any Girls Take Part Those girls appcaring in the parade wcrc: Beverly Wraight, Joanne Mackie, Audrey Wood, Elsie Down, Peggy Simpson, Patsy Reid, Sheila Browvn, Diane Trinu, Carolya Mason, Beyerly Smith. Sharon Lucas, Diane Hayward, Jane Foster,1 Judy Foster, Nellie Witvoet, Viekie Pickering, Shv.non Han- cock , Dixie Gil, Linda Roberts, Helen Aluin, Muriel Owen, Lor- ina' Balley, Sheila'ý Hollniaty, Pearl Pascoe, Linda Black, Mer- nidy Muttoni, Charlotte Austin, Doris Wright, Dorthy Foley, Patricia Kno:n, Lynn Bradley, Julia Allisi, Linda Aiberts, Katl l'oz-ter, Arlene INeal, Con- nie Tyrsrell, Carry Glasbergani. Grace Webb, Josîs Allun, Doris Lang, Joan Rutherford, Ceçilel Parl,,, Jean Burtrim, Ethel Dupuis, Alunilyzu Baskerville, Kathleen B'wi Pat MCQuç2n,l Eunice Randie, Kay Davey, Marie IKent. Gaylc Thomas, Betty Lrianelu. 1-laeei MacDons- ald, Esi)rlanaVermneulen, Betty Philipps, Jorzss Daî'ey, Linda Mutton, Rtose Marie Morili, Ph3 lis Ninuigon, Gwen Stark, Pat Fo3ten, Gloria Snlil, Ruth Paseocû, Elinor' Heard, Margarct Harvey, Nancy Stephsenson. BROWN'S (Intended for asat, week) Lrowns Busy Bees m-et oni Tliîulracay cviig ,saI Ite hame of lV'.W'llýingtan Farrow witii tiia îuucmbels present. The lad- ies sîpent isa eveniing,, quiltiny. Next incetissg at the home ,ï Mrs. M. Pickering. flecent visitons wlthî Mr. and MIrs. W. Blennett were, Mr. w a d Ms-s. Harvey INivens, Eellwood, Mn. and Mrs. Gordon Post anïd Paul, Belleville, Mn. and Mrs. Jack Ryan, Stirling. Mn. Robent Simpson spent the wcekend fîslîing at Lakte Nip- issii:g. Xeekcnd visitors with Mr. and Mns. W. Cali were Mn. awd Mrs, Harris, To.-onto. Mn. and Mvrs. R. Palge and family, Enîisklllen, Air. and fMrs. J. Stainton and fainily, Bouvmanvilic, lad diner with MnI. and Mrs. W. Bennett on suday. Several fronu the neiglibor- îood attended the presentation 'o- Mr. and. Mrs. Ross Adanus on Saturclay niglît at Lake Sîoî'., sciool. Scouts Attend & Cubs Service, At the Siinda ,v mornng se"- vice May lUth, in Ncstlcto:î Pre- sbytcnian Chsurcli the Cartwni- glit Scouts and Culs attended ini a body. Sorrne sixty boys %vitla tlscis' leaders, parents a-nd fr'iends enjoycd a splendid mes- sage by lIev. Ronald Camp- bell, B.A. This association wvas organ- izedJ last Ž4oVenuIber by Mr Campbell and a nunlen afIla- tcrested ci.tizeius. The able lea- ders zire Messrs. Howard Tre- %v'in anud Blake Gunter for Sco- uts and Lawrence MeLaugli- lýii and Gerald Asseistine for Cubs with Harold Mas'tys aund Roy Grahamn s asistanîts and Misses Jessie MeIArthur and Joan iVcnniing giving their ser- vices ivherever lîcîplul. -The troop nîarched ho the ser- vice ta thc singinc of Onsvard Christian Seldiers, fillîng the centre pews. Hloward Trewhs- reaci thc Old Testament anîd Lawereiice McLaugchlin the New Testament Lesson andi the choir favoured wihh an anthein. Rev. Camupbll based luis sermon an1 "On My Honour"~ a part cf thc Scouts Plcdge and spoke in ter- mns that evel the youngest boy sîsight usudcrshand. 'lle speaker made use cf a silver dollar ta illustrate nis points frein the texts "Let Lis nuiake man ini our cwn inmage" and "For usîto 1weri-one fluat luablu shali be giveli. 1-e encossr- aged ecdliboy ta live up ta lis pledge - ta do everythiîig - playing, worhiîig, studying, as lie kncw Ccd would want him ta do, rand not dinu or nuar his own image, inade in the like- ness cf God's image, by wrong- doiîîg. Found Church At Elliot Lake. Nestieton: It is with regret we le rn that Re-v. and Mrs. Cam-- p ýIuof Nestleton Presbyterian Churel Wvill be leavifig at the end of June for Elliot Lake where4uhey wiil be establishitng a Presbyterian Churel in that new town. of 20,000 people. AI- readv 100 families have pet-1 itiened for a churcb and muade! ail basic arrangements. If the fine Scout anid Cub troops in Cartwvrighît are an indication of future successes Mr. and Mrs. Campbll will .be splendid servants in this narta- ern section of God's vineyard and the lest wishes cf Nestlt- ton and the coînmunit-y go with tlem te thci.r new charge. MANVERS STATION Mn. Harvey Elliott. Sudbuny, vlsîted for several days wlth Mn. and Mrs. Murray Logan and Mr'. and Mrs. Steve Elliott, and Mar-joric, Peterborough, wci'e Sunday guests. Mrs. W. Bradley and Ros visitcd vwitli Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Mc(Jill, Barrie, for isîv dys. a Mr. \vin. Fritz was in charge or the service Sunlday inorning raid lad %Vith him two mcmff- bers ci the Gideoii Society, Pc;- - terborougli. Mr. Fishier expiais.- cd ilie work of tic Society atid Mr. Simnians preached the ser- mon, taking lis text frosu thue thrid chapter of 2nd Timothy. M'r. Fred X oungnme hgs re- turîued ta Civic Hospital. Peter- boroughi, te hav'e the cast ro- imovcd froni his fractured leg, also talng treatments ta lim- ber up the knce. Mns. Earl Argue's m'-other, Ms-s. Sydney Fairbaiî'n. Peterý- borougli, u ndcrwcrat ani opera- lion iii Civic Hospital, i ete:- borouglu n Fniday. 1\1vr. and Ms-s. Joiin Stark a::d fan-ily, wcre Sunday gues'.i viith Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Lo- gan. Mr. and Mis. W. N. Porter and Vernie, werc Sunday guesti witli Mr. and Mrs. Hiarry R-ut- chinson, Lindsay. Mrý. and Mrs. Frank Derusha and Murray spent the weekenci with Mr. and Mrs. Ilcrez!u, Claremos: t. OBITUARY JOhEN ERNEST BOTTRELL John Ernest Bottreli, a mein- L!,r of a welI known Buwmian- ville family, died in Port Perry Hospital reccntly after a short illness. Mir. Bottreil, a p:opular residclnt of Port Perry, liad been ciiive ii eco;innuit-v afiair-- thc:c- for inany ycars. H-e %vas the youngest son of the late AIr. and Mrs. Thomus Bottreil, Bownianville, and was educated in the local schools. As a Youngly mail lie joiled the staf f of thle Royal Bank of Cali- Lffa iii Bowvmanvi]1e hcre. A"- ter lhircc ycars ini the local br*axicli he was traniseired ta lioronto, whlc7r lie was aîýsoc- iated wdi the Royal Baii£Z of Caiiada for a numiber of years, For the last 25 ycars lie lias b-,en emnployed by 1)oniL1nioil Stores LtId. HIe worked for thiis firii in Cobourg -and Peterbor- ough, before moviin,,fto Port Pcrry where hie lins been witlî Dominion Stores for many years. Mr. Bottreil is survived by lis wife, who before their mnar- niage was Miss Caroline Gall- aglicr of Toronto. He is alqa survived by two b7others, Frank Bottrcil, Bowïiial-ville, and Nor- ian Bottreil, Tforonto, and three sisters, Miss Mue Bottreil and Miss Edina Bottreli, Bow- manville, and Mrs. E. J. Dopp, Toronto, (Greta). Funeral service for Mr. Bot- trel hield at St. Josephis Roman Catholic Churcli, Bow- manville. wîth Requiem Mass on Saturday norning. May l7tà. The Rev. F. K. Malane offie- iatcd. The pailbearers were Paul Dopp. Barrie . Bernard Jones, Oshawa, John Bottreli, 'roronto, Leo MVcCarthy, Oshawa, Edward Burg, Buffalo,N.Y. and Harvey J3ottrell, Toronito. In-~ terment was in Bowmanville Cemetery. *Relatives and friends from Buffalo, N.Y., Lonidon, Ont., Barrie, Oshawa, Port Perry, Toronto and Gravenhurst came to Iiowrnanville ta attend the funeral. Beauti.ful floral offer- ings xvere.from Dominion Stor- es, Ltd., Toronto, the, neigh- bours in Port Perry, and the elnPloyees o>f the Dominion Store, Port. Perry. h in aPpping the parable of the talents te the boy's lives le Mrs. Earl Prescott, were Sun- turged them bt "be the best 01 day supper guests of Mr. and whatever you are", to use their Mrs. F. G. Smith and Grace. talents, not bury themn as cas- Mr. anid Mrs. Roy McLauglilin, ily as the sil-er dollar Iige-t Donna and Dennis, Blackstock, be buricd, bringing no good'to rnd Mrs. E. Murphyr were Sun- anyone. day callers at the Smith home. Air. F. Peterson and boys, Mr. A.* Lee and girls, Oshawa, LONG SÀULT were Saturday visitors cfMr and Airs. R. Gibson. Mr. and Airs. Robert Wallace. (Intended fôr,last week) Kathy and Sandra were Sun- Mrs. Orme Miller spent the day visitors of Mr. and Airs. we'ekend with her parents, Mr. A. J. McLaggan. and Mrs. Robert McClelland, Mr. and Mirs. Roy McLaugh- Tara, lin and family, Blackstock, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Thonm- Mrs. E. Murphy, Tyrone. witfi Pson were Thursday supper 1\r. and Mrs. H. Murphy Sun-i guests of Mr. and Airs. F. G. dlay afternoon. Smith and Grace before leav- AMrs. H. 1-. Partner and fain- ing for their new liffme in Fier- ily, Tyrone, visited .1r». H. ida. Murphy Friday afternoon,. Mr. Stanley Fletcher, Tor- Miss Sandra Gibson spent ente., spent the weekend witlî the weekend with 1er sister' his phrents. Mr. and M'rsa.or- M:z. and Mrs. J. Wrignat, Leth- don Fletcher. anv. Mrs. Hazel Ruttan, Hampton, Miss Estelle Rose. Toronto. spent the iveekend with Mr.; spent Monday with Air. and andi Mrs. Gordon Baker. Mrs. D. Danielson.. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Evers and Mr. axnd Mrs. P. Brooks and Diane Grace, Toronto, Mrs. Chris, Oshawa, were Su.ncay Vanderveen, Holland, were Sa- visitors of the H. Murphy., turday evening visitons of Mr. Mr. and Mirs. Dennis Park- Robert Sim. Mrs. Vanderveen ir.son, Mr. and Mrs. A. Little receiitly arrived froîi Holhnd ILyîîda' and G;eorg,'Torounto, to spend thec sui-nn-uer with hcr Mrs. J. H. Pa-kinfat:- daughter and famil-, Mr. and a.rd f amjly, Fenella. Air an.. Mms Evers. ; Ars. S. Goblè and bo'y s wîe:- e Mrs. Ace Abbott. Oehawa. MNonday guests ot Mr. and Mi,-. I Mrs. Xen Hardy and Mr. and R. Gibioti. .'A '4 GENERAL MOTORS VALUE As WIN A fruxs' e Vctor! h With every purchase of a NE CAR OR TRUCK AND EVERY USED UNIT 0F $49,5 AND OVER' You aie entitled to a FREE CHANCE TO WIN THIS 1958 VAUXHALL an added protection to our "New 0 0We a*re now offering Car BlIers VEEDOL 30OO MILE LUBRICATION GUARANTEE BOND 30,o00 Mute Ilibrication guaranittc Jonb That (Name) or~ (Street)- (City) (Province) day purcliased a -- ------------------------ --- Motor No. Serial No. Make and Madel) from ---------- -- hrisfe eerdte as Dealer. This VEEDOL Guarantce Lubnicatiosi Bond issued by the Dealer to the OM-ner cf the above described vehicle, guarantees for 30,000 miles or 24 months (twenty-four), from tise above date, whichever cornes first. Io repair or replace as hereinafter set forth the following parts of said car for failure because of faulty lubri- cation (except parts sealed at the factory whieh do net require further lubrication): Ail Beanings Pistons and Rings Camshaf t and its Bearings Driveshaft Crankshaft Bearings Timing Chain and Gears Ail Wheel Bearings Rear Axle Transmission (Conventienal or Autoniatie) Front Axie Assembly (Aligument excepted) Universal Joints Steering Gear Valve Lifters Valves (Grlnding excepted) Differential Gears and Bearings 0 a 0 UNTIL FURTRER NOTICE YOU RECEIVE FREE LIFETIME LUBRICATION CARD with the purchase of any New Unit or Usod Car or Truck of $495 or over wil h no obligation Io huy any other service. FREE - THIS CARD IS VALUABLE - FREE 1. This card entities you to FREE LUBRICATIONS every 1,000 miles as,long as you cwn this automobile. 2. This card must be presented ta service writer for credit. 3. This company reserves the right to cancel any time it deemns necessary. OWNER MOTOR No. ____ KEY No____ SERIAL ----- --- COLOUR No. DATE ISSUED, SALESMAN___ SIGNEID________- Rob.son Motors Limlted' Pontiac - Buick - ,VauxhaUis Ca'rs - GMC"ýTrucks Bowmanville MA 3-3321 & The draw for this car wilI be made aller 150 units have been sold. This normally takes three months ....let's Make il sooner! i e 'I ADDED BONUS QUALITY CARS DESERVE QUALITY CARE FREE Lifetime Lubrication Card Robson Motors Ltd. 166 Klnz St. E., Bowmanvllle Phone MA 3-3321 PONTIAC - BUICK - VAVXHALL GINC TRUCKS 166 King St. E. 3-3322 'rHURSDAY, JUNE 5th, 195,8 IIM CANAI)Lààà%l STATES'lL,ý,N. BOWMANVILLE, -ONTAXIO PAGIE TWn 1 - Iminister Will' L ýav,

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