e ~UUE8DÂy, JUNE lUi. 1958 TRI CANADTAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVff LE. ONTARTÔ UAt~1I! q'WRUU "PhYsical handicaps ai-e not Socupational disabilities". This Was the main problem dealt wlth at the an.nual meeting o! the Ontani& Mai-h of Dimes held in Toý,rto, rMonday, June 2nd. <Duriung thyear, a new in- dustrY to employ handicapped pensons at a pi-evaiiing wage, was apened, "«Operation Rebi- ance Ine." It is a nesult of the expansion o! the Mai-ch of DImes med1 pi-agi-arto in- clude a wi~e category of han- dicapped Peu-tns. The new in- dustry, 17% in successful oper- ation is ...mpeting in the open nv-ket for industnial cantracts. 'JÇrding ta Dr. F. P. Dewar, the prospect o! the handicapped adult becoming independent, is Much brigbter now than at any time in the past. .Mr. W. Denis Whitaker, pi-e- aident, annaunced that 130 On- taio Communities were naw active in the Mai-ch of Dimes, this campaign being the mast. REMEMBER TC successful- in history. witl $499,033.06 reported to date. He stated that aven $240,000.00 pet year s currently being speni on direct patient cane. Ail costs for the rehabilita- tion pi-agi-arn are met by the Mai-ch of Dunes furias. The delegates firn through- out Ontario visited "Operatior Reliance, Ine." and watched the manufacture o! metal stamping, screw machine pi-oduets and the rnaking o! O.R.I. jewellei-y. Those attending fi-rn Bow. manvile were, Mi-s. Raîpli Ames, Mrs. N. E. Osborne, Mrs. D. Marsden and Mrs. D. Gil. haoly and fi-rn Newcastle Mrs. Stan Brown. HAMPTON Mrs. Ernie Adamson was a visitai- at the home o! ber daughter and son-in-iaw, Mr-. and Mrs. D. Barnett, Taunton, D TAKE HOME ENOUGH EPSI-COLA% Trade Mark Eegistered Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR 7 The Upper Canada Bible Society AUXILIARY 0F THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN BIBLE SOCIETY IN CANADA ANNUAL CANVASS in 80 WMANVILLE Mon y, June 2nd ta Mccydady, June 9th 'j; gvI n in 1,127 languages. Prospects of Independence Brighter for Disabled Marçh of Dimnes Meet ToId fif ir ]' ti T B 71 Ir si The wedding took place in St. P ar ybourg, on Saturday, May 31, a 11.30 in the morning, of Jane Mrs. Charles Disley Jr., was Grace Bennett and Mr-. Mai-se pleasantly surpi-ised iast Frn- Minet Goddard.. Iay evening, when her close The bride is the daughte- of friends and neighbours dropped Major and Mrs. David Leonard in ta visit ber. Bennett of "The Hollows", New- The occasion was ta bid ber castle. The groom is the son of fond fareweli as the Disleys Mrs. Goddard of "Brimley are moving ta Bancroft, Ontario. House", Grafton, and the late 'Bey", as she is known ta Captain Leonard Morse God- ei-yone, was presented with dard, R.N., of London, England. an electric tea kettle, a 53-piece Altar bouquets af white li- set of dishes and a few personalt lacs and snapdragon and two things. 1 step bouquets of mauve, blue Mrs. Disley and Kenny left and pink spring flowers formed ruesday ta join Mi-. Disley in a beautiful background for the Bancroft where he has been a ceremany. Rev. Canon H. Bed- nember of The Ontario Prov'- ford-Janes was assisted by Rev. ncial Police detachment there T. A. Nind, assistant minister since Easter. Daybe is remain- o! St. Peter's Church, Cobourgz. ing with ber grandparents, Mi-. and Rev. P. N. Knight of St. and Mrs. Chai-les Disley Si-., un- Geor.ge's Church, Graftan. Miss il the end o! the sehool term. Kathleen Warner o!t St. Peter's Before leaving in April Mi-. played the wedding msc n Disley was also entertained at the soloist was Mr. D. F rn the home o! bis neighbour, Mr. Maîdens, uncle of the bride, Arthur Hone. Toronto. We ail wish Mi-. and Mrs. Given in mari-age by her Disley and their family the father, the bride ware a period 'ery best o! luck and hape they gown of her own design in a-i-i- viii be very happy in their new ticlue white point siik brocaie, of Tomorrow Mr. and Mrs. EarI Masters Yo n Cize and girls, Bownianville, and gMiss Ruby Vi-tue. Toronto, visited Mr. and Mrs. D. Hig- gins, Sunday. Recent callers at A. W. Pres- cott's were Mrs. Sam Adains, Mrs. Keith Robinson, Bowman- h ville, Mrs. Mabel Tennant and . lMr. Ralph Nixon, Oshawa, Mr. eand Mrs. Russell Gilbert, Baw- Mr. and Mrs. D. Higgins were *t recent visitors with Miss Spool ýand Miss Colvin at Swansea. fMrs. R. J. McKessock, Oh * i awa, visited her sister, Mrs. Joe nChapman. Misses Ruth and Marie Pi-es- cott attended a shower Friday ,evening at the home of Mrs. Ross Smith, Oshawa, in honor Jof Miss Gerda Clary, bride-to- h be. S. Rev. F. J. Reed and Mr. A. Carrick ai-e attending Confer- ence at Peterborough part of <~ this week. Congratulations to Mr. Mal- colm Reed who graduated wîth " honors in Architecture on May 28. Rev. F. J. and Mrs. Reed Wý- '*l were in Toronto for the gradua-~ r Congratulations ta Miss Carol Chant who also graduated wîth - hanors as Dental Hygienist at...... Toronto University, and is now >. associated with Drs. D. G.~. Langmaid and I. J. Metealfe in 1 Oshawa.,. Messrs. A. W. and A. L. Pi-es- cott, Misses Ruth and Marie Prescott, attended Enfield An-............... niversary on Sunday. Marie and Alymer were tea guests of Mr-. and Mrs. Edgar P-escott. Mi-. and Mrs. M. Mountjoy James Robert Braden bc attended Nestieton Anniversary and visîted M-. and Mrs. T. a bright air of expectancy. He Byers, Blackstock. of Mr. and Mrs. J. Wallace Bra jMi-. and Mrs. W. Chapman manville. visited Mr. and Mrs. Gai-don Shackleton, Salem, on Sunday and attended the anniversary service. Bath couples were ce- lebrating wedding anniversar- ies, Mr. and Mrs. Chapman's 49th and Mr. and Mrs. Shack- leton's lst. Congratulations ta bath couples. e d n Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Chant, Gary, Roy and Vern, accampan- led by Mrs. Sally Davies, Osh- awa, and Miss Beverly Wraight, attended the graduation of their daughter, Carol, in Toronto last week. tCongratulations ta Mi-. R. J. Hodgson whose 80th birthday anniversary was an Manday. 4 On Sunday supper guests at their home were members of HOLROYD- LAWRIE at th . fml, Mr-. and Mrs. Dean Hampton United Church was T i Hodgson, Mr. and Mrs. Gleni the scene of the mariage on TI Hodgson, Bowmanville; Mi-. Saturday afternoan, May 10, a and Mrs. Raymond Clapp, Ty-I of Jean Dunlop Lawrie, daugh- ME rane, and his sister, Mrs. Dave ter of Mr. and Mrs. William ell Hooper and Mi-. Hooper, Or- Lawrie, Jr., af Bowmanville, an ana. Their daughter Nina was and William James Hoirayd, son A also p resent for the happy oc- of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Halroyd, flo. casion. He was the recipient of Hampton. Rev. F. J. Reed was dip many lovely cards and gîfts. the officiating minister. Tulips thE We trust he may be spared ta with daffadils and forsythia quq enjay many more' happy birth.. farmed the background for the wil days. ceremony.. nal Hampton Women's Institute The bride, who was given ini ladies were guests of the Bow- mar-iage by her brathei--in-law n mnville W.I. on Thursday, MrSmulFryetwr which was an opportunity. of dress of white siipper satin n getting a little better acquaint- fashioned with fitted bodice, ed wîth the Bowmanville mem- scoop neckline and short sleeves. tur bei-s. A pleasant time was spent The ski-t ended in a long train. i Hapton Woe'srnttueA tiara headdress of satin glcaf wiameetthis Thur'sday aftte r ioidered with pearis and se- l noinme th churhb aeen quins held ber nylon tulle veil mpr Piag-n i in echc arge t and she ware mittens of nylon Proramis n carg ofthetuile. Her flowers were a cas-. _ nartb graup. Mrs. C. Warren cade of pînk roses and white will have charge of the topîc baby 'mums. and Mrs. H. Truil the motta. Ms aulFrn a a Music by Sauina ladies. rs. Samonur na owas ma-u Ladies presented their two ta fhnu i odrbu pias "achlorBrie" nd Af-crystallete fashioned an pi-in- ter th BChrBSuper" andt f cess ]ines, and the brjdesmaids, tertheChuchSuper"atPlea- Miss Eileen Holrayd, sister of sant Paint on Monday evenîng the groom, and Mrs. Jack Grey, this week and at Enfieid on were simiîarîy gowned in French 1Tuesday evening. They were blue. Miss Kathleen Perris, also at Solina and Burketon junior bridesmaid, wore pow- iast eek.der blue, identical to the ma- ti-an of bonour's dress. Ail wore 11(11matching shoes, white nylon gloves and head bands of white O ddfelowsvelvet fiowers with pearîs. Thei- flowers were nasegays of H ola First yeîîow and white chrysate mums. usc asplayed by Ladis' N ght Mary Niddery and the soloist was Mi-. Rass Metcalf. Mr-. Frederick Hoiroyd was the neckline and this was i-e- eated on the short sleeves. he bouffant hoaped skiu-t end- 1in a sweep af falds at the ack and lace glaves cample- iented bei- costume. Her jew- lei-y was ber grandmother's nethyst pendant and bracelet. .crawn o!fai-ange blassomn *wers held ber face veil which iped ta fingertip length at ie back, and she caried a bau- et o! lily- of -the- Valley mixed ith stephanotis and forget-me- ts, centred by a pink rase. MViss Joan St. Albans Ben- tt a! Ancaster and Hamilton, ster a! the bride, was her ily attendant. She ware a pale iquoise ballet length gawn ith, matching jacket in silk 'feta, matching sablai- bat and oves. Hei- bouquet was of blue, auve and pink flowers with Sigs of white. Mri. Murray Brooks of South- ampton, Ont., divinity student of Huron College, London, was groomsman, and ushers wene Dr. Robert Daignault, Cobourg. and Mi-. Paul Bennett of New- castle and Toronto. The wedding reception was held at the Gi-eenwood Tower Ladge, Port Hope, the bnide's mather wearing steel blue sîlk shantung with touches of lace. Her accessaries were beige and her corsage o! cream roses. The gnaam's mothen was in a pink lace gawn with avertanes of dove grey. With it she ware pink accessories and a corsage o! white rases. For travel the bride chose a suit dress in apple green linen, white accessories and corsage of pale Pink roses. The couple will reside in London, Ont., in the autumn. The bride is a music teacher and a graduate in vocal of the Rayai Conservatory of Music, Toronto. She is a! U. E. Loyal- ist descent. The groom attended Trinity Schooi, Part Hope, and the Royal Canservatory, and is presently a student o! the min- istry at Huron Callege, London. He is farmerly o! Vancouver, B. C. His father was a captain an the C.P.R. Empress of Scot- land an the Pacific route, in wartime a tnaap ship. What Others Say MARBLE ROADS Cuba Newsletter New depasits of marbie have been dîscovered in Cuba in Pinar del Rio, Matanzas and Santa Clara Provinces. The Cubail marble is found in many colons, such as cream, gray, rose and black. In the Isle of Pines, located sauth o! Havana Prov- ince, some of the most beautiful rose coloi-ed mai-ble in the world is quarried. There is one huge hill of i-ose colored mai-ble on the Isle. Mai-ble is s0 plentiful in that smali isle that mai-ble raads are comman. TWO IN ONE Milwaukee Journal Washington, D.C., bas a new parking problem. Small car owners are getting two cars in one parking space and paying anly one meter fee. Police don't knaw whîch awn- er ta ticket because they can't tell wvhich one parked fi-st. And when they do know-well, con- sider what happened ta matai- cycle affiner Jennings Schana the other day. He saw a Renault parked in a metered space. Next time around, hie !aund a Vobkswagen snuggled next ta it in the same space. Schana ticketed the Volkswagen for illegal parking. The next marning, the traffic officer tobd bis story in Judge George Neilsen's court. The Volkswagen owner pleaded not guilty and insisted that he had parked carrectly. Judge Neilsen faund hlm guibty, then suspend- ed sentence. As Officer Schana loaked questioningly, the judge expbained: "This migbt be one solution ta Washington's park- ing prabiems". Later the judge elaborated: "Certainly, if two cars can park in the space for one or one and a haîf cars, we may have ta ne- cansider the parking pi-oblemn". St. Andrew's Celebra tes 121 Yrs. Presbyterianism ln Bowmarn The Rev. Neil Gregor Smith,1 M.A., assistant professai- and ibi-aiian at Knox Caliege, To- ronto, spoke at the marning, and evening service marking St. Andrew's Cburch anniver- sary last Sunday. It is 33 years aga that the cangregation o! St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chunch* was founded and the l2lst year] of Presbytei-ianism in Bow- manvilie. Rev. A. G. Scott conducted bath services, which were well attended. In the morning Mi-. Smith spoke on the "Ministry of Mem- ai-y", basing bis thoughts on a verse framn Deuteronomy, "Thou shaît remember all the way which the Lord thy God led thee." Memory helps ta strengthen faith, said the speaker. Remem- brance held an important place in the lives a! the people of lsnael. They were asked ta re- member the way God had ed them out of Egypt. As indlvi- duals, we have many thîngs to rememnber and be thankful for, Mi-. Smith said. Tbraugh mem- ai-y we benefit by oui- past mis- takes. Mr. Smith's sermon in the evening was based on Chapter 10 of St. John's gospel, the shepherd knaweth his awnl sheep by name. The minister WEEKEND ,SPECIALS ville Area 1 emphasized the value o! the In-. dividual in the sight o! God. Each o! us bas his own i-e- sponsibility, and salvation individual. The music under the direc-ý tion of oi-ganist and chair lead- er, Miss Leta Bragg added te the impi-essiveness o! the ani-i. versa-y services. At the mai-n. ing service, the chair sang "Seek Ye The Lord", in whiech Mns. M. Ferguson was soloist. Mi-. M. McCoy sang a soloi, "Camne Unta Me". In the even- ing Mr. Ken Kelly was the solo- ist in the anthem, "Lave D)ý- vine", and Mrs. Ferguson sang a solo, 'II Know That My Re- deemer Liveth". Thursday, Friday Saturday and DOTTED SWISS Reg. 98c yd. __ Sale 69c PRINTS Sl 9 Reg. 69c and 79ec49c DRIP-DRI BORDER PRINTS Sl 8 Reg. $1.39 98c Butterick Patterns in Stock .28 King Si. W. Bowmanville à ne DOCJUAC W0.S ae-tMiuneci1 looks out on the world with is the eight-rnonth-old son uden, 43 Ontario St., Bow- -Photo by Rehder Sponsored by the following Churches: TRINITY UNITED ST. PAUL'S UNITED ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN SALVATION ARMY II PENTECOSTAL TABERNACLE YBOTH CHRISTIAN REFORMED, CHURCH kOWMANVILLE BAPTIST CHURCH Help to send the Bible to every man ini his- own tangue throughout the world The Bible Society now -ints the Scriptui Phone MA 3-5551 Wedding Invtations Ibeîino-engraved (RA!sED LEr;IN) Wedding and engagement announcements, bith announce- meats, confirmation invitations, golden and silver anniversary announcements, etc. Thermo-engravinbg -'.(RAISED LETrERING;) -- Lookaau'd feehl 1ke the finest band engraving. Thd;etters aave an elegance and individuality only the fineat band en- 4NSItê can match. . Thermo-engraving <RAISED LEI"rERING' Camt about* hall as much as hand engraving, because it climin. ates the copper plate that nrnkes hand cngraving wocipenaVe AND) IT'S READY WITHIN THE WEEIC Of course you can order inatching enclosure cards, reception, response, thank you and at home cards, etc. Select from our giant cataionite of flawlessly correct papers. Il distinctive stylIes of lettering. Weddings priced as low as 50 for $9.00 and 100 for $13.50, corn- glete witb double envelopes and tissues. Available at "19 CAMADIAM STATESMAN, BOWMANVff.ýM ONTARIO PAGE TERIM R ires 5z5