?HUEUDAT, J'U7q! Sth, 1950 ?R~ CANADIAII STATESMAN. BOWMAKVH~LZ. O?~TAMO PAGE F'TVE B1ethany Couple Honored On 5Oth Anniversary 1BETHANY - On Saturday, $fay 3lft. Mr. a.nd Mrs. Henry Jakernan of Bethany celebrat- .d their Golden Wedding An- niVersary. ýOver 200 guests caU- ,,,ddurlng the afternoon and qvenng to conratlte the hon. Ored couple. Fi.fy ye~ ~t, Goldie Ver- rai Hobbs, t r of Mr. and Mn. James bbs, and Henry rJakeman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jakeman were married at the farmn home of the bride's Parents, two miles west of Pon- typool village, with the Rev. C. Chapman pe&rmdng the cere- Inony. Y i . The bride's ester, Mrs. Greta 'Vice, who was her bridesmaid, jIas,,piesent for thLs anniver- sary occasion, as was also the groomnsman, Hector Jakeman, o! Toronto, only brother o! the groom. Their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Percy Jakeman, and their three daughters, assisted in receiving the guests, who were served tea by the grand-daughters. The tea table was centred with a three-tier wedding cake, flank- ed with yellow candles in bronze candie-holders and bowls of golden 'munis. Pouring tea were, Miss Elsie Jakeman of Churchville, N.Y, Mrs. Ernest Jakeman, North Chili, N.Y., Mrs. Jack Angeler- ie, Tîverton, and Mrs. F. G. Moulton, Orillia; using an ex- quisite antique china tea ser- If your hair is your despair... New? Elizabeth -Arden. i8&« ~4L4L Holds hair in place witl' a gossarner touch 1 Just a gentIç bf the pressurized container and thefn& lightest spray holds every strand in place! Your bain stays set, soft and lovely for days on end. And, Elizabeth Arden Hair Spray has the deightful fragrance of Blue Grass, halo.ing your hair every moment it's on. 0 Elizabeth Arden gives you the perfect1 hain beauty: formula for ELiZABETH ARDEN SPUN' CREAM PERMANE.NT WAVE- easier, longer-las ting, more natural! 2.00 BLUE GRAss VELVA SHIAMPOO-Special conditioning ingredients give limp locks new body, prepare your hair for the perfect permanent. 1.00, 1.75 EiGr HouR CREAM-Dry hair and scalp respnnd like magic to wonder working Eight Hour Cream. 1.75, 2.00, 2.75 Jury and Love Il 15 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5778 vice over 150 years oid which 1 had been handed down from the bride's grandmother.1 Mr. and Mrs. Jakeman's fam-' ily were ail home for this hap- py event: their son Perey, Be- thany, and tbree daughters, Mrs.l Herb. Coppins (Marjory) of Bethany. Mrs. Hoyle Bain <El- sie) Mount Albert, Mrs. Ted. Moulton (Daisy) o! Oshawa and their thirteen grandchildren, Henry Jakeman, Helen Jake- man, Wininifred Jakeman, Nor- ma Jakeman, Gordon Moulton, Judith Moulton, Betty Bain, Edward Bain, Ruth Bain, Joan Bain, Nora Bain, Mary Bain and Robert Bain. The bride and groom neceiv- ed their guests in the living- room which was decorated with a profusion of flowers, baskets of bronze 'mums and goldI 'mums, the gifts of their chul- dren and grandchildren; baskets of 50 tulips each fromn the Wo- men's Missionary Society and from Mr. and Mrs. James Mc- Kinnon. There were many other cards, flowers and gifts including two chairs, coffee ta- ble, bronze candlesticks and tea set from their immediate fam- î]y; an electirie frying pan from the Manvers Township Council and officiais: bronze wall pla- ques from the United Church Woman's Association and bronze compote from the eiders o! the church. Officiai letters of congratu- lations were received from the Rigbt Hon. John Diefenbaker, Prime Minister, Hon. Michael Starr. Minister of Labour; Hon. Leslie Frost, Premier o! On- tario; Dr. Percy Vivian, M.P., and Hon. G. F. Dunibar, Prov- incial Secretary. Mrs. Jakeman was born ln Cartwright township 69 years ago. Mr. Jakeman was born in Hope township, near Elizabeth- ville 70 years ago; both moving at an early age to farms in the Pontypool area wbere they grew up attendin~g the same school, known as Drum School. In early years Henry assist- ed on bis father's farmn and then joined the Militia Reserve. Later he enlisted with the 136th Battalion and served overseas with the rank of a Captain in the First World War and boids a Queen Victoria Medal for long and meritorious service. Later be went into the bak- ery and grocery business, first. at Brooklin and tben at Parry Sound. In 1939 Mr. and Mrs. Jakeman moved to Bethany wbere they have been valued citizens. Both are active mem- bers o! the United Church, with Mrs. Jakeman baving been a willing worker and holding several executive positions through the years in the Wom- en's Association and in the Women's Missionary Society. Mr. Jakeman is one o! the eiders o! the church and chair- mani o! the trustees. He bas been most active in the Man- vers Townsbip branch o! the Canadian Red Cross Society and presently holds the office of treasurer. He is a member o! the Manvers Township Coun- cil; also o! the local Orange Lodge and the Millbrook branch of the Canadian Legion. A staunch Consèrvative in politics, Mr. Jakeman is parti- cularly bappy over the recent election resuits. Both Mr. and Mrs. Jakemnan are in excellent bealth and last summer took an extended trip to the Pacific Coast. Their at- tractive home and large gar- den keep them botb busy and thev both agree that, "It is a good tbing to get married when .you are young, for then you bave so many happy years to- gether". HIGHLY STYLED MODERATELV PRICEI LADIES' WEAI La Vogue [Jac1ue/tni Cor. Athol & Celina, Oshaw ____________________________ Il' Jor thie g-ý Idï/e and' Ç'rooli o91/J Coming up soon for you is the most important day in bath your lives. .. ..your wedding day. Maybe you are having a wedding wilh ail the trîmmings, or just a simple wedding. No malter how big or how small . . . . you will be requiring gifîs for your bridesmaids, besl man and ushers. May we be of help ta you in this regard. We have a fine selection of lovely gifts for the occasion. Lovely Peari .Necklaces, Compacts, Brooches, ta mention oniy a f ew o! the brides- maids. Cuff Links, Tie Bars, Billfoids and many other fine gifîs for the best man and ushers. And don't forget fellows we have some cherished gifîs for your bride. Best of Good Wishes, Hooper 's Jewellery C & Gif t Shop. P.S. - For pYivate selection of any of yqur gift giving just telep( e MA 3-5747. ýD R e BETHÂNY Mrs. Hannah Cairns is visit- ing with relatives in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Mansel Finney left on Wcdnesday for a month's holiday, motoning to Regina, Sask. Mr. Herb Coppins is in Civic Hospital, Peterborougn, for ma- jor surgery. His many friends are wishing him a speedy ne- covery. Mr. and Mm. Ralph Finlay, Toronto, spent the weekend with Dr. Stewart Speller and Mrs. Speller. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neals. Markdale, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Carr for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Por- teous and children, Keçrnethi and Eleanor visited with friends in Toronto on Sunday. Mrs. Ina Gribble, Lambeth, was with bier niece and nephew, Thomas Mprton and Miss Lau- ra Morton for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil MeGili, Toronto, were guests with Mr. and Mrs. James McKinnon, for the Weekend. Norman Lowes, Toronto, Miss Margaret Lowes, Peter- borough, were home for the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lowes. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fisher and famnily of Peterborough, also spent Sunday with them. Mrs. Thomas Jackson was in Whitby on Saturday visiting with lier daughter and son-mn- law, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Hall. There were many out-of-town guests present at the Golden Wedding Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Jakeman on Saturday, coming from Brook- lin, Oshawa, Toronto, Peter- borough, Bowmanville, Mill- brook, Port Hope, Parry Sound and Lindsay. Miss Elsie Jake- man of Churcbville, N.Y., Mrs. Ernest Jakeman, North ,Chili, N.Y., Mrs. Jack Angelerie, Ti- verton and Miss Jean Carru- thers of Tiverton remained over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Arnott Neals and family, of Toronto, spet the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Neals. The Ladies' Guild of St. Paul's Anglican Church heldl the first Garden Party of the season on Friday night, with a good attendance. Foilowing the programn included several short bountiful supper served by the skits, ballet dancing and musi- ladies, an enjoyable variety cal numbers. program was heard presented by the Young People's Associa- tion from St. George's Anglican Respect and obey ail traffia Church in Peterborough. The signs.-DRIVE. SAFELY. HOUSE TRIMS THIX For exterior use ... WVhite and ail colours. Excellent for the do-it-yourself handyman . .. No drip. Quart $2.75 FULL LINE 0F EIXTERIOR PAINTS White - AIl Colours Mixed te customer's requirements Brushes Putty Knives Crystal Lacquer Rolier Coaters - Paste Powder - Wallpaper Remover Resistane (niakes wallpaper washable) Many other Odds and Ends of Paint and Wallpaper Remnants A BERNE THY'S PAINT & WALLPAPER 33 King St. W. MA 3-5431 Bowmanville Best Buy Save 2c Shirriff'u Goodmornnt Marmalade 24-oz. jar 49c Hospitcul Insurance January 1, 1959, the hospital care insurance plan for residents of Ontario cornes into effect. What is it, and what does il include? In a recent issue of The Statesman an advertisement appeared announcing Ontario IHospital Insurance, and sponsored by Ontario Hlospital Services Commrission. There will be a province-xvide informational campaign later in the year, but here are some of the facts concerning the plan, prepared by the Ontario Hospital Services Com- mission: Every resident of Ontario can enrol, but tour- ists, transients, and visitors ta Ontario will nat qualify for insurance. The Ontario plan includes ail hospital services necessary to the treatment of an insured person admilted to hospital as an in-patient, including standard ward accommodation and meals; necessary nursing services; laboratory, radiological and diagnostic procedures; drugs, biologicals, an& related prepara- tions required by the patientý in accordance with accepted medical practice; use of operating room, case room and anaesthetic facilities, routine surgical sup- plies; use of radio-therapy facilities; services rendered by persons receiving remuneration from the hospital; such other services as are ta be specified in a dominion-provincial agreement. Emergency out-patient services within 24 hours of an accident is provided. As long as hospital care is medically necessary there wili be no limitation an the number of days an insured patient receives benefits. A patient may go ta any approved hospital, and these include approved public general hospitals, con- valescent hospitals, sanitoria, for consumptives, mental hospilals and hospitals for the chronically ill. Private and company hospitals will be eligible if application is made and approved. In the case of sudden illness or accident away from home reimbursement for the cost of emergency hospital care received by an insured person anywhere oulside the province will be paid up ta the value o! similar care in a comparable hospilal in Ontario. The monthly premium rates will be $2.10 a month for a single persan, $4.20 a month for a family (a family is husband, wife, ahl unmarried unemployed children under 19 and children over 18 who are dependent because of physical or mental infirmitv). Any persan who has an eligible dependent pays f amily rate. Those employed in groups of 15 or more em- ployees will be subject ta mandalory enrolment through place of employment. If employed in groups of six ta 14 the employer may apply to the commission to enrol his employees as an employed graup. Groups suchi as credit unions, co-operatives, labour unions, professional associations and retail merchants associations may apply for approval as "col1ector"' of premiums for their members. Employed groups listed before August 31, 1958, will make payment of one month's premium for each employee in December 1958. This will pay'for the month of March, 1959. January and February 1959 will be covered without payment of premiums. Sim- ilarly for the collector's groups. Residents eligibie for pay-direct enrolment who register and pay one monthi's premium prior ta September :30, 1958. will have protection effective January 1, 1959. The initial payment is for March, 1959 and January and February will be covered with- out payment of premniums. Those who do flot enrol in lime ta have pro- tection in January, 1959, must serve a waiting period o! three months. With the exception of those persans eligible as recipients o! public assistance, prepayment of premiums is required befare any benef il may be derived. AIl recipients of continuing public assistance such as the blind, the disabled, many senior citizens, wvhose inability ta pay the insurance premium has been eslablished by a means test will have their hospilal care provided bh'y the plan. It is expected that as of January 1, 1959, hos- pitls will no longer bc faced with large deficits as a result of the cost of providing care for indigent patients. Municipalities wvilI continue paymenls for care of indigents in hospitals but a large increase in unconditional provincial grants will offset these costs. The commission hospilal insurance plan will be the only agency offering standard (public) ward hospital care insurance in Ontario. No othér prepay- Tender, crisp, garden-fresh GREEN BEANS - . lb.21l Ever popular Louisiana - YAMS - - - 2.Ibs.19C "FEATURE" - Save 4c Welch's 24-oz. bottle GRAPE JUICE ' 35c Nestle's Quik Chocolaie Drink I.b. Tin 53c1 Modess Napkins Iced Lemon and1 Buns - - 2 Pkgs. 97c BOWMANVI LLE BEST BUT Save 4e CLARK'S IEANS WITH PORK 2 15oz. tin 2 9c BEST BUY - Save 4c Nabisco Shredded Wheai 2 Pkgs. 35c BEST BUY - Save 20« Man's Size 200 Face-Elle Tissues 3 Fo-r 79c "'FEATURE" Applefords - K.V.P. - 100 ft. roll WAXED PAPER 29c Good Luck - 5c Coupon Pack MARGARINE 2 Lbs. 65C *QALT MEAT.,] Swift's Red Brand Beef (Standing) PRIME RIB ROAST lb. 69c lb. 53c PORK LIVER lb. 2.9c Swift's Premium Vac Pac Table-Ready Meats Macar'oni & Cheese Your Choice Duich Loaf l * -9 Pickle & Pimenlo pg.L1 BIRDS EYE Baby Lima Beans, 12-oz. pkg. 29e Raspherrieg, 15-oz. pkg. -__________45c FROZEN FOODS Fillets of Sole, 12-oz. pkg. --39C TH ERE'S MAPLE - Yeo's Mai rketeria Groceteria eteria ýarket RED, &,WHITE à?ke A>ieia.f&VPlpie (o à£hlop/1 Gold Medal - Pure - 9-oz. Tumblers Peanut Butter 4 For $1.00O Boneles POT ROAST Lipton's Chicken Noodle Soup MiX - 3 Pkl.35C Sunheani Bakery Features Sunny Lemon Rol u Ea. 39c Raspberry m 8 For 29c A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU GROVE- Maple Grove KINGSWAY SUPER MARKE KING ST.- EAST 0F TOWN LINE ORONO- Cornish MarkE BLACKSTOCK - Blyth's M, k-ob -MW - - FRI T VEETB-S Juicy, tree-ripened 5-lb. poly bag SUNKIST ORANGES- 69c Juicy SUNKIST LEMONS 4 for 1 9c Full ripe, Iuscious- Jumbo size CANTELOPES - each 29c Tasty home-grown- Large bunches GREEN ONIONS 2 for 1 5C THU twAT, JaNic Rh, leu THE CANAI)L« STATFSMAN, BOVnJANVI=, ONTAMO PAGE rTVE Gallon $8.8 M5 or Blue