PAGE SIX TifS CAKA~AN STATESMAII, EOWMANV!LLR, OftAMO 'r1~UlISDAY, 3~JNE Sth, UN Harness Racing Veteran Receives Great Applause For Win at Oshawa Meet Dr. R. Cowie, a retired veter- inarian from Bowmanville, and a veteran harness horse enthus- iast, scored the most popular win of the afternoon on May 24th in the harness horse racing meeting, staged by the Oshawa Driving Club at Alexandria Park, where he drove his long- striding pacer Billy B. Sultan in the one-mile section of the Carling Invitation Pace event in the fine time of 2:14, easily the fastest time of the day for this distance. "The Doc" received a great hand from the racing fans when he was presented with the apecial prize "a cooler" for his LECTRICAL CONTRMCTIN WIRING - REPAIPS horse and he saluted the fans with bis whip in a jaunty fashion that belied hi. better- than "three score and ten". Dr. Cowie's victomy et the mile distance followeti a 2nd place finish in the 9-l6th race, witb the same field, which easily gave him the best "aggregate" for this event. "Brandywine Boy" owned by P. Hooey of Orono and tiiven Guides First Supper Hike Big Success BLACKSTOCK - On Mal 26tli aIl the Guides in No.1 Bhackstock Girl Guide Company went on their first supper hike Each patrol leader anti second planneti the meal for their pa- trol anti showet them how tc builti the fire, cook dinner anc put the tire out. Dinner! It was wondrful. One Guide said that even hurn toast tasteti marvellous. After dinner each patrol prepared a gaine or skit anti everyone bad lots of fun. Those present were: Blue Bird Patrol-Vemna Har- ris. Helen Buschlen, Linda Kyte, Alice Taylor; Swallow Patrol - Donna McLaughlin, Anne 'Gibsan, Nancy Stanilanti Muriel Goodsoon, Marion Brad- burn: Scarlet Tanager Patrol- Janice Sadler, Joan Bradburn, Borin je Mountjoy, Brenda Mal- colm, Margaret Argue; Robin Patrol-Lorraine Dayes, Linda ROYALMA358 TRIS FRIAND SAT. - JUNE 6 - 7 Matinee Sat. 2 p... "Timberjack" Colorful outdoor adventure with Sterling Hayden and Vera Raiston plus selected short and cartoon Complete shows atc7 and 9 p.m. MON. AND TUES. - JUNE 9 10 HeId Over ! "Peyton Place" 8p.nx. evenings Adult. Price 75c WED. AND THORS. - JUNE Il 12 "Heu Drivers" Stanley Baker, Herbert Lam An action-packed story of the tough drivers of heavy trucks, plus "Crashing the Wa ter Barrier" (Color) TO-NITE (Thurs.) 8 "PEYTON PLACE" . 1 Hlealth Salts 59C Sun G lasses 29e - $10.00 Dan Deodoant Low Prices Vacuum Botties --- 79e 98e size Lustre Cream 79c 300 A.S.A. Tablets- 49e 65e Hala Sharnpoo - 2/98e 2 Colgates Paste and Bnush 70ec 1.98 size Halo -___ 1.29 Colgates Paste and Pen 63e Adora Hair Spray 1.75 Spray Net 79c - 1.50 Curl Control 1.75_ Tangel for burns __-_ 85c Dee Tee Moth Killer- 59e Skol for suntan- 55e - 1.00 Larvex Spray 1.09 - 1.69 Noxsema 011 - --__- 75e Moth Proofer Bomb it. 1.39 Noxzema Lotion 55c - 1.50 Moth Balis, 1 lb. -___23o Wampole's Phospho-Plex Relieves tired nerves In Iiquid or tablets 2.50 *4.95 COWLU NGFS DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSS ES Venning, Elaine Mountjoy, Ca- mol Rahmn, Glenna. McLeod. Canary Patrôl - Sylvia Law- rence, Laurel Mackie, Canal Ko- zub, Canal Blyth, Mary Brat- burn. Mrs. Ivan Thompson anti Mrm. IRichard Bowles gave a word o! praise ta the Guides. The petrol leaders seemeti well or- ganizeti,. each guide dit her share o! cooking dinner anti by joining in the spirit o! the hike ail contributedtot the wonder- fui time. p i by son Bill, was the only horse ta win both sections. xIn the Pace or Trot "1B' clana, the Orono hanse beat out "Dusty"l McGrat- tan in tbe short race and thon in the full mile event. triumph- et aven "Marsha Lee", in wbat wes ane o! the best-contested races o! the day. Ivan Cochrane's "Miss Apnil Gunner" fnom Nestieton won the mile race li the Canadien Schenley Pace. Rotary Hears Details 0f Medical Advances During Past 20 Years Scientific advances in medi- cine during the hast 20 years were, outlined by Dr. Harry Ebbs, Toronto, In an intemeting addness on Friday. Dr. Ebbs wes the special speaker at the lunçbeon meeting behd by the Bowmanville Rotary Club in the Balmoral Hotel. Tribute was paid by Dr. Ebbà ta the work o! the Rotanians for cnippleti chiltiren. He spoke o! every phase of this project, and stressed the Importance o! the undentaking ta the welf are o! future citizens o! Canada. The benefits ta handicaqpped child- ren from medical discoveries in ecent years were empbasized by Dr. Ebbs. A vote o! thanka to Dr. Ebbs was moved by Jim Stutt, chair- man o! the crippled chiltiren committee. Mn. Stutt sait it was encoumaging ta hear o! the won- derful advances made by medi- cal science: Ne wlshed Dr. Ebbs and his coleagues continuet success in their great work. Dm. Keith Siemon, -presitent o! the club presented a Rotary desk plaque ta Dr. Ebbs. ýt A group of boys ai-d igirls M rs. Fisher r from Port Perry public achool 0 came over Tuesday evening r se es of hall with Blackstock stu- dents. There was a Senior boys' aa Junior boys and a Senior gir- u iar v ls game. Port Perry won al Iar Il three games. 'Trinity Evening Auxiliary The Couples Club had ano- held its May meeting recently thèr enjoyable evening at the with Mrs. S. McMurter presi- -Parsonage Wednesday. Twelve dent in charge. couples were present. Rev. P. The Dorship Service was con- *Romeril showed sldes of the ducted by Miss HÉ'en Cryder- Bahamas. Contests were engag- man, Miss Vivian Bunner, Miss Led in and lunch enjoyed. i Mary Jewell and Mrs. Roy We- Prince Albert Y.P.U. wjthI bber with Mrs. Sadier as pian- their councillor Mrs. Newnham ist. came over for a bail game with The Ladies Quartette consist- Blackstock Y.P.U. on the Hlgh jflg of Mesdames, James, Van School grounds 4rhursday and Driel, Richmond, and Alldread Prince Albert were the winn- sang two numbers, "I Love a. ers. After the game they en. Lassie" and "Corne Unto Me". joyed a film "Boy Dates Girl" ,r.Sde aeamsaeo in the United Church Sunday I Citizenship. School room. The local Y.P.U. Our guest speaker was Mrs. served lunch to the 44 present. Fisher from Newcastle who la President of the Oshawa*Pres- The Boy Scouts and Cubs bytery o! the W.MS. Her reelly enJoyed collecting pap- theme was "Light" in relation ers Monday evening. Hearty to a Christian way of thinking. thanks are extended to the Mrs. Fisher was thanked by many friends who had all piles MISS Velma Gay. so handy and an especial thanks _________ to those who drove trucks for the collection. ~C r Congratulations to Anson Ta- t cnei's C r ylor, Oshawa, eider son o! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Taylor, Black- LO ' & 4 stock, on being elected assis- FI.O& . iveets in tant director o! education for Scarborough. He has been as- sistant superintendant o! sch- N w S h o ough Board four years ago. Mitchell's Corners Home and Mer. and Mrs. Geo. Stainland School Association met recent- have gone to Toronto for a ly in the new school with Pre- couple o! monthg to keep house sident Mrs. William Cook pre- for a friend who hia& gone to sidlng. Mrs. William Nemis England for a trip. read the minutes of the last At the Mission Band Tues- meeting and Mr. Fred Boyce day afternoon Nancy Dorreli gave the treasu.rer's report. read a poem, 'Tbank you, God, Miss Shirley Chamnberlin and for Spring". The devotional Miss Ruthanne Déboski enter- "Seventy Times Seven" waa tained with a bâton twirling gîven by Mrs. Kyte. Roll Calact. wasa nswered by name o! a Mr. Charles Anderson, the favounite flower. Linda Butt guest speaker, was introduced and Doris Ashton played a piano to the members and spoke on duet, 'Old McDonald". John First Aid and Salety in the Larmer read a story. Mrs. Glenin home. At the conclusion o! bis Larmer gave the chapter froni talk he gave a demonstration Study bock. Mrs. Butt had the on artificiel respiration. children plant flower seeds to Mr. William Wilson showed tend. slides of grades one and two The comniunity hall was fil- Christmas partv and somé he led and ail enjoyed the recital had taken at Niagara Falls and by the pupils o! Mrs. Dave Wil- Algonquin Park. son on Friday night. Quartettes Mrs. William Cook thanked were sung by Bernice Larmer the guestg for Dart îcipatmng. Glenda Wilson. Nicole Forest Lunch was served by Mrs. Wil]- and Shirley Snooks, at intervaîs liam Tweedie and ber commit- through thé entertainment. Mr. tee. Wilfred Jackson wag chairman. The hall was beautifully decor- Wnight, Oshawa, Sunday. ated with spring flowers. Mrs. Ralph Larmer and Paul Sixteen from Blackstock et- returned home from Oshawa tended the Oshawa Prestiytery Hospital Sunday. field day et Lake View Park, Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Hall were Oshewa, Seturday. Thirteen ba- Sunday aftemnoon guesta o! Mr. sebaîl teams competed in the and Mns. Lavern Devitt, Osh- tournament. Our local teamn awa. won two games. After the picnic Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fergu- lunch a dance was held in King son, lan and Mary, Toronto, St. church hall. spent the weekend with the Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mayes, Roy Fergusons and Mr. and Barrie, were weekend guests Mrs. Ken Brown and Dorothy, and Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Mayes O)shawa, visited there Satunday and Stanley, Oshawa, SundaV evening. Saturday guests and Mrs. Wil- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Broome mer Fitze, Oshawa, Sunday and boys, Solina. visited Mr. guesta of Mr. and Mrs. Lewig and Mrs. Harold Martyn, Sun- Fitze. day. Mrs. Jas. Hlenr-y, Mr. Melville Mr. and Mr@. Stan R.ahmn at- Griffin, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne, tended the wedding o! Mr. Neil Griffin attended a trousseau Hudson andi Miss Norma Hip,- tea in Oshawa Satumdey even- kif! in High Park United ing for Miss Audrey Hepburn Church. Toronto, Saturday whose marriage with Mr. Gea. evening. Ritchie ii to take place Setur- Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Thomp- day, June 7. son, Miss Jean Thompson, Mr. and Mr&. J. Mew end Brooklin, and Mr. Wayne Wil- Jane, Toronto, spent the weelt- son, Oshawa. visited Mr. and end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wes Montgomery, Monty's Mrs. Austin Beacock. Inn. Lindsay, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Smith, Mr. and .Mmi. Ralph Gunter with hem parents, Mr. and Mn&. and children, Coe Nill, spent the Wilbert Archer and Mn. A. weekend with the Blake Gun- Dever. ter& and Roy Turners. The chil- Mrs. Herb Galbraith. Mr. and cren remained for a few day.. Mrs. R. Robins and Mr. J. Ar- W. A. Meeting gue, Bowmanville, viaited Mns. The May meeting o! the W.A. J. McKee Wednesday. o! the United Church was at Mr. andi Mrs. Gordon Strong, the home of Mrs. Rosi Duff Ralph, Phyllis and Don Sin- Tuesday night with 30 ladies clair were guests at the Cox present. It was decidedti t hold Curtis wedding in Orillia May a community sale early li July 24. aiso to paint around the win- Mr.and Mrs. Gardon Strong dows and doors of dressing- attended graduation et Convo- room and the fence et the new catLon Hall, Toronto, on Thuirs-, Commun itv park at the* west The special speaker was in- troduced by Morley Vanstone, who, explained that he had known Dr. Ebbs for many years. They had first met in camp in 1924. Mr. Vanstone spoke of tDr. Ebbs' outatanding career in imedicine. Dr. Ebbs is a member. o! the staff o! the Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto. He Is also chairman of the health and education department of the University of Toxionto. Stanley Wilkins and Bill Theisberger were inâtalled as members of the Bowmanville Rotary Club. The irapressive installation ceremony was con- ducted by Walter DeGeer, E'orbes Heyland, and Mel Dale, three past presidents o! the iclub, and Bill Coggins, chair- Sman o! the 1958-59 magazine iand publie information commit- itee for 1958-59. The Rotarians celebrated the birthday of Tom Dobbie, Osh- awa. Other out of town guests present were: Walter Elliott, Toronto: Jack Biddulph, Dr. W; Langmaid, Bob Brown, ail of Oshawa, and J. John, Peterbor- ough. WESLEY VILLE dige buntings gathered on H. Bmrrowclough's lawn te enjoy the new grass seed thmown out1 there. Gold finches were amoag them n d they bath miade a iovely picture. On Sunday moning, June lit, Sunday School Scripture was nead by Bill Barrowclougb, li the absence o! both -supenin- tendents.. Carroll NichaIs was li charge o! the school and taught the Bible deass. Assist- ant teachers, Mrs. A. Austin, and Mrs. A. Thorndyke had the primany and junior classes. Muriel Austin playeti the organ for church in the continued ab- sence o! Mrs. Reeve. Harolti, Roy, and Arnoldi Aus- tin were fishing at Red Stone during the weekend. Neil Ashby arniveti in Port Britain from New York for the weekend, ta visit bis brother andi other friends thene. Mns. A. Clarke bas spent a few days lI Ottawa recently, and this pat weekend in Ham- ttn In connection with ber work witb young people. Mrs. Williams, son Rager, Mrs. Chamberlain and Deryn o! Toronto, visiteti witb Mr.. Austin andi Mrs. Tutt on Satur- day: Joyce Haffenden o! Toron- ta, here tram Englanti for the summer, visited with Mr. andi Mrs. Snell on Sundav. OBITUARY MRS. FRANK STINSON Followlng a lingering lllness, the death occurreti on May 20, at the South Hanen Rest Home, Newcastle, of Mms. Prank Stin- son, o! Blackstock. Formenly Rebecca Axin Nix- an, daughter of the late Wil- liam anti Mary Amelia Nixon, she was bonn near Tynone, Dar- lington Township, on Jan. 13, 1886. Miss Nixon taugbt achool at Purple Nil, Cartwright Town- ship, for four years. Here she met Mn. Stinson and they were memnied Dec. 13, 1911, andi farmed in Cartwright until, owing ta an accident which left him unable to work, they ne- tireti and mavedti t Blackstock lni the wintem o! 1936. Mrs. Stinson titi a greet deal o! fancy work anti exhibiteti et ahi the local faims for sevenal years. She was a memben o! the United Church (Presbytenian before Union), a Suntiay School teacher for yeams, was president o! the W.M.S. and a worker in Women's Institute until fail- ing halthrentiereti this impos- Mrs. Stinson is surviveti by her husbanti and one brother, James Nixon, Bowmanvllle. Rev. P. Romeril conductui the funeral service in the North. cutt and Smith Funeral Home, Bowmanvllle, on Thursday Mal 22, with interment lin Cadmus Union Cemetery. Beautiful floral toitens fr-on Blackstock W.M.S.. South Ha- ven Rest Home, friends and re- latives, spoke of the esteem in' which the deceased ,was held. Friends attended from Otta. wa, Peterboro, Hespeler, New.,t castie, Blackstock, Ïowman.* ville, Orono, 2yrQne, Kendal and Hampton. 4 y-V' PallbearersHaeold Stinson, Robt. n e'on, Chas. Venning, Harold Crawford, Wal. lace Marlow and Walter parr. AVAILABLE FORt NGRnTGAGVS Ralph S. Joues Barrister and Solicitor RA 532 65 Slmcoe .8.Obw Announcement. I by popular requestI During this writer's absence of the week foliowing the hol- iday, news was made if not re- ported. The choir provided mu- sic for Newtonville United Church anniversary and church service was withdrawn here on May 25. Mrs. Reeve was iii and una'ble to be present so they were accompanied by Mrs. Mil-I lgan. On the previous Sunday three baby boys were baptized in the church here by Rev. A. I' W. Harding: Donald. son of Mr. and Mrs. Carroll NichaIs: Bar ry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Best; and Neil. son of Mr. and Mrs. John Groeneveldt. Thej latter parents were wcicomed into the church havîng broiight their membership from Bow- manville. On the holiday Mon.- day evéning there was a crokin. oie party in the basement wîthf some of the boys pooling their I fire crackers for a Joint celebra- ' tion afterward. 1 Joan Nlçhols had several o friends from the community to watch ballet recital in Cobourg on Wednesday, May 28. Besides her parents and sisters. Ange-t la Skibinski, Mrs. E. Barrow- clough, Mrs. A. Austin, and Valerie, Mrs. F. Theysmeyer ê and Jean Blokland were there. Donna Oughtred and Bill Barrowclough wrote their mu- sic theory in Cobourg on Sat- urday and with that off their minds were able to enjoy to the utmnost their form party onY the same evening. Again this year dozens of in- 80 WMANVILLE CLEANERS havre inangural ed SHIRT Laundering SERVICE Popular Prices ]Phone MA 3-5520 84 KING ST.'. BOWMANVILLý iyaht a GMýC's are just great for spreading the good word about your business. Take this GMC panel, for instance, las amarit, functionai appearance buildi up public confidence wbet. ever it goca. Show tho world howgood busIness le! '1-~ N ~. i.2v ~ -x These solid, dependable pickups *arai any firm a repu- tation for fast, efficient deliveries. And thein nugged goond looks oeiliyaur business wherever they carry yourname. And if you'r. in a prestige business, wbat better way is there to let evenone know than by tdii new sedan delhvery. Full coil spring suspension on ahi four wheels makes it ideal for carrying precious cargo. Itsoo PHONE MA 3-5695 A GENIRAL MOTOIS VALUU Brand new for '5 8, these GMC Porward-Control Utility Vans with theit S spinking fresh styling create just the right impression for yoar ptoduc ***core ini a choice of wheelbases for king-size economy and capacixy. SIEE VOUR LOCAL GMC DEALER OMC.10380L ROBSON'MO TORS LIMITUD 166 KING STREET EASTHNEM 3321 A 1 -"MPMATI mmr MI Un PAGE SM TM CANADIAN STATMOMM, BOWMANMM ONTAPJO Wb. m. MA 3-3321 MA ?FiONE