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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 5 Jun 1958, p. 7

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THURSDAY, 3UN« Sth, 1958 q - THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO PAGE SEVEN iss Anne Edsall Is visiting Sher isters, Mrs. E. W. Boak in WVictoria, B.C. Mr. and -Mp~. D. Beers, Balti- more, Md.jI'it the weekend with her ihts, Mr. and Mrs. S J. Flett. Mr. Harvey Webber bas been arucoessful in his first year cf Architectural Technology at Ryerson Institute, Toronto. Mrs..Mariqni,,eid of Cremona, Alta., is vidIting ber daughter, Mrs. T. A. Morgan, for several weeks, on ber way te Europe. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Bower spqfit Ithe weekend with their dauàSfer, Dr. and Mrs. J. C. Bryce and family, London, Ont. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Macnpb and family attended Zion anni- 'Versary and were entertained for tea at Mrs. Alex McMas- ter's. Hear ye! Hear ye! Garden Party-Tea, June 12, at Ken Morris' residence, Concession St., beld by Group 6, W.A., 3 te 5:30 p.m. 23-1 Mrs. W. C. Ccckshott of Win- nipeg, Man., bas been visitiingc .Jher mether, Mrs. R. M. Jamie- son, and returned to ber boe on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Jackson, Misses Florence and Leta Jack- son spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Jackscn and' Brenda Jean, Marmora. d Pease let us have news cf ursnor daughter who has passed university examinations or graduated fromn university - or ether courses. Phone MA 3- 3303. Twenty-eigbt beys cf Second Cub Pack enjcyed a camping weekend by the creek on Russell Osborne's farm. A full acceunt will appear in next week's paper. Miss Beverly Cewiing receiv- ed higb standing in ber exam- mnations at University cf Toron- to in the first year Physical Education course. She is the1 daughter cf Mr. Percy Cowl- Ing. I Miss Elizabeth P ro w e r, daughter cf Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Prower, bas passed examina- tiens in the third year Honor Course in Modern Languages and Literatures at University cf Toronto, receiving second class honours. Miss S. Forsight and Miss Sbeet were visitors cf Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hayward, aise their grandson, Master Raye West, Orono. Mrs. Hayward recently 'visited Mr. and Mrs. Raye West and family in Orono aise Mrs. Ab West. Miss Pat Ce?, nurse-in- training at the O&ttawa Civie Hospital, spent last weekend with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. MauriceuConway. Aise visiting S last week were Mrs. Conway's 4-parents, Mr. and Mrs. Parker, and nlece, Miss Marilyn Hall, alilcf Ottawa. Mrs. Manseli Stacey and Car- olyn, Dr. and Mrs. Gordon Brown attended the University of Toronto Convocation last Wednesday aftemnoon wben Mr. Starov~ received tbe post grad- uate degree of BacbelQr cf Edu- cation. Tbey aise attended the tea in the University Quadrangle after the ceremonies. The 'Guildettes cf St. John's Anglican Church cencluded the seasen with an evening picnic on May 26 at the farm cf Mr. Emmett at Enfield. Members joined in a scavenger hunt and bail games. By the light of the moon and warmth and glow of a camp fire, everyone enjeyed a delicious meal and afterwards joined in a sîng-song. A fire cracker show breught a very pleasant evening te a close. TRINITY UNITED CH3URCHR Minister: Rev. T. Arthur Morgan, B.A. 11 A.M. - "The Heart f t he Chrisfian Life' Organist: Mm. Artbur Collison, Mus. Bach., L.R.S.M. STU JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) FiiSunday Aller Trinity HOLY COMMUNION 10 and Il - CHURCH SCHOOL MORNIN IRAYER 7 - EVENING ?KAYER Model Centennial Costumes Mr. and Mrs. Joe ONeili ar-1 rived back in Bowmanville last 1 Tbursday from Bedford, Vir- ginia, where they have spent the past six months. On their way back they toured Williamsburg, Va., and visited their daughter, Mrs. Marcel Lajeunesse in Ment- real. While in town, befcrei leaving Wednesday te spend the summer at their cottage in Hali-! burton, tbe O'Neills were guests' of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Crawford.; Mr. Lawrence Milîson, BA., member cf the Oshawa publI.c school teaching staff since 1951, received 'the degree cf Bach- eler cf Education et Convoca- tien Hall, University cf Toron-j te, lest Wednesday. Mr. Mill- son is a son of Mr. and M-.s. Lanson Milison, Newcastle. He taugbt for five years at Beth-1 any befere going te Oshawa. He was recently promoted to the principalship cf Albert Street On Saturday evening, May 31st, a pleasant evening was spent at "Ayre Acres", the bor-ne cf Mr. and Mr:3. Lloyd Ayre, Kingston Rd. East, when 40' relatives gathered to hoGnour tbemn on their tenfh wedding anniversary. Mr. Lloyd Staint- on, Toronto, rcad the address and presented Arline and Lloyd with a gift cf money after %hc a delicicus lunch was served. 1 Guests Wvere present from Toron-1! to, Oshawa, Peterborough, Zion,i Kedron and Bowmanville. Mr. Fcrrest Dilling is In charge cf getting names cf Boxv- manville teachers whe have taught bere 15 years or more, and the teachers who have lef t Bowmanville. If you have the name and address cf a former, teacher, please contact hîrn se that as nlany former teachers as possible may be invited back fer the 'Back tc Schocl Day", June 30, during Oid Home Week. Many bave been heard from already xitb a gond num- ber accepting the invitatien. The town is really being slick- ed up inl preparatien fer Old Home Week. The Werks Dept.1 under Mr. Lloyd Quinten are werking like beavers, paintingi parking lines on King St. andl marking driveways, cleaning Up boulevards, painting the deersi at the Town Hall, etc. The Hy- dre Commissien bas aise been painting fine hydrants and hy- dro standards se that King Street really bas a sparkiing appearance in readiness for the decorations which will go up for the Centennial. Accidentai Verdict Inquest in the dcath cf 3-year- old Tareasa Maliszewski was beld in tbe Town Hall on Wed- nesday merning. The jury breught in a verdict cf acciden- tal deatb by drowning. Docter Charles Austin, the coroner, presided. Evidence showed that on March 28th, the littie girl had fallen into a water-filled ditch beside a rcad in Darling- ton Township near ber homne on R. R. 1, Oshawa. Wallace Andrcw, 45 Church St., is tbe new driver ef the C.P.R. Express truck. Mr. Andrew bas been witb the C.P. R. fer 12 years as an express messenger travelling eut cf Toronto. Fer the past two and' a baîf years since the Andrews! moved here from Teeswater,l Mr. Andrew bas commuted tel Toronte, and is bappy te be I settled in a job here se that he can spend more tîme with bis family. He and Mrs. Andrewl botb eall Peterborough their hometewn. Tbey have tbree children, Allan, 13, Robert, 5, and Brian whc ',as one year eld vesterday. They like'liv- In the B. H. S. "Fashion Review", these "Remember When" outfits were modelled as a contribution to Bowmanville's Centennial. The dresses, lef t to right, xvorn by Joan Davey, Beverly Wraight, Ruth Pascoe, Nancy Stephenson, were donat- ed by local families. Auxiliary WiI Attend Decoration Day Service At Cemetery on Sunday The Ladies' Auxiliary cf the Canadian Legien beld a meet- ing on Monday evening in the Legion Hall, Queen Street. The president, Ccmrade Anne Piper, conducted the impressive ini- tiation ceremony for a ncw member, Comrade Mac Wbit- ing. Plans were discussed fer De- coratien Day, Sunday, June tb. There will be a special bus te take members of the Auxiiiary te Bowmanville Cemetery fer the service. It will lcave the Legion Hall at 2 o'clock that aftemncen. jThe dedicatien cf the past presidents' plaque will take place at the next meeting cf the Auxiliary on Menday even- ing, June 16. It wili be hurig in teLegien Hall next te the ps resident plaque of Branch 178 cf the Canadian Legion. Arrangements were discuss- ed for catering for several events including a dinner for the Sbriniers follcwing the pa- Sunday School rade on the opening day of Old Home Week, Saturday, June 28th. Aise a neen dinner on Sun- day, June 6th, for the bands taking part in the Legion Drum- head 'Service. jim Firth, past president of branch 178 of the Canadian Le- gion, addressed the auxiiiary te expiain the significance of the Legion Drumhead Service te be held in Bowmanvilie on Sun- day, July 6th. Mr. Firth aise outlined the procedure te be foliewed on that day. An inspiring motion picture film "The Long Silence", spcn- sored by the Canadian Legion was shown by Ai Fletcher. It presented remarkable scenes frorn World Wars I and World War II. It aise, showed a mem- orable Armistice Day Service in Ottawa. Afterwards the members en- joyed a social heur. Comrade Grace Murdoch served sand- wiches and tea. Members Participate in Anniversary At Trinity Church Sunday ing in Bowrnanville vcry mucb. Flo',ser Day and the anniver- cd by the Woman's Association, "Its just the right size," says! salrv cf Trinity Sunday Sebool and bouquets werc aIse brought Mrs. Andrew, "and people are were observed at the morning in by representatives cf the frienly."service, June 1. Leading in the fredy"annual observance cf these four dcpartmnents cf the Sun- It bas been discovercd that events wc,,re the minister, Rev. day Scheol. Mrs. Henry Patterson cf Ma-X- T. A. Morgan, and Sunday The cbildrcn contributed sev- ico City, the former Georgie tSchool Superintendent, Mr. J. ral musical numbers, the Nur- Fairbairn, is stili living and1 Denis Pickard, with Mr. Ted corresponding xith Miss Mar- Colwell tclîing an întcresting sery Class under Mrs. E. R. garet Allen, Beech Ave. Mis. stery for the yeunger cbildren. Thompson's direction singing Patterson is in hcer nineties. and The churcb was beautifuliy "Jesus Loves Me"; Kindergar- is the enly surviving child cf decorated witb flowcrs provid- ten directed by Mrs. Lau Dew- the late J. B. Fairbairn. fer cl JssBd sSie;Pi many years postmaster cf Bow- el JssBd sSie;Pi manville, towii clark, Chair'- Windsor. She wiii accempanv mnary, supervised by Miss He- man cf the Scbool Board. an~d them t o Danville, Virginia, U.S. Ian Nelies, "Heavcnly Sun- auther cf the "Historv and Re1 A., to sec their parents and be shine": and Miss V. Sadler«s miniscences * cf Bowmiai-ville"'. home for the family reunion. class from the Junior Sunday' Mr. Fairbairn's death occurrcdi A n umber cf friends have Scbool gave two numbers, in 1906, the year that bis book- 1 visited lVilt Robinson in the 'Don't Send Your Kids te Sun- let~~~~~ ',a ulsed r ar sbawa hospital. He expects daY' Schocl, Get Out cf Bcd and Ibairn's father was the f irst ýte ba tbeî'e anether week om se. Take Tbcmn" and "Sunday Ipestrnastcr afler the post off:cec The W. A. meeting xvas beld Scbooi". was meved he"e from Black's Wcdnesday evening in the Sun- The Junior Choir sang, "'All Hill. Tbeugh Mrs. Patterson day Sehool room with Mrs. j. Tbings Bright and Bcautiful". will prebab]y net bc able lu Stapicton presiding. Miss C. Karen Mt'Murter rcad the attend, an invitaticn toel Bow\- Stewart, the secretary, had the Scripture lesson and Ross Tur- manville's Centennial celebra- new pregrams prcpared. The ner led in prayer. The antbem tions is being sent te bier. devotional, "Leadership Requires b' the Senior Choir was "Green 1 Character", from the first cbapt- Pastures". er cf Joshua was taken by Miss Mr. Pickard addressed his KENDAL SeariFstrxvcestorY te thc older cide n Mrs. atchr Foter hoseparents, empbasizing the oh brother bad visited ber from er's importance in the home. It Mm. and Mrs. Ayiward Little jNcrtbern Rbodesia, gave a very is usually mother wbe takes Ma.n eyfa ittle, Suda. ite intc resting talk on life and the the brunt cf the cbiidren's cdu- Mrs.NevaLitte, Snday custom s cf tbat country. She cation as far as religion is con- Mr. and Mrs. Cecil TebbleJ spoke of the difficulty of train- cerncd, Mr. Piekard pointed and Mr. W. H. Robinson, Omono,1 ing the natives te do the werk out. Hetold cf a man wbe bad were Sunday guests with Mrs.lon bis plantation w'bere hie become a iawer tbreugb bisj Chas. Thompscn and Artbur.i grows tobacco and hybrid corn. mrotber's sacrifice. Wben bie Mm. and Mrs. Russell Rusk,; HIe aise bas a lovcly roese garden lefi borne for the first time, bis Toronto, and Cy Elsey and!' witb many colours grafted on!1 mothe,' gave himi a motte te puit daughters of Oshaw'a were witb eaclb bush. A native father wel- uip in bis rooni, -I arn third". George Mecr's, Sunday. icernes many girls in the family She explaincd this bv saying Mm. and Mrs. George McDen-, as tbeir busbands bu,, them ine matter bow bigbh o sbould aid and familv visited ber motb-1 fremi him and he becomes 1 rise in the wor]d, lie sbouild er, Mrs. Selkirk at Omerne,!waty alwaysrmmbrtatGdi Sunday. 1 Besides raising their famnilies first. otherq are second, and ha, Mr. Milton Beyd, Toronto, 1tbe ',vomen do al tbe work the boy, third. spent a few days witb Mr. R.!1 arounci their native places. Some Mr. Coiweli's sterv concere- Wilson and Miss Hellen Boyd! cf the drawbacks wcrc the lackcdaEsioh"we erd attending the funeral cf his1 cf scbools and white neighbcurs, cidhaDr. \ilfred Gwo rene niee, rs.ArtMerer.roads and raiiroads for one-way Labrador. Ne was calied Jehn Mm. and Mrs. Elmer Patton,ltraffic, and the large snakcs, ny, Standby 4hrcugb the inci- Peterborough, visited Mr. andseme cf wicb arc peisoncus. dnt whicb caused him te lose Mrs.. Carl Langstaff, Saturday;1 It -%as quite a different life an arm and a leg whcn be wait- evening. frem w bat wc are accustemed cd for threc days in -the cold Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Lang-! te. for the Doctor who bad asked staff spent Sunday with Mm. and: A fashion show was put on him to lstand by". Witb artifi- Mrs. Roy Irwin at Castîcton. !Thur day nigbt by the Hîghcaiibsth bo sayd n Guests with Mr. and Mfrs.1IScbool students at *Bewman- ca ims the bopitalaased o Eddie Couroux, Sunday', wcre:; ville. Those taking part from atthe sia nd asse Mm. and Mms. Alvi Lowes, Gor- here werc Patsv, Judy, ,ane tee don and Jean. Peterborough, and Kath.-, Foster. MrF. Allen Dur;ng the service Mr. Mor- and Mr. and Mî's. Vance Allen. Foster. Mrs. Marlatte, MIrs. Il. gan spoke a farelwe.l te the j Mrs. Hatcher Foster left Suin- Foster. Mlr..N'ed Fo.sicýr and Su'wda" S honl. Ha wvill bt ea- day te jein lier brother. Mr. and Miss Margaret Hayden attended ing bis pastorate at Trin: t',' Mrn, Horace Hlli and famîily in the performance. the end of June, lHe also made the presentatien of awards te three Tyro beys who had as- sisted in raising money for the greup: Keitb Banting, Bob Dunn and Larry Dunn. KENDAL Kendal friends were sadden- ed te learn of the passing of Eva (Wilson) Mercer, wife of Arthur Mercer, in her 49th year, at their home at Garden Hill on Saturday, May 31st. Eva grew up ini the commun- ity and was liked by ail who knew ber. Being of a pleasant and industrious nature she was always ready and willing te help her friends and neighbours and will be greatly missed. Sympathy is extended te her husband and her family, Gor- don, Leslie, Ray and Marilyn, aIse to ber father, Richard Wil- son, te ber sisters, Ada (Mrs. Gporge Palmer) and Mabel (Mrs. Albert Mavin), and te ber broth- ers, Tom, Fred and George. The service which was very largely attended, was held Mon- day, June 2nd, in Garden Hill Church with interment in Wel- come Cemetery. Mrs. Edith Fergusen and Mr. and Mrs. W. Roughley and Don- nie were with Mrs. Alva Swar- brick, Sunday. Mr. Robert Gay called in te see her, Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Rowe, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Mercer. Mr. John Patton and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Patton caiied at Fred Boyd's and Dick Wilsen's, Sun- day. Loveiy bouquets cf floxvers decorated the church, Sunday, for the Sunday School Anni- versary Services. Rev. Basil Long of Orono, guest speaker, held the rapt attention cf youth and aduit alike as he illustrated by many steries bow littie bad deeds and envieus and jealeus thoughts lead te worse wrong- doings, whie good thoughts and deeds lead upward te better things. The Sunday Schoel pupîls and the Choir, with Mrs. Westhaus- er at the ergan, sang pieasingly "The Lord Is My Shepherd". The Sunday School pupils filled the front seats cf the church. We were aise pleased.te wel- come the visitors wbo were with us. Philanthrepy is almest the enly yirtue which is sufficiently appreciated by mankind.-Henry David Thoreau, Genuine benevolence is net stationary, but peripatetic; it gees about doing good.-William, Nevins. citizen'xwbo bas helped 'the Po- C oune.. lice on three occasions recentIv. It was decided te have a lett er cf commendation sent fro:'x ur esTown Council te this man in recognition cf bis public spirit*- (Continued from npage one) ed assistance and co-operation. strets ommtte Coneiior Police IVant Contract street.s commtee Councilor It vas moved and carried that Broughsep orthe dearlet fadthe Police administration corn- beensen tethe epatmet ~ mittee investigate aný report transport regarding the condi- on a request fromn the bargain- tion of two C.P.R. bridges in the ing committee of the Bewmar- north cf the town. The depa rt- villePoieDprmnfra ment contacted the C.PR., Polirce eatn o Councillor Brougb said, and becntat and lr. ellywit an ngineNew Intercixange and . Klly uthan eginer, Reeve Carruthers breught te checked both bridges. It was the attention et Couincil that agreed that both bridges be notice'has beengiethtse raied fe inhes n th a-1 roads in Darlingten township proaches ieveiled off. This would are te be closed, and a new in- increase visibility'. Tbis work is 'terchange for Bewmanvîlle in- now underway and the bridges l'stalle d at Waverly Road. He will be ready next mentb. stated that Bewmanville sheuld IVili Cover Hall Steps have a clover-leaf instead of Deputy Reeve David Higgen, another interchange. chairman cf public preperty, ReQuest Cloverleaf stated that prices have been Councillor Jack Brough a.creed obtained for cevering the steps and said this should be investi- at the south entrance cf the gated. The department cf high- town hall witb the same ma- wavs sbould be remninded that teriai as used on floors else- Bowmnanville had received a where in the building. This rawv deal in regard te the pres- work plus aluminum nosing for, ent interchange. It was moved the steps would cost $150.00 'and carried that Town Couincil He said a guaranteed resur- request a cioverleaf fromn the facing cf the front steps cf th-e department. Tewn Hall with cernent willi cest $175.00. This work is es- sential, he said. The Deputy- Friencis Reeve announced thatahp- jects now underway wiii bej celebration cf Old Home Week. Police Administration Report G i e 4 2 7 The police administration cemmittee report was given v the chairman Councilior 0. J o F n bie, Hon Parker, started his dui- A mutc 47cnrb tics e enMar2nd ho e spai. ed bx' Bowmanivilie friends to Thereweresome cmplisaid Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Tomlin- cf firecrackers being set off on snadfaniiy foleowing the the streets before Victoria Day. destruction by fire cf their He suggested that a limitation farmn home near Belleville, lias cf the sale cf firecrackers te been handed to tbern, Reeve \Vil- a few days before the holiday frid Carruthers repcrts. Cioth- be made. Aise that it be for- ing and other items have aise bidden te set off firecrackcrs or been sent dcwn by individuis. fireworks on the streets, except There is a further $37 on where arrangements are made hand for the Tomlinsons. Anv,- for a joint displav by severpl one wishing te make a donation residents. shouid leave it at Alex Mc- He aIse reported on the cost Gregcr's Drug Store, or at Mr. of finger printing equipment. Carruther's home, 227 Scugog Pessession cf such equipment St., by June 15, when it is by the Bewmanviile Poli ce planned te close the fund. 'h would preveent delay caused by Temlinscns are mcst grateful te having te caîl in cutside help Ibeir Bcwmanvilie friendz for wben such werk is necessary, their sympathy and help. Thnýýr he pointed eut. littie daugbter Catby lest ber Tribute To Citizens life in the fire which burrwd Tribute was pàid te a local their heme with ail its contents. I j COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I IJ~U]ITtORESi SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK with TAN-EASE J U3RNING A Division of HENRY K. WAMPOLE & CO. LTD. PERTH, ONTARIO FTOOTH DAT mHECS BD uuAT Take Care of Your Teeth 'ffT u nnîBRI79RE S 1 MTU dn7" Pro-phy-Iac-tic- Chlld's ----- -- 25c, 35e Aduits -------- 35c, 69c Squibb's Angle Brush 69e Tek- Child's - --25e Youth's _________ -- 29e Adult's --- 29c, 69c Dr. West- Child's ~.____30e Youth's _____-- 40e A dult's ------- ------- 69e TOOTH PASTE Amm-i-dent 33c, 59c. 85e Ipana --------- 63c, 89C Ipana Plus ---- - 1.49 I.DA. Tooth Paste -..57e Maclean's ------ 43c, 69c Pepsodent- 35c, 63c, 89e Dr. West Push-Button ---98c TOUTII P OWDE V JIRII Ammn-i-dcnt - 33c, 59C Carold 40c, 65e Colgate -------- 33c, 59e FOR DENTURES Corega 43c, 63c, 98e Dento ___ 49c, 79e Polident 43c, 79e Poligrip- 43c, 79e Snug _____--1.50 TO REFRESH YOUR MOUTH Cepacol Solution 70c, 1.40 Lavorns 39c, 69c, 1.19 Listerîne 33e, 65c, 98e Save Money on these LISTERINE ANTIZYME Tooth Paste 69e size -- 49c Dr. West NYLON TOOTH BRUSHES Reg. 29e each 3 for 59e (Each 3 ail hard or medium) 1.05 VALUE TOOTH PASTE and BRUSH 70e Buy 2 x 35e COLGATE or BRISKTooth Paste and get 35e Trooth Brush FREE FREE BALL POINT PEN wlth purchase ol Glant Size COLGATE Dental Cream 63e FREE HAIR BRUSH with purchase of SHIELD TOOTH FASTEI Money - Saving Speciails TRI-SODIUM PHOSPHATE, 1-lb. 19c COLD CREAM, Evelyn Howard, 1 lb. reg. 89e 69e GILLETTE FISHIN' KIT - 3.00 value--------- --1.29 DESERT FLOWER by Shulton 2.00 Dusting Powder and ¾i oz. Toilet Water FRIENDSHIP'S GARDEN 1.75 Dusting Powder and 3¾ oz. Toilet Water I.D.A. «'Fine" WRITING PAD Note site 15c, Letter site 25e ENVELOPES 18e - 2 for 35C I.DA. HEALTH SALTS Cooling! Refreshîz Invlgorating! 1-pound Uin _ - MOISTURE PROOFS babyý tender skin IRRIATION ZIL.. Is salIa Iy-i4l wol £g ics ttarite 04 bor i e BIG 10oz= H-OSPITAL SIZE 4 !2 oz. NURSERY SIZE 69e 39e IBT. Baby Powder Gillette Blue Moades ':/210fo 1. 0 fln, handy DISPENSER wiîh compowlment for ued Moades. Ragrilar achil. 5 liadi.,25c 2.001 -1.75 'V«MELOBOND>ED FOR SUPER STRENGTH 59DRY-OR WETI )j PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, We Deliver Your Local I.D.A. Drug Store Drugs' Phone MA 3-5792 I - 1

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