- - - - - -i ~ - PAGE MORJT THE CAKAD!AK STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTAMO TNUR8DAT. JTJHU kk. Ina hi RLBU CAIUTUEIS LUNNEX ENCHANTMENT THEOUGBI SIGUT AND UOUND It is toa badl that the expres- sion "out ai Ibis world", bas been sa much used as ta b.- corne a cliche becauuu that is what ane reaily feit watcblng the Metrapalitan Opera's Ma- dama Butterfly. The stage sots, the colaurs, the costumes, the lightlng, li blended ta mgke lm enchanting background tor tbe beautitul mnusic af the gingers and the o-chestra directee by pmitri Mitropoulos. The huge orches- tra was indeed superb and gave ta the Ini cas niueh atiade and feeling as did the minierg. Antonietta Stella whe played Buttorfly has a beutitul so- prano vole. whose volume in that huge building seemed amazing. Even the average per- son 1k. myseli. eauld appre- ciate the superb contrai she had over il, and ber great pow- er of expressing emaotion with it. She is aise a very fine ac- tress. The huge audience ai 7,000 llved ber joy and sorrow with ber. Listening te such voicds as Miss Stefla's, Caria Rergnnzi's, Belan Anipgran's (she was wonderful as Suzuki) and Clii- ford Harvuot's, in the authen- tic Japanem. setting ini ail its lovelineis, was an experlence we shali not sootitarget. Il hs one whieb no real music laver ahould miss, for il is a high Dri- viiege ta have the Metropolitan opera Companiy brought almost ta one's door. From aur programme we learned that until this season the Met had been making do with a set 34 years old. Thraugh the generosity ai Cornelius V. Starr, a new production was mnade possible, and it is as au- thentic as two skîlied Japanese gentlemen eouid make it. Every- ene taking part was taught how ta w4lk As Japanea. do, te bow. and use their banda Ia gestures. Costumes, îandai and fans came tram Japma as did the niaveabie contents of Cie-Cie- San's dellghtfli ouse. The lgbtlng was, te the lay- mnan, a miracle lIn tIsei!. Sun- light gradlusly fading te, duak., then maanlighl, amd in reverse the eomning oft1he dawn aller Butlerfly's night-long vigili as she waited for Pinkertan-these were exquiatte. No detail was mlissed. On the shore acrosa the bay as niglit idfel llowing But- terny's marriage ta Pinkerton, thure twlnkled ouI tiny lights ane mter anather. And they did twinkie. We would very mucb like ta know how that was donc. We were greatly Interestud ta read in the Globe and Mails report Ihat the child who play- cd Butterfly's tain haired 11111. son was in tact a littie girl tram Scarboraugh, Debbie MacKen- zie, aged 5. Il musI bave been an amazing experience for Deb- bic, one ta filber with won- duraient - suci strange sur- roundingu, a Japanese kimono te wear, and such great emo- tien iavished on ber by But- terfly. THE GOWNS AN» GLITTR Sirice altending an opera la an event, we Iook i every de- taau. Shining cnîmmon and gold curtains bld the stage placed at anc end ai the Gardens, anti lhe orchestra ai about 60 or se musîcians, Iook their places immediately in front. The. con, ductan, by the way, taok sev- cral curtain calis with lb. prin- cipal. toliawing tic opera, anti such was the enthusiasm that the crowd was reluctant ta let themn go, bnlnging them back again and again. W. can'l heip saying at Ibis point that we shail neyer undunstanti people who jump up the second a cun- tain imls, (i movies bufore that point) andi ciimb aven everyane else wbo i. showing bis appruciation, hi. natural excitemunt and enthusiasm. by clapping for those giited per- sans wbo bave just dlsplayeti their great talent. Mlaniiers equally bad wtre shown by ciuile a nuniber whe arriveti laIe. Il was exclting ta wgtch Ihose wbo had orchestra seaIs (where the ice surface usually le) ar- rive in beautiful uvening gowns Iwith stoies of white fax, and Juvenile Bond, Hypnotist Entertain Large Crowd TYRONZ-The seventb an- These envelapes in tunn were nual Vaiety Show sponsared piaced on the floor li a smal by the Tyroni. Juvenile File and circie and thoroughly shufiled Drum Band wag beld in Ty- by Cecile Park. Mr. Stewart rone Cammunity Hall on Fni- Ihen proceeded ta open the en- day, May 23. This show is held velopes one at a time and us- annually te raise money fan ing his amazing telepathic paw- band equipment and unifarms. ers, picked frbm the twelve la- The show started with the dies on the stage the rightfui Juvenile Band members sing- owner af each article. He was Inc "Ya' Ail Corne", thein tra- ight 100 percent. ditional apening chorus. The Band Numbers audience was welcomed by Nx h admmessn Douglas Barr who aeîed as Mas- Nx the bandembntyulrsosng ter af Ceremonies and with the tHe'scurrtently opla Wrlsan program underway the band "Hes HnGacWole Word In in full uniiorm pipyed a .elec - His.Han dacaonmhpian o.b tion. Mrs. on Dav te bndhpiano. Demenatration ed two more selections. David Mr. David Stewart, a versa- Stewart returned ta thril the tile ententainer from Malvern, audience with a marvelous Ont., presented an intrigumng memory niasaic. Psychometry demonstnation in After intermission the band which 12 ladies tram the audi- members sang "Let the Belîs ence took part. Each of these Ke twelve volunteurs were given aterp Ringing" followed by an- an evelpe y Mr Stwar in th aiofthe band's popular wrhich they were asked te place. ieaddun eetos while his back was turned, a Vhpnotist smail personal article from their The next part af the program purse. was the eagerly awaited pres- Selby Grant Heating -Sheet Metal PEASE GAR WOOD HEATING UNITS 011 - Cas Ail Types Eooling, Eavestroughing FOR INFORMATION CALL AT 6 MiII Laie (Off Scugog Street) Phone MA 3.3771 Eowmanville niink. Tiee .wcre chemises and shoaths, andi one of those Satb- ered-at-the-hem numbens, as wull as the traditional long, fi411 sklrîed evuning gowns. It always gives me great pleasure la gue men andi wamen ln even-, ing cinoss. Clothes niay nat maiçe the maxi on woman, but Ihey show the right evidezice afI ci- vllization an certain occasions, andi are a dolighlta the eye. Weil, Ihat i. probabiy enough about Buttertly, thaugh we coulci say mare. But do, next yoar treat youreiftot the ee- perience ai seelng and bearine te Met in Toronto. You wili neyer bu sarry. NOTES AND) COMMENTS W. bad meant ta write ef the startling luxuriance af weeds even in dniest weather - such nerve, springlng up in a crack ai the sidewalk te towering di- mensions and all aver the place where we we.re about ta plant petunias-but space is runnlng short. Sa, for same notes. We were shocked last week t~o hear af th. death of Canadian wrlter Lionel Shapira. He was one ai the mont giited and promising ai eur wniters. Hi, death ln a ruai lasa ini the warld ai letters. W. were much impressed with Mr., Shapiro when we heard hlm speak at a Smith's Literarv Lunchean In Novembor, 1955, and delighted when he was awarded the Gravernar General'a Award for fiction for his "Sixth ai June" the iollowing« spring. Besides having talent, Mr. Sha- pira was a worker. He had drive and force and had no use for the bleatings af those who say there i. no opportunity. He carved out his own niche, being recognized abroad before ne was here, but success dîd flot aifeet -him. He spoke that dav sincorely and forthrightly. H e was a gifted writer, a brilliant reporter, and as we have said, a warker. Another death which bas kift us ail the poarer, was that ai Ronald Colrnan4 a greal actor, and a aman who spoke the Eng- lish language with telling ei- fect. entation of David Stewart'. hypnotiom. Aller a prelimlnary talk on bypnoîism, hoe alled for volunteers trom the audience. 1 Tic volunleer subi ecîs ne- spandudti t hypnasis anti amus-' cd lie audience with their ac- tions. Ta conclutie bis act, bu let the wbole audience pantici- pale, conducting a mass iypno- sis.. Dnaw Winneuu Trhe inaw ion the tour lovely pnizus was matie next with Nancy McRobents ai Bowman- ville, drawing tic lucky ticket fan the fishingz rod and reel which was won by Miss A. Aked ai Taranto. Wayne Mc- Raberts also oi Bowmanvilie, drcw the ticket for the autorna- tic try pan andti Iis was won by AI Foote ai Lindsay. Le. Skinner tirew the third lucky ticket, the winncr ai tie motor rug being Jerry Hardy ai Tyrone. The final draw for the basket ai grocenies was matie by Patti Poole ai Baw- manville anti won by Jack Rab- crts ai Bowmanville. Band Commcnded A word ai appreciation Is due tie boys anti girls andthein leaders Thamas Barr, Archie Virtue anti Douglas Barr for themr efforts to mainlain a band ai which the whole community shouiti b. pnaud. Tic banti is not aniy fine la huan but a picasure ta sec. They are dresseti in white with nedi sashes anti reti white anti blue rosettes. Tic bandi closeti a splendid show by singing "So Long"p. ýMemnorial Hospital Weekly Report For lhe week ai May 19-"5: Admissions --------------- ---- 54 Bitis, 9 maie, 3 furnale ---12 Discharges ------72 Major openations - ---- --- ---9 Minon aperations 18 Emengency trealments ----21 Visiting baurs 2.30-4.30 p.m. anti 7 to 8.30 p.rn. OBITUARY NORMAN J. COLLACUTT In iaiiing healli for severai manths, Normah James Colla- cutt dieti recently in Memroiai Hospital, Bowmanvillc, at the age ai 83. Mn. Colacutt was born aI Tyrone anti farmeti there until a yuan anti a bauf aga when he movedti l Bow- manvillu. He was a member ai Tyrone Uniteti Churci anti in bis car- lier yeans sang in the chair there. In Bowmanville, be at- tendeti Tinity Unitedi Chunch. As a young man, Mn. Collacutt was keenly inlenesteti in foot- He is sunviveti by bis wife Emily, two daughtens, Brute (Mrs. Jeffery Giiesî Bowmen- ville, anti Velme (Mrs. Wallace Gniffin) Enniskillen, misa a sis- ter, Mrs. Georgena Phare, Ty- none. Rev. F. Jackson canducteti tic iuneral service beiti an May 22 at-the Nothcutt andi S mith Funenal Home, Bowman- ville. Palibeanurs werc nephews if tic deceaseti: Messrs. Lamne P hare, Clarence Wootiley, WrigtsonWight, Gardon Yeo, Hary Collacutt anti Lance P hare. jInturmunt was in Betiestia J eme teny. 1 The bject ai teaching a child1 is ta enable him ta get a]ong1 without bia teacher.-Elbert Ma pie GroveDelegates Report on Convention To Home & School Assn. -UTb annual meeting of Mapi. Grave Itoiiie and School Aiao- ciation was held in the sehool on Wedneaday ?4ay i4th wth Mrs. O'Nei presiding. The meeting was opened in regular form wlth Mrs. Allita, secretary, reading the minutes and Mrs. C. Cullen, treasurer, the financial report. Mns. Allun gave a summary ai the meetings held durinÎ the OBITUÀRY MONTIETH - MONTIETU RIEHL & GO. Chartueti Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-3527 Partners : J. W. Montelth, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Cornm., C.A. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licenseti Trustee) G. E. Trcîhewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander, B. Comm., C.P.A, J. Hunter, O.P.A. C h ir op r a cc G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chirapractor Office : 15 Elgin St., cor, ai Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D en fal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551. DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanviile Office Houns: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily 9 a.m. to 12 noan Wednesday Closed Sunday Phane MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATTRAN. D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bowmanviile Office Haurs: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daiiy Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L egal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barnisters, Solicitons Notanies Publice W. R. Sînike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvilie' Telephone MA 3-5791 W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices af R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orano, Ontaria Fniday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saîurday: 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. LAWRENCE C. MAS ON, B.A. Barrîsten, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmnanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Resîdence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanvllle E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LLB. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Cansultation by appaintmenl anly. Morigag-es , ýLEROT HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 18 First Mort.gage Funds Residenees - Farms Business Properlies Op fo m e fry KEJYR A. BILLET? Oplarnetrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanviile Office Hours: By appoinîrneqI Telepione MArket 3-3252 Montiay ta Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.M. Wednesdays: 9 to 12 Thursday evainge Peut yemr. A st.ip tilmi enllthed "«Disci- Pline" wa.sbahwn by Miss Craig with Miss Pollack remd ... ..e accompanying narration. Short reports were given by the delegates ote oconvention heid lni Hamilton ln Apnil. Mrs. Geddes roported an Tuecday's meetings and Mr.. Moitatan Wednesday's. The delegates thankeci the Association ion sendlng them ta lb. Convention. Mns. W. Bothwell who was i charge ai the election brougbt in the following slate ai aificurs ton 1958-1959: Proui- dent, Mn.. RobI. Bothwell; vice- president, Mrs. A. Allin~, Ms.. W. Blothwell; aeeretary, Mri. Ray Wiggans; Ircasurer, Mrs. C. Cullen; uxeutive members, Mesdames C. Burton, A. Bur- gess, H. Watson, J. Geddesi andi M. MacDonald. The oificers were Instal.d by Mrs. O'Neil, rutlning presi- dent, andi the meeting was clos- uti by Mrs. R. Bothwell, lbe newly-installed president. The parents' caunt wa.; won by Miss Pollock's room lied wiîh Mr. Weisur's room. Lunch was uorved by the ex- ecutive. NE WTON VILLE (Intended for lait week) Cemetery Meetig The annual meeting ai lbe Lakevicw Cemetcry Co. was helti Monday cvening May 26 at 8 p.m. ini Cammunity Hall. The tneasurcr'u repart wms ne- ceiveti andi appraveti. Mn. An- noldi Watie, chairman, Mn. Cle- land Lane, secnctary. Hall Commitles The annual meeting ai tie Cammunity Hall committe was heiti following the Cerne- tery Company meeting. Plans were laid for nepairing af north stone walk anti steps. Treasurer's report receivcd and approveti. Mn. Stan Rowe, chairman anti Mrs. Bea Jones, ,secretary. Fire Protection Fallowing the Cemcteny Corn- pany and Cammunity Hall meetings on Monday evening, May 26th mast, a pndiminary meeting fon thase interestet in tire pratestion wai helti. A good number ai villagers and busi- ness mexi Were present. Mn. Earl Waikey guîdcd the discus- sion anid Mn. C. M. Jones acteti as secretary. There was a strang feeling that expense ai Port Hope andi Bowmanviilu Fine Brigades shoulti bc borne by ali viliagers ratier than by anc famiiy whose bouse was Saved by brigades. Two donations wure reporteti as receiveti, one fnom owner ai pnopcrty in proximity ai fine and one tram the Women's In- stitute. In view ai this Messrs. Arnoldi Wade, Raymond Bruce, Earl Waikey and Mns. Frank Gilmen wcre appointeti a cammiluee ta look aiter Ibis part ai business. Messrs. Ciciand Lane, Jack EliiotI anti Clînton Farrow were appainteti a cammittce ta gather general information as ta what type ai fine protection was mast suitable for Ibis vil- lage. Equipment necessary ta be kept in the village, tanks, or waten supply neetiet for outside help. Aiso cost and ways and means ai financing etc. A meet- ing wiii bc eletion June 23rd ta receive this repart. WVA. Aunlvcnsary The Annîversany service ai the' Waman's Association ai, Newtanvilie Unlited Church wvas helti an Sunday Evening, May 251h insî. A good congregation greeteti aur young tnuenti and former student ministen, Mn. Robent Gay ai Oshawa anti Em- manuel Caliege. He spake on the appartunities fon service fan the Christian. Wesleyville Chair unden lie able leadenship of Mn. Freder- ick Theymuyer with Mn.. F. Gilmer at the organ. furnisheti three numbens which wenel mucb enjoyed. Spring flowers aiso atidedti lathe bcauty ai the se-vice. Faiiowing the service the choir and Mn. Gay and friends enjoyeti a social balf houn with a cup ai tea senved by the lo- cal chair members. Miss Bertha Thornpson who spent thc winter in Toronto retunned ta ber owui home on Sunday. 1Mrs. M. Day ai Toranto anti Mrs. Patterson ai Orono, spent the weckend with Mr. anti Mrs. Clintan Brown. Mn. anti Mrs. Melville Samis left an Friday on a month's va- cation in lhe west. Mn. anti Mrs. Wiilis Farrow are iooking aiten things at home wbule thuy are away. Mn.. Hanniet Medcaii ai Port Hope, i. spending a few days with Mn. anti Mrs. C. M. Joncs. Mn. and Mns. George Kimbahl and Joan of Newcastle. with Mn. and Mns. Clinton Farrow on Sunday. Visitons with Mrs. George McCullough wene Mr. anti M-s. Leonanti Hayhunst and son Ray anti Mn. Davidi Baker ai ®rillia. Mn. and Mn.. Gea. Stapieton with Mn. and Mn.. Clarence Bell af Bowmanville on Sun- day. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. Brown and Karen of Scarborotigh. xvith Mr. anti Mrs. Harry Wade. Mr. Chas. Gnay was a zutst at the Lane home on Sunday. Tie next negular meeting ai the W.A. will bu beld Monday. June 2nd. Mrs. Francis Jase ai Newcastle will show picturus ai their trip ta Englanti. Please note change ai date irom thc 4th. Congratulations ta Mn. and Mrs. Hanoldi Woodi, the formeri Miss Shirley Tuiford who were I married at lhe Welcorne par.I managte on Saturday, May 241h i with Rey, A. W. Harding oufi. ciatmng. The receptian was held at the bride's home. Sunday vtultoru wlth Mr. and Mrs. Sid Lancaster were Mr. and Mrs. Harold Austin and famlly, Mrs. John Lancaster, Mrs. S. Buttery and Mrs. Welsh ef Bowinanville. Commenclng next Sunday, Jupe lot, our church service will b. at 10 arn. It lu alsa planned te have a baptismal service on that date. Mr..and Mrs. Arthur Redknap of Newcastle, were Sunday guesta wlth Mr. and Mr.. Ar- nold Wade. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Felgate (nee Maxine Wood) of Mon- treal, when an their way ta at- tend her brother'. weddlng ne- ception happened with an oc- cident which put bath ai them lni the bospital. Later thal day Mr. and Mns. Kennelh Smith of Taranto and Mrs. Wilfred Wood drave ta Cornwall toi learn the extent of the accident. Suce... hln te depends upon persistent effort, upon the im- provenient 01 moments mare thian upon any other ane thing. -Mary Baker Eddy. FAST RELIEF FOR IIEUMATIC PAIN it's the iowest priced of ail loading cars bulit in Canada. And that's flot ail! " You get the highest trade-in allow- anoe of the year, right now, when yau buy a ncw Plymouth! " You get your choioe of 21 modeLq -ail priced lowcn than comparable modela of other leading Canadian cars! " You get et these low pnices a full- sizeti car with fuil-sizcd raomy coin- fortable intciors-and Plymouth parks casier, drives casier, handies casier than any other car on the road. " You gef the biggest windshield, big- gest wipers (and they'ne electric!) and biggest trunk ixi the low-prioe field! " You get Plymouth's advanccd Torsion-AIRE Ride. (It doesn't copt a cent extra, yct independent tesla show it's superiar to "special" ride systems that add as much as $150 to the cost of other cars.)' Check ?.!ymouth now! You'II nover buy more... for Iess! STARK VILLE (Inlended tor lmst week) Mn. and Mrs. Ait Dobson un- jayed a dinnen gatherlng et Mn. Ed. Ruthven's, Zion, en Sun- day. Mr. and Mna. George Kini- bail, Newcastle, viuited Mr. and Mns. Morley Robinson. Miss Evelyxi Reid was sur- prised by a miaoeilaneous show- er Friclay evening at Mrn. Clii- fard Reid's and gracicasy tha- nked everyone f or their kind expression oft gaad wlshes ta ber. Mns. G. Etweil, Toronto, at Mn. Bert Trun'. Shiioh ladies met at Stark- ville school Wednesday even-, ing last week with Una. Carl Tadd i charge. The devot$u. ai was given by Mus. Ore Falla and Mrs. Todd. Mm .Gor- don Trim gave the freauruilg repart for April. Afler ol3ier business Rev. White *iow#d pictures on the Native Trucs o« Canada. Mrs. Todd coe4uct.d a Bible Cantent beonlo Upch. Mrs. Lamne Tocld bas trMt@&ý the ladies ta mccl aI 1hW ho~ Miss Norma *IjL>wl 1. castie, eaI'Mn. ~H1j~ Mn.I lum, '~Ont*,inat the weckend aI Mr. A14jiug, me. Kay's. Mn.. E. Forresten bas ret1ur- ned te, ber home at W.atprt ai 1er ber sojaurn wlth Mr. ss4d Mns. Ait Dobsori. BOWMANVI LLE BOY SCOUTS PAPER DRIVE Siarlin; ai 6 p... Friday, June 6th Citizens ate requested to have thei:r old papers and magazines tied in bundies and plae.id on the boulevards In front of their homes. Yeuir co-operation is appreciated. WILLIAM HÉNRY LOWEE A resident of Cavan Town- ship ail his liUe, William Hen- ry Lawes, ai Mount Pleasant, died Friday, May 23rd, foliow- lng a lengthy illness. He was 96, Born and educated at Cavan [Township, he was a son ai th'e late William H. Lowes and Jane MacPhersan. His wife. the for- mer Marjorie A. MacDonald, Survives. Mr. Lowes attended Maunt Plensant United church and was an eider in the church for a number ai years. He was a member af the Canadian Order of Faresters. He lI aves hi, widow, twa sons, Hubert, ai Mount Pleas. "It, and Bruce, af Detroit; a dàughter, Mrs. Harry Jamiesan (Bertha ), af Mount Pleasant. The body rested at Comstack funeral home until Monday, with the Rev. A. E. Lanke af- ficiating. Burial will be in St. John's cemetery, Ida. Business Diroctary_ Âccountancy_ ivm. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Buildlpg Car. King and Temperance St.. Phone MArket 3-3612 autemotive Cr&-4amvahip YAK£ A DEMONSTRATION TORSION-AIR RIDE YODAVIY1i 7 5 Chrysier Corporation of Canada, Limited Palmer Motor Scdes 20 King St. E. Phone MAC 3-5487 ______ noebyin- .1m4up dodula Wlus b - ~ TAxi Phone MA 3-5822 STEVYENS' TAXI USaI., Satisfying Service» AIL PASSENGERS INSURED 100 King st. EILwmnil 1' ---------- THE CANADUN STATESM". BOWL&tfvmuml ONTAMO - TRMMATI 3vm $6. leu 1 GUIN- HAS T'H EDEE IN Bowmanvine
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