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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1958, p. 9

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TKURSDAY, JUNE 28th, 1955 THE CANAD!AN STAT~SMAN, EOWMMq¶TLLN, ONTA~O Centennial Committee lI7 BARTON - LAKE Cent-e Street United Church, Oshawa, was the scene o! the marriage between Miss Bever- ley Ruth Barton, daughter of Mm. and Mrs. Leonard H. Bar- ton, Oshawa, and Mr. Donald Alfred Lake, son o! Mm. and Mrs. William T. Lake, Newcas- tle. Reverend W. G. Dickson ppr- formed the double ring cere- mnony on Friday, June 13, in a petty background o! spring flowems, tulips, iris and lily of the valley. The wedding music was played by Mr. R. Kelling- ton, organist. The bride, given in marriage by hem father, wore a ballerina length gown o! white nylon net, with a double net bouffant skimt, trimmed with rows of net and lace. A long sleeved lace bolemo was worn over the !itted bodice. Hem !inger-tip veil was of nylon net and lace, with iri- descent sequins and simulated pearîs. She carried a cascade of red roses. Mrs. George Roberts, matron o! honour and sister o! the bride, wome a ballerina length gown o! yellow nylon net, with p bouffant skirt o! lace, and rvatching nylon hat, with pearîs and sequins. She caried a bou- quet of mauve and white 'mums. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Wm. Wade. wome a ballerina length gown o! pale green taffeta and lace, and carried a bouquet of yellow and white 'mumns. Their bats were similar and matched their respective gowns. The groomnsmen were Mr. William Lake and Mr. Morley Lake, brothers o! the groom. Ushers were Mi. Douglas Bar- ton, brother o! the bride, anid Mm. Everett Lake, brother o! the groom. For the reception in the Sun- day School room o! Centre Street United Churcb, the bride's mother chose a dress of pale blue printed nylon over taffeta and a corsage o! pink carnations and lily o! the val- ley. The groom's niother wore a gown o! pink silk crepe with a pink hat and black and white accessories. Her corsage was o! white carnations and lily o! the valley. For the wedding trip to points north, the bride chose a beige printed sheath with bmown ac- cessories and a corsage o! yel- low 'mums. The couple will take up resîdence in Newcastle, Ontario, following their return. Before hem marriage, the bride was guest o! honour at varlous showers. Mms. George Roberts, sister of the bride, en- tetained at her mother's home. Mrs. J. H. Barton, at a miscel- laneous shower. Mrs. William Wade, Newtonville, entertain- ed at the home o! hem mother, Mrs. C. Brown, with a miscel- laneous shower. Miss Nancy Lake, sister o! the groom, gave a kitchen shower for the brida at ber home. DOBSON - FONK At Shiloh United Churcb, ln a setting o! pink and white gladioli, Miss Mary Louise Dob- son, Newtonville, daughtem o! Mm. and Mrs. A. H. Dobson, Newtonville, became the bride of Mm. Clifford William Fonk, Newtonville, son of Mm. and Mrs. John Fonk, Burks Falls, Ontario. Reverend R. White, Newton- ville, was the of!iciating min- ister at the ceremony on May 17. The soloist, Mrs. Morley Robinson sang "The Wedding Prayer" before the ceremony and "The Lord's Prayer" dur- ing the ceremony. When the couple were signing the regis- ter the soloist sang "Because", accompanied by Mis. E. West- heuser. Given in mariage by hem father, the bride wore a waltz length gown o! white Chantilly lace and tiers o! net with a bouffant skirt and a matching lace jacket trimmed with pearis. The elbow length veil, caught by a white nylon net tiara, was embroidered with pearîs. She carried a bouquet o! sweet. i Ail of the ceremony and events planned for Old Standing are: Merle Slute, Lloyd Johnston, Laurence Home Week would not have been possible if it had not Goddard, Bernard Kitney, Rupert Hamlyn, Ivan Hobbs, been for the work of the members of the Bowmanville Glen Fry. On the committee, but absent when the Çommittee. They are, lef t to right, seated: Douglas Rigg, photo was taken are: Dr. Geo. W. James, (Honorary Chair- Violet McFeeters, Chairman Rev. Arnold C. Herbert, man); Lloyd Preston, Mark Roenigk, Robert Archer, Cecil Mayor Nelson E. Osborne, Ken Morris, George Hacking.l Karp, Ross McKnight, Dan Cattran. B. & P. Speaker Tells of Bird Watching Pastime A vivid description o! the fas- cination o! bird watching was given by Mis. Henry Marsh, Toronto, in her address at the dinner meeting of tne Bowman- ville Business and Professional Women's Club on Thursday evening. The well attended meeting' was held at the Bal- moral Hotel. The president, Miss Madlyn Wilcox, welcomed two new club members, Mrs. Minerva Kerr and Mrs. Beryl Hughes, and two guests, Mrs. Wilson and Mrs. G. Schemilt. Miss Edith Laycock, and Mrs. Marlon Jeffery were the program convenors. Mrs. Jeffery led the sing-song, with Miss Helen Nelles at the piano. heart roses and Ely of the val- ley on a white Bible, with flow- ing streamers o! red rose buds. The ýbridal attendants, Miss Patricia Fonk, Toronto, sister of the groom, maid o! honour; and bridesmaids, Miss Verda Porter, Oshawa, and Miss Mar- ilyn Lowery, Toronto, cousin of the bride, wore identical gowns o! ice blue lace and net over taffeta. They were waltz lengthý with bouffant skirts and match- ing lace boleros. Their head bands were o! matching blue feathers and they carried bou- quets o! yellow Marguerites, white pinnochio poms and pî.nk sweetheart roses. Performing the duties of best man was Mr. Garth Bates, Burks Falls. Ushers were Mr. James MeRobbie. Oshawa, and Mr. John Fonk, brother of the groom, Burks Falls. The reception was held in the Shiloh United Church par- lours. The bride's mother chose a blue-turquoise gown with white accessories and a pink carnation corsage. The groom's mother wore a navy blue gown with white accessories and a corsage o! pink carnations. For, travelling to Montreal and points east, the bride chose a blue tweeed suit xith white flecks, and a blue flower hat. Her accessories were beige and her corsage was of yellow roses and white carnations. Upon their return, the couple will re- side in Newtonville. This wedding was the first to take place in Shiloh United Chumch, though it is 96 years old. Because of this, the Church Board presented the bride-elect with a white bride's Bible which she carried at her wedding. Vctor Iflano r -. SALE 8 Apariments . . . 1 Store . . . 4 Garages Showing Large Revenue $4,000 or Equiiy in House as Down Paymeni FOR PARTICULARS CONTACT HAROLD PEDWELL, Broker Newcastle Phone 3856 Miss Judy Jefery played two Diano selections, "Allegretto" and "To the Rising Sun." The audience enjoyed the excellent performance o! the well chosen selections. In Charge Registration Miss Violet McFeeters, the civic convenor, reporfed on the preparations made for Old Home Week registration. Members o! the B. and P. Club will be in charge o! registrations at the Badminton Club starting on Saturday, June 2lst. Registra- tions will be carried on morn- ing, a!ternoon and evening all this week, and every day dur- ing Old Home Week. It is hop- ed that local people will reg-ýs- ter prior to Friday, June 27th. Mrs. Doris Rickaby, the cor- responding secretary, read a let- ter o! thanks from Mrs. Aileen Turner for the sympathy she has received from the club on hem recent loss. A note was also read from Miss Vera Clapp thanking the club for a gift o! a cup and saucer. This present was given to Miss Clapp in ap- preciation o! hem help with the club bulletin this year. Speaker Introduced The special speaker was In- troduced by Miss Helen Cry- derman. Mrs. Marsh is the wife o! an Anglican clergyman, an active worker in parish affairs, and president o! the Woman's Association o! the Anglican Church in Canada. Mrs. Marsh explained that hem husband and chiidren share hem hobby4 and bird watching is really part o! their fami]y l! e. Famlly Trip "Rerently we spent fîve de- lightful days on a bird watch- ing trip. We canoed in Rock Lake, Algonquin Park. My son is going to leave soon to studly at Cambridge University in England, so this was the last such trip he would have with us for some time. "We remembered with nos- talgia and appreciation the many sirnilar trips we have takeni together in the past. We experienced the thrill o! seeing white throated sparrows and heard their flutelike calis. We recailed the happy discoveries we had made together. We watched a ruf!ed grouse spread his xings and whirr away. as we listened to tme booting o! a barred owl." How Hobby Began Mrs. Marsh !irst became In- terested in bird watching in hem home town of Aurora. Hem bro- ther, an invalid for some timp, was intensely interested in birds. and asked her to go out and become his extra eyes. In telling hlm of different birds and learning their identities she too !ound fascination. When Jack Miner, the noted orthino- ligist, came to Aurora to speak, he visiteçi hem brother. The in- formation he imparted widen- ed the horizon o! their interest in birds. Mrs. Marsh spoke o! many o!, OBITUARY MISS N. V. LAMII!MAN The funeral service for Miss Nancy V. Lammiman, who died at the Oshawa General Hospital on Wednesday, June 18, was held at the Mclntosh Funeral Chapel, Oshawa, at 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 21. A member o! the Robert Simp3on Company 25-year Club, Miss Lammiman had been in poor health for five months. She was the daughter o! the late William and Mary Lammi- man, and born at Sol ina. Mov- ing to Oshawa ealy in life she received hem education there. More than 30 years ago. she wvent to Toronto, where she was empl3yed by the Robert Simp- son Company. She was a mem- ber of the Durham County Club in Toronto and o! King Street United Church, Oshawa. Miss Lammniman leaves a sis- ter, Mrs. Leslie Evans, and a brother, Mi. William Lammi- man, o! Oshawa, and two ne- phews, Charles H. Evans o! Oshawa, and W. Murray Evans of Red Rock, Ont. Rev. M. A. Bury, minister o! King Street United Church, con- ducted the servýice. Intermcnt was in Maiunt Lawn Cemeteri. Thc pailbearers were M. George Vice. Mr. Otto Jhr rard. Mr. Fred Pophar.m . Merv;n McLean, Mm. ilton Tink and Mr. Ros, Broome.. the birds she bas seen. She des- cribed the different calis, the plumage and habits of various species. Miss Ethel McKague moved a vote of thanks to Mis. Marsh. Business Directory_ Âccouiniancy WM. .J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 MONTIETH - MONTIIETH RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-3527 Partners : J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. G. W. Riehl, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot. C.A. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CO. Accountants and Auditors 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Frledlander, B. Comm., C.P.A. J. Hunter, C.P.A. Chiropraciic Ca. EDWIN MANN, D.C. 1 Ofic :Chiropractor 15 Elgin St., cor, of Horsey St. Phone MA 3-5509 Office Hours: By Appointment D e nia1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 3551 DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily 1) a.m. to 12 noon Wednesday Closed Stinday Phone MA 3-5604 DR. C. F. CATIRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St. E. - Bow.vraville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-545S L egal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontarlo Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King Ét. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HOTJGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanvifle E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LLB. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. M or g age s LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funds Residences - Farxns Business Properties Opfo m eir y KEITH A. BILLET Optometrist 141 King St. E. - BowmanviIle -ffice Hours: By appointment Telephone MArket 3-3252 Monday to Saturday 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. W'ednesdays: 9 to 12 Thur8day evenings famlly, Nestieton; Mr. and Mrm. Murray Byers, Mr. Ivan Mount- joy, Mr. and Mrs. Dalton Dom- rell, 'Heather and Janice, Black- stock, were at Bruce Taylor's to plan for the Ferguson fainily picnic on July 26. Mr. and Mrs. W. Wight, Miss Lillian Hoar o! Bowmanville were visitors o! Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. attended a party honoring Mrs. E. Marlowe and Mr. Sid Mitchell on their approaching marriage. The gathering was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. Land, Bowmanville. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Moore, Heather and George, Bowman- ville, Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice and Douglas, Zion; Mm. and Mis. Tom Westlake and Cecil, Mill- brook; Mr. and Mis. Fred Fer- guson, Bowmanvilie; Mr. and Mrs. Percy Westlake and fam- ily visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake Sr. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett and family were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Pearce and family, Ebenezer. Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and children visited Sunday at W. Dyer's, and Mms. D. Dyer's at Columbus. Mr. and Mrs. D. Flett attendl- ed Decoration Day service at Union Cemetemy, Oshawa, on Sunday. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. AI- Ian McKessock of Thamesford were happy to renew acquaint- ances with them and Miss Mur- iel Smith at church services on Sunday morning. SA family reunion was held at Mr. and Mrs. Stan Millson's on Sunday. Mr. and Mms. Jas. Spicer and Miss Helen Baker, Toronto; vis- ited on Saturday at J. and Tom Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. Will Tonkin, Mrs. E! fie Collins, Miss Katie Wotten, Oshawa, visited Mm. and Mrs. N. Wotten. Rev. and Mrs. Edwamd Milton and children, Miss Lillian Mil- ton, Toronto, were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. Ham- er and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Werry and family visited Mi. and Mrs. Lloyd Metcalf at their cottage at Rice Lake on Sunday. Several from Solina attended the funeral o! a former resi- dent here, Mr. Chas. Howsam at Port Permy. Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer, SOLINA Dr. and Mis. Allan Stocks (formerly Eunice Leask) who returned on Wednesday !rom their honeymoon in Europe were serenaded by 30 Solina friends at their Brooklin home. Everyone was invited inside wheme a generous lunch was pmovided by the surprised cou- ple and thoroughly enjoyed by all. .The Sunday School picnic will be on July 8. Supper will be served in the community hall at 6:30 p.m. with the sports pro- gram following. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees and daughters attended the Larmer pîcnic at Peterborough on Saturday. Mis. H. E. Tink attended Tri- nity church service in Bowman- ville on Sunday when her great grandson, Barry Keith, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Keith Shackleton was baptized and was a guest at their home following the ser- vice. Mrs. J. Yellowlees spent sevemal days with hem sisters, Miss Ida Reynolds and Mrs. Mabel Westley in Toronto. Miss Brenda Yellowlees vis- ited her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Larmer at Blackstock. Several from Solina attended the Pascoe picnia: at Hampton on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and family attended a family reun- ion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Ormiston at Columbus, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orval Jackson of Brooklin who wil observe their 20th wedding an- nivemsary early An June were also honored on this happy' oc- casion. Helen and Pat Knox attended Haydon Anniversary service on Sunday and were tea guests of Ina Beryl Read. Miss Jean Cryderman and George Bittner, Oshawa, visited at E. Cryderman 's. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox of Brougham, Mi. and Mrs. C. Surphlis, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. D. Lapham and Darlene, Bow- manville, were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and family. Carol and Anne His enjoyed holidays with their aunt and uncle, Mm. and Mrs. David Craig o! Tyrone. Mr. and Mrs. L. Wright and New and Used Ouiboard Molors Lawn Boy Lawn Mowers- Blackstock; Mm sEdth Lswmaq1 Minnedosa, Manitoba, vmet* guests on Wednesday with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellowlees and family. 1 OWi 1t dIO yoii n6w oNTjr,%llovl Check your knowledge by identifying this map However well you know Ontario, you'll enjoy getting to know it better. Make a point this year of exploring its highways and byways, visiting its lovely lakes and vacationing at one of its modern resort areas ... like that surrounding- Fort William. and Port Arthur shown above. Take the first step now, by filling out and mailing the coupon below. KNOW ONTARIO BETTER ONTAR1O TRAVEL. I ~PARLIA MENT BLOOS.. ISedFRE Lirature ad Rond 2M>.I NI ... . ....I Idm.u ~ _ _ ti IieBhyo.L Cadmcrt, Mih Boais Congratulations to the citizens of BOWMANVI LLE WANDA'S BEAUTY SHOP and MILADY SHOPPE LADIES' WEAR 71 - 71A King St. E. FOR Centenn lai Congratulations ta the town of "80 WMA NVIL LE" We lake ihis opportunlly of extending a heariy welcome home to ihe Old Boys and Girls CENTENNIAL BARGAINS During Ceniennial Celebrations pay us a visil and look over ihe laiesi models in Chrysier Cars. Used Car Bargains We will have on display in front of oùr garage sonie of the best used car buys in town. eýYOU AUTO DUY NGW - PALMER MOTOR SALES 20 Ring Si. E. MA 3-5487 amani THMMAT, XME 28th, 1958 THE CANADUN STATrS?£M, BOWTJANVT=, ONTATaO looth ýýirthdaU

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