THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVTLL. ONTAMO PAGE ELEVElI w - EDITOIRIL Support Minor Basebai Week Throughout Ontario June 27 to July 7 will be known a3s Munor Basebail Week when the Ontario Basebaîl Association ini Co-operatian with local Asso- ciations ai which the Lakeshore Minor Basebaîl Assasiatian is one. will be spotlighting the spart ai the boys' teams throu- ghout the Province. It is the hope af these arganizations that during this week, parents, andi the general public will tunn out ta support tbe many minori league games in their local cammunities which are daing xnuch ta counteract juvenile de- linquency by teaching the boys ta "Play the Game". Ini Ontario, the year 1958 is an especially sîgnificant one as far as basebail is concerned as it was just 40 years aga that the Ontario Basebaîl Associa- tion came int being on May 4, 1918. It was actualiy five years previaus ta that, however, wben organized basebaîl was born in Ontario. It was on Mai-ch 23, 1913, the Ontario Basebal Commission wvas appointed by the Ontario Branch ai the Ama- teur Athletic Union of Canada for the purpose oi organizing basebail throughout Ontario on a strictly amateur basis. Today the O.B.A. is a strang organi- zation compased of thirty affil- iated arganizations havung some 15,000 bail playeri in its ranks. Basebaîl as a game wifl teach oui- youth true sportsmanship, develop compqtitive spirit, ca- operate with others, play with others, and ta respect those in authority such as umpire5, team officials etc. In ather words, the ability ai the gamne ta act as an antidate for the poison that has been named teen-age delunquency. Let's ail jain together in this endeavour and make Minai- Basebail Week a success and in sa daing we will be building for a better cammunity, a bet- ter Ontario, and belp aur boys become better men. Let's al attend every minai- bail game possible durung the caming week and ini Newcastle we could not do better tban ta turnnout ta the Midget Game in the local park tanight when the local team meets Orono. Mrs. Vera Milîson o! Bow- rnanville accampanied by ber brothers, Messrs. Reginald and Mvervin Harness ai Glenewen, Sask., called on Mi-. and Mrs. C. A. Cawan on Saturday. Mr'. and Mrs. C. G. Gould and family were ini Bolton on Sunday attending a family pic- flic. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Rickard and iamily. Mi-. and Mrs. Frank Hoar and family, Mr-. and Mrs. John Scott and iamily, Mi-. and Mms. Gordon Gray and family and Miss Nancy Stephenson apent the weekend at Cornwall wbere they viewed bbe St. Law- rence Seaway and Powcer Pro- ject. Mr. and Mi-.. Albert Pearce and family vlsited in Brightan en Sundav with Mr. Kenneth Pearce and iamily and Mrs. H. R. Pearce. Mrs. R. B. Briscoe ai Ren- frew is visiting with ber daughî- ter anid son-in-law Mi-. and Mrs. Gardon Agnew. Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Toms and Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Cawan spent Sunday in the Cornwall district viewung the St. Law- rence Seaway Praject. Mi-. and Mrs. Stanley Hodg- son and Mrs. Clark ai Bowman- ville, visited with Mr-. and Mrs. G. H. Hodgson on Wednesday. Mi-. and Mrs. H. S. Britton spent Sunday ini Stoufiville visitung with her sister and brathei--in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Atkinson. Mi-. and Mrs. Ronald Pingle and family ai Bowmanville, were Sunday visitors with Mi-. and Mrs. G. H. Hodgson. Lions View Pic tures 0f Annual District Convention Parade NEWCASTLE - The final mieeting of the .Newcastle Lion.s Club for the fiscal year ending June 30 was held in the diii- ing-roomn of the Queen's Hotel Trhursday evening last with the retiring president, Lion Roy Forrester nresiding. Foilowing the delicious tur- key dunner the President an- nounced that due to the ina- bility of the District Deputy Governor, Dr. Jamieson of Co- boconk to he present, it had been decided ta postpone the Installation of afficers until the July meeting. During the business session that folowed it was revealed that some 675 botties of pop and a sinhiar number of ice Turn OId Furniture inioCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phono MA 3-3303 crcam dixie cups had been dis- tributed by members ai the club ta schoal childi-en in at- tendance at the Clar-ke Town- ship Field Day. Lion Ken Ste-' phenson reported an the recent spring auctian which netted the club approximately $100 and Lion Murray Paterson annaunc- ed the inauguration ai a "Pea- nut Drive" by the members as a money raising project with eacb member beung respansible for the sale ai anc 24-can case ai peanuts. He said the drive would be inaugui-ated at the Carnival tamarraw) Friday evening and continue through- out July and August. A request fi-arn Lion Don Williams oi Bowmanvillc, chair- *man ai the West Durhbam Ad- visai-y Commibtee ai the C.N. I.B. asking the. members of the club ta be responsible for the anc nîght l'Blitz for the Blind". ta be held an Sept. 30 in New- castle and Orona was granted by motion. Ib was #sbabed that similar canvasses ai-e beun-g made on the seme evening tbroughaut the area and the Lions expressed willingness ai NEWCASTLE LIONS CLUB ANNUAL CARN UVAL 1FRIDAY, JUNE 27 'n COMMUNITY PARK (In case of rain Carnival will be held in Arena) NEWCASTLE LIONS MIDGETS Vs. ORONO MIDGETS NERRY-GG-ROUND , BASEDALL BINGO a-GAMES 0F CHANCE Photographer in the Eighties H. C. Tait was the town's leading photographer in the 1880's and '90's, with a studio in the Horsey Block, north of the present Dominion Store. Ex-Mayor Archie Tait, now deceased, was a brother. Preston Tait of Vancouver, B.C., kindly sent along the. above photo of bis father. Albums in many homes around town contain pictures taken by H. C. Tait.1 lions Carnival B ig Local Event Friday Night T'he big annual event when the whole famiiy bas the op- portunity of baving a fine evening's entertainment, while at the same time supporting the many community services sup- plied by the Newcastle Lions Club is scheduled for tomor- raw, Friday evening, at the an- nual carnvai and draw spon- sored by the club, in the New- castle Community Park. The Carnival Committee, under the direction of Lion Ir- wun Colwill bas an outstancl- ing program prepared for the evening wbich wil begin with a bail game at 6:30 p.m. when the Orono Midgets will meet the Lions sponsored Newcastle Midgets in a Lakeshore Minor league game ta start off Miner Basebaîl Week. Following the bail game, there will be fun for ail with a Merry-Go-Round, f ish pond etc., for the eilîdren plus bingo and other games of chance for mom and oop and a big refresh- ment booth, candy floss, peanut vendor et.-., for the enjoyment of ail. The exciting climax ta the show will corne when the draw is made for the ail-expense trip ta the fainous Calgary Stara- pede !or two people, The prize includes transportation ta and from Calgary plus hotel accom- modation for the lucky win- ners while attending the big stampede. This is the one big event of the year on which the Lions Club plans its cornmunity ser- vices and warrants the full sup- port of ail cîtizens of the vil- lage and district. their support in cavering New- castle and Orono. Lion Irwin Colwill explained in detail the plans ai bis corn- mibtee for the annual carnival and answei-ed questions ai the members as ta whab was i-e- quired ai each, thus cornpletingp plans for the sebting up af the booths etc, an Tbursday (ta- night) evening and bthetopera- tion of the Big Show on 'Friday evening. Fallowing the business part ai the meeting Lion Brenton Rickard projected coloured sldes on the screen depicting some ai thc bighlights ai the Big Parade and other pictures taken by Lion Murray Pater- son and himself while in at- tendance et the ennual District "A" Canvention in North Bay. PRESERVI NG OF GENERAL FOODS KITCHINS Srawberry Preserves wlll baste rnighby goad came next winter, sa I thaught you'd like ta try this recipe wbich I've iound ta be most successiul: STRAWBERRY PSIESERVES 6 cups small whale bernies (about 2 quarts firm'ripe smaLl strauberries) ,2 cup water 7 cups (3 lbs.> augar k bottle Certo Prepare the strawberres. Hul about 2 quarts small sti-awberi-ies. Measure 6 cups whole bei-ries (flrmly packcd without crusbing) inta a very large saucepan. Add water and sugar. Now, make your preserves. Place aver high beat and bring ta a full rolling bail, s11ring carefully ta keep fruit wbole. Reduce beat and bail gently 3 "minutes. Remove fi-rn heat and at once 51fr in Certo. Skim aoff wibh metal spoan. Then let cool about 1 haur, ta help prevent floating fruit. Ladle Inta glasses. Covér preserves at once witb ¼/î inch hot pai-affin. Makea about 10 medium glasses. If yau've ever wondered what "ýpectin" is, t's really easy ta ex- plain. It's the jelling substance found in ail fruits in varying amounts. Sa vou see ... Certa 15 pectin extracted fram fruits rich in thls natural substance, then re- fined, cancentrated and perf airn- ance-cantroUied. That', why, when vau use Certa and follou, the tested Certa recipea, your pi-e- serves, Jams and Jellies set pcv- fectly every time. Tai-t jams or jellies ai-e delitlous accompaniments ta ment and poulti-y. Try raspbèrry ai- cherry jarn with chickcn ai- turkcy; gooseberi-y or rhubarb jamn with park; grape or plum jelly wibh lamb. _____ 1 get quite a feu, letters fi-rn wamnen u'ho have prablems in making their jam, jelly or pi-e- serves. If Vou'd like help, Write mie and l'il be pleased ta give Vau any information I can,. And do watch for my next colurnn! Ed's Note: Local grown berrnes should be at their best next weck for preserving. IYou ueun tel Say- s.nd backache away!" Soumds goodl Lgcl too! You see the normal job of ti kmcdeya 8 to remoye exceas wastesanmd acids -a. often the. cause of backacie-from dmi systelIL Dodd's Kidney Pilla atimulate the. kdesin dix hinction and a. nay bring yo@ that welcome relief from backache tbey have inany others. Try just 3-a-day. You can depend onDodd's - in the blue box with the. red band. 64 - modo AgnswEdiiox Phono 3621 The June meeting af the Woman's Christian Temperance Union was held on Friday evenung, June 20 in the Sunday schoal auditorium when the graup had as their guests the Imembers of the Sigma-C and Cub boys graup and their lead- The Rev. M. C. Fisher offi- ciated as cliairman for the even- ing and gave a word of welcame to the visitai-s, and called on Mi-. Jim Barncs ta leed a sung- sang with Mrs. E. C. Hoar pi-e- sîding at the piano. Mr-. Fisher introduced bis ca-leaders ai the Sigrna-C group and explained Ibis boys' group meets weekly. He said nine members ai the group would be attending Quîn-Mo-Lac Camp fi-rn June 28 ta July 5. Quin-Mo-Lac is thc Christian Youth camp near Madoc whîcb is aperated by bhe JBay ai Quinte Canierence af the United Church of Canada. Mrs. F. LeGresley, leader af tbc Cub Pack said she was as- sîsted ini ber work by Mrs. Wil- liams, and Messrs. Mitchell and Tomkmnson. Members ai the Pack pi-esented a skit demon- strating the woi-k carried on in the Cub Pack. There were 20 members ai) the Cub Pack in attendance1 and they sang "Where is Sus& foi- the gatherin.g, and puIinIo salas by Janet and Fred Gr-aham were enjayed by ahl. Five films, sbawn by pi-aiectionist Wendell, Fisher completed an inberesting pi-agi-ar. Following the pi-aian uc was served. Mr. Bernes ex- pressed the appreciation aof the visitai-s for the lovely evening and Mrs. Sowden accepted bthe thanks on behalf ai the W.C. T.U. members and expressedj their pleasure in having the boys' graup at bheii- meeting. ,BLACKSTOCK St. John'. W.A. St. John's W.A. met ini the Parish Hall Thui-sday evening with 17 ladies present. After apening exercises by president Mis. J. Hamilton, bbe sciipture passage and litany wvas taken by Mrs. J. A. McArtbur. Ar- rangements werc made for the annual cburcb supper and en- tertainment wbich bas usually been held on July lst, but aw- ing ta the Centennial celebra- tions in Bowmanville it was decided to have the supper July 4th. Mrs. Chaperlin repai-ted an the Little Helpers. Ib was de- cided ta houseclean the church and Pei-ish Hall on Tbui-sday in preparation for bbe anniversai-y ser-vice June '29. An invitation was accepted fromn Mrs. Lang- feld bo hald'aur August meet- ing et ber home and that il take tbc foi-m ai a lawn party. At the close ai bbc business por- tion a short pi-agi-arn was en- jayed, which included a read- ing b.v Mis. A. Bailey, a flow- ci- cantest conductcd by Mrs. Banc, and a reading by Mis. Colley, Meeting closed with prayers by Canon ChaperlinJ and a social hall baur braughtJ tbc evening ta a close. The Young People's meeting which was held in the Sunday) Schooi room Sundayv evening was in charge ai Mrs' Richard Van Camp'. group. Ber-t Bow- Graduates' Last Meeting Wiener Roast Held at Park NERWCASTLE-Waltona Park. Newastewas the scene af the une meeting af the Friendship C lub af the United Church when: t he sumrner meeting took the form af a wiener roast. The President, Mrs. Wilma Scott, conducted a short busi- ness meeting when plans were discussed for the Mission Band Tea on Wednesday ini the Sun- day School auditorium. ~Group One of tbe club was icharge af the meeting and served bot dags and caffee tu the members and the remainder ofa the evening was spent in toasting marshmaliows and ending with a sing-song. Aixnreciation ta the group in charge for the enjoyable everi- ing was expressed by Mrs. Mai-- gaie Paterson wboalaso thank- I d the m-ýmbers for the toy-,s. puzzles etc. which they had con- the nursery class af the Sunday fSchooL st. George s Evening, W.A. Church Club NEWCASThE-The Evenin g Branch of St. George's Woman's Auxiliary held its final meet-I ing of the season on Wedn'ýs- day evening, June 18 in the Par- ish Hall. Reports of the various officers were given. The Little Helpers' Convenot reported tne pîcnic beld by this group was a great success in which ail had bad an enjoyable time. She also reported she had a letter from the Departmenti revealing that tbe St. George's Little Heipers will receive ai grant for the purchase ai smal ichairs for their meetings. The members discussed final plans for the Bake Sale and ail arrangements wvere made for tbe anriual Strawberry Tea. The meeting was braught toaa conclusion with the serving ai refreshments. The Bake Sale conducted by the Branch an Saturday was most successful and the Presi- dent and members af the Branchi are most grateful toalal who turned out ta make the aiter- aaon sa successiul. Bos'Groups Entertairied, at lW.C.T.U. Meet Miss Madelune Cowan, daught- er of Mr. and Mrs. Brooks Cow- an, Orono, graduated recently from the Ontario Hospital ini Whîtby. She won a prize as the new graduate, who has shown the greatest imprave- ment ini ber professional de- velapment in the tbree years ai training. ers introduced Rev. and Mrs. Campbell af Nestleton ta the graup and the group ta the Campbells. Mi-. Campbell deliv- ered a fine address on '"Why Youngr Peaple Go ta Cburch". Mrs. R. Van Camp led the. wor- sbip service. President Alian Dayes conducted the business. Lunch was served and a social time enjayed. Congratulations ta Mi-. and Mrs. Donald Sinclair <Phyllis Strang) who were married ini the United Church Saturday. Sorry ta report Mr. Rupert Werry is in Oshawa hospital, Mrs. J. Cannagban ini Toronto, and Jachie Gunter ini Sick Chul- dren's Haspital for surgery. Several from bei-e attended the Liberal nomination mieet- ing ini Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lai-mer, Sharon, John and David, at- tended the annual Larmer re- union in Peterborough Satur- day. Miss Edith Larmer of Ver- dun, Man., visibed ail the Lar- mer relatives in Cartwright during the past ten days. Mrs. Osmond Wright spent a long weekend with ber dau- ghters in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Johnstan are visiting Mi-. and Mrs. Roy Avery, Tillbury." Mrs. Robt. Ford spent a few days last week with Mrs. Gea. Swift, Caesarea. Mi-. and Mrs. Ernest Lai-mer visited Mr. and Mrs. Albert Balson, Solina. Mi-. and Mms. Leith Byers, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Swaun, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain, spent Saturday and Sunday an a sigbt-seeing trip and visited Mrs. J. Byers ini Ottawa. Mrs. Phena Mountjay. Osh- awa," spent tbe weekend with Jack, Jim, Helen, Donald and Ralph Swaun. Mr-. and Mrs. Russel McLau- ghlin, Bawmanville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Carl MeLaughlin. Mi-. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm visited friends in St. Clair, Micb., last week. Mr. and Mrs. Hectar Short- ridge, Mr-. and Mrs. Chas. Gra- ham and Mi-. and Mrs. Les Jahnston. were guests at the Severs-Fîce wedding in Osbawa Frîday evening. Mi-. and Mrs. Stuart Darrel attended Haydon anniversary Sunday afternoon and were supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Al Gerrard. Mr. Roy and M iss Sandra Fer- guson visited Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Dunbar and Denise, Tpronto, Sunday. Mrs. Wesley Beacock and Mrs. Tarvis accompanied Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Beacock of Prince Albert ta Lindsay Decoration service Sunday and visited -.e- latives. Mr. Russel Spunks, Oshawa, and Mrs. Allan Moore, Shirlev, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. Ed Darcy. Mrs. Oakley Carley and Anne of St. Christopher's spent Sun- day with the Clarence Mar- low's. .Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Thomp- son visited in Oshawa, Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Canning. Dr. and Mrs. John Werry and Anne, Bowmanville, visited his mother, Mrs. Rùpt. Werry and brother, Roy, on Sunday.. Mr. and- Mrs. R. Wood and Eldene, Bobcaygeon, Mr. FI. Coalter, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs- Ernest Haie, Willow Beach: Mr. and Mrs. Allan Rahmn and chu-. dren, Port Perry, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Orr Venning. Just do a thing and don't talk about it. This is the great secret af success in ail enter- prises.-Sarah Grand. You can't get rid of a bad temper by losing it. FRANK'S GARAGEi extends a warm, frienidly Greeting to all Cittzens anc1 Çuests MArket 3-3231 72 Scugog Street flewcasdle cSocal and1 f/-ersonaI for the Bowmanville Ceniennial .Celebralions of "OLD HOME WEEK " JUNE 28 - JULY 6 Your Supertest Dealer DRAW Wfnner wiII receive ail-expenses pald trip for two to Calgary Stampede Should winner decide to take cash instead of trip, reservations will be sold to first applicant at cost. Contact Jrwin ColwilI, telephone Newcastle 2751 immediately, if interested. EEFEESHMENT AND> NOVELTY BOOTHS PROCEEDS FOR LIONS WELFARE WORK PAGE CLEVIE -&-nu MAT, MIN 29th, 1958 THE CANADIAN STATESM", BOWMANVMLE, ONTAMO MI& WESLEY VILLE Bruce Dinner received an unjury ta his leg last week when a log rolled on it during sawing operations. The bone was flot broken and the bruise is slowlY improving. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Allan Clarke, whose fatber, Mr. J. Balfour, of Toronto, passed away on Thursday. Speakirrg of Centennials, here are some items of 100 years ago. News fromn Wesley, June 1858: Farmers ini this district are anxiausly watching crops in the hope that the season will prove a littie more suitable for a good harvest. Last year's cold weath- er biought hardship ta most farms when growing season was short as well as cold. Church service was conducted in the little frame chapel by Rev. Lewis Warner and bis as- sistants, William Andrews and J. H. Stinson. Mr. Warner cornes fromn Port Hope. Missionary collections for 'this year will be made by Misses Brand and Mounteer. Church Trustees John Barrawclough and James H. Jacobs with newly appounted members, Jonathan Brand, Luke Jacobs, Thomas Tindaîl and Isaac Brack Ostrom are present- ing ta the church congregation the need for a new building. On the above date Wesleyville was called Wesley. Ville was added in 1875 wben the Post Office was established.