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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1958, p. 14

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* t ~'-*4 --r.--v N *'t'.44~fr-~~~ W THRMDAY, JUNE 26th, 1958 ___ ou t AID*A fD 3MUPW?3lAM3VT? 1 . ONT9'ARIOf PACZ e TOrEmATHE C. A..IAAJA.Z TFa.L Z AnJ j5vmjivmý, Girls Sofîbt Downs Osh Down 2-1 goizgi nto the sixth tramne, Bowmanville railied for eight big runs in the inning, ta eventually defeat the Oshawa Merchant Maids by a 9-6 score, at the Memorial Park on Thurs- day night. Oshawa took the lead in the second, scoring a run on three NI hits, but Bowmanville knotted the counit in the bottom haif on a walk, and an error to first sacker Planeta. The Merchant Maids parlayed two hits and a sacrifice into the lead run ini the third stanza. Pitchers Virginia Brown and Mayne waged a mound duel until the sixth when the Bow- inanvile team broke the game wide open. *Eleanor Pickard started things off with a single, and successive walks to Peterson, Sprague and Kube forced in a run. leaving the sacks filled. Virginia Brown 'woni her own bail game, when a Ir TOU WANT TO FAT PREMIUM TABLE E GGS that are not even 24 hours old at the Urne of delivery, buy thern at: ALLIN'S MEATS King Street BOWEN'S GROCERY Seugog Rd. DAVIS GROCERY King Street FAIRWAY FOOD MARKET King Street 1WAPLE GROVE GROCETERIA Maple Grove McDONALD'S GROCERY Liberty St. N. or eat tO-pm served at: BALMORAL RESTAURANT CORONATION RESTAURANT FLYING DUTCHMAN OLYMPIA RESTAURANT They are the freshest table eggs on the market - pro- duced by W. K. NOWAK'S Chicken Farm R.R. 1 Bowmanville Phone MA 3-2720 We are the only one approv- ed by the Department of Agriculture te produce and grade table eggs of Grade Ai (in a radius of about 100 miles). We specialize in producing table eggs ouly. For Sa Heating li Mo SHEET 21 Church Si. 73 KING ST. W. auil Team awa 9-6 she smashed. a tremendous tri- ple ta centre ta clean the bas- es. Barbara Brown. promptly singied ta cash the runner in from third and advanced on a sacrifice. Lebreque walked and both runners scored on Elcanori Pickard's second single of the inming. Oshawa staged a four run rally which feil short in the seventh and final framne, as Brown bore down to retire the last two batters on pop-ups with runners on second and third. Allen walked ta start the inning and D. Thomas was safe when Pickard dropped her fly to centre. B. Thomas tripled and scored on O'Connor's triple. Mayne batted in the final run, with Pickard's throw to third naiing the base-runner for the first out, leaving the rest up 10 winning pitcher Brown. R IH1E Osh. Merchant Maids- 6 10 1 Bowmanville 9 6 3' Oshawa Merchant Maids-De- loes cf, Piancta lb, Allen c, D. Thomas 3b. B. Thomas 2b. O'Connor rf, Scott lf, Mayne p, Gray 58. Bowmanville - B. Brown c, Cooney lb, Lebreque rf, Hughes 2b, Pîckard cf, Peterson 3b, Sprague M, Kube ss, V. Brown P. Lindsay Takes Brading Trophy ln Bowling Wednesday afterneon at the Bowmanvillc Lawn Bowling Club, 14 pairs competed for the Brading Trophy. Teamis were from Oshawa, Agincourt, Co- bourg, Peterborough, Canning- ton, Lindsay and Bowmanville. Top honours and the trophy went ta Lloyd Davis and his partner, of the Lindsay Club, as they won three times for a score of 50. Runner-up honours also went to Lindsay, as Sid Eisden and partner also captured three games, with a score of 48 plus 6. OId Foundry Building on Church Street At the corner of Church and Division Streets, this building was erected by the Town for the Bowmanville Foundry Co. when it was established here in January, 1902. In 1921 the Foundry moved to its present location on Scugog St. and these buildings were subsequently occupied by the Thompson Knitting Co. Two of the Town's lmportant Industries In this aerial view ai Charles Peacock and P. Can- inthe foreground TheIBo ning of Oshawa, won the awards 1b seen the ocado h as twa-game winners, with a eocado h 55 plus 2 score. The hast club on the streets laidout mnaný gat into the act, when Fred Cole proprietor of the Foundry. and John Regan, wcre ane-game winncrs with a score of 45. Spectators are welcome ta D it4 m s D r watch the Centennial Bowling a ~ Ii o ternon, t tc local bowling anredned.y Port Hope 5 We can do anytbing we want Just wben It appearcd that to do if wc stick ta it long the Bowmanvilc Bantain Le- enough.-Helen Keller. gionnaires were ovcrcoming their faulty fielding, thcy blew Up against Port Hope, on Satur- day in the casteru towa ta hase a frce-hitting 16-11 gaine. BowmanvIlc edged into a 2-1 itisfactory first inning.lead, and wlth John Tit and Alex Wiseman belt- in ecn inning doubles, in- j.. II~..*crcased the lead to 6-3. The Le- nsta u atuocnsç gionnaires tallied four mare runs in the third frame, with Brown's triple being thc big SER blow. Campbell came on in re- lief in the fourth inning, ta hold Bowmanville ta a single mark- er in the final stanza. *S IE RWith the locals leading 10-3, ple, and aîded by the Legion- naire miscues, went on a 12 run METAL rmaei h otmo h ed starting pitcher Pickard in Oshawa the second, absorbed thc pun- AUTRORIZED DEALER FOR Impertai Dii Heating Unit. Car Wood Oil and Cas Unit. BEST AVAILA13LE FINANCING Phone Collect RA 5-2734 RA 5-2751 Congratulations re seen R. M. Hollingshead of( iinanville Foundry Company I late C. M. Carruthers where1 iy years ago on a plan made b, rop Tilt In Score 16-m11 Ishnient, but went on ta match Campbell's performance, allow- ing anly a single run in tha last four frames. The Bantams are definitcly capable of playing better base- bail than tbcy did in this con- test. However, any team plays better if they have support, and that is just what this team needs badly. AUl home games arc piaycd at th1e Memoriai Park. IR. Bowmanviile 1il Port Hope 16 Bowmanville - Stevens lb, Black 3b, Wiseman If, Twist cf, Crombie c, Veitch 2b, Lane rf, McManus ss, Pickard p, Brown p-2nd. Port Hope-Wakely ss, Has- kill 3b, Cooper c, Heard p, if- 4th, Camnpbell p-4th, Meadows cf, Gifford 2b, Watts lb, Green- away lf, Zurcher rf. Midgets Undefeated Take Newcastle 24-m2 The Bowmanvile Midgcts, stiil undcfeated, rollcd ta a 24-2 win over Newcastle, on Monday night in Newcastle. The hard- hitting Bowmanville <rcw pun- ched out 15 hits and took ad- vantage of four Newcastle mis- cues, In postin~g the decisive victary. Big guns for the locais were second sacker Don Bagnell with four safeties, third baseman John James with a Une drive 0. 0 0 home run, and slugging first baseman Bill Osborne, who had thrce extra base blows, a hom- er, triple and a double. Juin Moorcraft gave up five bits and fanned il batters, ta take his third win of the sea- son. After the first frame, when a walk, an errai- and singles by McCuilough and Dean gave the home team. two runs Moor- craft was in comimand for the balance of the game. In the se- cond, Newcastle thrcatened with two consecutive doubles with anc out, but Moorcraft fanned the shortstop and got pitcher, Rowe on a pop ta short, ta end the threat. Bownianville scorcd four lim- es in the opening inning, on two errors at second, two walks and singles by Bob Osborne, Ross Turner and Bagneil. Four more runs crosscd the plate in thc second, wbcn James horner- cd with Larry Piper and Bag- neil aboard, and Bill Osborne tripled and scored on an infield out. A big fine run third stanza, when thirteen batters caine ta the plate, put the gaine beyond Newcastlc's rcach. Bil Osbor- ne 's two on home run was the big bit of thc inning, as the Bowmanville team collected se- yen safeties. McCullough came an in relief with two out and one on, and got Piper on strikes ta end the outburst. He fanned the side in the next frame, go- ing an to cdaim ten strikeout.s in 4% innings of relief. Me.- Cuilough permnitted seven wal- Is, which coupled with Bll Osborne's double, gave the la- cals five more runs in the fifth. The final two i-uns scared in the sixtb, Turner's single, two suiccessive walks, and an error ta short, after two were out. RH E Bowmanville ....24 15 0 Newcastle 2 5 4 Bowmanville -Bagnell 2b, Flintoff 2b-7th, Piper c, James 3b, Bil Osborne lb. Bob Os- borne i-f, Welsh rf-6th, Wright cf, Hancock cf-7th, Turner ss, Cale If, Sallows lf-5th, Moor- craft p. Newcastle--Gibson 3b. Crow- thers ss. B. Rowe p, 2b-3rd, Me- Cuilough 2h. p-3rd, Dean cf, Pearce lb. Brown rf. Werrv rf-j 411, J. Rowe c, Dickinson if.- MA 3-5579 T. F. REHDER, Vice-President lV isiting Tennis Champs Have to Corne from Behind jTo Break Even wif h Locals Peterboro Quaker A club, behind ta pull out the win by league champions for the last an 8-6 count, and went on to three years, were forced ta came take a 6-2 victory in the decis- from behind ta salvage a 3- ive third set. The Bowmanvilie tic with the Bowmanville Ten. Club is off to a good start ,with nis Club, last Wednesday even- a win and a tie in two outings. ing at the local courts. Actual- this season. ly it was after midnight when Ladies' Doubles: Norah Allin Mary and Peter Gordan were adMr utn()df rn finally able ta defeat the Bow-Jo and arg Dustade.rene) manville team of Anna Strike Joesan6Drth8Hntr6P Etnd Colin Birtwistie ta gain the 8-6, *Dubes8-6.Goda spliton ponts.and Peter Gordan (P) def. Anna Norah Aluin and Marg Dus- Strike and Colin Birtwist-le (B) tan were forced into extra gam- es, before dropping Petcrboro's Irene Jones and Darothy Hun- ter in straight sets. The Bowma- nle Clen thed Mc ad2B0, Burgess Brother CombinaIo n o g took straight set wins over Ivor Jaffe and Harry Taylor., In one of the night's best matches the Peterboro meii's Io the ci team of Williard Eimsley and Flemming Hunter edged Bud - Moses and Keith Slemon inM three sets. Marg Foster and Geo-BO ~W M rge Graham captured the night's fourth match in easy fashion over Mrs. C. O'Flynn and Jack n c Dunn ta tic the match at twocice ail. Lew and Don Rundle swam- ped Petcrboro's John Trotter and "Chick" Whittier ta give 1 0 h B Bowmanvillc the lead again, setting the stage for the gruel- ling final match af the night. In that final match, the lo- cal duo took the first set 10-8 cond set. Peterboro came fromC N T reading and Mrs. Wm. Fritz the topic on "Go tell". Mrs. A. Johnston held a contest on - Z~i Books of the Bible and Mrs. A. Olan -read, a chapter from the study book on Japan. A corn- mittee was appointed ta see about some -repairs at the church. Mrs. Bonsteel showedj some coloured pictures. A dain-1 ty lunch was served by the host- ess. Mr. and Mrs. Ian Smith and Canada Ltd. on the left, and family, Hamilton, spent a week Ltd. In the background may with Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Pbw- houses have now been buit crs. y the late Christian Rehder, Mr. and Mrs. Knox MacLeod and famlly, Ancaster, were, ______________________guests with Mr. and Mrs. Al-1 fred Johnston over the week-! MANVERS STATION Miss Lyla Davis and Miss Madeline Boggs visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McGill Mr. and Mrs. Elmo Rogers at and family, Barrie, spent a few Hagersville for a fcw days. days with Mrs. W. Bradley. The annual flower service Mr. and Mrs. Harold Thomp- was held at Trinity (the Marsh)1 son, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Boggs church Sunday night. The chul- and Madeline, took a motor trip dren marched in carrying bou- to Cochrane last week. There quets whîch were hung on ai has been so much rain in that cross. Young and oid alike could locality the farmers are just icarn a lesson from the sermon getting their crops planted. on flowers delivercd by Rev. The June meeting of the W. G. E. Meades, in which he A. was held on Thursday after- stressed culling out the weeds noon at the home of Mrs. R.!of cvil thoughts, words and Bonsteel, the president, M1rs. deeds, in order to cultivate the E. Cavano, in the chair., rs flowers of beauty, happiness H. Thompson took the Bible 1 and kindness. 8-10, 8-6, 6-2. Marg Foster and George Gra- ham (P) def. Mrs. C. O'Flynn and Jack Dunn (B) 6-2, 6-2. Men's Dopibles: Williard Elms- ley and Fleming Hunter (P) def. Keith Siemon and Bud Mos- es (B) 6-1, 5-7. 6-4. Lew Runt"- and Don Rundie (B) def. John Trotter and Chic< Whittier (P) 6-0, 6-1. Mel Burgess and Bill Burgess (B) def. Ivor Jaffe and Harry Taylor (P) 6-3, 6-4. fulationsI itizens of NVILLE flebrating IRTHDAY IN NIA L *SPECIALS Firestone WASHING MACHINE with Pump Spe cial e.eee$ 1 -e 5 Upright FREEZERS S pe c ia1 . . ..$299-00 W. H. Brown CASE DEALER 91 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5497 C. REHDER, Sec.-Trea s. I.. Congratuliatiïons~... Io the citizens of BO.WMANVILLE on this 1'OOth BIRTHDAY from Bowmanville Foundry Company Limited C. E. REI-DER, President btofhe residents of Bowmanville on this Cent ennial Year Il has been a pleasure Io serve you in the pasi ...and hope to continue in the future. WiIfrid Kitson and Staff BOWMANVI LLE FRIGID LOCKER SYSTEM 1

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