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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1958, p. 17

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TKUR8DAY. JV~E tOth. 198S TEE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, EOWMANVXLLE, ON'TA~IO PAGE SEVENEEIO Long Service Members Given Pins by Foresters At Cen tennial Meeting- The Canadian Order o! For- esters held their Special Cen- tnilmeeting on Monday,, June 16. 1958, at the Lions Com- rnunity Centre with nearly 100 present including members and their wives. Ail members with 25 years' service or more were specially honoured by our own Court anîd hbgh Court Officers fnom Brant- ford. Bro. George Bagneli and Bro. F. C. Pethick wene honoured for completing 50 years of faith- ful Forestie service and Bro. M. Beckstead and Bra. H. Rich- ards were honaured for com- pleting 25 years o! service. Ap- propriate service pins were very ably presented by Bro. 0. E. Cook o! the Fraternal Dept., High Court, ta these members. A 50-year pin will be forward- ed ta Bro. F. C. Vanstone and a 25-year pin will go ta Bro. F. Philp who were unable ta h2 presen t. Other members who were present that have alreadv ne- ceived 25 or 50 year pins in- ZION W.A. meeting had a veny good attendance with 26 members present also the Exploners and C.G.I.T. girls and somne of their niothers. It being the Re-af fil- iation service the girls took tlle devotional. Several of the E%- plorers received stars and soine of the C.G.I.T. girls received badges. Marilyn Glaspeli receîv- ed an E. pin for outstanding work as an Explorer and along with Jackie Woods, Nina Kapustint, Sandra Scott, Brenda Stewart and Doreen Smith, gcraduated to C.G.I.T. It was decded to give $500 to the build ing fund and to get jars to fiI xith fruit and pickles fromn Memorial Hospital, Bow- mnanville. It was also decided that the W.A. wvould cater to Miss Doris Geissberger's wed- ding in July. Joyce and Patsy Fisher and Sharon and Janie F'isher played piano duets. De- licious refreshments were serv- ed by the group. Mrs. Fred Cet Cash To-day for OId Appliances through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 cluded: Bras. Harry Allun, Al- vin Clemens, Tom Gimhlett, Gea. W. James, Geo. Mason and Thomas Veale. Bro. Cook pald very high tri- bute ta these Brothers. He tald them they were the men wbo wvene the hasis of this Canadian wide arganization and had it nat been for their perseverance whcn times were tough the For- esters would nat be the organ- ization it us today. Bro. Cook, Hawkshaw, and Mathews judged the prehistoric beards which wene cuite pre- valent at the meeting and de- c]ared a tie,. between Bro. S. Hunt and B ro. R. Rogers and the two brathers shared the prize donated by the Local Court. Bro. Tom Masterson made a clean sweep by capturing bath Euchre Traphies whicb were presenýzd by Bras. and Hawkshaw. The meeting was ýrought to a close by Chie! Ranger M. R. Stephens and tea and doughnuts wvere served. Dart, Mrs. Frank Pascoe, Mns. Harold Gifford and Mrs. J. Cruickshanks. July group are, Mrs. Arnold Geissberger, Mrs. Nelson Fice, Mrs. Robent Killer., Mrs. Harry Fisher. Mr. and Mrs. Perey Bryce, To- ronto, visited at Fred Camer- on s. Mr. and Mrs. Ross C. Stain- ton and Launie, were at Crowe Lake. Mn. and Mrs. Russell Sonley. Port Perry, visited at Fred Cameron's. Mr. and Mrs. Jîm Stainton and Davy, attended the silver xvedding anniversary zf lier aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Mantin, Timmins, at Alfred Scotts, Huntsville, on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Jack Cnuick- shank, Mn. and Mrs. Fred Cam- eron attended the Junior Farm- ers' dance at Newcastle. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Stainton and Clarke were at Peffenlaw on Sunday and visited at GU Thorburn's. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Dart and family, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geissberger visited at T. R. Sturzenegger's, Grafton. Mr. and Mrs. Hans Geiss- berger Jr., were at Camenon Lake. Mn. and .Mrs. George Sonley, Toronto, visited at Fred Cam- eron's.. Mr. and Mrs. Christian Star and !ambly, Islington. visited at Hans Geissberger's.N Congratulations to the citizens of "BO WMAN VILLE" cn your lOOth Bkrthday from Cream of Barley Park KEITH CONNELL AND STAFF Bring ihe family and enjoya picnic Ample Parking w - Swings - Etc. relcome to Bowmanville Cente, nnil Vis SELBY GRANT AND STAFF Heating Oil Instruments Were Famous the World Over Organs made by the Dominion Organ & Piano Co. were shipped ail over the world and organs and pianos made there took prizes at the Toronto Exhibition and world's fairs. J. W. Alexander was the Droprietor in its later years. J. B. Mitchell was connected with the firm for many yý!ars, being xice-president in 1905, and Anthony Mitchell wvas general superintendent of agencies. A staff of skilled xvork- men and carvers turned out the best on the market in instruments. The Company's band was also known far- and wide. The Specialty Paper Co, and Rural Hydro now occupy . part of these premises on Temperance St., and the old building, buiît about 1874, presents a handsome appearance. President of D.O.&P. Company1 Mr. J. W. Alexander was a partner with Messrs. Kydd and McConnel in the Dominion Organ & Piano Company f rom 1895 to 1901 when he became the sole pro- prietor. Mr. Alexander is also remembered as the bene- factor who purchased and donated the Beith residence, South Park, to the town for use as a hospital in 1913. Newcastle Juveniles Down Local Lions 1lm-4' Thursday night la Newcastle for the homesters allowed eight the home club downed Bow- safeties, Bowmar.ville sent three manville 11-4. Newcastle Ju- men ta the ruhber with any- venules' rangy flipper Eric Car- thing but gocd fortune during leton, tamed Bowmanville's Ju- their visit. Bill Bates was sheil- venule Lions with a sensational ed after 21à innings with New- hunling chore. *'Carlt" held h 's castie leadirg 5-4. Bill allowed own fire (ball) sale, and for the five rus and six bits. "Bugs" large part of the evening the Dudley \vho held an earlier vie- locals wene looking, but flot tory over Newcastle had con- buying. tmol troubles ini spots, and was While the elongated flinger lifted after 2 2/3 frames. - = ______~ - "Eucgs" claimed five strike- -outs. but was belted for un- other five runs off five bits. ~'Red' Abbott completcd tac Bowmanville troop of flingers with a two inning stint, giving one run off two hits. While Bowmanville pitchers held a Bargain Day on bits, cond and third frames, in which ». ~.. ~he allowed four runs, and seven bingles, settled down and pro- ceeded to hullet third strikes past the disgruntled Bowman- Carleton retired 12 of the final 15 outs bv the strikeout route, ~ ~, whiffing four iu the 4th, neces- sary wheu the catcher missed a third strike, and the side 'n __ innings six and eight. 'Prim G McCullogh, and Carleton %vre Newcastle's big thunder w'Ith the sticks blasting a total of nine ot the 14 homesters safe- jLxwties. Bowmanville's eight h:ts were spread ont. with oec, Ken- neth îind Crosser-, being the only men to col!ect more than one. .Around the Bases 'Puazz\v" Aarjerrison rock - eted a triple in the first frarne piating, Arçh' i"Cnossev, Il t. oidui*t have any luck at the dish the rest of the xva-,. 'Arch" Cnossey continued his slugging spnee going two for four, 'Arch" us four for seven in the last two outings. Dave "Raisin" Vivian pulled down a long drive by Gary Me- ICullogh, deep in center field pasture in the 7th inning. Curt Vaustone ivent one for fu.but ih3t one nale r Cuiîl t s (:r no! Ram~es in.viî loss. Lut Bil las been the iran Air Conditioning Gas RESIflENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - CHURCHES - SCHOOLS 6 Mill Lane (Off Scugog St.) Phone MAN "b- 1 71 man of late, on the rubber, for the locals. Bob "Red" Abbott bad his initial attempt as a hurler in bis fireman's role for two com- plete innings. "Red" using that whip-like arm, looked effective as he smoked the apple at them. Juvenile Bail Records "Aidh" Cnossey heads batting panade: "Arch Crossey- Cunt Vaustone Bob Mjarjernison- Joe Kennett- "Bugs" Dudley "'Red" Abbott Ron Pollard Bill Bates ---- R II 8 7 4 9 10 5 3 4 2 4 4 4 1 3 4 4 Ave. 412 39; 238 235 194 i1"3 136 173 Bowmanville-Crossey cf, Vi- vian cf bu 7th, Marjennisotn 9h, Ahbott 3h and p in 6th, Bates p ai-d 3h, Vanstone s'!, Dud- ley If and p in 3rd. Ken- nett c, Pollard ss, Richards lb. Newcistle-C. Trim ss, G. McCullogh 2h, M. Lrake rf. Ca:7- leton p, D. McCullogh c. Gibsan 3b, P. McCullogh cf, E. Lake If, Rai-ney lb. BROWN'S Mn. and Mrs. R. Simpson spent sevenal days last week nt Buckshot Lake, fishîng and re- port a fairly good catch and a niee change. Mrs. Cail spent last week visiting with her daughter. Mrs. Simipson, and attended the Busy Bee meeting at Mrs. Pick- ening's on Thursday evening. Recent visitons with Mn. and Mrs. W. Bennett wene Mr. and Mrs. R. Page. Enniskillen and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron, Tyrone. Miss Donna Mclbag hs in Toronto for a week visiting with friends and while there will purchase ber hnidesmaid's outfit for ber cousin's forthcom- ing marriage. The Curson baby is still in the hospital, but ber mother re- ports somne progress. Mrs. Hartwick, Dianne andl Susan with ber parents. Mn. and! Mri. Curson and attended the! sehool picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Coch- rane and two sons have înoved into their new home wvhich tbey recently purchased from Mr. James Curson. Mr. and Mrs. M. Comar at- tended bier sistcn's wedding on1 Saturday and left ber three little girls with Mns. McKeel's and ber baby boy with Mrs. Mackie. Brtiwn's Busy Bees met at the, home of Mrs. M. Pickering on Thursday evening for their monthly meeting, Nvith tcf! membens present and two vist- ors. Duning the course o! thse evenin.g, a cup and saucer was! presented ta Mrs. S. Wilkins as she is leaving the commnunity. Mn. and Mns. Wilkins have pur- chased a home at Countice and the Busy Bees are invited there for their November meeting. The ladies enjoyed a fewv games of bingo and Mrs. Pickering served a deliciaus lunch. Next meeting will be at Mns. Cursoli's in September. Brown's Home & Sehool Club held their annual pienie at the sehool on Saturday. A goodly number were present and ev- eryone had a good time. The followying wvon prizes In the races: girls 5 and under- Wendy Wilson; boys 5 and un- der-Bradley Wilson; girls 6-8- Susan Hartwvick, Boys * - 8- Leigb Wilson; girls 9-11-Di- aune Hartwick,; boys 9-1 1-Bni- an Pickering, girls 12.-14L-Mar- ilyn Robinson; boys 12-14-- Tommy Simpson; saek race, boys-Rickie Kîchako: kick the shoe, gins-Linda Cail; boys and girls wheeibarrow race- Tommy Simpson and Gary Fortnum; ladies' mysteny man- Mr. Bowen, discovered by Nora Curson: tug-of-war ladies--May Sinclair's teani: gents' race, kiek the shoe-Jimi Curson and tug-of-wan, men-Tom Wilson's team. During the afternoon, John Sinclair appeared as the Peanut Man, and did a good job of evading bis puirsuers for a time, but was finally downed and stripped o! ail the peanuts. MUiss Carole McMillan, who bas been. the teacher in the jun- ior room for two years, was presented withi a cake plate and server frorn the pupils of the junior roomn and a cup and sau- cen from the Home and Schaal Club for acting as pianist. Lunch svas scrved and ail re- turned home tired but happy. 'To Commemorate Bowmanville rs i MAPLE GROVE Mrs. W. H. Brown were Mr. and Mrs. Don McIntyre, Peter- Adouble wedding, anniver- bruh n r Ron Luke, sarY was ce.ebrated last Satur- Hampton. day evening at the Blair Farni The special program was re- on Preston Rd., whcen Mr. andI corded at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blar celebrated tncii rsW.HBonbMrMe 37th and their daughtcr a-i'r. W .Bond r e son-in-law. Mr. and' Mrs. Gë.1 Smith and will be on CKI.B Holder. 1ngleside. celebrated 1 this Sunday morning at 10.OS their second annivers-ary. 1ar.. Mrs. W. Hiolder ,vas a gu"st1 The Couples' Club picnic w11l for a fewv days last week Nvit.' ~h el tEeezrPr Mr. and Mrs. J., Blair. 1bclcda enzrPko, Misses Shellv and Valerie Saturda -v, July 5, at 6.30 p.m. iBothwell wvere weekend guests Anniversar3' guests %vith Mr%. of thoir grandparents. INr. and C. Tyler Nvere Mir, and Mrs. Clar- MIrs. Tonkin, Oshawa. ellec Hlockin, %Mscs hvHockley, An 'v ladv Of thecomrt. Mr. Will Anonichuk. Bowmrai- who would be interested in help- vile Mr. G. Garret. Oshawa, ing with Guides or Brownies inl ai-d Mrjs. j. E. Hopps, Sacra- the fall, pîcase jget in toucli meato, Cal. with Mrs. Wally Bothwell. i% Mrs. j. E. Hlopps and son .Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jefferv-et and ~ ~ ~ Ul Grw ttndt1ePlum- j GIEru, hae returned home t ander- acGlhtt eddin 1-atSacramiento. Cal.. after vis3it*:' Fairlawn United Chiurch, To- anthlier at. Mr. Hocler,n ronto, on Saturdav evening. man ber aunt.Ms. Tlr n Mr. and Mrs. Gordon ShunIc ayohrfins and 'family. Port Perry, spent the wveekend W<lih Mr. and Mr.;. Tîheir toil is joy to thiem that Ceeil Milis. ltr., And Mrs. Shunk hiave won success.-Aescliylus. and Mr. and Mrs. Milîs aird Ralph, enjoyed a motor trip To find blis place and fi it east on Sunday. is success for a man.-Phillips Sundav visitors with Mr. and Br ooks. F ree! Free! BLACK DIAMOND STAMPS with every purchase of gas at Vigor 011 SERVICE STATION CORNER 0F MANVERS ROAI) 'AND FIFTII CONCESSION Phone MA 3-2919 Vigor9GA Standard 1O399 ldig a Gasoline 3 Vigor Super 9GA High Test 431OCtnculdnttais Complote LubrIcation at a Reasonable Prie STOVE OIL AVAILABJJE IN ANY QUANTITY AT THE STATION OPEN EVENINfGS AND SUNDATSc 0 0 ase lOOth Bi*rthday we give you the BeUY 0F A LI FETI ME! BUDGET PRICED 1958 CoId Injector WESTI NG HOUSE Frost-Free 0G~85 REFRIG ERATOR with Separate Home Freezer CoId Injectot OtIheî Westnghouse rettêgerators GELATIN TEST PROVES CoId Injettor Westinghoiuse CHILIS FOODS AND DRINKS FASTER than any other retrigerator. 1958 Model HDL-12 11.8 Cu, h. Th e Shace f Tom o ,,ow ... fis n Io ook bui-In 009 A WARM WELCOME LANDER I K in g Street E. 1 VOU CAN se CHILLS FASTER THAN ANY OTHERI STORE-AND-SERVE UNITS can go ta table or coun- ter. MEAT KEEPER-. lFour FULL-WIDTH SHEILVES. Plenty of IN-THE-DOOR STORAGE with room for tail bottles on thse lawer sheif. OnIy $45.00 Down and As Little as $20.00 per month I UE . . westinghouse TO CENTENNIAL VISITORS HIARDWARE Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5774 r lim"DAY, MME 2@thl Issa THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, ONTARIO PAGE @MN"ZN

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