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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1958, p. 40

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- - - -" -~ - R.M s- - ----:1---~ - 'w 1---- PAGE TOutY CANAD!Mi STATESMAN. EOWMAKV!L!Z. ONTAMO ?RTTR.qnAV .TTTPJN IR*h imma Senate Club Invites Ail Centennial, Visitors To Use New Home The Bowmanville Senate Club was first called the*, Wood's Senate and met in L. R. Wood's Implement Shop, at King St. West in 1937. In 1947 they moved to the Wm. Patterson building, King St. East, and formed a new club and charged a membership fee. Later that building was sold and the Club moved ta the Missi Ble4kley Building and the mem- bership increased to over 40 xmembers. Ih. 1957 the Club approached the Town Council and asked to lease the building at the rear of the Fire Hall on Church Street which was once used as a stable for the horses, to race the fire $ 300.00 REWARD For Information leading to the airrest and conviction of iny Ferson trespassing on, orir stealing from BROOKDALE-KINGSWAY NURSERY Properties engine ta a fire in olden days. The Club pmaposed ta do all the work if the Cauncil wauld sup- ply most of the material, and the Club ta pay a monthly rent- al. The Council granted this rrequest which was much ap- We have a gaod arganization, do flot allow any gambling or drinking or bad language in the club maom. It is open ail day and evening for games, reading and conversation with the mcm- bers. During Centennial Week it will be open ta any visitors and their fiends. Wc are vcmy proud af aur Club, came in and visit with us and have a game of cards, checkems, or just a visit. LADY SCRIBBLERS Brockville Recarder & Times Not six weeks ago the wash- room at a local t.ieatre was cam- pletdly re-papered and painted -and already they are a mess of lipstick smearings, crude dawings, names, initiais and emarks-and ail appamently donc by the "ladies" who fre- quent the facilities! About the anly way ta keep such a place looking at all unmamked would be ta, paint it entircly in a brul- liant red - and even then, these vandals would pobably find a black crayon ta carry out their inane scribblings. commencing Wednesday, July Shorthand Typewriting Clerical Bookkeeping Accounting Advanced Accounting Business Machines Filing 3l 1958. Business English Business Correspondence Rapid Calculation Business Arithmetic Penmanship Personality Development Office Practice Mr. and Mrs. Frank GUI Married Fifty Years On Tucsday, June lOth Mm. ed congatulatary grÉétings and Mrs. R. Firank Gil of Jas- fromn Mr. John Diefenbaker, min, Sask., celcbratcd their Prime Minister of Canada, Mr, [Golden Wedding Annivemsary. T. Douglas, Premier of Saskat- 1 Mm. and Mms. Glil wcrc mar- chewan and Mm. Drummond ried at Lanes, Ontario, in Hu- Clancy, local M. P. and from ron County, moving ta Rivers, iiends in diffement parts of Man., and in 1913 ta Jasmin, Canada and Scotland. At the Sask., wherc thcy stili eside. close ai the dinner Mm. Gill pre- Present at the celebration sented each of hîs chidren with was Mrs. A. Smith ai Toronto, a British Savemeign as a me- a niece'ai the bride, wha mat- mento ai this golden occasion. ored ta Saskatchewan with Mr. Over one hundred guests sign- and Mrs. Robt. GilI and famn- cd the special guest book dur- ily ai Bowmanville for the spe- ing the Camne and Go Tea and cial occasion. Mrs. Smith was out ai town guests included Mr. the only guest wvbo was also James Garfield Gardiner, for- present at the wedding in 19081. mer Minister of Agriculture and The Giîls have a family af Mms. Gardiner. four daughtems and two sans, Memnbers af the family pre- seventeen grandcbildren and sented the Gis with a hanèy- five geat-gandchildmen. Th4r- some TV set. Many beautiful ty sat down ta a family dinner gifts, flowers and camds came an Tuesday. Telegrams includ- from their many fiends. E NNSKILENand Xathy, Ms. 1 Sharp and (Intcnded for hast weck> and Mrs. D. B. Kay, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. A. Scott, Mm. Bill Begley, Bawman- Oshawa, Misses Louise and Mar- ville, Mrs. H. Mihîs, Chester an-d janie Mclntash, Whitby, visited Bruce, attended Maple Grave Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Irwin. anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rahm, and Mm. and Mrs. F. Beckett and Helen, Saintiiehd; Mr. and Mrs. family bad Sunday dinner with Carl Bradley, Hampton; Mm. and cight af bis brothers and sis- iVrs. Wilfrcd Bcnnett, Newcas- ters and their father, Mr. O. tic; were Sunday visitars with Beckett at the home ai Mm. and Mr. and Mms. Ross Page and Ms. Donald Lamb. Mr. L. Bradley. W.A. meeting bas been can- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Hor, Osh- eellcd for this month. awa, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Sic- Mrs. A. Sharp visited with mon, Haydon, Mm. and Mrs. Aus- Mrs. A. Beech, Maple Grave. tin Bownridgc, Toronto, Mm. Mrs. Clamence Avery and and Mrs. Fred Toms, were Sun- family, Bumketon, were visitars day guestsalatMm. and Mrs. Earl at Mm. and Mms. Albert Oke's. Trewin's. Mr. and Mms. Ralph Virtue, Mm. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett, with Mr. and Mrs. Russell Vir- and family attended Maple Gra- tue, Tyrone. ve Anniversamy and weme - tca Russell Spinks, Mr. and Mms. guests at the home ai Mm. and Austin Franklin, Oshawa; Mm. Mrs., W. H. Brown. and Mms. Sandy Moore, Shirley, Service Club -Ladies met at M r. Will Farder, Blackstock, tbe home ai Mrs. E. Cox June were ecent callers at Mr. and i1, material was handcd out Mrs. F. Toms. ta be made up for aur forth Mr. Gardon Wcrmy, Toronto, coming bazaar. Next meeting at was a Sunday caller at R. J. ~Mrs. A. Leadbeatem's June 25th. Ormiston's. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wemry. Mr. and Mms. M. C. Brown, and girls, weme Sunday dinner Bowmaïnville. were Sgindavi It a] Il Il t, 0l Ievening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. A. Leadbeater. Mr. and Mrs. F. Pethick and Robin, Toronto, were with his parents, S. R. Pethick's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke, were with Mr. and Mrs. John Oke, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Masters and girls, Bowmanville, Miss Ruby Virtue, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue. Mr. and Mrs. Adamn Sharp, Mrs. Ross Sharp and Kathy, Mrs. Ivan Sharp, were with Mr. and Mrs. A. Henry's, Gait. Mr. Sharp remained and is going on from there to wisit with rela- tives at Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Maybee, and family, Toronto, were with Mr. and Mrs. W. Howells. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Werry and Debbie, Ottawa, spent the week- end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. P. W. Werry. fMiss Ann Dorland, Lapeer, Michigan, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry, and famn- ily. Mr. Charles Edgerton, Sour- is, Manitoba, is visiting with re- latives here. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Brunt, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Rob- ert Preston, Maple Grave, who were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Jess Jones, Peterborough. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson, Nestleton, were with Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Lamb. Mrs. Roy MeGili and Reva, attended the Langmaid-Brooks picnic. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Smith and family, Enfield, were with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Ferguson. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Ormiston, attended Maple Grave Anniver- sary and were tea guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Brown, Bawmanville. Mf s. W. Howells, ber sister and mother, spent last week- end with her sister, Mrs. Frank Doyle, St. John's, Quebec, be- fore her husband and ber leave for France for 2½ý years also celebrated her sistem's birthday. Mr. and Mms. Stanley Turner, Oshawa. Miss Elsie Oke, Ta- onta, with Frank Dorlands and callers at Albert Oke's. Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton and family attended De- coration Day at Pine Grave cemetemy at Prince Albert. Mr. C. Milîs, Port Permy, is visiting with the Stainton's. Mm. and Mrs. Lamne Simpson, Enfield, weme recent tea guests with Mr. and Mrs. W. Oke. Mrs. Fred Davidson, Oshawa, visited Mrs. H. Milîs. Lindsay junior football play- ed against aur Enniskillen juin- ior teamn this week. Score 3-2 for Enn:skillen. M1râ. A. Sharp, Mrs. R. Sharp TH E BAFFLES Bymahoney ll,« ONLY IMAT WOKS GOW IN A SACK IS A £OMM MTATO.- Rehoboth Ladies' Aids Grow With Congregation guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Werry's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashton and boys, Mr. Allen Stainton, were Sunday visitors at S. Ker- sey's, Hampton. Clame and Douglas Ashton at- tended Miss June Turnbull's birthday party at Burketon. Mr. J. A. Werry, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Werry and girls, were Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mms. Ross Lee's, Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. Austin Brown- ridge, of Toronto, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, at- tended Decoration Day at Prince Albert Pine Grove cemetery on Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Wallace Griffin and childmen were Sunday din- ner guests of Mr. and Mms. Bruce Reid's, Haydon. Mr. Jim Bennett, Sm., and Jim Bennett, Jr., Toronto, Mms. E. Bennett, Fenelon Falls, were Saturday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. John Griffîn. Master Robert' Griffin had bià tonsils and adenoids remov- ed on Wednemday of last week at Memorial Hospital, Bow'man- ville. That evening he was home about 10 minutes when his sis- ter Mumiel was taken ta hospi- tal with a dislocated shoulder and broken arm. We wish these two youngsters a speedy recav- ery. Attend Camp RalIy About 50 C.G.I.T. and Ex- plorers accompanied by their leaders weme transported in se- yen cars ta the annual Camp Rally for Oshawa Presbytery at Camp Pretoria last Wednes- day. The weatherman doled out a fine evening plus the delight- ful setting of the camp groundg made for one of the best ral- lies in history. Mrs. C. Pen- found, Oshawa R. R., directed the program wvhich began with a picnic supper. Then the C.G. I.T.-ems and Explorers weme taken in groups on a conduct- G. F. Beech. occasions as the bimth of a baby. Like the steady growth of our congregation, here, in this good town af ours, grows our Ladies' Aids. When in 1950-1951 a small group ofi immigrants from the Netherlands settled in the vicinity af Bowmanville start- ed to have regular chumch serv- ices, and became a part of the Christian Reformed Church, the ladies among them feît the ne- cessity of having a meeting regularly as well, being used ta this in their fatherland. The main purpose was, and stili is, ta learn what the Bible says about God and Jesus Christ His Son, so that we may learn how to live by and through this knowledge in aur daily lufe. This little group held meetings in each others' homes and was est4blished under the name ed tour of the spaciaus camp gounds and weme allawed ta view anc aof the cabins.- Miss Daphne Rogers, from the United Church Train- ing Schoool, Toronto, who also is the summer field worker, gave an informai talk ta the leaders on the Mission Study for next year as they sat around the camp fire. Miss Margaret Pellow of Oshawa, wha was one af the camp di- ectors last year showed many coloumed slides in the dining hall, oi camp life. The evening closed with an impressive ser- vice on Vesper Hill led by two young ladies wbo attended Camp Council last year. All re- port a most enjayable evening. Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton, Lois and Charles, attended Ma- pie Grave S. S. Anniversamy and visited with Mr. and Mrs. extends heartiest Con( and best wishes to ti Town of BowmànviIIe on the occasion of it'1 lOOth Anniversary I IIBawmanvile rnh j JAMES BELL, Manager WORKING WITH CANADIANS IN EVERY WALK 0F LIFE SINCE 1817 OterCarS wake claiws .Pontiac delivers! The proof is ID Pontiac futures Want ta know the secret of Pontiac's sensational sales success ? 1's simply this ..; Canadians have discovered Pontiac is the anc car in the low price field that offers ail the fine car features. And right now, with Pontiac popularity at its peak,trade- ins were neyer better. Seo your Pontiac dealer today. N-2758E cnl P-n~Offr«a., 0coe* O fo ow oergj.j* tîPIfi,1lin "ff0 bon1 . Y" th* U C l e k4d 4 str W * d *h' *11"kie1ed ed, beus Wsed ore net necouery ,ftSd cmau Maod&k Optionol .qulpnt is avooable 0f silght «m ont. ,Feature yourself 'ina'5PO TA ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED EAST PHONE MA 3-3321 166 KING STREET We try as much as posgible to visit and comfort the sick ahd afflicted. Each year we organ- ize aBazaar to aid in the support of the Church and the Knox Christian School. Yet, the main purpose of our society i8 still as was said before, to study the Word of God and the principles of our Reformed belief, that belief which is "the substance of things hoped for, the evi- dence of things flot seen". It is the sincere wish of our groups, that with the help of the Lord things may go well withai people in Bowmanville. Meekness and charity have divine authority.-Mary Baker Eddy. Chalèrity is a virtue of the heart, and flot of the hands.- Joseph Addison. "Bidt en Werkt", which means, "Pray and Work". By and by in spite of great distances, the old cars, and in the wînter time the sllppery roads, the little group became a larger group and certainly the apening of aur basement church in 1952 was a great asset. Under the able leademship of Mms. Macs, our minister's wif e, we had pleasant evenings, re- ceived blessings, and hoped ta be a blessing ta others. It was a great loss that in the summer af that same year aur president moved ta Peterborough, but the Lard pmavided for us in this respect alsa. To become acquainted with the other ladies societies ai the different churches in Bowman- ville, we bad combined meet- ings once in a while. We took turns in being guests and hast- esses, and at each meeting en- jaycd one another's fellowship. At times the îanguage was a barrier for some ai us. In the middle of December ai 1956 it was thought that the group was tao large ta still have iruitful meetings and so it was decided ta divide the group af 46 members into two graups ai balf that size. This praved ta be better and with the continued growtb we now have the two Aids: "Bidt en Wemkt" and "Sur- sum Carda". Combined with many other Ladies' Aids we form the Trenton League, and in the near future hope ta be District members, thus forming a part of the Federation of Christian Refommed Ladies' Aids. A part ai aur womk is in help ing at celebratians of weddingi anniversamies and such happy NOTICE Visitors to Bowmanville during Centennial will be wèlcomed at the Senate Club (Behind the Fire Hall) It is the best place to renew old acquaintances over a friendly game of cribbage, hearts, checkers or crokinole. District residentg who are nat already members of the Senate Club are invited ta drap in anytime and meet their aid friends. SUMME RAMA Make this the best and most profitable Summer you have ever experienced. Register for Summer School Classes at: OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE The BANK 0F MONTRIEAIL confinuing unlil Friday, Augusi 29 'You can take time out for vacation Hours: 9 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Afternoons free for recreation or employment Choose from the following academic and skill-development subjects. igratulations s Special Classes open to Grade Eight pupils going into Grade Nine. Special Classes for Housewives - Teachers - University Students and ail High School Students. Summer School Closes Friday, August 29, 1958 Act Now! Enrolment Very Limited Ask for Free Literature You can Register by Phone 111 Simcoe St. S.' Dial RA 5-3375 MEO.MMECH=,S1 Ovilabi. onIyOiPf YOlaasfrong.,rfCound f0- bl~ Polsibi. ~"00ftoto" -ofs -. .o, n il MA 3-3322 -~1 I. -j;, ww4r-* bm*M 1Phone NA 3-3303 CHOICE OF 29 MoDELS The,", ,thinq modéi ýejectjQn. "'atçh pont,., fo, a ledan, h Vý,hateeý You -ýnt Ct convertibý 0,dtop, stati.,, ', Pontia, end ýole Of them. got 'm 8 , , . IM CMADIM STATESMAN, BOWMANV=X, ONTARTO THURSDAY. ME 28tlL IM 9 1

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