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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1958, p. 41

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ftuEDAT. 3¶1 90h. leu TM AA!I TTEMI OIAEYLGIA! PADI rem_-em, Just Thirteen Years OId Colorful Figure Town's Memorial Park Has Been a Great Asset . By Mi"e Ada Daduon During the afternoon of April 22, 1945, ail the citizens ai Bow- unanville wha were interested in the praject ai a proposed park and playgrounds on land aituated on Liberty St. on the east. Duke St. on the west, and narth ai the Base Line ta Park St., met at the South Ward School. This property was kriéwn as Larkin's Pond where of reat number ai the citizens ofBowmanville iearned ta skate, and bath girls and boys learned te, play' hockey. 1 " Oiginal Officers 1 Ie meeting was wcli attend- ed,. An electian oi ofticers was held and the follawing officers wrg elected ta, off ice ai the Mémorial Park Association: Prieidgnt, Norman Ailison; Vice, Pres., Mrs. Chas. Muttan; S.'crettry, Norman J. Scott; Treasu1rer, Ada Dadson; Good- yiar, Representative, Albert Cole.; Lions Club representa- tivq, tDr. Birks: Ratary Club re- Vretentative, T. Gartan: Harine and.,School club representative, Mp;. V. Jeifery; Local 189 ne- pres'entative. C. Mutton; Wom- enis -Institute representative, Mrs. . Thickson:, Legion repres- entiative, M. Breslin. Tbec Park was named Mem- crial, Park in mnemory ai the Soldiers'ai Warld War II and at theésame lime ta, serve as a playground for cIhildren. Approximately 71/ Acres Menioriai Park consLsts of appraxiniately 71ý acres ai land which was bought and donated by the Town ai Bowmanville. The land was cleared and oid fences taken down. Trees wene donated and planted along the narth boundary line, south boundary, and south end of the Park for shade. The grounds were levelled and anc thousand cubic yards ai earth was pur- chased for fill purpose«. The Town constructed a ncw culvcrt across Liberty St. 10 fa- cilitate proper drainage and the entire Park Was tile-drained in order that the grounds would b. dry the ycar round. Seeding ai the grounds was donc. More than 1,000 man hours ai labour and 50 houns ai trucks, teams and tractors werc donated by in- terested workcrs. One thousand dollars in Play- ground cquipmcnt consisting af tour slides, twa teetertotters, two swings, an ocean wave and pony cycle were erectcd on the playground. Four horseshoc courts were alsa equipped. Two portable rinks were erected in 1946 and rink atten- dants hired whiie rinks wcre being used for skating and hoc- key games. A basebaîl diamond was laid out and a backstop and bleach- ers were erected. J. Lake Marden, proprietor ai the John Mackay Company, famous for its Cream aif Barley porridge ineai, was a calonful character araund town for many years. Mis individualistic dress with cape and giaves, his forth- right and unpredictable remarks, brightened up the aid tawn. The Cream oi Barley Park which he established became known fnom coast ta coast and is stili flourishing on the site oi an early miii. Sold Membermhip Cards Ways in which money was raised ta obtain funds ta finance the park and equipment at the time were the selling ai Mcmi- bership cards, donations from many citizens and organizatians, dances, draws and tag day. On the evening ai August 8, 1949 at a meeting in the Sauth Ward School the Memorial Park Women's Auxiiary was formed for the purpose ai raising funds and supporting the Park Asso- ciation. Form Women's Auxillary An election ai officers was held and the following aificers werc elected ta office: President, Mrs. Louise Lyle; Vice Presi- dent, Mrs. V. Jeffery: Secretary, Mrs. V. Gibbs; Treasurer, Mr . N. Allison; Advisory Board, Mrs. D. Mutton, Mrs. L. Souch, Mrs. G. Sellers, Mrs. J. Large and Mrs. R. Virtue. Funds were raised by thc Auxiiary by holding bingos, euchres and tag day. Mrs. V. Jeffery was ciected president, Feb. 7, 1950, due ta resignation ai President, Mrs.1 Louise Lyle and Mrs. W. Bar- rett was elected as vice presi- dent. Lions Donate Wading Pool In 1951 the Lions Club donat- ed a wading pool and foot bath which was bufit at' the south end of Memonial Park. Duning 1951 the town donated and had bu&it two washrooms at thc south end ai the park. On October 10, 1951 thc Wom- en's Auxiiary 'amalgamated with the Memorial Park Asso- ciation. Officers for 1951 and 1952 for the Memorial Park Association were elected as fallows: Presi- dent, Mrs. V. Jeffery; vice-pre- sident. Mrs. 1. Beauprie; Secre- tary, Mrs. J. Overy; Treasurer, Mrs. E. Mitchel; Sick Convenor, Mns. D. Park; Grounds and Pro- perty Committee, G. Clarke, Chairman, H. Dadson and Sid Luxton. Mrs. V. Jeifery resigned as President, Apnil 2, 1952. Vice- President, 1. Beaupnie, acted as President until election af offi- cers. S tari New Building, The Memorial Park Building was startcd in 1953 and the first Memonial Park Associatin meeting was heid in thc build- - - - - - - - - - -M Breakfast m a.m. to Il a.m. 4 Mason & Dale & Dole Hardware Limited 36 KING ST. E. MA 3-5408 ing January 12,.1954. Most of the wqrk was don. by vol'u- teer labor. Messrs. Irwin Beau- prie George Dadion and Ro. Ba? at. Sr., were three ai the main persons respansible' for the building being erected by givlng s0 freely of their time. A great deal of credit has also got to b. given to many other persons and origanizations in town who have given freely of! their time and donated to the building. Meetings up ta thig Urne had been held by the Association and Auxiliary at the South Ward school, Mutton's Garage 1 and Ontario St. achool. The building has had a ven- tilation system installed and hot water tank and oil furnace. The Town donated and had a fence erected along Liberty St., by the pool for the saiety af the chiidren. A new back stop was pur- chased for the basebail diamond in 1957 and has been erected. A sand box nmade for the child- ren, equipment and tables pair.- ted in the Park, a new and larger kitchen were added on ta the building and equipped,¶ and the basement painted. 1958 Officers The 1958 officers whlch were elected are as follows:-Presi-I dent, Miss Ada Dadson; Vice- President, Mrs. Margaret Jet- fery; Secretary, Mrs. Jean Har- ness; Treasurer, Mrs. Helen Park; Rentais, Mrs. Charlotte Clarke: Inside Property, Mrs. Rose Ovcry and Mrs. Louise Lyle;, Outside Property, Irwin Beauprie, resigncd, now, Mrs. Yvonýne Edmondson;, Sick Corn- mittee. Mrs. Greta Lu.xton;, Eu- chre, Mrs. Mildred Plain-,;&i- chen Store, Mildred Plain; Kit. chen Property, Mrs. Neil Wil- son: Bingo, Mrs. Vi Thompson;, Auditors, Mr. D)oug Rigg and Mrs. Neil Wilson. During 1958 t!he auditorium and outside of the building have been painted. New drapes were made for the *auditorium andi kitchen. Extra shade trees have been planted at the south endi af the Park and shrubs and evergreens danated and planted i araund the building. The bleachers are being re- Paired and painted as well asi ail the Playground equipment and tables. Two ai the originali slides had been rcplaced pre- viousiy by twa staînless steel slides, and we are now adding a new adjustable teetertotter and a dinosaur ta the Playground equipment. Memorial Park Association sponsors Cub Pack No. 4. They .as well as two packs of Brown- ies and a pack of Guides and any classes sponsared by the tRecreation Commission have 1been allowed ta use the Mem- anial Park Building free of charge. Sewing classes, smock- ing classes a.nd a nursing class have been spansored by the Recreation Commission at the Building. A caretaker is paid for the year round ta look alter the building and grounds. The 1 Town is cutting the grass this * year free ai charge lnstead of* making a donation towards the same, as Vhey have donc in the past. At the present t 5me the Pee Wee teanis are playing alter- nately at the Park, the Bantam teams are playing ail their games at the Park, also Bow- manvilie Saccer Team. Teanis which. have played at the Park and have won cham- pionships or entered into the finals are: Midgets 1949, wan Eastern Ontaria Championship. Midgets, 1950. through a tech- nicality were deprivcd ai the Ontariao Championship. Pee' Wees, 1957, entered Ontario fi-. nais and the Bantams, 1957, en- tered the semi-finals for Central Ontario. Fund Raisnt Methods At the present time the Mem- arial Park Association raises money ta maintain the Park and building by having a tea and1 bazaar each 3pring, tag day onc.e a year, weekly bingos each Fnl- 1day night at 8l a'clock. and al weekly euchre each Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock, and have - been doing some catering fori tGupheqd boisNoboeo ..ytag Bt h.b hi bern arrested for sasse misd. mearior and pI.adiuig for th. boom te eme get bia eut of laIL Whes ho bad heard afl the circumitances, theboi bra sd, 'WVhy, Jus, they eant put you ln juil for thut,p" the employer suid. "They've dome ar. r*e" me and #et me in juil; boss. 1Zm aijs jL"À B O .are tiraet, wbeu nm h ave t. lokfacts ln tbe tace. Tble lase no ausisylag that a mm uxiasot bc put la Jail for a cetain so, wbea hoýA id e. ready la laU. , ', mayMa i3u regard tà eti diiturbing IBOtS in eur naticital lits, fer «uample, or la uesety, Mat Uila or tBat ahould h o» a" -awe wouw i d e- Boum * amn. but neom cue ulRS Uteu Mibis or that had alroady boss dme. *0> t msbave bornabout te aw Qat th.y cunic »eme"clie rm.lves tee enda i at = a~Gidms, accordlng totee l. ib et wbat sese meulS Bte lbela deulaurig "rd18aremm Wal B -* Ciod dose u b&à 1 1 : pho ilmIa 17 déceisnbat hi decami whss wim. mon se.s th as '*»M strate ai la ffmu l»?.r11 gn Çranclac[9s 75a tkey McLaughlin TODAY 0, v ea Buick a ae do 1Stream-Itrung may have taIen To commemorate our CEN TENNIA L YEA R we are giving away Absolutely F RE E 19 58 VAUXHALL VICTOR During our celebrations pay our sho'wrooms a visit and inquire about this centennial contest FREE LIFETIME LUBRICATION WITH PURCHASE 0F NEW AND USED CARS ROBSON 166 King St. E. MOTORS LIMITED MA 3m3321 I Welcome.*0 0 0 Ç/ownanvi//e Centennial Celebrations We extend a cordial invitation fû dine ai OLYMPIA Restaurant KING ST. pre/erreci QUALITY s0 tiey Loag.4t over Aut the QUALITY Luncheon or Full Course Meals 12 a.m. 10 9 p.m. For your convenience we will remain open 24 hours a day for snacks and light lunches. THERE HAVE BEEN A LOT 0F CHANGES SINCE Ma son HARDWARE was established some 70 years ago *.a a. Mother dees net have te slave over a bot steve ail day...e. progress has brought her modern, fully automatic Frigidaire stoves and appliances. It bas been our pleasure te have b..» part of this growing communlty and we look forward te many more years of continuedl service te tbe people of Bowmanville and district. W. extend a bearty welcome te eld friends te drop in and pay us a visit. *1- t t t t t 0 a is still in 0 u*icý

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