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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1958, p. 46

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PAGE- FOETY-SIX TEE CANAD!AN STATESMAN, EOWMAI<V!LLI, ONTAMO TITTIRSDAY. .Timul 111h. im~ Last Kinsmen Meeting At Flying Dutchman- Carnival on July 12 The last tegular dinner meet- Ing of the club year was held by the Bowmanville Kinsmen Club at the Flying Dutchman Motel on Tuesday evening. The Kinsmen w41 hold two sum- mer 'get togethers', one on Sat- urday, July 26th, and the other on Saturday, August 16th. Plans were completed for the Kinsmen's Carnival to be held in the Cream of, Barley Park on Saturday, July l2th. It will start immediately after the Dis- trict Orange Walk la over, which will probably be at about 4.30 on Saturday afternoon. The president, Irvine (Jake) Brown, gave his farewell ad- dress. He thanked the mem- bers for the co-operation given hlm during his termn of office, and asked their support for the new executive who will take office in September. The birthdays of two club members, Frank Hooper and O. Williams, were celebrated. Clark Wilson, chairman of the 100 King St. E. 171 King St. W. Bownianville CONGRATULATIONS 1OOth BIRTHDAY Tt bas been our pleasure to serve the people of 1 Bowmanville in the past and for ""Old Home Week" we extend this special service and CGFFEE SHOP wilI be open daily 6 arn. to 8 p.m. Banquet Hall will be set up Cafeteria Style to facilitate quick, dependable service. Welcome visiting Old Boys and Girls For Reservations PHONE MA 3.5081 BALMORAL HOTEL 54 KING ST., E. HOW TIMES HAVE CHAN Bowmanville Elmner the Safety Elephant com- rnittee, outlined plans for school children's safety during the sumnmer vacation. He also re- ported on the committee acti- vities during the past year. The Budget and financial re- port to date were given by John Stutt, the treasurer. Other re- ports given were: Speakers and entertainment, Jack Lander; attendance, Murray Lamer; publicity, Art Hooper; inter- club relations, Dr. Charles Cat-i tran; special events, John Gra- ham, and the historian's report, by Dr. Charles Cattran. ELIZABETH VILLE (Intended for last*week) On Tuesday afternoon the W. I met at Mrs. Ken Trew's home.. The president, Mrs. Quantr;.11 presided over the meeting. Min-' utes of the last meeting were read by Mrs. Wheeler. It was decided to take in the bus trip along with Garden Hill later on. It has flot been definitely decided where they would go but Guelph was mentioned. Three memibers of tlb Lunch was served by Mrs. service pins at a ceremony White's group. reading from left to righta On Tuesday evening the Home president of the f irm, who and School met at Oak Hilli aae fteSeilyP school. Mrs. C. Elliott, acting as mngro h pcat president, Miss Evelyn Muldrew and Mrs. L.~ Beatty gave read- ZO ings. Mr.. Youngman of Pon- ZO typool, the guest speaker for the evening, spoke on when (Intended for last week) conseivation began in the states The W.A. Bazaar was a grand and touched on our awn Gan- success. Proceeds over $300. araska praject. We ahl enjoyed Mr. and Mns. Wes Cameron his talk very much and also ite a SnlyCvr's wish to thank Miss Cann and visied t tale Cvely the parents who helped with Mr. and Mns. Russell Stain- -our meeting. Lunch was serveci. ton itea AbrBlsn, On Thursday the grade 7 and Solina. 8 students of North Hope School Mn. and Mrs. Pat Roberts are Ares had their bus trip to Nia-, holidaying in the U.S.A. garaFaIls. The first stop was! Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thomas, at the Rock Gardens at Hamnil- Scanlonough, were supper ton. They went through a cas- guests at Russell Stainton's. tie then to Brock's monument, Mr. and Mns. Jack Cameron Queenston Heights and the and family, Hamilton, Mr. and Laura Secord Monument. They Mrs Fred Wand and family, saw the Horse Shoe Falls and Burketon, were visitors at Wes had supper on the way.j Cameron's. Correction in last week's news Mr. and Mrs. Tom Currie and -it was the funeral of the late Tommy, Hamilton, were week- Mr. Douglas, instead of Mrs. end guests at Robent Killen's, Douglas, which was last week last week and had Tommy bap- in Port Hope. tized at the Sunday service. Congratulations to' Mr. Bob- Mr. and Mrs. Wes Cameron by Trew, Oak Hill, who won attended the anniversary ser- the intermediate sport Maple Grove and wene pionship at the field day at Gar- guests at Morley Flintoff's. fAr.. Hill 1 Mrf. and TuT,.. R_ ('_ 4.,4,4,.... * IRecent visitons at Mn. and anldLaurie,-Mr. and Mrs. Keith Mrs. H. Muldrew's were Ar-i Stainton and Clarke, Mn. and cher's from. Port Hope and Chal- Mrs. Jim. Stainton and Davy lice's from Millbrook. went on a picnic at Lake Scu- Mns. Chihdress' salon is bel gog on Sunday. ing closed and she is taking up The football tesms, both sen- hsir-dressing in Port Hope. We' ior and junior, have been doing will miss her in the village. very well. Juniors have won ahl Mrs., Thickson, Beryl and Su- their games so far and the sen- zanne, spent Mondsy in Toron- lors have lost one game, tied to. one game and won ahl the other games to date. Keep Up the good work boys! Preston L. TaitENEL W rites Frorn sdfrls r.Jh Va ncouver, B.C. an obiMr~. and urs.Jh 1 Higgans, Mr. Andy MacRae and 2553AlmaRd. Sharen, Toronto, visited with 25Vanc mavrd.. Mr. and Mrs. W. Gray. VancouGeerB.C.Mr. and Mrs. W. Bowman Dean Gorgeand family had dinner Sunday Apologies for delay In writing with the T. R. Bowman's, Bar- you. Have been wanting to send rie. you the photos which I trust Miss vey Ctnngm you ay ind ,f nterst. and Freda Schnelher, Brant- I regret I can't be with you ford, wene weekend guests of and many of the old settlers IMn. and Mrs. W. Pascoe. who will appear in Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. H. Ormiston ville on June 28th. I shahl see attended Maple Grove Anniver- you sometime in August orj sary services and vlsited with September. I arn goinýg to New Mrs. A. Beech. York City to visit my niece Mn. and Mrs. Frank Lycett, Grace (onhy daughter of Dr. Dennis and Bonnie, Mr. and Jabez Elliott, fonmerly of Hamp-. Mrs. Delan Lycett and Dale, ton). She is mannied to Chas. Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee, E. Holmes who was sent to Un- Almonds, were at the Lee home. ited Nations ten yeans ago by The June meeting of the W.A. the Canadian Government, and wshl ttehm !Ms now living on Long Island, N.Y.wshl theom ofM . 1 will be wandering the oîci George Bowers. The roll cal hauns o Bomanill laer.wss answered by 14 members. Hopentso B oanvill laer.The treasuner's report showed *Hop tarunacros Bll aw-a balance of $457 on hand, fol- kins, one e holder of the lowing winter activities and An- Bisley Cup as best shot o! the niversàry concert. annual campetition at Bisley, The devotional, was read by 1 England. He lives some 10 Mrs. G. Bowers and Mns. A. blocks east of here and attends Stbeod Mr.Ahu Sit reguanlythebailgame a1 of Columbus gave a descriptive Connaught Park.. A friend has tahk of her travels last year talked with hlm o! ten se I mustwenseadM.S th ii- see lmhavig gne t oned England, Scotland, Holland, with and played with him.o Belgium, Germany, Switzer- the streets of dean old Bowman- land, Austria, Italy and France. ville. In 55 days they travelled 10,000 jAil for now as I must go to miles by boat, bus and train. Kerrisdahe ta pick cherries at mr.W omnra u heay as (her hubby not monous selection and Miss Lau- dauhte's ome. BingnotsOra Fielden entertained witha heav as er hbbyand his piano solo. Lunch was senved. brother, I do the cherry pick- The children of Union School ing each year-and there's suchenydady n shw ne a wandenful cnop to gathen in. centîy. They journeyed by bus Rathen early you say? accompanied by some mothers With regarda ta any who re-adtereahrMisLua membr menow.Fielden. They toured many Yours Sincerely, places of business which. includ- Preston L. Tait ed the Times-Gazette building, Fine Hall,* Oshawa Dairy and Shopping Centre. Our com.munity picnic wilh beheld on the school, grounds June 25. This is ta include mem- bers of our Sunday School. IGE D ---STARK VILLE a Im- mw 0 0. (Intended for last week) Mns. G. Etwell, Toronto, at Mn. Bert Trim's. Dr. C. Macance and his fath. en, Ireland, Mn. and Mrs. D. Shutka and famihy and Mr. Ed Macarce, Oshawa, were dinner guests wîth Mn. and Mrs. M. Shutka, Sunday. Mrs. Jim Stark wss in Cas- theton hast week. Mrs. G. Pihtz, Pickering, vis- ited her mothen, Mns. Victor Farrow. Mn. and Mns. H. Gay andMr. Robent Gay, Oshawa, had dmn- ner with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Reid. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Pae- den, Toronto, spent Sunday 'with Mr. and Mrs. Lonne Pae- den. Mn. and Mrs. Hugh Kelly, Bawmanvlle, spent Sunday at Mn. Lamne Tadd's. Mr. and Mns. Delbert Hallow- ehl and family and Mrs. Harry Harrington spent the weekend jat their cottage. jSaturday evening fiends and neighbouns met at Newton- Jville expressing to Mr, and Mns. Ewart Robinson their thought- fulness ta them i.n the reent Phone MA 3-3340 Receive Long Service Pins he staff of Specialty Paper Products Ltd. received 1O-year ,held i the plant on Friday afternoon. Pictured above, are: Arthur Collis, Mrs. Florence Kilpatrick, Ronald Shaw, )made the presentations; Everett King, and Bruno Miller, Paper Products Ltd. Bowmanville plant. loss of their home. guests w~ Miss Gwen Stark has accept- cy Farro ed a position with the Lever MissS Bros., Toronto. nonta, ar Service at Shihoh was well Bowmar, attended Sunday with a fine ser's, Sui message by Rev. B. Long, Mn. M Orono. The special music by ranta. an Orono choir was gneatly appre- ehl, Newc ciated. lowell's Mr. and Mrs. Willis Farrow, Starkv: Newtonville and Mrs. George r'½ce for Smith, Newcastle, were Sunday day. NOM SAVI with Mr. and Mrs. Per- Sylvia Westheuser, To. and Miss S. Thompson, nvilhe at Mr. Westheu- unday. Maurice Hallowell, To- rid Miss Norma Halaw- ïcastle, at Mr. Llew Hal- on Sunday. ville school won first )r rural schools at fieldý Welcome 0e.. BOWMANVI LLE on our foot/ i ~3rt/icag It has been our privilege to PROTECT WITH INSURANCE the property owners of our town and dis6rict for many years. Stuart R. James Insurance RING ST. E. Welcome.000 B ô wman ville this Cen tennial Jear When in need of a TAXI PHONE MA 3-5822 STEVENS' TAXI ALL PASSENGERS INSURED - Real Estate MA 3-5681 go V is the time -I E and be SAF with this Yes, Bowmanville has seen a lot of changes in the past 31 years, and our service station has been changed and remodelled too! But you will find the same courteous service . . . in the same friendly atmosphere that you have always enjoyed in the past. WILKIN'S SUNOCO SERVICE (Established 1927) 4.. TEZ CAVADUS STATESUM, BOWMANVM=, ONTARIO TRUMDAY. MM 2fth. Uà

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