THUESDAY, JUNE 2Oth, 1958 TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, ONTA~IC> PA(~! U'TVU The Dui~est - 4lw 0W Ervent of the Centrennjial!y of Bargains-Terms No Jahbers or Wholesalers! Ail Sales Cash and Final! No pulling ai hair, pushing or shouting (ta gel ai aur counters), no dogs allawed unless they want ta huy. Barrels ai Bargains Sale staris Thursday, June 261h and lasis until aur shelves are hare. The repufalion of Breslin's Ladies' Wear is well known ihrough- oui Durham Couniy. We have always given you good value for your money, but during our Barrels of Bargains Sale we have gone sfark raving mad wiih prices thai shailer every known record for price cuiing !1 DEF VINITELY NO FXCHANGES OR REFUNDS DURING BARRELS,0F BARGAINS SALE Reason for Barrels of Bargain Sale Our Dear Bank Manager has ordered us Io reauce aur stock but - Quick ! We have an $80,000.00 stock in aur Iwo stores which must be reduced ta $4000O.00 immediaiely. NO CATCHES OR COME ONS ON TRIS GREAT NONEY SAVING EVENT. SQ CONE YOU LUCKY PEOPLE AND RELIEVE US 0F OUR MISERY. The Original Price shown on the price tag is Guaranteed GEnun The savns*r clearly seen-'But you must be on hand to enfi ildren's Business GO0! Dresses ~- $2,00 IF YOU CAN'T WALK - RUN IF YOU CAN'T RUN - RIDE, BUT BE SURE TO GET HERE FOR THESE OUTSTANDI'NG BUYS Name Reg. to $9.95 Brand Swim Suits -- ---$3.00 TAFFETA DUSTERS Reg. to $8.95 - -------------- - ------ COOL COTTON BLOUSES Reg. to $5.95--------- COOL COTTON DRESSES Reg. to $4.98 --- --------- ------------------ SUMMER BLOUSES Reg. to $5.98---------- Our $10000 Ladies' Spring Coats R eg. to $29.95 - - - ------------------ ------ Cocktail Dresses Reg. to $39.95-------- . Ladies' Dresses Reg. to $19.95 ---------------------------------- All-Weather Coais Reg. to $29.95__- Nylon Shorty Coats Reg. to $16.95 -------------------------------- Ladies' Car Coals Reg. to $19.95 - Dresses at We have a large selection of be cleared out to make room Ail sizes to choose frorm Reg. to $29.95 OUT THEY GO $300 $3.00 $300O $3.00 Racks $1000 $10900 $1000 Haif Price Ladies' Dresses that miust tfor our Fali merchandise. $ 5.00 Please - Na Pushing ta Cet at This Fantastic Buy LADIES' îst BUALITY SHEER NYLON ROSE 51 Gauge - 15 Denier - Limit 2 pair to a- customer. Reg. Price $1.50 pair cf BARRELS 0F BARGAINS PRICE - PAIR___- LOOK WIIAT .50c WILL BUY! LIMITED QUANTITY ONLY ON THESE ITEMS LADIES" NYLON STRETCHIE SOCKS Reg. to $1.0oo 5c LADIES' NYLON OR RAYON PANTIES Reg. to 98c --SO 5C SUMMER HALTERS AND STRETCH TUBE TOPS 'L' 950 s c SILK SCARVES AND HEAD SQUARES Reg. to $1.98 -__5SC FANCY FABREC CLOVES Reg. to $1.98 50c LADIES" BRAS (End of Unes and broken sizes) - Reg. to $3.95 ___ soc Hire a baby sitter if necessary to get here for these crazy rock bottom prices. Just $100 wilI buy the following: LADIES' SUMMER BLOUSES Reg. to $2.98 $1,000 NYLON OR COTTON FULL SLIPS Reg. to $6.95 _- $1,00 LADIES' HALF SLIPS Reg. to $2.98 -- $100 HADBACS AND PURSES Reg. to $5.98- $1000 LADIES' ARONG GI DLS iscontinued Lines) LADES SAON CII)ESReg. to $5.95--------- NAME BRAND BRAS Reg. to $3.95$10 CRINKLE CREPE PYJAMAS Reg. to $2.98--------- $100 SUMMER SHORTS AND PED)AL PUSHERS4.8 __ $100 LADIES' BILLOWING CRINOLINES Reg. to $3.98 --$100 DENIN JEANS AND SLIM JINS Reg. to s3.98 ---$100 Barrels of Bargains from our'$2.00 table Cool Summer T-Shirfs Reg. to $3.98 $200 Cotton Summer Skiris Reg. to $3.98 --$200 Ladies' Full Slips Reg. to $6.98 - ------------------------__$ 2 00 Fancy Coton Blouses Reg. to $5.98 --------------$2,00 Nylon, Terrylene or Coton Uniforms Reg. to $3.98 ___ 52.00 Slim Jims and Sun Tani Jeans Reg. to $4.98 $----- 2.00 Ladies' Cool Coton Skirfs Reg. to $4.98 $200 Ladies' Fancy Crinolines Reg. to $5.98 __- $200 Taffeta Skirts Reg. to s8.95_ - - -1. - .-- $ 2,00 Discontinuing Ail Children's Wear OUT THEY GO!1 ]KIDDIES' CAR COATS AND COAT AND HAT SETS Sizes 4 to 12 - Limited Quantity Only. Reg. t<> $14.95 $5«0 BARRELS 0F BARGAINS PRICE Save up to 70% on Spring Coats Many styles and fabrics to choose frorn. Reg. to $39.95 -- -- -- -- --------- -0 ALL WEATHER ÇOATM1 0 Reg. to $39.95- -- ----- IT'S WARM BUT WINTER'S COMING WINT.ER COATS 22 Only- LADIES' WINTER COATS_ $18.OO Reg. to $49.95 9 Only - LADIES' WINTER COATS$3 0 Reg. to $89.50 LADIES' FALL SKIRTS ss o Reg. to $16.95 o o Save up to 60% Ladies' Sun Dresses Reg. to $16.95- Cool Colfon Skirfs Reg. to $10.95 - ------------------ Nylon or Colfon Uniforms Reg. to $12.95------- Ladies' Swim Suifs Reg. to $16.95 - ------------- Ladies' Car Coats Reg. to $14.95 Fancy Billowing Crinolines Reg. to $9.95 ---- on these items -$500 -$500 $500 --$500 -$500 $500 LIMITED QUANTITY 0F Ladies' Spring Suits that sold as bigh as $49.50. Out they go in this BARRELS 0F BARGAINS SALE FOR ONLY -_______$1500 Barrels We are gaing ont ai the Chi] OUT THEY C Klddies' Nylon Sizes 4 to 12 - Reg. to $9.95 BARRELS 0F BARGAINS PRICI From THu tSDAT, Jullis 28th, 1958 w mý r ý-- THE CANADIAN STATICSMAN, BOWIL&NVI=, ONTARIO PAGE -PM ' a