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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Jun 1958, p. 7

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~ESDAT, lUNE 26th, 1958 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARIO A I~' Social & /Personal Phone MA 3-3303 Congratulations to Miss Di- Gordon MeKay Co. for years and' ane Webber, B.A., who has suc- is now retired. cessfully completed her O.C.E. Mrs. Alan G. Williams who and obtained her Type A. cer- has been enjoying a trip in Eu- tificate in French and English. rope and the British Isies ac- Mrs. M. J. Huatchinson left companied by Mrs. Adolph Maltoa on Monday, June 23, ta Koldofsky of Hollywood, and spend the summer with her Mrs. John Hyde of Toronto, is daughter-in-law, Mrs. Bill Hut- visiting with her mother, Mr. chinson and grandchildren in C. A. Wight. Mrs. Williams wili Arbroath. Scotland. return home ta Hollywood, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Strike Calif., next week. were in Guelph over the week- Centennial visitors with Mr. end attending the annual re- and Mrs. Ralph Ames and Jili, union of graduates of the Mac- will be Mr. and Mrs. E. Dutnal donald Institute of which Mrs. and David, Islington, Mr. and Strike is a graduate. Mrs. J. T. Wilkinson, and Lin- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Scott da, Scarborough, Mrs. D. ii. were guests of the Consul Gen- Palmer, Mr. and Mrs. George eral of the United States of Fisher, Shelly, David and Bar- America and Mrs. Ivan B. White bara, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred at a reception at their home on Mart:n, ail of Oshawa. Forest Hill Road, Toronto, on The Silver Cross Association Tuesday. of Oshawa bas advised T.-e In addition ta the former Statesman that the pages of teachers listed in ast week's their Book of Remembrance paper who wiIh be on hand for which include names without "*Back to Sehool Days" on Mon.ýi pictures of Bowmanville and day will be Mr. R. Ainshje, Mis's District boys, may be seen for Muriel H. Sisson, Mr. Greg Col- the next five weeks. The Book mer and Mr. Harry Maynard. is Ioccated at McLaughlin Libra- Mrs. E. Winacott has return- ry, C:2ntre Street, Oshawa. ed from spending a week in Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Hooper, Ottawa with ber son and fam- Orillia, Mr. and Mrs. D. His- ulv. Prier ta her visit, Sandra Brouck, and famihy, Hudson, Winacott spent three weeks in Ohio, visîted Mr. ai-d Mrs. F. Bowmanvihle with her grand- A. Werrv and Mr. and Mrs. A, parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. Wina- J. Hoar, Bethesda. Mr. and Me-s. cott. H. J. Awde and Donald, Toroni- Mrs. M. L. Roenigk and Mrs. to, and Mr. and Mrs. Neil Awdc. Charles Cattran entertained at and Carolee, Peterborough, were the former's home on Wednes- also visitors of Mr. and Mrs. F. dlay with a huncheon and pantry A. Werry.t shelf shower for Miss Mary Mr. Douglas Cattran, son of Southey whose marriage ta Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cattran,i John Pringle McCarter takes successfully completed bis first place in Oshawa this Saturday. year in Chemical Engineering at Mi-. and Mrs. E. E. Patterson University of Toronto and is accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. working for the summer with H. A. Galbraith and Mrs. Giddus the Provincial Government in Jones attended the Golden Wed- the Water Resources branch. He ding reception of Mr. and Mrs. is located at Sarnia and is stay- W. F. Patterson at Norval on ing with his brother, Mr. and Saturday. WilI is a Durham Mrs. John Cattran bere. County boy who worked for Mayor Wally Stewart of Ren- frew and Mrs. Stewart (nce Jessie Brown) called on Mrs. Thos. Holgate on Tuesday on their way ta a mayors' conven- S T.JOHN'S tion in Stratford. Mrs. Stewartl is a niece of Mrs. Bolgate. Thei Stewarts bope ta be in Bow- CHURCHmanville for part of the Cen- (Anglican) weekendi. Dr. and Mrs. George Allin and three sons, Noel, David Fourth Sun da-y and Christopher, arvdi Canada from London, Eng., ont the Empress of Britain hast Fri- A fier TrinitV day evening and at present are visiting bis rnother. Mrs. Nr man Allun. Dr. Allun leaves 8 - sbortly for Montreal where he t joins the staff as senior physi- HOLY COMMUNION cian at the Royal Victoria Bas- pital. il - Mr. William Lyhe of Orillia MORNIG PRYER bas arrived for the Centennial MORINGFRAER celebrations in bis native town a and is a guest of his niece, Mr EVENING SERVICE and Mrs. Orville Hooper, Scugog ' WITHDRAWNj St. Mr. Lyle is probably the I oldest native citizen ta attend 1the celebration, being in bis, THE SALVA- Captain and Mn 9:30 - Special Cenfer CKLB - 11:00 - HOLINESS MEI 2:30 - SUNDAY SCHC 7:00 - EVANGELISTI( Ail Are TION ARMY rs. Norman Coles g nnial Broadcasl jY 1350 Mgs. 2 ýETING t OOL hý C MEETING 0O nr Welcome! C ST, PAULS UNITED CHURCH Minister - Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B.D. Organist - Mrs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. Cent'enn ial Sunclay JUNE I9th Il a.m. - Rev. W. F. Danister O.B.E., B.D., B.Th., D.D. A special weleome to former members During July aur congregation wilI worship in Trinity United Church REMEMBER THE COMMUNITY SERVICE IN MEMORIAL PARK AT 3 P.M. Tea and Concert Haydon Unifed Church (Chureh Shed) TUESDAYJ, JULY lst 4:30 p.m. MUSIC AT SUPPERTIME GRAND VARJETY ENTERTAINNENT begining at 8 Consisting of Jeanette Montgomery and Troupe Penny McCade, Tap Dancer and Magician from Toronto Billy Wade with His Drums Twirler and Guitarist, etc. Aduits Children, 14 ADMISSION - - - -Tea and Concert $123 Concert only, 50c 2 and under - Tea and Concert 75c Concert onlv 25e Centennial Queen Contestants The judges for the Centennial Queen contest had a difficuit time choosing\ from the above line-up of local beauties to name Miss Bowmanville. The winner, Miss June Wood, and her four princesses, Mer ridy Mutton, Lynda Miller, Beverly Smith and Carolyn Mason appear in the above picture. Other girls in the contest were Virginia Brown, Donna Akey, Phyllis Nimigon, Rosemary Goheen, Margaret Goheen, Ruth Goheen, Mamie Stubbert, Eileen Holroyd, Connie Osmond, Donna Taylor, Camille Smith, Heather Bissonette, Mary Jones, Gloria Moon, Karen Thompson,j June Fowler, Georgina Fowler, Pat Pingle, Marfène Gimblett, Linda Brooking, Marilyn Moore, leane Rahm, Beverlv Bradley, Mary Lou Marr, Monica Schlingensiepen, Mai-g. anstone, Julia Allun, Donna Gould, Nancy Lunn, Joan Mutton, Marie Cooney, Rena Dilling, Rita Goulah, Marguerite Gray, Joan Fowler, Elaine Bennett, Patricia Hockin, Mai-ion Vanstone, Myrtie Brown and Pat Mai-r. -Photo by Rehder 95th vear. Mi-. John (Jack)1 Lyle, Too*nto, bhis only brot-her,, is alsa expecting ta be here for Old Home Week. Mn. and Mrs. e. C. Somner (nee Margaret Nichais) of Cal- gary, Alta,, are visiting ber par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nichols, High St. and are happy ta be here for the big celebrations this weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Samnen and Mr. and Mrs. Nich- ois visited Mr. Somner's sisten, Mn. and Mrs. P. Sukkau uin St. Catharines, The Somners start the return trip ta the West on Mlonday. Mrs. 0. R. Brage, and Miss Ruth Bragg recentIv visite-I Mliss Joyce Bragg in Pembroke, Miss Jean Bragg, North Bay, and Mrs. Bragg's sister, Mrs.j Norma Wilson at Duntroon. Thbey also ealled on Mr. and Mrs. John Irwin, Creemore. Mr. rwin is a former manager o! te Walker Stores here. Miss Jean Bragg will spent the sum- mier with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. R. Bragg. Mr. Geo. W. James was in Toronto Thursday evening as a guest of the Hon. Bryan L. Cath- art, Ministen o! Travel and Publicity, when a reception and banquet xvas beir! at the Royal York Hatel in bonoun o! the 9 members o! the United States Editors' Goodwill Tour of On- bai. Mn. James in past years ar accampanied similar parties )n four occasions, tauning the many vacation reoats across Intario. Jimmie Boffrnan. son o! Mn. and Mnrs. Wa-rd HoÏffmaàn, Part Hope, and grandsan of Mn. and Mrs. Gea. W. James was narned the "Carrier a! the Week" by the Part Hope Evening Guide hast week. Jimmie bas been running true ta famihy tradition by being a newsbay. Be is a Grade 4 pupil and is interested in swimming, baseball and starnp collecting. The Guide carnied bis picture in their issue o! June 21. Recent visitons with Dn. and Mrs. C. W. Slemon were Mr. and Mrs. J1. Ciebton a! Prince Edward Island. Miss Addie Syl- vester. Huntsville, is a guest also. Miss Pat Siemon,. Broai-1 moor, Colorado Springs. Cen- tennial weekend visitars with the Siernons will be Mrs. Sle- mon's brother, Mn. and Mrs. Frank Virtue, Bunlington, Dr. and Mrs. Harold! Shemon and Mn. and Mrs. Howard Price and Bihl, Toronto. Mn. and Mns. Bernardl R. Kit- ney Sr.. Niagara Falls, spe;it the xeekend wit.h thein son and daughter-in-law, Police Chîr! and Mrs. Bernard R. Kitney at their residence 'HugZhenden," Liberty Street North. Chie! Kit- ney's brather and sister-in-lawv, Mr. an dMns. Paul Kitney, Nia- gara Falls. and their little clau- ghtep, Barbara, were also week- end guests. Mn. and Mns. John Jent2r. Scarborough, and th&r chihdren, Janice and Paul, als*) x-iited Police Chie! and Mrs. kitnev aoven the weekend. M.-s. Jenten is Police Chie! Kitney's sister. Mns. D. R. Mornison return- er! home hast -week after a six w%ýeeks' visit with Mrs. H. H. Tadghamn at Walkerville. She was accompanier! by Mns. Todg- ham who retunner! for a visit ta ber homne tawn and ta attend the Centennial Celebrations. We understand these twao ladies had the pivilege o! callhng a n Mrs. jDavid! G. Archer at 537 Dougahi Ave., Winnipeg, who is reputer! ta be the oldest living persan ta be bonn in Boxvmanville and Augurast 3hex 01t bey report celebrtes bh etbithay eont a xeny intenesting visit xith Mrs. Archer. wha ]ives witb ber grandson Mn. Gavionci Archer, but she regrets she will be un- able ta attend the Centennial Celebration o! ber native town this coming week. On Tuesday evening Mn. and Ms-s. Fred C. Vanstone had as j their guests for a dinner party in bonour of bis 8Oth birthday on Tuesday, members of their family inchuding Mr. Vanstone's brother, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Vanstone, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Jabez Vanstone, and Miss Mary Lewis, Sick Children's Hospital, Toronto; Mrs. Hartley Lewis and son Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ley Vanstone, Mr. and Mrs: Byron Vanstone, Bowmanville, and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mc- Cready of Lethbridge, Alta., who are visiting their daughters, Ms-s. Don Mason, Toronto, and Mrs. Byron Vanstone, Bowman- ville. The cehebrations were complete witb a pretty birthday cake beaning a candle for each decade. Bis many friends wish Mi-. Vanstone many happy re- turns. Mr. Norman- Lang, Toronto, was in town Friday renewmg old acquaintances. Bis father operated a dry gaods store in Bowmanville in the 80's wben the family lived in the bouse in Wellington St. now owned and occupied by Principal L. W. Dippeil. Although 78 years of age. Norman dlaims ta sti11 enjoy "single blessedness". Hdc retirer! severah years ago nt the allotted age that- civil ser- vants jain the "unemffloy«ed". Before retiring he was a mern- ber of the staff at Toronto of the Federal Incarne Tax De- Dartmrnet where Mr. Arthur Kent of Bowmanvilhe was his superior officer and o! whorýn he spoke very higblV as bis chief. Norman mav be back to town this weekend as be ma1rIe a mistake in the dates of th2 Centennial celebrations of Old Home Week. Kïddies Parade (Continued from vaee one) Department float will be oni view. The parade route will be !nom the Lions Centre ta Divi- sion Street, south ta King Street. wesÏtot Silver Street, finishing at the Central Publc School Grounds. Commnunity Pienie The Centennial Commun*tx Picnic at the Cream o! 'Banlev Park will be o p en edci-t 2:00 p.rn. by M avyor Nel- son Osborne, the Rev. A. C. Herbent, chairman o! the Cenl- tenni-il Committee, and Jack Landen, chairman o! the Re- creation Departrnent, in a brie! cerem ony. Beard Growers The Goodyear Recreatian Club wilh be in charge o h races anu cJ1ItesLs lor illages duning the a!ternoon. The Pre- liminaries o! the Beard Gnow- ing Contest will be helr! by the Centennial Pnogram Commit- tee. During the supper houn, the Orono) Band will give a con- cert. The Coîbarne Trumpet Band and Baton Twirlers havse worked out a special Centenni-il demanstration which mihl be Presenter! at 7.30 p.m. The bir.- go game with waortbwbile pnizes will stant at 8 and xill be rur. by the Canadian Legion. Lucky Draw Ex-env chil arrix'ing at the picnic wi]l receive free tickets fan a balloon, ice cream. fisli- pond. andi a Centennial bat. Thene wihl be a luckv dnaw bv the ilecreation Department for a bicx'che (boy's or ginl's), radio and doil. The Eowrnanville Rotai-v Club wiIl give axvay Centennial bats, the Lions Club xiii be in charge of th?- Fish-pond, and the Bow- manville Chamber of Comi- merce the balloons. Fireworks The gala Centennial Corn- munit-.- P:cn-ic w: close afte" 1 a gigq.nlic chsplay of flrework3j at 10.00 P.m. I - lb WelcoI with TAN-EASE X ANN N13 ft W IOUT. SURN NO -4 0.$1.00 A Division of HENRY K. WAMPOLE & CO. LTD. PERTH4, ONTARIO Au . - ; 4& >- HERE'S HOW f0 holp relieve discomfort after you eut, drink, smoke f00 muchi ENOSAI Centen nia! VlUîsîtors Vacation Needs AT YOUR I.DA. DRUG STORE BATHING CAPS FLY AND INSECT SUNTAN NEEDS KILLERS SUNBRN NEDS INSECT REPELLENTS SUNBUR NEEDSPHOTOGRAPHIC SUN GLASSES SUPPLIES SpecialsonlID.A. Brands Soothes irritated skin, 4, 8-oz., reg. ù30c, 50e CALAMINE LOTION -------- 23c, 39c Fast relief for headaches and general pain IDASAL TABLETS, 300's reg. 89e ------------ 59e Odourless, tasteless, heavy grade 16, 40-oz.. reg. 55c, 1.10 M INERAL OIL --------- --------------- 43c, 87c White - embossed- box of 70 - reg. 18c, 2 fo~r 35e PAPER NAPKINS ----- ------------ 16c, 2 for 31c Safe for ail fabries- 4, 10-oz., reg. 40c, 75e SPOT REMOVER -- ------ - ----33c, 59c mie quality - white- pink - yellow - reg. 2 for 27e TOILET TISSUE - -- 2 for 25c 1100-foot roll - 12 inches wide - reg. .31c WAX PAPER 28c, 2 for 55e Wrifing Pad Saccharin Tablels «'Economy"~ NOTE SIZE !ý Grain Reg. 10e 8c, 2 for 15c 100's 500's 1000'8 reg. 20e reg. 55e reg. 79e LETTER SIZE 2 r2 14c 39c 59c Reg. 15e1 ýC 3j Grain 100's 500's 1000's ENVELOPES reg. 23e reg. 65e reg. 98c "Econoniy" Packet of 20 I7 n Reg. 10e 8c, 2 for 15ce 7c 4c 9 SPECIALS HELENE CURTIS SPRAY NET, 1.50 size- 98e BRECK SHAMPOO, 1.75 size ---------------- 1.49 STOPETTE SPRAY DEODORANT, reg. 1.25 ---98c MAX FACTOR CURL CONTROL, reg. 1.75 1.49 2.00 QUICK HOME PERMANENT PLUS 75c EGG CREME SHAMIPOO, 2.75 value-- 2.00 June Wood (Contmnued from pape one) singer wben he liver! in Bow- manville, and prominent in hoc- key, football and basebahl here. Newt deligbted the audience with a one-man show of skits, songs from minstrel showýz fondly remernbered by most of those present (Samn Glanville and bis famous "Slap-Dab-Shap With the Whitewash BrushV, and references ta towvn person- ages done in bis aid famil«Fr style, whihe the *Judges delib- erated. Without script or other aids, be did a rnastenly job of ententaining during the several intermissions. Stage Decorations The stage was effectively de- carater! for the presentation o! the pageant o! beauties. The curtain backdrop wvas centrer! with a large golden crown goîr! cohoured ribbon tied at the corners witb bou- quets o! spring flowers. Grace- fi sprays of red roses also de- carater! the backdrop and side curtairs. Mrs. Douglas Rigg at the piano provider! the music duringc the contest. Bownanville is proud o! the box-y o! b2autiful young ladies wvho took part. The contestants wvere identifier! onhv bh num- ber and during the hfrst' baîf cf the contest appeared cri ti-, stagce two at a tirne. Difficult Task They were judged on Pppear- ance, poise, posture, and mac-ý nen. It xvas indeer! a difficult task for the *udges ta choose arnong so rnany lIovely and graceful young girls, eacb a pictu-re in a prettyv sumimer frock. The judges were Mrs. Mar- garet Murrayv of the T. Eaton Ca. Ltd.; Oshawa: Frank Bail, superintendent o! the Alger Press, Oshawa,- John Lyons, the O}ntario Mal eatble Iran Co.. Oshawa: and Shane Rimmer. the well known television and motion picture star. Mr. Rimmen bas necently re- turned from Europe where bis new show 'Camne Fly With Me" wa filmned. The first pic- hyn Mason, Linda Miller, Mer. ture of this series was sho%%vn I idy Mutton. and Beverly Smitht by the CBC on Tuesday' even- eevdacqufo$25s4 ing, une 4th.prize. M iss M ary M itchell. Finalists Queen o! the Teen Town Prom. The ten finalists in the Cen- presented each pnincess with a tennial Queen Contest werc lovelv bouquet of rcd roses. Ail Camihle Smith, June-. Wood. the girls who took part in the Carolyn Mason, Rena Dilling. contest receiver! a special pni-'i Linda Miller, Mernidy Mutto n. Pat Hockin, Joan Mutton, Bey- Murra «v Larmer thanked New-. erly Smith and Donna Akey. ton Backney for tbe fine er- tertaînrnent he had given as The announcement of the M.C. Mrs. Breslin for kindhv winners' narnes was made by taking part, Mrs. Douglas R,,-,- Shane Rimmer. Mrs. Editiifo plavincg the arcornuan!rnent Breslin with a lovelY tiara of for the p-en.11F er oz brilliants crowned June Wood for gasitn1c itheMic er R's the Centenniai Queen. A roy al and astheiig vitorthe ehearsa!: robe of fur trimmer! rer! velvet a mote iffiues for spenforrnir %vas placer! about ber shoulders. otdfîut o peddv Mrs. Breshin presenter! ber w-vith a bouquet of rer! roses. and also Mariy tornbstones; are ca-vt r! with a gift f-arn Bresin's La- by traffic chisehers. - DRIVE dies' Wear of a rich looking SAFELY. Fabri Fur scar! in mink tone. Good teachers cost morr, but The Queen neceived an arra * poor teachers cost most.-Waur- of attractive gifts fromn local mne Walker. merchants. Caution plus courtes,. plus Prizes To Princesses cammon sense. equals safety.- Each of the princesses. Caro- DRIVE S AFEL'I. Reg. Centre Hours Given Books Now at Shops Also Local residents are urged ta came in this Nveck ta the Registration Centre at the Badminton Hall, King Street. ta register and receive their narne tagq. The book on the town's history, "Bom-manville - A Retrospect" is on sale there in bath soft and biard covers, also the souvenir prograrna, Centennial glasses and the Centennial Mai-ch. Tbe book, "Bowmanvile - A Retrospcct" is also available now at the local book stores. The biard caver edition is limiter!. If vou wish one of these, dont delay. The Registration Centre. in charge of the Business and Prafessional Wornen's Club, is open ail day to-dax-, fnom 10 arn. ta 9:30 p.rn. and on Friday from 10 arn. ta as late in the evening as there is need. Saturday the Registration Centre will open at 9 ar. and remain open ail day and evening, only closing during the time of the big parade. During Old Home Week hours are: Monday-l ta 6, and 7 ta 9:30; Tuesday-Open aften Childreti's Parade in the morning, afternoon 1 ta 6, and continuing ta 9:30 p.rn.; Wednesdav-l ta 6, and 7 ta 9:30. From Thursdav ta the end of the week, it is feit tbe centre neer! only b? open ini the evenings from 7 ta 9, sijice the big rush will be aven by that tirne. Phone MA 3-5792 r 12 TABLETS1 25c 751<ý, 4hnstantine GE AST RELIF w*h GlIN NLLS FOR THE KIDNEYS~~ Rg sz 9~ Economy 1.99 Quick Relief from Acid Indigestion an ywhere anytimel 200 TABLETS 99< Always curr PH 1ILLIPS' PRESCRIPTIONS A SPECIALTY Alex. We Deliver McGregor, Your Local IDA. Drug Store Drugs COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE IDêAý STJU l111 O]l RS SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK FAUL il il THE'CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOMIANVII.M, ONTARIO IpAr-r rIr,ý7riNI x 19 i T&EU MAT, 3tME 28th, 1058

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