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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1958, p. 12

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PA(~ TWELVU TflE CANAD!AN STAT~PLAN. EOWMANVILLE. ONTARTO e SPORar Cf - '~BY Frank Mohun Phone MA 3.7070 HAR VESTERS GO GOLFING1 This reporter enjoyed a very fine day at the Cobourg Golf Course, thanka to thc invitation of Tom Cowan's Harvester baseballers. The non-golfers lined up with the regular partici- pants in the sport. My partner was bat boy Mike Murphy and at times It was bard to figure out which one of us was supposed. to be the golfer. However, we did manage to capture thc prize for the worst score. "Tim" Cox and "Butch" Cole goofed just as many shots, but the prize-winners were decided on a flip of the coin. It really didn't matter, because we let our prize at the course. Ted Dadson and Paul Chant really bore down on the back fine to take thc prize-winning best score by Uiree strokes over thc teains o! Don Masters and Murray Tighe, and Dan Gir- ardi and "Buck" Cowie. Some of the "non-golfers" wcre so en- tbused about the gaine, that they struck out for nine holes, after the prizes were awarded and lunch was served.. Sponsor Tom Cowan was given a crying towel, which he tried to pass off on' Manager Cowle. The tourney, arranged by Don Masters and Ted Dadson was a huge success. Thanks for including me JrLAYOFF SITUATION Harvesters (Iut.) Tom Cowan's Harvesters hooked up last night with Tren- ton In thc opening gaine of a best of five affair. At Uic Urne of going to press, wc were unable to get thc resuit from Trenton. The next contest is carded for the Vincent Massey Park here, on Saturday afternoon at 3 p.m. The third gaine has also tentatively been scheduled for herc on Monday at 10:30 a.m. If a gaine is played Monday, future gaines if nccessary are in Trenton on Wednesday and back here a wcek froin Saturday. LIONS (Juvenlie) As to when, where and against whom, Uic Lions Juven- fies play - Uiat la Uic $64,000 question. They are in the playoffs, but that la Uic oniy definite information we have. OLYM4PIAS (Mldtet> The Olympia Midgets advanced Into thc O.B.A. midget play and also league finals by ousting Port Hope in two straight games. Moorcraftt burled a no-hitter in Uic open-er and Port Hope defaulted thc second game. No dates have been announced for the league finals against Newcastle. The O.B.A. ha. flot advised the undefeated OlYmpias who they meet in the next round. Leglonnafres (Dantam) Fine pitching performances by John Hancock and Blaine Pickard have held Port Hope to séven hits ii two gaines. Coupled with a pair o! dangerous sluggers, Uic net resuit has zroduced a 2-0 series lead. If Uic Legionnaires won here last night, Uiey wil have taken Uic best o!f fve set, and earned the right to advance ini O.B.A. playoffs' and also to play for the league titie. Imperlals (Peewee> The Imperials were pushed to the limit before- oustlng ,Port Hope in the fifth gaine o! their best o!f ive playof!. Lefty Don McMurter gained credit for al Uiree Bownianville wins. Perhaps, it is a good thing that Port Hope bad the odd games, as the visiting team, won every turne.. Sparkling Imperial fielding provided the difference in the final meeting. The teain does not know whom they wili meet in O.B.A. "1B" play. Cobourg beat out Courtice in the other semi-finai, but a Courtice protest bas b2en lodged. Bowmanville will meet the winners for the leaguç championship. AROUND THE TOWN Soccer attractions this Saturday find Enniskilleu at 'ly- rosie and Hampton ai Solina.._ On Wednesday Courtice wiU play at Zion and Bowmanville will play host to Tyrone. In Junior action to-night Maple Grove visita Hampton, Enniskilen is at Courtice, and Solina piays at. Tyrone.------ - The Wakely boys' graitdmother who received the lifetinie basebali- pass in Port Hope is Mrs. Robert O'Neill, flot Mrs. George O'Neill as we had printed. Sorry Mrs. O'Neil (Robert that is) and thanks for your letter ---------The juvenile basebaîl draw for a chaise lounge was wnBaters. Shirley Mohun and the attendance award went tj Wi umourte.bsittajueie-itreatshrtpJo Maouhsbeour wsill btjeie-up forma batsebalitoutJoht Toronto Maple Leafs. Harves fer Records BATTING *Player d'Tim" Cox-- George Joncs Bruce Cale Ted Dadson ',Buck" Cowle Ken Kelly -______ Dan Girardi Gord Sellers Don Masters John Mason Vince Vanstone GP 15 12 15 9 12 8 10 7 13 12 13 Laurie Garbe 7 Trotals --- ----_________140 AM. LESS TRA Player GP Bob Abbott ______2 Glenn Crossey 1 Gary Copeland 2 John Ford _______3 red Faircy -------- 2 John Chasczewskl ___ 1 Bob Marjerrison 2 Larry Steffen 1_____ Bill Cale -_____1___ Ted Sallows 1______ John Stainton 1_____ AB H R RBI's Avg. 54 19 7 il .352 25 8 3 4 .320 49 15 13 8 .306 34 8 5 0 .235 31 1 5 4 .226 29 6 3 1 .207 30 6 2 5 .200 21 4 2 2 .190 41 7 1 6 .171 40 6 9 3 .150~ 40 6 8 2 .150 10 i 1 0 .100' il 0 2 O .000 415 93 61 46 .227 AN 10 TRIES AB H- R RBI's Avg. 7 4 1 2 .571 4 2 1 1 .500 8 2 1 0 .250 5 0 1 0 .000 3 0 2 1 .000 3 0 0 1 .000 2 0 0 1 .000 2 0 0 0 .000 1 0 O0 O0 .000 1 O 0 0 :000 0 0 o 0 .0001 Most home runs - Tirn Cox and John Mason with anc eacb. Most triples - Ted Dadson (3), Bruce Cale (2). Most doubles - George Joncs and John Mason (2). Most waiks - Bruce Cale (11), Huss Lane (7), John Mason (6), George Joncs (5). Most strikeouts - Don Masters (23), Ted Dadson and Vince Vanstone (15), Dan Girardi (13). Most stolen bases - Bruce Cale and Tirn Cox (8), John Mason (3), Ted Dadson (2). Hiit by pitcher - Tirn Cox (2) five others1 PITCHINC Phayer IP Russ Lane _____ 182/3 George Joncs____ 492/3 Gord Sellers ______4: John Masan -__ 2 1/3 *'Bue'"Cawle 1 1/3 Laurie Garbe HIR 20 16 5l 39 9 20 1 0 4 4 1 2 ticd with one each.1 W L i i 3 4 1 3 0 0 0 -0 0 0 2otals il126 81 62 47 91 8 First Playoff Blood. Goes fo Local Ban fams Who Defeat Port Hope Led by Uic hitting o! Twist and Stevens along with John Hancock's inipressive pitcbing chore, the Bowrnanville Ban- tain Legionaires de!eated Port Hope 4-2, to take the opener of the pl#,yoff series, at the Mem- orial Park, Thursday night'. Bowmanville coilected eight safeties off Wakely, on the hili for the visitors, whiie Hancock was holding Port Hope to five scattered hits. The locals' hurl- er fanned seven and didn't is- sue a single base on balîs. Botb pitchers went the distance. After a scoreless opening in- ning, Twist clouted a home run to give the Legionaires an early lead, froni which they were neyer headed. After two were out in the third, a waik to Black, and singles by Wiseman and Twist gave the homesters another marker. Singles by Keinlo and Mea- dows, along witb Wakeiy's fly- out put Port Hope within a run o! the lead in the fourtb. When Kerr reaehed base on an error and Mutton singled, Stevens' base knock cashed in bath runs for the eventual winning mar- gin. After singiing, Heard stoie home in the seventh to end the Port Hope scaring. It was decided that bath teams would play a best o!f ive series. The winner wili advance into the O.B.A. playoffs, and also meet the winner o! the Courtice-Cobourg-- " for the league titie. RHE Port Hope 2 5 2 Bowmanville 4 8 i Port Hope-Wakely and Has- Kili. Bowmanviile - Hancock and Crombie. Orono Takes 7 -3 Wjn When Bevy of Bungles" Blows Harves fers Hope If pitcher George «'General" Joncs wanted to sue bis teain- mates for lack o! support, none o! the fans present at last Wed- nesday night's July 23 game could biame hlm. Failure to bit in the early innings witb men on base, by tbe Harvesters, kept Orono in contention. In the first five) frarnes, Bowmanville, playing before home town fans le!t nine runners stranded on the base paths. Trailîng 2-1 heading into the sixth, the vis- itors broke loose for three runs, capitalizing on,. two bits and three Harvester bobbies. Orona garnered bal! o! the eight bit total in the seventh scoring three times to wrap up the bal gaine. Ted Dadson opencd the first frame with a single, advanced on a wild pitcb, was sacrificed to third by juvenile player, Bob Abbott and scored -on "Butcb" Coie's single. Sim.pson started off the Orono third with a sin- gle, and scored ail ftheè way fr67m first, when Abbott tbrew Haire's sacrifice attempt wild off first. Second baseman Don Master's tbrow to the plate nail- ccl Haire, on Dean West's bouncer, and Joncs picked 'Weqt off first tostymie the Oroho threat. John Mason's single through the middle, casbed in Cole with the tic-breaking marker in the fiftb. Then came the ill-fated sixth wben Orono held to a pair o! bits up ta that point, came up with another pair, the second played into a two base error by Laurie Garbe in right field. Probably the most glaring miscue, one which gave up"the third run, was committed by shortstop Mason. When he bob- bled Shetler's bouncer with a play at the plate, be stili could have got the runner at first, but didn't hustie after tbe bail. Shetler's' two run borner fea- tured the tbree run seventh after the locals had drawn to witbin a run o! the lead on a walk and Abbott's sixth inning single. Shetier, Dean West and Mer- cer led the Orono attack with a pair o! safeties apiece. Dad- son and Abbott each bad two singles for the Harvesters. Urn- pire "Snowball" Wilson pulled off one o! the worst cails any- ane at the game has seen. Cope- land was out at !irst for turn- ing to tbe right after being called safe. Whicb way do you turn "Snowball". Or is the base runner not supposed to over- run first? RH E Orono -------------------- -7 8 1 Bowmanvilie.-------------- 3 7 5 Orono-Haire. K. West (6th) and Shetier.- - -- Bowmaavilie - Joncs,1 (7th) and Cohe. M1ason1 4-farvesters on Off Day Swittch Bats for Clubs ln Big Golf Tourne y .The Cobourg Golf Club was taken over Saturday by the Bowrnanviile Cowan Harvest- ers for a tremendously success- fui golf tournament. The organ- izers Ted Dadson and Don Mas- ters ie!t nothing out, even ta the suppiying o! golf baîls and rules (?ý The colourful a!! air was phayed in the form. of a two bail foursome. As saine o! the bail players had neyer played golf before, they were lined up with yeteraa o! the gaine. At tumes it was bard ta distinguish betweea the begin- ners and the oid pros. John Mason started the bal roiling-and it was rolling, with a powerful smash o! a substi- tuted trick baIl. After that aus- piciaus start, the turf !lew ahi over the course for the next five bours. Frank Mobun had the questionable bonour o! las- ing the first bail when bis tee shot saihed right out a! the course. "Ticker" Crombie and Tom Cowan looked ta be beavy favourites on the !irst bale, but îfaded badly froin that point on. ,Teamn sponsor, Cowan, was ne- vertheless rewarded witb a 9.crying towei" for playing with Crombie. Some of the best drives o! th Uc day were beited by big John Ford, but "Buck" Cowhe in a non-gol!er's raie was seen cracking sanie long iran shots of! the tees. On the outgoing nine, the best score was cardcd bv the duo o! Don Masters and 'Murray Tigbe with a 55 close- I v pursued by John Mason and Vince Vanstone's 58 effort. Worst score was carded by l'Tim" Cox and "Butch" Cale at 80. Ted fladson and Paul Chant with 55 on the second nine, won the tournament with an 18 haie total o! 118. The Tighe and Masters combo, leaders at the turn, scored ta a 66 ta tic for runner up position with Dan IGirard! and '*Buck" Cowlc at 121. The. Cox-Cole pair tied: with "Mike" Murphy and Franki 1Mohun for the bighest score of 143. On a flip o! the coin. Mur- phy and Mohun were adjudged as the worst pair a! golfers, for )the dav. Three hales we-'e paîred dur- ing the tourney. The par three 120 v'ard second hale proved rno problem ta Tighe and Masters, and Coz and Cole. G±rudi and Cowle paired the tough 485 yard par five baie. The bigbiest number o! strokes required for one bale was 13. This feat (?) was accomplisbed twice by Mur- phy and Mohun, and once by Ford and Gord Sellers. Two members of the teani, narnely Gary Copeland and Laurie Garbe wcre unable ta make the trip. Hidden score awards wcre won by George Joncs and Huss Lane (10w), and Crombie and Cowan (high). Scores Total Dadsoa & Chant - 63, 55-118 Masters & Tighe - 55, 66-121 Girardi & Cowlc - 60, 61-121 Mason & Vanstone 64, 58122 Bagnehi & Kelly - 61, 62-123 Ford & Sellers - 68, 57-1251 Lane & Jones - 63, 63-126 Cowan & Crombie 70, 70-140 Cox & Cale - 80, 63-143 Murphy a & Mohun 77, 66-143 There Is a revcrsing fails at the mouth of the St. John Ri- ver in New Brunswick, at low tide the river makes an il-foot drap ta the sea, but at bigh tide thc waters flow up-stream. Local Racquef Wielders As Hot as the Weafher ln Match with -Whitby Saturday afternoon at the Bowxnanville courts, the local racquet-wielders proved to be just as bot as tbe weather, as they took a 4-1 exhibition win f rom the Whitby Club. With only one gaine left in the regu- 1er Kawartha scbedule, the BQw- manville Club wiil encounter Whitby in one more match ta prep for the forthcoming play- off s. Marg Dustan and John This- sen*were the oniy losers for the host~ club. After losing the first set ta Helen Collins and Doug Hird, tbey came back to take the second, only to lose a 9-7 lengthy third session. The other matches ail went to Bowman- ville ini straight sets, although Bob Stevens and Lew fRundle needed overtime to, take their opener witb Tom Ciough and Walter Bradley. Ladies' Doubles-Norah AI- lin and Aura Trewin (B) def. Sheila Entwistle and Marg Ewart (W) 6-2, 6-1. Mixed Doubles-Helen Col- lins and Doug Hird (W) def. Marg Dustan and John Thissen (B) 6-4, 4-6, 9-7. Men's Doubles-Bill Burgess and Arnold Lobb (B) de!. Dan Crozier and Ralph McKendry (W) 6-2, 6-3. Colin Birtwistle and Bob Mar- tyn (B) def. Lynn Horton and Alan Gibson 6-4, 6-3. Bob Stevens and Lew Run- dle (B) de!. Tom Clough and Walter Bradley (W) 7-5, 6-1. Girls on Winning Streak Take Four Games in Row The Bowmanville Girls' Soft- bail teain, off on a four gaine winning streak, have been pli- ing up tremendous scores in their exhibition contests. The girls coliected no less than fifty bits, in defeating th'e Durhami County Junior Farmers by scores o! 35-11 and 21-7. Against Bethany, the local teain won 10-44 to avenge an earlier set- back. Last Thursday night the girls moved into Intermediate competitian, to register a 19-3 victory over Frenchman's Bay. If the Bowmanville club can keep up this display o! bitting abîlity, they should be strong threats, corne playof! time. Pit- ching duties during the winning streak have been ably sbared by Karen McMurter and Vir- ginia Brown. Big hitters in the 21-7 gaine last Tuesday against the Junior Farmers were Barbara Brown with a triple and a borner, and Barbara Hughes with a pair of. home run blasts and a single. For the losers, Barbara Bath- gate, Marion Buttery and Grace Blackburn each claimed two safeties. In Thursday's tilt Barbara Brown belted a homer, double and two singles, and Eleanor Piekard collected a triple and three singles to lead the 19 hit attack. Pitcher Virginia Brown threw an excellent game, is- suing only two free passes, while setting down 13 batters on strikes. First sacker Charlene Foote with a brace of singles and a four base swat, claimed hall of the Frenchman's Bay bit total. The Bowmanville team, ai- though in no regular league, are drawing large crowds at the Central Public School, to see the girls play in. exhibition games. Coacçh Jim Richards is awaiting word, as to whom the teain wil meet in the playofis. bourg bas taken the series, but Courtice has protested the use o! ,one of the Cobourg coaches as an umâpire. Bowmanville -- 4 9 Port Hope - -.----------i1 5 Port Hope-Berry and Lea- yens. Bowmanville - McMurter and Emburgh. Midgets Win By Default Over Port Hope Following an easy !irst gaine win, the Bowmanville Olympia Midgets captured the second game without even playing. On arrivai in Port Hope, for the struggle, it was found that the home team couid only field seven players. By default, the Olympias were declared win- ners of the game and the play- off series. Bowmanville will now meet Newcastle for the loop charn- pionship. The Newcastle club swamped Cobourg in the f irst contest, and took a close 2-0 decision in the second outing. In addition to meeting New- castle for the league title, the locals have also won the right to advance into the O.B.A. Mid- get "B" playoffs. No dates bave been announced for either ser- ies as yet. Bowrnanville Pee Wee in- periais defeated Port Hope 4-1 on Thursday nigbt in the bill- top town to take the deciding game o! the best o! five series. It was certainly a visitors' ser- ies, witb Port Hope tying the series twice, on wins here, and Bowmanville taking the three contesta away froin home. Don McMurter was the win- ning hurler in ail tbree o! the Imperial wins. However, Thurs- day night it wvas probably the spectacular Bowmanville field- îng, wbicb bad more to do with the win- than anything else. MeMurtcr, although giving up only five bits, walked nine bat- tetýs to find bimsclf continuai- ly in bot water, but the best fielding effort o! the scason, baied hum out o! trouble. Catcher- Emburgh and first sacker Baie carried the brunt o! the locals' bitting attack, picking up four o! the nine bits off Berry. The Port Hope moundsman went the distance witbout issuing a single base on bails. The Irnperials broke in front with three big runs in the op- ening inning. Emburgh led off witb a double and Lane singled to score the first run o! the game. Bate doubled Lane borne, and after Brown flied out, Kerr cracked a single ta plate the third run, as four o! the first five batters collected bits. Bateman carried in the lonc Port Hope score, in the fourth, when Bowmanville obligingly made two miscues. Emburgh's second two-bagger startëd the rally for the Imperials' final rua in the fifth. He advanced to third on a long fly, and was cashed in Bate's single. The Bowmanviile Pee Wees, by virtue o! their 3-2 series win now bave won the right to advance in O.B.A. play, and ta meet the winner o! Courtice and Cobourg for the league cbampionship. At present, Co- Harvester, Star of- the Week BOB "RED" ABBOTT It didn't take long for juvenile player, Bob "Red" Abbott, to make bis presence feit in the higher Intermediate rankings. The third baseman looked right at home, and play- ed so well that he overshadowed the older and more exper- ienced Harvester regulars, to cop the Bowmanville Surplus Store - Star of the Week Award. Abbott appeared in two encounters - a five aIl tic with Port Hope and a 7-3 loss to Orono.. In trying to be too careful, Bob erred on a couple o! throws, but bis fielding was more than adequate. However, it was with the willow that the red head earned the praise o! the fans. Against the higher class pitching, Ahbott pounded out a pair of singles in each contest, laid down a perfect sac- rifice bunt and knocked in three o! the Cowan crew's eight run total. A fine performance, well deserving o! Irving Taube's awa.rd was the play of Bob "Red" Abb9tt. Assure Playoff Berth In District Tennis By Defeating Lindsay The Bowmanville Tennis Club really teed off on the cellar- dweliing Lindsay Club, to as- sure thernselves o! a playoff berth, on Wednesday night Rt Uic local counts. The Lindsay- ites were so completely over- whelmed that they were unable to take a single set. The host club showed quite a scoring punch as they took the match in the minimum twelve sets, witb only two sets gomng to ex- tra gaines. In the Ladies' Doubles match, Anna Strike and Norah Allun only lost two gaines, as they swept past Lindsay's Moily Banks and Elizabeth Falton. The mixed duo o! Carole Birt- wistle and Don Laird adiminis- tered the sanie treatinent to Marg Conolly and Art Elsden. Before disposing o! Lena and Hon Thomnson, Marg Dustan and Bob Martyn were forced into extra gaines in the second set. In Men's Doubles action, AI Strike and Don Rundle were forced into overtime in the first set, but easily took the second set from. P. Siddall and G. Stew- art. The locals had littie com- petition in the two remaining Men's Doubles contests. Arnold Lobb and Lew Rundie defeated P.,,Callaghan and D. MacDon- aid, while Dave Peters and Bill Burgess downed A. Hansellar and B. Follwell. Ladies Doubles-Anna Strike and Norah Allun (B) de!. Eliza- beth Faiton and Molly Banks (L) 6-1, 6-1. Mixed Dougles - Marg Dus- tan and Bob Martyn (B) def. Lena Thomnson and Ron Thom- son (L) 6-1, 7-5. Carole Birtwistle and Don Laird (B) de!. Marg ConofLy and Art Elsden (L) 6-1, 6-1. Men'. Doubles-Arnold Lobb and Lew Rundle ( e.P. Callaghan and Da nald (L) 6-3. 6-1. ý* AI Strike and Don Rundie (B) de!. P. Siddall and G. Stew- art (L) 9-7, 6-2. Dave Peters and Bill Burgesý (B) def. A. Hansellar and .f Follwell (L) 6-4, 6-3. Remember, you too, are a pe. destrian part o! the time. DRIVE SAFELY. à ERVICE'e~ Uet us prepare your car for summer dring WHEEL BALANCING WHEEL ALIGNNENTý2' Robs on Mo fors Limitéed BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCIC DEALER 166 King St.E. Bowmanvile MA 3-3321, 5pciI for those quickly prepared meals during the summer season BARBECUED, CHICKENS 2½32to 3lbs. $1.89 Phono orders in advance Ia MA 3-5578 Bowmanville Frigid Locker System 73 KING ST. W M r' Whistling- past the graveyard This driver is a lot dloser to, the graveyard than be thinks. At the speed he's going, even a minor mistake, in judgmcnt could cause a major highway disaster. ReeklesB speed is the cause o! too many fatal accidents on the road. And sometirnes even the speed linit can be inisleading-you can be within the linit and stili be going toa fast for driving conditions. Here's an easy rule of thurnb ta guide you ta a safe speed: always drive st a spced that will enable you ta stop in the distance that's clear ahead. At night, drive at a speed that will permit you ta stop within headlight range.. If you are tired, or inattentive- don't drive at ail. One simple way ta check wh the" ourspeu is too high or not is ta watch the traffie araund you. If you are passing most of the %Olthl rs on the road, yau are going taa fast. If mast of theni are passing you, yau are going tao slow. 'tJ~ Ontario Departinent of Transport urges you ta observe the speed limita -slow down and livel N. Imperials Take Series Defeating Port Hope ln Final Game 4 - 1 qF 1 PAr.E -iw VZ 1 TRE C"ADIM STATESMAN, WWIAWVffýLE. OMAMO TEU MAT, JMT »Sot IM 1 - -L- à LA 1 1 1

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