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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1958, p. 11

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~~YEBAY, AG. 'h, lisS PAVA f%-%zul? A ID qe A &NVIA W F A WqA RM SWfa±er Polluti*o Forces Village ti Firm Consulting I Two members of the staff of the Ont.ario Water Resources Cwosion, Messrs. K. Symons and E. W. Johnston met with the Newcastle Village Côuncil on Thursday evening last. They diieussed the water pollution prevalent in village streamsanard suggested possible remedies for the situation. Though no direct order was issued to the village At this time, it was made quite clear to council that unleus some remedial action were taken by the municipality in the near future the Commission would take action to have the situation Çleand up at the expense of the Muniipalty. Mr. Symonosamid that some type of uewage disposai would hiave to be supplied for King Street at least. This rnight be done without a waterworks system, using a lagoon disposai System, but as this would entail the purchase of some 25 to 30 acres af land, the coït, ta serve such a ormali portion af the vil- lage, would be prohibitive. There are two other alterna- tives, a complete watera sewage disposai systeen for1 municipality, or a camp]4 waterworks system gnd the cc stnuction of a zewage dispoi plant and the laying ai a tru sewer ta serve King Street, which other sections ai municipality could b. connect in the future. Reeve Cunningham and sor membens ai council felt th sewagc was more important the village than watenworks. was pointed out this cauid ai be used ta a lirnited degîe a wouîd thencione be only temporary solution ta the pro lem. Mr. Symons said that making an inspection oi the v. hage he and Mn. Johnstan hi notcd that, aside fain the ma street, most homes wene hu on good sized lots and that, wi proper water facihities, t] drainage systenu shauld woi satisiactorily with septic tar: for smre time, until thie munit pality cauld extend the sewas syoterm. F'olowing a thorough two ai Lions Expecf $900 Net ::From Holiday Activity NEWCASTLE - Bowmanvilie .,Lions and Newcastle Merchants "ýfought to a 7-7 8-inning tie in -their Lakeshore Juvenile league -game before a large holiday crowd in the Newcastle Pàrk :5on . Monday . afternoon. Carleton -went the route on the mouild ý' or the locals. with Dave MeCul- -kough receiving while it took -thref, pitchers, Sallows, Bates axnd Mason ta hold the fort for ,-he visitors. . In the second game of the -aýfternoo n, the league leading Newtonville Royals took the .2ewcastle Merchants by a 0 --t 3 score in the South Durham :intermediate egue fixture. Jdhn Hdlman d1dJ~ pitching duties for tewn, with Ni- 'éhoIson reivin*wile the lb- eqals had Chard, Foster- and, Heath on the mound wi Brooks receiving. The big Carnival andi Dani sponsored by the Mfierchan Basebaîl Club at the Commui ity Hall in the evening was ai. well attended with perfect Wei ther for the holidayers to ej joy a full day. Ron Johnson1 Bowmanville was the winni of the $50 Bond In the grati Pnize dnaw with Fergy Muni of Blackwater and .Albert Dont ghue of Newtonville each wi. ning a $25 Bond. The big Bingo Booth wi well patronized throughout th evening with the other game refreshment booth and dancei the Comniunity Hall ail havir their share of patrons. It is eji pectied grass proceeds of th day and evening will net ar, praximately $900. anc1 £Personai iamnily sperit a couple ai dayc iast weék in the Cornwall dis- trict viewing the St. Lawrence Seaway prai ccl. Mr. and Mis. H. C. Dennis accompanied by Mrs. Dan Tay. Ion of London spent la8t Thurn.s« dayv visiting with Mr. and Mit, James Taylor and family in Lindsay. Mn. and Mn.. John Stemp of Uxbridge and Mr. and Mis. Art S'ocill lai .Mr. and Mrs. Newton Ash-' ton and family of Napanee vis- Ried with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nesbitt and Paul last week while enraute home from a trip ta the west coast. Mr. and Mrs. Wrn. Barr with their daughter and chjîdren af Bawmanville were Sunday vis- !tors with Mn. and Mrs. G. K. )Iodgsou. Mn. and Mns. Ross Allin and $9,095 Brand New FuIIy Guranteed * Jholiayig with'Mr. and Mrs. _____________________*Chrle Pratand Lynn at their b country home are Mr. and Mns. t 'Wilfred Thomas af Binming- k ~ Mooujaw, Sask., have been ham, En g. isten of Mnr. Pruat- *guests oif ranik C. Lee, and lAlso vi.iting with the Prusts is a * r b e have visited relatives in'Ked- brother Mn. Richard Prust ofv non commuxmity. Georgetown, Ont.e Ig C Ig e Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Bohaken 'Mn. and Mis. Doug Allin S were necent gesto of Mn. and and fanily, Mn. and Mrs. 'H. o - E nMn. fiMart MLaughlin, Lake Altin spent the weekend at Cant- 0 Marcel Marquis, Rimouski, Mr. and Mrs. Keith West and Que., bas been a guest ln this Judy, Mr. and Mis. Bnùce Ten- E n g in e e rs communlty. af Gregory 13ohak- nant and boys are spending thisa er. Together, they attended the week at Kinkiield. Mn. and Mrs, t] and one-half heur discussion ai the Samar on Weclneociay aiternoon. weekend.b the problemn by members oi the ta conclude the spécial eventa Mr. and Mis. Art Hobbs. Osha- lete council with the commission m&rking the students' v~iit. w:M.adMp .Mna ,on- representatives a resolution was w i.WîtrDvsateMrd.tbafnd*erai..Manin osai p4ssed that éounçil engage a Mr. und attendWaterPDavis-at Cn e fn ae ast we.aosn unk firm ai consulting engineers toan ueatnethPae-tCrlonlceaswek ta~~~~~~~~ prpr eoto upyn kson nuptials in Pickering Mn. and Mns. Gerald Long and the water and sewage service ta the United Church an Saturday, chibdren, Clandybbye, Man., Cl ,ted municipalty (beêtween the two anid thie reception followin. visited Mr. and Mrs.. D. Hooper 1V railroads) and on supplying Mis. T. Humphniet, Toronto, on Sunday. >me wgtenwonks for ail and sewage bias been a. gueut oi Mr. and Mn.. Dean Hodgson, Bowman- Ji 1at disposai for King Street. Mis. J. Francis.. ville and' Mrs. R. J. Hodgson, M in It was decided that when this Donald Werry suii.ncd a sud- Hampton, with the Hoopers. ci It repart had been completçd and den attack ai pleural pneumn- Mn. 'and Mrs. Johin Connelly F rly prcsented ta counicil for stucly, onia and bas been a patient and Christine, Toronto, visited and the members would meet aiaîn in Port Penny hospital. Mn. anfd Mrs. 0,. Cowan, Tues- r( a with Mn. Symons befone xmakng isCnl aeMoidvddy b-a ecsin n bchr or not ta nTrnowtoe ut Mias Bertha Cain witb Mn.v in proceeci with the whole plan or n TorntowiDelve. I r&.and M s. Lloyd Johnstoni, Osha- i vil- what portion to use. waliceMis EenavVacePor 'ad It was the genenal feeling ai Mis. John Goyne and Mis. Penny, visited the St. Lawrence ain caunicil aften t he meeting that it JackShontt, Oshawa, with Mis. Seawgy and Ottawa hast week. uit was cither a case ai the mu nici- Mi.) Reeves wcne Tuesday ge- Mn. and Mis. Bail, London,0 ith pality pnoceeding on itz own ta sts of Mis. Bryce Reves. visited with ber brother, Mn.à th1e àolve this pnoblem on waiting ta Mn. and Mis. Frank Grass Robent Stewart and Mis. Stew- S >nk be ordered ta, take action by the entertained a large graup ai art, who Is a. patiefit iii Memor-K aks Waten Resources Commission aif fiends mosi pleasantly ut a !l Hospital, Bowmanvil le. ci- Ontario which has led ord- patio pîtrty on Saturdiay evern- jMn. and Mis. James Rickaby ge ered three municipalities ta pro- ing. and son Norman have neturncd C cccdi ith rvcesm iîa Miss Pauline Wcnnv and fric- home. alter spending the past sr ndintace.nd, Montreal, calîecd on Kedron yean in Engiand. Mr. and Mrs.M relatives on Thursday. ,Gardon Cotter met them at T Ramsden ai Toronto wcne Sun- This anes, las suffered a par- Montreal where they disembark- day visitons with Mn. and Mrs. ticularly sevene drought, with cd. John Voutt and family. gadens and pastunes showing! Mns. I-Tarvcy Branton and Ci Mis. M. Heatherman 'and Mr. tme effects af the bang dry spel!. childien, Windsor, visited hier tc and Mis. C. Ca'ey f Toronto_______ mother, Mn. and Mis. O.' Cow-M were Sunday .y o ors onto al H. . Mnesandfamly.VUTYT"q'nMrj . and Mis. Alfred Elliott, w H. T.Mane and amil. YE VJ..Ll..IJ1 j Wiihowdahe, visited over the e Mn. and Mu-s. Dennis Gril- weckend with Mis. W. .Ehiott. nE th fiths of Hamilton wene holiday Around go Yclventonians ga- Mn. and Mr$. Wm. Mitchell ca weekend visitons with Mn. and thered an Tuesday aftennoon at spent Friday visiting in Orillia. l ce Mis. H. S. Bitton. Cantwright Community Park Mr. and Mis. H. Bowen at -_C ta in- Messrs. Peter and Sierd De near Caesanea ion the' Annuah tended the funenal of bis broth- Is Jong and Neil Vaut spent the Comnunity Picnic. A pleasant en-in-law the late Mr. Harîy weekend at the Thousand Is- aiternoon was spent swimming, Pickard ai Dnesden, husband of n-lantds in the St. Lawrence :Ri-. wading and splashing, and a the former Margaret Bowen ai af ver, bal garni as wèîî as foot races Onono, wbo passed away ne- te Mu-s. Dan Taylor who has been and novelty races. Climaxing ccntly. id visiting for twa weeks with Mi. this stnenuous altennoon was a Denny Lynch of Bonnaven- ro and Mu-s. H. C. Dennis leit on« oun- ul pot-luck supper and tuirc, Royal Navy, and Bob [- Wednesday for ber home in'more races. Lyncb visited their grandpar- n- London. Creclit and appreciation we ents, Mu-. and Mis. Harry Rowe. express on behalf ai ail present 1 Mis. Ted Coatham is a patient Villa ers who have noticed ta the committee ai Mr. and in Memonial Hospital, Bowmian- as Counciphon Fred Couch spanting Mis. Ait Rowan and Mr. and ville. ie a bnand new cast an his arm Mis. Norman Wilson augment- Mn. and Mu-s. Jim Major visit- s, will be nelieved ta know that ed by assistance by Ross Lock- cd their daughter Suzanne at in said cast was flot nequircd be wo6d and Lloyd Wilson and ý0 Guide Camp, Pigeon Lake, an 119 cause of injuries received while Cartwright Council fan permis- Sunday. x- wnestling with municipal pnob- -;nn'.a use thein grounds. Prize- Mn. E. Dent attended the C.C. à e lems but the resuit ai an acci- winnenz tao numerous ta men- F_ C ndniMnis. MionrEliot P- dent with bis stepladden at tion. Mr.Conention ilMonel jtt home. Ail wili join us in cx- Omited in.hast week's news. Bowimanville, and Marion Me-I presin th hpe hatit asMi. and Mis. Jas. Shackleton's Kelvey visited Mis. Brima- not a Serious break. and wîhi aunt, Mis. Baxter, of Victoria, combe. soon be on the mend. B.C., aven eighty years yaung, Mn. and Mis. J. S. Eddyvean Mn. and Mis. Gardon Gray spent a few weeks 'here visit.: visited Mi. and Mis. A. W. and lamihy spent iast week bo01- ing local friends and relatives. Pre.scott and family, Hampton. idaying at Wasaga Beach. Wednesday callers at,. he W, Mn. and Mis.,Rus"ell Rans- Mr. and Mu-s. R. B. Rickard H. Stinson's were Mn. and Mrs.* berry. Dorval, who6 wèrê ýi'gustsà and family visited witb Capt. Clayton Brown and Mis. Dal- of Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wilson JoeHoki an fmiy at Font ton Brown. ,have returned borne. Henry Heights on S9unday. Sonry ta report that Mr. Frank Mis. Young and daughter Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Carveth Shackleton is in Civic Hospital Sya, Mis. Chas. Waaid. Mr were in Port Hope on Mondav in Peterborough. adMsas.Gre Wotonda. be 'S wbeu-e they attenid the funeri SQnme.excitement was cieated r.GogMrtnhsbe sservice !or heu- cousin, tbe laie an Sunday aiternoon when a iUl at ber home. ,e Mn. Richard Uglow. fine ai unknown anigin starter! Mu-. and Mrs. Milton Tamblyn and made considerabie progrcss visited Mr. and Mis. C. Payne, is Mr. and Mrs. Lanson Mill- onRud Schaffli's faim befonx Port Hope. -son and -Mus. G.ea. Smith, New- oie it i ia Mn. and Mns. Eu-nie Ransbenry 7 at- i.being ntcd ihado and son Bille are vsiting bis" 9-cslvisited M.adMs number oi volunteers (thase î rn aetM.adMs i SLorne Todd, Stankvilie. wimo hadn't got ta the lake) and ry andtM. a rCoop- ýn Mis. Gea. Smith, Newcastle, Cacsarea fine brigade, the b arnI RansberyadM.Gr op spent Satuîday with Mr. and which was threatened was sav- er, Montreal. )f Mrs. Milton Robinson, Kendal. cd and fine bnought unden con-1 't Ciaike-Harness Reunion tiol alter burning aven. some ST K One hundred and twenty-five eight acres ai pasture or hav ST R VILLE members ai the Chanke-Hannesland. Tinden-dny conditionîs Famiiy gathened in the loveiy cauged aomne concern befone Mi. and Mis. Russell Savery shaded Watona Park on Sun- tine was firnally cornened. and Betty, Mr. and Mrs. John day Juhy 27th fan the annual Even hean ai a "rabid rabbit?"$ Murphy and fami]y,. Mn. and family picnic. During the ai- Non have we. The topic ai "Ha .Mis Jin Stark spent Sunday ternoan races weîe enjoyed bics" is coming in fou- conýid- at Fenelon Falls. v,.ith prizes fou- aIl ages. Alter erablp discussion these days in 1Mn. and Mis. Buian Caswell eM7joyung the races, games and Yelventon. It's quenr how the and Leslie in campany with Mu-. swimmlng, a deiciaus picnic complexion changçs when a and Mu-s. Alec Martin, New- supper was enjoyed. pestilence epidemic an what ,castle, spent Sunday at Pnes- have you which you may neadI qu'iic Point. A basebali game wag played about or hear about su ddcnly Mn. and Mis. Ahi Dobson alter supper and watermelon thu-cafens in your own'commuh-1 spent the weekend witb Mu-. and and balloons were suppiied for ity anud pauticuîaly on youn Mis. Jack Elliott, Dunsford. . the enjoyment ai the childien. awn faim. Heu-e in Yelvertoni Messrs. Jack and Wilfred The ioliowing cammittee was at least two cases af rabies bave Waylke'r, AI! Graham-and Mis. 1e-1ected- fou -_netyaî -- beo-tvlyietiid M.Bin oono.pette oia L thcii choice, and this suggeat- recognition for the need for the ian wil be voted upon folow- gaveinment ta accept its finan- ing the Il o'chock service at ciii uespansibility in the mat- Columbus, at a joint meeting téF would for both Durham af the two cangregations. faim organizatians and Provin- The Young people's ciass and cial M.P.'s with lots ai writtcn Mu-s. B. Reevc's cless held a support by faîmers ta aur M.P.'s meeting together on Tuesday ta acquaint themn with the need eveniig. President Grant Spcn- ai such a puogram, Habies are. cen welcamed ail piesent and nor.-specters o! pensons. conducted busineqs in which. Perhaps tamnrow you'U na- the young people 'oted $50 o ~tice anc ai voun animahi wîth the generalI und of the churcb. the sympt.oms. For the benefit Worshîp was canductcd by Bni- of the uninitiated aur own ob- an Lee, Grant Spencer and Ron servations might be af saine Wenrv Wieners and Pop were assistance liere. The victim ap- refreshments seived. pears dioopy and lijtless, saliva Mr. nd rs. ndrw Sctthanging, tongue protruding and Mn. ic, andMv.Ae rwSctjaws îagging a mite, cyes seein Godnic, bveben guests at ta hase thein facus, animai gels the home o! Mr. and Mis. Cia- veny ti, coughs occasionallv nenc Wcny ad wth teinand in genenal actg as if il had attended the Scoti family pic- bdoetamn.sagr i Id ecd t the Mountjoy picnuc mare advanced. stages. fahhs gîowi on onday.1Idawruwith apparent diffieulty k Mi'. and Mis. Max Ballard, 1 Ici regain its feet. Mtra. Ken Adamns and bays, M1rs. G. Aldread are spending the week at Hooey Cottage, Kirkfield. - Mr. and Mrs.; John Samuel and daughter, Pittsbung, U.S.A., visited with the fonmen's broth- er, Mn. E. H. Samuel, Mrs. Samuel and datighters. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Found and son, London,, are visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dane round. Mn. and Mrs. Wm. M itchell are spendlng two weeks with their daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Burns Kittmen and sons, St. vlarys. Mns. Wm. Armstrong Jr. bas retunned home from Memorial Hospital, Bowmanvilhe. Mr. and Mrs. James Ferguson and Nancy and Mrs. Burk, Ro- chester; N.Y.. visited Mr. and Mr&. Alex Watgon. Mre. Madison Hall is in St. Josep's Hospital, Peterborough, 'ith ' broken hip following a ar, accident hast Thursday in Peterborough. Mn. and Mrs. Gay and child-' ren, Bethany, have rented Mn. Vin. Roblnson's bouse recently vacated by the Hardy family. Mr. Gay teaches music in the rural' schools. Mn: and Mrs. Lloyd Johnston, )shawa; Mr. 'and Mrs. Francis ose, Newcastle; Mn. and Mrs. tanley Chapinan and Clair, .inby, were supper guests of lias Bertha Cain. Mrs. Roy Sinees, Stoney .reek; Mrs. Arthur Lloyd and ;os, Dundas, visited their nother Mrs. E. Gnady and Mrs. rhornton Wilson. Lieutenan Paul Robson, lst Battalion Princess Patricia's ýanadian Light Infantry, Vie- >ria, B.C., and frîend, George [amner, lst Battahion of the Roy- il Canadian Regiment, Ipper- 'ash, Ont., are at Camp B rd- i this summer. Paul is* a iphew of Mrs. M. E. Stutt and ýme to Orono on Sunday for a sit with ber. His home is in algary, Alta. fWduAsmv.iêo h Mu-s. Maurice Nesbitt and chilien and Mu-s. Gea. Johns spent last Thuisday in Toronto. Miss Brenda Malcolm is spend- ing a few days with her une and aunt, Mu-. and Mu-s. Har-vey Malcolm, Yelveu-ton. Visitais with Mu-. anîd Mrs. Malcolm Emers~on on Sunday v-ou-e Miss Irene Enmerson and Mn. Bruce Wetherley, Oshawa, and Mu-. and Mis. Mervyn Byrd and famihy, Bu-ooklin. Through the weck visitais with Mu-. and Mis. Vic Malcolm wene: Mis. Bruce Ashton and Mis. Buu-wyn Adamns, Mu-s. Geo. Black, Cadmus and Mr. and Mis. Beverley Black, Oshawa. Miss Denice Malcolm is spend- ing a few days with Miss Doris Ashîton, Bunketon. -Mis. Leta Fitze, Osl4awa. cali- ed an Mr. and Mu-s. Gr.jé:. Johns duuing the week. Mrs. M. EmerZon and grand'. son Gregory are spending a' couple af days at Don Mili.s. Mu-. and Mrs. Fred S'ttcii, Fuankford, spent the wececnd xith ber sistcir, Mir. and Mu'ý;. Geo. Johns. Mu-. and Mu-s. Grant Cp.nipb,'-tl weu-e in Gait a week ago x'iSii' ing with bis sister, Dr'. and Alu.. Bannie and biought Rober-t Bon-. nie home with them fou- a wveck. This îveekend they spent uit Dr. and Mis. Bonnic's cottage at Havelock. Grant's mother. Mri. Eva Campbell accompanied thern. Mr-. and NMrs. Wni. Steehe andc their daughteu- and son-in-law, Mr. and Mu-s. Roii Addison and iamily, Toronto, visited the St, Lawrence Seaway duuing the week and called on Mu-. and Mrs. McDonald af Colborne. = VEAL ROASI SALE!l Veai, Knuckle Removed RUMP ROAST b69g Veal Cutiets or Fillet Roast lb8 9C Shoulder Veal CHOPS or ROAST 1653c VEAL CHOPS Vaal, Breast, Shank or Flank STEWING CUTS ib 69C 1629C Clark'* (In Chiti Sauce) Reg. 2 for 37c-SAVE 2c PORK & BEANS 220.oz lins 3 5 c Aylmner Choice . Reg. 31c-SAVE 2c BRLETT PEARS 24 f43n29 .TOILET TISSUE 'p!ga445C S PORK 1Peg tin 39c Jane Parker Large 8, 24-oz Pie fleg. 43z-ZAV(E 6z RAISIN PIE each43c Jane Parker, Large S" 24-ez. Pie Feg. 492-SAVE 4r LEMON PIE each 45 C Choie. Quality Reg. tin 23 -SAVE 17)c A&P PEACHES 5 20oz"n, 1 .00 Prie- lIn This Ad Guaranteed Tlirough Saturdoy, August 9th, 1958. Theylve added SEMI-PRIVATE COVERAGE to timeir Ontario Hospital Insurance - - This man's employer is one of over eight thousand Ontario employer, who have seiected semi-private coverage through Blue Cross for their employees-the plan designed to cover the full differenreir raîc between standard ward and semi-private care for an u.nhÉitPd nurnkr of days. P Individuais, too, can enrol for this completely new Blue Cross service effective January 1. 1959. Add Blue Cross semi.prvate coverage to your Ontario Hospital Insurance-one païment can be made to cover both plans. Blue Cross Plan for Hos pitai Cor- ONTARIO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION TORONTO 7. ONTARIO TheOrono News Toephose 127j Cryderman-Ruse Families HoId Picnic at Greenwood The 1958 reunion of the Cryd- a officers for the coming year, erman-Ruse families was held which was accepted: President Saturday, July 19 at Greenwood -Frank Ruse, Long Branch; Park. Vice-Pres.-Mrs. C. WVightman, Our attendance was snialler Newmarket; Sec'y-Treas.---rs. than usual due ta threatening E. Cryderman, Enniskillcn. skies and holiday timne for - Sports Committee-Mr. and many. Mrs. Merv-. Cryderman, Mr. and About 50 gathered for the hot Mrs. C. Smith, Oshawa. noon meal and alh were kept eptoCmite-r.F aient by gusts of wind which TReception ommttMr . F.o might tip their plates and cups Tambl3ma, Nron i. ltonMr if not kept filled.CrdmnN mact M. During the aternoon about Embeson Cryderman, 1-lunts- 33 more came ta enjoy the sun. ville. Those flot engaging in the sports Table Committecc-Mrs. Ciav- sat on the bank and chatted ton Cryderman. Mis. Fraiink while watching the others en- Ruse, Mrs. Harry Jose, MuIis. Car- jaying the various contests con- los Tamblyn, Mrs. Jno. Hopkins. ducted by Mr. and Mrs. Merv We were pleased taoivelcorne Cryderman and Mr. and Mrs. C. sanie w~ho had joiïncd us for thae Smith, Oshawa. The younger first time and hope they %vill children thonoughly enjoyed the corne again next ý ear. swings, slides and wading pool. At the supper hour sorn- The wînd was a little too cool special prizes wvcre given ta: for swimming enjoyment of the Eldest lady-Mrs. John CoNvling, aider ones. Bowmanville; Eldest gentleman While supper wvas being pre- -Mr. Frank Crydermian, Bom- pared, the President, Mr. Harry manville: youngest child--Girv Cryderman, Bowmanville, con- Douglas McMinn, Oshawva, larg- ducted a short business meeting, est family in attenidanice---Mn. It was decided that next year's and Mrs. E. Cryderman, Ennis'. picnic would be at this sarne killen. lovely park and on the same dRy Ail too soon came the tinie ta -third Saturday of July, 1959. say goodbye but aIl hoped to he 1The nominating committee back again next voanr Nwîth brought in the following slale many more ini att2rndance. iTlewca st/e WANTED PAIT-TINE POLICE OFFICER to entorce local by-laws VILLAGE 0F NEWCASTLE Apply, stating qualifications and salary expected, to MRS. NETTIE BUTLER, Clerk, Newcastle, Ont. Don't miss this .SPECIAL DOMINION ROYAL TIRES YOUR CHOICE EITHÈR SIZE 6.0016 or 6.70-15 PRODIJE SPECÎAL, ONTARIO GROWN YILLOW FRESi SWIIT CORN- NO. 1 GRADE doz 5 Drive la and Save ai Tsar Vî~ rstation COIN ER S RI). and Sth CONCESSION ci 1-i TM CAMAnTAM "Aqw-«UAV pqtfflpàwlm r North Nestlefon

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