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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Aug 1958, p. 2

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PAGE TWO ?IIE CANADIAN STATESMAIf. ~OWMANVTLL~. ONTAWTfl 'rUTTP~.TIAV ATT~ '7~h. t~R Future Pro jects Discussed at Meeting -Orono Police Trû'stees Some future projects were dlscussed and planned last week when the Orono Police Trus- tees met. Little business con- -fronted them. One tender was received for the laying of new sidewalks in the Village at a cost of $3.33 a square yard. The tender was -received from Fred C. Graham. of Orono and accepted. Side- walk construction is expected on Church Street south at Sta- tion and Cobbledick and also Church Street north from the Public School. Work is expected to start around the middle of August. A motion was also passed to have the Fire-hali painted on the outside. The secretary was instructed to write both the Colonial Coach Lines and the Department of Transport drawing to their at- tention that the Village of Or- ono had no bus service. It was MONUMENTS AND FINE QUALITY MARKERS1 ( ~~~ 4 te*& ft e d .I* OF STAFFORD 1, Ar-BROS. dulhovde Dea1gr Stafford Bros. Monumental Works 313 Dundas St. E., Whitby Phono Whitby MOhawk 8-3552 e pointed out that buses do run along Highway 115 but will not enter tbe Village. Many re- quests are being received for better bus service to and from the village. The- Police Trustees are ta boid a special meeting to com- piete negotiatiois for the new street from Cobbledick St. to Somerville Drive. This expec- ted within the next week or two. The chairman also feit that a new sub-division west of the Counties road into Orono wili soon be developed. Discussion followed on impnov- ing the appearance or the inter- section of Main and Miil streets, chip-stoning rof roads, purchas- ing of mercury-vapor street lights. Nothing definite was done on these mattens. It was bow- ever pointed out that the mer- cury-vapour street lights, as the one in the north o! theVill- age which is on trial, casts $ 144.00 as compared with $20,00 for the conventional street light fixtures. A draft o! a new building code and negulations was ne- ccivcd by the Trustees fromn the Department of Planning and Development. It was decided that it ivould take a number of months to study the 67 page draft before any decision could be mnade. A motion xvas passed at the Orono Hydro meeting author- izing the manager, E. Dent,' complete arrangements for set- ting up a hydro water heater plan. A recommended plan was tabled axvaiting final approval from the Ontario Hydi'o. Under this plan customers will be able ta eithen ýrent or purchase with installation being mnade by the Orono Hydra. It is feit that the new hot water R EVO LUTIO MARY N-EW DESIGN IN COLO.R-SLIDE PROJECTORS ' "p KODAK.CwaCcufrPROJECTOR Finest... .most versatile... "automatic" ever buit! ... settle back - the Cavalcade runs the show for youl $et the. timing dial, and the projector takes if from there - shows slides big and bright, changes them quick-as-a-winka f the selected intervoi. Or, you can change slides by remote controi . .'. manually advance and reverse ... even edit as you show. Many other features - get the whole story here! Complet ini case with "preview" 4 scee, 00 l, .f12.8 feus, '$1 84.50 Jury and Lô*veil X5 King St. W. Bowmanville MA 3-5778 Now in DOWMA NVILLE To reach "Telephone repair service Dial 114 Confinue Io Dia la) fil (for Operator> - to cail Information to place a Long Distance cal -for assistance i making a local oel . TmE BELL TELEPTIONE COMPANY 0F CANADA t a E ti F E] setup wil be able to compete with gas hot water heaters, providing natural gas cornes to the Village. After accounts amounting to over $3000 were paid a balance of $1500 existed. Largest ex- penditure for the month was $1150.00 for power and $545.00 for cable and wire. BLACKSTOCK 1 stimated Cost For Apartment Block - $191000 PORT HOPE (ENS)-Building permits were issued last week ta M. Hummel a! Oshawa for construction o! two small apant- ment bouses at 78 and 80 Pnin- cess St., an the west side o! the street between William and Don- set St. E. Estimated cost o! con- struction is $ 19,000 each. Each building will consist o! a ground floar, two feet beiow graund level and six feet above, and two stonies above it. There wiil be three apartments in each building, one on each floor. The buildings will be o! solid brick and will measure approx- imately 40 by 25 feet. Plans submitted ta the town engineer's office show two bed- rooms, one Lathroom, kitchen and living-room, with dining alcove in the two upper apant- ments a! each building. The basement apartrnents have one ler:; bc'droom. thc remaining space bein- occupied bv~ a lau-n- dry for trie 'xsr-o! ail ti'ree apartments. The July meeting o! the Un- ited Church W.A., was held ai the home of Mrs. Glenn Larmei Tuesday evening. Mrs. W. Ar- cher read a paem. Rail caîl was "ways o! Irnproving aur Fai] Bazaar". Plans were started for a convention of ail the W.A.'s o! the circuit in the fall, also for the church supper f air night, August 23rd and for an entry in the O.N.O. exhibit at the fair. Devotional-Taking God with us on aur Holidays, was given by Mrs. Russel Mountjoy. Don- na McLaughlin played a piano solo, "The Teddy Bear's Pic- nic". Miss Gwen Wilson gave a talk and showed pictures tak- en an ber' trip ta Bermuda which was mast interesting. Mrs. Cecil Gibson, graup leader expnessed thanks on be- bal! o! the members and after the closing exercises the graup and hostess served lunch ta, the thirty-nine ladies and six chul- dren present. Mr. and Mrs. Rager Darrel and famiiy andi Mnrand Mrs. Dalton Donreil and family, spent the weekend camping at Emiiy Park. Rogers neturned home ta Ottawa Mondav. Marilyn, Ronald and Jim Ar- cher, WVhitby, spent the week- end with their gnandpanents, Mn .and Mrs. W. Archer and Mn. A. ]Dever. Mrs. Cook, B3rooklin, Mrs. Robson, Miss Ashton, Toronto, and Mrs. Herb Taylor, spent Saturdlay with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Malcolm and cbildren. Mn. and Mns. Blake Gunter and childnen are halidaying at Coe Hill. Mrs. Richard Mason, Vancou- ver, and Mrs. Phena Mountjoy, Oshawa, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain and family. Mrs. H. Baîley and Merlin visited Mrs. Levi McGili, Peter- borough, Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. J. Mariow and family, Lively, are holidaying with bath their parents and families here. Mn. and Mrs. Weir Swain. Toronto, spent the weekend witb Mn. and Mrs. Clarence Manlow and Bill. 1Mn. and Mrs. Stan Rahm, Paul and Canai, are holidaying at Kashagawigamog Lake. Glad ta see Mrs. Thos Smith home again and feeling quite well. Mr. and Mrs. Jae Flett, Bow- manville, visited with Mn. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham, Sunday. Mn. and Mrs. Cecil Hyde and Linda, Toronto, spent the week- end with Mrs. Ira Argue, Mn. and Mrs. Tom Hoidge and boys, and Mrs. Ed Darcy. Mrs. H. Baiiey, Merlin and Catherine, spetit Thursday and Friday in Toronto. Mrs. May Pritchard neturned home with themn for a visit. Mrs. Edith Murphy, Tyrone, and Miss Brenda Murphy spent a few days and Mn. and Mrs.i Hugh Murphy and famidly, Bowmanvihe, were Tuesday visitons o! the Roy MeLaugh- i. Dennis McLaugbhin spent the week with Donald McLaugh- lin, Bowmanville. Twenty-six o! the Cauples' Club gathened at Cartwright Park, Shingle Landing and spent a very pleasant evening Wednesday. Tbey had a basebali game, scavenger hunt, and ather games. Then they had a camp- fire and sing-sang !ollowed by lunch of fish and chips. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Tennant and children spent the week- end with her father and bro- bher, Bert- and wi!e at Hunts- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Wood, St. Thomas, visited Mrs. Jas. Hen- ry Tuesday and Wednesday. Mn. and Mrs. Ted McLaugb- lin and famihy, Enniskihlen, were Saturday evening visitons and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Grant and Rickey, Bowmanville, Sun- day caîhers o! Mr. and Mrs. Har- old McLaughlin and family. Mn. and Mrs. Garnet Wright, Pont Penny; Miss Hazel Wright,, Oshawa; Mrs. M. Canr, Gage- town, Mich., and Mn. and Mrs. Clague, Ann Arban, Mich., were Sunday visitons and Bet- ty Bradburn spent iast xveek with Mr. and Mns. Wiil Farder. ar, -Ateded th W-ght- L egal1 STRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanvile Telephone MA 3-5791 W. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public King St. W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGINS Barrîster, Solicitor Notary Public Temperance St. - Bowmanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN U.E., B.A., LLB. Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newcastle 2246 Consultation by appolntment only. M or tga ge S LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funds Residences - Farms Business Properties 0Optfomefry- KEITHE A. BILLETT Optometrist 141 King St. E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: By appointment Telephone MAket 3-3252 Monday to Saturdav' 9 amr. te 5 p.m. Wednesdays: 9 te 12 Thursday eveningo MO VIE REVIEW Royal Aug. il - 13 MARJORIE IONNSA iwith Gene Kelly, Natalie Wood, Claire Trevor, Ed Wynn, Ever- ett Sloane. Supeniar drama o! engrossing cbarm and range. Magnificently produced and cast. The bigh expectatians aven Warnen Bras.' Marjorie MÔrn- ingstar are rather- genenously realized in the film. Based on Herman Wouk's trelnendously- papular novel, the film has been given afond and elabanate pro- duction treatment by Milton Speriing. His cameras wander in and around New York City and upstate ta a mauntain ne- sort wbere much o! the action takes place. 01 The stary pnimanily concenns the differences in social back- ground nd outlook of twa young people and the emotional clash that ensues as a conse- quence. Natalie Wood plays thel respectable, middle-class; lady a! Jewisb anigin who becomes beglamored by a drama coach and song writer in tIfe moun- tains. The latter is piayed by Gene Kelly and in that ri e manages ta get into the film i bits. appealing sang and dancej It is a tnibute ta Irving Rap- per's direction that ail perfor- mances shine with competence. Everett Sloane and Claire Tre- vor play the cancerned and de- voted parents o! MissWod and bath infuse their raieswt conviction and the proper nu- ances. A performance o! deiight and achievement is turned in by the beloved Ed Wynn as the uncle. His mock-bullfight se- quence is sheen ecstacy. This Beachwold Pictures Pro. duction is stamped with sincer- ity tbnoughout. The people are Irono Evening Auxiliary bold Yearly Party the hostess on behaîf of every one present, by Donothy Baiiey. Dora, in nepiying, stated she bad enjoycd having the party and boped they would ail return net ear. Tey nçco4t willl beleva~Ieandthe situations rea. verthngabout it com-c ,,,Symbo of Qualty ýbines to ak.e Ennit seem like a Symbo of Q alitychampion at the boxoffice. i )Stressed by Chrysier itdprfrac as the world- who knows ail the sly answers ever but stili has an Innate hunger Ev 'In Ai Its P oductsfor true, romantic lové. ýe Six lively kids and a couple facturing of m o de rn automo- photography has dn pe-jn Io f dogs couldn't wear out auto biles. did job in is dparirnent and to-g upholstery faster than a busy the music composed by Max Ai littie device at Chrysler Corp~ This program involves more, Steiner and supervised by Ray îeav poratiorq of Canada, Limited, in thna01rdqult oto Heindor! is on the same high arrn Windsor, Ontario. Day in, and people, who check at every level o! competence. sala day out this machine tests fab- stage from raw materiaisto fin- reeoa nedn - eie ilta tao! btrni relis ric samples, rubbing the fibres ished car. Metals, fabrics, parts and j together under tension up to and assemblies must be up to 50,000 times. standard. Ail bolts, supports andde 1a Another device called the Ilfa- mountings must be snug and 1 pao deometer" tests. auto paint. An- tight. Windshields, doors, truck' un le ClnAr other, called the "«dy n a mo- lids and mouldings must fitI LL A: fmeter" tests completed engines. And G'the iisecaaut,'3 iler ai roon And stili another blasts torrents the entire car is re-examined b y plan of water at finished cars frbui teains o! men before it earns * .muc 32 different directions at 30 Ibs. its stamp o! quality. Ham to P rk Ah Iper square inch presure to test This is what the, "Golden Q" hp for water-tightness. means. You'll find it on Ply- Hampton Park was the scene a V( JThese are just a few o! the mouth, Dodge, De Soto, Chrys- o! the twenty-third annual ga- Imany tests ail new Forward 1er and Imperial. A symbol Of therîng o! the Rundie clan. A wee: Look cars must go thrdugh to another big advantage-superior cool breeze from the pond in- Ard, earn the "Golden Q"l emblem quality-foumd in cars built by creased appetites and helped M~ of the most exacting quality- Chrysler Corporation of Canada, everyone do justice to a hearty Mar control programi in t he manu- Limited. meal consisting of hot POtato Mrs, and meat pies as well as an day A . ~ O th abundance of dessert delicaces. M O ve .0 A ten ~Between fifty and sixty couis- Bufi Over100 tte d 30 h is gathered to catch up on the and news and enjoy the rceto M Rickard F m l eîo provided by the "spur o! the trea Minute" sports committee. No- wee The thirtieth annual family Quebec, they came to Bowman- joyed by ahl. As night drew Kîm reunion of descendan ts of the ville by boat and settled on the nigh, the packing of the left- late John and Maria Rickard farm on Lot 1. Concession 1, overs (which were few) began was held at Waltona Park, New- Darlington Township about two and everyone departed, once i caste, Saturday, July 26th. miles west of Newcastle. They again looking forward to next case, pioneers in Darlington Town- ren, Maria, John, William and, The evecutive for next year cour sh ip well over onie hundred Thomas. Three more sons Ja - is as follows: President, Glen "'I years ago. They left their na- mes, George and Samuel were Pickel Vive president, Leu Youi tive counties of Cornwall and born in Canada. They we-e Rundle; Treasurer, Herb Run- "uni Devonshire and embarked at able to establish themselves se- dle, Secretary, Joan Cann; - Plymouth in an old fashioned curely on their five sons in ac- Sports Committee, Ray Rundie, sailing vessel. After landing at to assist their five sons in ac- John Oke. quiring farms on the highway _________ between Shaw's and Newcastle. ]Business Directory eaome descendants of these IB TH N - earlysettiers now numbering IHAN ACC Unf nCy over two hundred are stili en- A cc ou t n y gaged in the traditional occu- Tcheo'United Church Sundav have found occupations in ai- nesday afternoôn at Emily Park, WM. . B . COGGINS most ail fields of endeavour. with a good crowd attending. Chartered Accountant A large number is stili to be Races and games were held for Second Floor found residing in the district the junior children.j New Library- Building around Newcastle and Orono. Mr. and, Mrs. George Howe Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Over one bundred of these and son Thomas o! Copper Ciiff Phone MArket 3-à6l2 desceindants gathered on Sat- are visiting with their uncle, urday to enjoy the thirtieth Thomas Staples. MONTEITH - MONTEIT-r annual Rickard pienic. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Smith, RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants The picnic got underway when Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. Mil- 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa the children enthusiastically ton Paczay, Slmcoe, were guests R.A 5-3527 ]umped into the creek and en- for several days last week with Partncrs: joyed swimming in the refresh- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jennings. J. W. Monteith, M.P., F.C.A. ing water. The parents at the Mrs. John White spent sev- A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., C.A. same time visited one another eral days with Mrs. Stewart G. W. Riehi, C.A. and made preparations for sup- Speller and family at their cot- (Licensed Trustee) per. The sports programn foul- tage near Fenelon Falls. G. E. Trethewey, C.A. owed and was actively partic- Mrs. Orboe Wright was in To- R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. ipated in by ail age graups. ronto last week visiting with When the sports àctivities ber daughter and son-in-law, YALE, FRIEDLANDER. were finished ahl enjoyed the Mr. and Mrs. William Marti- HUNTER & CO. excellent food that had been chenko.( Accountants and Auditors under the direction of Mrs. Stan Mr. Keitb Thorndyke and Mr. 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Powell. Harvey Gray, Mimico, visited Oshawa Special prizes were awarded wlth Mr. Wellington Fallis for B. L. Yale, C.A. to Dean Walker for being the several days last week also caîl- F. Friediander, B. Comm., C.P.A. youngest èhild >in attendance, ing on numerous other friends J. Hunter, C.P.A. to Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Allun for in the neighborhood. baving thé largest family in at- Mrs. Ina Palmer who bas tedance; 'to Mrs.Walter Rick- been on vacation at Belle Plains, Chiroprac tic ard* for beingth oldest grand- Sask., returned borne on Tues- G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. for being the one having corne Ma ndMs Mn Wih Chiropractor the fartbest distance. had as their guests for the Office : After supper the Nominat- weekend, Dr. G. M. Longfield, 7i 15 Elgin St., cor. o! Horsey St. ing Committee chose the Exec- MVrs. Longfield and their daugh- Phone MA 3-5509 utive Committee who will ar- ter Ruth. All are spending this - Office Hours: By Appointment range for the next year's pic- nic. It is as follows: President n iJohn Rickard, Vice-President, Di>entl ai Ewant ,Clemence; Secretary Treasurer, Hele Buxton; Man- DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. agement Committee, Kay and Office: Jury Jubilee Bldg. tan Powell; Douglas and Ethel 40 King St. W. Bowmanville Wight, Bihll and Eileen Allun, _m Office Hcours: Manjonie Clemens, Mabel Jew- I Closed Saturday and Sun~day A lively garne of softbalfoi-EA Ni Office Phone - MA 3-5790 lowed the supper bour. The' Elouse Phone - Newcastle 3551 sons were victorinus over their fathens by a score of 14 to 11. DR. E. W. SISSON, L.D.S., D.D.S. Those visiting from a dis- à Office in bis home tance were, Mrs. Alvin Fisher, 100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville Belleville, Dr. Howard Rickard Office Hours: and daughter Margaret, Port 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Colbourne, Mn. and Mrs. fae F 9 a.m. ta 12 noon Wednesday HIockin wbo will be residingi k BO > Bring your Victory Bonds to aur nearest branch. joe Receive immediate cash adjustment and recelpt for Victory Bo«nds. >e Canada Conversion Bonds yield a higher return over a longer perlad. >e W, are equipped ta help YOD mako the conversion quickly and slmply, >0 ko cash outlay. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE 775 BRANCHES ACROSS CANADA READY TO ASSIST YOU V BOWMANVILLE BRANCH H. G. HACKING, Manager NEWCASTLE BRANCH J. C. PORTER, Manager ........... )RONO-A most enjoyable ning was beld recentiy wbene aning Auxiliary of Orono Un- 1 Church journeyed by car Dora Morris' cottage near ietviile, for their yearly get- getber at this iovely spot. Iround 26 ladies attended, ving Onono at 6p.m. Upon -val a bountiful lunch of ad, sandwiches, salmon loa!, ishes, cake, cookies, pie, tants 1tea was enjoyed. Later ne went boat niding on the cid lake, others waiking mud the cottages. s the air cooled everyone ,ered in the spacious living- nm wbere contests and games, nned by the hostess, caused ýh hilanity and fun. t a late hour the weary but )py ladies left for home after te o! thanks had been given ek at a summer cottage near den. ir. and Mrs. Norman Neals, ýkdale, visited with Mn. and sRoss Carr duning the hall- rweekend. [r. and Mrs. Kenneth Speers, ffalo, N.Y., are visiting Mn. 1Mrs. Walter Neals. Elss Evelyn McKinnon, Mon- I, Que., is home for two eks' vacation with her par- ,sMr. and Mrs. James Me- inon. A SIIMPLE CASE 'seemed like a very simple e,0s the judge asked why -iadn't been settied out o! irt. rhat's what we were doing, r Honor," Timothy replied, tii the cops interfered." HAPPY THE DAY ... Days of retirernent can be ful of pleasant activities . . . Golf, Fis hing, Travelling. No miore alarrm-clocks - just the pleasant prospect of years of leisure stretching ahead. A pleasant -prospect indeed if you have planned for adequate retrement incorne. Start planning your happy re- tirenient with the Sun Life Assurance Company of Cr.aadla today. Banner ]Passant Representative MIA 3-3258 53 Brown St. Bowmenville mYOUR VICTORY BONDS 9 .în. LUO 6P.m. uaily Ciosed Satunday and Surnday Telephone: Office MA 3-54591 TnE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWIL&Nvr=l ONTARIO IMMISDAY. AUG. 7th. 1958 PACU TM = BUM C mmR Imm u

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