MKRDAY, AtTG. ?th, 1Ion THE CAMAD!AN STATESMAN. BOWMUNVMLL!. ONTARIO U A MU -~ v - Miss Ka)r Moore is visiting relatives in Toronto. ýe Mr' and MrËM4 arerrison are visiting ieqàelntall. Inwiin ColwelI is enjaying a holiday with bis cousin, Donald Faley, Maple Grave. Mr. and Mrs. George Graham and family are motornmg through thxe United States. Stephen John Reynolds, Ham- Pton, visited with bis cousins, Cheryl and Lynn Williams. Miss Donna Flett is visiting ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Beers, Baltimore, Maryland. Mrs. H. Frost, Kemp, Nova Scotia, is visiting with Mrs. Edna Campbell and Iris. Mr. and Mrs. Don Baie and Susan, Peterborough. have been visitîng with relatives in town. Edxvard Coiweih is spending a week at the Young Peophe's Camp at Quin-Mo-Lac, near Madoc. Mn. John E. James, Aurora, sperft bbc weekend holiday with bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. W. James. Mr.*and Mms. Martin Molloy and boys, Fîcît Street, have re- turncd froni a week's visit ini Phiiodeiphia. Mr. David Parker, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Parker, spent thc weekend at their cottage at West Beach. Mr. Jerry Marjerrisan and Mr. Bob Cax matorcd ta Cleve- land and Detroit for the holi- day weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fail, Port Credit; Mr. and Mrs. John Cat- tran, Sarnia, visited with rela- tions Fând friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Wight- man. Napance, were holiday guests of Mrs. J. A. Jewchl ai-d Miss Mary Jewcll. Mm. and Mrs. Garnet Goheen, Margaret, Rosemary and Da- vid, recently enjoycd a motor trip iround Lake Erie. Rec'ent visiiors with Mr. ai-d Mrs. Herb Calmer were Mrs. E. Kuschnerejt and sons Larry and Frankie, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Haines E. Bell- Irian and Dana, Walkerton, spent the holiday weekend with Mm. and Mrs. Cecil Belîman. Mr. Harvey Bottreli and Mr. John Bottreil, Toronto, speni the holiday weekend ai their parents' cottage ai West Beach. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Williams, Jody and Lory, Port Perry, spent a few davs with Mr. and Mrs. Robent Williams and fam- jly. Mr. and Mrs. 4w; Smith-, Mr. and Mrs. Gëèoige Morris and Karen. have returned home from a week's vacation in North Bav. ,~,Mn. and Mrs. Maxie Youth, ~rad and Don spent their bail- eays ai Golden Lake, Ottawa, and xisited the Seaway at Corn- wall. Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Dorey and Ann, Iraquais Falls, are visit- ing w%,ith ber sister, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Manjerrison, and Bob. Mrs. Mina Colwell, Mrs. Bert Calweil, Edward and Imwin, spent severai days last week wibrelatives ai Beetan and Bond Head. Mrs. Lamne Kîcinstiver and Peter, have retumned ta Dash- wood after a few days' visit with lier Parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Williams. Mm. Sam Barileti, Grimsby Beach., visitcd bis aunt, Miss Eva Hellyar xvbo was celebrat- ing bier 93rd bithday on Wed- nesdav, Augusi 6. Miss Cbris Teras, Toronto, :spent the %xvekend with Miss Evc'nvi Brown. Miss Marlon Fegan was with hiem parents at their cottage ai Cedar Crest. Fiying Officer Barry Arm- strong, wife Nancy and son, Phillip have returncd tb Ba- den-Baden, Germany, after a tbrec week holiday in England. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevenis returned ast week from Sa- cramc'nto, Ca iforn ia, where thcy visitcd and went on vaca- tion with Mr. and Mrs. John Hopps. St. PauI's United Church Minister, Rev. H. A. Turner, B.A., B. D. Organist, M\,rs. Reta Dudley, A.T.C.M., L.C.C.M. 11:00 a.m. - Trinity and St. Paul's Congregations vorship in St. Paul's. A cordial welconie to alh ST. JOHN'S CHURCH (Anglican) Tenlh Trinlly HOLY COMMUNION MORNfl<G PRAYER Evenlng Service Withdrawn Mr. John Bird, Miss Jacque- line Bird, Mrs. Myrtle Fawlar and Master Willis Fowler a- tended the Smith reunion at NichaIs Oval in Peterborough an Sunday. Misses Betty Flaxman, Mar- janie Couch, Agnes Carru- thers, and Mrs. Ina McNaugh- ton attended "The Winter's Tale" at the Stratfard Festival on Juhy 26. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Nicholis, Terr>i and JUll and Mr. an d Mrs. Bud Moses, Janice and Kathy, have returned from spending a week's holiday at Bayview Ladge, Sparrow Lake. Mn. and Mrs. Hanold Calmer, daughters Maureen, Pattie and Pamela; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Colmer, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Greg Calmer and Donaida at Bracebnidge. Judith Elizabeth, child af Mr. and Mrs. George Carter, was baptized in St. John's Anglican Cburch on Sunday, July 27 by Rev. A. C. Herbert. The god- parents were Mr. and Mrs. Rab- ert Carter, Whitby. Three sisters had a- narrow escape fnomn serîous injury on Sunday afternoon in a motor accident on the Wharf Road, Bowmanvilhe. Miss Rena Diii- ing was the driver of the car. She was driving ber two sisters, Dona and Sandra Dilling ta Bowmanvilie East Beach at the time. Damage ta the car amount- cd ta $650.00. Miss Sharon Hammond is hoi-, daying with Mn. and Mrs. Frank Prouse, Pickering. Master Mur- ray Hammond was hoiidaying with Mr. and Mrs. Onvilie Os- bonne. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hammond. Mrs. A. W. Hammand and Miss Rorel Hammond have jusi returned fram bhl- daying in the New Liskeard area. Fire destroyed 20 apple trees in Reeve Wilfrid Carruthers orchard on Saturday afternoon before fiames were put out by the Bowmanville Fire Brigade. The fire whicb appamently was stanted by two boys smokingl ranged rapidly acnoss a widel area of grass on a property own- ed by Mn. Carruthens and Sam Butteny. Mr. Wmn. Fairbead of Nicln- als Motor Sales lefi Tuesdgy momnng on a trip ta visit re- latives in Engiand. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Venton and Don met Mm. Fainhead ai Montreal. Ahi sailed an the Empmess of Britain. A group of friends g- themed at the C.P.R. station and presented hlmi with a "yactn~ cap --id showered him withj confetti, causing raised eyc- brows fram the conductor and aroused sieepy passengers. Rcturned from spending a week*s holiday on Lake Kasha- gawigamog are Mm. and Mrs. Gardon Sturrock, Sharon and Donnie; Mm. and Mrs. Art Hoop- cm, Ronnie, Danny, Nancy and Katby; Mr. and Mrs. Don Rundie, Bradley and baby Dale. Mn. and Mrs. Sturrock and famihy went on ta Baptiste Lake near Bancroft ta spend the holi- day weekend with bier aunt and uncle, Mr. and MX's. Wallace Rutledge. They were joined there by Mrs. Sturock's sister. Mr. and Mms. Gary Hancock of Newcastle. Visitons with Mns. J. D. Ste- yens were: Mm. and Mms. Da- vid Foley and Elizabeth and Mr.%. Fred R. Foley, Breezy Brae Drive, Appiewoad Orch- ard. Mns. F. R. Foiey remained for a three weeks' visit and Mrs. Foley and Mrs. Stevensj visibed friends in Bowmanviilef and Oshawa. Mrs. Joe F. Jevw cIl, Cannington, spent a few days witb Mrs. J. D. Stevens Mir. and Mrs. Kennetb Sumers- fard, Bill and Steven. Mrs.Fred R. Foiey, Mrs. Jcweli and Mr1s. J. D. Stevens, cailed ai the Goard Famiiy picnic ai Lake Scugog for a couple of boums Sunday. July 27tb, left Mrs. Jewell and went on for a pîca- sant week's holiday ai the Hut- ton Cottage near Minden. Mrs. F.' R. Foley returned home on Tues day. Mr. and Mrs. E. Y. (Ted) Joncs, Fort William, stopped off heme an Tuesdav an their retumn from an enloyable 7- xveeks' sight-seeing trip of Eu.- nope and the British Ishes. They expressed their regret ai not being able ta attend the Cen- tennial celebrations of Mr. Jones' native town. Wbile bere thev iook occasion ta visit St. John's Anglican Church. wbich Ted attendcd as a youtb, and vîcxved bbc memoriai window in the churcb whicb be bad in- stalled several years aga ta the memnory of bis brother Richard (Dick) Joncs xvba was killeci in the Firsi World War. Mr. and Mrs. Jones bcd afterno>,n tea with Mm. and Mms. Gea. W. James wben the men did con- siderable reminiscing of their schoah heme before the tumo of the Century wben Mm. R. D. Davidson was Principal of the Central Sehool and Comparai Hlobbs. a veteran of the Crimn- cao War, xvas the caretaker. Mr. Joncs also secured a copy of "Bwmanvile-A Retros- peci" 10 refresh bis memory onthe histamv of bis nativ.e iown. Mm. Joncs was youngeri son of tbc hale W. J. Joncs wha was local manager of the Stan- dard Bank fan many years. Busy Clerks at Work ........ The busiest people at Enniskillen Rabies Clinie, Tuesday. were these two young ladies, Miss Lois Ashton and Mrs. Harold Ashton in charge of issuing certificates certifying that pets had reccived anti-rabies vaccination. Cartwright to Choose Sumnmer Queen at Fair BLACKSTOCK - The Cari- xrigh-t Agricuhtural Societ y have a nexv attraction at their fair in Blackstock this year. Thçe mvi ibc a beauty con- test for "Cartxvright Summer Qucen". AIl girls 16 years and oveî' will be cligible and a qucen and five princesses wil be chosen. The attraction wili be pres- cnted in front of the grand- stand and willrIImonahong with the horse show. This xiii pro- vide a choice of entertainment. Girls wili appear first in bath- ing suits and again later in street clothes. Baoth appearan- ces xii counit in the judging. There will be a substantianl cash prize for the qucen and five additional prizes for thec princesses. Ahl girls wishing ta enter should send their cntry ta th2ý secretary Biackstock Fair, Blackstock, before August 18tb. Large Crowds Attend 3 - Day CaesareaRegatta Large crowds àttended the ttaree-dav Regatta and Field Days held ai Caesarea on Sat- urday. Sunday and Manday. It was the 26th annual event of the kind hieid there. The festiv- ities started on Saturday morn- ing withi a gala chiidren's parade. On Saturday afternoon, many races and contests were hcid in- eluding the hrond .imp. men's boscshoe, high lump, saîck rac- es, naiI-(1.rivîjig comtesis, pick- a-back, niovcty races, relay, running races foir variaus alges and distances, and a tug--of-xvar. On Sunday. stock utility boat races wene hehd for Lake Scugog residents only. There were four races for diffenent classes of oui- board mator boats and also a saccial race. In the evening, there was a basebail game with1 a team of married men versusi the single men. Afier the bal game a borseshoe tounnament was enjoyed. At 10 a.m. on Monday, child- ren's swimming ,races were started, fallawe.d by swim races for teenagers. In the afiernoon, senior swimming races werc beid, also canoe and row boat races. Cancer Centre aomed to Honour Margaret ys Visitý Tn Soptemnber the new can- cer t1cati-ent nar research centre will be officially opened. It ha.s been planneci to be the finest and nost modern cancer trealinent and iîccazrch contr- in th(- worlci. It is cesîgned to be a n-ospital cm!iplinsizing out- patient trcatm-icini. it is locateci on SI[et'irnce Street above Welha]e cont ous40the Wei- lesJey HIostpitail. It is the resuit of lonii- and careful planning and deliberiations bv the Ontario Cp.ncer Treament and Research FoLncdation. This project has been en tirelvy financed by the Govertnncnt of Ontario, which to datc lias invested approxi- maev$10 million in the pro- jedt. It is hopcd shortl v that stops xil ho ta!.en tb ndoxv the rescarchi facihlties orf this great unflertaking. Verv i mpor- tant stops have been taken to secure a highl.v qualified per- sonnel to operatp this un- Emmanuel S Pastor at Kei dertaking.t To mark the occasion of the visit of Hem Royal Higbness the Pnincess Margaret, witb the gra- ciaus permission of Hem Majes- iy bbc Quecn and of Hem Rayai Hi.chness, bbc Gavcmnmeni 0f, Ontario bas named ibis fine new institution "The Princes Margaret Hospital". Il is alto- gether fitting that ibis gmeat new centre, which xiii ha ve evemy modemn facility for the cure nnd relief of cancer, should bean the name of one who bas an abiding interesi and concern in the develapments of science and medicîne ta cure disease. to elievco suffering and ta beiter the conditions of people not onhy heme, but of mankind everywhere. lt shouîd be pointed oui tha't bbc Cobalt Bombs which arc instalcd in The Princess Mar- garet Hospital are powred with the rcfinements of uran- ium fromn Ontario fields. tudent, dron Churcli (.Staff Correspondent) A brather, Rev. Jack T. Low- clv, is serving as assistant min- KEDRON- Donald Percival ister ai Dr. Switzcm's Cbumc, Lawv', a 5erod student I Central United, in Calgary, AI- minisîer xvth bis Bachelor of berta, anc of the largesi chur- Arts ge fromi Victoria Col- ches in the West. leg-e. Universitv of Toronto, basq Afier obtainiog bis BD de- agreed to concîuct services andi grec, Mr. Lowery plans ta take preachi on the circuit at CDlumn- ps rdaewrara, bois-K di-rn cîurches. uintil lie order la specialize, if bis nes- resurnes bis studics ai Emman- ponsibihities permit. uel Cullege in the fail. At present Kedron congrega- lie lias comipleied bis firsit tian is enjoying the services of vcar for bis Rzachlelor of Divin- this versatile student, and an- .tv degree. When callnd ta serv-e ticipates a fine elaionsbip) un- this chnr mgo i\lr. Lowerv tii coliege reopens in tbe foul. statiolied ;in Quebec xi th t'.ie Chaplaincx- Corps of the RCAI-'~ Pr1 " R c'. ,froni xvhich S d lihe rc~mlea cd. 1 S choo Mr. Loxc : islasports en- i thus:nsb' and pîax cd football, squash1_ tennis and lacrosse dur-Voe ing bis student da.v7. Singing is V t ii cnief hobbyv, and hielbas been solo'st in the Metrapolitan l Church. Toronto, as xvwell as as- 5P a5sses ,4s gini choir xvork at Runinv- mede United and Waliiiem Road The issue of a 20-year deben- Baptist Chorches. Flving is an-. r o $0,0 h on other hobb.y,. and Mm. Lowery tr o l000b b on bias 'oi pilai's iicenlso-. ship School Anea Board of Qiherchur-h ativiin- Clarke for tbc construction of clude tcaching a Siiiiday School a two-maom school in former cla ' atd serî'ngas nrcsidt-ot school section No. 9 and a four- of ail adutit Bit)b,1e clss Eac'n room sebool in former school vear -Mm. Loxverv- attends a con- section No. 4 was appmoved by, feenLe under direction of Dr. the voters in the district on Sat- Sam Shoemaker. froni Calvarv urday, August 2nd. Thene was Episcopai Chîîmch, P;ttsbur_,, an h1-vote majanity. Pa. The resuhis fnom the Deputy His father, Dr. R. P. Lowerv,, Retunning Officers were accept- a 'clk'ovn oil ' dei:- cd as final ai 9:30 p.m. by the of Clarke Township: H. E. Wahk- ey, J. H. Lowery, R. Savery and E. Dent. Div. School 1 1 24 38 4 9 5 13 Total - Sec. Yes No - ---- 17 13 ---- - 45 6 - ------ 7 23 - ----- -. 13 22 9 Q10 - -10 5 - ----- 3 14 ------ -- 04 93 Tt may frigliten yau ai first, but it's worth trying; praise your wife. c>cal &' f/fersonaI Phone MA 3-3303 Boaird Declinels CContinued from page one) because Mr. Heyland voted once in one way while Darlington Township Council would, have liked him ta do the opposite, does not warrant his resigna- tion," Mr. Nichols. stated most emphatically. Appointed by Council Reeve Roy W. Nichois of Dar- lington was equally firm in con- firming the stand taken by the Township Counicil when quest- ioned by the Statesman. He pointed out that Mr. Heylad had been appointed by the Township Council ta re present it on the Durham County Dis- trict High School Board. '"When he ignored the Council's view in bis vote on the matter of the proposed new High School site we asked him ta resign," Reeve Nichais said. Meeting August 7 The August meeting of Dai- lîngton Township Council wil be hcld in Hampton on Thurs- day afternaon, August 7th, the Reeve pointed out. The matter of Mr. Heyland's resignation and the Durbam Cauntyv Dis- trict High School Board's re- fusai ta accept it will be taken up then, and further action will be decided upon, lie said. To Save Taxpayers' Money "The Town Council -*s there ta save the taxpayers' money, and we intend ta do so," Reeve Nichais asserted. He explained that the Council is convinced that the choice of Orono as a site for the new High School is uneconamical. Transportation for students there would cost the taxpayers thousands of dol- lars that need nat be spent if a proper place had been chasen for the location. In addition the auditorium, cafeteria, and gym- nasium, which do not receive a penny in government grants wili add a large sum ta the tax- payeýrs' costs." Orono School Unnecessary "It has been admitted by the Durhim County District High Sehool Board that within a year or so of the completion of a High Scbool in Orono another High School will have ta be The Durham County District cd by ail. I A Il IIUIT-OR[ES[ SPECIAL VALUES AND REMINDERS FOR THIS WEEK end MENOR BURNS FOR 0RNS 3 314 oz. $135 A Division of HENRY K. WAMPOLE & CO. LTD. PERTH, ONTARO GT FAST RELIEF mm GIN PILLS FLY AND INSECT KILLE RS Fly-Tox Bomb 89c, 1.39 Spray 45c, 65e, 98e Green Cross Inseet Bomb 89c, 1.39 Spray 50c, 65c, 1.00 Bridgeport Aer-a -sol Bomb 98c, 1.49 Raid Bug Killer 1.69 SNAPSHOTS NE VER FORGET! Good pictures are priceless! We can gîve up- to-date advice on p h o t o supplies for anyone buy- ing their first camera, or for advanced ama- teur and movie film fans.. INSECT REPELLENTS 6 -12 Liquid --69c Stick _-- .- - --69e Bomb _------- 1.19 Tantoo Spray Bomb 1.15 Cream 65e Liquid 89C Friendship's Gardenl by Shulton - 17 1.75 Dusting Powder and %' oz. Toilet Water --17 'Deseri Flower by Shulton 2.00 Dusting Powvder and .1,4 oz. Tollet Water.- 2.001 I.D.A. Stomacli Powder 4, 16 oz., reg. '75c, 1.95 - - ---------5 , 1 4 A.S.A. Tablets 100's, 300Sn 19c, 49c Jeanelle Bath Saits Reg. 98e value ----79c Vaculum Boitle 98c value 79c Etiquet Cream Deodorani 98c value 69vc Halo Shampoo 65e size - -- 2 Y-, 98c -GILLETTE VACATION SPECIAL A gold-plated lure, a plastic fly and hait box plus a Super- Speed Razor and dispenser of six Blue Blades. 12 3.00 value -_-------_--- - - ------------------ - 1 2 FREE- 100% NYLON HKAIRBIIRUSH-- wlth famlly size Colgale Dental Cream Ail for regular price, 89c Gillette Blue Blades ji20 for $1.00, 10 for 50 Inha hndy DISPENSER Swih comportmmst -, for used bModes. \ ~ . Riatpackage, 5 liages 2b buit in South Darllngton. The proposed Orono High School is unnecessary. A new High School should be built where it is need- ed now, where future growth of population is indicated, and where the cost of unsubsidized services such as an auditorium will flot need ta be duplicated in anather place wvithin a few years", Reeve Nichols stated. No Comment Mr. Heyland when qu.stion- ed said he had no comment ta make on the matter at this time. Approval for borrowing the necessary funds on debentures for the building of the new High School must be received by the Durham County District High School Board from five of the eight municipalities in the District before a building committee can be appointed. Letters of appraval have beenl received fromn Port Hope Coun- cil and Clarke Township Coun- cil. Darlirîgton and Newcastle Councils have refused approval of Orono as the site. At the July mèeting of Bow- manville Town Council the mat- ter xvas discussed. Il was decid- ed ta take further time ta study ahl aspects of the subject before coming ta a decision. The nexc meeting of the Bowmanville Municipal Council will be heid on Monday evening, Augusi llth. Reported Reluctant Doubt bas been expressed as ta the likelihood of Millbrooîc and Cavan Township approv- ing. Residents of these districts, whose children now attend High School in Millbrook have been reported ta be reluctant ta ap- prove a large new school in Orono for fear the Millbrooki 1-igh School mîght be closcd. Deferred Decision At the last meeting of the Millbrook Cauncil, judgrnent wvas reserved until members of the High School Board meet with cauncil ta discuss the pro- posal fully. Cavan Council do- ferred a decision because some Councillors were absent at th2 last meeting and it wvas felt the whoie council should Rive the final consîderation ta the mat- ter. Hope Township also has yoýt ta give a decision on the sub- j ect. Enroîlment Over 750 'I Buy Tody!ECONOMY BOX cf 48 $1.8 5 PRESCRIPTIONS A. SPECIALTY Alex. McGregor, Drugs We Deliver Vour Local I.D.A. Drug Store Phone MA 3-5792. High School Board at its mneet- ing here last week authorized L. W. Dippel. principal of Bow- manville Hie iSchool ta hiré two acdditional teachers to take care of the increased enroilment. Four rooms at the High Schoal here have been converted into classrooms ta handle the over- flow. Bowmanville High School wiIl have an enrolîment of at least 750 in September, sub- stantîily more than its planned capacity of 710. Special Board Meeting A special meeting of th.e High School Board will be held in Orono on Wednesday, August 131h. It is hoped that the va."- ious Caunicils concerned will have made definite decisions by' that time. The board approved a serles of resolutions submitted by the Ontario Schools Trustees' Coun- cil. The 'v outline a proposed proviltcial zoning scheme for salarv schedulcs, and advocate measures ta mnodify school board competition in hiring teachers. The Durham District High School Board appraved June expenditures of $52,233.98. A finance committee report show. ed th. 4t it %vas wibhin the 1958 budget proposais at this timne. The cstimated 1958 budget is $568816.00. Expenditures ta date $296,877.21. Beef Club Judges at Peterborough On Thursday, July 31st, the Durhani County 4-H Beef Caîf Club met ai the Old Orchards Farmis, Peterborough. Dave Rickard opened the meeting with the 4-H pledge. Ted Burnside and Club Leader Glen Larmer then'took over the meeting. Two classes of Herefords were presentcd by Mr. Cornish and were judged b~ the members. Mr. Cornish tKhen gave somne showing instruction. Jerry Ilasiul- thanked Mr. Cornish for providing the class- es. Mrs. Cornish served a de. liciaus lunch which was erajoy. COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS PERSONAL SERVICE I.D.A. Healili Salis Coollng! Refreshing! Invigorating English Style 1 pound tin 59C ý 1 ý., , 1 1. ll.- - ý 1 - - - I.- -lq ý7 llz- -5ý-ý --- - Tý'(ýiH DECAY CHF-CKýS.,7BAD BREATH TH.-WHITER 1 a IDAMIR au.fa