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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 21 Aug 1958, p. 16

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kA - ~AWABA1I £~'A~AW U7IWIEAUVYLTU.. nuq'Awwb THURSflAY, AIYO. tut, U58 -w - - -------., -- -- - Birthis ALLIN-Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alln wish ta announce the birth oi a son Maurice Robert, at Memorial Hospital, Bowman-i ville, on July 23, 1958. 34-1 BUTTERY-Ken and Jean (nee Crasier) are very pleased ta an- nounce the birth af their son, Wayne Kevin, 7 lbs., 61/ ozs., on August l3th at Memarial Hos- pital, Bowmanvifle. 34-1* SHANTZ-Mr. and Mrs. Merlin Shantz (nee Helen Cowie) are happy to announce the arrival ai their son, Robert Norman, on W dnesday, August 13 at Me- marial Hospital, Bowmanville. A brother for Teddy. 34-1 Engagements Mr. and Mrs. 'Alexander Malcolm, Ajax, wish ta runounce the engagement ai theif daught- er Mary Patricia, ta Charles Francis Crowe, son of Mkr. and Mrs. Francis Charles Crowe, Bowmanville, Ontario. The mar- riage will take place an Satur- day,, September 20th, 1958, at Il a.m. in St. rBernadette's Cath- olic Church, Ajax. 34-1 Mr. and Mrs. Jahn MacGreg- or, of Courtice, annaunce the engagement of their daughter, Margaret Radger, ta Mr. Ken- neth Hiltan Tink, son of Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink af R.R. No. 2, Bawmanville. The mar- niage will take place on Satur- day, September 13, 1958, at 2:30 p.m. in Cot.rtice United Church. 34-1 * Mr. and Mrs. Lionel W. Hughes ai Port Hope wish ta announce the engagement ai their only daughter Louise Eliza- beth, ta Mr. Allan A. Hancack, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Hancock, Orana. The wedding to* take place in the Port Hope United Church, an Saturday, September l3th, 1958, at 3:30 p.m. 34-1* Deaths ALLDREAD, Shirley B. - At Toronto General Hospital on Friday, August l5th, 1958, Shir- ley B. Alldread, beloved wife of Cliii ord W. Alldread and dear mother ai Randy James, in her 22nd year. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., where service was held on Monday, August l8th at 2 p.m. Interment Bowmailville Cemetery. 34-1 ARGUE, John W.-At Memorial Hospital, Bowmanville, an Sat- urday, August l6th, 1958, John W. Argue, belaved husband ai the late Mabel McKee in his 83rd year. Rested at Northcutt & Smith Funeral Home, 53 Division St., where service was held on Tuesday, August l9th at 2 p .m. Interment Bowman- ville Cemetery. 34-1 eLACK, James Wesley Roy - .At Memorial Hospital, Bowman- 'Ville, on Wednesday, Aêugust 20, 1958, James Wesley Roy Black, beloved husband ai Ethel May Clark and dear father oi Mervyn oi Hamiàlton; Edna (Mrs. Nor- rian Gunn), Toronta, in his 7lst Sear. Resting at Narthcutt & mith Funeral Home, 53 Division Street, Bowmanville. Service on Saturday, August 23rd at 3:30 p.m. Interrnent Lakeview Cemetery, Newtonville. 34-1 IPOTTER, William-At Memarial "0spi tal, Bawmanville, an .rhursday, August 14th, 1958, William Patter, in his 82nd year, beloved husband ai the late Annie McMillan, and dear father ai Alec, Lorne and Reta (Mrs. Ernest McKnght) al ai Zowmanville, and Karl, Toron- to. Service was held at the Morris Funeral Chapel, Bow- rnanville an Saturday, Aug. 16th at 3, o'clack. Interment Baw- manville Cemetery. 34-1 Notice to Credlitors AND OTHERS IN THE ESTATE 0F VICTOR SHEWCYK, deceased. Ah esn avn am Nursing Home SOUTH Haven Rest Home, New- castle, Ont. Phone 2426. Ac- comamodation for bed or up patients at reasonable rates. 23-tf HYGENIC supplies - (Rubber goods) mailed potpaid in p)lain sealed enivelope with pnice'list. six amples 25c,- 24 sainples *1.00. Mail Order DepI. T-28. NKov.-Rubber Co., Box 91, ERam- Mm- De nt.- -- .1-5U Coming Events Regular weekly bingo held Thursday nights, July and Aug- ust ia the Union Hall. 20 reg- ular games and two $25 jackpot games. No game under $3.00. Admission 50c. 31-tf Woadview Community Centre -Monster Bingo. Twenty games -twenty dallars; five games-. thirty dollars; $150 jackpot, and two jackpots at $250. Door prizes. Next Monday, 8 p.m., Red Barn, Oshawa. 46-tf Annual Pilgrimage ta the old Hay Bay Churcli near Adoiphus- town, Ontario, will be held Sun- day, August 24, 1958, at three a'clock, E.D.T. The Rev. Pro- fessor George Boyle ai Victoria College will be the guest speak- er. 34-1 s uP P E R at the UNITED CHURCH BLACKSTOCK FAIR NIGHT AUÙUST 23rd commencing 4:30 Aduits, $1.00 - Children, 50c 33-2* Friday night Jamboree. Dance to Radia Stars, Chuck Fortune and Band from Toronto's Palace Pier. F'eatures Jimmy -and Jahnny, the Shey Bras.; Phil Exton, Fartune Quartette, and guests. Every Friday. Admis- sion 75c. Red Barn, Oshawa. 12-tf Centennial Queen June Wood will draw the lucky ticket at the Lions Carnival, Saturday, Aug. 23rd at the Public School Grounds. The winner will ne- ceive a 1958 Oldsmobîle. Special ieature ai the carnîval will be a parade and demonstration by the iamaus De La Salle Band and Precision Squad. Plannow ta attend. 32-3 Orono Street Fair Wednesday, Augusi 27 SQUARE DANCE COMPETITION 6:30 pi. MERRY-GO-ROUND GAMES MONSTER BINGO DANCING Boat, Motor and Trailer DRAW 34-1 ta music af Gary DeLorme and his Rock-a-biIiys Saturday, Aug. 23 at the Pontypool Town Hall Featuring Square Dancing Round Dancing - Rock 'n' loU Admission - 75 cents Dance starts at 9 o'ciock 34-1 Notices L. C. Mason, Law Office clos- cd until aiter Labar Day. 33-3* Miss Hodgins' office wiil be closed until September lSth. 34-4* Stephen Fuels will he closed for holidays fram August 25 ta September 1 inclusive. 34-2 General store in Hampton now under new management ai Mr. and Mrs. E. DeLuca. We will endeavour ta continue good service and would appreciate yaur patronage. 34-1 Anyone wishlng ta join LADIES' MAJOR LEAGUE BOWLING wIll leave their naines at MARTYN'S BOWLING ALLEY by 23rd AUG. Entry fee $4.00, $1.00 to be paid the first night 32-3 The August Meeting of the Darlington Township Planning Board bas been canceiled. Next meeting wiIl be held SEPTEMBER 25th at 8 p.m. in the Counili Chambers at Hampton. W. E. Rundie, Secrctary. 34-1 Auction Sales The. undemsigned auctioncer wiîî si by public auction the household effccts, garden trac- tom, power lawn mower and a quantity ai lumber for John H. Walker ai Haydon, a mile east ai Enniskillen, on Saturday, August 3th. A list ai articles in next weck's paper. Sale at 1:30. No reserve. Cliii Peth- ick, auctioneer. 34-1 Mrs. George Hendenson, Lot 4, Con. 1, Clarke Township, anc mile east and anc mile south ai Newtonville, has sold hem farra and will seil by public auction on Friday evening, August 29th, commencing at 6 p.rn., all her farrn stock. implenients, hay, grain, urnitur-, etc. Further patiulars, sec bis. Terras cash. No 'resemve. Jack Reid, auctioueer. 33-34* Articles -for Sale MAN'S C.C.M. bicycle, good condition. Apply MA 3-7170. 34-1* BALED straw; Deckell's puflets, five manths old. Phone MArket 3-5496. 34-1* WATER for sale. Cail Clifi Pethick, Enmiýkillen. MArket 3-2736. 24-tf ONE coal and wood furnace, gaod condition, cheap. Phone MA. 3-5497. 34-1* OAT straw. Wes. Fice, 109 Waverly Rd. Will deliver. Phone MA 3-5611. 34-1 TWO new single beds, springs, spring-iilled mattresses, pillows, $30 each. Phane Newcastle 3186. 34-1 CHERRIES - Montmorencys, large and juicy. Mrs. Orme Parker, Newcastle, on Highway No. 2. 34-2 SAVE. an lumber, direct from mili ta yau. Philiips Lumber Ca., Kinmount, Ontario. Phone 17 r 11. l3tf KEYS cut automatically, while you wait, at Masan & Dale Hard- ware, 36 King St. E., Bowman- ville. 46-tf GLADIOLI and cut flowers for ail occasions. Daily delivery ta haspital and town. Ernest Pas- sant. Phone MA 3-3527. 28-8* ELECTRICAL Repairs-Prompt service ta electrîcai appliances, large and small. Lander Hard- ware. Phone MAl% 3-5774. 43-tf INSULATION, blowing method, with rock waal. Workmanship guaranteed. F r ee estimates. Harry L. Wade. Phane Clarke 2420. 39-tf HEARING aid service. Testing service and complete stock of batteries and cords at Higgan Electric Limited, 38 King St. E., Bowmanvillie. Telephone MA 3-5438. 20-tf DO your own floors and rugs- Rent a sander, faonr polisher or rug cleaner (shampoa methad> from Lander Hardware, 7 King St., E., Bowmanville. Phone MA 3-5774.. 20-tf USED bicycles, 5.00 up; new bicycles, 35.95 up; swing sets, wading pools, bail gloves, baill spikes, soccer boots, swimi fins and masks, lufe jackets, ta cleat belaw cost. McNulty's, 6 King East, Bowmanvifle. 33-2 A GOOD team ai harses, sound and ight, also an upright piano and stool in first class condition. The above can be seen on Lot 10, Concession 2 at Newtonville, or apply ta Win. Laing at No. 9 on George St., Bawmanville. 34-1* ADDING machines, typewriterz, cash r e gi1s t e r s, calculators, cheque writers, filing cabinets, office furniture. New and used. Repairs ta all makes. Frank Office Equipment, 177 Church Street, Bowmanville. MArket 3-3986. 8-tf TRACTOR Tires-We service and seli every make ai tractor tires: Gaodyear - General - Fire- stane - Goodrich - Dominion. A-i retreads - 6.00x16 - 6.70x15 at $10.95. Jamiesan Tire Shap, King and Silver Streets, Bow- manville. 24-tf BOWMANVILLE Rome Im- provements-We carry a cam- plete line aifaonr and wall tiles, linoleums, "Vina" rug faoon cav- erings, aluminum windows and doors, awnings and railings. Camplete installations. For fre estimates telephone MArket 3-2753 or drap in at 22 Division Street. 21-tf TURKEYS Choice Young Roasiers Automatie Meter Delivery CEDAR STRIP BOATS 25% Off Large stock te clear Everythlnt must go Finance Plan Norihway Marine and Tackle Shop Your HALLIDAY DEALER lui PREFAB COTTAGES AND GARAGES 3 Miles North ef Newcastle ON 115 HIGHWAY Open 7 Daya and Evenings until 9 pi. 34-2 Articles for Sale WATER, hard and sot deiver- ed. Prompt service. *obert H. Cale. Phone MA 3-5476 or MA 3-5805. 31-tf BALED straw. Phone MArket 3-2594. 34-1* STACK ai oat straw. Phone Blackstock 14 r Il. 34-1 ONE ginl's bicycle, in excellent condition. Phone MA 3-5872. 34-1* CHESTERFIELD suite, 3-piece, wine, walnut trim. Apply 29 King W. 34-1* SWEET corn, 25c daz. at farm. Danald Lamb, Enniskillen. Tele- phone MA 3-2125. 34-2 SMALL barn, appraximately 25' x 20'. Mrs. Alice Thompson, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. 34-1 HOSPITAL bed and mattress, walnut, in gaod condition. Tele-' phone MA 3-3867. 34-1 EASY washing machine, like new, with pump; twa years old. Phone Bill Leask, MA 3-5522. 34-1 HARDWOOD cuttings. Large truck load delivered anywhere. $10. Caîl Oshawa RA 5-1526. 34-4 A NUMBER of Smm. Koda- chrome movie filins, magazine 'type, less than wholesale. Tele- phone MA 3-3102. 34-1 ONE child's crib and mattress, large size; one enamel top table, chrome legs, will sell reasonable. Phone MA 3-2100. 34-1* WONDER Windows-Aluminum windows and doors. For free estimates and demanstratian caîl Bill Leask, MA 3-5522. 34-tf SEWING machine, good con- dition, $15; Coleman 3-humner stave with aven, runs an naph- tha gas, $15. Phone Clarke 3902. 34-1 TRADE-IN allowânce on youn chesterfield, bedroom and kitch- en suites, reinigerators and ranges. Sealey mattresses $39 .88, Extra firm, $49.50. Used book- case, vanity, eiectric reiriger- ator, washer and vacuum cdean- ers. Guaranted. Murphy Ca., Bowmanville. 34-1* TILEWORK CERAMIC WALLS Tiled Floors of ail description Vinyl, Piastex, lurbber, Jaspe, Marboleum. Flexichrome, Mastic Red Quarry - Ceramie Supplied and Laid H. G. HEAL R.R. 1 Hampton MA 3-290% 25-tf GASOLINE MOTOR OILS . PROMPT DELIVEIT A. H. STURROCK AND SONS IMPERIAL ESSO DEALER Phone MA 3-5516 Sturrock St. BOWMAN VILLE 23-tf SPECIAL! For those quickly prepared meals during the summer season BARBECUED CHICKENS 2V2 to 3 Ibo. $1_89 33-tf Financial GUARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATES TERM 3 TO à VEARS Livestock for Sale EIGHT good pigs, well startcd. Lewis Woad, R.R. 4, Bowman- ville. MA 3-,2001. 94-1 PUREBRED Landrace boar for sale. Apply Floyd Stinson, Janetvullc, Ont. Phone Black- stock 83 r 1-3. 34-2 ONE registered Ayrshire, spninging; two fresh Hoisteins af herd fully accrcditcd and list- cd. Don Metealf. Phone MA 3-2469. . 34-i For Rent« APARTMENT. MArket 3-5784. 34-1* APARTMIENT. MArket 3-3573. 34-1 HOUSE, 82 Church Street, avail- able September 1. MA 3-3595. 34-1 FURNISHED bedroom, centrally located. Phone MArket 3-3939. 34-1* HEATED, .modern apartment, avalfable sept. lst. Adùlts. $65. Phone MA 3-3810. 32-tf FIVE-roomed house and bath, centrally located; rent $60. Tele- phone MA 3-5817. 3441* FIVE-room apartment, heavy duty wining. Available Septem- ber lst. Telephone Port Hope TUrner 5-4554. 34-1 APARTMENT, heated, 3 raams, kitchenette, bath and laundry. Apply 63 King St. W., Apt. 4. Phone MA 3-5996. 32-tf FOUR rooms, ground flaor, al- mast seli-contained. Reasonable. Suit young or elderly couple. Phone MArket 3-7263. 34-1 ATTRACTIVE three-roam heat- ed apartment, heavy duty wired, centrally located. Immediate possession. Phone MA 3-2436. 34-1 FOUR rooms in country home east ai Blackstock. Write Ad- vertiser 856, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. 34-1* THREE-roomi upstair apartment with heat, hydro and hot water supplied. Sink, range and cup- boards, private bath and sep- arate entranee, an Highway No. 2. MArket 3-2158. 34-1* APARTMENT-Four rooms and bath. Ground floor, newly dec- orated, separate entrance, near school and store. One or two children. Finchly Apartments, Enniskillen. MA 3-2377. 34-1 THREE-roam apantmnent, lauin- dry and store room, complete bathroom, ground faonr. Also space for lawyer, neal estate, hairdressen or some small bus- iness. Oshawa RAndolph 3-3559. 34-1 EIGHT-room brick hanse, fresh- ly redecorated, with two acres ai land and barn, ane mile from Bowmanville. Occupancy September lst, $80 per month. References nequired. Write Ad- vertiser 855, c/o The Canadian Statesmran, P.O. Box 190, Baw- manville. 34-1 IN Bowmanville, three bedroom bungalow, hardwood iloors, tii- cd kitchen and bathroom, cent- ral, $75 monthly. Available Sept. lst. Replies should in- clude occupation. Write Ad- vertiser 857, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville. '34-1 Wcmted DEAD and crippled iarm stock, picked up promptly. Phone MA 3-2679. Margwil Fur Farm, Tynone. 13-tf Room-Board Wanted RETIRED gentleman who wint- ers in south wishes ta rent in residential section two uniurn- ished nooms. Meals, optional. Write Advertisen 854, c/o The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. 34-1* ROOM and board for single maie teacher, starting September, or might consider furnished apart- ment. State particulars. Write Advertiser 859, c/o Canadian Statesrnan, P.O. Box 190, Bow- manville, Ont. 34-2 Seed Cleaning THE Seed Cleaning Plant at Enniskilen is no*' open. Tele- phone MA.3-2829 or Blackstack 102-J. 34-2 Help Wanted Orn0 ad n n iillen. Splendid income for pleasant, part-time work. Write ta Mrs. G. Tate, 304 Frederick Ave., Peterborough. 34-2* AGENTS wantcd ta selI high q uality praducts at low price. Excellent commission. Do not midss this money making pro- position. Opening in Bowrnan- ville, Courtice, Hampton, New- castle, and surroundngs. Farni- lex, 1600 Delarimier, Montreal, Que. 32-4 Mortgages MORTGAGE funds available. Telephone MA 3-5548. 34-1* Work Wanted CUSTOM combining. Contact Fred Berry, Orono, 1 r 10. 32-2* PLUMBING, heating, caves- tronghing; free e stima t es. Harvey Partncr, Tyrone. MA 3-2240. 12-tf CONCRETE and mason work. New work or repair. P. O. Box 1083, L. Turner, Phone MArket 3-5820, evenings MA 3-5605. 125-tf FOR any electnicai work, ncw or rewiring, also appliances ne- paired. Free estimate. Tele- phone Jim Colliss, MA 3-2891.6 18-tf EXPERT watch, dlock and jewellery repair. MacKaye's Watch & Clock Ciinic. Watches, dlocks, jewellery and Ronsan lighters. Orono, ont. 8-tf WHITEWASHING stables, etc. Reasonable prices. Ail work guaranteed. Disiniectant ap- plied. Free estimates given. Phone Clarke 1321i. Bert Tomp- kins, R.R. 3, Part Hope. 24-12 Plaslering Re pairs QUICK SERVICE STUCCO AND NEWV WORK R. L. TAFT 69 King St. E. MA 3-5030 6-tf Anger Consiruction Co. LTD. COMPLETE BUILDING SERVICE BRICK WORK- BLOCK CHIMNEYS - CONCRETE AND CARPENTRY DOUG - MArket 3-3375 ROY - MArkct 3-2273 27-tf Wanted to Rent TEACHER wishes ta rent garage ccntrally located. Apply Adver- tiser 849, c/o Canadian States- man, P.O. Box 190, Bowman- ville. 33-tf Real Estate for Sale COLD starage plant situate in Pickering, Ontario, twelve miles east ai Toronto an Highway No. 2. Vacant. Cernent block build- ing with store iront previously used by irazen food storage com- pany. Frigidaire equipment in new condition. Approximately 100 x 40. Fully insuited. Further particulars, appiy R. J. Wilson, Barnister, 12 Richmond East, Toronto. Em 6-9961. 33-2 James Nixon REAL ESTATE BROKER Blackstock - 7-raom marnme hanse and sun room, basement, ail furnace, 3-piece bath, garden, garage, close ta post office, store, church and school. 5-raamn frame house, unfin- ished, full basement, heavy wiring, well, asphaît roof. $5,000 -$,500 down. Highway property near junc- tion aif 1lighways 35 and 115. Ideal for business. 47 Queen St. Bowmanvilie Box 941 Dial MA 3-5682 34-1 * Peter Kowal REAL ESTATE BROKER GENERAL INSURANCE 99 King St. IL. Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5868 Box 817 Salesman - J. A. Barton MA 3-3098 8 roomned brick home on Qucen Street. Cansists ai four hcdraams and bath, upstairs; living-room with fireplace, dia- ing-raom,-kitchen and pantry on first floor; hardwaad floors, ail heating, full basement and gar- age. Suit two families. For price and terms call office. Lot overlookirng lake and town. 100' x 165'. Priced ta seli. Hardware store, with living quarters, on busy highway. Wil trade for house or seli with easy termns for $ 12,000 including store, stock and fixtures. We require homes, lots and iarms for a number ai waiting clients. Please list with us. 34-1 Risiow and Olesen REALTORS QUALITY FAMILY HOME Modem, six-roam, anc and a hali storey home on Meadow- view Blvd. may be the answer ta your house-hunting prob- lem. Large kitchen has. tiled walls, autamatic washer and plerxty ai diaing area. , For gracions entcrtaining the ful dining eoomn and 13 by 21 liv- ing-room with open hearth wil steai your vote. Three second floor hedraoms have roomy closets with automnatic lighting and a spotless, tiled faur-piece bath. Owner leaving town ai- fers this attractive property at only $12,900 with reasonable terms. ORONO BUILDING LOTS Parcel having irontage ai 225 feet hy depth ai 140 feet ia- cludes a double garage and ai- fers possibility ai dividîag into three building lots ia excellent residential district ane block east ai park entrance. Don't miss a good thing, cail coilect for full particulars. MA 3-3418 MA 3-3418 RAY LATHANGUE Representing RISTOW & OLSEN Realtors , 19 AtbhI St. W. Oshawa 34-1- Reali Estate for Sale FOR nioderate priced homes and buildings Phone RAndolph 5-9877, Oshawa. 18-tf REGISTERED lots for sale, 75' x 200', at Maple Grave. Can be purchased an instalments. Tele- phone MA 3-2164. 34-2 FIFTY acre farm, Manvers Township, 4 bedroora house, barn, henhouse. dniveshed, hy- dro and water, close ta schooil. George Page, R.R. 2, Bethany. 34-2 PROPERTY consisting ai about 18 acres ai land. Good hanse with hydro. Barn with new roaf. Good wcll, Connty road at door, i mile from Pontypool. Almost immediate possession. Phone Bethany 20 n 14. 34-2 Peter Feddema REAL ESTATE BROKER 213 acres-6 raoma new bun- galow, large barns, goad creek, three miles irom Orana. Price $21,000.00. Tcrms. 100 acres-7 room insulbrick, large L-shape barn, trout stream, north ai Bowmanville. Price $20,000.00. Termis. 50 acres-7 raam hanse, barn 10 x 85, implement shed, hien hanse, soul suitable for cash draps. Price $9,500.00. Terms. 10 acres on Highway 115 near Orono. This valuable praperty us pniced at only $400.00 an acre. 6 acres, 3 miles from . Bow- maniville, on pavement. Price $2,200.00. 6 raom insulbrick hanse in Orono, part basement, bath, good weli, double lot. Pniced at anly $6,800.00. Termis. 189 Scugog St. Bowmanville Phone MA 3-3644 34-1 Charles Rankine REAL ESTATE BROKER Laelot-Only anc let at Cedar Crest Beach, 62' x 300. Registcmed. Only $1,050. If yau have $3,000 ta pay down for a home, this mnay he your answcr. 7 noom twa- storey brick, nice appearance, hardwood up and down, large lot, long, long mortgage with low, low payments. For central location and reas- onable overhead, this anc is un- heatable. Serni-detached two- storey brick, 3 bedrooms and 3-piece bath on upper faoor,.liv- iag-room, dining roora and kitchen, main floor, built-in cup- boards. Excellent hasement, ncw forced air ail heat, elcctric hot water and hcavy wiring. Ail newly decorated. Ful pnice only $7,500 with termns. One easily caried martgage. 52 King St. W., Bowmanville MA 3-2453 or 3-2762 Salesman, Jno. His, MA 3-2495 34-1 De With Real Estaie 200 acre DAIRY FARM, 12 dans quota, 150 acres workable, level land, 25 acres hardwood, 25 acres pasture, 100' x 52' barn, water howls, bulk cooler hold- ing 42 dans, large drive shed, etc.; 6 roomed new modemn bungalow with ail conveniences. Asking $30,000. Terms. 370 acre DAIRV- FARM with two sets ai buildings, bulk cool- er installed, 240 acres workahle, strcam, silos. Located on Lake Ontario with 1/ mile lake iront- age. Price $42,000 with terms armanged. 133 acre DAIRY FARM on highway with an open mik quota, 100 acres workable, 6 acres wood, 80' x 48' bank barn with steel stanchians, water bowls, bulk cooler, drive shed, etc; 8 roomed stane home with ail conveniences. Asking price $29,000. Ternis. 200 acre DAJRY FARM with good milk quota, large L-shaped bank barri with water bowls, steel stanchions, 150 acres work- able; river, implement shed, etc.; 8 roomed stone home with al conveniences. Close ta city. Asking $45,000. Ternis. 150 acre DAIRY FARM with 90 acres workable, 25 acres wood, cmcck, L-shaped bank barn with steel stanchions, wat- cm bowls; 8 roomed stone hanse with water on tap. Asking $15,000 with ternis. 5 roomcd well built bungalow in Newcastle with hardwood iboors, ail furnace, 3-piece bath, modemn kitchen, full basement, clectric watem heater. Garage. Price $10,000. Terrns. 9 raomed home on highway, suitable ion two famulies with hamdwood faonrs thronghout, fumnace, 3-piece bath, modemn kitchen. Very niccly decorated. Garage. Askiag $10,500 with terras. 13 roorned home in Newcastle, suitable for incarne home. Ask- ing $8,000. Temms. 8 roomed home on main street, Orono, with hardwood fionrs throughout, furnace, 3-picce bath, hcavy wired, electric wat- er heater. Garage. Price $11,500. Easy down payment. 5 roorned ncw bungalow on 1 %, acres land wîth new ail furnace, heavy wured. Smal barn. Located nean Bowman- ville. Price $8,000. Tennis. 8 maorned frame home in vil- lage on paved street with two acres ai land and small barn. Asking $9,500 with $ 1,500 down. Besides above nientioned we have approxirnately 200 mare properties ta choose frara. Contact John F. De With Realtor and Generai Insurance Newcastle Phono 3341 Salesmen: Donald Mountjoy. Bowmanvllic MA 3-3950 Daniel Boehm, Canton Phone Welcoîne 2328 34-1 Real tstate for Sale, GOOD lot in Bawmanville lê sale. Phone MA 3-5388. 34-10 NEW, ranch type, attached grge, ,brick bungalow, Lib.. erty Pae. Apply J. J. Flett, 29 Centre St. 34-3 REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Properties Sod, Rented Managed and Appraised L. M. Allison Real Estate Broker Phone 2566 - Newcastle, Ont. Two blocks north of traffic signal Newcastle 5-tf Orm Gerry REALTOR - ORONO Box 144 Phone 1191 BOUSES IN ORONO 6 raams and summer kitchen,- venetian blinds, hydro, and soit water on tap. (No bathroom>. Cellar. Very handy to stores, etc. Owner left town and de - sires fast sale at only $3,800 with good down payment. - 10 room white clapboard, centre hall; has large sunroam. Hard and soit water, new furn- ace, % acre lot averlooking park . ideal for duplex. Inspect and inake aifer. FARMS WANTED We have two clients desiring farms with good buildings and water. Please contact us if yau Leask Real Estaie 6 room two-storcy brick' hanse, quite new, 3 hednooms, new ail furnace, hardwaad throughout, verandah, garage, roomy lot. Extras. 4 room bungalow, on 11/2 acres land in Bowmanvulle. Central, $6,500 with $1,500 cash. 129 acre farm on new high.' way, 20 min. run from Bow. manville, 6,000 Christmas trees, hip-roof bank barn with water bowls in stable, hen hanse, im- plement shed; 7 room hanse. This is a goad farma. $14,000.00 full price. Terras. We have bungalows, hanses, lots, farras too numerans ta list. LEASK Real ýte Broker 65 Ontario St. Bowmanvilie MA 3-5919 or 3-552Z McQUay and Kidde BEALTORS Members ai Oshawa and District Real Estate Board This year's farmn bargaint Asking only $13,000 with low down payment for 8 room brick hanse with city canveniences, large îawn, shade trees, large hip-roof barn, 100 acres pro- ductive soul, and stream; %/ mile from school and pavement. 270 acre beci cattle and cash crop iarm, 612 miles frora Bow- manvulie; 15 roora hanse with city canveniences. Barns have stable room for 200 cattle. Cement silo, streara. $27,000 with low down payment. We have dozens ai other fanms in this area at prices anyone can afard. 10 level acres ai productive market garden land an husy paved road near Bowrnanville. This area's buildung up fast. Onily $2,750, fuil price. 100 acres suitable for refores- tation, on main road 10 miles frora Bowmanville, with good trout stream. Asking $6,000 with $2,000 down. Large building lot in Bow. manville, $1,550. Modern ranch bungalow with attached garage, on large land- scaped lot, 10 minutes ta Osha. wa and Bowmanville. $3,500 down. Cottages-We have several gaod cottage buys'pniced from $1,200 up. Would you like independence and get in the highem incarne bracket? We have sanie terrifie business opportunities, gas sta- tions, garages, snack bar, smoke shop, barber shop, poolraom, gracery stores, sand and gravel business, and su.mmen resorts. WALTER FRANK 177 Church St. MA 3-3988 Bowmanvilie 34-1 ARTICLES Fan SALE LIVESTOCIL FOR SALE 101 lENT - HELP WANTED CARS FOR SALE LOIT - FOUND .- UIC Cash Rate. -. . 40o pr Word wîth a minimum or SOC Must be paid by date of insertion If charged. an additional 25c will b. added. .25c wil be made for ail repliez dizected to this ciice. NOTICES - COMING EVEMT AND C4NDI 0F TitANIS 4c a Word with a minimum Cd $1.00 for 25 words or ileu luTHS - ENGAGEMENTS MARIAGES . DEATES $1.00 per insertion in MEMORIAMI 1.00 plus 10Oc a ln.eou vers Dispiay ClosuUied i 31.50 p ILnc with a minimum of one lnch. Addicna i nsertion- i lbthe au. rates. AUil Cisifled Ad. muet bu7 lu this Office Dot later than 12 o'locisà onW cid . Send csUU p rmnyories daoftmcney.- clip tiisowtL,,ýdy relerence. OFFICEHouleS Monday throuqh Fridary 8:30 a.3M. ta 5 P.M. Saturday 8:303 a.m. to 12 bon Dial MArket 3-3303 Sur Ciassitied Ad Service TINU tSDAýT, AVG. 218t, IDU TM CMADIM 1

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