tE~ESDAI~ AWG. Hi, tflI TEE A~rA1A2 UTAESMA, EWMANffIL, OtTARO .PAGE FmV 12 Govemments Display Goods Prior to Ex Open ing Toronto-A short terrni would trade fair-two special Inter- iational Trade days--preoeded the opening of the C.N.E. on Wednesday, Aug. 20. Monday and Tuesday of this week the exhibits and dispiays organized by 12 British and e-Ipreign governments in the In- @érnationai id Government >Euildigs w1.,p pened exclu- BivelY to hfMI>Amen. This was to allow importers, - Jobbers, manufacturers and inerchants b) look at new lines of good.s available from ail parts of the world. Ivan Brodie, manager of the C.N.E. space department, ex- plained that interested business Air. Rail or Steamship TIC KE T S TO EVERYMWHERH Consuit J lU R & LO0V EL L I15 King St. W. MA 3-5778 I Bowmanville men and women were admi ted to the two buildings( presentation of their regul business cards. The two-day internation trade special was an autcory of a decision in 1956 to promci the exhibition of manufacturi and commodities froni Britis Iand foreign countries. The pia has sa expanded that Mr. Br( die feit exhibitors and Can time ta dsso busines boe ian buersobuldnssbefo showing their wares to t general public. None of the goods on displ- was for sale, of course, so tha the general public is assu-e of fully camprehensive exhi bits when the Exhibition ap ened Wednesday. Mr. Brodie said he expectei displays from Australia, De! mark, Dominican Republic Germany, Holland, India, Italy Japan, Sweden, Switzerland the United Kingdam and thi United States. Announcement 0 a 0 r ait- on lar nal me Dtc res sh ýan a- ,ed )re 81/2 to 3- Black air B, C, D and E wid nd Brown 2 Strap and 1 Strap Brown and Black B, C, D. and E lidths For Grawing Girls Black Patents For Girls 8 to 3 with swivel straps Slip on and strap B, C, D and E widths Bucks Red, White, Beige and Y" .6 leBlack Bucks y 'V Bubble Oxfords Black and White AA and B's $4095 Io $6.95 Penny Loafers Black and Brown AA, B and C Wldths $4095 - $5.95 - $7.95 GROWING BOYS, Loafers und Moccasin Vamps 4 to 7 - B and D $7.95 Llo yd Ellis Shoes t9 KING s BOWIMAINVILLE av M and Mrs. Mcl Lahay, kat 1Halla'd Landing, were visit- edors of Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone -i on Saturday. ý Little Miss Anne Argue who has been visiting her uncle and eaunt, Mr. and Mrs. Narman n- Mitchell, Toranto, returned i, home Thursday evening of last ~'weck. SMr. and Mrs. Bob Hall, Good- woad, Mr. and Mrs. Jimmie -Hall, New Jersey, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Thas Hodge. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith, Mrs. Susie Van Volkcnbcrg, Mr. Ted Van Luven, Mr. James Curran, Mr. and Mrs. Orvus Smith enjayed a picnic supper at Port Perry Park on Sunday. Mrs. Leslie Argue, Margaret, Marian and Allen, have been visiting ber father and brother, Mr. Wm. Mitchell and Maurice, Ballyduff, for a few days, last week. The W.A. met in the church hall on Thursday, August 14. As only a very smali number of members attended, there was very little business discussed. Lunch was servcd by group 1. Ramn is very badly needed in this area. Crops, flowers and gardens are sufferîng froin the lack of moisture. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adamis, Mr. and Mrs. R. Bone, spent F'riday evening with Mr. and Mrs. E. R. White, McLaughlin Fisheries. Mrs. Esther Carnochan and Mr. Thos. Trick, have been visitinga relatives in Millbraok rece ntly. Mr. Leslie Argue is enjoying a three week holiday which commenced, Aug. 18. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Turnbull and family, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. E. Harvey, Oshawa, to Buffalo, where they spent a few day; last weck, visiting friends. Congratulations to Mr. Les- lie Taylor an winning several top prizes with his iivcstack at Peterborough Fair iast week. Mrs. R. Davey accompanied several other ladies on a guid- ed tour ta Ottawa reccntly. Mr. and Mrs. George Law- son, Gayle and Pattie, Mark- ham, were Sunday supper gucsts of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Banc. The chiidrcn re- mained for a twa wcek visit with their grandparcnts. Mr. and Mrs. James Trick, Oshawa, wcre Sunday visitors of Mrs. Esther Carnochan. s Mr. and Mrs. K. Cargill and Jackie, Toronto, Mr. Fred Car- ter, with Bell Telephone Ca., at London, were weekend visitors with Mrs. John Carter. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Adamis spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Cochrane. Raglan. e Mr. and Mrs. Narval Wotton,h Solina, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. John Watton. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ncedham, b Bowmanville, visited friends a in the village one day last week. Mr. Roy Ashton visited f friends in Tory Hill anc. day M last week.d ZION (Hope Township)1 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Traner with two of their grandchildren, of Fenwick, were guests af Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Raby aver the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Gerow were visiting relatives in Pic- ton and Wellington thîs week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthven attended the Ruthven reunion at Erin last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Barr, Godfrey, and Miss Linda Barr, Leback, had dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Rutbven, Saturday. The Woman's Assýciation are shipping aid woollens for blank- ets, rugs, etc. Anyone wishing ta send please contact Mrs. Ed- win Ruthxven as Aug. 30 is the date set for shipping. Mr. Robent Morton is con- fined ta the hospitai. His fiends at Zion wish him a speedy recovery. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mrs. Eari Penwarden and Anne and Mrs. Penwardcn, Mr. and Mrs. C. Pcnwarden and family, Mr. an d Mrs. R. Cam- eron and Raymond were Sunday dinner guests of Mrs. Hazel Cornish and son Jack, Part Hope. Aiso we aIl enjoyed a picnic supper at the park. Mn. and Mrs. Clayton Brown and Linda and Mr. and Mns. Murray Adams, Bnadley and Valerie, Bowmanville, were Sat- urday evening visitors of Mr. and Mrs. R. Camenon. Mr. and Mrs. A. Modiin and Caroline, Toronto, were Sunday visitons of Mr. and Mrs. D. Danielson. Mr. and Mrs. W. Vancyk wcre Sunday evening viitors of Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, Newton- ville. Mr.--and Mrs. Harold Murphy and farniiY visited Mr. and Mrs. Sam Seilick, Enniskillen, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy attended the Prescott - Carrigan I wedding an Saturday. Mns. Wood, Onano, and Mrs. Hazel Crowthcr and Jamie,. Newcastle, and Mrs. David Phasey and Wayne, Tyrone, visited Mr. and Mrs. Harold Murphy on Mondav. Mr. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, Enniskillen, were gunday visit- ors of Mr. and Mrs. Bert John- son. Mr. and Mrs. &. Gibson at- BUMXTOW Mr. and Mrs. K.Roblin visiting friends in Whitby week. Floyd Argue, son of Mr. Mrs. Leslie Argue, had misfortune to be bitten t dog last week. He was ti to Port Perry hospital trcatment, and fortunately fered no iii effects. The had been vacînated for bies. The secton men werei cd out in the early hourç Friday morning, when a Ire train going cast hit five 1. of cattie, killing four and juring the fifth one soa too had ta be destroyed. cattie belonged to Lloyd mon. i are this and the ýaken fo suf dai ra- cal.- s of Éghl head 1in- at it The SIc- tended the funeral of Mrs. Gib- son's brother-in-law from Sut- ton. The funeral was on Tues- day at Toronto. Mr. Campbell visited Mr. and Mrs. R. Gibson an Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. John Baker and David, Mrs. Gertie Baker, AI- dershat, spent Wednesday with the G. Baker's. Harry ireturn- cd home. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Lighthail, Hawksburg, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. G. Fletcher and Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher ac- companied them to Guelph an Monday. Mrs. Sophie Kovacs and Gab- riel visited friends in Hamilton the first of the week. Miss Grace Smith accompan- ied Mr. and Mrs. F. O. Smith, Gloria and Bob ta Peterborough and points north Sunday after- noon. Held over Long Sault news on page six. Club 50 ladies met at the home of Mrs. Ethel Gable with il members and two visitors pre- sent. President Mrs. McLaggan read the scripture and Mrs. Vaneyk gave the devotional. A committee was appainted ta see about details regarding showing exhibits at Orono Fair- Mrs. Partner offcred her home for Sept. meeting, with she and Mrs. Vaneyk as pragram canvenors. Mrs. Partner and Mrs. Vaneyk gave readings and Sandra Gib- son sang two salas and the rest of the evening was spent in fin- ishing making the corsages un- der the supervision -of Mrs. Bar- rett. A deliciaus lunch was scrvcd by the hastess and corn- mittec in charge. WONDER WINDOW Mainufaicturing Ce, of Port Credit are pleased fo announce the appoinîment of William Jf Leask as represeulative for this ferrilory "The finest in aluminium combination hE ar Y; ce to da cd da Ti Ac So North Nesileton There was a good attendance at church Sunday marning. Our pastor in charge. Misses Gloria and Janice Sad - ler sang a beautiful duet. Next Sunday, Mrs. J. Alîman will be in charge at 10 a.m. The best wishes of the com- munity are tendered ta aur friend and neighbor, Dr. R. P. Bawles, on attaining his 94th birthday yesterday. A lot of people callcd during the day. Those from a distance includ- ed, Mrs. S. Sisson (sister-in- law), Mr. and Mrs. W. Han- nah, 'Bethany; Rev. J. Grif- fith, Dunsford; Mr. and Mrs. D .Sleep, Barrie; Mr. and Mrs. 'E. Emerson, Don Milîs, as we]l as a lot of local v'el1 wishers, and the immediate family. We would like ta join with the others in wishing Dr. Bawies a continued blcssing of health and happiness. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Dawney, Reaboro, visited ber auntMr's. Wesley Campbell an Suýnday. Mr. and Mrs. Wilber McCoy spent Sunday with her people at Marmora. Mrs. Grant Campbell and Showers HeId for Kirby Brides A miscellancous shower was heid recently for Valena Cap- ping, who is the bride of Mr. James Barnes, at Mrs. Francis Jase's home near Kirby. Approximately 25 friends gathered at the shower which was arranged by Miss Shirley Quantrili and Mrs. Jase. The gifts wcre wheeled inta the pink and white decorated room in an aid fashia ned baby carniage. Afterwards, games an~ cantests were heid and I lunch was served. Mrs. Jose presents werc piied in a para- miade the cake for the occa. sol. .In keeping with the para- sion which was shaped like a sol theme Mrs. Jose baked a weddng bell. special cake adorned with a Miss Shirley Quantril, bride- parasol. to-be f Mr. William Moffatt, has noured at a parasol THOUGHT FOR THE DAY .e is Durham Jersey Bull Winning Top Honors A Jersey buli bred i Durham RoCpp Brandon. County, bas recentiy been doing Mr. Copp sacmprtvl considerabie winning ini Man- new exhibitor and the Enniskil- itoba. At Brandon he was fif t len bull bas certainly given him pnize two year oid, and reserve a great baost in the show ring. senior and reserve grand champ- Incidently, the sire of Em- ion. This bull, Enniskillen Ser- blem, Brampton B P Servant, vant Embleni was bred by R. P. bas been grand champion far Stenger & Son, at Enniskilen, the Stengers at the Canadian children, ore spendîng a week Iwith Dr. and Mrs. Bonie at their cottage, Hav'elock. Mr. and Mrs. Geô. Chapman, Ballyduff, called on Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Johns during the week, and Mr. Wm. Johns and Mr. Don McKinon on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. P. Bradbury, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Malcolmi and children, Yelver- ton, called on L. Joblin, Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. S. Lockyer, Brooklin, visited their daugh- ter and family, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Wilson, on Sunday. Several from here attended Mr. Percv Preston's sale near Lifford on Saturday. Mr. arid Mrs. Wilton Creed, Barrie, were with Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson during the wcek. Mr. and Mrs. Mervin Byrd and family, Brooklin. Miss Irene Emerson and Mr. B. Witherly, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. M. Emerson an Sun- day. àetti 1OkItonT Wé decoraied Oùulving v1oM for lois thon $10.00. Plastic Coat.d Sunworthy Pr.-post.d Wallpaper Io 80 simple tg bang. WALLPAPER ISN'T EXPENSIVE IT JUST LOOKS THAT WAYI J. H. ABERNETHYS4 Paint and Wallpaper Store 33 King St. W. Phone MA 3-5431 INAGOIES NS YourOppQrtunifyto Save SAVE NOW Ho TABLE LANPS FLOOR LANPS Many Styles to choose from Priced from $5.95 Buy Now and Save Phone MA 3-5747 Hooper's Jewel lery 29 King St. East Occasions I I FAST Buy Now! v r Gufis For AUl WALKER STORES LIMITED LAYA WAY SALE!. Enjoy The Wiurnth Without Weight of A Beautiful "SLINGSBY"" Supreme VISCOSE AND WOOL BLANKET. '58 Yours for only 1.00 down on Walker's Loyaway Plan Regularly .10.98 August Layaway 9 9 Sole 9 9 (This offer good only until August 30th) Sce this perfectly blended Viscose and WooI Blanket in a patented weave . . . a luxurious blanket giving the utmost in bulk, warmth and beauty at a moderate price . . . each "Supreme" blanket is richly satin bound and boxed most attractively . . . for gift giving or home use Slingsby Supreme makes a prized possession . . . choose f rom seven lovely colors .--Blue, Pink, Aqua, Coral, Green, Sandolwood, YeIIow or White . . . wonderful value at regular price of 10.98- exceptional value at August Layaway price Each 9.99. STOCK The W.A. held their meeting an Wcdnesday evening at Mrs. Ernest White's home. The President, Mrs. Trew, presided. The theme of the meeting was "Times of Refreshing". Hymn 575 was followcd with respons- ive rcading of psalms 42 and 43. Mrs. Trew gave the devo- tional theme foilowed by hymn 649 and prayer. The minutes of the last meeting wcrc rcad and approved. The Sept. meeting is ta be held Sept. 10 at Mrs. Oscar Ir- win 's and she will supply lunch. A book for the missionary top- ics was ta be purchased. The chapters were taken by Mrs. K.J Trcw hi the absence of Mrs. J. Peacock. The meeting closed with a hymn and prayer. Lunch was served by Mrs. E. White and Mrs. Maggie Olin. Sunday School and church service were held, Rev. Wright having rcturncd froni his holi- days. Miss Marilyn Muldrcw, Osha- wra, spent the wcekend at Sunnyside. Mr. and Mrs. A, Muldrew, Winnipeg, visited with their cousins Mrs. Walters and the Vluldrcws this past week. Thcy had flot met since Mrs. Walters was a girl of eight. Mrs. W. W. Trew had another bad -spell this past week but. is a little better. Mrs. Wilbert Beatty has suf- 'cred with a couple of bouls which had ta be lanced and ressed severai Urnes. Mrs. R. F. Beatty fell out of bcd and hasn't been s0 well. She also sustained an injury ta .er car. Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Yarrow nd Gloria, Mr. and Mrs. E. Yarrow, Oshawa, visited with Nrs. E. Fowler and family re- ýently also visited O. Moffatt's i tbacco farm where they worked lst year. Mr. and Mrs. C. Mercer and lmily and Darlene Thickson notored ta Campbellford Sun- lay ta sec the plane that crash- ýd there. Skit practice was held on Fni- fay afternoon at Thickson's. he girls are gctting ready for ,chievement Day Aug. 201h at Dolina. Children's- OXFORDS - fBUY. NOW FOR CHRISTMAS No, we're not crazy. Many people are taking advantage of Our JEWELLERY 1/2 PuICE SALE Many smart Pin and Earring Sels ail at 1/2 Price BLANKET W~t&~~c4~~,ILS kC "TRULY A PLEASANT PLACE TO SH-OP" shwrat the home of Mrs. Stanley Chapman. Valena Copping, Mrs. Francis Jose and Mrs. Chapman planned the oc- casion and with 30 guests pres- ent, ushered the guest of hon- but ta act on what you learu aur ta a chair where ail the i~ ail that really matters. W~re e 'I 1 1 ELIZABETH VILLE Ontaria, and sald as a caîf ta National Exhibition. . -J 1 To look is anc thing, to sec what you look at is another, ta learn from what yau under- stand is stili something else, 1 à GOING