TEURSIDAY, AVO. 2S1980 BS PAGE E!UR~ ?~ ~!ANAflT&N ~TAT~MMML ~OWMANVff..LE. ONTAK!O was a Union School in the Area whîch took in par't of Clarke Clare R tepa ers Tonship. This affects about perty owners to hold a meet- M ay C ntestVoteing to discuss the matter prior a gto Council evn hi prvl L'~.L~.~* Dp Thev feit that the people should For Twu iNew c o l be informed of the matter. 1The Hamilton Hill project FmIfixe ratepax-ers of the_ fair. T&x.. e saId. wcre a ser- then came before Counicil which T,'x p Pujbl ic Schonl Are-a ou- mtter an.d it was bis OP Reex'e J. T. Brown described as aý*r: -iý-I toe Clarke Townsb.p inion that S100.000.00 was ofivi a disappointment to Council, mc o c. Acig. Ilth. The.r the begir,.ning, of the costs 01f Mr. Marsqen, engineer, recom- o c'x the action to be the t.%\o :1Cx sceools, if buit. îrnended a route west of Ham- i, in outcoome of the c'-Thre b'di- and stxtv pro- i îton',s lîuur as the best route Cc' c iri:r the building of pert î\ oh'. "ei'rs c going te have to follow and said that in bis t. ci o rchl1c scbools. A!- te pav Ibhis amounit. Mr. Moffat opinion if the route was flot f L', v.' 're concerncd over was of toc opinion that the en- feasible that thewoepret un ' - dîdnoct agrce wî.ý irtr oxv i hîip should bc divided should be held in obeyance. This in*otwxo schboi ai cas. route he feit was the safest with b' vb I r. Wa',d" if R'xeBroxx'o staicd that ne p5-t of it being over a 5,%, t i . that o'- w ico- Uoullic ci (iooe ali in its pow- grade. The engineer did not fa- "il to 0 e c:îIed1 for- tae er îîlcmoi .rccquest that was vour an alternative route be- E' i : sclbools as,; 'made cf Coulicil. cause it did flot have the per- otfri f$100,000.00) t Mr. 1_ Grcenwood tbought it! mancy or desirabilities of the r-'.Tbc' e tcnderý cnfair huiZt a >scbool section original route. He feit that tbey v, <'i on Augiust:t 22ci. )n'vc o sstxit 1e could have regrets later, of an i i-' V'Board wtt îovc eniuice x'bcn the section vot-Iatraierue ', 'E.'"OjibCouc-ic'l. i J loiwa, ao' the vote. He Rcecx' Browvn, as well as 1î1'c (.Il 1-ioncv cf Port hc~xr':c is opinion thàt Council, agreed with Mr. Mars- !'roc for '.wbjectois cit x ~srcsWhcn one board den. The Reeve statcd, bowever, n of'bo1lirg c ould tcil evec'Y.one what te du. that in bis opinion the price of '!ro:dcounicil and M Ln'ec. olcie'frh certain lands would bave to bc O'" A11vlilc of ti Public" Scbocl Bard,.,talted Ibot reduced considerably before the *~ ~~ h: i ' b- client,;xxu - 'l3ea d cia probicm 1of ac-ioicl-uesoudbfoi- t i "w1i ei' or nont Ithcuis ve d. H-_ felt ii. was ecuber an ai- xxlh . evote. i ()nati0fdroute grsîcîdeîit r 2If ~ pkebiffori xn ibhe'v bortplanned the cotv ot rntig ýloffa spokebripf xv -Icool:. e said a vote haci! The Reex'e and Councillor * . J~îv scto ol bn ïake' ad tbat if therco Lowery stated they had view- i e :cb'~l Ui 1he bv sboudd b-. cd an alternative route and feit c rhi ce giVIven~' c ptiur to a cilinite date. Iibat it was possible to folloxv U11c _____________ T0p - -- nin ho sý id, faits on theit feven thougb il did follow a 01) i ,_toi-' anJci i fairness t,smlall section in wbicb the land i141 j.the' F,'arJ anon 1 save time th;iý xvas loxv and boggy. The monÉby c* ~, "Miil b ak'nri imeiao is available for tbe projeet and ~ ~r~'IxV b thlen'i. if xvas feît tbey wouid like to 1-Horex' agrecd thaýtth sec if donc. onous cint pass onto thce'noV'. Mr. Marsden doubted of an Il~ n~cr n'lon bebaîf of bi; iroproveinent over tbe present 'I~c- 11 co '. at ion action be takeii grade and also if would sf111 j cîht ic approve tbe ssui'ig Icave the sharp curve at th- t '-~ of bc lci~'ctuis.Mr. Ilones' bottom. a ci dCo'c'l Iatif ny c- Botb E. Walkev and R. Sav- cio,-:i) vs Ick'i! aen Ifo a-i ecr, stafed tbat a lot cf money i ' Xoo, ici '- c nat 's. r If10 " ad already been spent on the t (.1 :: tiih"l bx tbt Ini'biii and if seerned foolisb 10 Cci.îî'."x'îl ccxv batlb ' gai n onlv d clubif a job. Walk- 'Plcai; nc-lIti the ;: the <prvaley aid iibat hUc xxoildnt hesi- S~ù Tbs m'I vîfbtbeappovatate Io tUe cost if it is the 1u c bcden{ w ay and the mosf perman- cf f b. SehoolBoad. es j tat certî '-elonSwat nxv Reeve Broxwn w-as cf the op- ,i-ioos 1at huv-hold.wit-- iiiion ibat lUe alternative route crax oi the Area and builcixol aebtxcn$,O n - --'.., t bnibc-o vives. -Mr. Brx' 5O -bLIt admittcd thaf it - ~ poi)o~ec oufticiat no sections ex- would net be as good. istd avmo'ebutflSy Wie Mr. Marsden agreed te look now an area. over the alternative route and al ~Cour)' cillors Loxvcrv and Sa- i report his* findings to Council. 74 laid oetntiltat bbc isset-li The road voucher cf $7,189.65 - in glte invcc until hen ot ei xas passed for payment. The Yc'ciyAnDodwasing lao i Augst henbot Clerk informed Council that C;c 'Îlin asa rail the ten davs xiii be rip and the around $20,000 rcmained cf the - 'v ,ioýc f0 drinkinn c nc- eevd road buîdget whicb is te cover r ~'<,c. y te pil.Mrs. Joncs cf Newtonivilie' pavments for the rest of Lie byte ol cornplained te Council cf ini Year.-Orono Times. Iconsiderate vebicle parking that 1 ___________ Lit limes blocks ber drivcwav. Couîncil is to look into parkingZIO in the H-amlet before anytbingiO definite is te hc dope. Mc. ILes Coombes, cf the1 Mr. and Mrs. George P'ascoe, Souîtb Darlington Scbool Area, Mr. and Mrs. Emril Sehoffer, -approqIccd Couîncil for appro-! Saskatoo, Saskatchewan, spent val of debeobc.ce for a fwo- a fcw days at Frank Pasceis. room schonl ib Darlington. This, Mrs. Jack Cameron, Jehnny, he said was necccssary as there Brenda and Diane, returned - -" borne te Hamnilton on Tucsday - ' after spcnding a couple cf weeks at Wcs Carneron's. Mrs. Fred Cameron spent a - W ifew days witb ber sister, Mrs. * Perey Bryce at Mountain -- m r and Mrs. R. C. Stainton and Laurie, Mr. and Mrs. Keitb * Stainton and Clarke, bave re- '-~' 'UITU NO PECAL RAIING turnedi frein Lake Papineau. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hailiday are hard to find these d'us and farnilv bave refurned fron Croxve Lakre. hSchool PLUS BUSINESS SCI1fO4 Vis.CirvGaselha e is the order of the Clay turned bomne frorn Oshawa iGenieral Hospital after surgery ý,.N VILLE BUSI MSS 'SCHOOL iMrOnd Mrcon altmne clis hyou ini six to ciglît t;nn0ns for such Oshawa, visited at Hans Geiss- 1' -~ s s TPISI CI~R-TV>IS, O~A- berger's. iMr. and Mrs. lochn Monaban Z-'1,RECEPTTONIST, BANK CLERK, ETC. andi farnilv hav-e retura'ed borne after xisiting relatives in New I'aII Term hegins SEPTEMBER 2nd ~ Brunswick and Nova Scotia. Mr. Wiifrcd Frank, Toronto, .1iVrite or telephone fer rtcîI' visifed bis xife and baby rit Menoîiai Hospifal, Bcwman- WITHOUT DEL.AY to' ville. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Camerer. atcndc'd tUe bail game at Te- "- 7anville Business .jChi'j'î rento on ud '~bN~ST. EAST BOWV1U.NVILLE, ONT. Mr. and Mî's. N. Potter, To- ronto. Miss Dawna Potter, St. q ~<' ~,.Rossxxeil Leach, Andrea and i U M 1 *Ross, Windsor, Mrs. Mai-,' L' each, Oshawo, Mc. and Mî's. IU'n'- t"~Artbur Yottingrnaîî and famil, t', T;- ronie: Piilis Youingî'nan, ~ ~ ai ai m r~ir~~e sld Be-than.v: Douglas Sparks. ih a -~S las Flett and farl;', Miss Pearl a 20per .ef Leach, Jlohn Kixell, Solina. -' ~(I of rti1c~~, ~~ e.st tMr. anîd IMrs. Glen Bottret!. of?2 e'sW artild ssd W ear Riha-dand Pattice, bave be2:. vOrOt.Oi)Jng af Wasaga Beach anandciCoillingwood. Wiea ~ Coilingxx'ýooci they jisited M,-s. Chiaw. a re A~and GiaAAs Bottrel's parents. Mc. and Mis. ~1~I J. A, Ciîccan and attendcd tý 0- sCcs - Rns Co 1nwo 1bration. Et ervtiigng ust go by Seltif 5th 1 Little Miss Slieila Wiliim -o hîirr'- up for these xt otîderful hiivs entcîtained severa1 cf lier little - Jj:- ne îvng REPAIR WOR1K ut this store pai"eon At gustfî12. brbd ~'oeCA.LI FOR IT as 51>1>1 as possilIe Mrs .Nels-on ice xvas o- Wz, i'niaso appreciate hlaving III' iottstanding ess for a euniiunity cho\i- ercim;'ce!laneuiist oin Tieý-' - ic,:is paid up hy the I 5th ofi Septeniber dot' O\'ù cii g -on 01rorf Mis Jeiai:.Bal, a bride-to-be ci' Allas No Retuirns or Refujids, plcase Saturccaiv. MiŽsý Bail rcceivpd miaux' bcatful and useful gifts for ; n'bib he expressed ber thaoksý Lunch tias serx-ed bx' MacKaye Gif t Store cc!b :f., Mr'. and'vJ Ms.Bernard NMc- 4)1~)NOFRA N 1n'. li' acK XYE -E' '.Pigr-îcn. v.sited at Rus- -:,f 1S*taîntons and Wes Ca*- erori a. Maple Grove WlI. Meet Film "Let There be Light". Program for the August meeting of Maple Grove Worn- en's Institute was in charge of the Histerical Research and Current Events Committee witb convener Mrs. L. C. Snowden in the chair. The mette, Indifference, is the rust thal crumbles ou'- ci- vilization. xvas given by M:-s. Wallace Munday. She said. "Doing notbing is dangereus, il is net the weii warrned, well peopied bouse that soonesl falis te ruin but rather tUe di,,- used one witb tUe picturetess wails, tUe fireless hearlb and tUe shuttercd windows." Tee many of us are far toc unconcerned witb xvbat is hap- pening about tîs. This can be tUe rust wbicb in lime destreys just as rust on metl destros. Just as there is the great need fer werld leaders to stand for what is best for al - se is the need for individuals te really live in the now. Res- ponsibility is the greatest build- er cf character. Forgetting self and accepting responsibility for tUe greatest good for home and country we thus stîr Up the best in ourselves and ethers whicbhclps much in keeping civilizalion bright and shiny. A rneving picture film "Let There Be Likht" whicb de- picted Ontario rutal country.- side and the farm home Ira- jgedv prier te, the birth of the Womens Institutes foiiowed thceugb te tUe pageant "Let There Be Li.gbt" wbicb was stagcd on the O.A.C. campus at fhe close cf tbe 501h anniver- sary cf the founding cf the W. I. celebratien. Mr. Forecsf Dilling operated tbe prejector and deiighted tUe audience with some pic- tut-es cf the home town cen- DAIRY QUEEII Lovely milk maids fromn over j0 counfies wiIl compefe' for flic itie of Miss Doiry Queen, 1958, in the Coliseum. MILE 0F MIDWAY New rides, new gamnes fa thrill flic hearts of young and old on flic merriest mile of fun cf flie C.N.E. STARS IN THE LAVISH EVENING GRANDSTAND SPECTACULAR See this famous star of stage, screen, radio and television supporfed by hundreds of dancers, musicians, and enterfainers on the largesf stage in the world. Climaxed by a briijaont display of fireworks. TICKETS NOW ON SALE C.N.E. Grandstand Ticket Office on the City Hall Lawn, Toronto 10:00 a.m. fa 9:00 p.m., Monday fliru Friday 1 0:00 a.m. fa 3:00 p.m., Safurday Main C.N.E. Grandstand Box Office at Exhibition Park 9;00 a.m. fa 9:00 p.m. doily, except Sundoys Or at your local agent EVENIN GÏGANODSTANO Reserved seats. $3.00, $2.00, $1,.00 AFIERNOON GRANOSTANO Reserved seats- $1.50, General Admission: (sold at Box Office only) Aduits: .75e Children:.1 5e INTERNATIONAL HORSE SHOW Reserved seats: $1.00, Generol Admission: Adults: .50ç Children: .230 tennhal celebrations. A hearty thank you was tendered Mr. Dilling f'cr bis kindly assisit- ance. Members of the commnitteel in charge, Mrs. Clifford Swal-, iow, Mrs. Wallace Munday Mrs. E. (Ted) Foley, Mrs. Stel- la Beech and Mrs. Leslie Snow- den sang in chorus "Drink to Me Only With Iine Eyes" and "'AIl Through The Night" with Mrs. C. H. Snowden at the piano..1 For Current Events Mrs. Snowden gave an outline of' tUe visit te Canada of the 300 representatives of the Ninth International Congress of Home Economnics. These delegates, representing 28 countries of the worid were greatly impressed xitb our advantages in Ibis field, "Do we value wbat we bave?" was asked. Roll cal-Popular songs cfi our teen-age- was fairly welll answered. Mrs. K,., Hopkins, vice president, presidedfer Ihe business. Mrs. Chas. Green- bam was appointed Public Re- lations director. Ten dollars There orc prizes and give. aways galare ln fthc world's lorgest Food Praducts Building. Oon'f miss Food Praducfs Day, August 27fh. Sec fine blooms and prize winning arrangements in flie magnif icent Horfi- cultural Buitding.1 A BIG DAY EVERY DAY (iNOT INCLUOING SUNOAYS) Wednesday, A ugusi 2Oth OPENINO D AY Thtursday, August 21st PRESS AND ADVERTISING DAY Friday, August 22nd WOMEN'S DAY Saturday, Augusi 23rd WARRIORS' DAY ltonde y, August 25th YOUNG CANADAS DAY Salute toaflic Province af Qucbsc Tuesday, August 26th AUTOMOTIVE DAY Salute ta flic Province of Ontario Wednesday, August 27th FO0D PRODUCTS AND MERCI-ANTS' DAY Soluts fta t. Province af Prince Edward lslamd Thursday, August 28th FLORAL, MUSIC, ARTS ANO HEALTH DAY Solute tamthe Province of Saskatchiewan T ru stees Seek Support For'Orono Bus Service Throughout the past years Orono a suitable -bus service. numerous requesîs have been Three letters have failed tO made to the Orono Police Trus- persuade the bus lino that ach tees requesting them to seek a a service Is waiuted by numerous bus service in the villa ge. A citizens of Orono. nun-ber of letters have\ been Th LaeOtý&. 00p written by this local body ta hoaeOtr0,eeoI Colonial Coach Lines requesting ment Association', 7i*Mtnded thaI they set up their route that the Orono Po 1usn through Orono, thuis givcng should bring berfor'u bus ____________________company tacts showing thet ..,.+ +s, ~ ~ citizens oU'the village do want Ww vnuÈ thp On. t LS, ,fa na q itut In unt. MOV - ,J a hu.w. vaiwle for the Blind. Members are asked ta remember Aug. 2th, Acbievement Day at Solina where aur Girls' Home-making Club will coïnplete their course.1 September meeting in Charge of Citizenship and Education comrnittee. The Solina W. 1. wiil be Mapie Grove's guests next montb. Refreshments were served and a social haîf hour enjoy- ed. Speclal ail-western round- up Wed., Aug. 20fh. $s top riders compite for honours Augusf 21 sft 27th 'in the Coliseum. Friday, August 29th ELECTRICAL DAY Salute ta flic Province of Newfoténdland Saturday, A ugust 3Oth INTERNATIONAL AND ATULE11C DAY Salute fa the Province of New Brunswick Monday, September Jet LABOUR DAY Tue8day, Septem ber 2nd MANUFACTURERSI AND SERVICE CLUBS DAI Salute ta flic Province of Manitoba Wednesday, Septem ber 3rd FARMERS' AND LIVESTOCiC PARADE DAy Salute Io flic Province of Alberta Thursday, SeptWmber 4th TRANSPORTATION-COMMUNICATIOHSAND COMMERCIAL TRAVELLERS' DAY Salut. ftafthe Province of Nova Seefl F;-iday, September 5th RADIO AND TELEVISION DAY Saluf* f0 thse Province of BrllA Columbia Saturday, Septem ber 6th aITIZENV, AND CADET DAY CA A I N£NTINALEX IBI£ £4 AUi 0mSP. I^ TORNTO- CNAD p aiproper one was set up for the vilage. The Orono, Police Trusttgglc-* are asking those Who wish a bUa service and who would use ont, to write a letter to the Orone Police Trustees requesting the Trustees to petition the Colonial jCoach Lines to set Up a regulat cbus stop ln Orono. It 311011d i also be pointed out that the Iwriter would nuake une of thte service.-Timnes. 350 acres of fun., interest entertainment F& LDUUUI WuI .....u il ww New attractions! New ev.rtts - HRILIN TERNOON 1~~1IUc~!"UI~ESee death-defying drivers I NTERNATIONAL EXHIBITS iOL FWMNGV-WYHM n the Swenson Thrillcade AGRICLT LURA WDN Sec excifing exhibits of the OLOFWMNIV-WYOE every afternoon August INTERNATIONAL AIR SHOW WORCLS LRIR manufoctured ond notural See beaufîful foshlon shoaws You may be the Iucky wun- 21sf fo September 1sf. Tlirill ta the famed Blue Angeis Sees mare th n 10,000 siem products of 14 of the worid's every hour, cooking schools, ner of fthe modemn 7-roomn General admission for aerabatic teoam, glgantic an display, champion Ilvestoche greaf nations in the Govern- hondicrafts, and other exciting home which is on display in childrcn is 5e. bomr, nd mt pan feftvgfaebfe ments Building and the Inter- exhibits in the multi-million dol- front of flie Grandsfand. wrdsnws lns sculpture, caf,dog,and pouklry national Building. lar Queen Elizabeth Bulding. September 5fh and 6fli anly. shows. THE DAYS FOR '583 1 . i PAGE EMIM TM CAMADIAN STATISMAN, IROWMANVffM, ONTAPM z ý ?1717Y eaye