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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1958, p. 10

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PAGE TEX - TEE CANADIM NTATTSMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ON¶'AWTA -- - - - - -. - A LI.LJAI~AJZ~ A~ £IUJ'.7. dOUl, A~DI ~I% A A VV~ uâ&t g I Drasia Festival Plamys Chosen for Orono Fuir This year Orono plays host ta a very talented assortrnent of draina groups who will display their talents on Friday, Sept. 5 and Saturday, Sept. 6. The annual draina competition spon- sored by the D>urham County Agricultural Association, wil feature entries by three groups neyer before seen in this area. 'On Friday night the Port Hope 1- Theatre Group under the direc-J PUMPS & SOFTENERIÇ LIMITE» .P713â CA NA D.4 JACIK DRGU«GH3 PLUMBING [pivis1on f MA 3-5615 and HEATING Street South BOWMBANVILLE1 tion of MIrs. D. F. S. Kershaw will present «The Red Velvet Couch". This will beoaur first glijupse o! this potential group. The Lakefield- Players under Mrs. Mayrne Grylls, will per- farm. in the "Uplifters". This group is well known and wefl thought o! in Orono for the de- lightful performances they have given in the past. This year will be no exception. Also on Friday night the Knox Church Theatre Group of Peter- borough, under Mr. Endicott, will do "This Way te Heaven." The Knox Church Graup should be familiar to most of us froin their past performances here, under Mr. Peter McComb's di- rection. On Saturday night Mr. Mc- Comb directs a nevu gnoup, the Peterborough Community Theatre in "Rumours Wanted" and Miss M. Tooley leads the Oshawa Little Theatre in "Heav- en an Earth." Bath these groups are per!orming for the !irst time on the Orona stage, and promise ta give a deligbt!ul evening's entertaininent. Cuntain time will ho 8:30 p.m. bath nights. Admission 75c for aduits; 50c for children. Plan ta attend this ance-a-year theatre treat. HÀYDON Mr. and Mrs. Ron Morrison and Dougie, Oshawa; Mr. Doug- las Bertrîm, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. George Bertrim, Georgie and Sheryl, Taunton, at Mr. and Mrs. M. Bertrim 's. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, En- niskilen, visited Mrs. W. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson, Beverly Anderson and Diane Johnson, Miami, Florida, spent a week with Mfrs. K. Cowling and Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburn and family. Kathy Rahm is visiting with Rena Graham. Mr. J. Potts, Tommy, Debbie and Mary, visited with relatives at Collingwood on the weekend. Tommy and Debbie remained with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ken- nedy for a holiday. Mr. J. Potts' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Potts came home with him for a holiday. Mr. Bert Ashton is having a week's holiday with his family at their cottage. Mrs. Lloyd Ashton attended the School for Leaders at Whit- by. Mrs. A. McNeil is visiting ,with relatives at Toronto. Mrs. W. Thompson visited friends at Oshawa, Friday. *Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson, Beverly and Diane Johnson, Mrs. K. Cowling, Mrs. W. Blackburn, Carol, Dale and Dougie went an a motor trip to Peterborough on Thursday. Several from Raydon attend- Opens Naval CoUege Ris Royal Highness Prince Philip talks te Sub-Lieutenant E. S. Kulin of Montreal during his inspection of the Guard of Honour of Commonwealth officers on his arrivai to open the new extension to the Royal Naval Engineering College at Manadon, near Plymouth, recently. On Sub-Lieutenant Kulin's right is Sub-Lieuten- ant Green of the Royal Canadian Navy from St. John's, Quebec, while on the extreme left is Sub-Lieut. R. H. Banning of Sarnia, Ontario, and next to him Sub- Lieut. N. Di. G. Parker of Vancouver. The new extension opened by Prince Philip was the officers' mess, which marked the completion of the first three building phases to house 450 officers from the British and other Commonwealth Navies. Prince Philip made an extensive tour of the new building, which looks more like a well-appointed hotel than the traditional naval barracks. Instruction given at Mana- don is claimed to be the finest and most comprehensive of its kind. Officers training at the College are given courses in electronics and electrical engineering, practical engineering and engineering economics, and in the use of guided weapons. od the Blackstock Fair on Sal urday. Mr. and Mirs. Ronald Rahr and family at Mn. Royal Lee': Leskard, and also visited Mi and Mrs. Wm. Dawson, Orono. Mrs. W. Martin is visiting M and Mrs. Delb-ent Martin, Wells ville, N.Y. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Slemo: were Sunday supper guests a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Toms, En niskillen., Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Ashtor Master Glen Ashton and Barbar were dinner guests o! Mrs. Vern, Forsythe, Toronto, Sunday, arn called on Miss Werr, and Mrs. Muriel Brownlee. Mr. and Mrs. J. Jones ani family recently visited Mr. arn Mis. Lewis Heathering at Anguw Mr. and Mrs. W. Blackburi and famnily, Mrs. K. Cowling Mr. and Mrs. Dick Anderson Beverly, and Diane Johnson at tended a Blackburn family pic nie supper at Mr. and Mrs. Paire well Blackburn's home on Sun day evening. Mi. and Mns. Earl Thompson Larny and Patsy, Bowmanville at Mrs. W. Thompson's. Mrs. Edna McLaugblin a: Burketon is visiting Mn. anc Mrs. Ross Ashton. Cburch service on Sunda3 afternoon at 3 p.m. Public School will open or Tuesday, Sept. 2nd with Mis,ý Knigbt teaching. Friends and neighbouns gath. ened at the school bouse on Sat. urday evening wben Mr. J Walker was presented witb E gift. Having sold bis bouse hE will ho leaving the village tc live with relatives at Toronto Chairman was Mr. W. Black. hurn. An address was nead hy Mns. K. Cowling. Mr. Arthur Tnewmn presented the gifts te Mn. Walker, a wallet with bis naine engraved on it and a Park- er fountaîn pen. Mr. Walker ex- pnessed bis tbanks and boped to be back around ta see bis fniends quite often. A short pro- grain followed. enneth Gra- hain sbowed pictures, Mrs. Lloyd A.shton favoned with a solo, reading, Mrs. C. Garrard; piano solo, Lynda Potts; twirling and fine twirling, Bevenly Ander- son. Lunch was served and a social time enjoyed. MNE Y AVAILABLE FOR NORTGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and SoHlctor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 ~JII i YOUR OPPORTUNITY TO SAVE ! Take advantage of the Last Week of Wstionghouse SUM MER SALE CLEARANCE 0F VALUES! Pliiceu Greally Reduced on 0.0. WASHERS REFEIGERATOIS DRYERS - FREEZERS ELECTRIC RANCES It is worth your while to drop in and see this ranre of values LANDER HARDWARE 7 King St. E. Phone MA 3-5774 )n a, r.- n, ra ia id 91 )f Id New Potato Standards Become Effective Sept. 1 Designed ta provido more uniformity in size and quality and, at the same time permit of more attractive packagincg, new grade standards for On- tario grown potatoes will come into effeet on September 1, it bas been announced by Hon. W. A. Goodfellow, Minîster o! Agriculture. The new standards have been adopted aften an extensive sur- vey o! wbolesalens, retailer.1, processars and consurners éon- ducted by the Ontario Pota- ta Growers' Association and of- ficiais o! the Ontario Depart- ment of Agriculture. The new grades, wbicb apply ta potatoes produced and sold within the province, are as follows,-Ontanio No. 1 grade; Ontario No. 1 large grade; On- tario No. 1 small grade; and Ontario No. 2. Potatoes shipped ohtside o! the province will continue to be gnaded under standards established hy Fed- enal regulations. Ail grades for shipinent outside o! Ontario must be marked with the pref ix of "Canada". £Jiu-TAWV a . * 'O Mils Blanche Racicot, Toron- ta, is visiting with hen sistor eand brotber-in-law, Mn. and 0Mrs. H. A. McMaster. Mrs. Lloyd Capstick and cbildren Sharon and Robent o! Uxbnidge, spent several days 0last week witb ber parents, Mn. sand Mrs. T. M. Weatbenilt. Mn. and Mrs. Mansel Wright motored ta Tara fan the week- dend visiting witb Mrs. Wrigbt's sparents, Mn. and Mrs. T. Mc- Clelland. Guests with Mr. and Mns. Walter Neal duning the week- 4end were Mn. and Mrs. Doug- Dlas Deyell of North Bay, Mn. 1and Mrs. William Bninning, Toranto, and Mn. and Mrs. How- 1ard Scott of Liindsay. Betbany Community Band pnovided the music fan Black- stock FallFair beld on Satur- day. Mrs. Thomas Jackson and Miss Caroline Smith are spend- ing this week in Markdale witb Mr. and Mrs. Norman Neals. Victor Woods, with the RCAF at Clinton spent last week with his gnandparents, Mn. and Mns. James Fraser. Guests with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Martichenko for the weekend were ber mother, Mrs. Marie Yoncbus o! Kitch- ener and ber uncle and aunt, Rev. A. C. Mayes o! Kitchener and Sister Josephine o! North Bay; also ber brother, Pte. Da- vid Yoncbus a! London and David Heuhack, Kitchener. Ral. Challice with tbe RCAF at Trenton spent last week with bis mothen, Mns. Richard Challice. Narman Lowes, Toronto, was home for the weekend witb bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. Donald Lowes. Mn. and Mis. Reg. Edmunds and family motored ta Hamil- ton on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wright, Mn. and Mrs. Arthur Wright spent several days last week with Mr. and Mns. J. E. Mow- at at Bass Lake. The Cub Mothens' Auxiliary met at the home o! Mns. Doug- las Smelt making plans for the faîl seasarn. Ali mothens were asked ta study the Cub manual so that they could give assist- ance ta thein sans. In Septein- ber, Mn. Allan Spicer o! Mill- braoo1ç will show maving pic- tunes of a recent trip ta Europe, in the basement o! the United Church. The praceeds will go towards supplying unifonins for the Cubs. Next manth the bo.ys will also have a drive ta cal- lect aid newspapers. magazines, etc. Village residents are ask- ed te co-aperate by saving such. The next meeting will ho beld at the home o! Mrs. Carl Smith. Taa OId Furnilure with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phono MA 3-3303 fil Special attention ta size, tol- erances frain damage and free- dam froin late bligbt is given under the new Ontario regu- latians. The size range for Ontario No. 1 grade will be 2 inches ta 3 /ý inches in diameter witb at least 75 per cent o! the lot 2',j inches in diameter or better. This more uniforin size range will be particularly suitable for pcaig into 5-10-15- and 50 IPound containers. The Ontario Na. 1 large grade with potatoes over 3U4 inches will f111 the demarid for french frying, bak- ing, and other special uses. The Ontario Number one sinal grade will ho retained ta facil- itato the packaging o! wasbed potatoes-i%/ inches ta 2 1/, in- ches wben packed in 5 and 10 Pound tran~sparent bags. In announcing the ne w grades, Mn. Goadfellow point- ed out that tbey had been ne- quested by bath grawers and the trade andc he was confident that aIl cannected with the in- dustry would bend every ef- fort ta adbero ta, or improve upon, the new standards. SOLINA The church service Sunday morning: was well attended. Ewart Leask, president of the Three M's, conducted the ser- vice and introduced the speak- er, Miss Agatha Morey, of Oshawa, who is home an fur- lough froin a mission field in India. Wearing the native dress of the Indian wamen, a beautifulý sari, Miss Morey first taught the children an Indian sang. As she told of the existing con- ditions, there, where there are 35,000 people living in a square mile and worshipping idols of their own making, one could not belp but, realize the great need for, Christian teacbings. Her fine nemarks were based on the text from. Romans 1:14, 15. Our -prayers will follow Miss Morey as she returns to India the end of this year. A solo was well rendered by Don Taylor. Miss Money was a guest of Mr. and Mns. Ewart Leask fol- lowing the service. A film strip was shown at Sunday Scbool on the temper- ance program, arranged by Mrs. Harny Knox. Donna Vice nead the commentary. There will be ne Sunday School or Church service hene next Sunday, August 31. Mr. and Mrs. O. Cruickshank and Mrs. Ida Wilcox, Peterbor- ough, visited Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and family. Lois Ashton, Bradley's, en- joyed holidays at Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Langmaid's. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Taylor and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Montgomery, were Sunday visitors at Mrs. Gertie Fergu- son's, Oshawa. Neil Bird, Brooklin spent several days with Mr. and Mrs. E. Cryderman. Miss Jean Cryderman, Messrs. George and Fred Bittner, Osh- awa, were Sunday visitors at E. Cryderman's. Miss Marilyn MeCarreli who bas spent the summer wîth Mr. and Mrs. Wes His and fam- ily, returned ta ber home at Omemee on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Hanna, Leamington, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Islin, Thornbill, Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice and Douglas, Taunton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Westlake, Sr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake, Sr., Mrs. Percy Westlake and Mrs. Frank Westlake Jr. visited Mrs. Hîlda Mutton, Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- lake Jr., and family, visited at Mr. and Mrs. George Mutton's, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. N. Leach, Taunton, Mr. J. Kivell and Miss Pearl Leach, were Sun- day guests of Mr. and Mrs. D>. Flett and family. Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Yellow- lees and daughters were Sun- CAND iAN Geuton Leavlng Read Down A.M. 7:25 7:30 Kawartha Maples Janetville 7:40 Ballyduff 7:45 Pontypool 7:55 Enterprise 8:00 Kirby 8:10 Orono *8:45 BOWMANVILLE Arrive Read Up A.M. 1:35 1:25 Rtn. Fare 4.50 4.40 1:15 4.25 1:05 12:55 12:45 12:35 12:15 4.00 3.75 3.50 3.35 3.00 day guests of Mir. and Mns. Bruce Harrison, Oshawa. Mr. and Mns. Roy Grills and Caralyn. Mrs. John Grills, Va- lentia; Mr. and Mrs. J. Yellow- lees, were guests on Stmday with Mr. and Mns. Wes Yel- lowees and sons. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink and family; Mr. and Mrs. Harry Knox and sons, attended a pic- nie at Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink's, at Ebenezer on Sunday. Mrs. Norman Yellowlees spent last week with ber dau- ghter, Mns. E. Hockaday. Miss Evelyn Hockaday has returned home from vîsiting her cousin, Miss Sandra Elli- cott. Mrs. Ivan Ellicott enter- tained a few friends for her daughter and guest. Mr. John Rutherford, Toron- ta; Mr. and Mrs. Frank John- son and Mrs. Edith Johnson of Moorfield, Mrs. J. Shortt and Mr. Luther Shortt, Cour- tice; Mr. and -Mrs. Bill McGee, Toranto, were visitors at Messrs. S. E. and Wes Werry's. Mn. and Mrs. Murray Vice and children, Mr. and Mrs. Stan Millson and sons, attend- ed a picnic of nursing class- mates and their families at Cedar Glen Park, Pickering an Sunday, Mrs. Ella Taylor and San- dra of Scarborough, spent the weekend witb Mr. and Mrs. Stan Milison and sons. Several main here attended Blackstock and Oshawa Fairs. Ronnie Baker won lst prize with bis Shorthorn cal! in the 4-H Club section. The Women's Institute ex- hibited at Oshawa Fair, receiv- ing first prize, and at Black- stock received second place on their display. Achievement Day for girls of 4-H Clubs was held at Solina Comxnunity Hall. The Womnen's Institute served the noon meal ta the girls. Mrs. J. Dyer and Elizabeth-, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Peever, Oshawa, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe's. Helen and Pat Knox enjoy- ed holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Leaving Read Down A.M. Grant Glover and family at Kedron. Mr. and Mrs. F. Abernethy, Oakwaod; Miss Elsie Samis, Enfield, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Don Tay. lor and William. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Stanley and Mrs. Joe Snowden visited relatives at Omemee and Ida. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. James, Oshawa, visited at Mr. and Mrs. N. E. Wotten's. Mrs. Irene Chapon of New York, visited at .1. otten'u and other frien e vil. lage. Robbie and Janet'Large of Bowmanville, are holidaying with their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Parrinder. Mrs. Florence Pearce and Miss Marilyn Pearce of Willow- dale, were guests of Mrs. Har. aid Pascoe. Mrs. Harold Pascoe enter- tained at a miscellaneous show- er in honor of Miss Marîlyii Pearce, bride-to-be. AND TMAT IS 1W WMEVE L LECTRICAL CONTRACTING -WIRING - REPAIS PORT PERRY F AIR LADOR DAY September lst, 1958. HORSE EACING LIVESTOCK SHOW MIDWAY EVENING ENTERTAINMENT Fred Lamb Secretary. YUJ 5-2658 or- ý) U 5-2342 NATIONAL Lu'nes Arrive Read Up A.M. 7:40 Nestieton 7:50 Blackstock 8:00 Burketon 8: 10 Enniskillen 8:20 Hcampton Rtn. Fare 1:05 4.00 12:55 12:45 12:35 12:25 *8:45 BOWMANVILLE 12:15 3.75 3.50 3:35 3.25 Arrive 10:15 a.m. at Toronto Exhibition Fares include Admission into Toronto Exhibition Grounds Sat., August 3Oth only - Special Extra Bus will leave C.N.E. Grounds for Bwanville Only at 6:30 p.m. Children - Haif Fare For Information Phone: Downville MArket 3-3811 - Oshawa BAndo7Ipfrr' 7171 u - - - - - 1 LONDON yOIJR HOLIDAY REMINDER to stock Up on . .a EXHIBITION -SPECIýALS GILE E JOANE] LCEOSDAI A RAITIr 169-R Couch Limted "Going Daily from À,ugust Ilst Ride on the Bus and avoid worrying about driving in heavy traffic, parking or crowding for street'cars Buses take passengers into Exhibition Grounds and jemain there for the con- venience of passenqers until 15 minutes after evening grandstand performance. Reserve grandstand tickets now at Garton Coach Lines office. Buses Daily* from Bowrnan ville *August Ilst to September. 6th FRON- All Other. Points Scheduled, Aug. 25 - Sept. 1 DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME mmi i ým "MlwqnAv ATWII elwiq lama m 1 PAGE TJCN TM CANADIM STATMOUS. BOWMANVMý-X CMTAMO BETHANY

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