______________________________________________________________________________ EtI~TK A AllAi L a.z.w TuE CAYA~IA1# STATE~MAY<. UOWMA~1VffI~E O~IAW?~ fl A pq lIrUMDAT, At!G. tth, ISSU tSoccer Highlights I i' The four playoff teams ail maintained their relative à;&OéiUons in the final league games last week. Maple Grave in .»rat place sixice the start of the season, took a close 1-0 decision '2rurdn Tyrone ta nail down the top spot. Zion was held to a one- -âfdraw by Solina, but managed to take runner-up honours by Aý single point over Courtice. The fast-closing Court.ice squad kept W their late season pace with another close decision, a 1-0 victory aer Enn n.ç In this last week of regular play, Hampton was Mhe onu qto score more than once, as they downed the kaVless Hooper's Jewellers from Bowmanville, 3-1. Ift Junior action, first place Courtice closed out an undefeat- #d season with a 6-0 whitewash job on Tyrone. In a playoff pre- ~iew Sauina went dowin ta a 5-3 losa ta a Zion team, whxch, emulat- fnIg the Senior, also wound up in second place. In a "nothing" l.'ame, winless Enniskiilen lost for the last Urne this year, this !«me by a 4-2 score to Hampton. On Monday night Courtice captured the first game of their !junior semi-final set, when they handed Maple Grove a 3-0 shut- lIut. Bath serni-final series wiil be home and home, goals to îëount affairs. Fallowing is the schedule of future Junior playoff *;ncounters: !4 To-night - Solina at Zion * Tuesday, Sept. 2 - Courtice at Maple Grave S Thursday, Sept. 4 - Zion at Sauina *UJ games will start at 7:00 p.m. S The Seniors have also announced their semi-final schedule, ..rith games also ta begin at 7:00 p.m. Each series will be a best i9f three affair, with the first team ta garner four points;, the qinner. S Semni-finals: 1ý Last night - Zion played at Tyrone % Sat., Aug. 30- Courtice at Maple Grove :b Wed., Sept. 3 - Maple Grave at Courtice S Sat., Sept. 6 - Tyrone at Zion '~Wed., Sept. 10 - Courtice at Maple Grove (if necessary> 1ý Sat., Sept. 13 - Tyrone at Zion If Mple rave(if necessary) If apl Grveand Courtice have decided a winrer by .jept. 3rd and a third game is necessary between Z.ion and Tyrone, "t would be played on Sept. lOth. Cs Senior League Soccer (Final standing) 1 eam Gamnes W L T GF GA ]Pis. ýfaple Grave 14 Il 1 2 35 12 ý4 ~Ion 14 8 1 5 27 14 21 Itourtice 14 9 3 2 37 15 20 ?yrone --- 14 7 6 1 23 16 15 ~ampton 14 3 5 6 18 22 12 î nniskillen 14 4 8 2 19 29 10 ~olina 14 1 10 3 6 26 5 lowmanville - 14 1 il 2 7 38 4 Junior Leagne Soccer (Final standing) VemGamnes W L T GF GA Pts. ,ýourtice _____ 12 il O 1 61 6 23 1 onl ___ 12 10 2 0 40 13 ' 20 taple Grave 12 7 5 0 21 25 14 Solina .____ 12 6 6 0 26 23 12 ý±rone 12 3 7 2 15 28 8 g ampton 12 3 9 0 21 45 6 Uiniskillen 12 0 il 1 7 57 1 i ï fight irrors are Costly s Girls Drop Opening ?nTilt Here with Barrie .Bowmanville's eight errors 8-7 win bv Barrie in a girls' oftball fixture at the Memor- laI Park, Monday night. The àictary gave the Barrie club Sone game lead in a best of ýree jux enile series playoff. iVirginia Brown allowed nine t ts in going the distance, but Was a victim of shoddy field- ing support, while the 13 walks rhe gave up didn't help much ëither. The visitors .Jumped off to an early 8-0 lead in the firsi two innings on on]l*y a pair of bigles. When Barrie starter, Turn ONd Furniture inioCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 Hare ,gave up four ruas an two hits and four walks in the bottom of the second, she wes relieved by Kecsey. The sauth-, pew reliefer fenned the aext two betters ta get oui of the inning, and went on ta hait the Bowmanville etieck on three bits good for three seventh in- ning tallies. The Barrie hitting ettack was, led by the right aide of the in- field. Firsi beseman Caroi Agnew had e single, double and a triple, while second-sack- ec Tina Cameron gecnered a pair of singles end a two-bag- ger. A double by Marie Welsh was the only extra base blow col- lected off Kersey. The athen Bowmanville hits wvent ta He- len Panas, Eleanor Pickacd, Virginia Brown and Sandra Chaskovitch. R HEl Bowmanville 7 58, Barrie-Hae, Kersey (2nd) and Horne.1 Bowmanville - Brown and Welsh.1 For,-, Back to School" you can't Ibeat them And you'il find thot Hewetson bùilds contfort into everypar UlHer.Is the sho. wo'r. ail switdmlnq te et My admeel" 6imw -Ne 1V. lt's real new and! dif- ferent . . . ighty prac- tical, tao. Side lacing adds camfort, gîves better.support. Shmnes up easier.. $5.50-$65 'WeII be more than happy, ta 311ow Yau the many plus features which have miade oeg~ these shoca o»0 popular ali 1E lOvu Canada. we ecnCANADAurby L oy Ellis Shoesj 49 KING S BOWMANVILLEq *UUMUUUMUUUUUMUMMmuUUMmUMMMUmmUmMEmMmMMoemmmmmoe~ I - £/-ayrounclM ,,Reports quite hot and sa we have had a nice quiet week (except for a few exceptions). The Carlysle Avenue boys' basebail team has really been gaod this past week as they continue ta meet opponents. 0f course they lase a few games but whet team doesn't. Thcy have had wonderful umpirea, emong thern Mr. Art Hooper, Mike Charles, and of course yours truly (of course I arn the best). On Wednesday it was reehly scarching and sa we xvent swimming down ta Mernarial Pirk. Our corn raast was cen- cdiled because of the lack of corn. On Thursday atternoon sev- eral kids came with me ta Cen- tral School where we had a lot of fun. On Friday afternoon we clos- ed the week with a popsicle and freshie party and I cen truth- fully sey that at these parties I continue, ta see kids who have neyer been here befôre but we had e barrel of fun. That's ell for now! MEMORIAL By ft!urray Walker Doris Martin On Thursday "The Cali of the Wild" echoed over Mem- aria] Park in the focm of a miniature circus. There were many different types of eni- mals, and clowns, and masily everything else that mekes a circus reel, The animais and their train- crs paraded around the circus ring and then each group per- formed their lirnited number of tricks. After the performances un- der the Big Top, al of the ani- mais tramnera, clowns, and other circus performere, lef t the ring ta run races, go ia Spot races and other interest- ing feats of akîll. Then the lions, and elephants joined into two teerna for a scavenger hunt which wes won by the elephents, (all of the bo-ys). M. and Mrs. Neil Metcalfe accompanied Mr. and Mca. Jack Morton ta their cottage an Twin Lakes. Mr. and Mns. Ernie Dickens visited Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wright, Bowmanville on Sun- day. Mrs. Albert Brown, Bill and Betty Ann, Hamilton, spent the week with her parents, Mc. and Mrs. Charles Snawdcn. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Conners visited Mr. and Mrs. Cleytan Balton. Hamilton, and Mrs. Reta Humphries, Downsview. Mrs. Pearl Whitemen, Osh- awa, visited wlth ber son, Mc. Jack Whitemnnend family. .Mr. and Mns. Ross Page, En- niskillen, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Howard Bradley an Tues- day. Mcs. Bernie Goleski, Osliawa, visited with Mr. and Mca. S. Goleski. Mr: P. M. Leverty, Duninville, wes ovecnight guest with Mr. and Mcs. Jîm Laveriy. Miss Troy Taggert. Orana, spent a few days with Miss Mary Jane Lavertv. Mr. and Mrs. ken Kuhnke and Bette Ellen visited witn Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Powell Escott. and were guests of Es- cati Huai Club for a fishing trip et their camp an Linghamn Lake and on Alexandria Bey and ta Watertown. New York. Miss Edith MacLaren, Brome- l.v. is visiting with her uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mca. Ken Kuhn ke.1 YELVERTON Mr. and Mca. Hugh McGili recen*tiv\ took in Petechacougn Exhibition, enjoyed a visit with Mlrs. McGill's sister, Mcs. Bert Arnati, enjoyed a day with Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Jones at iheir cottage et Bob- caygeon, and anather day with j the Bill Carnegies et their cot- tage on Lake Scugog. Ta topi it alI off they entertained on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. CliffardI Porter of H-illsdale. Mc. andi Mcs. Ken Snyder and femily, of Richmond Hill, and Mr. end Mrs. Cliff Snyder of Leaside. Deepesi sympathy is extend- ed from this communhty ta friends and relatives of the lete Carl McLeughlin on bis un- timnelv dem ise. Yelverionians were present un block ai Blackstock Fair an Satucday. Don'i suppose the Beautv Queen ('ontesi hadl anything ta do with the fuIl attenuance. A lovel.y day for a successful fair. Those present et Lindsay Bull Fight report the fiasco t h be e Most entertaining 0o1-1 even if flot according ta sche- dule or formn. A rumiber frorn Yelverton ha%-e attended the Canadien!? National Exhibition this yea t. Our "Group Leader" %wicà grouo of two cemeained ta spend a few days with hec mother, wtrs. Hank Boon et Cooksville, 'eturning on Sundey. She ce- cived quite a shock when the new model aincraf t being test- d et nearby Malton broke througb the saund berrner with an eac-shettecing blast. Mr. anid Mca. Marshall MIaI- roimn and Annie of Stcatfor:l, alled on tie Hugh MeIGilia* nd Mrs. Herry Henders dur- 'ge *hakA IZAh (Intended for la.st week> LIONS CENTRE By Berta. Higgon Karen MeMurter As a special event this week we held a scavenger hunt on Friday, August 15th. Two teams were sent out on the hunt and the teamn composed of Peter Buckler, Debbie Oak, Paul and Barry Charbineau were the winners, bringing back thirteen out of fifteen articles. Lunch xvas served and contesta fol- lowed. Michael Oak won the drawing contest. The pie plate thrawing contest was won by Tommy Stout. The children played gamnes. As supervisora we have en- joyed worki.ng an the play- ground this summer with the children. FRANKLIN By Gayle Thomas Well the end of playgrounds is drawing near. This week, being the last week, their will be different taurnaments with each park competing against the other parks. On Thursday, today, it is a special event. Al the playgrounds are meeting et Mernorial Park. Seeing thîs is the lest report, I would like ta thank the children wha attend- ed so regularly throughout the summer. Also 1 would like ta thank mv volunteer, Elaine McPherson for hec help. ONTARIO ST. By Bob Archer On îriday Ont. St. Play- ground went ta the woads for a hike and swimniing party, which was very successful. First we ail went ta the Good- year Dam for a swima before wc travelled through the woods on aur hike. Atter a while we came ta an old swimming hale of the kids which they now thought was too sheilow sa we built a dam. This raised the level of the water so naw when we want a swimming party we have aur own pool. 'VINCENT MASSEIY By Verna Foran This past week it has 'been MAPLE GROVE Mn. and Mrs. Albert Lackey, Willowdale, visitcd with Mr. and Mrs: Chiiffond Swallow, Ma. F. Swallow and Mr. and Ma. William Laird. L Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ashton and Sandra, Mr. end Mrs. Len Groom, Toronto, and Mc. and Ms. Carson Grant, Winnipeg, visîted with Mc. and Ms. Clif- fard Swallow, Tuesday. Mc. and Mrs. Gardon Beech visited" Mr. and Mrs. Harry Larmen and also their nephew in haspital et Peterborough and Mr. and Mcs. Everett Beech, Port Hope, on Sundey. Mca. E. Ashton aitended the Steinton fernily picnic et Hamp- ton an Satucday. Mc. and Mrs. Jack Hurrie and boys. Mr. and Mca. Cecil Mlîs and family enjoyed a weekend et a cottage on Four Mile Lake. Misses Mari~eand Marion Shunk, Port Peccy, are visiting for a few days with their cou- sins, Barbare and Joyce Milîs. .A family gaihering wes held et the home of Mc. and Mrs. Arthur Burgess in honour of their cousin. Mc. Jack Penfaund, Oshawa, wbo is soan ta be married. Mr. and Mca. Dick Trimble, Mr. and Mrs. Harley Trimbie and children. Essex, spent e few days with Mc. and Mrs. 1Dick Trimble. Mr. and Mca. Rosa Maîkin, Jili and Kent, Pari Credit, were Sunday visitors of Mc.1 and Mrs. Dick Trimble. Mrs. A. H. Scott, Moncton, New Brunswick, is spending a few weeks writh ber son and femily, Mc. and Mca. Rabert Scott. Mc. and Mcs. Wallace Mua- day and children. enjoyed a trip lest week ta Leke Plecîd, N.Y.. and beck along the St.. Lawrence Seaway, ihen an ta Bancroft, whe'-e they visited Reverend and Mca. Sien Snow- den et their cottage on Bap- tiste Lake. Revecend and Mca. Stan Snowèen. Tommy and Bevec]v, are spending e few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Munday tbis week. Congratulations ta Mr. and« Mcs. Jack Munday (nee Mac- gacet High) on the1ir marriege et Leaside United Church an Satucdayv. Congratulations ta 'Mr. and 'Ms. 'Mark Mundav. Bowrnan-1' ville, former residents ofMa Ple Grave, on their Diiarnond Wedding Anniversacy on Sun- dev. M. and Mrs. Willard Lock- 1 hart, Niagara Falls, N.Y.. v'is- I ted with Mc. and Mca. Ivison i \funday. ( Mc. and Mca. Arthur Lyvmer, Bill and Doug. Oshawa. %,isit- 1 Id with Mr. and Mca. Charles 1 Greerihem. Miss Margaret Carden, Baw- p rnnvlle, spent a few days 2 with Carol Greenham.? Miss Irene Newton, Cleve- r lnd, Ohio, spent e few days c with. her sister and farnily, Mrs. r and Mr. K. Meyberry. e Mr. and Mra. K. Mavberny t nd famjly. Miss Irene Newton, a rnotorrd ta Georgian Bey ta ':sit thpic feiher. MVrs. L. B. Hea'-n. Peterbar- Ic ugh, vîsîtpd wîth Mrs. and Mr.je S. S.Mortoy, Il~ I WHAT OTHERS SAY A FIIEMAN'S FRAYER Mlnneapolis Fire Department When I arn called ta duty, God, wherever flemes may rage; Give me the strength ta save sarne life, wbatevec be its ege. lielp me embrance a littie child before it is taa late; Or save an aIder persan from the horror of that fate. Enable me ta be aIent aad hear the weekeat about, And quickly and efficiently ta put the fine out. I want ta fMI my calling ,nd ta give the best in me: To guard my evecy neig4or and proteet bis pnapecty. And if acording ta Youn will I have ta lose my life, Bless with Your pcotecting hand my children and my wife. I asked God for strength, 1 was made weak, tlýat I might learn hurnbly tao bey. 1 asked for health, that I might do greater things 1 was given infirmity, that I might do better things. 1 asked for riches. that I might be happy .. . 1 was given poverty, that I might be wise, I asked for power, that I might have the praise of mca. 1 was given weakness, that I might feel Uhe need of God. 1 asked for aIl things, that 1 might enjoy Lie.* I was given lite, that I might enjoy ail things. 1 got nothing that I asked for - but everything I had hoped for. Almost despite myseîf, My unspoken prayers were answered. 1 amnaamong all men, most richly blessedL Adversity is sometimes hard upon a man. But for one man who stands prosperity, there are a hundred that wvil1 stand adversity. -Thomas Carlyle The professor returned ta clasa with the examination papers and requested that aIl the students sit down. "If you stood up it is conceivable that you might formn a circle-in which case I might be arrested for maintaining a dope ring." -Ogdensburg Oracle, Ogdensburg, New York "Keep searching for the other fellow's gond points. Remem- ber he has ta hunt for yours, and maybe he'll be harder put than you are." -Felicitas SALEM Misa Doreen Richards retucn- ed home tram Memoial Hospital on Sunday followlng an opera- tian for appendicities. Hope she will soon be feeling better. Mc. and Mcs. Dick Anderson and Bevecley, Miss Dianne John- son, Flonida, Mc. and Mca. Wal- ter Blackburn and tamily, Don Milîs; Mc. and Mrs. Wilbur Blackburn and family. Mrs. K. Cowling, Heydon; Miss Stella Blackburn, Mrs. Nettie Cale, Town; Mc. and Mrs. G. Shackle- ton and family, Mcs. M. Black- bucn, Miss M. Buttery were Sun- day visitons with Mr. and Mrs. F. Blackburn. Misses Ann and Kathy Black- bucn, Don Milîs, are holideying with their cousin, Miss Ruth Shackleton. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Craig, Mr. and Mca. Sam Buttery, Miss Marion Buttecy, Mca. J. Lan- caster attended the Mundey - High wedding at Leeside United Church lest Satucdey. Mc. and Mca. Willierd Lock- hart, Niagara Falls, New Yack, are visiting hec mother. Mrs. J. Lancaster and sister, Mr. and Mca. S. Butteny, and other re- latives and friends. Mc. and Mcs. Grant Camp- bell and family, Nestieton, were Satuirday èvening visitars witb Mr. and Mca. F. Blackburn. Mr. and Mrs. W. Pacsons and Beverley, Trenton; Mns. Marg- aret Mack and Gloria Jean, To- conta, wene weekend visitors with Mr. and Mca. M. Marchant. Mn. end Mcs. Lewis Rundie 1, 1 Mixed Leaigue Bowling 1 The Mixed Bowling Leegue' bas announced the teams and scliedule for the coming season: The bowling season begins Friday. Sept. 5. The first schedule runs ta Dec. 12 and the second schedulc g«oes tram January 9 ta April 17, 1959. Bowling starts at 7 o'clock sharp on Friday nights. Teams No. 1-Capt. E. Brock. A. Hickling, G. Stringer, A. \Vina- I aid Betty Lau, Town. were Wednesday evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. W. Palmateer and family wcre weekend visit- ors withi her mother, Mrs. J. Delane-y. STARKVILLE Mrs. John Stark and family ai Mr. Logan's, Manvers Sta- tion, recently. Mr. and Mlrs. Ewart -Robinson and sans attended the C.N.E. lasi week. Mr. and Mrs. Stan Falls, To- ronto, at Mr. Orme Falls. Mr. and Ivlrs. A. Dobson at- tended a family reunion at Elora recently. Mrs. Jim Stark and Ted visit- ed at Castleton. Mr. Arthur McKay attended the wedding of his niece at Port Credit Saturday. Friends and relatives attended t he service in Port Hope Satur- day for the laie Reuben Payne. Mr. and Mcs. George Knox and faMily, Solina, were recent visitors ai Mr. Howard Far- row's. Mrs. C. Gilmer and family visited Mrs. McEwen, Peter- borough, recenily. Miss Marilyn Falls in Toronto and attended the C.N.E. Shiloh W.A. met at Mrs. Clif- fard Reid's with the president, Mrs. Carl Todd, in charge. The devotional portion was in charge of Miss Norma Hallowell and Miss C. W. Stewart with prayer by Rev. White. Activities for the feul season wvere discussed 'iih definite plans ta be made laier. After the Mizpah bene-, diction Miss Stewart showed some interesting pictures ofl local interest. Lunch xvas serv- e d and Mrs. Todd expressed ap- preciation ta Mrs. Reid for the pleesant evening at her home. M iss Stewart invited the ladies her home in September. 113-3883 BOYMAINYIM I 'I cott, A. Charles, P. Bartels, J. Eldridge. No. 2-B. Mitchell. H. Brock. E. Stringer. C. Reynolds, B. Ed- mondson, M. Hickling, E. Wina- cott. No. 3-J. Bond. C. Oke, P,,. Cox, F. Luxton, R. M\luton), D. Edmiondson, R. Spicer. No. 4-A. Spicer, H. Broincîll, D. Reynolds, D. Mutton, C. Evans, M. Nowlan. D. Bond. No. 5-11. Etcher. C. Mutton. L. Eldridge, P. Gould, A. Hold- stock, J. Evans, K. Luxton. No. 6--J. Richards, O. Etcher, B. Charles, J. Cox, R. Mitchell, E. Brornel], J. Nowlan. Schedule for Four Weeks Alicys 1 -2 3.4 5-6 Sept. 5 1 -2 3-4 5-6 12 5-4 1-6 2-3 19 3-1 2-5 6-4 26 2-6 4-1 3-5 (Comnplete schedule next week) Cet Cash To-day for OId Appliances through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 YDIL.VSYRqw 9 mL i SEVIRce PALmOuPAK UN S' À& T I 0 m 's g , .,, , - WHY yots should insulate with PAL-O-PAK NOW - Save 25% on fuel cont - Warmer in winter - Cooler ln aumnmer - Fire and rodent realatant - Harmiesa ta handie - Very easy ta install OnIy $1.25 Blower available for use with above material McGregor Hardware Limited 95 KING ST. W. MA 3-3386 A copy of the prospectus bas been filed with the Secrctery of the Province of Ontario in accordance wiîh the provisions of the Comparues Act (Ontario). NEW ISSUE 600 Preferred 2400 Common Shares (51, non cumulative) Shares (no par value) Sou t/viv wÇoI/ and1 Country C/uL £,nitecI (Incorporated under the laws of Ontario) CAPITALIZATION (tlpon completion of present f unancing) PREFERRE» SHARES (5% non cumulative) COMMON SHARES (no par value) Au thor ized 900 10,000 uutstanding 100 1,200 The Company The Conmpany was incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario on July 3cd, 1958, ta engage in the business of owning, develop- ing and managing, a golf course, swimniing pool, curling rink, and other recreational activities as contained ini the charter. We, as prnrcipals, of fer these 600 Prefecced Shares and 2,40n eomnmon shares (on the besis of four common shaces ta each preferred share) of Southview Golf and Country Club Limited, subject ta the approval of .all legal maîters on our behaif by, Apha I. Hodgins, Bowman- ville, solicitor for the Company. Price: Preferred Shares $100.00 per share Co mmon Shares 25 cents per share SOUTHVIEW GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB LIMITED Box 8391 Bowmanville, Ont. Phone: MArket 3J-5580 - K. Nicks - Office .)-3151 - P. Yeo - Office 3-3077 - P. Yeo - Res. 3-3872 - K. Nicks- Res. ImAriv imrm 1 a " TRE CAIqAt)lAlq STATESM". BOIVMANM=19. ONTARIO MA 3-3386