Ib -TIM CANAD"MiSTATESMAK, EOWYLMrVI=LLNOTAMO Ca ad t PayHot Mr. and Mrs. Cleland Lane' ., and Barry, motored east to the sewy vr h ween.Holiday Beyond Limits P e te o ta C n fe en e to, DC., nde si ceWashi- Trying to stretch a holiday consideration to thi need for 1bitt of Toronto. are spending a 1eodislmt a eftl ufcettm amk h n T r nt S e t 14 t 2h few days with Miss An ne Nes- ibyn t iiscnb aasfiin in emk h ln Tor nto S e t. 14 o 2 11bitt and Mr. and Mrs. Fred idrivers were warned today bv journey at a safe speed with! Mg 'Nesbitt.* Ontario Mînister of'Transport, additional allowance for unfor- hi Diplomats. statesmen, polit,- directors' luncheon yesterday, Mrs. Erwoo"d Reynolds of Dr. M. B. Dymond. seen delays. "It's better te take aie cians, journalists, commenta- Press and Advertising Day, at Kingston and Miss Dorothy He pointed out that highway a shorter trip and return alive" acý tors, columnists and other free,1 the Canadian National Exhibi- Stapleton attended the Woml- hazards, target of the depart- Transport Minister Dymond teth*ered and surface thinkers tien. enTeahebl d rat Toonon-astment's summer-long "SLOW commented.a have for months found it a fa-' Mr. Dalgleish, wbo recently 1vninhl tTrnols DOWN AND LIVE" safety ini vorite topic of discussion to give visited the Soviet Union and week. campaign ail too frequently Let's make this Labour Day tri their opinions, pro and con,. China, outlined his tours for Mr. Reuben Payne, a former are caused by drivers whose weekend the, safe-st holiday pig on policies of the Soviet Union guests at the luncheon. and highly respected resident of this impatience to get to their cho- weekend ln Ontario's highway an and the attitude towardsacsadifr ton ahedbe community but latterl.v of Port sen holiday spot or failure te traffic history urges Dr. Dy- fil ceptirg China in the United hind the Iron Curtain support- Hope, passed away very sudi- give themselves adequate time mond. It can be done if drivers a Nations. ed his views on recognition ofi denly at Port Hope Hospital to gzet 'back to their home cause everywhere will keep constant- st( One of the most straightfor- China. He had gone to Chinai on Wednesday, August 20th in them te take chances on the ly aware of their personal re- !dr ward and challenging addresses with a conviction, he said, and 1 bis Blst year. Tbe funeral ser- road. sponsibility to drive with care inl we have heard or read on the with the idea of finding out if Ivice wvas beld at the George k and consideration.. . to drive Po abv moratad ieyH a elitc e4ett~ Funeral Home on Saturday Sucb long holiday red at sane speeds. We must let our 'du subjects was given by Oakley 'country convinced that hicwt e.Rbr rgge steLbu a driving proclaim to the world Dal«letsh. editor and publisher vicws were correct. Cannington, a former neighbor particularly poor times in which that we here in Ontario are lin of the Toronto Globe and Mail., .'How nte ol,.h - in charge. Interment took placé te try to 'stretch" a holiday, drivers with an adult sense of be at the Press Day luncheon of ed, -can a outrywol6,50he00s1 in Port Hope Union cemetery. Dr. Dymond emphasized. resp onsibility . . . drivers with wi CanainNatinalExhiitin pep ae culn r of1 pl0c00 The sympathy of this commun- He urged that in planning the good sense to SLOW DOWN A: last Thursday. We are there- in the world of trade, afford t setnetetefml.hldyridivsgv uliAN LIEJa fore plea4td te pass onl tJ to turn its back on a country Statesman readers his thought- of 620.000,000 who need hclp, provoking address as reported who v,,ould accept helip and be, ini the Globe and Mail of Au- grateful for it? gust 22nd: "There is no basis whatever Canadas attitude toward for continuing te rope off Chî- China is harming this countrV na and make an enemy wherc. rather than the Mao regime 1 arn convinced, an enemy does and offers the further danger not exist." off turning a potential friend Chnesadwa fiin into an enemy, Oakley Dalg-i itsfee adwas capable e leîsh edetornand pubaisher of Teih.e lobeand pai],sid a ofegreat things. He was impress- The__GlobeandMail,_________the ed by the great integrity of the Chinese Government where thc'ý ~ people were concerned, and bY the fact that distribution had given every Chinese a dlean shirt and dlean pair of pants. enough te eat, employment for Y ail able to work and by thr' fact that gambling, an ages-old Chinese weakn-ess, had been 'o Ea 4~~ ~ C \ eliminated. I-I i rÇ" \"Thev used te gamble even [il ~ ..on cricket matches," be said "not the British type, but on Grsad By ilw n o lo ieti tîghts between the gardien var- rsad DOS iI.an t ok lke hs îety. But now there is no gamn-fo b-i--t-scolad hru h Fo bling to be found anywhere. 1Io ac oscolan ho*h Fl ara convinced that this is flot duese uchtothesten ds-and Winter... each garment cornes from Our ooris pdue sofmuthe athe stien dit tO thedoorfIdiccipline ofethe 1a maker who is a spe- ài o speople themnselves." 1 alwaysHowever, while he feit China: cialist in his' une * E should be recegnized, be added open to ingth China fand tuhin 'di-;designed w î t h y o uà n g * appearing into the diplomatic ...fOr service shell as Britain and some other p eo plie' s likes an d countries bave done." ' Why try te b. your ow The Chinese, he said, felit re- mother's budgets in mind insurance adviser? It's cognition was net a divided , thing. In the Chinese mind ...tne Dest, modera te- part ef our job te give you there was China and the refu- al the help you need ini gee force of Chiang Kai-shek.; Iy pricied. choosing sound insurance Recognition to the Chinese 1 protection for your home, meant withdrawal of recogni.; cafmiyo usns.tion ef the Formosa regime, a À wonderfully wide selectibn 1 caramilorbuines.We seat at the UN and abandon- do it f ree. We do it care- ment ef the trade embargo. ' BossA () (D tuIIy. And we do it gladly.ý The latter, he felt, was large- Gil'Bossof ()«- D Cali us. ly a matter of pride, since the embargo had accomplished lit-, uofon or - Tryleiîe tle more than inconveniencingI Srd TU I E AM Sere ce ngunce-jdry cotton air no-iron Terylen: ,. ..perfectnmates INSURANCE REAL ESTATE sary friction. China was nert' or Jumpers and Skirts ,... from the best mokers. an .ious te become economical- --q tops in quolity and style. Office Residence l Iv ependent on the Soviet, al- 1 9 MA '3568.1 MA 3-5498 thou.gh at the political level i+t *,ie 4 te 6x andi 7 te 12- Eah1 y King Street L Rowmanvlllu might sound ýs though the Chin- ese hRd ne need for trade with the West. Yet last year there ( lau Um Im E) was $1,300,000,000 worth ofGil' or im J s trade carried on with Western ý nations, and businessmen were Topered ;eg style witl, lvy Leogue bock buckle '7.IfI ' willing te trade even more. side zipper closing . two buttoned slosh pockets w liV "The Present course bas donc Chnavey Mt/.hrm" oç guaranteed washable .. Block, Red, Corib- fi said, "and ourraelves a great bean Blue. I ueI S , te deal et harm. We can't stop eca uco xepinlVu! OÎe4 ' g ë China--it may take longer butSecl uha - xetinlVu! she will achieve what she wants. I suggest it might be Sizes 8 to 14 - Pair1 9 better if she achieved it with- 10 9t eut a sense ef bitterness tewarcl M odem China, whiie continuing te! Hogero, ecenomicallyv, ,,Iude- tend her influence throughott Asia because the Chinese, un- like the Russians, were taking FREE t thedians te use a yardstick et Rus- JIR EE a th49 sian or Chinese design when lookingy at accomliish'ments in a Display of Furnishings by spent Sunday with Mr. ai./ OokuIom Furniture Ltd. Mrs. Garnet Samis et Lake- tp i.d.d i loM. and Ms. Sid ancaste and Derella. attended the Mun- get your FREE day-High wedding at Leaside F. Boys'- Ton or Novy Ticket ai the C.N.E. Mrs. David Merrill and Misz G. Girls'- Turquoise NaturalGas Centre Lorraine Merrill. Dartford and heo Mr. Jerry Sis cf Campbell-Bleo Sford spent Sunda "V with Mr. Sfety Red and Mrs. Wi]lis Jones. ALSO SEE THE LATESI Mrs. Jack Dunn off Toronto, spent a few davs with Mrs. EVOPETINCSWm. Milligan and Berniece. Suire rainy day protection 1IATING; APPIANCES Mr. and Mrs. Harrv Lane offGrs an Bo 'Rico s (F&) Dundik wre i thevillage' AND EQÏIfMENT! for a couple of da 'vs guest of Grs n os Ricas ( . A N EQIPMNT!Mr. and Mrs. Cleland ae Mr. and Mrs. Willard Leck- C-cfted froni heovy Vinyl Plastic with snap fostener closing Reversihle Cordui a ihart et Niagara Falls, NY., no buttonholes ta teor ..ini two styles - Girls with hood nd For Boys or Girls.. revers Natu rai Cas spent Sundav with Mr. anci se' tie beit in Turquoise, Blue or Sofety Red - Boys' Slicker Doeskin . . two garmnents Mrs. Sid Lancaster. guoronteed woshoble. . .' C nteMr. Fre d Hempstead off Co- style with "Sou'wester" style hot in Ter~ or Novy. purchosed for this event Centrebourg. took the service in our church Sundav morning. The £ Carnaiem Nliqui EXbihtiO beautitul flowers were in loi-- .Sis4to6 N 1.69 Szs3t x-8h19 ing nlemory et Mr. Reuben corduroy with reverse side of Payne and Mr. Black. cIecked Doasicin. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Stapleton.ST R Keit. Luri an Dooth* vandW ALKER ST R MIrs. Ralph Boughen and Wa 1- lace. attended the Snider-Ma:-- tin wedciinz at the lât United. MO VIE- REVIEW WyaI - Wed. to Sat. - .Sept. 3-6 THE YOUNG LIONS with Marlon Brando, lontgomnery Clif t, Dean Martin Withering drama of war and uman beings. A superb screen chievement brilliantly cast, cted and staged. The breath of life and the gony of reality has been fused to The Young Lions. It is ruly an outstanding motion icture from both a commercial nd a narrative viewpoint. The« lm, bas a splendid production, superb cast and a powerful tory that is touched with rama, humor, pathos and blaz- g excitement. It is a migbty >sthumous triumph for pro- icer AI Lichtman. 1 Some liberties have been taken ,this adaption of Irwin Shaw's ýst-sel1ing novel which deait ith three young men, two [-nericans and one German, gainst the turbulent back- ground of World War II. The1 liberties taken are et an excel- lent order. Although the war dominates throughout the picture, it actuai-1 ly is only a background in Edward Anbalt's screenpiay te the drama of the three men, their lives, loves and adventures. Performances are fiawless under Edward Dmyf.ryk's direction. And the -story moves with a cburning, ferward rhythm that carries interest with a great surge. Brando, who bas won niany distinctions for bis acting, will heap new ones for his role as the Nazi lieutenant. who starts eut with an ideal, continues in misgivings and ends in fegret. Done up in blonde bair and an artful accent. bis lieutenant is one et conviction and forceful- ness. Montgomery Clift and Dean Martin portray the two young Americans who meet for the first time nt the draft board. The fermer is an innocent young lad from eut et town, while Martin is a hep New York en- tertainer, with a, wisecrack on Sizes 7 ta 12 - Each 3.98 Each 4.98 Boys Like c Sporty Cosuail Look in Long Sîsovo B Orlon* Pullovek "V-neck" stylo- with foancy knit design collor trirm . . . guoronteed woshoble * Red, Beige, Powder Blue. Sizos 3 ta 6x - Eacti 2.98 Sizes 8 ta 14 - Each 3.98 * Dupont's T.M. for its Acryllc Fibre Styled for Boys, with Warobility Boys' Thick*Set (C) Corduroy Longs The. lads will like the style and mnothers wiH lik. their long-weoring quolity . . , pre-shrunk and tomnpletely woshoble, toe . . . Brown or Grey. Size 4to Sizes 8 ta 14- roy Windhroakers W. rse side is woter repeilent Poplin or ; i one with two-woy zipper... 'lovy, 'Brown or Red. speciolly remorkoble value! ý9 Sizes 8 ta 14-Each 2099 p Corduroy wîth rêverie aide OS woter repellerit chioked poplit ES LIMITED Eacli 3.98 Each 4.98 À favorite of the. Younger Lads Boys' Orlon* Cardigan <4 In jacquord pattern . . . smoart IlV" neck style like Dads . . . guoronteed woshoble a. ., Red, Ncvy, Beige or Grey. Siz« 4 t. 6x -Ec ~ *Dupoiuts T.M. for Ns A&yfIe Fibre g I k 4 A .1 =agi= im- WR AT. AM au, his lips and a song Im-his- There is meanixis An throuqhout. AUl the threds f iterests ame wou together beautlfuily j mo overail impact. $39.4 million, Insuran! More than $39.4 fUs paid out ini death ben1a h the 60-odd British, Canaclia* and United States 1lite u ance cOmpanies operating Canada during the firt a5 months of the current year 1~ the ProvjLce of Ontario,th Canadian Lfe InsuranceO70i cers Association reports. On 9,250 ordinary policle4L payments were $24,768,0m.: o» 7.220 industrial Policies $2,3734 000, and on 5,600 grOuP certi ficates__$12,276,000. l 1