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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1958, p. 3

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. IURUMAT. aSWT. 4ffi. I* 1 TUE hI.ALLlZ Z L TIVLflIW, BDI.. AIV IML, !J1TAKLIPGETIM WEKRY - DORLAND Awedding of wide lnterest .here took place in the First Presbytenian Church of Lap- ee, Michigan, U.S.A., on Sat- 'av afternoon, August 16, at four o'clock when Miss Ann Elizabeth Dorland was united In marriage with Mr. Ernest Clark Wenny. The bride is the daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Clarke Dorland of Lapeer, Michigan, and the groom's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. Wenn'v of Enniskillen, Ontario. The Rev. Stephen Crowell officiat- ed. White gladioli and pom-pomn chrysanthemums decorated the church for the occasion. The bride was given in mar- niage by her father and wore a floor length dress of xvhite or. gandy ever blush pink taffeta in princess style, the full skirt sweepîng to a chapel train. Her fingertip illusion veil was cau- ght to a white ongandy bow headdness and she carried a bouquet of white carnations, stephanotis and ivy. Matron of honor was Mrs. Samuel Judge, sister of the bride, an.d the bridesmaids were Mrs. Jerry S aragilos, and Miss ]Betty Jane Werry, sister of the groom. All were gowned alike in white dotted Swiss over tur- quoise blue taffeta with white lace bandeaux and carnying pink carnations. Mn. Allan James Werry was groomnsman for his brother, and ushering wene Mn. John Dor- land, brother of the bride, and Mn. Albert Werry and Mr. NONET AVAILABLE FOR MGR TGAGES Ralph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 IGrant Werry, brothers of the Igroom. The wedding music was pla. yed by Mr. H.* Murr and Mn. Charles Harrow was soloist. Guests were neceived in the church parlors, thé bride's mo- ther wearing a gown o! beige, lace over taffeta with brown accessenies and brown orchid corsage. The groom's mother assisted ber, wearing navy lace oven taffeta with navy access- ories and a white orchid cor- sage. The bride and groom !eft later for a wedding trip in Northern Michigan, the bride wearing a black pure silk suiti with Pink accessories. On thein return, they will reside 1at 29 Uppen Canada Drive, WViilow dale, Ontario. Mrs. Werry who will tcach founth grade in Tor- onto this year, is a graduate of Lapeer' High School and AI- bion College and holds a Bacni- elor rf Arts degree. She is a member of Alpha Xi Delta So- cial Sorority. Mr. Werry, a graduate of Bowmanville High School, is a fifth year medîcal school student at University of Toronto. He is member of Phi Chi Medical Fnatennity. r MUNDAY - HIGIf Standards o! white gladioli against a background of car delabra formed the setting foi the wedding on Aug. 23, ir Leasîde United Cburch, of Mar. ganet Christine High, daugh. ter of Mn. and Mns. Russel High of Leaside to Clarenca John Munday son o! Mn. anè Mns. Ivison Munday o! Bow. manv.-le. The double ring ceremony was performed by Rev. Char. les Murray. The weddiing mu. sic was played by Mr. Don Lilly wvho also accompanied Miss Gwen McClelland who sang "The Lord's Prayer"' Just as thc wedding party reached their places a' the altan, and "O Pen- fect Love" during the signing of the register.- Given in manniage by her fathen the bride wore a gowi o! white nylon chiffon ove chroînesnun taffeta with fitte< bodice featuring short sleeve: refreslïment1 Pepsi- Cola & eMakResisiued Smith Beverages Limited Bowmanvi lie AUTHOIIZED DISTRIBUTOR -%ýý$ 3.25 Ever4thinq 40U desire ... -a complete set of candlewick tableware in the farnoug "Cern Flower" Pattern is a Possession to be cherished for generations. You can add to your set as you wish because "Corn Flower" candIewicý is an open stock design. Corneini and ses it today. Illusiraied: 10" two-handled plate, 81 fan vase, 5iV,'P centre handled lemo. tu 12' 4-section reliali. This label ;» found only on "Cornî Fow.r" tine cut àlasswafL Over 250 gift selectioris to choose from.. ask to see the -Corn Flower" catalogue MARR' 4PEWELLERY Kin nSt. W. Bowmanville in v 1 ly r- 1- 's Lr 9 LONG SÂULT nr Mn. and Mrs. Robent Half- nyard and son, Burlington, spent ýr a couple cf days with Mn. and d Mns. Orme Miller. ý j Mn. and Mns. Orme Miller I visited Mr. and Mns. Mansell Wright, Bethany, on Sunday. Mn. and Mns. Clarence Brad- ley and Miss Shirley Bathgate, Bowmanvi]le, wei'é Friday even- ing guests cf Mn. Robent Sim. Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Cook and 'Lauraine, Miss Anne Balson wene Sunday suppen guests cf the Smiths. Mrs. Fred G. Smith visited ber grandson Robent Smith in the Sick Children's Hospital, Toron- to, Friday aftennoon. Club 50 ladies will me et at the home of Mns. -Hazel Pantner, Tuesday evening, Sept. 8, when they quilt at the quilt. Mn. and Mns. Albert Wood, Johnny and Teddy, of Tynone, were Tuesday evening visitons at Mn. andL Mrs. R. Cameron's. Mn. and Mrs. R. Cameron and Raymond were Friday eveninig callers at Mn. and Mns. Murnay Adams, Bowmanville, Mns. W. Penwarden was a Sunday visiter at Mn. and Mns. Clayton Brown's. Mn. and Mrs. Clayton Bnown and Linda were Suniday even- ing visitons cf Mn. and Mrs. R. Camenon. Raymond Camenon holidayed with Johnny Wood for a couple o f days. Mn. and Mrs. Chanlie Penwar- deni and family> were Sunday suppen guests at Mn. and Mns. E. Penwanden's. Mn. and Mrs. James'Smith, Bnian and Jackie, Ajax, were Saturday visitons cf Mn. and Mns. MacLaggan. Mrs. MacLaggan and Iona Gubeau attended the closing pncgnam of the vacation Biblei school at Tyrene, Fniday night.i Mn. and Mrs. Stan Geble and1 Bruce, Tyrone, were Sunday b evening visitons cf Mn. and Mrs. MacLaggan. Mn. and Mns. Fred Hoorweg, North Bay, spent the weekend with Mn. and Mns. W. Vaneyk. Mn. and Mns. H. Demille and family, Bowmanville, were Sun- day sup er guests with Mn. and Mrs. W . ýVaneyk. Mn. and Mns. Charles Pen- wanden and family and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk and family, Newtonville, were Satunday ev- ening visitons o! Mn. and Mns. Mn. and Mrs. A. Modlin and Caroline, Toronto, were Sunday callers at Mn. and Mns. D. Dan- ielson's. Mrs. A. Mortson and Mn. H. Laxton. Toronto, were Friday evening visitons with Mn. and Mrs. D. Danielson. Mn. and Mrs. E. Penwanden and Anne wene Tuesday even- ing visitons with Mn. and Mrs. H. Murphy. Mn. Jack Acheson and daugh- ter, Mrs. Peter Leahy and son Peter, Bnooklin, N.Y., and Mns. Edith Murphy, Tyrone, were Tuesday supper guests cf Mn. and Mns. Harold Murphy. Iona Gubeau, Ottawa, spent the weekend with Mns. MacLag- gan. The Manitoba city o! Wawa- nesa takes its namne fromn the Algonkian indian word. for whip-poon-will. There are more than 700 primary textile milîs in Canada, spread acnoss Canada's 10 prov- inces, and until recent years the industny was the largest single source cf employinent i anad- ian manufacturing. Canada's first bospital was the H1otel-Dieue cf Quebec, estab- lished in Quebec City in 1637 by a religious order that even then had been openating hospitals in France for several hundred. Jand bou5fant skirt fafling into a chapel train. The zeekline ..e mon adtrain were appliqued in Ce em n heavy French lace. Her jewelled.... tiara held her three-quarter! length veil and she carried yellow roses and stephanotis! interspersed with heather bro.. 1by hpr parents.I Maid of honour was Anne IHigh, sister of the bride, and ' Ithe bridesmaids were Lorna Keay a long time friend of the bride, and Mary Mundaysis- ter of the groom. Little Cath- erine Anne Craig was floweri girl. Thev were dressed alike, in waltz length dresses of su'1 yellovw nylon sheer over taffe&a. Their crocheted hats and gloves matched their dresses and they carriedI mums and yellow ros- es with heather.I Ray Munday of Bowmanville was hi,, brothers groomsman and > the ushers were Alan Lobb and Jim Frank of Bwavle For the reception, in Arnes- ley Hall. the brides mother wore royal blue and white printed silk with royal access- ories and a corsage of pink roses. She was assisted by the groorn's mother in navy blue lace over taffeta with navy accessories and corsage of pink Roses Munday called on Mr.k Keay who proposed the toast to the bride to which the groom responded and proposed the toast t0 the bridesmaids, res- ponded f0 by the groomsman1 Who then read a cablegram of congratulations from relatives in Scotland.I During the groom's response he, on behaîf of himself and his new bride, presented the...... bride's bouquet to his grand- Mr. and Mrs. mother, Mrs. Mark Munday, the First Presbyter. who with ber husband was to celebrate their Diamond An- Saturday, August 1 niverstiry the next day. Elizabeth Dorland,è For their motor trip north land of Lapeer, and and east through Ontario the Ernest Arthur Werr:. bride chose matching hat and dress of printed Pangella with Imper'ial Blue duster and shoes. Her coi-sage was of pink and wieroses. T o Coi Mr. and Mrs. Munday will reside at 89 Liberty St. N. , Bow- j testfofBw nvleHgmanville and both will be onronE Prior fo ber marriage in ad- dition to showers held by her A tI Li was guest of honour at a mis- A beautiful late sunr cellaneous shower at the home ening, a recent wedding of Mrs. Alan Lobb, Edsall Ave,Jdesire of two commui Bownianville. honour a very popula ma ndi, 1is Amerie. Ernest Clark Werry were married in ian Church in Lapeer, Michigan, on 16. The bride is the former Ann daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Clarke Dor- the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ^y of Enniskillen, Ontario. mm unities eride -& Groom skillen Hall rimer ev- g and the nities te .ar young were three good reasons fori party of about 150 friends and relatives in Enniskillen Comm. unity Hall on Friday, Aug.29, The hall was tastelyv decor- ated by Mesdames G. Yeo and J. Siemon assisted by Mr. H, Pye. The guests-of-honour, Mi- and Mrs. Clark Werry (nee Ann Dorland) who were re- cently fiarried at Lapeer, Mich., U.S.A., were received and Dresented with corsage and boutonniere upon arrival by Miss Reva McGill and Mr. Ray Ashton. Rev. W. Logan was M.C. for a program arranged by the co- mmittec, Mr. and Mrs. Keiti MeGili, Mr. and Mrs. Ralpi Lamb and Misses Gloria Wright and Reva McGill. Fol1owing brief remarks by chairman, de- lightful piano solos were ren- dered by Mesdames M. J. Sta- inton, L. Siemon and Miss Lin- da Potts. Humorous readings were given by Mesdames F. W. Werry and H. E. Ashton. The Enniskillen maIe quartette com- posed of Messrs. J. Siemon, E. Wright, O. C. Ashton anc Ross Ashton with accompanisi Mrs. E, Wright, sang three sel. ections "I Got a Girl Just Like the Girl That Married Dear Old Dad," "Sweet Vilt" anc comical Iyrics, composed by the quartette and their wives, Io the tune of "I See the Moon". When the quartette escorted Ann and Clark to the stage Mr. Donald Wearn read the addr- ess writen by Mr. M. J. Hobbs (a former S.S. teacher of the groom). The gift committee convened by Mrs. J. Griff;n secured a gift box containing silver dollars which was pre- sented by Master Glenn Ashton on behaîf of Enniskillen com- munity and a gold coloured Kenwood blanket, the gift from Haydon community, was given b.y Mr. W. Loveridge. Mr. Joe McGill, captain of the soccer team, presented the couple Sedical Mirror 0 Cataracts Q. "CGran ditaher avil soon neoiJ a cataract operation. Nos. aeil wiil he be able go me aiter tht., operation?-J.B." A. With modern surgical know.' how, excellent results can be ex-1 pected in better than 9 out of 10' people with cataracts, providcd the eycs arc otherwise healthy. There is thc problem of some- -wbat distorted vision after the ,operation but this seems to be a srnall price ta, pay for restored, Vision. ?'faterial in MEDICAL MIRROR is "aed on various scienuafic publications and does not necessarily reflect the opinion ot ail doctors. Tihe diagneais' end treatment of diseqze requires the &ilt and kicowedge u'hich oniy a physician <an appir by personally atiending the patient. Letters wilI be answered« in these coluni anonymousy.> ,Direct your inquiries to, < 3. Downy Raisto., MD' SCIENCE EMrORS; P.O. BOX 396 4adison Sq. SUa., New York 10, N.Y. lewmAiv35118 ,ça e«usq HeFISY a id id ?e e- !r )r it 1- 1-I with a Iovely mirnor frorn the team where Clark played left- wing. Clark .and Ann expressed thein apprepiation which was supplemented by "thanks" froin the groom's father, Mn. E. A. Wenry, who also introduced the Ibride's family, Dr. and Ms iClarke Dorland, Mr. and Mns. Samuel Judge (Judy) and Jon Donland who had corne to join the panty. Dr. Dorland is a fo- mer Enniskillen boy who has a successful 'career abnoad. The groom Clark Werry who is a medical student at Toronto University. wîll complete bis course next year while bis wife Ann Wenry is engaged te teach Grade 4 i n Drury School, North York and thein new home will be in Willowdale. A del- icious lunchconcluded a plea- sant evcning of fellowship, with Mesdames W. Begley, A. Brunt, J. GrLtfin and F. W. Wenry presiding over the coffee and tea pouring. A special treat of ice cream and cake was pro- vided by Mn. and Mrs. E. A. Wenry and family. Prier to their mariage Mrs. Clark Xerry was the recipient cf man', lovely gifts at a mis- cellaneous showen held in ber honour at the home cf Mn. and Mrs. Allan Wenry when Mrs. A. Werry and Miss Helen Coie were co-hostesses. YELVERTON Presentation to Couple On Friday evening Yelver- ston chunch hall was the es-cene of a community gath- e eing - something cf an "aut revoir" te the Ralph Malcoînts who recently moved to Peter- borough. The evening was spent in heavy conversation interspensed with dancing as tired crld legs kpught valiantly if futilely te keep time te live- ly mnuýic suppliee. by Ruth Wil- son, Fern Lawson, Bobby Sis- son aid Clarence Page; Ed. Laws.;i and Ralph Malcolm calleci the square dances. Prier te lunch the guests cf honour were presented with a kîtchen chrome set, table ani chairs, and tninkets, etc., for the childnen from the commun- ity. Mns. Balfour Moore, W. A. President, pnesented Ruth with a gift from the W.A. Murray Malcolm accompanied the presentation with a nhym- ing address which reviewed their past fine years in this community. The! committee in change o! proceedings were the Mn. and Mns. Floyd Stirxsons. the Non- man Wilsons, Howard and Murray Malcolms. Ruth and Ralph with customary loquac- fity expressed thein apprecia- tien and invited all and suni- dr ' te caîl on them at 885 Hilliard St., Peterborougb. Mrs. Balfour Moore recently enjoyed a metor trip with ber faily te Kenemeos, B.C., te visit %ith ber sisten, Mn. and Mns. Derrill Cordelîs and fam- ilv. Motoring companions were Mr. Jack Sedman, Mrs. Annie Sedman, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Sedman and Mrs. Sarah That- cher. .Recent visitons In Toronto with the Norman Wilsons wene Mn. and Mrs. Carl Smith, Mrs. ehar!es Smith and Mrs. Ross Hall. Mr. Garry MeMullen is spend- ing a few days with the Mur- rav Ivalcolm's wbile bis par- 1 ents. the Bert McMullens, en- jo.y a meton trip threugh the ,U.S.A. with destination De- troit. Misses Linda and Elizabeth Rowan retunned home on Suri- day following a visit with the Stuart Walters cf Islington. Mn. Gordtjn Walter returned home after spending bis sumrner "bolidayýs" in hontounable toil at the Art Rowan's. Miss Mitzi Malcolm enjoyed à short visit wfth cousins, BROWN'S Don't fonget the H. & S. Club meeting on Tuesday night, Sept. 9. Let's have as many mernbers out as possible. Miss Lynn Stephenson has re- covered nicely from her recent appendectomy and is feeling well enough f0 neturn to work. Mr. and Mrs. J. Cunson with their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. J. Hartwick, ToFonto. Master Kenny Boyd sustained a nasty cut to his fingers sev- enal weeks ago, necessitating medical tneatme?ît. He has since lost the nail completely and has a very sore hand. Mr. and Mrs. Ross Page and family spent a few hours with MIrs. Bennett last week. Mr. and Mns. W. Cail and family returned home on Sun- day affer spending a week with fris parents in Toronto. While thene they attended the Ex. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fursey and son Ted, also Mn. Will Fur- sey and a friend, of Hamilton, spent the lunch hour with Mrs. Bennett last Wednesday. School opened on Tuesday IwSith Mn. R. Bowen as principal in the Senior Room and Mrs. M. Paynre, teacher in the Junior Room. There were five begin- ners. Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and Helen Stainton spent Saturday in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Herman Moogh and Mnis. Wheeler, Long Bnanch, called on Mr. and Mns. T. Wil- son on Thursday. Mn. and Mrs. John Stainton and family spent Monday after- ANOTHER A&P QIEALIT PRODU CT' . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .EXTRA SPECIAL! 28 King St. W. Cndy, Ken anugh6JayMalcolm~jI Brd Lapéer, ichigan ind3', ren anhý 1Po pularBrd Mr. and Mis. Leslie Wright ~~ ~ of Toronto called at Malconia n era ed a colms of Janetville. Mn. Lloyd Wilson enjoyed a week's holiday with the Vance M an Sh w r Wilson'nyn Shrwero Severa Yelvertonîans wene Miss Connie Maxine Enwright present at Kinmount Fair on whose marriage to James Car- Saturday, ail reporting an en- son Little took place in New- rjoyable day. Among those at- castie United Church, Newcastle tendirg .were the Wes Wrights Ont, on August 30th, has been .-mand Morley, the Russell Kerrs, guest of honour at several pre- te er a d M. Ene nuptial parties. The girls of LParts and Service Office, Gen- * .. Mr. nd Ms. MrrisWaler eal Motors of Canada, Oshawa, and famîly were guests this at miscellaneous shower at her week of the W. H. Stinsons. homne of Miss Olga Tnimble, Oshawa, and presented the fu- Mn. .nd rs.Ralp Malolmture bride with an Electric tea and family of Peterborough ktleeti rigpn l wereFriay eenig dinerectric mixette, carving set and guests of the Norman Wilsons. a set of bathroom scales; ls Frieilds and neighbours Of a a corsage of red and' white former resident of the Lotus carnatio)ns. Miss Mary Roznik, district were saddened f0 hear and Miss Theresa Conlin assis- of the passing of Mrs. Fergu- ted M-Viss Trimble in serving son. Sympathy is extended to lunch. ber family in their loss. Miss Margaret Dustan of Mes3s FoydStison andBowmanville and Miss Geong- Howard Malcolm and son were ette Groleau of Oshawa were exhbitrsagan tisyean iL hostesses at a shower at the "Bacon Cas at the Port home of Mrs. Maurice Preston Perry Fair on Monday. No re- in Bowrnanville, and presented sults yet as they will be judged the prrspective bride wîth a on therailcorsage of yellow roses and el- Labour Day visitors at the ectric toaster, aluminum canis- Harvey Malcolm's were Mr. and ter set, and matching saîts and Mrs. Roy Werry and Debbie of peppe:rs. Mrs. Preston, assisted H Il. Que.; Mr. and Mns. Ralph Miss Dustan and Miss Gnou- Mlcolnm and family of %Peter- leau in serving. borough: Messrs. Ted. Law- rence, John and Pete, staîwart Apnr hwrwshl Dutchmen froin INewmarket at the home of Mns. Chris (That poor old coffee pot had Sheffield, Taunton Road, Osh- no rest that day!) awa. Assisting Mrs. Sheffield acks is $1.98 We carry a large selection of Better Materials and Saniples. You may purchase material or have drapes custom made. Corne in and see our new Drapery Studio.. No obligation to buy. MA 3-5551 Extra Specials! Heinz specirî! TOMATO SOUP 410-oztins49C Bravo Reg. tini 27e>-.SAVE 7a SPAGHETTI SAUCE' 21-oz tins47c Green Giant Reg. 2 tins 37c-SAVE 2o NIBLETS 2 î4-oz tins 35c Dakery Specials! Baked in A&P'a Own Bakery by Master Baker* Jane Parker (Large 8" 24 oz pie> Reg. 49c.-SAVE 10o RAISIN PIE each 3 9c Jane Parker Spanish Reg. 35o-SAVE 6o BAR CAKE each29c Jane Parker' Cnnamon' Reg. pkg. 35c--SAVE 4o BREAKFAST ROLLS pkg 31 c Jane Parker Reg. loaf 18oc-SAVE 3o B READ Craclced Wheat Re24-oz loave3 3e OATMEAL COOKIES .2 pkgs 49C 3 12-oz pkgs 47C Reg. 2 for 37c - SAVE 9c Extra Speolial! A&P FROZEN FRENCH FRIED POTATOES 29-oz pkgs 2 9c Reg. 2 For 33*-SAVE 4o Produce Srpecial Luscious New Crop Califarnia No. 1 Grade, Large Clusters TOKAY GRAPES DuFperoR ight Qu9ality Mveat Dpecials! BEEF ROASTS COVERNMENT GRADED RED OR BLUE BRAND BONELESS POINT SIRLOIN or BONELESS RUMP Lean Shanklets PORK SHOULDER ROAST PRICES IN THIS ADVERTISEMENT GUARANTEED THROUGH w - yAumma A *MY t5Swmr t lb 6 7c' lb 35c DRAPERY= SPE C IALS- - Satin B& - Forlisan. - Prinied1 45" WIDTH- 4V" WIDTH -- QoacLI4a#%d wvere Mrs. Raymond Vincent, Mrs. Gordon MéMilhan and Miss Martha <Biddy) Holmes whà served refreshments. A community presentaLon was held at ýthe comniunit.v Hall iii Newcastle,- when Miqs Enwright; was preÈented witl a kitchen suite. The party vas arranged by Mrs. "Bud" Wagý ' Mrs. Alfred Gray, Mrs. Aif r, 1 Garrod, Mrs. Wallace Couý.yi, Mrs. Alfred Adair. Mrs. Sara Brerton and Mrs. Donald Par- ker, viho prepared and served lunch. Mrs. Bert Smith entertai'ne4 at amiscellaneous shower at her home, Division Street, Oshawa. with Mrs. William Smith as co- hostess. Mrs. Daniel Hogan of St. Clair Shores, Mich., assis-z etd the hostesses in serving the guests. Fram the staff ol Parts and Accessories Office, General Me- tors of Canada, Ltd.. Oshawa. the bride-elect received an el- ectric floor polisher. The threé Stations of the Oshawva Fire Departrnent, Oshawa, presented the future bridegroom, Mr. Jamps Carson Little. with a monetary gift. Following the rehearsal srn Friday evening, the bridal partv were ertertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Little, 8 Oshawa Boulevard North. Oshawa, parents of the pros- pective bridegroom. In the first quarter of 1958 labour income in Canada was e timated at $3,697 million, some 2.per cent higher than in the same period of 1957. ne5de MA 3-5551 1 il 1 9mww reAMAITAW aqqAq"FRMAW à%wmiïmvm

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