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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1958, p. 10

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PAGE T CANAD!AN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. O!<TAR!O 'THUP.SDAY, SEPT. llth( I9SS~ More Than 30 Wi Share in Prize Hoi For O ut standing P More than 30 Canadian Week- with the Nation (Aberta) ly Newspapers shared top hon- News for the John W. Eedy ours in this year's Better Week- Trophy for the best editorial ly Newspapers Competition, ac- page; and took second place for cordîng to a list made public last the Printer and Publisher week at the 39th annual con- Speciai Trophy for the best front vention of the Canadian Weekly page. Newspapers Association, Toron- The complete iist of 1958 win- to. .ners vas: Four weeklies headed the list Class 1 with three or more awards each. Cruainoe ,0:Bs The Steinbach (Manitoba) Car- AirlRudCopttion for ,00:Bet ilion Nesf o n hebethe MaonMason .Trophy - First, Stein- Tropy fr te bet al-rundbach (Manitoba) Carillon News; paper with circulation of over second, Oakvilie (Ontario) Jour- 3,000. It aiso took second place nl third, Chilliwack (B.C.) in the Amherstburg Echo Shield Progress. competition for the best front Best Editorial Page Compe- page in its class; and third place tition for the David Williams in the Charters Cup Compe- Trophy: first, Abb6tsfoýd (B.C.) tition for the best 1957 Christ- News; second, Westvîew (B.C.) mas edition, a special compe- Powell River News; third, New- tition open te ail classes. mre Otro r n x The Aurora (Ontario) Ban- mret tri.Ea n ner, in the ciclon he ertudefores Front Page CQmpetition 2,001 to 3,000 wnteGrrd o the Amherstburg Echo A. Dunning Trophy for the best Shield; fîrst, Vernon (B.C.> . 1l-round paper; the P. George News; second, Steinbach (Mani- Pearce Trophy for the best toba) Carillon News; third, editorial page; and the FrankBrmtn(tai)Csev- Howe Beattie Shieid for the best r atn'Oki (Ontario) nevt front page in its cîass. Jornal. avle Otr The Courtenay (B.C.) Argus Junl in the class of 1,001 to 2,000 Class H circulation, won the Charles Circulation 2,001 to 3,000: Best ýClark Cup for the best ail-round Ail-Round Paper Competition paper; the Malcolm MacBeth for the Gertrude A. Dunning Shield for the best edîtorial page; Trophy-First, Aurora (Ont.) the M. A. James Shieid for the Banner; second, Listowel (On- best front page in its ciass; and tario) Banner; third, Renfrew took second place for the Printer (Ontario) Advance. and Publisher Trophy for the Best Editoriai Page Compe- best sports page. tition for the P. George Pearce The Winkier (Manitoba) Pem- Memorial Trophy: First, Aurora bina Triangle Progress in the (Ontario) Banner; second, Fort 1,000 circulation or iess class, Erie (Ontario) Times-Review; won the Walter Ashfield Trophy third, Humboldt (Saskatchewan) for the best ail-round paper in Journal. its class; tied for second place Best Front Page Competition IF FRMERS! "WREN THE ROLL IS CALLED AT NASSAU "NICE" WILL BE THERE!" "Mick" Brown wishes to thank ail his customers who have taken advantage of these low prices and have made it possible for him to rnàke the trip to Nassau . .. but in ail sincenity he wants Mrs. Brown to accornpany him . .. so the sale is stili on . . . Prices are cut to rock bottorn on alrnachinery. Cornei and look over our stock of: Traclers - Combines - Other Nachinery Operation Nassau is Under Way .. . Don't Delay . .. Corne in To-day! W. H. Brown CASE DEALER 91 King st.W. MA 3-5497 mntor on x»eway! INSU LATE!e Insulate your home for winter warmth and comfort. Insulation brings down your fuel bis . . . actually pays for itself in a very short tinte. Be smart be thrifty. Act no-w. You'll be glad you did when the cold weather cornes. INSULATION BATTS cornes. 3" thick $3.35 50 sq. ft. per cartoh ___ carton 2" thick $ 5 70Osq. f t. per carton 3 - -rOo PAL-O-PAK Covers 20 sq. f t.- 4" thick $1.2#5____ box Blower and Staple Gun available for above material McGregor Hardware Limited e5 KNG ST. W. MA 3-3386 looked into and was to be for.-., CW.NA. ffiial Stdy Pper inCom etiionwarded to interested party im-t! ~ekIes .W..A.Offiiai Stdy aper unCom etiionmediateiy. Due to the late- , future executive meeting. Mrs. - n o u slunch. Mrs. Don tpethnd the Tayiors for kind hospitai.,, )a p e rsity and meeting adjourned. for the Frank Howe Beattie .** Shield: First, Aurora (Ontario) Banner; second, Goderich (On- tario) Signai-Star; third, Ren- frew (Ontario) Advance.9 Class LM Circulation 1,001 to 2,000: Best Ail-Round Paper Competio for the Charles Clark Cup-First, Courtenay (B.C.) Argus; second, Acton (Ontario) Free Press; third, Clinton (Ontario) News- Record. Best Editorial Page Compe- tition for the Malcolm MacBeth Protect your home...- Shield-First, Courtenay (B.C.) Argus; second, Acton (Ontario) andail Lôt's n- Free Press, third, Port Elgin au ~ ilh (Ontario) Times.---- Don't overlook houaehold Best Front Page Competition for the M. A. James Shied- .. .t ontents when you assess First, Courtenay (B.C.) Argus; the value of your property second, Delhi (Ontario) News- for insurance purposes. Record; third, Acton (Ontario) Be certain you're covered Free~~ Prs..or everyth ing you've Class IV bought since you took out Circulation 1,000 or less: Bestyoratpîcy-fni Ail-Round Paper Competition tur, ruspplia- unes for the Walter Ashfield Trophiy trrgapine -First, Winkler (Manitoba) clothing and so on. If you Pembîna Triangle Progress; sec- want help in deciding ond, Nanton (Alberta) News; what kind of property in- third, Sutton (Ontario) Report- Gathering at the display of this year's entries in the president C.W.N.A., the Montreal Monitor; G. Cecil Day, surance you need, and er. Better Newspapers Competition at the Canadian Weekly immediate past president C.W.N.A., the Liverpool (N.S.) hwmcjs alu. Best Editorial Page Compe- Newspapers Association's couventionin Toronto last week, Advance; Helen Marsh, the Dauphin (Man.) Herald &bo muh utciu. tition for the John W. Eedy are, left to right: Bert Smith, C.W.N.A. convention chair- Press; Lucien Fontaine, president, Association of French Tropby-First Grenfeil (Saskat-1 , tePr rdt(n. rdW etiteWele n fteVld chewan) Sun; second, Nanton mrtePr rdt(n. Weekly; rdWBetihe eklsan publisher o h L'Abitibîen, VldO (Que.) STUART R. JANES (Alberta) News, and aiso Wink- Annapolis Royal (N.S.) Spectator; H. E. McCormick, (new) 1er (Manitoba) Pembina Tri- [ NSURANCE KEi4L ESTA 1'8, angle Progress; third, Agassiz, (B.C.) Agassiz-Harrison Ad- $ 1.50 and 75c. October meeting *Rm Commission on Price Spreads Office Residence vance. it estitonM. HCorn e MlclmN ti t ivtr ai rwas discussed. A A3-5681 NMA 3-5493 BsFrnPaeCme itine eteo. orealomN a i e Mn r a e The requests of a Durham King Street 9. Bowmanville Bo te rnterPaedCopu etionconvened the Program consist- rsdn o ifrain i forthePnite an Pulisering of bumourous readings oyI _f l IIsrsdetfrifrain r Special-Fîrst, Port Coquitiam Peggy Stacey, Mrs. Jim Sheck -____________________(surface)_____lied________ (B.C.) Herald; second, Winkler leton and 'the convener and a i-re sic enr Lo f v eekîies wtrrgt srae a en~ (Manitoba) Pembina Triangle contest. Hostesses for the del- Ne pesdn ofCainhe eddmne to anan ProgrhesaS;uhrd nfe (-.ous lunch were Msae Weekly Newspapers Associa- the Monitor. Associates say Skacha) Sun. 1ions arjorie Stinson, Pat Wright tion is Hugh E. McCormick, company bank balance was so R - A S rCNET Specal omPeitins and Ruth Wilson and Mrs. Mc- executive head of the Monitor low he carrîed bis own pay - Ç,, Best 1957 Christmnas Edition Quade. Publishing Co., which publish- cheques around in bis pocket SeptJiIj .TanksL Competition for the Charters The regular *monthly meet- es three lively suburban week- for weeks. From 1928 to 1935 -i n Cup-First, Le Courrier de ing of tbe Farmers' Union was lies in the Montreal area. he guided bis Monitor through -~ uw n i~ Motmgn, otmgn, u- heid in the Community Hall McCormîck acquired bis taste a critical expansion period n- m bec; second, Ponoka (Alberta) Wednesday evening. Mr. Lewis of printer's ink as a sports wri- whiie serving as sub-goalie for - uoloured ratio .Siabs - Heraid; third, Steinbach (Mani- Woods of Bowmanville, County ter on two Montreal papers the Montreal Maroons aTîd the toba) Carillon News. director gave a report of bisi that no longer exist, The Her- Canadians in the National Ho--UntS ps-R ing - Best Local Spot News Picture trip and the convention be at-. ald and the Standard. He foun- ckey League.-UntSes-R ing Copeitonfo heH.E.Rietended in Saskatoon reccntl7y. ded the Monitor in westendj Now McCormick's outside in- - rbB-G - Trophy - First, Grand Falls Lnch was served and a So- Notre Dame de Grace in 1925 tenests are community affaîrs, I.JAJ~ (Newfoundland) Advertiser; se- cial time enjoyed. later establîshed the Verdun travelling, and gardening et bis cond, Coaticook (Quebec) 'Ob- Mr. Fred Trewin reports a Guardian and the Westmount hmeinth twnofMont. sere;tnral.vle(Otro good showing of sheep at Ott- Examiner. Last year hie soid Royal. Woe betide any Monitor Jornl.wa Central Exhibition with Monitor Pubiishing Co. to Mar- reporter who mispelîs the naine Bes Sprt ageCometiionseveral exhibitors from Durham garet Aiken and John Sancton of a f lo*er! The boss knows for the Printer and Publisher County. Fred won 12 pnizes, but continued as president. tihem ail. Trophy-First, Yorkton Enter- on the ten Oxford sheep he A native Montrealer, McCor- He was one of the founders C OflcretOiOd c psen, orten aAstcourt:; entered lncluding a Champion mick attended Westmount High psen, Yorton, aAgsatCoewr- In Tamwortb swine sec- Scbool where bis interest in of the Montreal Westward Rot- I TE enay, B.C.; third, Grand Falls tion at Toronto Exhibition. there acad2mic subjects was equaled, ary Club and the* Notre DameLMIE Advertiser, Grand Falis,--New- were seven exhibitors provîd- if not sunpassed, by bis interest ieation is pstpesdent Aoc-PHNbathLN 55r foundland.j ing thebest showing to date. in atbletic pursuits. Later he iation,__________a_______________________of________ Fred won Grand Champion Re- distinguisbed himself as a mem- organîzations. He is a dinector serve Grand Champion, Senior ber of the renowned Montreal of the Montreal Advertising and a YEL ER ON camion Jnio camion fveAmateur Ahei Association, Sales Club, a govennor of the ....p ds, twN c ap oJunrthad one fhlcose i ather plo ws eeprliaeetedHsth Cal frsts, three seconds, three thir- playing football, basebaîl and1QenEiabt optl .N.E. futhi s a nhe oune it a ing te . I A te pol l 195-:n::ade:atou pnty : and vImsit with Me. 'end -Mrg, gttgte"t o or th thrtenpgs, he enteed. the spakplug of a Dominion t the Commonwealth Press Ur.- Earl Moore and Danny of Cal- AC Fred judged sheep at the championship team, represent- ion meeting in Asalai on Sundayth'jdi:notIy theni Baifour Mons wt unde exhibit them. Hugli McCormick, pudgy but of 70 weekly newspapermen and 30 in attendance. Those pre- Ralph Sadier showed his Ha- aglwsgaledrfrth hi îe t uoei 1 'I: % sent included Mrs. Nettie Mo- ckney hanses at C;N.E. and won Montreal Victorias, one of the McCormick is marnied to the ore and Verrpon Moore; Mr. Grand Champion Stallion, four last of the truly amatuer clubs former Ethel Mary Littieton. ;......* Rot Cr;Mr. and Mrs. Mon-n ris olme, Bnnieand en-one fourth, and one. fiftb. To He yieided to the lune of pro- o Mr.Wlim outn f neth; Miss Pat Hodgh, ail of date lie has also sbown at Pet- fsinls n12,jiig~ "" r.WlimMutno ' Toronto; Mn. and Mns. Newton' erbonough, Sutton, Oshawa, and aid London Tecumsehs because 1 -The Financial Post. Peel, Cannîngton, Mr. and Mrs. Blackstock and returned with Ern Canning, Mn. and Mrs. Or- a good share of jnizes. A coupl val Mfore, Canl, Gerad, Cry- of fairs bie as mssed due ta eron; Mr. and Mns.Herb Wel- Lorne Hoskin had bis hon- don of Oakwood; Mn. Murray ses at Pont Hope, Blackstock, Weldon of Lindsay; Mrs. Annie Port Perry and Orono and Ivan Sedanan Cifor o Wit Cchaet Peterborough, Osh- Exe cutive Catches Up by and naturally the Balfour1 awa, Biackstock, Pont Penny and Moones, Onam and Nancy. The Orono and bath these parties guests wene present fan dinri- are also well pleased with their O n M uch B usiness er and supper pîcnic style. successes. "Yelventon Specials" do it a- Keith VanCamp also did welî The finst of this fali's mon- Messns. Garnet Rickard and IN 60 MINUTES OR LESS, YOU'LL KNOW gain at Port Penny Fair. Floyd on sheep and swine at Peter- thl directors meetings of Dur- Sect. Clarence Allin .were ap- Stinson's Quartette brought 1 barough, Part Hope, Black- ham County Federation of Ag- pointed ta nepresent the Fed. how it feels to farmn in the future! Try the new D-14 with home the bacon so to speak by' stock and Oshawa. riculture was held at the home of Agric. on the Board of Tru- thee yeans-ahead features. tapping the bacon-class in ai Correction - Last week I ne- of Mn. and Mns. Bruce Tay- stees ta be set up to guide the e POWER DIRECTOR - Two-clitch control, Including 8 distinct lane cassof 6 (4 hgs) i ontd aproimaely200pupl on, Enniskillen, R.R. with a destiny of the Summers Mem-spesaadrngshtn otegalvehrulcan Chmol a rcasla s f1w(4hiie Fl oyd tedsh ou aeleen200. nectars in attendance. President ing years.vdangint ân insons visited with the Gardon 1 wnene tney spent fanty yeans Hendersons o! Toronto. On Sun-) a! service prior ta coming ta wmw g-m flf1 day ta Peterborough ta the Blackstock. Rev. H. E. Pelle- Ralph Malcoims. tien o! Port Penny is serving On Friday evening the W. the Anglican charge here dur- H. Stînsons atte Wleing their absence. Wrights for supper. Mrs. Stin- h yv d e son enjoyed a few days this umlqp week with Mrs. Dalton Brown BROWN'S a! Fleetwood,.E IP I A E C V R G Mn. and Mrs. Ted Spencely, Te nulcvaso th the Rae and Harvey- Malcolms Women's Auxiliany for the "cased the joint" sa ta speak Mmra opta, Bwa-f atu 8h. lir t eebr ville, wîll be held next Tues- ... their Ontario Hospital Insurance Sept. 16 in Bnown's Section. 1Rev. R. R. Bonsteel freshLesmaetadaetbehmwhhaeelceseipvaeavretrugBleCrsfrter bac frm oiiay pnac et gree t aranasers, M hme ~This mans employer is one of over eight thousand Ontario employers an intenesting sermon ta we Dorothy Pickering and Mns. . emplyees-the plan designed ta caver the full differene in rate "Ruralites"-"Consider the Lily Wilda Simpson.. t éwesanrdwradseipvaecrfrannhmednbr how it gnows". The first fall meeting ortéwe tnadwr n eiprvt aefra niienme W.A. Meeting Brown's Busy Bees will be ofIdîdas, o.cnerlfo hscmlt The September meeting of field at the home af Mrs. Jas. Idvdas o) a no o hscmltl Velventon W.A. wvas held on Cunson an Thursday evening. new Blup Cross service effective Janiuary 1, Thursdav afternoon at the home ;Sept. 18. 1959. Add Blue Cross semi-private coverage ta o! the David Wiisons with fuil Mn. and Mrs. Evenett Hooper, yorOtraHsia nuac-one payment ed the Devotional. Mary Moore, and Miss Marilyn Snodin, Sun- ca fmd ocoe ohpas with cool efficiency, herded ber derland visited With Mn. and 8 I frH~ia oe !f-rraie charg~es thriougb h d is eigton Farrow. Ielo>Gi Lteii s sOn dealing i part -Mr, and Mrs. Stan Allin G a il. OTROHSIA SOITO %vith forthcomrinp, fovul supper.1 Neil and Alnme had supper %withONAIHSPTL SOCTI. X'arlous committees were namn- Mr. and Mrs. W. Farrow un OOTO7 NAI ed. Price &et for uoner at Sunday nîght......... OQT7.NAPý r,-... TM CAMADIM STATIZ?4«. BOYrNL&NVnýLZ ONTAMO YHURSDAY, SEPT. 1 Ith, * f@5#ý PA= TM

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