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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1958, p. 12

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-. ~ ~ 4~ PACr IE wVU MMCANADIAN STATMAN. DOWMANVMLLE,019TAMTO Tau SDAY. SM W!'. lm10 >O ma~u: 'sPO0R TOPICSI By Frank Mohun. Phone MA 3-7070 R"VESTIMS The Cawan Harvesters were scalped by the Mldland Indiana in two straight batties, ta bite the dust along the playof! trat The Harvester playof! failure could ,well be attributed to the loua of four key performers from last year's team. Hawever, let us point out that every team has ta have a- rebuilding year (except the Yankees) and this was Bawmanviile's year. Manager "Buck" Cowle did a great job with the young replacements and it will remain ta be seen just how well players such as Ken Kelly, Vince Vanstone and John Mason deveiap. Inu the next year or sa the Harvesters will be able ta look forward ta bringing up other young stars, namely Bob Osborne, Bill Osborne, Bill Bates, Bob Marjerrisan, Bob Abbott and "Archie" Crossey, just to name a few. At this time il would be a good idea ta mention the men behlnd the scenes o! Bowmanville's Intermediate basebal prograni. A lot o! credit shauld go ta AI Osborne, Murray Tighe, Bud Oke, Haward Cowle, Paul Chant, Ken Luxton, Ted Bagneli, Mike Murphy and last but by no means least - sponsor Tom Cowan. An lnteresting innovation this year was the picking of the "Star o! the Week". Behind that was Manager Cowle and sponsor of the awards - Irving Taube o! Bowmanville Surplus Store. i. t t t i. AROUND THE TOWN The Lions Juventies have received no officiai word from the O.B.A. as to wham they will meet in the next round, but club officials expect that the team will now meet the Western Ontario champs in the Ontario Juvenile "B" Finals .... In Soccer action, the Juniors began their final series this week, with the Seniors slated ta play as soon as Zion and Tyrone declare a wnner. The defending champion Maple Grave club will supply the opposition . . . . Attention ail hockey players! With the Goodyear League nearly ready ta commence operatians for this seasan, anyone who wauld like ta play hockey should get in touch with Don Masters, Jim Coyle, Gord Sellers, "Butch" Cale or sports editor Frank Mohun. No entries will be accepted after Sept. l4th, so get yaur name in right away .. . Local fisherman Don M4asters jaurneyed into the far north, fishing in streams neyer before attempted by white man, but alas - no fish. Murray Tighe and Paul Chant were along ta give moral support but Dan dlaims they scared the fish away. t t t t t BRADES 0F SOUTHVIEW GOLF COURSE Could this happen here. In Deal, England golfer S. J. A. Smith shot a hale-in-one on the "igth hale". Smith sliced (sounds like me) his first drive off the No. 1 tee into the clubhouse bar, 100 yards away. The bail bounced around the bar but broke nothlng. One of the fellows I was out with a couple of weeks ago must have been trying the same thing at the Cobourg course. t t t t- i. TENNIS The Bowmanville Tennis Club was eiiminated from furth- er playof! competition last week by the Peterborough Quaker B team. The Quakerites swept the sudden-death affair by a decisive 6-Q margin and will now meet another Peterborough squad in the Kawartha League Finals. The loss marks the end of Kawartha play for the lacals, but the club championships are yet ta b. decided in ail events. The tournament will be run on a handicap system ta give ail competitars a chance. BOWLING Teen-age boys and girls teams will start- league, bowling for the season on Saturday. VIGOR OIL CO. LTD. NEW LOW PRICES NOW IN EFFECT PREMIUM QUALITY STOVE OIL 2Oc FUEL OIL per gaL 1162c FOR DELIVERY Phone Oshawa RA FREE!0 C.C.aM. to be given EJe n 's 5-1109 away Çtys 9 15 King St. E. FRIDAY, SEPT. lIth Harvesters Finish' Their Basebaîl Hopes Here on Safurday Saturday was the day Jack Hendrickson was suppQsed ta report ta the Detroit Red Wings hock~ey training camp. It was only too apparent ta the Cow an Harvesters that Hendrick- son was playing second base far the Midland Indians at the Vincent Massey bail yard, here on Saturday. The versatile ath- lete led the Indians in scalp- ing the Harvesters 7-0 as he collected four safeties and bat- ted in four runs. Hendrickson was a defenceman with Ed- monton in the W.H.L. last year. The Cawan crew found pit- cher Dyment's of!erings eas- ier ta salve, claiming six safe- ties as compared ta a lane hit by Tim Cox in the first game. The Midland ace picked up a dozen strikeauts as the Har- vesters stranded tan base-rua- ners. Starter George "Generai" Jo- nes was shelled from the mound in the.* third, as the Indians parlayed a walk and three sin- gles into three runs befare Gord Sellers came an ta end the up- rising. Midland had earlier pick- ed up an unearned first inning marker an Hendricksan's twa- bagger. The visitors picked Up a pair of runs in the fourth and a singleton in the eigth, despite the fact reliefer Sellers poured a third strike past ten Indians in th elast six complete innings. With the Harvesters held off the score sheet, centre-fielder Ted Dadson took aver the spot- light from a local standpoint Èwith a couple of sparkling cat- ches in the outfield. Cdn. Legion Bowling Starfs Next Tuesday Six Teams in Fray Next Tuesday, the Canadian Legion's Bowling League will gel underway at Martyn's Bowl- ing Academy. Any Legion mem- berwishing ta bowl and not ai- ready assigncd ta a lcam should be on hand at 7 p.m. for alloca- tion. The teams -as chosen at the moment are: 1--G. Ellott, J. Geddes, W. Shotter, T. Belsey, W. Leask, J. Barclay. 2-E. Perfect, W. Veitch, P. Bathgate, G. Large, J. Knight. 3-J. Fair, M. Grant, M. Etch- er, J. Baker, R. Johnson. 4-W. Bales, R. Perfect, F. Burns, R. Lockhart, C. Ander- son. 5-F. Samis, A. Lobb, T. Shee- han, R. Rogers, M. Little. 6-T. Graham, R. McKnight, R. Cale, I. Beauprie, K. Tinline. The schedule for the six-team league is as foliows: First Schedule Date September- 16 23 30 October- 7 14 21 28 Novemiber- 4 18 25 December- 2 9 16 23 Alleys 1-2 3-4 1-2 3-4 5-4 1-6 3-1 2-5 Second Schedule January- 6 5-4 6-1 13 2-1 4-3 20 3-5 2-6 27 4-2 1-5 February- 3 10 17 24 March- 3 10 17 24 31 April- 7 14 21 1-3 1 5-6 2-3 6-4 3-5 4-2 1-6 3-4 6-2 5-1 4-6 Playoffs at Wiear - 8p.m. Make sure you have an entry in aur box - No obligation te, buy Just drap in the store and f iii out an entry blank Last week's winner of the wrist watch: CHARLES O. A SHTON,- ENNISKILLEN Ticket was drawn by Garfield -Graham, Bowmanvîlle Specials . V-NECK ORLON PULLOVERS $395 Long Sleeves, ail colours 3 LONG SLEEVE CARDIGANS Corduroy Fronts, Cotton Backs _____ $14 Visit Our Shoe Deparfment See range of Back-to-School Shoes Priced Irom $4.95 up ýPee Wees Take Titte As Lakeshore Champs By Downing Cobourg Whiie southpaw Don MeMur- ter was fashioning a neat twa- hitter, Bowmanville Pee Wee Imperials banged out nifie saf- eties off three Cobourg hurl- ers ta romp ta. a decisive* 11-4 vîctary. The win in a long de- layed thîrd game, playcd here at the Memorial Park on Sat- urday afternoon, gave the lm- -perials the final series by twa games ta one. Bowmanville Pcewccs now join midgets and the bantams, as the third lo- cal team ta wini a Lakeshore Charnpionship this season. Cobourg opened the scoring with a single marker in the opening frame, but Bowmanville came right back to score twicc on Mike Johnson's double, a walk, and- a single by Guy Parks. Two Imperial errors gave the visitors a pair of runs and a 3-2 lead in the second. The locals broke baose for four big runs in the third with Em- Burgh's single and doubles by Johnson, Bate and MeMur- ter supplying the power. 1 MeMurter. vîctimized bya pair of Bowmanville miscues gave up a single run in- the. fourth, but barred the door for the balance.I The homesters wrapped the game and the titie up with five runs in the fourth on five walks and hits by Thompson and' Slcep. Three Cobourg hurlers' saw action in the frame, before Ryan came on ta end the inn- ing and finish the game. Short- stop Mike Johnson led the Im-j perials attack with a brace o! doubles and a single. Sayers and St. Louis were the ol visiting batters to garner saf- eties off mound ace McMurter. Cobourg-Connor, Houck (4th). Ryan (4th) and McKenzic. Bowmanville-McMurter and Emburgh. R H El Cobourg 4 24 Bowmanville il1 9 5j. Tennis Play Close When Quakers Win To Eliminate Locals A detcrmined team from Bow- manville Tennis Club put up a strang battle before being de- fcated in Peterborough last Wcd- nesday night. Although the hast Quaker B tcam took a de- cisîve 6-0 shutout victory, the sets wcrc much dloser than thé match score indicates. On four occasions Bowmanvilie captured the first set, only ta sec the hast ISoccer Highlighfs I The defending champion Ma- pie Grove team turnedi in the best effort of their iast haîf dozen games ta blast Courtice 4-1 last Wednesday night in Caurtice. The high-flying pen- nant winners slumped near the end of regular season play, but appear ta have regained mid- seasan farm in time for the piayoffs. The victory eliminated Courtice, while advancing Ma- pie Grove into the finals again- st either Zion or Tyrone. The victors wasted no time ;in apening the scoring, when strang - piaying Ray Preston tallied at the two minute mark. A littie over twa minutes later Dick Denhertog ended scoring for the first haîf to give Maple Grave a 2-0 lead. After ten minutes o! the se- cond haîf, Rokka's goal put Courtice back in the game. John Fowler, who scored the lone marker in the first game, fired an insurance goal with time running out. Carswell scored on a penalty shot ta end the scaring with twa minutes re- maining in the game. At Zion Saturday night a goal by Garret Bowmneester haifway through the second stanza broke up a 1-1 deadlock ta gîve the home team the wîn over Tyrane. The teams had played ta a scoreiess tie in the opening game af the series. Zian now only needs a tie ta advanoe into the league finals against Maple Grave. The second haîf was piayed under a steady downpour which made the action perilous. Be- cause of the darkened sky, car lights were turned on ta sur- round the field with temporer1-y floofflights. Goodyea r Bowling Teams For 1958 -59 The Goodyear Bowling Lea- gue announces their 1958-59 teams: Office-Jim Aluin, John Sta- inton, Frank Mohun,. Ted Dad- son, Tom Graham, Bibi Shot- ter, Howard Davcy, Paul Chant. Combines - D4ýte Bathgate, Jack Bond, Benny King, Mike Kowal, Bll Holroyd, Dave Park, Jack Patts, Ron Mayn- ard. Hase Room-Howard Brom- cil, George Dadson, Howard Ed- mondson, Ken Flint, Arnold Lobb, Tom Masterson, Joe Pi- per, Lawerence Goddard. Machine Shop-RalphCap Ibell, Stu Carson, Ted Cl]ark-'e, Murray Grant, Bill Harrison, Charlie Nesbitt, Doug Smith, Art Spicer. Lead Press-Murray Balle, Farewell Blackburn, Abex Can'.- eron, Pal Armstrong, Maurice Conway, Ernie Hansen, Jim Houck, Charbie Wright. Fan Belts-Archie Cowey Jack Dunu, Art Farrow, John Henderson, Jack Honcyman, Bil JolFedSmith, Ray West- Rules-Only bowlers working afternoon shifts are eigihie ta bawl Thursday a f te r n oons starting at 1 p.m. There will be no bowling on any day except 1bursdaya. JAfter only two minutes of play in the first haîf Don Mer- cer put Tyrone into the lead on a foui kick. At the fifteen minute mark, Zion's Bob Ne- nis scored to knot the count. Tyrone played in Zion last night. In Junior action, Courtice blasted Maple Grave 4-1 iast Tuesday ta win trie round 7-1. Zion posted a 3-1 victory over Sauina ta take the other semai- final set 6-3. The semi-finals winners met on Monday night in Courtice with the score of the game appearing elsewhere in the paper. The final series is a best two out of three af- fair, with future games as fol- lows: To-night-Courtice at Zion Monday-Courtice and Zion at Maple Grave (if necessary> Partrvidge Senson Date Set The 1958 Open Season for Ruffed Grouxse (Partridge), Sharptailed Grouse and Spruce Partridge in the Lindsay Distri- ct has been announced as foll- aws.- 1 In the Provincial County af Haliburton and in the Coun- ties or Durham, Northumber- land, Peterborough and Vic- toria, the above species may be hunted from the 27th of Septem- ber ta the i5th of Nevember, 1958. 2. No persan shail hunt, kili or destroy in one day an agg- regate number of ruffed grouse, sharp-talled grouse or spruce partridge exceeding five (5), and no persan shahl have in his possession at one time an agg- regate number exceeding twen- ty (20) birds. Summer Resort Lands For Sale During the past year sales of summer cottage sites by ten- der have taken place on bath Anstruther and Looncali Lakes. It has now been announced that the rernaining parcels twill be sold in the normal manner. As a resuit, approximately fif- ty parcels on each of the lakes will be sold on a first-come first-served basis. The full pur- chase price of $1.00 per foot frontage plus the $150.00 sur- vey fee must be paid when the application ta purchase is filed. Frontage on the parcels run FAST RELIEF FOR HïEAD COLOS' club came from behind ta sweep the next two. A mixed doubles encouniter between the locals' Marg Dus- tan and Bud Moses, and Quak- er's A. Graham and D. Little, was the only match which was taken in straight sets. The Bow- manville duo forced extra games in the first set, before going down ta an 8-6 loss, and a second set defeat o! 6-2. In the other mixed doubles match, Aura Trewin and Arn-1 aid Lobb took a -6-4 apening set* win, were nosed out 8-6 and iost the deciding set 6-4 in perhaps Bowmanville's best apportunity ta take a point. In a men's doubles affair, the visiting duo, a! Art Hooper and Cliff Trew-1 in had another fine chance whcn thcy came roaring back :from a 10-8 loss ta, take a 6-2 second set win, oniy ta have the Quakeritesl take the deciding set 6-3. In the rcmaining three matches, Bow- manville's hopes soared, as thcy' won the first set, with Peter- borough following a disastrous pattern from a local standpoint,t ta aiways win the next two sets. Once again the Kawartha League Final will be an all-, Peterborough show, with top- I ranking Quaker A meetingi second place Quaker B for the championship. The eiiminated Bowmanville "Racqueteers" wil concentrate on dcclaring club champions ln ail five events. Resuits Ladies' Doubles D. Smith and B. Pritchard (P)1 de!. Norah Allun and Anna Strike (B) 4-6, 6-3, 6-0. Mixed Doubles A. Graham and D. Little (P) de!. Marg. Dustan and Bud Ms es (B) 8-6, 6-2. P. Mackaness and A. Simpson (P) de!. Aura Trewin and Arn- oid Labb (B) 4-6, 8-6, 6-4. Men's Doubles R. Lye and H. Collingwood (P) de!. Bob Martyn and Don Rundie (B) 2-6, 6-3, 6-1. J. Pritchard and A. Daniel! (P) de!. Art Hooper and Clif! Trewin (B) 10-8, 2-6, 6-3. T. Scott and R. Brierley (P) de!. John Thissen and Arnold Lobb (B) 4-6, 6-2, 6-0. from 150 feet ta 200 feet. Order Trees For Spring Piant- lng NowI Applications for forest trees will be accepted by the Dep- artment o! Lands and Forestsj for planting in the spring of 1959. Howcver, requests are considercd in the arder in which they are received and ta av- aid disappoîntment, trce plant- crs are urged ta apply now. Trees are available for the, establishment of wind breaksý shelter beits or plantations. Prices, F.O.B. Nurseries, are $10.00 per thousand, for al species except Scotch Pine which costs $14.00 per thous- and. If you are in doubt as ta, which trees will grow best'oný your planting area, the Dep- artment will assist you in plan- ning your plantation. Techni- cal advice is available free of, charge. Trees are a long ternim crop and mîstakes may nat be evident for a number o! years. To avoid seriaus and costly errars. may we suggest thati you discuss your proposed plan- tings with the Zone Forester. Offices are located at 39 7 Geo- rge Street, Peteboough, and 24 William Street. North, Lindsav. Ontario Trappers' Association Meets at Huntsville President Ralph Bice o! Kear- ney, chaired the Ontario Tra p- pers' Association meeting whi ch was held in Huntsville on Aug-1 ust 8th.i Trappers from across Ontariaý attended and took an active! part in discussions on trapp- ing problcms and fur market- ing. The date for the Annual Trappers' Convention was set for the latter part o!f.January at North Bav. The exact date às ta be announced later. Harvester Star of the Week TED "DADDY" DADSON Fleet centre fielder Ted "Daddy" Dadson waited until the Cowan Harvesters' final game before playinga.OP 1f his fmnest games in the outer pasture of the season. an ville fans have become sa accustomed ta séeemg Ted haul in' everything hit in his direction, that the young centrefield veteran has ta be spectacular ta achieve recognition. Saturday afternaon in a iosing cause, "Daddy" pulled off a couple of fieiding gems which richly earned the Baw-e manville Surplus Store's Award of the Weekc. Ted grabbed a long drive ta the school in right-centre with an over the shaulder catch, and then surpassed that catch when he raced' in ta gobble up a looping shat over second base. It is fitting that Irving Taube's final award should go ta Ted Dadson, a first time winner. MEMORIAL ARENAI Bowmanville1 PUBLIC SKATING 8 Ia 10 p.. Friday, Sept. l2th Saturday, Sept. l3th Wednesday, Sept. l7th ADMISSION Aduits - 40e Children - 25e Children's Skating Wednesday, Sept. 171h 3:30 ta 5:30 p.m. Adults accompanying children - - 25e ICE TIME AVAILABLE FOR RENTAL Phone MA 3-5728 or MA 3-5097 Announcement aea. W. are pleased ta announce that MR. AL. TAYLOR» has joined us and will be in charge of the Service Department Mr. Taylor is a licensed mechanic and is well qualified ta, serve your automobile needs. iIVgouWYl#o D EVELOPMENT I BRAKE SAFETY Impregnatcd with thou- sands of Brass and "High Friction" particles for maximum brake efficiency and ta minimize over- heating. Extra long Asbestos Fibres ta ensure even wear and longer lhfe. Guaranteeci outstanding performance during the entire life cf the Iining. Meets and exceed al specifications cf the So. ciety cf Automnotive Engi. neers.. The finest you con, buy et any price. STANDARD BONDED BRAKE SHOES $2.95 ExWÀ,EE Equal or better thon original equipment eOeui.a AR Inquire about our Budget Plan A. BOYD, Prop. BICYCLE 9-rawm

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