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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1958, p. 11

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Teenage Bowling l - Saturday afternoon the teen- ýgers, took over the bowling lanes to commence league opera- Uons for the coming teason. This k car the boys' division was in- igeased from a four ta a six- Çarn loop. L. Highfield's high Wingle game of 273 paced his crew to a 7-0 whitewash job 5ver D. anl' olr.D of te oBrnstooplace, weith 2V. Brown ctheming utofthe winning end of a 4-3 score over i m. B. Brown. C. Osmond's rolled up a 7-0 s}uatout wun J. Leddy's bowlers to movi thç league lead. L. Brool 258 game took high single ours, while B. Brown cap the high triple with a 574 Boys' Team Standings Pins L. Highfield- 2808 D. Shirk _____ 2795 K. Park______ 2546 L. Piper 2401 B. Thompson 2577 D. Bagnefl 2267 Girls' Team Standinte Pins C. Osmond -___ 2091 V. Brown_____ 1906 B. Brown_____ 1981 J. Leddy 1944 MEMORIAL AREN/ Bowmanville PUBLIC SKATUNC 8 to 10 pi.. Friday, Sept. 191h Saturday, Sept. 201h Wednesday, Sept. 241h ADMISSION Aduits - 40e- Children - 251 Children's Skcating WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 24th 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Aduits accompanying children- j Be Generous a 0 0 Bowman ville Kinsmen Club TAG DY for the ARTIFICIAL ICE FUNC startfug ai 3 p.m. Friday, Sept. l9th ail day Saiturdoy, Sept. IOth Your finaiicial help will b. greatly appreciated. 126 SOLD ONLY 24 Cars to Go before one of our customers will Win Free a 1958 Vauxhail Victor Every person who buys a new or used car from us during this Great Contest is entitled to one chance F~ree on the Vauxhail. When 150 units. have been sold, the draw will take place. fOL Spocial This Week! '1956 Plymouth Sedan Special Deluxe 4-Dr. Two-tone paint, 27,000 original miles. In excellent condition. Clearing Ali Used Cars at REDUCED PRICES EUT NOW AND SAVE ,,Very good variety of late models from which to j chocse. Ail completely reconditioned and ,l thoroughly checked through our shop. ROBSON MOTORS LIMITED 81MICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 MCat st. E. Bowmanvifle MA 3-3321 team w. n over re into >king's Shon- tured total. 7 i 7 5 L 2 r 0 HAMPTON Mu..and Mrs. Bert Steve Swere honoured guests at a di 7~ ner party at the Acres R* 1 4 aunant R.R. 4 Bowmanville, 3 Tuesday Sept. 9th, when a if 0 relatives and parents gather -together ta celebrate with the there 55th wedding aniversa and Mr. Stevens 80th birthde Friénds also called at thý home ta offer best wishes. Tih Iwere the recipients of ma: beautiful carda, flowers ai gift. Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Blancha have returned from a motor ti ta the St. Lawrence Seawe the Adirondack Mountains Lake Placid and visited frieji i at Weet Winfield and Uti( Mr. and Mrs. A. Blanchar IMr. and Mrs. L. C. Clemen and Mr. and Mrs. C. Warrena tended a party at Mr. and Mi jA. Northcutt's, Bowmanvill ta celebrate their 35th weddij anniversary on Monday eve ing. Mr. and Mrs. Blake DeHai Broôklin, were Sunday visito with Mr. and Mrs. Raymo. Farrow. Mrs. R. J. McKessock, Os] awa, spent a few days w] 'her sister, Mrs. Joe Chapma ic Mr. and Mrs. Allan Parke -Toronto, visited Miss Lauiý Goodman on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Rentc and son, Harmony, were Sund@ visitors at W. W. Horn's. Mr. and Mrs. Harland Tru visited his sister, Mrs. Rob ;C Sheilds' and Mr. Sheilds Weý Hill, ôn Sunday. mMr. and Mrs. Ken Caveri spent the weekend at the hon Miss Anna Smith, Oshaw; spent the weekend with hE sister, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tru: Mr. Herb Rogers and Mr. 1 S. Caverly were recent visitoi at K. Caverly's. iMr. anid Mrs. Mervin Mount jay visited Mr. and Mrs. Me] Sville Samelîs, Oshawa, on Sur day. Miss Marie Prescott ls en gaged in office work at thi Toronto Western Hospital. Mrs. James Marks, Centrý Butte, Sask., Mrs. Jean Hill San Francisco, spent last weel visiting their brother, Mr. Ja mes Smales and Mrs. Smales Mr. and Mrs. Reg Tapi,, Mont real, also made a shorter vis] with the Smnales last week. F./L. Reg Kersey, Ottawa Mn. and Mrs. Ken Pooler an' family, Miss Grace Kersey Oshawa, Mr. and Mms. LloyÈ Kersey, Toronto, were weekenc. visitars with their parents Mr and Mrs. S. Kersey. Mrs. S. Kersey and Reg and Miss Judy Lyon visited Rev and Mrs. Ted Kersey and fam. ily, Toronto, on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Prescoti and Miss Marie Prescott vis. ited Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Eddy- vean, Orono. Last week's canera at the Prescott home were Mr. anc Mrs. Frank Gilbert, Sauina, Mr. and Mrs. John Carigan, Bow- manville, Mn. and Mrs. Herbert - Prescott, and Rager, Mr. and Mns. Donald Ptescott and Mar. *vin, Enfîeld. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knox, Mrs. Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Sanm 'Dewell and Mr. and Mrs. Mer- win Mountjoy enjoyed the Gar- ton bustnrp through Algonquin Park on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz* Trull are now et home after spending the summer at their cottage at William's Point, and spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Horn, Oshawa, on a motor trip touhNorthénn Ontario and dw othe Quebec border. A number from here attènded the fuineral of Mrs.Eeno Sunday by the- Balson family -in memory of Anson.' Sunday évening In the church basement a filmn entitlèd "lThe ILong Stnide", wvas îresented, which depicted the fleeing of refuge. from their stricken countries, and the work 6f the Christian church carried ôn a- rnong these people. bir. Reed was in charge. The portly mani was tnying to get ta his seat at the circus. "Pardon me," he said toaa woman, "did 1 step nn your foot?"' "I imagine sol" she anawered, mter glancing at the ring, "mali the elephants are etill out there." Shoeshirie boy: "ShMne your ahoes mke? Pedestrian: "No." IShacihine boy: "Ilil shine 'em oô you can sec your face in Pedestrian: '-No. Shoeshine boy. -1 dôn't blame il with the stanch gaing out af the Zion attack. Zian carned the right ta enter the finals whcn they scorcd twicc in the final haîf ta down Tyrone 2-0. A corner kick by junior player Babby Nemis proved ta bc the wxnner when the bahl curvcd into the goal. Goalie Grenville Byamn stapped the shot, but was inside the goal-lune. The ioss was a heart- breaker for the Tyrane Club, who held a territorial edgc throughout the game, but côuld nat put the bail into the net. The junior final has gane right down ta the wire, with a sudden-death encounter cardcd for Maple Grave to-night. The first three games endcd in ties.1 Last Monday night Zion and Courtice battlcd ta a 1-i stand- off. while Thursday's action ended ini a scorehcss deadlock. Monday nighit Countice look- ed ta be well on the way ta the championship, carrying a 2-0 lead on Bnian Ormiston's two goals, into the last five minutes. Bobby Nemis narrawed the margin, and with eliminatian staring them in the face, Zion tied the game in a desperation, last - minute, goal - mauth §(Çkecreation ,Çkeviews By Douglas Rigg' nie Harvey. tAduit Art Class 0 The Adult Art Class will ;t open their Fal! season on Fni- d day, Octaber 17, at the Lions J Community Centre. This élass - is scheduled ta start at 7:30 p. 0m. Mr. Arnold Hodgings has again been cngaged as the in- structor for, the class. Fail Activittes The Recreation Dcpantment » are making plans for the fol- lawing activities ta be carricd *on this coming season:--Chor- al Society, Adult Art, Aduit *Swimming, Smocking, Leather- craft, Dancing Classes, Teen *Town, Rcading and Discussion Group, Home Nursing, Minor Hockey, and Children's Thea- tre. The Recreation flepartment will be- pleascd to make ar- rangements where passible, for any additianal activities desir- cd, if sufficient numbers are interested. Further information in re- gards to the Recreation Depart- ment's Fai! Activities will be available next weck. Choral Society The Bowmanville Choral So- ciety got thein faîl sessions un- derway on Septemben 8th un- der the direction af Mn. Hugh Martin. Anyone interested in joining the Choral Society is invited ta attend the practices. The Choral Society meets every Monday in the Bowman- ville Town Hall at 8:00 p.m. Minor Hockey There will be a meeting fan ail persans intenested in coach- ing or managin g one of the Recreation Depantment's minar hockey teams next Tuesday evening at 7:00 p.m. in the Lions Comumunity Centre. Reading And Discussion The Reading and Discussion Group will hold its first meet- ing this Thunsday, September 18th at the Lions Centre stant- ing at 8:15 pan. Anyone Inter- ested ini jaining this group is invited to attend the meeting. Girl Guide News il. Swmîing Clasa ,. in the erswho took rai rs i theChildrcn's Learnt Swim Classes during the pa. tsummer are invited to atten !the Parents' Night at Centra 'School Gym this coming Frs, September l9th at 7:0 rp.m. It is hopcd that ail th, le lwnmr J1 rn h iar re presentation of awards. The Red Cross awand for Be ginners will be prcsented i the following successfui candi dates: Girls-Donna Rogers, Ros( t Robinson, Janice Moses, Mari Quinton, Canal Reiter, NadJ: Quinton, Elizabeth Braden d Jennepher Brow, Raxanne Yeo *1 Betty Welsh, Jennie Stout, Ka. d thy Osborne, Reta Vandermite d Janice Fesbeck, Heather Moore dHazel Richards, Alice Westover *Patricia Wclsh, Iris Campbell Robin Virtue. Boys-David Burdett, Gary SRichardsan, Gary Akey, Gay -Richardson, Brian Armstrong, Bruce Allin, Robent Large, Lar- ny Simpson, Ronald Simpsonr Michael Leddy, Antan Chap- î iinskî, Walter Rîckard, Ted Wood, Raymond Riplcy, John Bnimicomb, David Puk, Geonge tSaundens, Bnian Saunders. The foliawing swintmers suc- ccssiuliy passed the Red Cross Junior Tests: - Dianne Biggs, Margaret Fogg, Linda Master- son, Janet Graham, Ruth Wcr- ny, Margaret Crydermnan, CaroI *Kent, Nancy Martin, Gail Al- lin, Cathanine Westover, Cheryl Luxton. Nancy Kelly, Linda Rueter, Car'ol Smith, Virginia Osmond, Irwin Colwell, John Oke, Barry Pedweil, Norman Neads, Peter Buckler, Henry Koay, John Russell, Michael Russell, Ken Miller, Rabert Lynich. The following intermidediate and seniar swimmers passed their Red Cross Tests: Intermediate: - Bradley You. nth, John Phillips, Lanny Rog- ers, Kcith Grocn, John Burk, Fred Graham and Lynn Frost. Seniors-David Neads, Irving Gui and Terry Black. Ail swimmers and parents arc agaîn neminded ai Parents' Night this coming Friday even- ing starting at 7.00 p.m. Dancing Classes Thc Recreatian Dcpantment Dancing Classes will hold re- gistration days on Wcdncsday from 4:00 ta 6:00 p.m. and 'on Saturday 10:00 a.m. ta 12:00 faon. The Wednesday afternoan classes will be under the di- rection of Miss Irènie Harvey, C.D.T.A.. R.M.T., A.C.C.M. The Saturday mornîng classes will be under the direction ai Mrs Dawn Abramofi. Some ai las*t years students will be taking part in a Band Shehi pragram ta be held in Oshawa this Thursday, Septem- ber 18th at 7:15 pm. Canai Sheehan and Shirley Patfield will Perform their Dot and Dash dance, while Betty Wclsh, Donna Rogers, Connie Brook- ing and Gwen Graham will periorm their dance entitled "Off We Go". The Band Shell show is un- der the direction of Miss Ire- If You'roTURED ALL THE TIMIE Now and then everybody letsaa '"tired-out" feeling, and Oay b. Lohered b backaches. Perhaps notli- ing sariousy Wiing, put àtemporari tend ition cauaed bY Urinary irritation or bladder dicolort. Thata the time le take Dodd's Kidney PHlU. Dodd'a help atimult* the kldneys te relive. this condation vhich May often eause back- ache and tired feeling. Thon you feél batur, réSt Lttter, woa& Letter. Get Dndd's Kidney Pille now. Look for th, blue Lox with the. md Ladat &il drug counlers. Y« n eaudamd -Deda.60 SOLINA The Women's Institute met on Thursday night with Mrs. E. R. Taylor, president, in the chair, for the opening.exercises. Mrs. J. Baker was appointed as the delegate ta the W.I. con- vention on November 5, 6 and 7 in Toronto. The leaders for the new 4-H Club project are Mrs. Joyce Taylor and Mrs. Marion Broome. The bazaar wiil be held in October in the evening. A donation was voted for Memorial Hospital, Bow- rnanville and a collection was taken for the C.N.I.B. The raill caîl was answened with a verse leanned at school. Mrs. C. Pascoe, leader, af Group 4 presided for the pro- gram. Comments were given by Mrs. J. Knox on the motto, "To make aur lives with athers blend, we first of ahl must be a friend." Mrs. Don Taylor favored wiîthj a piano solo. Pat Knox, a mem-j ber of the 4-H Club girls, pro- ject commented on good groom- ing and Marie Flett modelled clothes suitable for the sehool girl. Thc slips made by the girls were niccly displayed for ail ta see, as were their record books. The leaders, Mrs. H. Yellowlees and Mrs. Rae Pas- coe, wcrc presented with cups and saucers by Dianne Tinkj and Mabel Huggins, two af the Club members. A fine paper on Citizenship was given by Mrs. F. Reed. A survey af TV and radio programs was discussed during the social hour and lunch Was served by the group in charge. Our decpest sympathy is extended to Mrs. A. J. Balson, sons Allan, Russell and Harold, and daughter Ileen (Mrs. Alan Taylor) of Duncan, B.C., on the passing of a loving husband and father. A film was shown In Sundayi Schooi Sunday morning. This1 showed the bitter experiences 1 ai nefugees in China and in Europe. The Missionary pro- gram anrangcd by. Mrs. Stan Milîsan also includcd a recita- tion by Karen Yellowlees. Rally Day service will be held îiext Sunday, Sept. 21 at 2 o'clock. Mrs. Addie Tink, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tink, Lamne and Dianne, Mr. and Mrs. HarryI Knox and Dean, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. anid Mrs. Ernest Hotcka- Clarence Vice, Mr. and Mrs. day and daughters had a plejj- Murray Vice, Miss Donna Vice ant mnotor trip around Ricsc Lake. and Francis Johnston,M. and on Sunda\-. vis:ted at Mr. and1 Mrs. Russell Vice, were gutest Mrý. George Broadw.xortlh's ar.d at the Tink-MaeGreLyor wed- also Fawv the Serpent 'Mounds. d.-ng in Courtice United Church Mr. and Mrs. Chi--. We-rv, on Saturday afternoon. Dr. George Werrv and CaroiL'-r. Mr. and Mrs. Wes His at- Miss Betty Morris, Mr. and tended the funeral of the late Mrs. Lloyd Metcaif and fan-iiy, Mrs. Everton White in Tyrone Oshawa, visited the Werry's àt United Church on Sunday af- Roselandvale. ternoon. 'f Mr. and Mrs. Sid Mitchell Miss Helen Baker. M & and Mn. George Marlow, Bow- Stewart, Miss Isobel Mu ily-o manville, visited at Frank Toronto, visited at J. and Toma Westlake's Jr. Baker's. Mr. and Mrs. N. Fice and Mrs. Thomas Turner, el;3 littie Doris Dart of Zion, visit- Lily Dobron, Oakwood, Mr&. W. ed Mr. and Mrs. Frank West- Outram, Lindsay. visited Mr. lake, Sr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and Stan- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Knox, ley. Brougham, visited at John, _________ Knox 's. Mr. and Mrs. E. Crvderman You could read Kant bv were in Rochester visiting at yourself, if you wanted; but Don Vanderholf's and Paul you miust share a joke with Snodgrass' during the weekend. someone else.-Stevenson. Announcement.. We are pleased to announce that aMR. AL. TAYLOR. hsjoined us and will be in charge of the Service Department Mr. Taylor is a licensed mechianic and is well qualified to serve your automnobile nceds. EXHAUST SYSTEMS COMPLETE INSTALLATION Muffler - Tai! Pipe Exhaust Pipe Special .. MUFFLERS ______ INSTALLED TAIL PIPES INSTALLED --------__ EXHAUST PIPES -__ Inquire about our budget plan $6.30 up $8.80 up $2.75 up $4.25 up $2.50 up .lep FRIENDLY fSTORE TUA? SAViS yoU MO1Rt A. BOYD, Prop. Defending champion Maple Grave took the first step ta re- taining their title with a 2-0 shutout victory aver Zion, an Saturday night in ZMon. The Zion Club finished in the run- ner-uýp position ta the pennant- winning Maple Grave tcam in regular league play. The open- ing jame of the finals was a close y playcd, typical playof! cantest, with the edge in play belonging ta the lasers. With Zion pressing, Ray Pres- ton intcrcepted a throWV-in ta boot a long drive goai-ward fromn the Maple Grave side af centre. Whcn the bail eluded the fullback, Dick Den Hertog drove in fast ta go in ail ahane for the scare at the mid-way mark ai the first hahf. The home team prcssed hard for the tying goal, led by Mike Nemis, but goalie Alvin Stacey came up with several big saves ta hohd the cdge. It was fitting that Preston, the top performer on the field shouhd score the clincher at the 20 minute mark of the second. Preston fought hard for the bail, before sending a fairiy long drive into the rigging. Fnom there on, it was al! aven, The first meeting of the local Guide Association took place at the home of Mrs. B. Elliott on Sept. 11. Coffee was served by the hostess while Guide and Brownie matters were being discussed. The minutes were read by secretary Mrs. N. Os- borne and a financial report was given by treasurer Mrs. R. Kent. It was found that storage space for various camping ecjuipment is urgently needed. Guides and Brownies are starting their wêekly meetings again, however the 4th Pack of Brawnies is unable to recan- vene due toa&a urgent néed af leaders, The Iqst mieetinig for both Guide campanies to be on Sept. 22nd. Guide leaders at present are as follows: lst Company:- Miss Ruth Hèrbert, Mrs. M. Anderson, Mrs. M. Lucas. 2nd Company:-Mrs. H. Ed. monsan, Miss L. Luffmnan. Brownies:--lst Pack-Brown Owl Mrs. A. Russell, Tawny 0wl Mrs. M. Stout, 2nd Pack: Brown 0wl Mrs. T. Bennett, Tawny Owls Mrs. D. Sparrow and Mts. M. Nicks, 3rd Pack: Brown 0wl Mns. B. J6hnson. It should be stressed once more thett le 4th Brôwnle Pack of Bowmanviil4e *-slàin great need of leaders in order ta assume their regular meetings this beason. Anyone interested please phone Mrs. L. Lucaï, a-5445. L 95 King St. W Phone MA 3-3386 .-.àa i Soccer Highlighfs 7- See Our Complele Stock of. . . RIFLES SHOTGUNS Ail Makes and Ail Models. We Carry Large Stock of AMMUNITION Ail Gauges and Calibres. Try Us for Thai Odd Size. new and u.ed McOGREDOR HARO WA5E -LIMITED- ~K1] U>A , ~ . 1 1h, lUS EE ANA IAN STA~ uIA L W W M A Vn, r~ , A wf ýi 1 ýHU MAT, SWT. l8th, IM TM CAttADL« »OWILAý ý MTARM m st. W., 3-3386-, 1 9 le Phone MA

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