- - - ~,, -~ ~ t ~ -"e. TM CVAI«ADL« SATRIILW Un MlANVUT IX mGAM tTUlDASP.lmt, 1958 WAef1f1 le--~--.-- - - Board To Try A gain For Councjl Agreement On Orono School Site Whethcr to look for a site for a new High School else- whene, perhaps in Darlington Township, on 10 try and arrive at an agreement with the Mun- icipal counicils opposed to Onono as the location was dabated aI ]cn.gth by the Durham District Higb Scbool B3oard meeting held in Orono on Wednesday evening, September 101h. Ten montbs bave elapsed' since the board camne to the conclusion that thc pressure fnom a rapidly growing area in the west end o! the county de- mandcd anothen school. It is sevenal monîlus since tbey de- cided ta provide future accom- modation by sclecting a site at Orono for the proPosedi new Hi-zh Scbool. Thc Durham Diîtrict H i gh Sciuool Boardl ran int a dcadl crid xý hen fouir o! the eigcht municipal (_councils in the arci voted against supportlng thie dlebetures fori' b 01,10 ose.c oîîe couicili vet toa annoulicc a dcci_ýîoi-. VihoLit a favor'able ilnaio 'l t t ivc froinu the tot,,t of ih councîiels conccrnied tý)e high school board cannot pro- cecd. Time is running short, the Bowmanville Higb Sebool bas cxceeded ils normal capacitv, and the prospects are that wei over 900 students will be rc- gistering at that scbool next Free Demonsirailos Have rou scen the ncw, larger John Decre 440 INDUSTR1AL TRACTORS wibh ail the latcsti featuncs? It is not a fanai Tractor, but ;icigned and built for tough Industrial punisix- mnît. Available with Angle- dozers, Front Loaders, Back- hoas, Rean Winchcs, Sidcbooms and otiien cquipmcnt, it out- performs everytlilng in its price class. Phone or write us for FREE demnonstration on your job. at your convenience! No obliga- tion whatsoever. Condis Supply Company INDUSTRIAL JOHN DEERE TRACTOR SALES - SERVICE - PARTS RENTALS 434 Blrchmount Road East Toronto year, with boundanies located as thay are at present. Capacity planned for Bowmanviile High Schooi was 700, and thene are 766 pupils thane at prasant. Concerned with the situation, Alan Stnike, a Bowmanville member proposed a nesolution at Wcdncsday evenîng's meet- ing o! tbc High Schooh Board that a committece composed o! the chairman, and thrae mcm- bers, one from Port Hope, one fnom Bowmanvilla, and one froni Cavan, attend councils that have ne!usad sanction to discuss the situation, and ne- quasI the approval o! the Or- ono.site. It is interesting to note tl4at when the choice o! Ononio as a site was made by the board Mn. Stnike was one o! the membcrs voting against il. Alox MeGregor. Bowmian- vilc, countered with a differ- cnt pioposal cxrtessing belief that bhe Strike resolubion wouid bc incffective, and a wastc of time. He suzested flhe board accent ils defeat and look"for a location in Darlington Town- ship where the population is gaining rapidly. Ha recommand- cd a site in Courtice, or in a similar section wbera the In- crease o! population is greatest. Mr. McGnegon, althougb he vot- cd for Onono at the lime the first seleetion was made, bas coma to believe that Darling- ton is tbc logical site both for prospective students and thc tax paye ns. The debate concluded after nearly tw,\o houers and the vote on Mr. Sric' esolution was passed 7-4. Chairnuan Carroll Nichiols apointed Trustees A. Fallis, W. Tranm-er, and Alan Strike bo form a comnmittce witil himself as chaîrman to meet bbe municipal couniis concern- cd. A special meeting o! thc Durham District High School Board wiii lue callad tb hear tbe report o! Ibis committce. As a resuit o! the meeting calier in tbc week with Mill- brook Home and Sehool Asso- ciation, Alex McGregor and A. Strong wene appointed to meet with R. Fallis and Dr. Wright bo futher look imb bbceMiii- brook High School pnoblem. Classic-A book which pao- pie praise and don't read.- Mark Twain. LONG SÀULT Mn. and Mrs. R. Gibson and Sandra wene Sunday evening visitons at Mr. and Mrs. John Wright's, Bethany. Mn. and Mrs. Henry Wotten and family, Purple Hill, were Sunday visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Bill Johnson. Mr. and M-s. E. Penwarden and Anne and Mr. Bob Sim motored to Big Bob Lake on Saturday and spent thé week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Alexander from Bowrnanvile, at their cottage. Mrs. L. Penwardan spent the weekend with ber daughter, Mrs. R. Caneron. Mr. and Mns. Clayton Brown and Linda, were Sunday suo- par guests at Mn. and Mrs. R. Cameron. Sorry to report that Teddy Milison is in Memonial Hospi- tal, Bowmanvila, suffering from an injury caused by fall- ing o!ff the baci< o! a truck. Mn. Robert Briscoa. Toronto, and Mr. Stuart Hooay, Tyrone, wena Sunday visitons at Mr. and Mrs. D. Davey. HAYDON Visitons at Mn. and Mrs. Ar- thur Thompson's were Mr. and Mrs. Alian Anderson and Tom- My, Harmony; Mr. Leslie Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Graham, Jr., and girls, Bow- manville. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Martyn and family, Bowmanvilae, visited Mr. and Mrs. Athur Trewin. Mr. Gordon Martin, Mrs. Geo. Ferguson and Dorotby, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Johunson and !amily, Oshawva, Mr. and Mns. Clifford Pethick and Rutb, Mrs. E. Strubt, Mr. and Mrs. Bent Fer- guson. Enniskillcn, were Suni- day visitons at Mn. and Mrs. J. Potts. Mr. Dlbert Martin. Wel- ville, N.Y., accompanied his mother, Mrs. W. Martin, homc on Wednesday, Mrs. Marfn having spent a couple o! wee::s with her son, Deibent. Mn. and Mrs. Frank Osmond, Virginia and Tracey, Bowman- ville, Mrs. Roland Tbompson, Dawn and Heathar, Hampton, at Mrs. W. Thompson's. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lover- idge accompafliad Mr. Walter Spiller 10 Malton Airport wben be went to Montreal befone ieaving for bis home in Van- couver, B.C. Mr. and Mns. Roy Graham, Ian. Kyle, Gaii and Sybil, vis- ited Mr. and Mns. M.Srie and Mn. and Mrs. A. Perger, Hamilton, on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. W. Blackburn and family, called on Miss Stel- la Blackburn and Mrs. Cola, Bowmanviile, Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Ronald Rahm and family spent the waekand with Mn. and Mrs. Robert Closs, Perth. W.A. Septamber meeting was heid Thursday cvening at the home o! Mrs. W. Thompson. President Mns. L. Slemon open- ed the meeting and several business matters were deait with. Mrs. Arthur Trewin had change o! the following pro- gram: readings, Mns. Chanlia. Garrad and Mrs. J. Potts; Mrs. Lloyd Siemon hcld a gucssing contcst. W.A. decided to send for biankets again this vear. Next month's roll cahi will ha answercd with bninging aId white cottons for cancer dres- sings. Meeting closed and a lunch was senvcd. Mr. and. Mns. Walter Love- ridge visited'Mn. and Mrs. Da- vid Monnow, Toronto. Sympathy is extendcd tb Mn, E. White o! our commun- ity on the Passing o! Mns. White. We extend our sympatby ta Mrs. Douglas Colbany <necl Vivian Cowling) i the acci- daath dcath o! ber husband, Douglas Colbany o! Santa Monica, Calif. Mrs. K. Cowlîng laft on Friday monning for Santa Monica ta be with Vîv- ian for a wbilc. Mns. Alfred Garrard attend- cd the funenal o! ber uncle, Gordon Stinson, Cadmus, on From what we read o! Hof.a, -- i ~~AU!t She lias added SEMI-PRIVATE COVERAGE t. f her Ontario Hospital Insurance Her employer is one cf over eight thousand Ontario employers who have seiected semi-private coverage through Blue Cross for their employees-the plan designed to cover the fuit difference in rate between standard ward and semni-private care for an unlimited number of days. Individuals, too, can enrol for this completely new Blue Cross service effective ianuary 1, '959. Add Blue Cross semi-private coverage Io vour Ontario Hospital Insurance-onie payment can be made [o cover both plans. Blue trois Pion for Hos pifai Coe- ONTARIO HOSPITAL. ASSOCIATION IQSffo IO7 MNA" Back to WorkI United NaJ A Stimulai Say pa HwHigh School students' came who are sponsored by the Ro- she tary Club to attend the annual that United Nations Seminar at natiu Queen's University benefit from del the sessions in Kingston was mode told by Miss Carol Plummer brief i on Friday. In ber address at the ton. Jmeeting of the Bowmanville D RiotarIy Club held at the Bal- B. mrlHotel she said the stui King dents gain a knowiedge of the United Nations. learn of world a e Iproblcms, make friends with ingc Getting bis group together for the start of rehearsals, students from other places, and and CBC's Happy Gang leader, Eddie Allen, gives big-man have a foretaste of university morn Jo isialf t with his double bass. Eddie and the Happy life. of th JoeNisi IGuests present at the lun-. UN. Gang will give a lift to listeners of CBC's Trans-Canada cheon meeting were Mr. and orgal radio network when they return this month with a new Mrs. Orland Plummer, the theq series of daily shows. This will be their 22nd year onI speaker's parents: Preston Tait, curil the CBC. Vancouver, J. Osborne Lancas- In _____________________________________________ter, Engiand, A. S. Evans, Stan were ILoveil, Harry Dunn. Bob Burns, tary Leo Giover, Geoff Andrews, build cjeters~fo cÇJh 8cltorN. Richards. Bill Schwar:v. L. F. MeLaughlin, John Grebe, Shet Tom Dobbie, L. McConkey, K. of ti Newcastle, Sept 13. Hampton, Sept. lSth. E. Marbie, all of Oshawa, and, arm, Dea Mr Jaes.Doug~las Heyland, Bowman-I To the Editor: DerM.Jms1 ville. I read with keen interest 1 must congratulate you and Miss Plummer was introduc- W] your "Brookdaie - Kingsway") many other Editors, on re- I d by L. W. Dippal He re- the history in hast week's paper. fraining from two activitiesI ferred to the Adventures in Joye( Bot M. nd rs Jrythat are particuiarly annoying Citîzenship sponsored by the were were Mrno nd te itzs. ofr to me. One is the discriminate Rotary Club annually, and the RMC Necsteasdgsfo 'u and often discourteous dis-* care wîth which the students ever Horticultural Society and- it1 praisal of the dipiomats and who are to participate are cho- Cour was through their efforts and ed fsa'snt9~ w.sen. The Higrh School principal ud others that we had a large and The continuai snîpîng a' spoke of the students who took cleaî effective society. mcn like Dulles, Eden, etc., if the Rotary sponsored trip ta T What Mr. Scott omitted,ý no way fosters pcacc. but di-- Ottawa this year, and said that 0: which was very noticcable ic rupts the harmony that is Carol Plummer, and Robert the me was the fact that Mr' C essential to democratiecCol- Allii. had been selected to at- Univ A. Cowan, whom I believh is tinuance. 0f course folk are tend the United Nations 5m h a salesman for Mr. Scott is on1 frce to judge, evcfl tO E100 I inar at Queen's. tiens o! the few on the staff who Barabbas, but oinly rightcous Mr. Dippeli saM that Carol's worl worked for alid kncw MVr. judgmcnt founded on intcihi- j parents, Mr'. and Mrs. Orland Wor' Jury personally, for many 1 ýynce and fact. Surely, such 1Piummer had entered Bow- Carn years. anoeise judgrnents mnay be given, but i manviihe High School in 1929. undE if noewse to pur- the rehash of rancid smearings Orland Plummer had made disci chase or make enquiries, Mr.1i naoiain hti the rugby teamn and taken a to C Cowan was always ready and more, some dlaim to know that prominent part in other sports UN. wiiling to give o! his time and "Canadians" think thus and during his student days, Mr. Th knowledge. Many of the loy- SO. Dippeli told the Rotarians. Mr. latin ely productive fruit orchards It might be that some petty1 Plummer was also active on an and gardens for miles around name-callers will neyer know the staff of the Screech Owl. Miss us are the resuit of bis sales- as their vîctims have forgotten obert Allîn's parents also a'- ing1 manship. Also the public and have not the weight o! the tended High School here, he - building and factories in this world upon their backs. said. territory are landscaped under As one who knows a bit. Expresses Appreclatio- his supervision.i about the Far East, I have Miss Plummer expresse I personally, have had sales- been most annoyed by the evi- peito ftepiie!ý- men from outlying towns and dent lack o! support from lus- precigtoeotac rvlceoii cities tell about Mr. Cowan's tr adgegamyenei. tning thetRotathelunchcoi generous assistance in land- present pro-red China propa-Iofmceing totuel he amdemb- scapng heirnewhome. iganda. The castigatîng of Gen.o!teavtuesead o- I feel theis ms e anho er Chîang as 'discredited', 'friend- ert Allun had at the United Na- Inr I feelthis us ar an d Ier les', 'corrupt', thougrh old ani tions Seminar at Queen's Uni- the( sight on Mr. Scott's pa bi unprvnoeimsb hs versity under the direction o! asa wish hlm every success in wocnntaenpooucis Dr. R. A. Preston, professor of new. advance progress. i wocno vnpoonehshsoya h oa iiay W Thanks Mr. Editor for the rame, and by those who appar- hiory at theng oyalMiitary space. ently know littie axcept wbat olee inso.tr has come fromn pinkish brain- h told o! the trepidation tadi Mrs. H. J. Toms washing;-this sort o! report-! she had fait when they recaiv- lety Editor's note: This was flot ing causes to wonder who* cd in advance a packet o! in- idea an oversight, but as the mater- calling the tune for it ail. srcinad adseba it 'iai on Brook- dale-Kingsway was Yours truiy, ondehed omif sentwerecapableac gatbered together, it was FejJ. edo! thectmaitn tp She spokepape found that there was not suf- FedJ.Redo!a treand tnp f rm Bow- whoi ficient spaca to include a num- 1mnv iliaRabertol o! egsten, Bibi ber o! other items which were and his record, hie seems quite in ihRbr tQensU-teres originally intended. The arti- capable o! issuing such orders,i iversity for the Seminar. T cie on Mr. Cowan is p3ublished and of enforcing tbemn if given Represent a Nation ially this week witb humble apolo- the power to do so. There were 80 students at- menl gies fnom the Editor and Evan as we write, taxi driv- tending the United Nations St. IBrookdale-Kingsway. ers in Montreal, most o! whom Seminar, and o! the total 34 buti own their own cabs and work for themselves, are being beat- S t. PauI's \' M S dmgdinalwes tep to force tbem to join the union Ar O I\4e ting HeId and to pay dues to it. M eetig eld And in the samne city, work is bcing held up on the Queen O St. Paul's W.M.S. met at the Elizabeth Hotel because the ..... home o! Mrs. Harold Ferguson teamnsters refuse to deliven ma- ià I on Tuesday, Sept. 16, with a, chinery to it, on the ground good attendance. The president,1 that the macbinery was sbipped Mns. D. Armistead, opened the from a factory in Toronto in ,meeting with an appropriate whîch a strike is in progress. verse, a!tcr which the business The way to mccl such a sit- wsdatit.uation as might arise fnom the Mrs. J. Bowman gave an in- excessive power these unions tenesting report o! the Scbool are aiming at is to prepare for for Leaders held at Ontanlo it now. Ladies' Collége, Wbitby. "Thie The first step in such prepa- Eartih Is The Lord's" was the ration is to terminate the im- theme o! the worship service, munity which the unions now SHANK PORTION 4i7c BUTT PORTION lb 5 7c I4LS! pkg 35o-SAVE Se Weddin gInvitatio ns The-rmnn-engraved (RIA?1Fl LtETTÊR!NG(; Weddinî- and engagenuent announicemrents, irth announce- nicuits, confirmationu invitations. golden and silver anniversary annouflficmets, etc. lhermo-engraving (RAISED LETTERINO) - . Looks and jeels like the fiaest band engraving. The letters have an legance and individuality only 'the finest band en. graving can match, Thermo-engraving <iRAisED LETTERING) Cosis about hall as much as hand engraving, because it eh mnîum ates the copper plate that niakes hand engraving so expelive %NDl IT'S READY WITHIN TUE WEEK 0f courze 'jou cati order nîatching enclosure cards, iece)ition, responý!e, tlank ou and at home cards, etc. select froin our gant catalogue of flawlesiy correct pape-ý. il diîiiicticce tvis of ileuering. Weddings pied a- lo%% as 50 lor 59.00 Iandl 100 for ;ýi3.50, coin- llct w ithdouble cn',elopes an ýucd . Available at n ubÎun 2hxttWMU Ç^&t MMAC3 j 20-oz pigs M.U Shortening Reg. lb. 34o-SAVE 2o DOMESTIC 1-lb pkg 32c McCormiek'a Reg. pkg 35o--SAVE 6o SODAS XPAIN and SALTED) 1-lb pkg 29c Jane Parker Reg. 55o>-SAVE 60 CHERRY PIE *ach 49c Mapie Leaf Reg. tin 111c-SAVE 14* LIQUID DETERGENI 24-oz tin 69 C Cateili Reg. 2 tins 35o-SAVE 6. SPAGHETTI 2 16-oz tins 2 9c Dole Reg. tin 330o-SAVE 7o PINEAPPLE JUICE 2 48-oz tins 5 9c Pricem in this adf guaranteed through Saturday, September 20th, 1958. Produce specials! New Crop, No. 1. Grade Elberta Y.IIow Freestone PEACHES 6-qt bask 6 9C Buy Thom for Eating or Canning Large Siz,, No. 1 Grade Genuin. Freestone PRUNE PLUMS 6-qi bask 59c H.aping Full Bake>C eilo Wrappcd) rions Seminar ing Experience ýker at Rotary efrom the United States, a swim in a n î ke and stated. Carol explained toured Kingston.X~ evea- each student was given a ing they attended a party in on to represent at the mo- the Common Roorn of the Un- Security Council and the iversity. el General Assembly. A A Model General Assembly fing was given by Dr. Pres- The climax of the seminar. etals f U Oganzaton came on, Friday with the mo+ tail ofUN rgaizaion del General Assembly in the' Reddy, principal of the Great Hall. Each delegate haci gston Collegiate Institute a table with the name and flag aan interesting address of the country represented. rdinner on Tuesday even- Nuclear disarmament and a on the United Nations past summit conference were the present. The following topics discussed. ning there was a discussion Miss P4dmmer thanked the he balance of power in the Bowmanviile Rotary Club for 1Dr. Preston spoke on the the opportun ity of attending inization and procedure of the mentally stimuiating scm- General Assembly and Se- inar. She said it was an exper- ty Council. jence she would neyer forget. ithe afternoon the students Bob Stevens on behaif of the 'taken to the Royal Miii- club moved a vote o! thanks rCollege for a tour of the to Carol Pluînmer for her in- dings and engineering lab- structive and interesting ad- tries, Miss Plummer said. dress. He said ber parents must found it interesting to learn be proud of her, and stated that the training given to future the Rotary Club is glad to spon- ir officers. sor the students attendance at Hold Model Councils the United Nations Seminar as 7hile at the Military College a smail contribution to further UN smina stuentsen-relations between countries. UN seiminr tdeno.T en Rex Walters. the president, -ed esa a swiue in the hya]qo thanked Carol for her fine C dining hall. During the addres.H adi a biu ningeigt mdel ecuitythat the students who had bee-i tiin weigh oel.STecuty the Bowmanville representa- ricls erehel. Te tpie tives at the seminar were well r consideration was nu- chosen, and had maintained a ir disarmament. high standard. He presentcd rhe Work o! UN Agencez the speaker with a gift as a )n Thursday Dr. Douglas, souvenir of the occasion. dean o! women at Queen' s versity gave an address ont_______________ Non Political Contribu- iof the UN. She told of the ~J -k of UNESCO and the _________ ild Health organiization, ol Plummer said. Aid to lrprivileged countries was H dI-EFLo .ussed and tribute was paid1 Canada's contribution to thA.1 - WN-AT A )VICE, he discussions were stimu- ng and the students gained insight into world affairs, sPlummer explained. Dur- the afternoon they went for Today 'jagine the publication af ~ Gospels in a newspaper, not >ii. iib ed an advertisement, but as s. Veil, that is being done in a! In the words of Secre- 7Mahanty of the Bible Soc-- ,of India and Ceyion, the Ze- iis simply this: Eis to make the Scriptures essible to the large news- er- reading public, most of. e Houses or hafe an. i-1I__p it in our Scriptures. o 'e Gospel is published ser- y without any notes of com- ts. In most of the languages Mark is being published, St. John ini a few. 1 1 1