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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1958, p. 15

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TRURMSDAY, SEPT. l1tM. 1958 TECNDA TTMN OMNnE UAT PAGE T~ Solina W.. Maple Grov MAPLE GROVE - MapIe Grove Women's Institute had the pleasure of welcoming over 40 W.I. guests from Solina at their regular meeting on Sep!. \rand enjovy an excellent pro- gra rjZr 3jby the visitors. Roi u first schoolI Stendeed as answeered 100 percent. Second vice-president Mrg. lioward Bradley welcomed the guests atid presided for the business when a motion was "Eàrried to assist with the Bow- rnanville Memorial H'tospital Auxiliary canvass and Mrs. J. R. Metcalfe and Mrs. Arthur Barnes were appointed dele gates to the Central Ontario Areao Convention to be held in Toronto in November. Mrs. C. H. Snowden spoke on 'the Maple Grove motto for the Citizenship and Education program-'a handful of com- îrion sense is worth a bushel of learning". Referring to several e d uca to rs' and students' thoughts and opinions on this tern it semcid difficuit to de- fine, though the dictionary says it is characterized bv sounc p-actical judgment. The ques- t-n as to whether learning, in- tuition, inspiration, or other factors produce common sense seemed difficult to answer. L4. PUMPS & SOMMEER! L6MITED Pym LONDON CANAD) JACK DROUGH PLUMBING Division NA 3-5615 and BEATING Street Southb BOWMANVILLE1 Cmoe Gage T~h s ir ii ~t o. 6 for e mu.irU laFa yS 40 Mama dqhlar SI compas family, Thornhill, with Mr. and are Guests Mns. A. Sharp, on Sunday. SATURDÂY 1HNSIJURBIA Mr. Keith Elsa odv te Institute Mines. IPl Quotng Ian, Tempatio at Miss Carol James, Pickering,' ýe Qotng ro "empatonatspent Friday and Saturday with ~ BI dithe Wheel" from the Calgary Miss Lamna Wearn. ýr Herald, there are a gaod many Mrs. Fred Davidsan, Oshawa, Lt people driving automobiles who visited with Mn. and Mrs. E. *refuse to exercise ordinary W. Begley. )- common sense. Though an in-, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright 3. d ividual may pass a driving and Lawrence, visited with Mr. Il t est with honors and possess and Mrs. Frank Spry, Rochez- 0 the ca-handling skill and quîck ter, N.Y. co-ordination of an expert no MaadMs alCrs n ' -- . t est can foreteli how he mav Mran s.ElCosad54 I re-act toward other motorists familv, Courtice, Mr. and Mrs. or how fast he may drive on Crawford and familv, visited tehighway. Some mild look- with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. How- igindividuals turn irto de- fs mosbehind the wheel of an Mrs. Cnrtney Graham and *automobile. It would appear Miss Jovce, Purple Hill, were Sthat learning is not the total recent visitors of Mn. and Mrs. -answer. From manv fine Fred Toms. 1 thought.s on this motta werej Miss Lorna Wearn spent Sat- n the lines,-i urdav evening and Sunday with On fire that glows with heati Miss Carol1 James, Pickering. e intense, 1 Mr. and Mrs. L. Stainton and r I turn the hose of common'familv., visited with Mr. and n sense, Mrs. R. Hope. Port Ferry. And out it goes at no ex- Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McNair,- pense. Stouffville. are spending a week il Committee program conven- wit.h Mr. and Mrs.* Earl McNair. er for this meeting. Mrs. Ste- Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Werry, sphen Jeffrey. vacated the chair spent Sundav with Mr. and Mrs. - *for Solina president. M'-s. E. R. E. A. Werry. s Tay lor, who presided for a most d enjoyable program. Mr. and Mrs. Don Carr and Colre pitues f ermdafamily. Bowmanville. visited Coordpitre f emuaMr adMr.CalFegs.M. Grove Grade 8 Pupils -wene shown by Mrs. Ewart M.adMs alFruo rLeask while she gave an in- Miss Shirley Milis, R.N., Pe- eteesting history of the island. terborough, spent Mondav ihG v n P n y H & S C u A trio of ladies, Mrs. Everett, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Begley WV ICryderman, Mrs. Howard MilI-1 Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormis- son and Mrs. Weslev Yellow- ton. visited with Mr. and Mrs. MAPLE GROVE: The Maple on the executive will be filled lees, sang in parts and perfect Sidne'y Hoar, Tyrone. on Sun-1 Grove Home and School Associa- by Mrs. Ron Pingle. harmeny. "ýWhen You Wore a day. Ition held the first meeting of Skits on the "Correct Way of Tulip", "The Last Flv of Suni- Mr. and Mrs. E. J.Dickinson, the season in the schooL on Wed- Interviewing Teachers" by par- a me", Sunise To-orrw" Ohaw, M. ad Ms. ldnesday, Sept. 10. ents, and then the "Incorrect mr,"Smwre e or th" Peshiwack r and Robi. oyto The President, Mrs. Robert Way" were well presented by ànd "Soewhre verthePetickandRobn, orotoBothwell presided. Mns. Jîre Mrs. Hlarold Watson, Mrs. Ron Rainbow". with Mrs. Murrav Mr. and Mrs. Robent Thomas,1 Geddes read the Secretary's're-i Pingle. Mrs. MaeDai-ald and Vice at the piano. Mrç. Vice Niagara Fails, visited with Mn. prtad Mrs. Cecii Cullen, i Mrs. Allun. Room mothens wene aloplayed the lovely Piano and Mrs. S. R. Pethick. i Treasurer, read her report. appointed for the various rooms. solo "Glow Worm". Exception- Mn. and Mrs. Floyd Beckett ! The Secretary who was.1 instal- The new teachers, who wene ally humorous readings werc and familY, Mr. Oliver Beckett ed in June, Mirs. Ray Wiggans, prescrnt were intnoduced by the given by Mrs. Stanlev Miflion. and Ar-villa, Tyrone, visited had moved away during the Preident. Parents' count was "The rooNe Lo"W andtbe Mn-.wilh Mr. and Mis. Ross Page sumrmen and Mrs. Gerde il wil i by Mrs. B. Cole's noom. Lnyd rome. to Wen th Mii and Mi. Leonard Bradley. replace lier. Mns. Geddes' place Moncy-making projects wene Than yo wa extnde to Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dillabaugh, Than youwas xtened 0QOhawa, wene Sunday callers Solina for the fine program. by at Wallace and Russell Griffin's. Mrs. Jack Hurnie and by Mrs.; Mn. and Mns. H. Stevens and Jeffrev on behaîf of the mem- Gordon, enjoyed a turkev din- bers. A social time was en«o, ner at the "Acres" provided by ed with refreshments served Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stevens in by Mns. Jeffrey and her gnoup. honotir of their 55th wedding Mrs. Tom Baker thanked Ma-j annivensary and Mr. Bert Ste- pIe Grove ladies for their hos- yens' Bth birthday. palty on behaîf of the Solinaý W.M.S. Meetingt Octoben prognam theme wiîl The W.M.S. met in the evet'- be in charge of Agriculture and ingý. Srýpt. 9, in- the church, pre- Canadian Industries committee' sident Mrs. L. Ashton ptesid- Mn. Louis Dewell, guest speak- ing. Worship service was in er. charge of Mrs. J. Slemon with er, Mrs. MeLean giving the Bible reading. Miss Lorna Wearn who attended Camp Council, ENNIS ILLEN London, gave an interesting ac- i count of her attendance there. The W.A. meeting will be held Mns. M. Stainton favoured with at Mrs. R. Stengens Sept. 23. an organ solo. Guest speaker, Note change in place of meetine. Mrs. Cêlaude Ives, Bowman- Miss Betty Wight visited wit'l ville, took as hen text, Acts 1, 8, Miss .Marguerite Wright and Mr. and also gave an enthusiastic and Mrs. Norman Wright, St. description of Five Oaks. Group Catharines. leaden Mus. E. Wright thanked >u :.ix,- Mns. Lloyd Siemon, Haydon, Mrs. Ives for her fine message,.,~ accompanied Mrs. Fred Toms to; Beginning with the Octoben visit Mrs. Boundy and ber moth- meeting, time of meetings will er, Mns. Graham, Fort Ferry, on neyent to the afternoon for the Monday. winter months. Mn. and Mnà. L, Wearn and 1 Susan, visited with Mn. and Mrs. A. M. Wearn, Claremont, on B A K T C Sunday L C.T C Mrs. Will Mountjoy, Miss Eleanon Mountjoy, Kedron, OUR APOLOGIES Miss Olive Luke, Toronto, Our humble apologies for Mrs.H. cGil, vsitd 1the mix-up in the Black- Mns H.Mcill viitd wth n. stock and Yelverton news and Mrs. R. Vintue. i atwe' su.Bak Mn. and Mns. Lorne McCoy, i Istk eek's ssue. Beas.- Brooklin, were Sunday tea stc ctzes ayb a- guests o! Mn. and Mrs. Ross sured they are stili eoiîsid- Sharp.ered a separate and impor- SMr. adM .HrldAho tant entity. It was just one Mn. a Mrs Harod Ash o f o those mysterious things anid family, Mn. Allan Stainton, ta a apnl es Mr. and Mrs. O. C. Ash ton wit th atcnhpeni es Mn. and Mrs. Stewart Rodman, paper composing room. Mr. and Mns. Howard k and family, Oshawa, Mr. and A L GR V Mrs. Frank Denby, Bowman- ville, witih Mn. and Mns. Wal: Mn. and Mns. Tom McGuirk, ter Oke.1 Kathy and John, Mr. and Mns. Mn. and Mns. W. Pundy and'Jack Morton and son enjoyed aC éd/ trip to Niagana Falls on Sun- ~mxzm daRecent visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Fred Wright weme Mn.J.T Rateliffe, To)ronton Mn. andîMrs ]ftý a" 1~~~ had a veny *s-uccessful eveéning JK M I canvass for the Ladies' Auxiliary à L6 Contcr.ds of Memonial Hospital, Bowman- * ~Home and School Club held 4«Kfr9 thein September meeting on * A CU1~1jT uesday evening, Septemben 9. 66 vit M de It was an election o! officens, OlIi 1 but owing to the small attend- 'I nt on a nce it was unanimously voted emj=l to return the same membens ta 76 faby f fice for another yean. A motion was passed ta hold Ia community bingo in Novemn- ber. Funther panticulars about this later. The balance o! the evening was spent in playing euchre. The first prîze wînners were Mn. and Mrs. Jim Curson and ,th e low ý,pnizes were won by Mrs. Wm. Cali and Mrs. Coch- Register NOM rane. Mn. and Mrs. Gea. Honey, * ~~~Fenelon Falls, visited with Mn.O TA R O N S and Mus. Wellington Farrow an IMr. and Murs. Wellington Fan- HOSPITAL MtSUR L. row visited wîth Mr. and Mr&. ~Wm. Wray. Cobourg, cm w.ii' discussed and after much, dis- cussion it was decided to hold another bazaar. Last year's preaident, Mm. Wm. O'Neill, was asked to ac- cept a pin in appreciation o! her work in the past two years. She thanked the president and xnem- bers for their gift and appreciat- ive remarks.'1 Last year's Grade 8 teacher, Mr. Weiser, then carne forward and called the following students to receive their class pins: Linda Labrecque, Evelyn Sprague, Jan- ine AUlison, David Mann, Ted Watson, Wayne Chaskavitch, Grant Flintoff and Ron O'Neill. These students have graduated from Grade 8 to High School this year. A report was read on Guide and Brownie work and the cost of the uniforms. These groups will be forming here very soon. A lovely lunch and tea was served by mnembers of the ex- ecutive. Next meeting will be held at Maple Grove West School in October. SALEM Sjncere sympathy is extended to Mr. Everton White in the passing of Mrs. White. A num- ber from here attended the funeral from Tyrone church on Sunday. Sunday Sehool will be held next Sunday at 2:30. Miss Mildred Philips, Toronto, is spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Doug Reynolds. Master Jeff Lehman has been staying with bis grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Craig. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Firie, Toronto, were Saturday visitors wjth Mn. and Mrs. W. Craig. Mr. and Mns. F. Blackburn and family were Saturday even- ing visitors with Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery, Oshawa. Miss Marion Buttery accom- panied by Misses Bea Craig and Grace Blackburn motored Mis Waneta Young to Malton Air- port on Saturday to see her off to Bermuda where she plans. held and the new exteutive to stay.i for the coming year are:-Pre- About 25 young people en- sident, Mrs. Geo. White; Secre- joyed the wiener roast at Black- ftrMs .Gthl:Tes burn'a last Friday night. trMs .Gthl.Tes Mr. and Mrs. E. Twist and! urer, Mns. D. Gilhooly:, Social family were Sunday visitons! on., Mrs. D. Marsden, Press with Mn. and Mrs. Howard! Con., Mrs. Geo. Vinish. Cryderman, Maple Grove. The new president, Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. T. Woodlock and White, then tool< the chair. familY have moved into thein Plans were made for the finst new home on the Manvers Rd.î Senior Citizens meeting ta be Salem W.A. will hold thein held on Tuesday, October '7th Septemben meeting at the home at the Lions Centre. A tenta- of Mns. S. Buttery Thursday, t'hve date o! Nov. 2Oth was set Sept. 18th. for a Stay-at-Home Bridge, and voluinteers wene obtained to help at the Adult Folio Clinic in September and October. Next Club 1 5'meeting ta, be held at the borne a o! Mrs. P. Chant on Sept. 25th. Raised $2,583 During Year Club 15 held its first nieet- ing o! the 1958-59 season at the home of Mrs. E. Banting, on September llth. Mus. Banting,' the retirinx president, took the" chair and gave a buief resume o! the pnevious vear's activî- ties, together with a financial report pnepared b3V Treas. Mus.' L. Parker Jr. Duning the past year the Club~ has held many successful events. including a Stay - at - Home Bridge, Folio Drive, Spning Fa- shion Show and caterning to othen gmoups. netting the surnj o! $2,583.86. Thus enabling the.m1 to continue thein various activi- i ties, sncb as sponsoring the Senior Citizens organization,' contributing towards a Korean! orphan, helping local needý childnen and donating to TB Seals, Easten Seals, Cancer drive. Salvation Aumy, Recrea- tion Dept., and Lions Club. As well as the payment of $2,2 18 to The Canadian Foundation for Foliomyelitis, made possible by the genenons contributions o! Bowmnanville citizens during the Polio campaign. An election of officers was ISPITAL INSU Ali Be PROTECTED next Januau'y ist IITAL SERVICES COMMI1S10O RANCE DIVISION -TORONTO 79 ONTARIO TeIhoS~W*Ab* 4-3 I WINNER 009 HIOME at NATU RAI GAS CENTRE 's M;n. Morgni Groy M46Richmonld 9,-, W. Toronto MM CANADLAS STATESMAN, BOWMA»Vn..L& ONTAM PACM rnFTý

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