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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1958, p. 2

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TUE AWADAN SAT~MN. OWMAV!LL. OPTAUO JtJÂ%LCX.8Ilr J. *Utf, limU* e 5acted as hrmn 'ê~ioupAsk ~o ncuIt was moved by Jakemnan, Grou Ask Cou citseconded by Malcolm, and car- J ried, that Manvers Muncipal ' Council make a formal. request For Help in Solving to the Victoria County High CeLiq .r Itepayers fromn School Sec- T h irP r bl mof Manvers, stating that tith A delegation of ratepayers High Scbool Board rembursing opinion of this Council that the from S.S. 14 and S.S. 19 inter. the Durham District High Sch- payment of said fees is thae viewed Manvers Township Co- ool Board for their tuition and mcst practical solution ta the uncil regarding the matter of transportation. problem. The request involves their children attending Miil- Ail members of Cauncil were tuition and transportation for brook and Orono Higl Schools, present at the regular mee 1 seven pupils attending Miii- aiidVicoriaCouty Dstrct ng hld n Set. . T e tvebrook and Orona High Schools, andVitora ouny isticfin hid n ept 2 Th Re- which are in the Durham Dis- ýrict, because of their praxi- mit.y. A delegcation of ratepayers in th e Pontypool area presented a petition ta Council, requesting that a By-law be passed ta es- tablish a fire contrai area, whe- reby funds could be raised an- naliy ta equip and maintaln a vQlutee fire brigade in a Council agrecci ta pay its sh arc of the solicitors fee re the request from F. L. Weldon of Aug. 5, 1958. jI t was a meeting of dele- gations. A delegation of rate- j payers from Janetvilie area as- ked Couincil ta mLke inquiry as ta whether a roadway be- teen the properties of WVil- frid' Leslie and Arthur 'Haü- nahi in the village o! Janetviile . . . . ....was a municipal street or pýJ- vate lane. On motion, the Cle:k uvas directed ta ascertain froin the Registry Office whether the sai d roadwa ' was a street ýn thc rec'istered plcn of the x'l- lage of Janetville. or privaie fproperty. Also ta find out the wdho! the street in the event that the roadway should be a street, and the description o! the property owned by Arthur HIannahi in Janetville. Two cottage owners from Viewlake interviewed the Cou- ... ncil regarding pragress being made in repairing the road serving the cottage area and also asked that Lots 1 and 2 in Plan No. 46 bc developed in y R! ci niethe manner o!fxveed and brush I spraying. 1IFollowing a discussion on fax arrears, it was moved by Malcolm, seconded by Brown that the penalty for unpaid to p u y taxes effective Dec. 15, be in- creased from 2 ta 3 % and ta ........... be effective Dec. 15, 1958, and ............ thereafter. This was carried. ITax arrears bave been increas- .......... ing during the past five years, Iand it was felt that steps were ............ ....necessary ta correct this situ- ............ation. . ..........The following communica- tions were received and read:1 Sanitation EZuipment Ltd. re u0WI PA MEN ........ ... information regarding plumb- ing permits; F. L. Weldon, re- quest ta contribute ta lawyec's fere high sehool appeal; twa ...... aplications for rural hydro ...... service: Dominion Road Mach- .... inery Ca. officiai notice of de- livery o! grader; one sheep dlaim and several accounts. J3ecause iii'iSso Ie Fin quiprment is crigineered t(> meef your horn&s special r.3quiren1cnts, you get maximum lieating elciuenicy ithout any uastc. And, f,.,r th,- .i hut word in dependlabie lica * u 1,i'[;u,' 01/ jusM>t. hburns supner ccgrcrdiy ne rduues deposits an furnace parLs-you get uniforn higlier quahity in every galion. Ccnsiflt the Yeflow Pages of your phone directory lac your nearest Esso 8urnzri Dealer. RODSTS ALWAYS LOOK TrO IMPERIAL FOR THE BEST H. E. MOSIER Sheet Metal1 mi CHUBR ST. O.SHAWA, ONT. Memrorial Hospital Weekly Report For the week o! Sept. 8-14- Adm issions ---------------- 45 Bîrths, 4 maie, 3 female__7 Discbarges -----6 Major openations il Minor operations 16 Emergency freatments 16. Visîfing hours 2:30 - 4:30 I P.m. and 7 ta 8:30 p.m. j KENDAL ( Intended for hast wefkl On Monday afternoon, Miss fLouise Cowan, Toronto, Mns. iRuddy Waddell and Mns. Mar- garet Lin ton, Onono, visited jMult Robinson's and Blake AI. exander's. Bert Holland was one o! the contestants in the Ontarip Quiz Contest in the Toronto Daîly Star who jusf missed the last picture and is eligible ta tny the fie-breaker. Good luck Bert. Tuesday evening a meeting * was held in Kendal church fa fdiscuss plans for putting new leakiig ngbscu the pas the roofing oniahecaur he aste ta corne down. AlLuminum xvas the popular choice but is ra- ther expensive so donations will bo baratefuliv received. fM'r. and Mns. John Thompson \vere guests at the 'vedding o! Tett's niece. Miss Barbara IWaters, at Kingston, Saturday. Tlîev also visited Mr. and Mrs. Bill DarPngton at Collin'sIDa. Mns. Ray Hughes andi Gloria sta.veci with Ma_-s{ret Ann, Jerry and Susan \Vhile they Ivere away. Mr. and Mns, George Mac- Donald and fa7nily returned fromi Onienee whene thev- have beri l ica' whell George \vas ralied back irito the Motors. Manlv Kelidil folks attendcd the Fair in Onono Saturday as usual. Mr. and Ms Chas Roarh and !arnil 'v Toronto, were doiwn for the xeekend visiting Mrs. W. Mencer and Mns. Couroux and lier father, Win. Mencer, \Vho is in Meniorial Hospital, fBowm an ville.1 A birthda.v celebration for Carl Langstaff was i'eld Sat- f ordav everIing rit his home by the Langsta!ff!aiiv Mc. md MrS. Mîlton Robin- son enioved a fine drive Sun- dav aftcrnoon dowvn ta LakeL Ontanio. caiiing on Jack VWha- len at Welcome ansd on narth and inMrs. CeiL glass fr. and finallvere Gussfor Mn. andi the evening., Mc:r. Aiva Swanbrick spent Mondiv Nwîth ber friend in Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Diavidi Butcher andi Gary o! North Bav are visiting ber sisten, Mns. C. Lang- staff andi Carl. A Iver-v pleasant fime was enjo.vesi bv the "Young Peoples" wh-len cver 25 catheresi at Jack Stapleton's Frida.v evening for a crn roast. A!ter the hav-ride arouind the farm they did am- pie justice ta the crn, wienens1 and buns, doughnuts and fresh- les. Aylwand Little, Markham, *visitcd Mns. Neva Little, Thur- àday. Wonderful Weekend for Boys ut Camp Pretoria ENNISKILLEN: On Saturday monning sixteen rather excited Explorer boys le! t Enniskillen ta have breakfast at Camp Pre- fania. This was the beginning o! a very enjoyabie two days at camp cansisting o! swimming sports, worship, crafts, hikf.s, sing-songs and campfires. The leaders, Mrs. Harold Ash- ton and Mrs. Fred McLaugh- lin, were verV capably assisted by Mrs. O. C. Ashton who at- [tempted ta appease the appet- ites o! some very active boys. The lovely blue ivater af Gen- eva Park sw imming pools pro- vided one o! the highlights for fxvo swim peniads. Although a sing-song was anranged a- round a campfire the weather man thwarted those plans. In spite o! this the bays were arnanged in a semni-circle in the large dining roorn and the sing-song was carried out with Lois Ashton conducting and Mrs. W. Logan very capabiy assisting at the piano. Sunday gave the air of a real boys camp w.hen two of aur gallant young mnen ini the- personages of Mr. Don Wearn and Joe MeGili arrived. The Sunday Sehool lesson wvas taught ta th.e boys by Joe in a rustic background o! logs for seats and evergreen boughs for a roof. Don with bis infinite fund o! recreationai material kept the boys entertained for an hourl and a haîf. The two craft per- lods were leaf prints and cane birds ivhich were brought home to add ta the boys' treasures. As usual nt camp the sandman stayed until rather late but dawn saw the boys xide aw- ake regardless of this. The 31 acre grounds provided ample space for enjoyable hikes. Sunday evening bnought ail parents ta gather up their verv tired but happy sons who ne- solved that the wveekend was wonderful but ail toa short. We hiesitate ta say whether that wvas the viev point o! the leaders or not. Looking as though a good rest was needed the doors were finally locked on a weekend . we hope wvll be added ta their freasury of memnoxies and repeafed again Cartwright Enquires Procedure Re Vacancy Lef f on Twp. Coun cil iThe regular monthlv meet- ig of Cartwright Municipal Coun-cil xvas held on Tues. Sept. 2 in the Town Hall at 8:30 p.rn. Heeve Bruce Ashton presided, DEeputy Reeve and Business Directory_ Accountancy_ WM. 3. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant Second Floor New Library Building Cor. King and Temperance Sts. Phone MArket 3-3612 MONTEITH - MONTEIT'N RIEHL & CO. Chartered Accountants 135 Simcoe St. N. Oshawa RA 5-3527 Partners : J. W. Montelth, M.P., F.C.A. A. B. Monteith, B.Comm., CA,. G. W. Riehi, C.A. (Licensed Trustee) G. E. Trethewey, C.A. R. F. Lightfoot, C.A. YALE, FRIEDLANDER, HUNTER & CC?. Accountants and Auditors Licensed Trustee lin Bankruptcy 64 King St. E. RA 5-1621 Oshawa, Ontario B. L. Yale, C.A. F. Friediander, B. Com., C.P.A. Chi r opra cfi c Gi. EDWIN MANN, D.C. .7 Chiropractor ý3 Office : 1 15 Elgin St., cor, cf Horsey St. 6 Phone MA 3-5509 6Office Hours:- By Appointment 0 D entfal1 DR. W. M. RUDELLI D.D.S. Office: Jury Jubilee B1dg. 40 King St. W. Bowman'ville Office Haurs: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily s Closed Saturday and Sunday L Office Phone - MA 3-5790 House Phone - Newcastle 2551 *DR. E. W. SIS SON, L.D.S.. D.D.S. Office in his home *100 Liberty St. N. - Bowmanville zOffice Hours: * 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. dally 9 a.m. ta ]12 faon Wednesday C1osed * Sun day Phone MA 3-5604 *DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 23 King St.' E. - Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. ta 6 p.m. daily Closcd Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office MA 3-5459 L eg a1- S7TRIKE and STRIKE Barristers, Solicitors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A. H. Strike, B.A. 40 Ring St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone MA 3-5791 LAWVRENCE C. MASON, BÀ. Barrister, Solicitor Non ~Itary Public Kili st.W. - Bowmanville Phones: Office MA 3-5688 Residence MA 3-5553 MISS APHA L. HODGINS Barrister, Solicitor Notary Public Temiperance St. - Bowmanville E. RICHARD LOVEKIN L.E., B.A., LLB. * Box 9, Newcastle Phone Newvcastle 2246 Consultation by appointment only. Wli. KAY LYCETT, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor In the offices of R. R. Waddell, Q.C. Main Street, Orono, Ontario Friday, 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. M or fg a ges LEROY HAMILTON - ORONO Phone 1 r 16 First Mortgage Funds Residences - Farms Business Properties fi f Opto 0me fr y E KEITU A. BILLETT ' Optometrist 141 King St. E. - BowmanvilleC Office Hours: By appointment a Telephor.e MArket 3-3252 E Monday to Saturdav 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. I Wcednesdays: 9 ta 12. Tliurbday cveniings n fwo Councillons were present. A card o! appreciation was read from the wife and famiiy of tle late cauncillor Carl Mc- Laughlin. The Reeve expressed for himself and the rest a! council bis deep regret and sonrow at the fragie passing, o! the late councillor, wbo vas s0 bighly reganded by ever-y one who knew him and wha on his f insftnty for public of- fice bad topped the poli for Councillor. He bad proved him- self an energetie worker and a strong supporter af nigbf and fair dealing. After a brie! sil- ence in respect ta the vacant chair the clerk was asked ta send a message o! sympathy ta the widow and fwo small boys. The minutes a! the last re- gular and speciai meeting were read and on motion o! coun- cillors VanCamp and Gibson adopted. A delegafion o! cot- tageens from. Scugog Bay were present and requesfed many minor repairs and some major changes in the present road iayout. A deputation from Cad- mus made a complaint; about certain matters încluding il1e- gal signs being posted on the noad-way. A requesf was re- ceived fnam the Scugag area that tbe council do sametbing about low water level in the lake and the terrible condition o! sarne. A letter was instruet- ed ta be writfen ta the Minister o! Transport regarding some possible improvements. A requestf rom S.S. No. 3 for a transfer of $600, plus an i extra bundred or two ta me et immediate sehool expenses was moved by Jack Green and Bert Gîbson.11 Mr. Fred Tnewin was pre- sent and demanded a dlean-up job o! a certain eve-sone vhere i the road xvas changed around a corner ad.ioining bis properfy and compiefion of a promis e made and projeet started somIC twa years aga under a differ- ent administratiop. On mafiaon o! Bert Gîbson and Jack Green the Road Superintendant was ta proceed with the job. Messrs. W. Wright and H. Farder represenfed the Agri- cultural Society presenfed a requiest for the usuai $200 grant and wene granted same on motion by' vMerl VanCamp and Jack Green. Permission was advanced by council for repair o! the spray- er and the construction o! a book stand for the office ta store aid ledgers and rail books. The clerk was asked ta enquirc into circumstances concerning a new relief assistance ne- guest. Also to make rxecessarv enquiry re ordering memorial wreath for the Cenotaoh. The business of filling the vacancy in council xvas nec- essarily discussed because of a new 1958 amendment ta Chap. 243. Sec. 169 (1) and (6) wbich included the word' councillor' into that section. Due ta loss of ali officiai records o! iast el- ection regarding standing of candidates next in line it was moved by Bert Gibson and se- conded by Merl VanCamp and carried unanimousiy that the clerký enouire froin the Dept. of Muinicipal Affairs and legal advisers the necessany proced- ure ta follow. If was moved by Jack Greeri nnd seconded b.v Meri Van- Camp that the Road Supenin- tendant petition the Depf. of iighways for the interim sub- sidv. On motion of Merl VanCamp Fyrci Bert Gibson the following bills and vouchers were in- spected and ordered paid. Road Voucher No. 8 montb August, $10.005.67. Genenal Accounts 'iugust. $2,049.20. A motion bv councilior B. Gibson for adjournment until next meeting, Oct. 6th, was carried. MAPLE GROVE (Intended for last week) Recent visitons of Mr. and tins. John Noble were Mr. and tirs. John Atchinson, Scarboro. Ir. and Mrs. Norm Avery arid1 IAllan Webb, Lorraine and Paul, Toronto. Miss Helen Hope, Port Perry visited with her cousins Bar- bara and Joyce Mili for the weekend. Mir. and Mrs. Cecil Milîs and family were Sunday visitors of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hope, Port Perry.1 Mir. and Mrs. Earl Cross and family accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Art Crawford and family visited the Riverdale Zoo on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. Clarence Gib- son and family at Rice Lake on Sunday. Mr.and MIrs. Norman Gimb- lett, Columbus, were Sunday- visitons of Mr. and Mrs. llussi Gimblett. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Simu-1 son, Aitamount, Man.. are vis- iting wit-h Ar. and Mrs. Rus- sell Gimblett and Mn. and Mrs. Bob Barrabali. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gimb- lett visited at Bnacebridge re- certly. A flash of lightning complet- lv demolished the television set belonging ta Mn. and Mrs. Jack Hurrie iast week. Forfunately no ane was hurt. About fifty of the Couples Club enjoyed a corn roast on Satundlay nîght. Due ta the wea- ther it was held in Ebenezer Church shed. Contests and a rousing sing sang formed the entertainment of the evenmec, cornrnarshmallows, ivatermel- on and coffee were served. Next meeting is in charge of Alice and Gardon Beech and Cee and, Leona Milîs. Mrs. R. Jarvie visited friencis Zn HarnIMon, Brantford and Nî- agara Falis, recently. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wilson and family, Orono, visited with Mrs. John Whalen on Sunda. Mr. Mac Laverty. Dunnsville, wvas Wednesday dinner guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Jim Laverty. Mr.and Mrs. Robert Shearer, Peggy and Maureen Whalen visited Niagara Falls on Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. A. Vandergast and family spent Sunday wifh Mn. and Mrs. Jack Taîsma Brampton. Mrs. Bert Snowden accom- panied Mrs. Robert Bates when they drove Mrs. F. Heffer ta, ber home at Desaronto lasf Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Wager and family Oshawa, spent Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. R. Wil- ton. Sympathy o! the cammunit.y Is extended ta Mrs. Charles Hester and Mrs. R. Wilton on the death of their mother Mrs. Hutchinson, Oshawa. last week. Mn. and Mrs. Jim Farrell, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. Phil Finney on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lotf, Osh- awa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hoimes on Sunday. Mrs. Mary Hoimes has re- turned home ta Peterborough after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holm~s. Mr. and Mrs. John Hall andvsios family are visiting relatives i sir'.ih M . n rs.J c Vanouvr. onngraluiations ta Mary Jane Mr. Nelson Turner visited Lvrvon vinning a persnnal hlm brothc;r and sis*'cr-in-iaw, ',dio in a recent 'cotest, aiso Mr. and Mvrs. Licyd Turner, second prizc for liandwriting at Allen-wiod.1 Grono !,air iast Saturday. Carol Pr.d Robby Turner have -- returned from hoiidays in AI- lenwood. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Snowvdc'n ... and familv at M'vr.and MIrs. AI- ian Snowden's on Thurýd av. The new teachers at Mapie Grave are Mr. Moilins, Toron-I to, Mirs. M. Blallv and Mrs. C. Ford, Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. George Black wvere in Toronto last Wedneýý- day where they met Mrs. W. McLean, Richard and Larry, who have returned home after spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. William Christy, Summerberry, Sask., and Mrs. Lillian MeLean. Regina. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Elliotti AEYORT ULE have returned from visiting in EYU TOBE New Brunswick and Montreal.ý ITEOE Birthday greetings ta Janet LTL NS Labrecque and Ricky Mayberrv Don ou evrr worry about the who celebrated birthdays7lst, future of volir young farnily vveek. nîd\-ou SUl e ocýlied Mrs. Giadys Travener and vdiIîFmivncreasr fried Belevile wre Snda- :0](1P w W replace your incarne fried Belevile ~ere unda bîle îi iîî, irci-n are growing Tern OId Furniture iuta Cash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 ip ai (lie are of your wid for life. Prntect yoiur loved one@ w a Faii]*v Iloniv' poliv of 'uin Llp eAzýuraiice Camp: of si (hîada. Banner ]Passant Representative Bowmanville (w with the )u4, Grandpa has the present.. You look after the future Love and presenfs for favourite grandchildren: that's what grandparents are noted for. But you are the head of the family. Your aim in life is to take the unoertainties out of your family's future. When looking to your family's future, select the insurance co mpany that offers family protection at low net cost. That's The Mutual Life of Canada - the compan3y C-)nIrpUTUAL NF with the outstanding dividend record. ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA '"i _ 4..-. I jni~ 7ý EAUB "M 1 9ýMTRqnAv inth loqà a St. TM CAWAZ«n sTATnsmm. BowmAlqvn.Le C)NTApjo

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