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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Sep 1958, p. 3

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TITRSAY.SET. 8t, 155TE VANADIAN STA TESMAN. BOWMANVLEA, ONTARIO SACERTY - CLEMENCE j COOK - SMITH The Rev. Wm. ArthurLes A double ring ceremonv in officiated at the ceremony which St. John*s Anglican Church on took place in Lincoln Avenue Sept. 6 united in marriage United Church, Gaît, recently, Eleanor Heloise Smith, daugh-ý when Isabelle Ruth Clemence ter of -Mr. and Mrs. Alfred E. exchanged wedding x'ows with: Smith. Bowmanville. and Ro- James Robert Sacertv. The bert Murrav Cook, son of Mr. bride is the daughter of Mrs. W.î and Mrs. Reid F. Cook of Whit- J. Clemence of Newcastle and bv. Rev. A. C. Herbert off ic- the late Mr. Clemence and the I ated. groom is the son of? Mr. and Wht'um deoadte Mrs. Clark Sacerty of Owen Wte mm dcrte h Sound. , for the occasion. Mrs. M. The bride wore a white bal- lerina length gown nof silk or- ganza over net and taffeta with iridescent bead and sequin trim. A Juliet cap held her elbow length veil and she carried a cascade bouquet of red roses and W,te carnations. .latron of hornur. Mn'l. Wil- fred Ross, wore bli.e siik or- ganza featuring tucked bodice and bouffant skirt. Matching hat and colonial bouquet of ycl- 10w roses and white shasta 'mnums completed ber ensemble. Rod MacLean was grooms- For travelling, the bride chose a Wedgewood bNue two-piece suit, white bat and black acces- sories. Her corsage was pink roses. The couple will reside in Galt. Mvachant played the wecdîng music and accompanied the soloist, Mliss Ruth Goheen, who sang "The Lord's Prayer" and "The Wedding FraSer". The bride was given in mar- r iage bv her father, and wore a floor length gown oi? white nyl%-on chiffon over chromespun Iafl0ta with eut-awav skirt of French Chantilly lace. The fit- ted hodice of matching lace had a V shaped neckline with hi,,h stand-up collar and long sleeves. A string of pearîs which she wore was the gift of the groom. A tiara of lace embroid- 1 cred xvith seed pearîs and se- quins held her fingertip illus- ion veil. and she carried a bou- quet of red roses and steph- a no tis The attendants wore similar- ly styled gowns of nylon chif- The - -refreshment' Pepsi- Cola Smith43leverages Limited Bowmanville AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR fon over taffeta in ballern riu i length. The matron of honour,'M rid i rnt a s n g Trniy arong Mrs. Don Bishop. was in pale1 pink. and bridesmaids, Missi Evelyn Cook and Miss Mamie, Stubbert, in pale green and pale yellow respectively. Ther headdresses were matching ha- Io bands with seed pearis and butterfly veils, and they carriel d- nosegays of pink, yellow and green pom pom 'mumis. Mr. Ken Randail, Whitby, was best man. and acting as, ushers were Mr. Allan Walker, brother-in-law of the bride,!r and Mr. Lloyd Cook, brother of the groom. Receiving the guests in the' . Legion Hall, the bride's mother wore a dress of navy blue lace over taffeta with navy and bronze accessories and corsage. of broze 'munis. The groom's mother was in royal blue crepe 1 with pink and blue accessories and corsage of pink carnations. For their wedding trip to Manitoba via the United States, the bride chose periwinkle blue linen sheath dress with mat- ching duster coat, navy and. jwhite accessories and a corsage of pink carnations. The couple will reside at 3 Durham St., Bowmanville. Guests were present at the wedding from Windsor. Strat- ford, Whitby, Uxbridge, Port Ferry, Brooklin, Myrtie, Raglan. Dunbarton, Oshawa and Green- wood. Prior to the wedding, the bride was entertained at a num- Pictured following their marriage which took place ber of showers. The staff of the in the parsonage of Trinity United Church on Friday Stedman Store honoured ther af ternoon, Sept. 12, are Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Allun. The fellow employee at a 1 inen bridewsfrel el NvdaR eBryauhr shower held at the home o f ewsfrel eleNvlaRs erduhe Mrs. W. Bagne11, 36 Sc ugog of M r. William J. Berry and the late Mrs. Berry of Bow- Street. A corsage of red roses manville. The groom's parents were the late Mr. and Mrs. was presented by the hostess; William Allun. They will reside in Islington. and many lovely gift% were_________________________________ received by theh bride-to-be. De licious refreshments were ser- MARSHALL - FEE Laurentians and Quebec, the ved. bride chose a scarlet chiffonî Mr. onBihp el ami- St. Paul"s Anglican Church semi-chemise fully lined in cellaneos shoer at theshome Lindsay was the scene of a form fitting white with red oflneu M s. . donson.80thuntomelovely wedding on August 9th, polka-dotted polished cotton. StM. an .o edm bride-e0lects 1958. when Thelma Mary Mar- The chiffon was slashed at the arrivai presented her with a' gucrite Fee. daughter of Mr back from the tie at the neck corageofredcanaton. Lnc and Mrs. Vincent Stewart Fee to the waist revealing polka- was served by the hostess. of L indsay, and James Robert dotted lining. She wore a white Mrs Wilia Muton !Marshall, son of Mr. and Mrs. milano cloche with matching JcMinndMrs. Wila utNel Mrs. Wilbert Marshall of Brampton, red ribbon ending in a large sonk wieraco-hostesse t Wil-. were united in marriage. Rev. pouffe at the side and red shoes. sonwer cohosesss a amis- Canon Hesketh performed the On their return they will re- cellaneous shower at the Mem- double ring. ceremofly. .îy-sid e in Brampton where they orial Park Hall when a large The wedding music was p arethtacig number of friends and neigh- ed bY Mr. H. J. Moss arnd the aebt ecig bours attended and refresh- soloist, Miss Jeanne Coulter. Out-of-town guests were from ments were served. Pontypool. sang "0 Perfect To ronto, London, Brampton, Love" and "The Voice That Peterborough, U ridge, Oak- ALLIN - BERRYI Breathed O'er Eden." ville, and EurIn. iGiven in marriage bv hier In a quiet ceremony in the 1 father, the bride looked radiant SPEERS - PEARCE parsonage of Trinity United lin a gown of early American Church on Friday afternoon,1 styling with simplicity of line Lansing United Church. Wil- September 12, Nellie Novelda in organza with- a scooped lowdale, was the setting on Sat- Rose Berry, daughter of Mr.i neckline, short sleeves and ho- urday, Sept. 6. for the marr- William J. Berry and the late dice made un of tiny handker- ia 'ge of Miss Marilyn Elizabeth Mrs. Berry of Bowmanville, was chief tucking. It featured a Pearce, daughter of Mrs. Pear- united in marriage with Harry completely unadorned full or- ce and the late Mr. Eric W. L. C. Allin of Toronto, son of the ganza skirt with taffeta under- Pearce to Mr. John Rov Speers late William and Annie Allhn. skirt ending in a chapel train. of Caledon, son of Mr. and Mrs. The Rev. W. K. Housiander She wore vcry short white Murray L. Speers at which Rev. officiated. gloves. Her fingertip veil Of? Wr. Wilson officiated. Given in marriage by her fath- white tulle was caught to a tiny Standards of red gladioli and er, the bride wore a sapphire seed peari and sequin crowfl. white 'mums decorated the blue suit with small off the face She carried a white prayer church. Mr. Shuttleworth play- hat in blush rose silk velvet. A book with a mauve orchid and ed the organ and Mr. W. C. corsage of pink rosebuds and« stephanotis streamers. Robinson sang *'The Lord's carnations complèted her en-1 Mrs. Carl Cull was matron- Frayer" and "~The Weddin.- semble..j of-honour while the brides- Frayer". She was attended by Mrs. Le-,r maids were Miss Hazel and Tebiewowsgvni land Berry, her sister-in-law, Bette Fee (sisters of the bride) Tyhhe brothws ie Mr. who chose a peari grey suit. and Miss Mary Marshall, (sis- marriage b e rte r complemented by a small hat of ter of the groom).1 Bob Pearce, wore a floor len- dust roe slk vlve wih co- Te 'ttenant wee 1gth gown of blush pink satin. dust roe slk elvt wth cr- he ttedans x 'er den~t'-1 French Chantilly from hier mo- sage of pink rosebuds and car- cally dressed in blue organzatc'svioulndheVek nations. with sky blue taffeta under- hrsvioulndteVec Mr. Leland Berry, brother of skirts, cornflower midrifi? with in front and back and contin - corfloer elvt' andn gandued down on two flowing an- thebrie, asgromsmn. matching embroidery o n the cis over the full pleated skit Mr. and Mrs. Allin left f or, full skirt with deep hem. A rhinestone crown held her the groom's cottage on LakelTheir hats were sky-blue braid- fin ge'-tip veil of illusion trim- Kassahabog in the Kawartha 1ed g'rwn ih aci med with the same lace as hier disrit, ndon her rtun ill~ in rons it machin dress. She carried Johanna diverct indntrrton. B wan- ul organza head veil, also wore Hill roses aand stephanotis sur~- liei sigo.1watching slippers vand hose, andirudn ht rhd The bride attended Bwa- short white gloves. They car- rudn ht rhd ville public and high schools and ried bouquets of white chrys- Miss Ruth Honegger, a nurse is a graduate of the Librarian's anthemums interspersed with at Bella Bella, B.C., attended course at the University of 1 blue cornflowers. the bride as mai dof honour Toronto. She was librarian at The best man was Wayne and the bridesmaids were Miss Bowmanville High School and, Tompkins. Ushers were Messrs. Mary McAvoy of Toronto and then became secretary there. M r. Ross Marshall (cousin of the Mrs. Clarence Arlow, sister of Allin also attended Bowman-t groom) and Glen and Basil Fee the groom. Dressed alike in aqu- ville schools and went into radior (brothers of the bride). amarine ervstal charm, their work with Station CKGW here. Following the ceremony a re- gowns were fashioned with a He remained with the Canadian ception was held at Marsh Hall. fitled bodice and a full skirt Broadcasting Corporation when. 'For the recepi ion the bride's with accord ion pleated inserts. it acquired the station, and lis mother wore a dress of light They wore matching feather now Maintenance Engineer at blue lace with wide organza hats and carried crescents of the CBC studios in Toronto. f- eln1iiziý Rev. D. R. Dewdney offîci- ated and the wedding music was played by the church or- ganist, Mrs. John Garrod. The Soloist, Mrs. Everett Brown, aunt of the bride, sang "0 Per- fect Love" and "I Love You Truly" during the signing of the register. The bride who was given in marriage by her father, chose ,a ballerina length dress of white jacquard taffeta, the full skirt of unpressed pleats worn over a hoop. The bodice had cap sleeves and a wide neckline. Short nylon mittens completed her ensemble. Her shoulder length veil of nylon tulle was gathered to a sequin trimmed pleated nylon tulle headband and she carried a bouquet of red roses. Miss Joan Carbray, Peter- borough, was brideamaid, wear- ing a dress of shrimp colored crystal charm with matching shoes and a white feather head- dress. Her flowers were white MUMS. Mr. Williarm Skelding. bro- ther of the groom. was best man and ushers were Mr. Wil- liam Lake, Jr., and Mr. Donald Lake. brothers of the bride. Tne guests were received at the home of the bride*s par- ents, the bride's mother wear- ing a dusty pink crepe dressa and corsage of white and pinkj carnations. The groom's mothar was in beige lace with a cor- sage of pink and white carna- tions. For travelling the bride chose a grey suit with tur- quoise feather hat, turquoise gloves and a corsage of y1ellow mums. Tho rcouple will live at 175 Athol St. E., Oshawa. 9 mange Q. cen a pers.. gos uamwe frons a ulog? A. Perhaps. Mange is caused by a mite that burrows into the skia. There are two general types, the itch mite and a follicular mite. The itch mite is a pest cf man so it is possible that a mangy dog could pass it along to bu- inans. Altbough pets can carry diseases, with reasonable care they can stili bc enjoyed and should not be regarded as a dan- gerous source cf infection to humans. Maierial in MEDICAL MIRROR &; based on various scientific piblications andi dot's not necessaily tefet the opinion of/ail doctors. Thse diagnosis and treaitent o.f disease requites thse skli a nd Icnowedge whieh onir a physicion con apply b~y personalit aUending the patient. Lellers waH be answered in these columns anonymously. Direct your inquiries to 3. Downey Rabston, M.. SbENCE EDITORS, P.O. BOX 3%E Unadho Sq.. Sia., New Yoek 10, N. Y. eu ema 31 Qeu eNA a3yleu The couple left for the West Coast with the bride wearing a royal blue sheath dress top- ped with a royal blue coat and matching hat. Before her marriage, the bride was entertained at a miscellaneous shower given by Mrs. Wm. Pyatt of Willowdale; a miscellaneous shower given bv Mrs. George Rankin of Wil- lowdale: a miscellaneous show- er given by Miss Mary McAvoy of Toronto; a miscellaneous shower at Elizabeth Meek's, Caledon: a kitchen shower at Jean and Margaret Ann Hunt- er's. Toronto nd a miscellan- eous shower given b 'v Mrs. Har- old Fascoe, Hampton, Ont. The bride also received at a trous- seau tea at her mother's home. The couple wiil reside near Caledon, Ontario. PONTYPO OL This community was sadden- ed and shocked to learn of the sudden passing of Mr. Walter Rowan of Bethany. Deceased was the father of Mrs. Cliff- ord Fallis and Mrs. Bernard, Neals. To all who mourn we extend our sympathv. Several from here a ttended the very fine Anniversary Serv- ice in Manvers Church on Sun- day' with the Mt. Houb Young Feople's Choir supplying a fine service of song. Immediate neighbours of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Webb and dau- ghters gathered at their home on Friday evening for a Fre- sentation and farewell party. Thev were the recipients o some rice giftF and the verv best w"ses of ail go withl them THO MAT, MI-T. The sympathy of aur comn- munity goes out to Mr. and Mrs. C. Jensen in the sudden passing of their littie boy. To Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Hea- slip in the passing of her mo- ther, Mrs. J. W. Irvine, and to the wife and family of the late Gordon Stinson. Mr. Ross Beattie and Mr. Neil Kerr called on the Vie Malcolms, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Johns and. L. Joblin spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clark Will- iams at their cottage, Caesarea. Mrs. Malcolm Emerson spent a couple of days in Toronto last week. Mr. and Mrs. Vie Malcolm spent SunéaN, evening with Mr. and Mrs. Rae Malcolm, Janet- ville. Miss Irene Emerson and Mr. jBruce Witherley, Oshawa, Mr.* and Mrs. Edgar Emerson and boys Don Milîs. were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. Em- erson. Callers on Sunday with L. Joblin were Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd and Ross, Newtonville, Mr. Norman Malcolm, Toronto. See them now and beat the crowds... .do your important Christmas Shopping while aur selection is stdll com- plete. Take advantage of our liberal layaway plan. As fectured on IV JEmWELLERY King St. W. Bowmanville Bu y These Contes! Brarnds Save 3c rn BREEZEWhite or Blue C ORN SYRU? 5 Lb Tn_ c B E Z Large size 4c _____________69____ BREEZE BREEZE White or Blue Giant size White or Blue King size 7c Off Pack cf 4 Bars LIFEBUOY SOAP 83C $1.29 37c1 Regular size Lux Liquid Soap 2 I'r23c Bath size Lux Liquid Soap 2 Fr33c Large pkg. SURF DETERGENT 43c Giant pkg. SURF DETERGENT 83c RINSO Large pk. 38C RINSO Giant pkig 73c LUX LIGUID Large tin 43c LUX LIGUID Giant tin 83c WISK Large -------43c WISK 10c Off Giant ---75c Solo MARGARINE Lb. Pkg 2 î-or 53c Good Luck - 4c off MARGARINE Lb. Pkg. 29c r- -- - - - --------- - --- BEST BUY! ENGLISH CHINA WR *in every package ~ i EXTRA » *New Blue Detergenr t _ GatSpecI79 Birds Eye Frozen Foods Chicen, urke orBeef, ea. 69e Bird Ey FrzenOrange Juice, 6 oz. tn29c ~-- CONYEST BRAND Aunt Morys 75c Best Buy Catelli 16 oz. pkg. MACARONI Best Buy - Save 6c Salada 60 bags TEA BAGS Ifor3lc 73c QUALITY MEATS Fresh - Lean - Boneless PORIK LOIN ROLLS Lb. 6 7c Fresh, Lean, Beef Plate, Boneless POT- ROAST - - Lb. 45C Swift's Skinless - 1 lb. pkg. Brookfield SAUSAGE Swift's- Sliced or Piece PREMIUM BOLOGNA Lb. 47c Lb. 33C FRESH PRODUCE Feature Ontario Select BLUE CHAPES Juicy - Fancy No. 1 Barileil PEARS Heaping 6 qt. basket Grade Heaping 6 qt. basket 69C 59C Tasty, Nuttritiotus SWEET POTATOES3 Ibs. 2. Sc No. 1 Ontario Yellow O NIONS - 101lh. bag Crisp, rnouth watering Ontario Mclntosh APPL S Fancy grade A P P LE6 qt. basket 39c 75c "Features" Red & White Choice TENDER PEAS, 20 oz. tin, 4 for 57e Wagstaffe's RASPBERRY JAM, 24 oz. jar 43c Dyson's Plain DILL PICKLE4, 24 oz. jar . 3 for $1.00 York Brand - 16 oz. jar BREAD & BUTTER PICKLES 2 for 53e Johnson 's KLEAR LIQUID WAX, 16 oz. tin 69c Red & White Choice CREAM STYLE CORN, 20 oz. tin 2 for 33e THERE'S A RED AND WHITE STORE NEAR YOU BOWMANVILLE - Yeo's Marketeria MAPIE GROVE - Maple Grove Groceteria KINGSWAY SUPER MARKET KING ST.- EAST 0F TOWN LINE ORONO- Cornish Marketeria BIACKSTOCK - Blyth's Market Farnous Elizabeth Arden with convcnicnt'Loe-Top a nti L pnser June Geranium or Bluîe Grass iVow 'in pla.stic boule ~.; ~ '.'tlaleak-proof toc-. topliai releases one precious drop at a N finie (Linîited Tme only) Blended with ail Miss Arden's renowned skill- one drop of this famous hand lotion actually does the work of ten! It contains a secret ingredient that makes the handb softer, w~hiter, less likely ta chap. 4 o. $125 JItràY & LOVELL NIA 3-5778 ON&lI. ta their new homne near New- castle. Mrs. Lily Richardson is re- ported improving and is now visiting with her brother at Lotus. While no seriaus frost dam- . age is reported, tobacco farm- ers are working hard ta harv- est the crop soon in case more cold weather is around the cor- ner. __ North Nestieton h

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