COURTICE BOWMAN VILLE THUfSDAY, SEPT. lSth, 1958 PjASU -"M CANAD!AN STATIMA1f. EOWMAN'V7LLP, O!NTART Dr. Mutchmor SpeakerJ At Laymen'ys Conference I "Fulfil your Ministry" was quor trade". the theme for 140 Igvmen at- Dr. Mutchmor.answered ex- tending the third annual Bav temporaneously questions sub- of Quinte Men's Conference mitted dealing with subjects held at Belleville's Albert Col- ranging from nucleaur warfare:, lege iast weekend. Three dele- total abstinence, settiement of gate attended from Hampton; the present beer strike and ob- Harold Balson, Marshall Fran- scene literature. cis and Elgin Taylor. "Fifteen million aduits learn Dr. J. R. Mutehmor. secret- to read everv year-but what ary of Evangelism and Social do they read? When did you Service, c o m plimented the ]ast read a book on religion.'. churoh iaymen an the effective- said Morrison Kelly, Professor ness 'of their work. plans and of Public Worship. Emmanuel progress in re-vitalizing the College, Toronto. "We are fa ced' role of men in the total pro- with people who appear to gram of the church. have neyer graduated from the Dealing wit~h the subject Sunday School-people who "Moral Issues", Dr. Mutchrnor have to learn to grow up in an said, 'when it cornes to sorne understanding of Christ. A pop- major moral issue when we ular question seems to be-how (the United Church) have con- little can a man believe and victions and others will flot stili be a Christian" pronounce their convictions we The Con ference was opened must say we will go on alone. by Sid Martin, Frankford, Plan- But, we should not be bitter, ing Committee chairman. Gre- mnischievious nor dogrnatic". For etings were brought by Dr. A. exampie, said Dr. Mutchmor, E. McKenzie, principal, and the United Church has taken an Judge J. C. Anderson, chairman officiai position o! "uncom- o! the Board of Governors at promising opposition t the i- Albert College: Rev.*J. F. Lane, AGENTS REQUIRED MEN OR WONEN (full or part-time) who desire te associate with a new business whlch would give them an annual renewable income wlth the anly requirements being a $25.00 refundable deposit and a willingness to present our Picture Tube Replacement Plan te the owners of TV sets on commission, Integrity not age of primary importance Ail applicants will be interviewed by one of our representatives WRITE TO: SEECOST ELECTRONICS LIMITED 173 Roxborough St. W. Toronto 5 Ontarii io 'iere's the best ln heating comfort RED TRADEMARKED FAMOUS READING ANTHRACITE Vow cmu b. Sw O "mame gefllng lthe world's finest bord coati R.mmubhku. La .conosny in quality. Ask for à àodoyl STOVE -NUT *PEA eBRIQUETS FILL YGUR COAL BIN NOW AND SAVE STEPHEN FUELS RAI PHONE MA 3-5410 - r.Iiwhma Office at C.N.R. Yards 1.98 PAPERMATIE Vacuum Botties 79e 49e SCHOOL MATE PEN Bail Point Pen _____9C B Oth for $1-98 301 ASA. Tablets 49c Bail Point Pen Freee1 Nylon Bristle Brush Free with 63e Pepsodent Piste w th 89e Coigate's Paste Nea-Chemical Food- Caps - 1.95, 3.45, 1.65 Llquld -- 1.85, 3.95, 6.85 One-A-Day Multiple Vitamins- 1.40, 2.50. 3.95 Wampoles Extract 1.50, 2.75 Scott's Emulsion 1.00, 2.00 Tri-Vi-Sol -- 1.55, 2.80, 4.00 Aiphamettes 1.00, 1.85, 3.50 NyaI Multiple Vitamins 100 capsules . 3.00 Phospholex Tabs.- 2.50 100 Beforte Tabs 4.25 Beminal Tabs 1.50, 3.75 Ostoco Tabs 1.75, 4.75 Vi Cal Fer - 1.95, 4.95 Shavlng Geriiol Hair Mirrors Contains Brushes Vitamins and Minerais 39c 1.35 - 3.29 -5.49 59e to $4.95 Creophos Stops Bronchial Coughs - $1.50 COWLI NG'S PTIONE MA 3-5865 DRUG STORE WE FIT TRUSSES '4UEEEBEEIEEREEEEEEEREEUMEEUMIEEEEEEUEEMEIMI Winners fi-rn Cartwright ir the Penny Dmaw for Part Per. rv Hospital Saturday weme Mmi Merrill Van Camp, trike; Mrs Earl Bradburn. trouble lamp Mrs. Ivan Proutt. deep !myer Miss Pat Pascae, fishing kit. Mesdames Roy Turner. Nel Bailey, John Ballingal and Ivar Thompson and Miss June Arm. strong spent the weekend a Doe Lake attending a Gir. Guide officers' get-together. Mm. and Mrs. W. Archer ac. companied Mr. and Mrs. Elmei Archer af Whitby ta Ingoldsk. on Sundav. Mrs. Archer remainý rd for the funerai of hem neý phew, Mr. Fred Hicks, an Mon. da. Miss Helen Van Camp, Osh awa. spent Sunday with hei mother, Mrs. W. W. Van Camp Margo Murphy, TYrone. spen- last week with hem aunt, Mns Roy McLaughlin. Mm. and Mrs. Russell Mc. Laughlin, Bowmanville. spen- last week with Mrs. Carl Me. ILaughhîrx and boys. to.snntlast week with Mr and Mrs. Johin Carnaghan. Sorrv ta report Mrs. Jas. Gini 9, a"~ Mr. Meredith English ix FLAFF 0F THE WEEK 1 pesident, Bay of Quinte Con- r ence. .,The spirit of this confer- ence is equal to any". said Ralph Wilson, associate secre- tary, the Board ai Men, "and there is a new vitality camniC~ into the church through t e enthusiasm, interest and concern ai 34,000 churehmen in 806 mens' clubs. Worship, work, retreat and renewal, a challen- ge and a caîl to effective Christ- ian service, said Mr. Wilson, is needed in the church and in the world where we live and work. We should be constantly evaiuating the program ta mea- sure its effectiveness. Fred Mclndoo, Conferenoe Mens' Council president, pre- sided during a review ai men's womk in seven presbyteries. The delegates attended a ser- vice of Communion Sunday morning led by Chairman Sid Martin. Rev. MacKenzie and Dr. Kelly served the elernents ta teamns o! elders. BLÂCKSTOCK The funeral service of BillY Jensen, six vear aid son of Mr. an d Mrs. Christopher Jenson who was killed by a cow on" Tuesdav evening, was held at the McDermott - Panabaker Funeral chapel, Port Perry, jThursday afternoon. Rev. P. Romnemil conducted the service and delivered a comforting jmessage to the bereaved par- ents. Interment was in Nestle- ton cemetery. Palîbearers were, Messrs. John Gmnum. Hans Egli, George Goodson and Allan Wil- Ison. The Mission Band held their first get-together of the fal season on Tuesday. Mrs. Har- old Kyte conducted the war- ship telling the story o! the 1rodigal Son. The rest a! the 4oum was spent in games and getting acquainted with the new memabers. Only twelve re- membered to corne this time but we hope many more wil be at the next meeting, Sept. 23, right afler 'school in the Primary mooam of the United Sunday School when it is plan- ned ta commence the new fail stî,îdy and progrmr. The Explorer group of the jU nited Church opened for an- other vear with a carn and marshmallow raast on the fair 12. There were 14 girls and the leaders present who enjoyed garnes. singing and fellowship. The leaders this year are Mrs. F. Butt and Mrs: R. Van Camp. Four teachers and 21 pupils of senior grades o! high school attended the Shakespearean Festival in Stratiord Wednes- day. The feature for that a!- ternoon was a special students', matinee showing Henry IV, Part 1. The September meeting o! the O.N.O. Club was held at the home o! Mms. Shirley Turn- er on Thursday evening with 28 members and two visitors present. Final plans were made for catering to the wedding o! Miss Irene Emmerson, Sept. 27. The girls also decided to serve lunch at H. Trewins' sale in October. Gwenith Thompson was delegated ta buy silver- ware and Rena Butt o!!ered to look 'after the purchase o! vegetable bowls. Thank you cards were read fromn Dorothy Marlow and Jean MeLaughlin. All enjoyed a competition o! making up lirn- eicks which were read and caused peals of laughter. The rail caîl was answered with a jpublic school experience, sarne Iof which were very amnusing. Hostess served a delightful lunch. Next meeting ta be at Ith e home o! Betty Scott and e ach member is requested ta bring a photo o hersel taken Ibefore the age of ten. Sih er sympathy is extefld- eMr. and Mrs. C. Jensen in tetragie loss o! Billy; ta the S tînson family in the death o! Gardon; ta Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Heaslip in the death of her mother, Mrs. Irvine. One of these Che vrolet money-makers is rîgh t for your job! ZION Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ruthven werc-- dinneîr guests of Mr. and Mms. Foster Russell, Cobourg, last Sunday. Mr. andl IVrs. John Colter were visititig relatives, in lTor- onto, Saturdîay. Many from this district at- tended Orono Faim Satumday. Messrs. Ray Best. Gera id Best, Pred and H-ary Ra b, motored ta Lindsay ýlast Fri- day. We trust vou are watchin_- the Comin1g Events columoii. The annouiicemnent. of the Centennial Anniversary services werc pub- lishied for Sept. 14. Also the turkev supper foir the follow- ing Wednesday Sept. 17. 'Ne will be looking foi- you. Mr. and Mî-s. E. Ruthiven visited Mr. and Mrs. A. Blan- chard, Caesarea, an Saturdas'. Mm. and Mrs. Norman Gerowv, David and Mms. Ralph Gemow eturned Saturday froni a week's vacation at Wellingtoni. and Mm. and Mrs. Glenn Lar- mcr, attended the fanerai o! their uncle, Mm. Albert Balson of Sauina, on Monday. Mr. ai-d Mrs. Leslie Mount- joy and Mms. John McKee at- tcnded the funcral of Mms. E. White, Tyrone, Sunday. Mms. Franks and Mr. and Mrs. Rcynolds, Peterbor-ough, and Mrs. Herman Wilson, Port Per- mv; were Sunday supper gucsts of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Mount- jav. Mm. and Mms. Mex-rili Van Camp visited friends in Listow- el and Stratfoî'd aver the week- end, also attended London faim Saturday. Dale and Marie vis- ited their gandparents. Mm. and Mrs. Percy Van Camp. Mm. and Mrs. Harold Martyn and boys visîted relatives in Ridgeville Sunday. Mm. and Mrs. Frank Carter, Maple Grove. xisited Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Henry Monda-%. Cubs andScouits commenceri theit- regijlar meetings for the fail last Mondav. PICK(UPS . . . Vour .PAN choicesof ten madels, offer i c u i g Fleetsides with 50%/ more la- ta $Pace. _______ STEP VANS ... Choose LUJ any af three spacious, Che walk-in bodies -8, 10,r peri 12 feet long. of3 NELS. . ers the bil de, plus5 1 0-thausa ýMODEI evralet's rfarmers, 32,000 pi W. M. S. ut Begins New! Blockstock Study Book BLACKSTOCK - W.M.S. o! first chapter o! which is "Know the United Chumch met at the Your Neighbars" and with th-2 home of Mrs. Carl Wright Wed asstance of six ladies repres- nesday afternaon with 14 la- nting as many cauntries sae dies ond thmee children inat made it very interesting. She tendance. conclue vihanumrbeîr o! The president opened the quesionis which were nioely meeting with a poemi, "Friends',. discussed. Mrs. Russell Mountjov in A letter framn Rev. Merrill charge eotoarad the Ferguson. Lutamo, Africa, was Scripture passage, gave a fine rcad. After the closing exer- paper on the moulding o! aur ciscs a lovely lunch was served lives Pnd offeredi praver. by the hostess and the gmoun Mans' interestmng items were in charge with Mrs. Gardon given in answer to the roll cal Stmong, convenar. -A Home Mission Flash. It was decîded that wve have Miss Mary Romeril and Miss F Sa iIn V. Hitchen of Landsdowne .S anln House, Northerrn Ontario, as aur missionamies for prayer,W in P '" during aur study o! Homne Mis- in PiIze inI sians. D Mrs, Roy Taylor. Mrs. J. Carna'ghan and Mrs. Hill told o! D'essm aking the day they spent at School for Leaders. Whitby, August BLACKSTOCK: The girls who 20, bringîng sonie helpful mes- had taken the Singer Sewing sages. Mrs. J. A. Johnston gave Machine Class in sewing for 10 a reading, 'You Can Master weeks this summer (one lesson Worirx"'. Mm-s. John Cai-naghan a week) under the able, direc- introduiced the new studv book, tion o! Mrs. J. Mappin, Nestie- "Concemos of a Continent"; the Itan, went ta Lindsay ta a fashion shonedthesdresses teyhgad- madelcngwtthhdegrs fr am thrde aoherclases.the grs fwre juded by cashoeTeonomîca teacher, issBrarom cadmrcs Simms, of Lindsay. Frances Staniland won iirst rt.ze; Doris Griffin, second; anrilyn Stinson, third in the Sandýers, Lindsay, beat Carol- Blytile, Cacsar,a,, by a smal mars«in in the43 year-ald class. Frances reciv ý sewîng kit which may alsa ,erve as an overnight bag and hier dress has gone ta Toronto ta be judgetd amongst winners from alI parts of Ontario. The wvinner in Toronto must go ta New York and model hem dress. AlI ather contestants received certificates. you want your wife ta listen, talk to another woman. Cet Cash To-day for Old Appiances through STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 DON'T BE FOOLED DY THE PRICE 0F PANT ALONVI Int wht agaIo SAVE 1½ THE EFFORT SAVE 1/a THE TOME SAVE 1/a THE COST with the fïrsi trouble-free, one-coaf 1-OCiIERAE!pl astezin digpae TRFY FRA C FISH eoa oer frmS R seordar, ts.exact cos lo es t ue. ONLY ALL cotons INVISIBLE TOUCHUP! Retouclisurface witld out a trace, minutes or months aller painting. ODORLEIS, FAST-DRYING! 100 %, odor-irs from start to finish. Dries in only 30 minute&. Port Perry Hospital. Glad to sa.y Mr. John Ballin- gal was able ta return home from hosPital Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Tipper and Miss Jeanette McGnee, 'Toron- to, visited Mr. and Mrs . Earl Dorreil and Mrs. J. A. John- stan, Saturday. Miss Gertrude Henry, Toron- to, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Wright and girls spent SundaY with Mr. and Mrs. Bert Visee, Cavan. Mrs. Phena iviountoy, Osh- awa, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. Harold Swain. Mr. and Mrs. George Vick, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. George Rutherford and Allan, Oshawa, wvere Sunday guests of Mrs. Geo. Fowler. Mr. and Mrs. H. Freclen and Judy, Kirkfield, spent the weck- end witb Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hanlan and Donna and Mr. and Mrs. Lavern Wright, Oshawa, were Sunday callers. Mrs. Edna Gibson, Nestleton, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Graham, Sun- day. They all ealled on Mr. and Mrs. Rupt. Byers, Bowman- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Howard Poul- son and Nancy and Mr. Poul- son Sr.. Fenelon Falls, visited Mr. and Mrs. Ray McGill, Sat-, urday.1 Mr. and Mrs. Russel Larmer, Cadmus, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Will.Forder. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hem,. Thessalan and Mr. Russel Spinks, Oshawa, visited Mrs. Ed. Darcy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Brad- burn. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Brad- burn and family, were Sundav guests of Mrs. W. Bradburn and Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Hen- ry, Mrs. W. Bradburn went to Toronto with Lorne's for a visit. Mrs. H. Graham and Miss Verena, Toronto, spent a cou- ple o! days with their relatives in thîs part last week. Mrs. Andrew Devitt. and Miss Helen. Bowmraville, were Sun- day supper guests of Mrs. S. A. Devitt and Mrs. David Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Lai-mer. ,Chevrolet iggest panel 5 more af 5- and pounds. LS .4aof s sturdiest with G.C.W. ounds. CAB AND CHASSIS ..* Models in every weight- c lass, rm 5,000 bs. .v,.tu 35,000 Ibs. G.C.W. TANDEMS . . . Chevre- Iet's mightiest haulers with G.C.W. up tib 50. thausand pounds. CHEVROLET JOTRCK TRCS28 ROY W. N ICHOLS 41'm onJy a Cub-scout, ma'am-my seat wouldn't help yau muchl" 1 - 1 - - - ABERNETHY Point & Wallpaper 33 King St. W. Bowmanville ýMA 3-3431