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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1958, p. 9

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?E~fSDAY, 8KM'. 25~i, 195S T CANADIAN STATAN, EOWMANVTLLE, ONTAMO PAGE NDU Durham's 4-m H Club Enti Make EXCE Ir ._ Li ndsaiy Sb&ie Durham County 4-H CountyG Club Members exhibited Calves ham Coi and Swine at the Inter-County Douglas. Show at Lindsay Fair on Sep- caîf in I tember 17. I addition the Dur- YellowleE ham County Junior Farmers Bruce HE erected an Inter-County Exhi- lyn placir bit on which tbey won lst pnize. The So In competition with the ry Cal! calves from the Counties o! On- the Senio tario, Victoria, Peterborough, with the Northumberland, and the dis- the class. trict o! Muskoka the Durham cîass ail County members certainly madeshwn an ex cellent showing w ith the hwn swine club placing second in the ing Grar ville, Ror gnoup o! three glîts being sec- Bowmann ond to Victoria. Those exhibi- Hampton. ting swine !rom the County were Donald Bradburn, Burke- The1 ton, Carman BaIl, Orono, John Club was David Allun, Bowmanville, and nie Baki Edward Kow4l, Bowmanville. Rickard., The Junior Holstein Inter- James D lent Showing pFair Competil Group was won by Dur- ounty 4-H Cal! Club. Jose had the lst prize the gnoup with Harold es placing second and fendry and Paul Tamb- dng well up in the class. ;outh Durham 4-H- Dai- Club placed second in ior Holstein Group class SOmemee Club winning sThose showing in this Il made an excellent Swith the members be- nt Glaspeli. Bowman- nald & Donald Welsb, iville, and Lorne Tink, Durham 4-H Beef Cal! as represented by Ron- ker, Hampton, James Bowmanville, and Osborne, Newcastle. List of Prize Winners At Big Blackcstockc Fair (Continued from last week) Six light cup cakes-Mrs. D. Domestie Science and Dairy Dorreil, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. E. Produce W. Steele. Fruit loaf, yeast - Mrs. F. Six tarts 3 different kinds-- Days, rs GldysThmpsn.Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. H. Van Dave, Ms. lads Tompon.Camp. White Bread-Mrs. F. Dayes, Six bran muffins - Mrs. I. Mrs. Gladys Thompson, Mrs. S. Mountjoy, Mrs. D. Dorreli, Moore. Joyce Graham. Brown Bread-Mrs. Gladys Six biscuits plain - Joyce Thompson, Mrs. F. Dayes. Graham, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. Six pan buns, plain-Mrs. I. Gladys Thompson. Mountjoy, Mrs. Gladys Thomp- Pumpkin Pie - Mrs. Gladys son, Mrs. F. Daves. Thompson, Mrs. Mountjoy, Mrs. Pan Chelsea buns-Mrs. Gla- D. Dorreil. dys Thompson, Mrs. S. Moore, Raisin pie - Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. I. Mouintjoy. Mrs. 1. MoLintjoy, Mrs. G. Banana laver cake-Mrs. G. Brown. Brown, Joyce Grabam, Mrs. S. Apple Pie-Mrs. I. Mountjoy, Moore. Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. F. Dayes. Chocolate chiffon cake-Mrs. Cherry Pie - Mrs. H. Van S. Moore, Mrs. G. Brown. Camp, Joyce Graham, Mrs. I. Angel cake uniced-Mrs. S. Mountjoy. Moore, Mrs. G. Brown. Lemon Pie.-Mrs. S. Moore, Light layer cake iced for lth Joyce Graham, Mrs. G. Brown. weddinz-Mrs. D. Dorreli, Mrs. Pineapple Pie, lattice top - G. Brown, Mrs. S. Moore. Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. I. Mount- Chocolate layer cake made joy. from Neilson's cocoa - Joyce Chocolate fudge - Mrs. Van Graham, Mrs. D. Dorreil, Mrs. Camp, Mrs. S. Moore. Joyce I. Mountjoy. Graham. Fruit cake dark uniced-Mrs. One dozen white eggs-Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Larry Hoskin, Edith McLaughlin. Allan Bailey. Fruit cake ligbt uniced-Mrs. One dozen brown eggs - S. Moore, Mrs. G. Brown. Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Mrs. D. Date and nut loaf-Mrs. H. Dorreil, Larry Ashton. MeLaughlin, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. Plate fancy cookies-Mrs. G. E. W._Steçr.l_ç Brown. FARM'ERS!, "Mick" Brown wishes to thank ail his customers who have taken advantage of these Iow prices and have miade it possible for him to make the trip to Nassau . .. but in ail sincerity he wants Mrs. Brown to accompany hlm . .. so the sale is stili on . . . Prices are cut to rock bottom on ail machinery. Corne in and look over our stock of: Traclors - Combines - Other Machinery Operatiof. Nassau is Under Way . Don't Delay . Corne in To-day! SPECIAL!1 FIRESTONE DRYERS ONY$169001 W;ý H. Brown CASE DEALER 91 King St. W. MA 3-5497 This group won !irst pnize In the Shorthorn section and went through to, be Reserve Grand Champion Group of the show. Jim Rowan, Bowmanville. ex- hibited the second pnize cal! :n the Hereford Group, while Helen Strong Bethany ' exh.-. bited !ourth pnize steer. A cal! Rodeo was held in the evening with 12 boys taking part. The boys had to be mem- bers o! a, Bee! Club in 1958, be between the ages of 14 and 17, and make a good showing in their own Bec! Cal! Club. Six calves were placed in the ring and the boys had to catch the cal! no.t using a nope, hold it, and place a halter on it. They, then had to take It across th e finish line. James Rickard didi succeed in securing a Hereford Salad Dressing-Mrs. Gladys Thompson. Raspberries 1 pint-Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. E. Fines, Mrs. S. Moorc. Cherries 1 pint - Mrs. G. Brown. * Peaches 1 pint - Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. G. Brown. Pears 1 pint-Mrs. G. Brown. G. pbr jam 1 pint-Mrs. G.Brown, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. M. Coates. * Strawberry jam 1 pint-Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. S. Moore, Mns. M. Coates. Marmalade 1 pint citrus- Mrs. G. Brown. Chili sauce 1 pint - Mrs. Editb McLaughlin, Mrs. G. *Brown. Cucumber pickle, nine day- Mrs. llarr v Van cam-p. Bread and buitter pickle -- Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. G. Brown. Corn relish-Mrs. G. Brown. Pickled beets -- Mrs. Edit'h McLaugblin, Mrs, G. Brown, Mrs. E. Fines. Three jars Jams or jellv de- corated for Christmas gift - Mrs. H. Skerratt. School lunch-Mrs. H. Sker- ratt, Joyce Graham. Magic B.aking Powder Spe- cial best frosted single layer white cake-Mrs. D. Dorrell, Joyce Graham. Lake of the Woods Milling Co. Specials, Best loaf white bread with Five Roses flour -- Mrs'. Gladys Thompson, Mrs. F. Dayes, Mrs. S. Moore. Light layer cake with Five Roses-Mns. D. Dorrell, Mrs. G. Brown. Raisin pie with Five Roses Floun-Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. F. Dayes. Domestic Pie and Cake Corn- petition, Pie - Mns. S. Moore, Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. I. Mount- joy. Cake-Mrs. S. Moore, Mns. D. Dorreil, Mrs. G. Brown. O.N.O. Special Edible cen- ter piece for childs birthday party - Blackstock W.A., Mns. D. Dofrell, Mrs. W. Wright. Simpson Sears Silver Plate for highest number o! points in domestic science and home economics-Bns. G. Brown, Osh- awa. Mns. S. Moore and Mns. M. Coates had highest points but werc ineligible being pnevious winners. Grain Sceds and Hay Bushel faîl wheat white-Roy Werry. Bushel oats early-R. Larmer, F. Trewin, G. Larmer. Bushel oats late - R. Mc- Laughlin, Harold Swain, F. Trewin. Bushel barley 2 rows-Harold Swain. Shea! oats - Harold Swain, Roy Werry. Baled hay, !irst cuttîng - Larny Ashton, K. Van Camp, Harold Swain. Vegetabies and Roots Early Potatoes - Mrs. H-. Van Camp, Mrs. E. Fines, Ar- dis MeArthur. Late Potatoes-Mrs. H. Van Camp, Larry Ashton. Table Carrots-Mrs. E. Fines, Mrs. H. McLaughlin, Ardis Mc- Arthur. Pie Pumpuins-Mrs. H. Mc- Laughlin, Ardis McArtbur. Table Beets - Mrs. H. Mc- balt stroîpro PIONEER RA chilo szvw urflglîtuuCSftl#i One light-hut-tough alloy casting froni bar mounting to rear handle! Here's your guerantee of the longest life under the toughest cutting conditions - only with Pioneer RA! Look at these other RA "firsts", too . . . snap-off hood for instant servicing ease . . . big, piston-ported power ... you can't buy more chain saw far pour moneyl ,Test Pioneer tomnorrowl Se. the famous Piencer M.%odel TIC as lovw as $199.50 - 10% downi Balance on easy terins. 45. S. Morton & Son Bowmanville, Ontario I I -a j Bath towel crocheted trini- Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. E. Steele, Mrs. S. Moore. Mrs. D. Martyn, Mrs. G. Brown, IMrs. M. Coates. Guest towel-Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs M. Coates,' Mrs. S. Moore. Top sheets and pillow cases embroidered-Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. H. Sker- ionis ratt. Quilt, appliqued and embroi- dered-Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. H. Calf, while James Rowan who Skerratt. dîd not secure a cal! was pre- Quili appliqued - Mrs. S. sented with $5.00, a Stetson Hat, Moore. and a leather show halter. Quiît cotton double wedding Durham County Junior Farm- ring-Mrs. S. Moore. ers on st paceon te ehi- Quilt cotton pieced any other ei rs won st placeoste Aeh.-Pattern-Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. bits CaeesseoCause i-x. Moore, Mrs. E. Steele. déns. he hem o!ther e - Crib quilt-Mrs. S. Moore, hibit was the fact many acci- Mrs. M. Coates. dents on the farm could be pre- ,Vented if reasonable judgment Miscellaneous was used. Xnitting bag-Mrs. H. Sker- ratt, Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. G. The Durham County Group Brown. was under the direction o! A. 0. Daîrymple, Agricultural Re- Quilt blocks 5 patterns - presentative. Mr. Ron Brooks Mrs. L. Patterson. leader o! the Swine Club As- Article made from wrought sisted the Swine Club Members iron crochet-Mrs. H. Skerratt. with the show while Messrs. Artificial evening corsage - Carlos Tamblyn, Grant Glas- Mrs. E. Steele, Mrs. M. Coates, peUl, Wesley Yellowlees, and Mrs. S. M6ore. Russell Osborne assisted with Cross stitch article - Mrs. the group calf club show. Gladys Thompson, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. M. Coates. Lauhli, Ms. . Vn CmpsoOven mitts-Mrs. L. Patter- LaughlintMn. H.VnCmsn, Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. G.' Larry shton.Brown. Onions, Dutch sets- Ardis Tea 'towels 2 hand finished- McArthur. Mrs. 8. Moore, Mrs. G. Brown, Onions yellow from seed- Mrs. E. Steele. Mrs. E. Fines, Mrs. 1. Mountjov.* Fancy handkerchiefs - Mrs. Onions, Spanish - Mrs. E. G. Brown, Mrs. Skerratt, Mrs. Fines. E. Steele. Mangolds, white - K. Van Pot Hlolders-Mrs. E. Steele.I Camp. Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. S. Moorfc. i Mangolds, any other variety Mats for bot dishes-Mrs. H. -K. Van Camp.'rs. 1Tomatoes - Larry Ashton, 1 Skerratt, Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs Mrs.~ ~ ~ ~ ~M H.MLuhiAdsM-M Coates. Arrs. H eagln r e Group o! six pîctures-Mrs. Arthur.M. Coa tes, Mrs. H. Skerratt, Table corn-Ardis McArthur. Mrs. S. Moore. Sheaf Ensilage Corn - K. Chiild's toy stuffed-Mrs. H. Van Camp, M. Van Camp. Skenratt, Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. Collection Vegetables-Aiban D. Martyn. Bailey, Ardis McArthur. MDnessed doll-Mrs. S. Moore, Parsnips-Lanry Ashton. Mrs. H. Skerratt, Mrs. M. Ladies Department--Chidren's Coates. Wear Hiand Loom Weaving-Mrs. Baby's knitted wool set-Mrs. L.- Patterson, Joyce Graham. S. Moore, Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. Wool bat, crocheted or knit.. G. Brown., ted-Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. S. Baby's wool set, crocheted- Moore, Mrs. H. Skerratt. Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. G. Brown, Gift parcel wrapped-Mrs. M. Mrs. H. Skerratt. Coates, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. H. Baby's short dress !ancy- Skerratt. Mrs. H. Skernatt, Mrs. S. Women's Instîtute display - Moore, Mrs. M. Coates. Blackstock, Solina, Nestleton. Baby's fancy canniage coven Plants and Flowers -Mrs. H. Skerratt. Astes-Allan Bailey, Mrs. E. Cbild's dress hand smocked- Fines. Mrs. H. Skerratt, Mrs. D. Mar- Giant Zinnias - Mrs. M. tyn, Mrs. G. Brown. Coates,, Eileen Van Camp, Mrs. Cbild's cotton dress-Mrs. M. E. Fines. Coates, Mrs. H. Skerratt. Pom pomn Zinnias-Mrs. M. Little boy's sun suit-Mrs. H. Coates, Allan Bailey, Mrs. E. Skernatt, Mrs. D. Martyn, Mrs. Fines. M. Contes. Phlox, annual-Mrs. E. Fines, Little girl's sun suit-Mrs. H. Mrs. M. Coates. Mrs. S. Moore. Skerratt, Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. Snapdragons-Mrs. S. Moore, S. Moore, Mrs. E. Fines, Mrs M. Coates. Child's corduroy overaîls - Single petunias-Mrs. H. Mc- Mrs. G .Brown, Mrs. M. Coates, Laughlin, Ardis McArthur, Al- Mrs. H. Skerratt. ian Bailey. Child's sweater coat and African niarigolds - Mvrs. E. socks-Mrs. M. Coates. Fines. Child's pyjamas flannelette- Roses-Mrs. E. Fines. Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. H. Sken- Salpiglossis - Mrs. S. Moore, ratt. Mrs. E. Fines. Pleated skirt, faîl, with cotton Calendula-Mrs. M. Coates. blouse-.-Mrs. M.ý Contes. Sweet Peas-Allan Bailey. Ladies' Wea.r Scabiosîs-Mns. E. Fines, Mrs. Fancy Apron-Mrs. M. Contes, M. Contes. Mrs. D Mgvtrtyn, Mrs. G. Brown. Best arranged low basket- Practical kitchen apron-Mrs Mrs. M. Coates, Allan Bailey. D. Martyn, Mrs. M. Contes, Mrs. Best arranged high basket- H. Skerratt. Mrs. M. Coates. Duster cat-Mrs. M. Coates. Gladiolus-Mrs. H. McLaugh- Wool cardigan, knt-Mrs. G. lin, Allan Bailey. Brown, Mrs. M. Coates. Collection potted plants - House dress-Mrs. G. Brown, Allan Bailey. Mrs. M. Contes, Mns. S. Moore. Collection cut flowers-Mrs. Slip-Mrs. M. Contes E. Fines, Mrs. S. Moore., Parasuit-Mrs. H. Sker- Collection 4 house plants- ratt, Mrs. M. Coates. la Biey Nightgown, summer weight- Collection 4 diffenent cacti- Mrs. D. Martyn, Mrs. H. Sker- Allan Bailey, Ardis McArthur. natt, Mrs. M. Contes. Table center-Mrs. M. Coates, Gloves, wool, knit-Mrs. E. Mns. S. Moore, Ardis McArthur. Fines, Mrs. M. Coates, Mrs. G. Teen Age Girls Brown. Huck guest towel - Eileen Mitts, wool, knit - Mrs. M. Van Camp, Shirley Gilbank. Coates. Fancy article - Eileen Van Sockees, wool, hand knit- Camp. Mrs. G. Brown. Apron, peasant-Donna Mc- Blouse, fancy-Mrs. M. Contes. Laughlin. Sun dress-Mrs. M. Coates9, Cotton pyjamas-Shirley Gil- MIrs. M. Colley, Mrs. S. Moore.1bank. Mther and daugthter apnrn Coto.r-1- Mrae Mvoore. i Men's Wear Mitts !ancy knit - Mrs. M. Contes. Pyjama suit-Mns. H. Skcn- natt, Mrs. M. Contes. Henvy work socks wool hand knit-Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. S. Moore, Mns. M. Contes. Fancy socks wool hand knit- Mrs. G. Brown, Mns. M. Contes, Mns. S. Moore. Sweater coat wool hand knit - Mns. Skernatt, Mns. M. Contes, Mns. S. Moore. Wool sleeveless sweater - Mrs, M. Contes, Mrs. G. Brown. Living-room Accessories Chesterfield set crocbeted- Mrs. M. Contes, Mrs. H. Sker- ratt, Mrs. E. Steele. Cushion wool punch work- Mrs. H. Skernatt, Mrs. D. Mar- tyn, Mrs. G. Brown, Cush ion wool knit-Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. M. Contes, Mrs. G. Brown. Cushion silk !ancy-Mrs. H. Skerratt, Mrs. M. Coates. Neeedlepoint article-Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. H. Skenratt. Doilies 3 kinds o! wonk- Mrs. G. Brown, Mrs. H. Sken- natt, Mrs. E. Stecle. Bi4!fet set - Mrs. E. Stecle, Mrs. M. Contes, Mrs. S. Moore. Place mats-Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. M. Contes, Mrs E. Stecle. Lunicheon cloth and servi- ettes-Mrs. E. Steele, Mrs. S. Moore. Mrs. M. Contes. Oul Painting-Joyce Graham, Mrs. M. Coates. Rugs and Mats Rug hooked-Mrs. M. Coates, Mirs. G. Brown, Mrs. S. Moore. Rng rug brnided - Mrs. L. Patterson, Mrs. W. Rahm, Mrs. S. Moore. Bedrooni Accessonies r)rezsing table sct-Mrs. H. ' kerr. tt, Mrs. S. Moore, Mrsz. M1. cf tes. Pillo\' cases embnoidcred - M'rs. G. Brown, Mrs. S. Moore, Virs. M. Contes. Pillow cases crocheted lace- G. Brown, Mrs. E. Steele, Vins. M. Contes. Pillow cases cut work-Mrs.. fSkexratt. Mà&Q«ts, il Producers Meet To Organize Up set Hog Marketing Plan Eleven Ontario hog producers met Thursday to organize opp- osition to the July vote by far- mers which favoured a compul1- sory hog marketing program in Ontario. The group, headed by Peter McDonald o! Bright, tentatively called itself the Free Enterpnise Hog Producers' Committee. It announced a study will be made witb the idea o! starting legal proceedings to have the July vote set aside. In the plebiscite, 67.5 of the voting producers favored hav- ing the Ontario Hog Producers' Co-operative contrai ahl hog sal- es in the province. A two-thirds majority was needed. Committee members said they could prove their were a num- ber o! discrepancies in thepre- sent plan, enough to have It thrown out. But they did flot want to see co-operative mar- keting disappear-they wanted a new plan that would "show more resj5ect for the rights of individuals." Oppose compulsion "We are opposed to compul- sory marketing," said Edgar Martin o! Chatham. "I don't- know were they get the word co-operative in (the present) setup." The committee dlaims to re- present about bal! the hog pro- ducers in the province. It is expected to send net,- resentatives to a meeting of tIhe Ontario Hog Producers' Assoc- iation and Co-Operative Sept. 18, when some means of end- ing stnife among swine pro- ducers might be decided. 13 Canadian Hogs Bought by Sweden Thirteen Canadian hogs pur- chased hy Sweden will be ship- ped overseas Friday. 1The Yorksbires were secured to introduce new blood toaa swine population that is feel- ing the ef!ects o! close breed- ing. Large Entry Indicated For Plowing Reports reaching F. A. Lash- ley. Secretary-Manager o! tne Ontario Plowmen's Association are to the effect, that prepara- tions for the forth-coming In- ternational Plowing Match ta be hcld at Cryslcr, Octaber 7 to 10 are well undcrway. Ad- vance applications for space in- dicate that the number o! cx- hibits and demonstrations will be large. Already the Farmstead Im- provement, Competition bas had considerable effect, in the dis- trict with farmn honmes taking on n new look. Winners o! thei competitions will be an- nounced during the plowing match. More than usuai interest is being taken this year in the Canadian Championship Plow- ing Con.test which will be held on October 9th in conjunction with the International. Winners o! this match will represent Canada at the World Plowing Match at Colenaine, Northern Ireland. Rules and pnognamn for the 'Canadian National" have been prepared and are in the course o! being distributed. Indications are that the num- ber o! contestants in both the International and the Canadian Championship will be high this yenr. Cotton blouse- Margaret Hooey. Cotton Dress- Margaret Hooey, Donna McLaughlin, Shirley Gilbank. Woolen Skirt - Margaret Hooey. Teen Age Boys Lamp - Arthur Van Camp, Ken Skerratt, Lloyd Gilbank, Larry Ashton. Coffee Table-Ken Skerratt, Jim Swain. Harry Weirsma, Ar- dis McArthur. Corner Sheif-Ken Skerratt, Carl Gilbank, Larry Ashton, Ardis McArthur. Tie Rack-Ken Skerratt, Lar- ry Ashton, Ardis McArthur, Carl Gilbank. Bird HoLuse-Ken Skerratt. Sweden turned to Canada as a couintry making similar bog performance tests to de- terminie: (1) Rate ot growth; (2) Feed utilization; and (3) Carcass desirability. Testing has been carried out in this country since 1928, ac- cording to J. G. Lefebvre, Live- stock Production Division, Can- ada Depnntment o! Agriculture, and it involves oven 3,000 pigs a year. Canadian records wene stu- died by Gunnar Trulsson, se- cretary o! the Swcdish Pi R.R. 5, BOWMANVILLE Breeding Association and tach. nical adviser to the Swedish Government, before he inspeet- ed a number of herds in July. He selected ei.ght boars and five sows, fine in Ontario and four in Prince Edwvard Island. Nine owners were nvolved. Rigid specifications were set by the Swedish breeders for leanness, fast growth and low feed requirements, and Mr. Truisson made certain they, were met. Health requirements were also high and one of the rea- sons Canada was chosen was because of its disease control measures and freedom froin foot-and-mouth disease. William McMullen. of To- ronto, and Harold Clay, of Charlottetown, Department of Agriculture district field men. were guides for Mr. Truisson and organized assemblv of the pigs for shipment by air out of Montreal. A one-dav rest period wua scheduled for the hog a t the Montreal stockyards. Tarn Old Furnilun mb oCash with STATESMAN CLASSIFIEDS Phone MA 3-3303 - --- ---- v WANTED Dead, OId and Crippled FARM STOCK Picked Up Free of Charte 24 Hour Service Phone Collect Cobourg FR 2-3721 Peterborough RI 2-2080 NICK PECONI iPeterborough - On&. MA 3-2272 ..n bothi are borrowinag from a bai i Wben borrowing is sound business 'prac- tice, it is a simple, str4ightforwad process to arrange a loan from a chartere' bank. Every day, in c'very part of Canada. thc chartered banks areý lending money to farmers, fishermen, producers, manufac-' turers, processors and other commercial customers, large and smnall. meet pay- roils, buy raw matenials, mart-et gooris and meet a multitude of financial needs. A bank manager is constantly on the look- out for opportunitics to make such loans -that's his job. Bank loans are an essential part of the process that provides the goods and services that make ife better for al Ca nadja n s. THE CH'ARTERED BANKS SERVING YOUR COMMUNITY 'q dam~w -:ou can farm more ars... or farm the sanâ'd, acreage in less tine with the Alhis-Chahners D-17. This -new tractor represents big farming power buit for you. You can really cover the acres with a big moldboard plow ... a 15-foot tandem dise... a 24-mun grain drili. And the D-17 handies easier than most small tractors! .~ New Power Director lets you shift from low to high range on- the-go.. or stop entirely ... al without clutching or affecting Before you eieo orfrpwrfr A. J. (AI1) Hoar TUB CANADIM STATEMUN, BOWMANVrUY, (MTAMO litulmAT, SE". "th, 1958 PACM Nin

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