e- ~ i: V ~ .- e >- ÉPrompt Delivery Your telephone depends upon a vast system oflcomplex and wonder- fui equipment. But above ail, it takes peop le like Sondra Pritchard te make good service possible. Sondra is one of our rnany Service Representatives. This girl, or some other fiiendly persan like her, is in charge of your service. 24-Hour Service Ste phen Fuels1 C.N.R. Yards Bowmanville Phone MA 3-5410 This means that whenever you have a service request you cari cal! with the assurance that there is a friendly, courteous Persan like Sondra Pritchard who will be glad te, heip you. This aesurance is one of the many littie things that make your tele- phone service sucha trulygood value. TH4E BLL TELEPHONE COMPANY 0F CANADA0 TRI CANADIAN STATESMAN. EOWMANVILLE. ÔUTAWTn ____ 1fiUI5~iJA Y, ~EIT. Z~tfl, 1V~U B. &-P. Members Enj'oy "Salad Days' Membeis of the Bawmanville B us in e ss andi Professional Women's Club enjoyed "«Salad Days" in Taranto on Wetinesday evening, the Opening Night of the Crest Theatre's season. The auting hati been planned in place of the regular September meeting of the club. Mis. Marion Jeffeîy and Miss Ethel Laycock, the entertain- ment convenais, were in charge of arrangements. Mis, Jeffery, who is a member of the Crest Presentation Theatre Club, obtained the tickets. Mis. Reita Hobbs charteîed a Garton bus for the members. They arîived at the Cîest in the chartered bus in good time and found their 'seats weîe among the best in the house as they weîe in the centre loges, second, third and fourth rows. The theatre was filledti t ca- pacity with a gala first night audience. The Bowmanville B. and P., Hampton Couple Mark 55 Years of Marriage September 9, 1958, was the 55'th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Etheibeit Stevens of Hampton. This happy occa- sion was celebrated in a quiet MONEY. AVAILABLE FOR MNVORTGAGES Ealph S. Jones Barrister and Solicitor 65 Simcoe St. S. Oshawa RA 5-3525 but pleasant manner. Neigh- bois anti friends who happeneti ta, know of this special date called duîing the afternoon ta extend best wishes. During the evening they en- tertained a dozen of their near- est relatives ta a paîty at "The Acres" where a tieliciaus tuikey dinner wvas enjoyed. Later the frientis returned ta the home of Mr. andi Mis. Stevens for a so- cial evening when they were presented with a beautiful rose wool blanket andi flowers by their guests. Congratulations go out ta this worthy couple anti we hope they wvill be spared ta enjoy many more years tagether. Those fîom a distance who were present included Mîý. Herbert Stevens andi Mi. and Mis. Will Hart of Palmerston. h M ORDER NOW & 6 0 and assure your home of having a steady supply of heat ail winter! USE THE BEST LIQUIFUEL FUEL OIL Club members were delighteti with "Salad Dgys," a joycus musical presenteti by a talented cast. The characterizations were extremely well done. The music was captivating andi the sets anti lighting effects exceptianally goati. Afteî the show, the chaîtered Garton bus was waiting outside the theatre and the Bowmanville B. anti P. members went toaa restaurant for supper. A vote of thanks ta Mis, Jeffery and Miss Laycock for planning the enjoy- able outing was given by Miss Madlyn Wilcax, the president. She also thanketi Mis. Hobbs for making the arrangements for tne bus. 0 HIAMPTON Mr. and Mis. J. C. Macnab, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Balson, Mrs. J. W. Balson attended the funeral of the latters son, Anson 1 C. Balson of Don Head Farm, 1Richmond Hill, who passed away suddenly in Western Hospital after a few hours' illness from a heart seizure. Many from Hampton, Zion, Solina, visited the funeral parlors and also at- tended the funeral. Mr. and Mis. Bert Billett kept the children of Mr. and Mis, K e ith Billett, Bowmanville, while they also attended the brother's funeral. Sympathy is extended ta Mrs. Niddery, Miss Mary Niddery and Mrs. R. Widdecombe in the loss of the former's son Mr. Leo Niddery at Aurora. The rela- tives attended the funeral. A family party for Miss Christie Hoskin who had a birthday this weekend was held at the homeé of her parents, Mr. apd Mrs. Bert Hoskini. Viioswith Mrs. J. W. Rai- son were: Mi. Wm*. Thomson, St. Marys, Mrs. Jack Hooker, Kînsale; Mrs. McMahon, Bow- manville; Mrs. Webb, Orange- ville; Mis. Anson Balson, Rich- mond Hill, and several neigh- bars. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis TruIl attended the funeral of Mr. Anson Balson. Many relatives and friends of Hampton also attended the fun- eral and visited the funeral home at Bowmanville, for the late Mr. Albert Balson, Sauina. Mr. Will Thompson, St. Marys, visited with Mr. and Mis. Sam Dewell and called on -other friends. Miss Marie Prescott, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. T. Wray visited their daughter Mis. Sam Keane, and Mi. Keane, Oshawa, on Sat- urday. Mrs. Harold Salter in corn- pany with Mýrs. Bruce Hogarth of Pickering were recent guests of Mrs. Sam Keane, Oshawa. Correction of errai in the ae- count of, Mr. and Mrs. Stevens' 55th wedding anniversary in last week's paper. It should have read relatives and friends (nat parents as was printed). This was hot the correspondent's wvording. Miss Mai jorie Wilbur, Mr. and Ms. Ray Wilbui, Debbie Economical Two-Storey Design Adaptable to Narrow Lot This three-bedroomn two-storey bouse designed by architect Henry Fless, of Toronto, is particularly edaptable ta a narrow lot fronmage. The best orientation for the house would be with the living room facing east. The combined L-shaped living-dinng raam loolcs over the back garden with' accesa pravided by, french doors. <Jaset space on the upper floor is good, particularly the linen starage. Another feature is the washroom-bathroomn arrangement. There is space in the basement for a playroom. The total floor aiea is 1,296 square feet and the exterior dimensions are 27 feet by 24 feer. Working drawings for this house, knowa as Design 520, are available £romn Central Moirgage and Housing Corporation at minimum cost and Michael, Toronto, Mis. Hai. rison and Kim, Port Perry, vis. iteti at G. Adcock's on Monday Mi. anti Mis. A. L. Blanch. aid, Mi. anti Mis. Laverne Cle« mens, Mi. and Mis. Clarence Tink, BU. andi Mis. Charlie Warren, motoredt t London and 3uent, the weekendwi~ and Mis. J. K. Reynoldis.- Mis. Chale Warren attend- ed the Grand Chapter sessions of the Ortier cf the Eastern Star at the Royal York Hotel, Toronto, last week. KEDRON Fine Travel Films Shown To Lions Club Monda y Cyprus Gartiers was aLso shown, and there were a number of specially fine shots of peaple perfoîming amazing feats on water skis there. NE WTONVILLE Mr. anti Mis. Willis Jones spent Sunday with heu mother, Mis. Davidi Merrll of Daîtfoîti. Mi. anti Mis. Gea. Hentier- son movedti t Port Hope on Montiay. r Mr. anti Mis. Wilbert Han- cock cf Peterborough, spent a couple cf days with Miss Olive Johnston anti her brother, Tup- *per Johnston. Rev. anti Mis. R. C. White went ta Taranto on Tuesday anti -while there Mi. White baptizeti >Virginia Elaine, the infant dau- ghteî of Mi. and Mis. Robert Fulton. Mis. Fulton is the niece of Mis. White. The minister anti his wife at- tentiet the monthly meeting of the Unitedi Chuîch ministerial graup which met at the manse at Orono with Mi. anti Mis. Long as the genial hast anti hostess. A very pleasant even- ing was spent as pictures were shown recalling the happy hours of the sumnier vacation. The usual supply of gooti things ta eat was proviti%1 by the la- dies o! the îefreshment cam- mittee. Rev. R. C. White was the guest preacher on Sunday moining at the Diamand Ju- bilee of the Camborne Unitedi Church. Mi. White returnedti t the pulpit where he hati preach- ed the anniveisary service cf fourteen years ago. W.I. Meeting Rose blooms fram the gai- tien of Mi. anti Mis. Wilbeit Hajicock o! Peterborough, atiorneti the lovely new home of Miss Olive Johnston for the Sept. Meeting of the Newton- ville W.I. on Wetinesday even- ing. Despite unfavorable wea- ther there was a record attend- ance o! 24 &Members anti eiglIt visitais. Mi. Hancock was guest speak- M There were thice guests ai the dinner meeting held by the -Bowmanville Lions Club ou Monday evening at the Lion: 2Community Centre. The guests weîe Tom Lewis, Newcastle: Bill Collins, Bowmanville, anc Frank Walden, Vancouver. The birthtiays of Bruce Semple, Don Williamis, andi Sam Black were celebiated by the club members. *The speaker, George Thîash- er. was intioduceti by Wally Braden, who saiti that Mi. Thrasher was bain and *educat- Ed in Oshawa. He woîked far General Matais of Canada. Ltd., for several years unti] *1939 when he joineti the Raya] Canadian Air Force. Mi. Bra. *den saiti that following his dis- charge fîom the RCAF Mr. Thrasher joineti the Canadian Ice Machine Company. For the las-t 10 years he has worked in the pay office at Fittings, Ltd., Oshawa, wheie he is still employed. Mi. Bratien told the meeting that Mi. Thiasher was a well known faotballer in his youth, and had playeti for Cobaurg, Peterborough, and the Air Force. He is a past president of the Oshawa and District Mo- tion Picture Camera Club. Mis. Thrasher is the former Miss Leola Miller o! Bowmanville. Film of Florida Trip An inteiesting atidress en- titieti "Vagabond Voyage" was given by Mi. Thiasher who il- lustiateti it by showing a mo- tion picture film. t depicted the enjoyable trip Mi. and Mis. Thiasher anti Mr. anti Mis. Ted Morris took te Florida in March. Daytona Beach was shown ta ativantage with its luxury hotels, palm trees anti semi- tropical flowers. The beautiful sandy expanse cf ocean front was the backgroundi for several gay scenes. Other inteiesting pictures showed the wontiers of Marine Land with its fameti trained paipoises anti other tienizens of the deep. The visit matie by the Thiasher anti Morris couples ta A large congregation attend. edti te morning chuch service. conducteti by Donald Loweiy. Autumn floweîs anti mauntain ash bernies were tastefully ai- rangeti to atit theli- colour and beauty ta these Rally Day ser- vices. The sermon theme "Eter- nal Life" was carrieti thîough in sang by the male quartette who sang, "Sunrise Tomoriow". Sunday Schaol was also helti in the Church auditorium with the theme, "My Fathei's World". Albert Woodi conducteti this ser- vice with Gail Hitchen at the organ. June Davis led the res- ponsive reading, Keith Tregunna reati the Scriptuîe, Mis. Rager Bishop talti the stoiy "Patty's Promise", ta the small chiltiren, anti Mis. Lyle Noble tolti the staiy, "My Fathei's World". Murray Mauntjay, Grant Spen- cer, William anti Ron Werîy again pravitiet the special mu- sic for the Suntiay School Ral- 1y. The Ketiron Cammunity Centre will be open ta the pub- lic on Fîitiay evening, Sept. 26. Ketiron Junior Paimeis taok part in the Ontario County Thirteenth Annual Junior Far- mers' Church Service helti in Mount Zioni Church on Sun- day evening. The Caunty chair was led by Mis. Elsie Dobson anti Miss Kaye Haman, Presi- tient o! Provincial Junior Far- mer 's Association, gave the ati- dress on "You anti Your Re- spansibiity." The service was attentiet by a large gathering of County Young folk anti frientis. Mi. anti Mis. Geralti Stinson anti famil), attentieti the fun- eral last Montiay of the former's father, the late Gardon C. Stin- son in Port Perry Funeral Cha- pel. Mis. James Pengelly anti chil- tien of Kapuskasing visiteti Mi. anti Mis. F. Snowtien the past week. Mis. Fletcher Weiry anti Wil- mia were among Suntiay dinner guests of Dr. anti Mis. George Werry, Oshawa. Mr. anti Mis. Wilfreti Woodi, Newtonville, were Suntiay guests of Mr. anti Mis. Albert Wood. Mi. and Mis. William Satiler, Toronto, were Satuîtiay *guests of Mi. anti Mis. E. Mountjoy. Douglas Pascae has eniolleti at Ryerson Institute, Toronto, in the Engineering Technology course. Mr. anti Mis. Clarence Weiiy spent a few tisys visiting rela- tives at Gotierich, as guests o! Mi. anti Mis. Andîew Scott. Mis. W. McCulloch, Orono, was a guest turing the past week of Mi. anti Mis. Harvey Pascoe. ICedron ladies are remindeti of the annual meeting of the Western Section o! W.M.ý. ta be helti in Greenwood Unitedi Chuîch on Oct. 8. beginn.ing at U.3 amw _, er for the evening. He is an ai- dent lover cf flowers andi espe- cially the rose. He spoke brief- ly on the origin and importance _of the rose, in earlier days, even in Biblical days. Assisted by Mis. Hanoock he piesented colouîed slides of the Rose Bowl Paraàe at Pasadena, Cali- foin ia. He also shawed many varieties cf beautiful blooms fîomn his own gaîden. Mi. Han- cock is the proud winner of many prizes an his rases at Pe- terborough Exhibition. Miss Johnston gave a resume of the year's current events both local and maie distant. This ienewed many important events in oui mintis. Mis., Milligan thanked Mr. and Mis. Hancock for the pri- vilege of shaîing the beauty cf the floweîs with the members and following the rail cal which was "My Grandfathei-'s occupation" and following a brief business perioti, lunch was serveti by Miss Johnston anti her group. .SOLINA "My Fathei's World - One Neighbauihood" was the theme for Rally Day cambineti seivi2e on Sunday afternoon. Baskets of lovely flowers at the altar added their beauty ta this ser- vice which is one of the spe- cial days of the chuîch year. The outiined service issued bv the Board of Christian Educa- tion was followed with John Knox, superintentient cf the Sunday School, conducting the service. Rev. F. J. Reeti also spake bîiefly. Glenn~ Millson gave a recitation, Lois Ashton, a îeading; Helen Parrinder reati the Scripture lesson, a vo- cal tria "Jesus is My Neigh- bai" was sung by Evelyn Hock- aday, Dianne Tink and Marie Flett; Don Taylor contributed a fine vocal solo, "How Great Thou Art". The stories weîe well presenteti by Pearl Leach anti Mis. John Knox. Next Sunday, Sept. 28, Sun- day School will be at 1.30 o'clock anti the church service wiil be at 2.45 o'clock Several from Solina attendeti Lindsay Fair at the weekend. Barbara Hooey* entertaineti several young people at an en- joyable coin and wiener roast, Saturday night. Mi. and Mis. Wes. Yellaw- lees attendeti Lindsay Fair on Saturday andi were weekend guests of their cousins, Mr. and Mis. Roy Grills at Valentia. Mi. and Mis. Bruce Tink andi PRE-CAST CONCRETE - Septic Tanks - - Sidewalk Sialis -e - Coloured Patio Slabs - - Unit Steps - Railings - -Barb-B-Q's- - Curbing - Bvookclin Concrete Produets LIMITED PHONE BROOKLIN 155 WINTERIZE NOW ermng at the home of Mrs. W. A. Ormiston. Brooklin. Mr. and Mis. Ray McCaîron and family of Port Hope, wers Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Langmaid and family. Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hills and famlly attended the Gills fam- ily reunion on Sunday. Mi. and Mis. Bruce Taylor and* sons, were cglay tea guests of Mr. an%» - I.s. Don Taylor. Mi. and Mis. Melville Park- er, Millbîook, visited Mi. and Mis. Frank Westlake, Si. Mi. and Mrs. D. Flett and childien visited Mrs. T. Flett, Columbus. Mr. and Mis. Harry Knox andi sons weîe Sunday tea guests of Mr. and Mis. Ross Cryder- man. Mis. Roy Clapp, Mr. and Mis. J. Leger and family, Mr. andi Mis. H. Fîeitag and childien, Oshawa, were Sunday visitais of Mi and Mis. E. Crydeiman. Sgt. Roscoe Baker. RCAF. Mis. Baker and children of St. Hubert's, Quebec, were Sun- day visitais with the J. andi Tom Bakei's. Mis. G. Glaspeil andi sons, Taunton; Mis. J. Dyer. Mi. andi Mis. A. Beevor and David, Oshawa, visited Mi. and Mrs. Rae Pascoe and childien. Mi. and Mis. Ernest Hocka- day who abseived their 2Oth wedding anniversary iecently weîe tea guests cf Mis. Sid Hockaday and pleasantly sur- pîised them with the gift of six chrome kitchen chairs. Their three daughters, Evelyn, Eileen and Jean, and aunt Rilda Hock- aday, were also included in tht- paîty. Mi. and Mis. Myles Hutchi- son, Bailieboro, Mi. and Mis, O. Chapman, Kiîby, Mi. and Mis. Bob Barrabaîl andi family, Or- ana, Mr. and Mis. Chas. Simp- son of Saskatchewan, visited at Mi. J. Kivell's. Mi. and Mis. N. Metealf, Oshawa, Mi. John Partîidge, Mis. Janet Simpson and fam- ily, Mcnkton, visited at the Werîýy's at Roselandvale. Mr. and Mis. S. E. Weiry were weekend guests of Dr. S. George Werry, Mis. Weîry and childrin in Oshawa. Mi. and Mis. .-Ralph Davis and Pat were Sunday tea guests of Mi. and Mis. Allan. McKeîî- zie, Columbus. Mi. and Mis. Dan Wotten, Toronto, visited Mi. and Mis. N. C. Wotten. Mis. E. M. Cari, Toronto, Mr. and Mis. D. Coates and Phyllis, Whitby, visited Mi. andi Mis. Stan Milison andi child- Anti -Freeze INSTALLED FREE $2095 Gallonv Roses, Thermostat and Water Pump Chtecked for leaks Complete Engine Tune-up Brakes Checked Front End Alignment Weel alancing Robson Mo tors .Limited BUICK - PONTIAC - G.M.C. TRUCK DEALER 166 King St. E, Bowmanville MA 3-3321 u m~*~*a Ulmww Application ôrms fo- individuaI Pay-Direct'enrolment available at banks and hospitais. In communities witkout a bank, the forms rnay be obtained from the post office. Indivi-.cfitoHSIALUVCSCMISO duais must registtý by September 30 to have protection effective January 1, 1959. 10ONT7 0SPIT L RVCE-C3»1 SO Fýpé.st Quality Stove and Furnace Oil for safe, economical heat Metered Deliveries a . give )'ou good tèelpJne service 1 14 la -ýý -e-le'l'q' -Il, -e -V -te ýe -e-ýk-t * *ýs- IV -..» là-4 Tm CANADL« STATEMM. Bowumnvn= ONTAM OPUTT"OrvAW mmmm 4MWAIL tàbSm 1